Author Topic: The I and Me/The Summit  (Read 16771 times)

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Offline Mondamin0603

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The I and Me/The Summit
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2004, 02:35:00 PM »
Shit you think that's bad! That's not even the half of it!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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The I and Me/The Summit
« Reply #16 on: October 24, 2004, 03:09:00 AM »
Shanlea, it sounds like you had a very different experience than I did in the CEDU system.

RMA was a tough school, but I got a lot out of it and made some life-long friends. So I had to chop wood, build fences, create trails, and camp in mid-winter; it didn't seem like the end of the world to me. Yeah, the raps sucked and staying up all night getting verbally shredded wasn't exactly easy but they certainly didn't permanently damage me like I have read so many others posting here claim. My skin is way too thick for that nonsense.

I don't know what went down after 06/11/88 at RMA, but I wouldn't trade the memories I had there for the world.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Polarbear

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« Reply #17 on: October 24, 2004, 06:19:00 AM »
I can't say what RMA is now-I read a post that said they moved locations?
But I think RMA must have been operating quite a bit different from CEDU.  Thank goodness, too, from the sound of things.  Enjoy-Polarbear
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline shanlea

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« Reply #18 on: October 24, 2004, 10:45:00 AM »
Well then, anon, we differ. I did not go to RMA. I do not care about the physical labor required of us... It was a welcome escape. It was the bad therapy, abusive raps, atmosphere of spying and bullying, lying and manipulation of parents, medical neglect, emotional coersion, and binary value system that pissed me off. It's not about thick skin--if anybody had ever said anything direct and true that would be one thing.  It was about the whole foundation and atmosphere inculcated by the school that was dishonest and unethical.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #19 on: October 24, 2004, 12:26:00 PM »
This is a different anon. I definitely agree with shanlea. I was really screwed up after leaving that place. Later they found out I had manic depression (CEDU of course didn't believe such illnesses existed). Just putting me on Lithium has made me into a productive citizen, all that bullshit CEDU did was malpractice at best.

On 2004-10-24 07:45:00, shanlea wrote:

"Well then, anon, we differ. I did not go to RMA. I do not care about the physical labor required of us... It was a welcome escape. It was the bad therapy, abusive raps, atmosphere of spying and bullying, lying and manipulation of parents, medical neglect, emotional coersion, and binary value system that pissed me off. It's not about thick skin--if anybody had ever said anything direct and true that would be one thing.  It was about the whole foundation and atmosphere inculcated by the school that was dishonest and unethical."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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The I and Me/The Summit
« Reply #20 on: October 25, 2004, 10:15:00 AM »
well... if you mean the actions of these workshops, they were very different between families and between cedu and cascade. however, the philosophies were similar and can be easily discerned by reading two texts.
first, for the imagine/I&me, i recommend reading THE TRANSCENDENCE OF THE EGO by sartre.  next, for the summit/symposium, i would say read plato's SYMPOSIUM.
the theories for each, as far as i can tell, are respectively contained therein.

as much as i hated my cascade experience-- and there was no LASTING trauma perpetrated against me, compared to some of my fellow grads-- the basic philosophies to which i was exposed while a student of the upper and "leadership" school have helped me through the past ten years... indeed they are the only reason that i am alive, as far as i can tell.  granted, it took an unusual personal and private mystical experience recently to see that i owe my very existence to the foundation i was given at cascade, but nevertheless, even through my hardest times, certain thoughts have replayed over and over for me which have been a saving grace more than once.

what cascade taught is what it knew.  if allgood was a scumbag, then so be it.  i don't remember having more than one VERY miniscule conversation with him, as he made his monthly cameo, and from it, if he somehow brainwashed me, then he was an effective cult-leader-- cause i never caught wind of any changes in my demeanor.
(cascade didn't FIX kids.  it merely offered a more logic-based, rational choice for those who "knew there was something MORE" in store for us humans.
perhaps in the midst of the workshops they could have told us that there were to come at least a couple more superhuman moments... soasto keep our spirits up when facing life POST-program... when it seems the celebrations are done forever-- now merely memories-- when it seems there is nothing more to anticipate in life except the american nightmare----- that there might be a mystical surprise or two) vaguely reminiscent of the better days at cascade.  safe moments just like those two years in a "brainwashed" "fantasyland"... moments which i would choose over this depression which would like to call itself mine... ours...

hang in there. you've got positivity ahead in some respects... hopefully in ways you will one day appreciate-
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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The I and Me/The Summit
« Reply #21 on: October 25, 2004, 10:50:00 AM »
Posted: 2004-10-23 01:09:00    Anybody who participated in the I and Me and Summit workshops should honor the promise they made and keep it confidential.

i really don't think that not talking about a program's workshops is the promise referred to by nietzsche-- (all the promises made to us by life...)
it is more than a right to share these experiences: it is our duty.  
we suffered so that we could one day teach others, raise families, be bosses-- all without reflecting the oppression we and so many others normally EXPECT and ENDURE in the real world.
so we wouldn't be like our parents were to us. they knew no better. now we do. the cycle ends.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Son Of Serbia

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« Reply #22 on: October 25, 2004, 11:09:00 AM »
On 2004-10-25 07:15:00, Anonymous wrote:

"well... if you mean the actions of these workshops, they were very different between families and between cedu and cascade. however, the philosophies were similar and can be easily discerned by reading two texts.

first, for the imagine/I&me, i recommend reading THE TRANSCENDENCE OF THE EGO by sartre.  next, for the summit/symposium, i would say read plato's SYMPOSIUM.

the theories for each, as far as i can tell, are respectively contained therein.

as much as i hated my cascade experience-- and there was no LASTING trauma perpetrated against me, compared to some of my fellow grads-- the basic philosophies to which i was exposed while a student of the upper and "leadership" school have helped me through the past ten years... indeed they are the only reason that i am alive, as far as i can tell.  granted, it took an unusual personal and private mystical experience recently to see that i owe my very existence to the foundation i was given at cascade, but nevertheless, even through my hardest times, certain thoughts have replayed over and over for me which have been a saving grace more than once.

what cascade taught is what it knew.  if allgood was a scumbag, then so be it.  i don't remember having more than one VERY miniscule conversation with him, as he made his monthly cameo, and from it, if he somehow brainwashed me, then he was an effective cult-leader-- cause i never caught wind of any changes in my demeanor.

(cascade didn't FIX kids.  it merely offered a more logic-based, rational choice for those who "knew there was something MORE" in store for us humans.

perhaps in the midst of the workshops they could have told us that there were to come at least a couple more superhuman moments... soasto keep our spirits up when facing life POST-program... when it seems the celebrations are done forever-- now merely memories-- when it seems there is nothing more to anticipate in life except the american nightmare----- that there might be a mystical surprise or two) vaguely reminiscent of the better days at cascade.  safe moments just like those two years in a "brainwashed" "fantasyland"... moments which i would choose over this depression which would like to call itself mine... ours...

hang in there. you've got positivity ahead in some respects... hopefully in ways you will one day appreciate-


If I'm reading this correctly, you're telling us that you prefer the isolation, mind fucking, and the complete disrespect of your most basic human rights at Cedu, over having your freedom and being in complete control of your own destiny?
You even went so far as to call your life now the American Nightmare.....and you don't see how fucked up that is???  

My friend you are a splendid example of a mind fucked, program-dependent, cedu sheep. Are you a cedu plant, a total loser, or someone with some serious mental problems??? Perhaps a combination of all three?

If your life is a nightmare now, then change it, you're in control now.  But you can't do that, can you?  Cascade conditioned you to not think for yourself, let others make the important decisions for you, and follow their instructions
to the letter.  That way you don't have to put yourself out there, take any risks, or ultimately take responsibility for your own life, let others worry for you......No wonder you felt safe there!  

Unfortunately, that isn't how the real world works.....In the real world, people who can't think for themselves never get anywhere, and usually spend their lives being manipulated and
used by any of this sounding familiar ANON?

Funny how you mentioned LEADERSHIP, something all of these Cedu schools claim to teach....WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT!!!!  The ability to lead cannot be taught, that comes from within, you either have it inside you or you don't, no one can simply give that to you!  You need to find that within yourself.

You credit cascade as the reason you are alive today.....Are you really alive Anon???  You have your own life now(which you have labeled to be a nightmare) yet you long for the days when you were isolated, stripped of all your rights, and not allowed to make, or to have any input in the decisions that ultimately affected your life....
You don't sound very alive to me!!!!  

Oh, and stop kidding yourself, because you are definately traumatized, whether you see it or not!

You need to get some help.....SERIOUSLY!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline mikehunt

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The I and Me/The Summit
« Reply #23 on: October 25, 2004, 12:56:00 PM »
On 2004-10-25 07:15:00, Anonymous wrote:

as much as i hated my cascade experience-- and there was no LASTING trauma perpetrated against me, compared to some of my fellow grads-- the basic philosophies to which i was exposed while a student of the upper and "leadership" school have helped me through the past ten years... indeed they are the only reason that i am alive, as far as i can tell.  granted, it took an unusual personal and private mystical experience recently to see that i owe my very existence to the foundation i was given at cascade, but nevertheless, even through my hardest times, certain thoughts have replayed over and over for me which have been a saving grace more than once.

good deal; i'm glad you've found your savior, cascade.  after a mystical englightening, i also learned to acknowledge my time at  cedu as being a huge turning point in which i got myself on the right path; 3 years of introspection, having to find myself and my power despite my environment.  i'd say i came out on top... i'm sure my old team leader would have to disagree.
anyhow, i'm really glad that you benefitted so greatly from your experience.

what cascade taught is what it knew.  if allgood was a scumbag, then so be it.  i don't remember having more than one VERY miniscule conversation with him, as he made his monthly cameo, and from it, if he somehow brainwashed me, then he was an effective cult-leader-- cause i never caught wind of any changes in my demeanor.
i don't understand how you can claim that you don't see changes in your demeanor; by making ths statement, i believe that you're contradicting yourself.


(cascade didn't FIX kids.  it merely offered a more logic-based, rational choice for those who "knew there was something MORE" in store for us humans.
i'm glad it happened to work our for you, but it was applied in a very illogical, totalitarian manner which turned many others off (even though we were stuck there.)  they insisted that we learn their lessons rather than our own.
here, check my logic:
we are (physically) individual beings in our own individual bodies.
thoughts are functions of the brain, an interdependent component of our body.
each body functions in a relatively unique manner.
cascade/cedu have a standardized approach to "help" (and, of course, everyone's idea of how to help is at least slightly different.. when there is extreme dissonance between the goal of the therapist and that of the patient, well, there's going to be a huge amount of resistance on both sides, and rather than having an effective therapeutic relationship, it will usually turn into more of a power struggle) kids.
a standardized approach will almost never have 100% success, because there are too many unique mental processes to be taken into consideration and worked with; the standardized method does not know how to adapt.
besides, what is the goal of such therapy anyway; to instill morality into these "out of control" kids?  
morality is a system of our own construction (or should be, at least) usually based on our theological beliefs.  our beliefs are just as individual as we are... although, the more standardized they become, the less individual they are.  for some people, that is ideal, for others it is not.
in this respect, i view cedu in a similar light as the church... they push their own standardized agenda and claim that if you don't accept it, you'll be damned.
well, being the individuals we are, we all have different conceptions of 'damnation', a highly subjective term.
consequently, we need not worry about declining or accepting our invitations into these elitist moral groups (or making any choice, for that matter,) because, well, you'll always do what you think is best for you (unless you're truly massochistic.  and even still, you like the pain that much, so isn't taking that painful path really what's best for you?)
perhaps in the midst of the workshops they could have told us that there were to come at least a couple more superhuman moments... soasto keep our spirits up when facing life POST-program...
i totally agree with you here; they had their focus in the wrong place, for sure.. this made it all that much less appealing.  at cedu, i got really depressed and started hating my life rather than looking forward to it.


when it seems the celebrations are done forever-- now merely memories-- when it seems there is nothing more to anticipate in life except the american nightmare----- that there might be a mystical surprise or two) vaguely reminiscent of the better days at cascade.  safe moments just like those two years in a "brainwashed" "fantasyland"... moments which i would choose over this depression which would like to call itself mine... ours...

hang in there. you've got positivity ahead in some respects... hopefully in ways you will one day appreciate-


this is where you lose me... it's not "the depression which would like to call itself... ours."  it's yours, sugar.  claim it for yourself and yourself only; i no longer choose to thrive on my depression and cling to my history for relative satisfaction.
i pray that you will find brilliance and levity in your life here on the outside without having to refer back to your past; the gift of beautiful presence is what "more" was/is held in store for me... us... only if you so choose.

laura solomon[ This Message was edited by: mikehunt on 2004-10-25 21:23 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
aura solomon

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The I and Me/The Summit
« Reply #24 on: October 25, 2004, 05:16:00 PM »
Typical Mike response: this person who's experience you belittle in your post got something good out of the program he/she attended--yet all you can do is take disingenuous little swipes and act condescending.

Your spite is rancid Mike--why not just accept the fact that CEDU works for some people and you were not one of them.  People go on to lead happy, fulfilling lives after these programs, it's a fact, why not just accept the difference without all the little waspy little bitch bites (while trying so hard to sound inpartial (ha!!) and intellectual (ha-ha-ha!!!)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #25 on: October 25, 2004, 05:32:00 PM »
mike is right   all he said about allgood was said in the 70's   all the brainwashing and suicides and what they said was yeah it is true but you should see how bad we used to be and "it would never happen again"   guess what  allgood is lying as usual   all the cedu believers tell him to be tough on their peers  and he uses that as an excuse to go right back to abusing as usual  classic sociopath  uses loyalty to justify abusing  those who do not believe everything he says.  allgood now has cascade cause parents were catching on to what he was doing at cedu and he had to split before he got caught.  cascade is said to be in trouble because parents were catching on.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline mikehunt

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« Reply #26 on: October 26, 2004, 12:26:00 AM »
On 2004-10-25 14:16:00, Anonymous wrote:

waspy little bitch bites

little... no, not really.
bitch, most definitely.
and i'd love to bite your eyeball.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
aura solomon

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« Reply #27 on: October 26, 2004, 12:36:00 PM »
On 2004-10-25 14:16:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Typical Mike response: this person who's experience you belittle in your post got something good out of the program he/she attended--yet all you can do is take disingenuous little swipes and act condescending.

Your spite is rancid Mike--why not just accept the fact that CEDU works for some people and you were not one of them.  People go on to lead happy, fulfilling lives after these programs, it's a fact, why not just accept the difference without all the little waspy little bitch bites (while trying so hard to sound inpartial (ha!!) and intellectual (ha-ha-ha!!!)"

Yes Anon Sheep, many people do lead "happy and fullfilling lives" after these programs. I for one lead a very fullfilling and happy life, and it has absolutely nothing to do with cedu or any other program.  

Most people in this world who have dreams and/or goals, as well as the required determination, effort, and persistance to see them realized, usually tend to lead happy & successful lives, where they do feel fullfilled.  This his nothing to do with any "program", it is a matter of personal character.

 People who take risks, make sacrifices,never give up, and work their fucking asses off to get where they want to be in life, more often than not will do just that . I'm not talking rocket science here.  It's simple and it's obvious.   If you want something, then go get it, you make it happen,because no one else will do it for you.
You don't need Cedu or any other program to teach you that, it's common sense!!!

I find your choice of words amusing....."People go on to live happy and successful lives AFTER these programs."  I find this funny because you're being vague here. You're implying that cedu (or another program)is responsible for these people's happy and successful lives, but you don't have the balls to actually say it.  Why not say: "because of these programs people lead happy and fullfilling lives"....if that's what you believe???  The rest of us know that's complete Bullshit...but if it's what you believe, then don't beat around the bush, just say it, You Big Pussy!!!

Oh and by the way, the Cascade Anon you are defending does indeed have a positive outlook on the school, yet he also calls his life now  "The American Nightmare."  It sure doesn't sound  like he feels happy or fullfilled to me!
How's your life Cedu Sheep?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Son Of Serbia

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The I and Me/The Summit
« Reply #28 on: October 26, 2004, 12:37:00 PM »
The last post was me, sorry, I forgot to log in.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline mikehunt

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« Reply #29 on: October 26, 2004, 12:49:00 PM »
i was about to say, wow, there's an intelligent anonymous posting for a change!

i certainly wouldn't say that cedu had nothing to do with these people's "good lives", but i wouldn't say that it was necessarily the determining factor either.
every event in a person's life is extremely relevent, i believe.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
aura solomon