Author Topic: Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)  (Read 10746 times)

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Re: Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)
« Reply #45 on: March 11, 2010, 02:50:54 PM »
From page 14, continued:

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#206 Post by SyN  » Sun Apr 11, 2004 12:13 am
Jen, are you refering to Jesse Campbell? He was a cherokee i think or something, but was from west virginia. I knew Jesse well and he did do some messed up stuff, but all in all I really liked him. He was a super funny guy with a great personality once you got to know him. And he wailed on a harmonica. Elan changed alot of people, especially the young kids who were going to be stuck there for years since they were 14 when enrolled. One kid was 13 when enrolled and he was crazy, just cause he knew he was going to be there forever.
#207 Post by MorIi  » Sun Apr 11, 2004 1:15 am
Yerbouti, do you take it in the booty you flaming homo?
#208 Post by MorIi  » Sun Apr 11, 2004 1:15 am
#209 Post by Guest  » Sun Apr 11, 2004 2:12 am
I'm not the poster from chicago . Now what kind of release do you need and why?

This is a very simple question . really
#210 Post by Guest  » Sun Apr 11, 2004 3:12 am
You have no idea what you are talking about. A boy did die at Elan 7 during the early 80's from a brain aneurysm, i remember him. I don't believe that anything done by Elan was the cause of his death, however. Aneurysm's are almost impossible to detect, even today. But the medical care at that time was certainly less than adequate.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Ursus

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Re: Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)
« Reply #46 on: March 11, 2010, 02:51:59 PM »
From page 15:

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#211 Post by xres8182  » Sun Apr 11, 2004 2:44 pm
[ This Message was edited by: xres8182 on 2005-08-30 12:57 ]
#212 Post by Guest  » Sun Apr 11, 2004 3:19 pm
are you refering to the ring Claires husband was in?
#213 Post by E7haterJe  » Sun Apr 11, 2004 6:16 pm
wow!! theres some wacky replys in this category...
I have not ignored you...Where is the confusion? Im sorry? Didnt I say, if you guys werent coming to Fl, that I wasnt going to Philly? If I was in a forgetful state of mind, and confused that point of information with someone bad... no I am not going to be able to be part of your documentary, due to----I cant GO to Philly, and dont want to go to Philly. Its too far, too foregin to me, and just something I am not prepared to do in SOO many ways...I wish you well though in it. I have not been around so much on the boards,. This is the only topic I have really been in to, I HAVE checked some of the other ones, but very quickly and I have made some responces but very skimming like. :???: The whole idea sounds very intresting and I was VERY in to the whole idea, but I need to be in Miami right now. Sorry.

SYN---yes, jesse campbell was his name....
WOW,,,he played the harmonica, cool. Do you have his email? How is he doing now do you know?
Do you know Rob Pheffier or benjamin?> He has been emailing me. He says he is from 7? Right before I probably got in, I remember Tania Merett using him as an example of an unsucessful Elanney? during General Meetings?
#214 Post by xres8182  » Sun Apr 11, 2004 8:40 pm
Baghead is referring to the Phil Williams incident.How can you say elan had nothing to do with his death.They put him in a boxing ring after hearing him complain of headaches for months.Phil was my friend and he was a mild guy considering the fact his father put a bullet in his mother's brain.This truly is one of elan's secrets.I wish I could remember why he was put in the ring.I would bet money it had something to do with his headaches,because he was not someone to act out phisically.Anon do I know you
[ This Message was edited by: xres8182 on 2005-08-30 12:58 ]
#215 Post by Guest  » Mon May 17, 2004 2:34 pm
Rumors are one thing, fact is another! And starting a rumor is yet another ... usually, for revenge. As I have had my bouts with addiction which seem to hit every 15 years or so, I make sure I don't work where I am helping others. I seek therapy, go to meetings and stop it before any damage is done to myself or others. It's something I openly admit and must live with. If you consider me abusive, that is an opinion and you are entitled to it for sure. FACT ... I have never been arrested for possesion and have never been arrested for spousal abuse. The fact is I have never HIT, HURT or EVEN threatend any woman let alone my wife. For the people that eat-up the negative comments about others on this site concerning arrest records the FACTS are easy enough to find. Any web detective check site will do the trick. If you rebel don't do it in a way where others are hurt intentialy or hurt yourself ... Only ONE soul to a customer!!! Evaluate all sides. Are you a king or a pawn? Or in this case are you just sheep?

This is the first and last time I will read anything on this site or address anything on this site. Life is too short to entertain rumors and arguments in cyber space, or to entertain lying and the need to over defend oneself, plus it's like hanging around negative people. For the most part "You are who you hang with" at least in my situations. I've learned a lot of lessons in life by making mistakes. For those of you that have pointed out things like arrogance etc. THANK YOU, for without looking at these things and trying really hard to change them I risk a spiritual death! Life is not linier nor is it black and white. If I don't embrace the struggles that change offers I risk stagnation.

Concerning Elan ... I never believed in the ring, having someone sit in the corner for a lengthy time or general meetings where people stand up close and yell. My opinion ... GMs should happen from one's chair where they expound on their anger and not necessarily yelling. I was one of the people that fought to have the crowd stand back at least 10ft. As for the ring, people that are violent and afraid to work in groups and be honest in conversations and confrontaions with staff and other students just don't belong there. And the corner can be affective but if the students and staff are smarter and use those smarts and compassion that situation can be avoided.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Ursus

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Re: Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)
« Reply #47 on: March 11, 2010, 02:52:59 PM »
From page 15, continued:

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#216 Post by xres8182  » Mon May 17, 2004 4:34 pm
Everything I have ever shared with this board is the absolute truth and I can find the people to back it up.
#217 Post by Marina  » Tue May 18, 2004 1:32 pm
Marc (Just in case you DO read this)-

I don't know if what they are saying is true or not, but I agree with you that not everything you read here is true and some people like to start rumors. Most people that post here hold on to some sort of anger and resentment from their experience in Elan, yet that does not make them negative. I've learned much from being in Elan and so did a lot of people but we can't deny the fact that we've been treated horribly at some point and exposed to some level of humilliation that was totally unecessary. I don't blame Elan for my problems, from my understanding, they've helped and damaged me at the same time. I'm still thankful for the people who were supportive toward me and although I might not like every staff member there, I don't hate anyone there, except Peter Rowe.

I understand that some people that post here might have been unfair to you by sarting rumors or twisting the facts (Quite frankly: I don't know, wasn't there, can't relate to the situation), but don't you think that you're being unfair by generalizing? I don't hang out with negative people, this is just a web site not my life, and If you take the time to read some of these posts, you'll notice there are good and bad posts. Some people contribute with this site with intelligent remarks, some criticizing, some talking about memories, some really speaking from the heart.

Why do people post here? Because Elan was a rather intense experience for most people and we feel that we need some sort of link with our past. We've been through the same experience, this is where we may find people that undestand exactly what we've gone through and at the same time, we get to share some memories and find old friends.

I think it'd be nicer If you addressed the specific people that might have upset you.


[ This Message was edited by: Marina on 2004-05-18 06:37 ]
#218 Post by O.U.2  » Wed May 19, 2004 2:54 pm
Fuck this motherfucker and if it really is Marc, Fuck you even harder.
Not once in all that bullshit he wrote did he apologize for any of the people he hurt, misguided, or was just a plain old DICK to. As for myself I could care less if he apolgize's or no or even if he risks his "spiritual death."

My hatered towards this man goes beyond any point imagenable but, i would have a world of respect for him if he just came out and said he was wrong and im sorry.

At least apologize to everyone in general.
#219 Post by Guest  » Thu May 27, 2004 6:24 am
Jordan, who was your favorite teacher? Remember the teachers??
#220 Post by Guest  » Thu May 27, 2004 12:41 pm
MR LAVALEEE was up dawg, you were my favorite teacher, hands down, u let gave me credit for writing about pink floyd, and english soccer, to bad we couldn't hang out and kick a ball around. i always could tell in your eyes how u recall thought about élan and their staff, but u were still the man, i also apologize for any time that i might have gotten stupid in your class, but i gotta thank you for that 98 u gave me the summer of 97, those 3 months were the best i had at élan, they actually let me take my night man sleep by going out and playing soccer by myself, nothing could have been better to get away form the crazy elan 7 house. just an update, i never really did much with writing, i started a band in 99 and wrote a bunch of songs, which they promptly stole after i left the band, lol now i work in philadelphia as a video editor/camera man doing commercials for local bars and clubs, and covering the entire music scene. i was certified by apple computers in their editing software back in 2001, and have made more money doing what i do, than i would have had i gotten with bullshit bachelors in whatever from whatever. i tried to produce a film on elan with my old man, but my father is having like a 3rd mid life crisis and im going through my own career and personal changes. Whitney long and i are moving out to california in the fall. where i we'll be living in north hollywood, i plan to land THE JOB before i move out there. anyway, my life has turned out alot better than elan had me thinking, when i signed out of there they told me i was on to fuck up my life, fuck them for saying that,with the exception of my crazy ass family, i have tried to maintain ambition in my life and my career, and once again there isn't a summer that goes by where i don't think about being in elan, but ill tell ya having a good, inspiring teacher is what education is all about, just so ya know my freshman year in college i brought in Floyd's time and was able to get the whole class to write about it, i got an A (probably the only i had ever gotten, lol) thanks again man and stay in touch..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Ursus

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Re: Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)
« Reply #48 on: March 11, 2010, 02:53:55 PM »
From page 15, continued:

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#221 Post by E7haterJe  » Fri May 28, 2004 11:44 am
Was it Mr. Remey? bear belly, bald, glasses? Looked like a resemblence of a sexual offender? I liked him, up until I found out--although--- he was being nice to me, and Rebecca Foreman and a couple of us others--he was going behind our backs, and telling staff we were being this way or that way, when we werent being this way or that way. and we would get gi buckets during movies. that was wrong!! fucked up teacher./ i dont remember his name, but i liked the math teacher. he hooked me up! in high school that is...cause then when i got in to college!!! i didnt know what that FUCK i was doing!!! in elan though...he made my mom think--i was learning, i was acing math...NOT! but he was down...
and the art teacher was deep... im sure there are others but i cant remember. :question:
#222 Post by E7haterJe  » Fri Jun 04, 2004 12:07 pm
is anyone going to answer this?
Whats Hirem Sibleys new email? someone told me on this sight, that the reason why he didnt respond to my first email, years ago, wasnt because i was such a defiant girl, or because he was a traiter like i thought, but he really is a nice guy and i had the wrong email. this is what i was told on this sight. so i want to attempt to send him another email...someone please respond..thankx
#223 Post by Guest  » Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:22 pm
This was a good thread before Jordan and others changed the subject.Does Mr Lavalley have any secrets
#224 Post by Guest  » Wed Jul 14, 2004 4:24 pm
If Rosenbergs working there again,I bet he's got some secrets
#225 Post by XPrincessX  » Fri Jul 23, 2004 7:27 am
You are a faggot under an anonymous name,step up bitch and face the real music!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline DannyB II

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Re: Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)
« Reply #49 on: March 11, 2010, 03:48:25 PM »
#215 Post by Guest » Mon May 17, 2004 2:34 pm

    Rumors are one thing, fact is another! And starting a rumor is yet another ... usually, for revenge. As I have had my bouts with addiction which seem to hit every 15 years or so, I make sure I don't work where I am helping others. I seek therapy, go to meetings and stop it before any damage is done to myself or others. It's something I openly admit and must live with. If you consider me abusive, that is an opinion and you are entitled to it for sure. FACT ... I have never been arrested for possesion and have never been arrested for spousal abuse. The fact is I have never HIT, HURT or EVEN threatend any woman let alone my wife. For the people that eat-up the negative comments about others on this site concerning arrest records the FACTS are easy enough to find. Any web detective check site will do the trick. If you rebel don't do it in a way where others are hurt intentialy or hurt yourself ... Only ONE soul to a customer!!! Evaluate all sides. Are you a king or a pawn? Or in this case are you just sheep?

    This is the first and last time I will read anything on this site or address anything on this site. Life is too short to entertain rumors and arguments in cyber space, or to entertain lying and the need to over defend oneself, plus it's like hanging around negative people. For the most part "You are who you hang with" at least in my situations. I've learned a lot of lessons in life by making mistakes. For those of you that have pointed out things like arrogance etc. THANK YOU, for without looking at these things and trying really hard to change them I risk a spiritual death! Life is not linier nor is it black and white. If I don't embrace the struggles that change offers I risk stagnation.

    Concerning Elan ... I never believed in the ring, having someone sit in the corner for a lengthy time or general meetings where people stand up close and yell. My opinion ... GMs should happen from one's chair where they expound on their anger and not necessarily yelling. I was one of the people that fought to have the crowd stand back at least 10ft. As for the ring, people that are violent and afraid to work in groups and be honest in conversations and confrontaions with staff and other students just don't belong there. And the corner can be affective but if the students and staff are smarter and use those smarts and compassion that situation can be avoided.


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 :shamrock:  :shamrock:
If this in fact is Marc as his name would indicate in the end, then I would like a opportunity to challenge him on his claim that he never believed in the ring, corner, signs and GM's ect... because his actions say something different.
I spoke with Marc last in 1993 and most of our conversation was concerning Elan's discipline. How barbaric it was and how it was allowed to continue. Marc said, (not verbatim) well were still getting a lot of state kids and this is all they respond to. State kids poor white kids, African Americans and Hispanic. I was one of them. State pays primarily 100% of fee.
Now I also know ex-employees of these places go through a shift in conscious and start to realize that hey maybe I really did not want to be this way or act this way, I just went along like sheep. It can be very baffling experience to go through. Not to say oh lets feel sorry for Marc or me. No please don't read that into this.
I just wish if it was him that he would of posted more and wrote a apology letter. It seems he was just starting to set the table then he quit.
Well Marc if you read these posts like I've been told you do at times. Read this, reach down deep and help someone like you have never done it before in your life. Make amends. They do transcend.
P.S. I did not mean to say that "State Kids" were the only ones being abused with the violence or the corner. No,  you and I know that is not true. This was his bigoted perception.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)
« Reply #50 on: March 13, 2010, 01:45:02 AM »
From page 16:

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#226 Post by Guest  » Fri Dec 24, 2004 10:39 am
who are you? this is matt shakespeare.. you were there during my time
#227 Post by Guest  » Fri Dec 24, 2004 11:54 am
Matt you are a faggot stop fucking pete rowes asshole you cock sucker
#228 Post by Guest  » Tue Dec 28, 2004 8:34 pm
I used to go over to elan 8 for school. You all know where i'm coming from when I swear it was the highlight of my day to get out of my house and come over there, even if I couldnt' talk with you all.
#229 Post by Guest  » Wed Dec 29, 2004 7:32 pm
hey I probably went to school with you, I had Mr Lavalee and Mr. Pallin and I was from e3.
#230 Post by Guest  » Tue Jan 11, 2005 5:33 pm
Yes Peter was arrogant and i did not get along with him. I was one of the ones praying that i was not in his group partially because he will not stop until you admit that he is 100% correct in anything that he says but also because i had done something wrong. The scales tip both ways...we must admit that to ourserlves if no one else.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Ursus

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Re: Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)
« Reply #51 on: March 13, 2010, 01:46:12 AM »
From page 16, continued:

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#231 Post by Guest  » Tue Jan 11, 2005 5:43 pm
Marina F. from 7??? From Brazil?? Remember E. Hill??
#232 Post by Guest  » Tue Jan 11, 2005 5:48 pm
Shakespeare...what are YOU doing on this site???
#233 Post by Sweet Girl » Tue Jan 11, 2005 6:38 pm
Is that really Eric Hill?!!! If so this is Kate B. from 7. Yes, that is THE "Marina from Brazil"!
Well, if it is you email me at [email protected] It would be really great to hear from you and to catch up with eachother. I hope all is well!! :grin:
#234 Post by Jane2  » Sun Jan 16, 2005 2:27 pm
On 2004-03-25 08:24:00, E7haterJe wrote:

I was at the John Dewey Academy, which I voluntarilly agreed to go to with my mom. When I arrived there, my mom said to me "Jenn you dont have to stay if you dont want to" and I said "No mom, this seems real cool, I think it will be good for me" after 2 weeks, I was calling my mom daily, crying that I wanted her to come get me, and by then she realized life without my drama, was better, and said "stay there till you graduate, I changed my mind, you have to stay", thats when I rebelled and ran away to NYC, (because you could there) and after 3 shots, the president of the academy Tom Bratter, was like "no, this is a voluntary program, we recommended The Elan School to your mom, and he kept insinuating I remember of this kid SHIT I cant remember him name, who was sent there from the John Dewey Academy too, and he was like THERE U CANT GET AWAY WITH THIS...
Hey... my name's Josie and I went to John Dewey, ran away, then got sent to Elan. I graduated from Elan and then my mom sent me BACK to JDA. She said that she didn't want me to go home and fuck up again. Well, I ran away again. That place made no sense. It was like, we would have these groups and Tom would get in my face and tell me I wasn't getting to my issues, and I was like, "what issues? Please tell me what you're talking about it, and I'll do the best I can to work through them." Well, he never did. I just used to sit in groups and cry while he screamed at me for something, I have no idea what.
I called up Tania M crying, telling her it wasn't fair that I busted my ass at Elan and then I was back at that fucking place. It was nice, it was a castle, but there was something not right about it, you know? Did you ever go in the basement? It was an old slaughterhouse and there was a big hook hanging from the ceiling.
My first time through, I was in with the girl that ended up suing him for abuse. I don't think that she would have lied about it. Tom B was a creep from hell. I can't believe that he still runs that place. He should be locked up.
#235 Post by Guest  » Wed Nov 30, 2005 5:54 am
FUCK YOU :exclaim: :exclaim: :exclaim: :exclaim: :exclaim: :exclaim: :exclaim: :exclaim: :exclaim: :exclaim: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Ursus

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Re: Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)
« Reply #52 on: March 13, 2010, 01:47:39 AM »
From page 16, continued:

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#236 Post by Guest  » Wed Nov 30, 2005 6:22 am
Run as fast as you can. :exclaim: :exclaim: :exclaim: :exclaim: :exclaim: :exclaim: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:
#237 Post by Guest  » Wed Nov 30, 2005 6:32 am
That bitch put me in the ring 5 times. Fucken CUNT . :exclaim: :exclaim: :exclaim: :exclaim: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:
#238 Post by Guest  » Wed Nov 30, 2005 6:50 am
Marc, you are a FUCKEN liar. Im A woman and you treated me like shit my whole time there in the late 70s. You put me in the RING 4 rounds at Elan 4. Who the hell are you running your BULLSHIT too. Poor Jimmy Poluckus. Remember what you did to him you sick fuck.By the way asshole my name is Diane Schriver . You made my life a living hell. Ill never forget you you skinny coked out piece of shit. I know who the real Marc Rosenberg is. Dont I.1978/1981. :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:
#239 Post by Guest  » Wed Nov 30, 2005 11:41 am
Thank you Diane Schriver You are a girl a that means the world too this board that fucking heroin addict has no place in child care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks HUN I Love YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#240 Post by Guest  » Wed Nov 30, 2005 11:43 am
Seriously you have ni idea I cant stand the arrogant prick........ Rissign ROSENBUBURB,,, HAVE A STAND WITH US... YOU WILL LOSE....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Ursus

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Re: Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)
« Reply #53 on: March 13, 2010, 01:50:12 AM »
From page 17:

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#241 Post by Guest  » Wed Nov 30, 2005 11:45 am
Okay don't side with us if you can't spell.
#242 Post by SS esq » Wed Nov 30, 2005 8:41 pm
form the looks of it, it seems like to me some elan staf members had came to this site in the past and threw in their 2 cents. I would love to see some elan staff members step forward and participate in a debate here and answer questions, how about it? Marty? Jeff? Marc? you guys man enough to come forward?
#243 Post by Guest  » Wed Nov 30, 2005 10:15 pm
Now your talking but I asure you that will never happen not til the day they close Elan, maybe not even then these men will not admit to their GUILT!!!!!!
#244 Post by Guest  » Thu Dec 01, 2005 1:38 am
that was undermining right there, cop to it, drop a slip.
#245 Post by Guest  » Thu Dec 01, 2005 2:00 am
I would love to drop a slip ya gotta slip box? An encounter group would be great I would love to get some feelings off....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Ursus

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Re: Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)
« Reply #54 on: March 13, 2010, 01:50:57 AM »
From page 17, continued:

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#246 Post by Guest  » Thu Dec 01, 2005 2:11 am
feelin froggy motherfucker??
#247 Post by Mr. Pink's Attorney » Thu Dec 01, 2005 4:28 pm
that sounded undermining too, verbal reprimand, GI the stalls
#248 Post by SHH Anon Classics » Thu Dec 01, 2005 4:56 pm
What is drop a slip?
#249 Post by Guest  » Thu Dec 01, 2005 8:18 pm
you put your feelings toward someone on a slip and drop it in the box, the staff log them, and usually you end up in an encounter group to fuckin rip them apart...thats pretty much it bro, hope I helped you out!
#250 Post by Guest  » Thu Dec 01, 2005 8:19 pm
You get a GI Movie mutha fucka nigga hoe bitch, word up ..hahaa
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Ursus

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Re: Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)
« Reply #55 on: March 13, 2010, 01:51:39 AM »
From page 17, continued:

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#251 Post by Guest  » Fri Dec 02, 2005 3:08 am
This is Diane and I would love to hear that mother fucker O D ed on some bad shit. I d piss on his grave. ::armed:: ::armed:: ::armed:: ::armed:: ::armed:: ::armed:: ::armed:: ::armed:: ::armed:: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:
#252 Post by Guest  » Fri Dec 02, 2005 3:10 am
On 2005-11-30 12:41:00, SS esq wrote:

form the looks of it, it seems like to me some elan staf members had came to this site in the past and threw in their 2 cents. I would love to see some elan staff members step forward and participate in a debate here and answer questions, how about it? Marty? Jeff? Marc? you guys man enough to come forward?
They aer pussies. I love to meet up with one of them out here. :skull: :skull:
#253 Post by Guest  » Wed May 02, 2007 8:17 pm
Quote from: "Guest"
how about the guy who used to piss shit and throw up in his hands and then throw it on people.

or the time they tied him to the chair with restaints and then his sp's dumped him down the stairs while still tied to the chair.

or the time when two kids ran away from elan 3 and the strength sent after them from elan 7 beat the living shit out of them in the woods, and never told staff, how do i know, i was one of them( the strength).

or the time when one of the children there was sexually molested by a staff memeber and they covered it up by sending him to another house.....

the list keeps getting bigger....
and bigger.....
I remember a kid back in the 90's who did that..What was his name? Chris?...It was 91 or 92 and he had dreds and was in the corner his entire stay! He was in 7 then for some reason ended up in the corner of 3 and Marc took him into 3 cuz he was getting along with us all. He got out of the corner and ended up right back in the corner 1 or 2 days later..So much for a house switch for the better huh? He could barely walk when he ended up getting taken out by his dad cuz he had been in the corner for so long he got sick from lack of excercise and sunlight. Was his name craig? I forgot his fucking name! I hate that!
I heard Marc say to SP's to not talk to him, not humor him, etc..Marc started talking mad shit to him and calling him a fucking loser and saying he was going to die in the corner, his dad would never get him out, etc..In one second Marc went from being his best fucking friend to his worst enemy. He would feed him 1-2 hours later than everyone else, refuse his daily showers for 3-4 days at a time (he stunk), kept him in the stairwell going up to 3's mens dorms instead of in a room where there was a window and stimulation.
I went on an SP in 7 once during their gym time It was for a girl named Sherry or Chery whatever the spelling. She used to act out ALL the time! She gave every Sp holy hell. She said she would not act out if I was on her Sp so they put me on it. I liked the girl a lot she was mad cool. We were a lot alike. I talked to her the entire time and it went fast. I felt bad leaving her there. 7 sucked. As soon as her Sp came in the room she turned her chair into the corner and went mute. I wrote a vague report for her staff and said maybe she would do better in 7 if the ppl would lighten up a little bit and remember that they were in her posistion and that they were not staff but kids like her trying to survive in a rotten place. I got in SOOOO much trouble! Marc gave me a VR/TT personally! I almost got demoted to RR but I wangled my job back. You see Sherry had been on my Sp many times and I never fucked with her either cuz she was cool. I saved the shit for the Sp's from my house. Hypocrites!
#254 Post by Guest  » Wed May 02, 2007 8:28 pm
Quote from: "Jane2"
On 2004-03-25 08:24:00, E7haterJe wrote:

I was at the John Dewey Academy, which I voluntarilly agreed to go to with my mom. When I arrived there, my mom said to me "Jenn you dont have to stay if you dont want to" and I said "No mom, this seems real cool, I think it will be good for me" after 2 weeks, I was calling my mom daily, crying that I wanted her to come get me, and by then she realized life without my drama, was better, and said "stay there till you graduate, I changed my mind, you have to stay", thats when I rebelled and ran away to NYC, (because you could there) and after 3 shots, the president of the academy Tom Bratter, was like "no, this is a voluntary program, we recommended The Elan School to your mom, and he kept insinuating I remember of this kid SHIT I cant remember him name, who was sent there from the John Dewey Academy too, and he was like THERE U CANT GET AWAY WITH THIS...
Hey... my name's Josie and I went to John Dewey, ran away, then got sent to Elan. I graduated from Elan and then my mom sent me BACK to JDA. She said that she didn't want me to go home and fuck up again. Well, I ran away again. That place made no sense. It was like, we would have these groups and Tom would get in my face and tell me I wasn't getting to my issues, and I was like, "what issues? Please tell me what you're talking about it, and I'll do the best I can to work through them." Well, he never did. I just used to sit in groups and cry while he screamed at me for something, I have no idea what.

I called up Tania M crying, telling her it wasn't fair that I busted my ass at Elan and then I was back at that fucking place. It was nice, it was a castle, but there was something not right about it, you know? Did you ever go in the basement? It was an old slaughterhouse and there was a big hook hanging from the ceiling.

My first time through, I was in with the girl that ended up suing him for abuse. I don't think that she would have lied about it. Tom B was a creep from hell. I can't believe that he still runs that place. He should be locked up.
I remember you Josie, you did do well in Elan. Why you were sent back to JDA is beyond me. Why JDA even accepted you is beyond me also. You were NOT appropiate for their school. You were not what they took in criteria wise.
It would be like sending a innocent off of the streets to prison. Makes no sense.
You say you ran away from JDA. Were you almost 18? What happened with you after that?
Are you OK now?
#255 Post by Guest  » Wed May 02, 2007 8:32 pm
Anyone looking for help from Tania M. is a crazy and will realize she is a fraud!
She was a disgusting, cruel, heartless, sick woman.
I hope real estate is a better career choice for her!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)
« Reply #56 on: March 13, 2010, 01:53:41 AM »
From page 18:

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#256 Post by Guest  » Wed May 02, 2007 8:35 pm
Quote from: "davbetz"
This couldn't possibly be the same Elan I was at in the 80's.Allthough what you mentioned was not appropriate, Much worse things happened there. I witnessed a close fried die in the boxing ring. Phil was a Coordinator Trainee,who complained of headaches. The Staff felt he was malingering so as not have to be C.O.D. and give haircuts from the incident book. it all boiled down to a GM and Phil was put into the ring. after 2 rounds, he fell to the floor, started vomiting and was dead. The next day, they had that hack they called a nurse come tell us he died of an anorism. There were far too many attrocities for me to post here, People on house rejection in the dead of winter, people scrubbing out dumpsters with tooth brushes. And a post above told of "strengths" beating a splitee. This was a common practice. Trackers were give what was called "open physical violence" against anyone who ran away. The house I was in was Elan 7 aka the State house. Many degrading and yes abusive things happened there. Even when you walked in the door, you were made to clean toilets with your bare hands. It was like being thrust into an alien world. I'll agree, there was some "bad" staff there, but remember, they didn't do much of the dirty work, they had us, the residents to run the asylum.

I hope things have gotten better there. They used to call themselves the "Last Resort". It's like no resort I ever want to return to..... :skull:

What are politicians going to tell people when the Constitution is gone and we still have a drug problem?
--William Simpson
What's house rejection?
#257 Post by Guest  » Wed May 02, 2007 9:19 pm
Quote from: "Guest"
Rumors are one thing, fact is another! And starting a rumor is yet another ... usually, for revenge. As I have had my bouts with addiction which seem to hit every 15 years or so, I make sure I don't work where I am helping others. I seek therapy, go to meetings and stop it before any damage is done to myself or others. It's something I openly admit and must live with. If you consider me abusive, that is an opinion and you are entitled to it for sure. FACT ... I have never been arrested for possesion and have never been arrested for spousal abuse. The fact is I have never HIT, HURT or EVEN threatend any woman let alone my wife. For the people that eat-up the negative comments about others on this site concerning arrest records the FACTS are easy enough to find. Any web detective check site will do the trick. If you rebel don't do it in a way where others are hurt intentialy or hurt yourself ... Only ONE soul to a customer!!! Evaluate all sides. Are you a king or a pawn? Or in this case are you just sheep?

This is the first and last time I will read anything on this site or address anything on this site. Life is too short to entertain rumors and arguments in cyber space, or to entertain lying and the need to over defend oneself, plus it's like hanging around negative people. For the most part "You are who you hang with" at least in my situations. I've learned a lot of lessons in life by making mistakes. For those of you that have pointed out things like arrogance etc. THANK YOU, for without looking at these things and trying really hard to change them I risk a spiritual death! Life is not linier nor is it black and white. If I don't embrace the struggles that change offers I risk stagnation.

Concerning Elan ... I never believed in the ring, having someone sit in the corner for a lengthy time or general meetings where people stand up close and yell. My opinion ... GMs should happen from one's chair where they expound on their anger and not necessarily yelling. I was one of the people that fought to have the crowd stand back at least 10ft. As for the ring, people that are violent and afraid to work in groups and be honest in conversations and confrontaions with staff and other students just don't belong there. And the corner can be affective but if the students and staff are smarter and use those smarts and compassion that situation can be avoided.

He is so full of fucking shit! He was right up front in every gm encouraging ppl to spit in ppl's faces! He was cruel! He was ruthless! He is a hypocrite! He never tried to prevent a corner situation from going down. He was the 1st to yell at a person and to put them in a corner. He never tried rational non screaming yelling first. He screamed, humiliated then tried to be a buddy to you!
Fuck you Marc! Why don't you go back to that alley with the needle in your arm place you so fondly spoke of countless times!
#258 Post by 1991 » Wed May 09, 2007 3:33 am

Ok..I was at elan in the late 80's/early 90's and I was totally unaware of any murder and i was definitely not someone who bought into the program...I would have loved to have known some info like that so I am not sure that the story is true.
.In any event the whole cardinal rules thing is a joke..its a pack of wild teens living together in a stressfull situation..of course they are gonna turn to each other in that way. I personally had some teamy make out sessions behind the infirmary! But sex was out of the question..NO BABIES FOR ME..especially not back then! If the kids there need a little physical connection to get them through it than thats ok by me as long as they dont take it too any event knowing that we could get in trouble made it so much hotter!
Oh about Pete Rowe he was a good guy..I think he got caught up in the whole thing..he was young..I spent a few all nighters talking with him and he was always a gentleman...and I was pretty hot back then if I do say so myself!
#259 Post by Demetria  » Fri May 18, 2007 10:11 pm
Displayed right on their website

Look at these and see how badly they want to hide everything from the public. So, funny how they would put their true agenda up, right on their website.

Elan School

Scroll down half-way to the middle box... and read lines 4-6

Funny, shit.
#260 Post by Toetag Inc. » Fri Jun 08, 2007 4:43 pm
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
how about the guy who used to piss shit and throw up in his hands and then throw it on people.

or the time they tied him to the chair with restaints and then his sp's dumped him down the stairs while still tied to the chair.

or the time when two kids ran away from elan 3 and the strength sent after them from elan 7 beat the living shit out of them in the woods, and never told staff, how do i know, i was one of them( the strength).

or the time when one of the children there was sexually molested by a staff memeber and they covered it up by sending him to another house.....

the list keeps getting bigger....
and bigger.....
I remember a kid back in the 90's who did that..What was his name? Chris?...It was 91 or 92 and he had dreds and was in the corner his entire stay! He was in 7 then for some reason ended up in the corner of 3 and Marc took him into 3 cuz he was getting along with us all. He got out of the corner and ended up right back in the corner 1 or 2 days later..So much for a house switch for the better huh? He could barely walk when he ended up getting taken out by his dad cuz he had been in the corner for so long he got sick from lack of excercise and sunlight. Was his name craig? I forgot his fucking name! I hate that!
I heard Marc say to SP's to not talk to him, not humor him, etc..Marc started talking mad shit to him and calling him a fucking loser and saying he was going to die in the corner, his dad would never get him out, etc..In one second Marc went from being his best fucking friend to his worst enemy. He would feed him 1-2 hours later than everyone else, refuse his daily showers for 3-4 days at a time (he stunk), kept him in the stairwell going up to 3's mens dorms instead of in a room where there was a window and stimulation.
I went on an SP in 7 once during their gym time It was for a girl named Sherry or Chery whatever the spelling. She used to act out ALL the time! She gave every Sp holy hell. She said she would not act out if I was on her Sp so they put me on it. I liked the girl a lot she was mad cool. We were a lot alike. I talked to her the entire time and it went fast. I felt bad leaving her there. 7 sucked. As soon as her Sp came in the room she turned her chair into the corner and went mute. I wrote a vague report for her staff and said maybe she would do better in 7 if the ppl would lighten up a little bit and remember that they were in her posistion and that they were not staff but kids like her trying to survive in a rotten place. I got in SOOOO much trouble! Marc gave me a VR/TT personally! I almost got demoted to RR but I wangled my job back. You see Sherry had been on my Sp many times and I never fucked with her either cuz she was cool. I saved the shit for the Sp's from my house. Hypocrites!

His name was Jesse, don't remember his last name. I was on his sp we carried him from the B.O. to the coordinators restrained to the chair (actually tied to the chair with the restraints instead of handcuffed like they used to do) and he spit on my face so I dumped his fucking ass down the stairs, with the chair. He landed on the landing on his face with the chair on top of him, this was while the house was swimming at the lake, I was on his sp with another guy and pissed becuase I was missing all the female in their bathing suits.Guess what that nasty little shit never spit on me again.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)
« Reply #57 on: March 13, 2010, 01:55:25 AM »
From page 18, continued:

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#261 Post by Marty Crudelick » Mon Jun 18, 2007 12:37 pm
All of me-suhs brainwashed children dump corner people down stairs.
It is the way of the Crudelick.
#262 Post by Marty Crudelick » Mon Jun 18, 2007 12:39 pm
Also like to add.
After dumping corner people down the stairs, we then dump on them.
New policy effective June 1, 2007.
#263 Post by The Elan Reporter » Wed Jun 20, 2007 4:04 pm
I wonder if Elan holds rings in one of those buildings that they no longer use? Would make a great place for privacy away from the media?

I know what the luggage cabin *Old E-7* was used for, but how about the rest of the unoccupied buildings?
#264 Post by ok  » Fri Jun 22, 2007 11:34 pm
luggage cabins? were they off on the left hand side just down the path a bit?
If so those were the re-entry dorms back in my day.
#265 Post by java.gurl  » Mon Jun 25, 2007 1:50 am
Jesse huh? Yeah, that kid was a fuckin handfull. He came from some type of money. I was shocked his little game actually worked with his parents and they came and got him outta there.
He did not have a pleasant experience at Elan huh?
I would of dropped him too.
If a person spits on you for no reason then he deserved to be dropped.
What was the shower thing about though? Was that his doing or someone elses.
I felt bad for them SP's in that stairwell on a hot day!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)
« Reply #58 on: March 13, 2010, 01:56:50 AM »
From page 18, continued:

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#266 Post by Che Gookin » Sun Dec 02, 2007 12:31 am
Quote from: "Guest"
Some of you know that the current staff and former staff that worked and still do at Elan went through the program themselve's.

But the question is do you know why they were sent to Elan in the first place?

Jeffery Gottlieb was sent to Elan for drug abuse and other petty crimes which associate with drugs.He is a director up there to this date and has no qualifications to work with troubled teenagers except what he learned at Elan

Marc Rosenberg also another director was sent to Elan for the same reason's as Jeffery but never seemed to be able to stop his drug problem.The man even brings drugs to work with him and is an abuser towards females.Rosenberg was areested in the mid 90's for spousel abusive and possesion of a controlled dangerous substance.Great to know are kids are in such safe hands huh?

Martin Kruglik "Marty" was sent to Elan school for molesting a small child in the early 70's.He was facing a long jail term if he didn't attend Elan school.During his stay at Elan Marty and Joe Ricci became very good friends and Joe offered him a job to work there.After Marty completed Elan he feared for his life to go back home due to the nature of his outrageous crime.So he was more then happy to liv in Maine and work at Elan.

So do you still think Elan is a good place to send your kids?Before you decide to send them there, you should ask yourself, are my kids safe in the hands of these criminals that run this place?
And they let the dude work with kids?
#267 Post by java.gurl  » Mon Dec 03, 2007 3:55 am
:o :o :o

WOW! There are a shit load of skeletons in the closets of our old Elan teachers huh guys and gals?

I remember Marc's tales about growing up in Detroit. He was forever saying how he was a junkie in the gutter with a needle hanging out of his arm. It was a great image for us 12+ year old who had only seen a joint if that! Some Elan-ites saw the harder shit but no one was at Marc's level. No where fucking near his level that takes decades of hard core junkie-ism.

I wrote my dad once and said "How do needles hang out of your arms and not fall out and why do they hang in the first place"? I wondered about it.I had a lot of corner and GI time to think about the mundane things in life as a 15 y.o. It just was so weird for me to hear these stories and I was your basic semi-sheltered kid up to that point. Smoking pot a few times and a few drunks did not prepare me for the junkie tales Marc told! LOL. I was in awe. I also remember when he showed the house "Boys in the Hood" and gave a seminar on it for the "gangstas" in the house. Actually Jeffy boy was the "Gangsta Guru" for a white dude from Boston he knew a lot about gangs and stuff. Them white kids were wild in Boston back in the day. They (the kids) were all like "Yeah it's rough slingin drugs in the hood" I was like "HUH" I knew a few of them were the "real deal". Some were fakes, some were not. That is life. Even now that's the reality of the situation most of the time. I got me an edumacation in dat dere Elan place.

It's like rehab though, A lot of the counselors are formers druggies themselves and no one questions their credentials. Is that because they are not shaping and molding the minds of our future leaders? It must be different when it comes to people like Marty & Marc counseling kids and them being in a adult rehab for fellow junkies.

I think if our parents/guardians knew the real raw dog deal about these counselors and Elan we woulda been yanked outta there so fast our zits woulda fallen off! Then again maybe not. My dad always said (after the fact) why didn't you tell me the shit that happened there, I would of driven up there and yanked you out. I said "Dad they told you I would kill myself if you took me to my own Grandma's funeral that fell about 1 month before my kick out of Elan date, they needed to soak up the last drop of cash from our state". He was in shock about that place when he came up to get me and for a parent group. He pulled me to the side and said "Would they do anything if I just took you home?" I was like "Leave my SP here in downtown?!" He thought they'd come get her!! I told him to leave it be and I would be outta there real soon and I was. So it was all good.
#268 Post by Mister Pink » Fri Dec 07, 2007 6:12 pm
i remember that day I got out of that place.

:rofl: :D :lol:
#269 Post by The Elan Reporter » Fri Dec 07, 2007 6:30 pm
I remeber the time I spit in Krugliks lunch and brought it over to him at elan 1.

Never fuck with the people that handle your food Marty..

It's a shame I didn't urinate on it too, if I could go back in time I would.. :lol:
#270 Post by Eliscu2  » Sat Dec 08, 2007 4:48 am
"Jeffery Gottlieb was sent to Elan for drug abuse and other petty crimes which associate with drugs.He is a director up there to this date and has no qualifications to work with troubled teenagers except what he learned at Elan"

-Jeffery Gottlieb, I doubt you are reading this but Happy Channuka.
Jeff was my Brothers' director in 78 long before me.
He knew all about my Family and had my Father sized up for the Asshole he is already.
My Brother and I are both brutally honest.
My Brother had a "Mean Streak" ok he was an Ass too before and after Elan.
Jeff would come and get me out of the corner and the house.
NOBODY said shit to Jeff he would give them that GM look.
He would take me on a walk and say "Your Father is an Asshole, you do not belong here"
He would let me smoke, he even had my brand!
Most but not all of the Directors and staff left me alone or showed somethin special.
My peers were Brainwashed fucktards trying to graduate out of there on the pain and suffering of others.
Of course there were a few good souls among them I somehow got pictures!
Jim Lehman the Director of Elan6 was at Elan3 for some reason.
I was leaving soon so I hung out in the dining room of Elan3 and smoked, trying to not freak out.
I was standing by the backdoor,by the E-3 stage, when 13 year old Elaine H. came screaming
through the dining room. Ripping flesh from her beautiful young face at the same time.
Right behind her were 4-5 Guys ready to jump her. I turned around and my Eyes met Jims.
I started to shake and cry. They had the restraints with them. I lived in those things.
He took me outside.

Now Anne Flynn is a Bitch ass ho and Joanne Ginn too :rofl:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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