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Messages - Joseph W. Gauld

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Hyde Schools / Re: HAPA — an LGAT
« on: February 03, 2008, 07:26:30 PM »
Quote from: "no one can get any"

I spoke to the wife about these amazing opportunities to strengthen our relationship. She is unwilling to attend. I never realized how shallow and uncommitted she is. Thanks to Hyde we will be seeking a legal separation.

Well, "no one," ya gotta join HAPA and have a heart to heart with my main man Lee. I would say "Maine man," har har, but Lee insists on stayin' in Baltimore due to his burgeoning "relationship coaching" practice and all those MANS GROUPS he's got hisself involved with.

Lee's got the right idear, "no one;" if the old bag don't put out no mores, trade 'er in fer the newer model. Lee's on his fourth these days; finally got it right by pickin' someone 'bout a foot shorter'n him and a former employee to boot! That goes fer a lot in makin' sher the little woman knows how to treat her man, har har har!!

Lee will also be able ta tell ya a cotten-pickin' kaboodle 'bout what it means ta be a MAN and to rid yerself of yer wuss-loaded sniveling panty-waist ways. He knows the real-deal score on hows to get "past [the] veneer and finding a 'doorway' inside" to the true meaning of MAN POWER!!!

Virile to the core, and glad to pass it around,
Joseph W. Gauld, The Educator

Hyde Schools / Re: sexual misconduct
« on: January 15, 2008, 05:09:04 PM »
I jes wanna say that that ACT was in no small way INSTRUMENTAL in my later squiring of that perky youngun Miss Andrea VH, pardon my punning, har-de-har har har!!! A man of my virility is ALWAYS the star of ANY show!!

Stretchin' more than my vocal chords,
Joseph W. Gauld, The Educator

Web forum hosting / Re: NEW BABY christening thread
« on: January 15, 2008, 03:33:34 PM »
Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "psy"
Quote from: "Ursus"
Okay, I just got logged out, despite opting to stay logged in "forever." There seem to be two places to opt for that, so maybe I just didn't opt for it correctly. At any rate, this happened in the middle of my posting. I had previewed once, everything looked fine, and then when I posted I got sacked with warning messages about needing to fill in my name and email. This was during my just previous post above.

So Anons now need to give an email addy and fill in some name? My guess is that the email addy does not even have to be real, but... Perhaps that issue could be clarified for us all?    :(

The email address does not need to be real.  It's just used for notifications.

Notifications of what?  What notifications might be sent to such an address?  Here's two from the Hyde forum this morning... Not me, I swear!  I've been busy over here!   ;D  ;D

sean handnitty;  mailto:  [email protected]

Oh fer CHRISTSAKES Almighty!!! Do you kids have anything better to do with yer time than to obsess 'bout SEX?!  That's fer old SODS like ME, har har!!!  Makes me wanna smack ya around a little bit and TAR yer fat little heinies some!!

Gittin' the ol' paddle ready,
Joseph W. Gauld, The Educator

Hyde Schools / Re: Video of survivor
« on: January 13, 2008, 11:59:47 PM »
Quote from: ""Dove""
He barely made it out alive! The case of Lino was discussed in the forum recently, and recently footage has been recovered from the debacle. This student suffered from frostbite after one of Hyde's wilderness "outpost" trips to Maine.

Quote from: ""Che Gookin""
Prolly looking at some nerve damage at the minimum. So why was this posted as comedy? Can't say much about it seems very amusing.

What the bloody hell is wrong with you pussy-whipped panty-waists anyhow?!  I figure that as long as Lil Lino still has workable stumps, he's good to go!  Ever stop to think, ya IDIOTS, that maybe he was little too fast with the fingers beforehand, eh?

Hell, if'n it were legal, I'd have the whole lot of you nimrod knuckleheads physically castrated if I could get away with it, har har!  That being too difficult, I do me job with yer white matter, har har har har!!  There's only room fer ONE virile stud on campus, an I'M The MAN!!

Hoping fer Hawaii on this one,
Joseph W. Gauld, The Educator

Hyde Schools / sexual misconduct
« on: January 13, 2008, 11:25:40 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Gee Whiz,

AS was a great opportunity for us kids and to spread the work about the awesome experience families can have at Hyde.

I thank you, my good friend, fer yer words of support and wisdom!  I'm not "Mr. Gee Whiz," but I yam The Man, and The WIZ, when it comes to changing kids fer the better and giving them the chance of a lifetime to explore their destiny of unique potential, or a potentially unique destiny, or uniquely potential destiny, or whatever... I can't keep track of how we are selling it half the time.  Those words don't mean a piss-poor weasley squat anyway, but they sure do SOUND good!! Har-de-har har har!!!

I sure 'nuff thought "America's Spirit" was gonna take me to Broadway at the time!  It were my chance to SHINE!!  Talk about an expanded audience fer me to strut my stuff, har har!!

Always thinkin' of "How to Get Rich and Influence People,"
Joseph W. Gauld, The Educator

The Troubled Teen Industry / Gilligan's Island Wilderness Camp
« on: January 11, 2008, 12:38:27 PM »
Yousa!  Hell's bells! I'm near about BLINDED by all o' them there sequins!  Now, here ya can see a case of real entreprisin' ingenuity, I say!

You kids are nuttin' but a bunch of nincumpoopied panty-waist whiners when it comes to gittin' yer lil tushies wet!  Ya oughta take a hint from good ol' Anne's hubbie here, an make some kool duds outta the camp's Kool Ade!  At least this fella's figured out how to make his life's lot work out fer him!

How much does he git fer one them jobberoos, huh?  Maybe he might think of going in business with me?

Always looking fer an angle,
Joseph W. Gauld, The Educator

Hyde Schools / tripping on shrooms
« on: November 23, 2007, 11:37:12 AM »
Tisk tisk tisk.

You boys jes don't realize the depth of a child's animal instincts of self-gratification and hooligan desires!!!

Hyde creates a very intensive growth cocoon focused on character development that seeks to help y'all: 1) transcend your animal instincts; 2) combat negative family dynamics, and 3) create a new youth culture committed to each of yer's personal best!

Maybe Mal hasn't put y'all through enough 2-4 or 5:30's!!  I'll have to see what I can do about that...

As paternal as ever,
Joseph W. Gauld, The Educator

The Troubled Teen Industry / Discussion of TheWho and his secret identity
« on: November 18, 2007, 12:18:18 PM »
Did someone say sumthin' 'bout FLAMES?!!  Whoooo-boy, I'm gittin' HOT!!  An' frustrated and ferniscated!!!  Ottawa5 won't come sit in my lap, har har har!!!  Somebody looky up her addy and tell her I'm a-waitin'!!

Wantin' to develop some unique "potential,"
Joe "Big-Balls" Gauld, The Educator

Daytop Village / Swan Lake 86-87 by Savage
« on: November 18, 2007, 12:08:19 PM »
Quote from: ""odie""
I'm doing very good actually and it's fun to come back here sometimes to address morons like Honesty, who doesn't have a clue as to what that word means, Oh he knows the Daytop version, you know the one goes

Har-har-har!!!  That's a good one, odie.  But I gotta tell ya, I have some mighty high respect fer Daytop and all they done fer the Cause.  I myself learnt a rootin' tootin' headful o'er at Hazelden, and I ain't ever stopped using it since!!  Makes fer some mighty fine character development material, and I'm a damn good salesman and business man if I may say, har har!!  One of those panty-waisted dweebs over on the Hyde forum came up with this one:
    H - Hell
    Y - You
    D - Didn't
    E - Expect

Laughin' all the way to my bank,
Joseph W. Gauld, The Educator

The Troubled Teen Industry / A special note to Psy:
« on: November 18, 2007, 11:38:28 AM »
Now, now, Ottawa5... you seem mighty perplexed and verklempt!!  Why don't you come on over here and sit on my lap and tell me alllllll about those evil lil ferniscators that are troublin' yer lil head sooo... They're such a viscous and dirty nasty lot, eh?  Har-har-har!!!  Lemme help you realize yer unique potential and encourage yer exploration of yer own unique destiny!  Have I got a character development scheme... er, program... er, opportunity of a lifetime fer YOU!!!

Paternally yours,
Joseph W. Gauld, The Educator

Hyde Schools / Re: Cult
« on: November 18, 2007, 11:28:51 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
There is the cause, and devotion to the cause is like devotion to a religion. There are definitely religious overtones. A case in point is Mrs. Burroughs and her belief that "deep down you [offtrack students] are awful people." The goal of the cause is a complete remake of one's moral character, as in any religion. And, there are positive injunctions ("the principles"): courage, integrity, leadership, curiosity, concern: the five commandments if you will. And there are negative injunctions ("the rules"): all the don't dos. People embrace these principles with religious conviction. (Never mind that in doing so as Hyde requires they violate them.) The five principles (chosen at random; they could just as well have been family, fatherland, and property, or what have you) are what gives focus to this religious conversion, what it crystallizes around. But I think this cause is supposed to be greater than any personality. And I think this cause is institutionally designed to be enforced and to survive independently of any personality.

Damn straight it's fambly, fatherland, and property!!  It's MY family, an' MY country, an' MY property!  An' don' y'all miserable limp-wristed touchy-feely panty-waists fergit it!!  I started off my all growed-up career in sales and in "making a lot of money and becoming 'successful.'"  And I'm a true blue American; I never steered offa my original course.  I jest expanded it to include rewiring kids' brains as part of my own personal "destiny."  Hazelden done me well in more ways than the obvious, har har har!!

Salutin' to the Cause,
Joseph W. Gauld, The Educator

Hyde Schools / Sumner Hawley
« on: November 04, 2007, 11:35:05 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
I fucked your mother, Mike...

She sucked me off first, ya crazy bastard!
Is that really the best you can do? This brings to mind the Firesign Theater.  "How can you be in two places at once when you are really no where at all."  How can you in one instance in contact with returning alums and be excommunicated from the school.  

The claims that ol' Sumnie molested little boys holds as much water at the assertion that you did Mike's mom.

Well, I'll be a sulphur-fartin' monkey's uncle!!! If it ain't good friends and fambly from Maine, har har har!!!  Yer loyalty has me tickled pink right down to my toesies.  An' tryin' their bestest ta sound like my main man red-legged Del Geg!!!  Oooo-weee! Gimmee sum mo of that smelly cheese to go with these fries, har har!!

Nobody said nuttin' 'bout lil boys, my dears!  It's called a MIND FUCK fer a reason, and ol' Sumnie liked a little more mind to give it the old shaft, if ya catch my drift, Har-de-har-har-har!!!!

Tooo much, babycakes!!!  Glad ta have ya on board!!!

Gettin' all my Mainahs ta visit the forniscators,
Joseph W. Gauld, The Educator

Hyde Schools / Hyde Enrollment
« on: November 01, 2007, 02:34:42 PM »
Sushi is for panty-waist wusses.  Gimme some o' that Limburger CHEESE!!!!!   The smellier, the better, har de har har har!!

Joe-Joe Ironsides, The Educator

The Troubled Teen Industry / Fornits is a joke!
« on: October 29, 2007, 09:00:00 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Joseph W. Gauld""
Joseph I-am-the-Stallion Gauld, The Educator

I didn't know you were into WEEN........

Gimmee some more cheese, and Kiss Me Kate!

I'm more than "The Man," oh yeah, oh yeah...
Joseph W. Gauld, The Educator

The Troubled Teen Industry / Fornits is a joke!
« on: October 29, 2007, 08:19:54 PM »
Quote from: ""Botched Programming""
Quote from: ""CCM girl 1989""

I'm basically somewhere in between survivors in their early 20's and parents. I'm able to give truthful accounts of my experiences. I didn't offer to be interviewed.
So you think your age has any bearing.... Well maybe it does.... Grow up.

Wait until the stepcult brainwashing wears off before you try to shed any light on your experiences

And as far as offering to be interviewed...... You forced your interview on them.

MMmmm MMmmmm, Babycakes, come over here and force some of yer interviews on me, ya hear?  I'm a REAL good listener, har har har...!  

I wanna hear the TRUTH about your experiences, and give you some MORE experiences that'll have you hollerin' crappaloodle do from the holy rollers 'till the cows come home!!  Yeehaw!!

Ride me, cowgirl!!
Joseph I-am-the-Stallion Gauld, The Educator

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