Author Topic: The I and Me/The Summit  (Read 16772 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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The I and Me/The Summit
« Reply #30 on: October 26, 2004, 01:34:00 PM »
"If I'm reading this correctly, you're telling us that you prefer the isolation, mind fucking, and the complete disrespect of your most basic human rights at Cedu, over having your freedom and being in complete control of your own destiny?"
"...Oh and by the way, the Cascade Anon you are defending does indeed have a positive outlook on the school, yet he also calls his life now "The American Nightmare." It sure doesn't sound like he feels happy or fullfilled to me!..."
"...My friend you are a splendid example of a mind fucked, program-dependent, cedu sheep. Are you a cedu plant, a total loser, or someone with some serious mental problems??? Perhaps a combination of all three?"

YES! YES! YES! Label me some more! then perhaps you will look in your mirror and find that you are SCREAMING at your neglected piece of self which you hid so carelessly away inside!  YES!YES! i must be totally demented! i am, after ten years-- no, eleven... still trying to become a better person! i MUST believe that cascade FIXED me or somehow INTENDED to (???!?)...

well, that's not close to accurate, unless you believe the thought that i am somehow individually responsible for the fate of this whole nation... which is pretty absurd... or i somehow was the creator of this society of "GET RICH" "HURT PEOPLE" "HURT FAMILY" "CORPORATE SAVIOURSHIP" "KILL KILL KILL" mentality. did i do that?
happy... that's a work in progress.  how selfish to be happy all the time.  when yr happy, nothing gets done. no growth is even attempted because in yr bliss, you don't need to change.
THE AMERICAN NIGHTMARE, friend, is a reference to the outcome (yes, cause-and-effect is real...) of decades of oppressive behaviour on behalf of the corporate interests of upper-class white america. (and yes, i am white)... a situation quickly becoming a potential threat to mankind's future.  if i have to explain 'why' then you'll just never know...

                 "Funny how you mentioned LEADERSHIP, something all of these Cedu schools claim to teach....WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT!!!! The ability to lead cannot be taught, that comes from within, you either have it inside you or you don't, no one can simply give that to you! You need to find that within yourself."

yes, i did mention leadership... the only reference to a school policy in quotation marks, indicating SOMEONE ELSE's words. leadership, my ass... they didn't teach how to lead, but how to manipulate and appear in control. the ability to lead comes from within... those are my words too.

                           "You credit cascade as the reason you are alive today.....Are you really alive Anon??? You have your own life now(which you have labeled to be a nightmare) yet you long for the days when you were isolated, stripped of all your rights, and not allowed to make, or to have any input in the decisions that ultimately affected your life....
You don't sound very alive to me!!!!"

well, that's a lot of excamation marks, but i think i see what you're getting at here... the bottom line is that i was ripped from my life, just like you; thrown into a GOODKID farm for two and A HALF years; split halfway through; hated life; dealt with the fact that i was trapped; fucked, but not physically; depressed, etc etc etc and they told us all that


like it or not, friend, some people CAN get over their misdirected hostility. are we they?
and believe me, i mean WE?

...just like a cedu/cascade graduate to believe that the universe is a miniature model of itself over and over again.
sorry for trying to share a perspective... (conditioned guilt)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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The I and Me/The Summit
« Reply #31 on: October 26, 2004, 01:41:00 PM »
"If I'm reading this correctly, you're telling us that you prefer the isolation, mind fucking, and the complete disrespect of your most basic human rights at Cedu, over having your freedom and being in complete control of your own destiny?"
"...Oh and by the way, the Cascade Anon you are defending does indeed have a positive outlook on the school, yet he also calls his life now "The American Nightmare." It sure doesn't sound like he feels happy or fullfilled to me!..."
well, that's not close to accurate, unless you believe the thought that i am somehow individually responsible for the fate of this whole nation... which is pretty absurd... or i somehow was the creator of this society of "GET RICH" "HURT PEOPLE" "HURT FAMILY" "CORPORATE SAVIOURSHIP" "KILL KILL KILL" mentality. did i do that?
happy... that's a work in progress.  how selfish to be happy all the time.  when yr happy, nothing gets done. no growth is even attempted because in yr bliss, you don't need to change.
THE AMERICAN NIGHTMARE, friend, is a reference to the outcome (yes, cause-and-effect is real...) of decades of oppressive behaviour on behalf of the corporate interests of upper-class white america. (and yes, i am white)... a situation quickly becoming a potential threat to mankind's future.  if i have to explain 'why' then you'll just never know...

                 "Funny how you mentioned LEADERSHIP, something all of these Cedu schools claim to teach....WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT!!!! The ability to lead cannot be taught, that comes from within, you either have it inside you or you don't, no one can simply give that to you! You need to find that within yourself."

yes, i did mention leadership... the only reference to a school policy in quotation marks, indicating SOMEONE ELSE's words. leadership, my ass... they didn't teach how to lead, but how to manipulate and appear in control. the ability to lead comes from within... those are my words too.

                           "You credit cascade as the reason you are alive today.....Are you really alive Anon??? You have your own life now(which you have labeled to be a nightmare) yet you long for the days when you were isolated, stripped of all your rights, and not allowed to make, or to have any input in the decisions that ultimately affected your life....
You don't sound very alive to me!!!!"

well, that's a lot of excamation marks, but i think i see what you're getting at here... the bottom line is that i was ripped from my life, just like you; thrown into a GOODKID farm for two and A HALF years; split halfway through; hated life; dealt with the fact that i was trapped; fucked, but not physically; depressed, etc etc etc and they told us all that


like it or not, friend, some people CAN get over their misdirected hostility. are we they?
and believe me, i mean WE?
someone woul'dve offed me, if not my own self, if my life hadn't changed at the time i was sent to cascade. who were YOU?


                      "...My friend you are a splendid example of a mind fucked, program-dependent, cedu sheep. Are you a cedu plant, a total loser, or someone with some serious mental problems??? Perhaps a combination of all three?"

YES! YES! YES! Label me some more! then perhaps you will look in your mirror and find that you are SCREAMING at your neglected piece of self which you hid so carelessly away inside!  YES!YES! i must be totally demented! i am, after ten years-- no, eleven... still trying to become a better person! i MUST believe that cascade FIXED me or somehow INTENDED to (???!?)...

...just like a cedu/cascade graduate to believe that the universe is a miniature model of itself over and over again.
sorry for trying to share a perspective... (conditioned guilt)
it's the american way!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Son Of Serbia

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« Reply #32 on: October 26, 2004, 02:54:00 PM »
Who I was is who I am and who I will always be, Myself!  I never needed anyone else to tell me who and what I am, and in fact, I refuse to let anyone else do that! I am my own person, that's who I am!  One thing I will assure you of is this: I don't keep myself "locked inside", never have, never will.  I speak my mind, I'm out there, and I'm loving it.

Can't say I agree with your thoughts on happiness....people who are happy with themselves, and in what they do, tend to approach new challenges with enthusiasm, confidence, and a positive "yes I can attitude", which I believe makes them far more productive that those who hate their lives and are negative in general.  Just a difference of opinion between you and me....

As for your thoughts on society...yes polititions
are all full of shit, governments are corrupt &  oppressive, money talks--bullshit walks, he who has the gold makes the rules, it's all about me-me-me, every man for himself, blah, blah,blah...

Yeah it sucks, but that's the way things are, have always been, and most likely, will always be, anywhere you go it will remain the same--So get over it!!!  

Do you want to wake up from your nightmare?  Here's a suggestion for you....The world is what it is, and people are who they are, it's nature, and you won't change don't waste your time.  Find your niche, work hard at it, and soon your niche will become your place in this world, work hard enough and you'll be successful, and one day you may just get your hands on some of that proverbial FAT CASH!  Maybe you won't have happiness, but you'll be rich, which means you can afford to go out and look for happiness any time you want too!!!

It seems to me that the people who despise the wealthy and corporate America the most, are those who are the furthest removed from it (namely the poor, unemployed, or people stuck in dead-end, shit jobs).  

Yes a life of all toil while watching others enjoy the leisure is enough to make anyone bitter...I know this from my own first-hand experience...except in my case the bitterness I felt motivated me to do better so I could finally have the things I wanted...this is what set me apart from most of my friends who were in the same situation, but they chose to remain unhappy, and spent all of their time bitching about their problems, instead of doing something to make their lives better.

Do you see where I am going with all of this?
Don't waste your time trying to make THE world a better place, instead focus on making YOUR world a better place.  If you do that, I believe you will feel happy and more fullfilled!

.[ This Message was edited by: SON OF SERBIA on 2004-10-26 11:56 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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The I and Me/The Summit
« Reply #33 on: October 26, 2004, 05:48:00 PM »
"Yeah it sucks, but that's the way things are, have always been, and most likely, will always be, anywhere you go it will remain the same--So get over it!!!  

Do you want to wake up from your nightmare?  Here's a suggestion for you....The world is what it is, and people are who they are, it's nature, and you won't change don't waste your time.  Find your niche, work hard at it, and soon your niche will become your place in this world, work hard enough and you'll be successful, and one day you may just get your hands on some of that proverbial FAT CASH!  Maybe you won't have happiness, but you'll be rich, which means you can afford to go out and look for happiness any time you want too!!!"
ouch! that's PAINFUL. i'll leave that one alone.

"It seems to me that the people who despise the wealthy and corporate America the most, are those who are the furthest removed from it (namely the poor, unemployed, or people stuck in dead-end, shit jobs). "
aren't these the symptoms of the same sick society that we initially rebelled against in life? those which made us individually choose which path to follow? how quickly to follow it? whether or not we were sure enough of ourselves to leave breadcrumbs as a trail or cairns?
i know from whence i have come, far moreso than those who would purport to one-up my own self-understanding... that which i have stubbornly refused for the past half of my life is that which the world is now attacking.  THE AMERICAN NIGHTMARE.  but mayhem may just be a hell to me...
seems a fairly common sentiment, but that's an egotistic thing to say....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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The I and Me/The Summit
« Reply #34 on: October 26, 2004, 09:36:00 PM »
So is this slob called "Serb"--- you've got some growing up to do, boy--- to get past this fixation with farm animals---but it's your only comeback for people who got something from these schools and won't let you take it from them. You say you lead a "very fulfilling and happy life"...that's not what it soundslike---it's also not what I seem like a very angry lashingout-aimlessly petty son of a bitch who has his head real far up his pissed-off-drugged-out ass

Tip for you farm boy--when someone is really happy they don't need to try to knock paths that other people find to real happiness, pride and contentment!!!
Now, in your case, if you didn't act like a total loser-prick all the time, I'd be perfectly willing to believe that you were happy, that you got happy on your own and CEDU had nothing good for you, if you said it is, fuck up, you've got zero insight just lots of venom...I don't think you know who you are or how you got there..but smoke up or more and you'll feel lots better and so superior to the "CEDU sheep" who don't know enough to stay high and feel superior 24/7 like you do
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline southern boy

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The I and Me/The Summit
« Reply #35 on: October 26, 2004, 10:05:00 PM »
Anonymous, you sound a little pissed off also.
I am on the fence about CEDU, I do not have only hatred for the program.  Some good things were there, but some of the staff were sadistic and needy people, others I thought really gave a shit.  One thing makes me mad when I reflect on my time there, before I came there I could count my succeses in life on one hand.  I had a rough start at RMA, constantly running away and bucking the system.  When I finally realized I was not going home and I was only hurting myself, i started going along with the program, "working it".  Doing what they wanted me to, was having to live with guilt about everything that a normal teenage boy would think about.  Then as time went on, staff would confront you and say you were not being real, bullshit!  And how could you trust the friends you had when there was a level of guilt put on them to rat you out, honestly I have never lived in a communist, socialist, or totalitarian society, but RMA and CEDU sure as hell operate as one to gain control of the students.  Plus how the hell can you say this program sets you up for the real world, give me a break, no one will survive in this world opening up like that.  I don't want it to be like that but it is.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Mondamin0603

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The I and Me/The Summit
« Reply #36 on: October 26, 2004, 10:21:00 PM »
Leave Serb alone, pussy! At least he doesn't post anonymously.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline mikehunt

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The I and Me/The Summit
« Reply #37 on: October 26, 2004, 10:26:00 PM »
On 2004-10-26 19:21:00, Mondamin0603 wrote:

"Leave Serb alone, pussy! At least he doesn't post anonymously. "

i think it's so weird that you guys jump down the throats of anonymous posters as if your registered monikers were somehow less anonymous.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
aura solomon

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The I and Me/The Summit
« Reply #38 on: October 27, 2004, 08:43:00 PM »
u say there was a level of guilt put on your friends to rat you out . Ironic,   cedu  used to always say that you do not sell your friends out.  he got all over kids who told others cedu "secrets"   the heads used loyalty  to turn other vs. a kid who ran off to the sheriff station   or  told others that a kid had done something.   must have been guy bonnano or mark wasserman
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline shanlea

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The I and Me/The Summit
« Reply #39 on: October 27, 2004, 08:53:00 PM »
Well at least monikers leave less room for confusion. By taking an alias, you are taking more ownership of what you say than under an umbrella heading of anon.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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The I and Me/The Summit
« Reply #40 on: October 28, 2004, 09:42:00 AM »
just because someone doesn't use their real name to post thoughts doesn't take anything away from the post itself. you want names? pick up some yearbooks. stop dissing each other so hard, allow for freedom of expression and stop worrying that others aren't as brave as you... or as needy for attention.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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The I and Me/The Summit
« Reply #41 on: October 28, 2004, 11:16:00 AM »
i am the same anon who posted the huge duplicated reply to whom you (SOUTHERN BOY) are referring in yr post...
i too meandered thru the program (cascade), blissfully manipulative and had no f'ing clue what was actually occurring.  but in doing so, i was "out of reality" enough that i could actually benefit from the program. it was real, though, to be scared down to the area containing my little boy (my heart), wherein i had to look at the issues. maybe some folks just didn't GET it and are resentful because they were a little slow (NOT to attack anyone or belittle anyone who has been literally attacked in these programs)
although we're all the same, we're all different in that we need differing ways to deal with problems, issues, whatever...

and to son of serbia, i won't even quote your words at this point. they certainly left a lasting impression on me. thanks. just make sure you know what is you and what you want as you.  your conviction is great! you must have been in a program very recently or at a ridiculously young age.  

yes. i am a little bit pissed off.  but it is about realistic and rational things, both material and etherial-- about family-mates and other peers who have committed suicide since graduating in 1993; about the absolute silence which has followed; about certain teachings within the program which now haunt me spiritually; about the state of affairs in amerika and the world...

but i'm not here to tell people who to be, how to think or what to do.  those who demand are those who cannot command.
if i say buddha, he laughs.
if i say jesus, he scorns.
if i say jah, he say bob.
that's alright by me...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Son Of Serbia

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The I and Me/The Summit
« Reply #42 on: October 28, 2004, 04:15:00 PM »
Yearbooks?  What Yearbooks? We didn't have Yearbooks. We didn't even have a real school!
What the fuck are you talking about?

Oh and as for the ANON SHEEP who called me
a slob (a derogatory term for people of slavic origin), well all I can say is this: you seem to be a very angry and frustrated guy yourself...RACISTS usually are. Most of them are stupid you effectively displayed in an earlier post where you called MikeHunt a WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant)... MikeHunt AKA Laura Solomon is Jewish...MAN, YOU ARE ONE STUPID FUCK!!!

(ANON SHEEP) You know, there was another Racist ANON skinhead punk who was shooting off his mouth on this site about a month or so ago, I think you two should really meet, seeing as that it is highly likely that you are both CLOSET HOMOSEXUALS, I'm sure the two of you will find deep meaning and connection in one another while poking each others assholes!!!  I'm sure this will also help to alieviate the frustrastion and confusion you are obviously feeling, which has manifested itself in you being a total prick to everyone else on this website!

Just a friendly reminder though:
AIDs is tranfered thru bodily fluids, so after you suck the brown off of his helmet, be sure to spit  ::puke:: NOT swallow!!!

.[ This Message was edited by: SON OF SERBIA on 2004-10-28 13:20 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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The I and Me/The Summit
« Reply #43 on: October 28, 2004, 06:09:00 PM »
Slob I looked thru your posts--you seem to see homosexuals everywhere---one finger pointing and the rest pointing back at YOU maybe
You must be a real dumb ass I said that Mike was waspy--it means a style not an ethnic group you dumb fuck
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline mikehunt

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The I and Me/The Summit
« Reply #44 on: October 28, 2004, 07:18:00 PM »
On 2004-10-28 15:09:00, Anonymous wrote:

You must be a real dumb ass I said that Mike was waspy--it means a style not an ethnic group you dumb fuck"

actually, you illogical bitch, it's a style exuded by a particular ethnic group - hence the name.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
aura solomon