Author Topic: Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)  (Read 10670 times)

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Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)
« on: March 10, 2010, 03:14:16 AM »
Partial repost of material still available from Google's cache from the thread

    Hidden Elan School secrets[/list]

    This is a Copy and Paste. For practical considerations, 5 original posts have been consolidated into 1 repost; for ease in keeping track, posts have been numbered.

    From page 1 (originally 19 pages, ?275 posts):

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    #1 Post by Guest  » Wed Jun 19, 2002 7:45 pm
    Some of you know that the current staff and former staff that worked and still do at Elan went through the program themselve's.
    But the question is do you know why they were sent to Elan in the first place?

    Jeffery Gottlieb was sent to Elan for drug abuse and other petty crimes which associate with drugs.He is a director up there to this date and has no qualifications to work with troubled teenagers except what he learned at Elan

    Marc Rosenberg also another director was sent to Elan for the same reason's as Jeffery but never seemed to be able to stop his drug problem.The man even brings drugs to work with him and is an abuser towards females.Rosenberg was areested in the mid 90's for spousel abusive and possesion of a controlled dangerous substance.Great to know are kids are in such safe hands huh?

    Martin Kruglik "Marty" was sent to Elan school for molesting a small child in the early 70's.He was facing a long jail term if he didn't attend Elan school.During his stay at Elan Marty and Joe Ricci became very good friends and Joe offered him a job to work there.After Marty completed Elan he feared for his life to go back home due to the nature of his outrageous crime.So he was more then happy to liv in Maine and work at Elan.

    So do you still think Elan is a good place to send your kids?Before you decide to send them there, you should ask yourself, are my kids safe in the hands of these criminals that run this place?
    #2 Post by Guest  » Wed Aug 28, 2002 10:59 am
    how about the guy who used to piss shit and throw up in his hands and then throw it on people.

    or the time they tied him to the chair with restaints and then his sp's dumped him down the stairs while still tied to the chair.

    or the time when two kids ran away from elan 3 and the strength sent after them from elan 7 beat the living shit out of them in the woods, and never told staff, how do i know, i was one of them( the strength).

    or the time when one of the children there was sexually molested by a staff memeber and they covered it up by sending him to another house.....

    the list keeps getting bigger....
    and bigger.....
    #3 Post by Guest  » Sun Dec 22, 2002 6:52 pm
    "or the time when one of the children there was sexually molested by a staff memeber and they covered it up by sending him to another house..... "

    Would this staff member have the name Marty Kruglik?If a male was molested then that sounds like the work of Martin Kruglik.
    If it was a female student who got molested then that would be th work of Linda Roy."Fuckin Dike"

    This was this feamle resident there at my time that got pregnant by one of the councilers and they gave her a speedy graduation.The counciler was let go and nothing every came of it.I beleive that the female student was 18 yrs old, so i guess Elan saw nothing wrong with it because she was an adult.

    Every one of the staff members that work there have a shady back ground,some are very serious.Why parents send their kids there and leave them in the care of these people I will never know.

    You know it's just a matter of time before Marty's sexual erges kick in and he goes after another male student.I think all the male and feamle students should be issued mace in case a staff member becomes sexual frustrated and rapes them.
    #4 Post by davbetz  » Sat Jan 11, 2003 11:29 am
    This couldn't possibly be the same Elan I was at in the 80's.Allthough what you mentioned was not appropriate, Much worse things happened there. I witnessed a close fried die in the boxing ring. Phil was a Coordinator Trainee,who complained of headaches. The Staff felt he was malingering so as not have to be C.O.D. and give haircuts from the incident book. it all boiled down to a GM and Phil was put into the ring. after 2 rounds, he fell to the floor, started vomiting and was dead. The next day, they had that hack they called a nurse come tell us he died of an anorism. There were far too many attrocities for me to post here, People on house rejection in the dead of winter, people scrubbing out dumpsters with tooth brushes. And a post above told of "strengths" beating a splitee. This was a common practice. Trackers were give what was called "open physical violence" against anyone who ran away. The house I was in was Elan 7 aka the State house. Many degrading and yes abusive things happened there. Even when you walked in the door, you were made to clean toilets with your bare hands. It was like being thrust into an alien world. I'll agree, there was some "bad" staff there, but remember, they didn't do much of the dirty work, they had us, the residents to run the asylum.

    I hope things have gotten better there. They used to call themselves the "Last Resort". It's like no resort I ever want to return to..... :skull:

    What are politicians going to tell people when the Constitution is gone and we still have a drug problem?
    --William Simpson
    #5 Post by Guest  » Tue Feb 18, 2003 12:37 pm
    You are a fucking idiot. The people who run the school may have fucked up backgrounds, even though i know Marty never raped a kid, but who cares? They saved my life. Just because you were too big of a pansy to make it through the program and someone hurt your petty feelings doesnt mean you have the right to degrade them. And for the guy who said your friend died of an aneurism from the ring, please please please. Spare me. One student died from Meningitis, maybe that was him. But i have a feeling that if Elan KILLED someone, well there would be some legal issues you liar. That is what all of you are, liars. So grow up and leave people alone, it HURTS FEELINGS.
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Offline Ursus

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    Re: Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)
    « Reply #1 on: March 10, 2010, 03:17:27 AM »
    From page 1, continued:

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    #6 Post by Guest  » Wed Feb 19, 2003 12:16 am
    Where do you get the impression that these folks didn't graduate?
    #7 Post by Guest  » Fri Feb 21, 2003 11:53 am
    Blame. A strong word. Who can you blame? Create a mathematical equation blame=who? Blame Elan. Blame your parents? Blame yourself for getting yourself put into Elan through your own actions? Blame your Grand parents for having your parents and in turn you. Truth is there is no one to blame. Perhaps the people who go to Elan are there for another reason. Perhaps it served as a holding tank, so those inside could aviod another possible destiny. Perhaps if they hadn't been in Elan they would have done something that would have got them killed on the outside. Perhaps, this was all part of a grand plan, someone else's plan for us. Keep a diary, maybe it will help you to unlock the secrets of your own twisted life. Truth is, every where yo go there you are. When you turn around, your all alone.

    Elan's purpose was to change people and change people it did. I saw kids come in as something, and leave as something completely different. It was unbelievable but later on in college psychology it reminded me of Pavlov's dog. Good or bad I don't know. I still lack the self- confidence to judge for my self. I guess Peter Rowe was right when he said to me " you cannot compete with everyone". I didn't see life as a competition then, and i still don't today. Perhaps, competiton is whats wrong with society. If we could all help each other instead of trying to one-up one another, we could all get a lot further together.
    #8 Post by Guest  » Sat Feb 22, 2003 6:38 am
    you state that elan's purpose was to change people and it did.

    There are people in prison,there are people who roam the earth as emotional cripples,and there are some people that are dead. All for having been "changed" by elan .

    I beg to differ with you as to what elan's purpose was .elan's purpose was to make money ,at the expense of the aforementioned people,and many others

    ricci and his confederates got very wealthy by running the biggest scam on parents and states ,while psychologically and physically abusing the people that were intrusted to them (to save ). It is a sad that ricci is not alive to have all this reality shoved down his throat as he is led to prison .

    There is still hope (closure) that elan will be shotdown and his (ricci's) cretins that are still alive that ran it, will be put in prison for the rest of their natural ,and hopefully long lives.

    kruglik,gotlieb,zaretzky,mccann will be judged (eventually)and may God have mercy on their souls.Yet it would be nice to see them get long prison sentances before that time arrives (closure)at least for me.

    #9 Post by Guest  » Sat Feb 22, 2003 12:31 pm
    I would like to see Marty executed by a firing squad.After all he did rape a 9 year old boy and sodomize him.Who knows how many other vitums are out there.
    #10 Post by Guest  » Thu Feb 27, 2003 3:47 pm
    I was messing around on the computer and just happened to come across this section on elan. now i call myself "realness" cause that is exsactly the same thing that elan could not stand about me i refused to fall in that trap that i saw when i first entered that hell hole. i was a resident of elan and i left there finally after 3 years but not with some stupid ass graduation (which is cheep as fuck considering that the fuking place cost so much to be there) and some phony ass dipolma. i left that bitch with something and the only thing that will benifit me in the future a high school dipolma, which not to mention the school there is currupt as shit. i have seen the most stupid people that could not even read get diplomas. all the staff at that place hated me they did not trust me they could not stand me and they practically handed me my diploma (which i bairley did shit in school to get it but thats ok cause i always been street smart and have been through so much shit in my life thats why i saw right threw the fake shit elan tried to throw at me)and kicked me out. they even moved my release date up one month because they wanted me out.
    I read through some of the shit that people put on this and some of it is stupid shit that if anybody would believe it is just fuking stupid and to all those people that keep putting that shit down grow the fuck up and get a life cause i know what your doing but your it wrong so let me show you how to do this, kid! dont lie just tell the truth about the fuking place that is all you need to do cause the place is fuked up. now i wish i could reveal who i am but for some reason i have a feeling that pete rowe faggot ass (i might not have time to put all the shit about pete rowe but if you really want to know respond to me i will tell you how he was fuking a girl named Cary Fabaini and i will explain it to you in detail then you can tell me what you think!)is reading this shit to see what is said about him and all the other staff and after reading this there jaws will drop and then they will see that the "Realness" has been exposed. This is directly to pete "you did always sat that it comes out in the wash, HAHA!!!) i know every thing about How pete fuked a staff named Tracy who was under the caring hands of pete when she was a resident i know about deb the staff that was just a fuking slut that fuked all the staff and two residents Ryan Blair and the famous Al Gould (you know petes ass budy that pete sweet his balls all day long and talk about him but really pete and Al were huge contracts and i could tell you more that that too!) and if you wonder how do i know all this shit is cause there was a point were i pretended that i was invested in the program and pete and me were cool as shit and then when me and him really started to know eachother that is when i saw what pete was really about it did not really surpise me because i always knew that there was some shady shit behind the scene. So if you dont believe me ask me anything that went down in elan from 1998-2001. and to those pussy motherfuckers that catch feelings reading this talking about how elan saved your life and that i dont know what the fuck i am talking about suck a dick. elan works for some peole mabey for you but not me elan could not handel "realness". i know someone out there wants to know who i am but i am going to let the exposed people suffer bitch. i am like 50 cent i am going to bring a cange to this shit call "THE ELAN SCOOL".

    This should refresh someones memory, Guess whos back? a member of the "FAM"

    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Offline Ursus

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    Re: Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)
    « Reply #2 on: March 10, 2010, 03:18:46 AM »
    From page 1, continued:

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    #11 Post by Guest  » Thu Feb 27, 2003 3:47 pm
    I was messing around on the computer and just happened to come across this section on elan. now i call myself "realness" cause that is exsactly the same thing that elan could not stand about me i refused to fall in that trap that i saw when i first entered that hell hole. i was a resident of elan and i left there finally after 3 years but not with some stupid ass graduation (which is cheep as fuck considering that the fuking place cost so much to be there) and some phony ass dipolma. i left that bitch with something and the only thing that will benifit me in the future a high school dipolma, which not to mention the school there is currupt as shit. i have seen the most stupid people that could not even read get diplomas. all the staff at that place hated me they did not trust me they could not stand me and they practically handed me my diploma (which i bairley did shit in school to get it but thats ok cause i always been street smart and have been through so much shit in my life thats why i saw right threw the fake shit elan tried to throw at me)and kicked me out. they even moved my release date up one month because they wanted me out.
    I read through some of the shit that people put on this and some of it is stupid shit that if anybody would believe it is just fuking stupid and to all those people that keep putting that shit down grow the fuck up and get a life cause i know what your doing but your it wrong so let me show you how to do this, kid! dont lie just tell the truth about the fuking place that is all you need to do cause the place is fuked up. now i wish i could reveal who i am but for some reason i have a feeling that pete rowe faggot ass (i might not have time to put all the shit about pete rowe but if you really want to know respond to me i will tell you how he was fuking a girl named Cary Fabaini and i will explain it to you in detail then you can tell me what you think!)is reading this shit to see what is said about him and all the other staff and after reading this there jaws will drop and then they will see that the "Realness" has been exposed. This is directly to pete "you did always sat that it comes out in the wash, HAHA!!!) i know every thing about How pete fuked a staff named Tracy who was under the caring hands of pete when she was a resident i know about deb the staff that was just a fuking slut that fuked all the staff and two residents Ryan Blair and the famous Al Gould (you know petes ass budy that pete sweet his balls all day long and talk about him but really pete and Al were huge contracts and i could tell you more that that too!) and if you wonder how do i know all this shit is cause there was a point were i pretended that i was invested in the program and pete and me were cool as shit and then when me and him really started to know eachother that is when i saw what pete was really about it did not really surpise me because i always knew that there was some shady shit behind the scene. So if you dont believe me ask me anything that went down in elan from 1998-2001. and to those pussy motherfuckers that catch feelings reading this talking about how elan saved your life and that i dont know what the fuck i am talking about suck a dick. elan works for some peole mabey for you but not me elan could not handel "realness". i know someone out there wants to know who i am but i am going to let the exposed people suffer bitch. i am like 50 cent i am going to bring a cange to this shit call "THE ELAN SCOOL".

    This should refresh someones memory, Guess whos back? a member of the "FAM"

    #12 Post by Maren  » Sat Mar 01, 2003 1:17 am
    #13 Post by Guest  » Sat Mar 01, 2003 3:04 pm
    to whoever put the above statement has no fucking clue what they are talking about why dont you state your name so "realness" can get a peice mother fucker!!!
    #14 Post by Guest  » Tue Mar 04, 2003 4:16 am
    On 2003-02-27 07:47:00, Anonymous wrote:
    "I was messing around on the computer and just happened to come across this section on elan. now i call myself "realness" cause that is exsactly the same thing that elan could not stand about me i refused to fall in that trap that i saw when i first entered that hell hole. i was a resident of elan and i left there finally after 3 years but not with some stupid ass graduation (which is cheep as fuck considering that the fuking place cost so much to be there) and some phony ass dipolma. i left that bitch with something and the only thing that will benifit me in the future a high school dipolma, which not to mention the school there is currupt as shit. i have seen the most stupid people that could not even read get diplomas. all the staff at that place hated me they did not trust me they could not stand me and they practically handed me my diploma (which i bairley did shit in school to get it but thats ok cause i always been street smart and have been through so much shit in my life thats why i saw right threw the fake shit elan tried to throw at me)and kicked me out. they even moved my release date up one month because they wanted me out.
    I read through some of the shit that people put on this and some of it is stupid shit that if anybody would believe it is just fuking stupid and to all those people that keep putting that shit down grow the fuck up and get a life cause i know what your doing but your it wrong so let me show you how to do this, kid! dont lie just tell the truth about the fuking place that is all you need to do cause the place is fuked up. now i wish i could reveal who i am but for some reason i have a feeling that pete rowe faggot ass (i might not have time to put all the shit about pete rowe but if you really want to know respond to me i will tell you how he was fuking a girl named Cary Fabaini and i will explain it to you in detail then you can tell me what you think!)is reading this shit to see what is said about him and all the other staff and after reading this there jaws will drop and then they will see that the "Realness" has been exposed. This is directly to pete "you did always sat that it comes out in the wash, HAHA!!!) i know every thing about How pete fuked a staff named Tracy who was under the caring hands of pete when she was a resident i know about deb the staff that was just a fuking slut that fuked all the staff and two residents Ryan Blair and the famous Al Gould (you know petes ass budy that pete sweet his balls all day long and talk about him but really pete and Al were huge contracts and i could tell you more that that too!) and if you wonder how do i know all this shit is cause there was a point were i pretended that i was invested in the program and pete and me were cool as shit and then when me and him really started to know eachother that is when i saw what pete was really about it did not really surpise me because i always knew that there was some shady shit behind the scene. So if you dont believe me ask me anything that went down in elan from 1998-2001. and to those pussy motherfuckers that catch feelings reading this talking about how elan saved your life and that i dont know what the fuck i am talking about suck a dick. elan works for some peole mabey for you but not me elan could not handel "realness". i know someone out there wants to know who i am but i am going to let the exposed people suffer bitch. i am like 50 cent i am going to bring a cange to this shit call "THE ELAN SCOOL".

    This should refresh someones memory, Guess whos back? a member of the "FAM"

    cary fabiani is such a whore. i actually feel bad that she had to fuck pete rowe in the coordinators thatt fine sunday afternoon. let's be serious. how often have you seen pete rowe come in on a sunday. cary!!!! get your shit together.
    #15 Post by Guest  » Tue Mar 04, 2003 4:32 am
    i just wanted to let people know that that ronnie dorsa is the sexiest man i ever laid eyes on. if any body else feels this way. pleas say something
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Re: Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)
    « Reply #3 on: March 10, 2010, 03:46:54 AM »
    From page 2:

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    #16 Post by Guest  » Tue Mar 04, 2003 4:39 am
    i'll tell you my name if you tell me yours.
    #17 Post by Guest  » Tue Mar 04, 2003 5:22 am
    hey, this m.kyle hart and ronnie dorsa from the infamous family. we found this site today from our good friend danny lavelle. ronnie and myself really hope that didn't happen cary.Talia me and ronnie love you sweetie. hey marv, we love you man!!! hey cary, we hope your doing good. danny prager , we all know that you lied about everything in there except how touched your little sister and sucked dick for coke, we know all about it you disgusting fagggot. nobody likes you. hey kate birney, ronnie wants my sloppy seconds and he wants you to move out to new york that was the nastiest thing i've ever done. please get yourself together, your fowl. does anybody miss us???lavelle says hi!!to pete rowe:i'm on my second semester of college and i'm already more successful than you. ronnie says:your not hard just because you listen to rap pete and i'll kick the shit out of you(except for kyle) no one liked you you fucking poser. .also, chinese lettering tattoos went out in the early nineties brotha.FROM KYLE: to pete and tonia and everyone else. i'm doing great!!!!i'm sorry to disappoint you that i'm not dead or jail yet but wat can i say. i'm the fucking greatest ramrod of kitchen ever to come there.and to all the people that were always there for me and saved my life, you know who you are. i love ya me and ronnie both know the reason your on marv's dick. does ten grand a month sound familiar.Ronnie would like to give a shout out to all the hoes in the female dorms .
    #18 Post by ehm  » Tue Mar 04, 2003 5:38 am
    #19 Post by Guest  » Tue Mar 04, 2003 9:36 pm
    no, that's just the way i am. what did you go there for. oh yeah , being a slutty whore. you know our name, what's your's you dirty cunt. sporto? yeah, your cool
    #20 Post by Guest  » Thu Apr 03, 2003 10:35 am
    hey kyle how the fuck are you man?its Andrina, :rofl: this website is funny as hell.
    if anyone wants to mingle email me at [email protected]
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Re: Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)
    « Reply #4 on: March 10, 2010, 03:47:45 AM »
    From page 2, continued:

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    #21 Post by Powerful Attitude » Fri Apr 04, 2003 6:05 am
    I'm not from ELAN, can't even say I know what the hell it's all about. I assume it is some deranged place that no one cares to do anything about, and who the hell expects anyone to help. I can gather that you all are fresh meat, I mean, just got out of whatever the hell it was. How about you assholes filling me in about ELAN cause it really seems to have fucked you up. Yeah, I thought I would check out ELAN, see what the hell it was all about, but I ended up finding some really stupid shit from some really ignorant, young, dumb, mother fuckers who can?t see shit. My point is why don?t ya?ll tell me about this f------place instead of cussing each other out, because I would really like to hear about it. Comprehension Mother Fuckers? I forgot to write stupid in front of that. I guess y?all will get the point here shortly. I came here to take the heat if you want to cuss at someone just to ventilate, you prick, and well here I am. Bring it on Punk. You really sound like some young ass punks talking that smack. Can?t even say you know the taste. If there are any sensible humans among you, please post something intelligent. Or else I will have to make a post for all you called ?fucking idiots?. Some of your posts are just sick, black, and demented. Who in the hell is talking to you up there? Comprehension? Lay off your brothers and sisters .

    Seriously, tell me about ELAN. And post something worth wanting to look at cause I can?t even tell what you?re all about.

    When I first got out of the dungeon, I sounded like an insane man, too
    #22 Post by dterrel  » Mon Apr 07, 2003 6:54 pm
    I'll tell you a little about this place. Elan is a place for teen-agers who have little to no respect for authority. They attempt to try to change our lives, partly, but ultimately, Elan forces us to change each other. As far as I am concerned, I hated the place, but I tried to fake it so that I could get out. It would not have worked, had the court order not have already expired when I turned 18, but since I WAS 19 when I graduated, they knew that I had to get the hell out of Dodge. I was only an coordinator trainee, and everyone thought that I would fail when I left. They were right, temporarily. I failed miserably, getting kicked out of Iowa State University for grades, mostly because of the drinking and the fraternity (Theta Xi,) but that is just an excuse. What I really needed, Elan could not give to me. I just needed to grow up, experience life myself, I always pick myself up somehow.

    I do want the world to know that Elan isn't as bad as everyone says it is, because I did see a lot of people leave there that really made a positive change in their lives. The cost of living there is pricey, but if that is what it takes for some people to change, so be it. There are bad people there, people that really have no chance to be anything but criminals, but at least graduating from Elan gives them a faint glimmer of hope for something differant. The one thing that really makes me mad about Elan is the fact that when a person leaves/graduates from there, after 24 to 30 months of intense supervision, when you leave you have no direction as to what the hell you want to do. I wanted to go to school, mostly because I am really smart, and I was harassed about how smart I was by everyone. I went to school at that time for them, not for me. If there was a way to change that, it would be great, but unfortunately, change, for the most part, is a horrendous event to undertake.

    Just so that you know, I am back in school now, and I graduate in June, and start grad school in september. I have a great GPA, and I am actively involved in the Student Senate, Student Tutoring Services, Best Buddies of Iowa, Blood Center Events Coordination, I bartend 12-16 hours a week, and I am an administrative assistant for the Iowa DNR full time. I have got my shit together, I just needed to do it for me, not anyone else.

    Reply at [email protected]
    #23 Post by Powerful Attitude » Tue Apr 08, 2003 4:02 am
    On 2003-04-07 11:54:00, dterrel wrote:

    "I'll tell you a little about this place.
    Thanks a lot for some insight. I'm impressed you didn't respond badly to my statements. Very impressive! What kind of tight supervision were you under? 24--30 months is a killer. Were all subjected to this time frame? I can understand "fakin' it" you had to, always looking to the day of freedom. That's just the way it was. Apply or die inside. Good move on the education. I'd like to hear a little more about how you survived, it sounds like you have some direction. Talk to you later.
    #24 Post by dterrel  » Mon Apr 14, 2003 8:47 pm
    On 2003-04-07 21:02:00, Powerful Attitude wrote:

    What kind of tight supervision were you under? 24--30 months is a killer.
    Every day, awake at 8:00, asleep at 12:00. Rarely away from staff supervision. NO CONTACT BETWEEN MALE and FEMALE (this includes both physical and emotional)!!! This was the killer, and way painful, hopefully I am not the only one that agrees! When people ask about where I went to high school, I let them either look for themselves on the elan website, or if it is someone that I really do not care about, I tell them that it was like a military school. This, for all intensive purposes, is a lie, but if you were to compare the differences between elan and a military school, you will see quite a bit of similarities. If we are bad, we get PT (Physical Training) and are forced to "GI" everything (from toilets, sinks, floors, once, peter rowe left someone in the toilets GI'ing for about eight hours, talk about cruelty!) Sometimes, if you break a serious enough rule, you get "in a ring" with a guy that is obviously bigger than you, much like being confronted by drill sarge! There are "rats" and "finks" there as well, who seem to pleasure in your pain/misfortune, I'd like to call them MP's. There is a "headcount" of the people, this occurs EVERY TEN MINUTES during certain times of the day. There are guards (who are not the smartest people in the world, by the way ***NIGHTOWL MAKE A RUN PLEASE!!***) and they are stationed in each house at night, and sentry around the campus. The thing is, that it is necessary to take all of these precautions, because, like me, there were a lot of court ordered people there who were a great flight-risk and there are several accounts in which someone ran from Elan and either died or was raped, or never heard from again. Although I would have never run (I enjoy life more than freedom), there was one instance in which someone from our house ran (Nick Thompson) and that was a big reality check for all those people that were involved in that incident.

    I can't stress enough how hard it was for 99% of the people that were there, as it is an experience that would sober a 25-year drug addiction in less than a week flat. There is one more thing that I would like to point out. "Image." I hated that shit. "Oh, that's your image coming out," or "You need to stop imaging out!" Man, that shit was the most annoying demand that anyone could have possibly placed. Some people (will not say any names, Rick Diaz) had a big problem with this, but in no sense at all was this a legitimate demand on someone. If we wanted to be more accurate, people should have said "be yourself, not what you think others will like." There was an incident that sticks out in my mind, to explain this better. A friend, Whitney long, has always been a big fan of classic rock (greatful dead, pink floyd, etc.) and I really do not see anything wrong with this. He is excellent at drawing. Part of the work that we were required to do was to put artwork on posterboard saying something specific about the area of the house that you work in. Whitney had a CD case (I think it was the case for Shakedown Street, Greatful Dead) and this had a really detailed drawing of a 3D street and other things as well (NO DRUG REFERENCES, A CERTAIN STAFF LIED ABOUT THIS TO TANYA S!) Whitney drew and colored this as his artwork, and these guys took whitney's position for it, and made him admit that he made drug references when he didn't. This was quite possibly the best piece of art that I ever saw at Elan, but they hated him because he could draw?! They shot him down because of a stupid drawing, which "brought out his image." Just because he likes the music. You know what, I like metal. I really, really like Metal. I had APPROPRIATE (no swearing, drug references, etc.) cd's that were taken away, yet others could have tupac, biggie, etc. These guys would always make Matt Webb (another person that likes metal, even more than I do) be my roommate. I didn't mind that, because we were the only two people (in the entire complex, i think) that like metal. We sort of had a little contract (comfortability issue). What I cannot believe is that they were angry at us because of the contract, like they did not set us up to fail in the first place. This idiot (who was in charge of the dorm charts) didn't like me, as I have always been a smart-ass, and non-conformist. I didn't "fit-in" with his master plan.

    In other words, at elan, the people who are the most successful are the ones that pretend, until they are out. In real life, people have personality traits that sometimes take on the form of the culture that they grew up in. It is not "image" or "contracting out," I wish that people could discern between the two. The other type of person who does well is on one of Peter Rowe's sports teams. I have never seen favoritism in such an extreme case as I see in these people who are atheletes. Man, you remember your star, your diamond in the rough? Remember mr rick diaz? I think a little bird told me that he's not doing so well. Won't say as to the extent, but where's you star now, Mr. Rowe? If you should ever read this, I want you to know that out of all the staff I had the pleasure dealing with, I hate you. I would rather be on fear factor with a funnel in my mouth feeding me human excrement than to see you again. I used to have a picture of you that I have glued to my dart board at home, and for the first six months after elan, it would give me great pleasure throwing a dart through your head (it gave me a bullseye!)

    Anywho, that is more negative than I have been in a few months, I should stop while I am ahead!

    Peace, love and all those things! I hope that all elan survivors are doing well, go bucs!

    Ps. Is elan seven not the greatest house in the world? I don't remember ever losing a carnival while I was there, did we (1995-1997)? I hope everyone is doing well!

    ~Doug Terrel~
    #25 Post by Guest  » Tue Apr 15, 2003 5:38 pm
    Your a fucking faggot Doug Yeah Elan 7 rules. Congratulations on the Carnivals you stupid fucking rat. :wstupid:
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Re: Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)
    « Reply #5 on: March 10, 2010, 03:49:09 AM »
    From page 2, continued:

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    #26 Post by Guest  » Wed Apr 16, 2003 6:25 am
    who are you???? if you were in the fam.....I want to know who you are e-mail me [email protected]
    #27 Post by Guest  » Thu Apr 17, 2003 5:09 am
    kyle hope you are really doin as well as you say you are, and if you are keep it up....
    people wondered what ever happened to you

    from fellow peer in nj from elan7
    #28 Post by Guest  » Tue Apr 22, 2003 1:02 pm
    #29 Post by Guest  » Tue Apr 22, 2003 10:04 pm
    man I totally forgot about the "shakedown Street" envelope sign out. That was a big load of horse shit. I was "taking pride" in my dept. and lost my job for it. Do you remember when they put me in broadcasting and I had to do the morning report. Tania was always denying my song selection but was too dumb to realize all the dead offshoot bands I snuck by her. Good Times, yeah right. And the whole pete playing favorites thing is way too true. Take it from me and teddy, the worst asthmatics in elan, sorry that I am not athletically inclined. Pete set my grad date back by 16 months , milking yet another 200 g's that my dad didn't have. As twisted as the reality of being a "resident" was, I feel bad for the staff who ever try to leave, having such guilt weighing down their conscience. And doug, don't forget teds music ban (no phish, dead) I think he was down to listening to the top 40 for a while. Who has the right to tell you what vibrations ccan enter your ear canal? Oh I forgot...elan, remember that piece of paper you signed on day 1 at elan 1. I will be compiling some information about elan past and present,anyone who has a story to tell, email me this is your chance to be heard. write me at EnozLihpEht(at) Of course replace (at) with @ but Im sure you all knew that. Please write from your point of view, first person, everyone is guaranteed anonymity or credit which ever you choose. thanks and everyone take care.
    #30 Post by Guest  » Tue Apr 22, 2003 10:08 pm
    Oh yeah, i FORGOT, imagine that! This is WHIT LONG youll be sending your stories to, I have not one enemy from elan, anyone who knows me knows Im honest and kind, write me with the confidence that your stories will not be altered, except for grammatical errors and spelling. Hope to hear from you. Take care Ya'll.
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Re: Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)
    « Reply #6 on: March 10, 2010, 10:12:07 AM »
    From page 3:

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    #31 Post by Guest  » Tue Apr 22, 2003 10:11 pm
    sorry one more thing- enozlihpeht is simply "the phil zone" backwards if anyone gets confused (listen to the music play) peace.
    #32 Post by davbetz  » Thu Apr 24, 2003 7:58 am
    Listen you little snert, who ever said I was a liar and an idiot, you couldn't find you ass with both hands. Your obviously "brainwashed" to feel something like that never happened.
    I was there, saw must be one of the products of the "New Improved Elan". A person, Phil Williams, died in the ring. I obviously can't convince your myopic mind, so I won't bother.
    Next time, you have something to say to me, E-Mail me, [email protected]
    #34 Post by Guest  » Wed Apr 30, 2003 7:00 am
    danny lavelle and mark de victoria live five minutes from me in tampa. i see them often. i knew i would do well. who are you. whoever you are i hope your doing well. kyle hart
    #35 Post by Guest  » Wed Apr 30, 2003 7:08 am
    for anyone who want's to know. i finish my first year of college next week. and me and dan lavelle live down in tampa.i knew i would do fine
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)
    « Reply #7 on: March 10, 2010, 10:15:14 AM »
    From page 3, continued:

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    #36 Post by Guest  » Fri May 09, 2003 1:57 pm
    I was in Elan when Phil died in the ring.
    There were many fucked up things that happened at Elan. I find it strange that in the past 3 years so many Elan "residents" from the late 70's and 80's have died, commited suicide, ended up incarcerated or having their lifes fall apart.
    Especially if they told the truth about the abuses at Elan! Hi Dave I remember you!!
    Glad to see you are still alive, you were always a nice guy.I would like to know what the FAM is and what they plan to do about injustice??? :evil:
    #37 Post by Guest  » Sun May 11, 2003 6:55 am
    "When Phil died in the ring" ??

    Ive stood by and watched the bullshit and constant lies for quite some time, but this one tops them all.
    Phil didnt die in the ring, Phil died from an anurism which he was born with. A ticking time bomb. Coincidentally he was in the ring for a short time prior to his death. He was not placed in the ring against his will.
    The state of Maine medical examiner performed an autopsy which confirmed the cause of death and the death certificate stated ANURISM. Nothing to do with physical abuse, a physical confrontation or otherwise.

    This site is a farce. a few reasons why:
    Posting anonomously
    No regard for the truth
    BIASED board owners/mods
    The simple fact that its exsistance is of a negative motivation. And more

    There are some really fucked up people here, but then again, theres some people who want others to simply THINK they are fucked up.

    What a joke this place is. A stressful, negative unpleasant place to fabricate stories, say the most outrageous things you can think of, and piss and moan about a place you DESERVED to be for being the people you were, and in most cases, still ARE.

    P. S.
    Open ANY year book from ANY school, public or private, and the same "death, suicide, incarcerated..." stats will apply.
    Elan isnt the source of the problems we all face after leaving, SOCIETY IS! deal with it.

    If you feel bad about being in an allegedly abusive environment, GET HELP!, there are many many resources for help...THIS FUCKING FARCE WEBSITE (developed by a former, self proclaimed "abused person") IS NOT ADEQUATE FOR PROVIDING THE HELP YOU MIGHT NEED...nor is anyone here qualified to offer help.

    P.S.S. Ginger, with your infinite wisdom and
    knowledge, shouldnt this be an OBVIOUS OBSERVATION?
    #38 Post by dterrel  » Tue May 13, 2003 4:19 pm
    Too many people are trying to make this place seem like it was a problem. If so, then why wasn't it shut down after that whole ordeal a couple of years ago? Obviously the state of Illinois agrees that Elan is a good place to send people that are in a "last resort" situation, as I was court-ordered to matriculate there.

    I agree, it was hard and sucked because it took away a lot of freedoms that we had. Elan didn't, however, take away all of our freedoms... we did that to ourselves by acting the way we acted in high school! Get over it! I would like to hear about a forum for Elan graduates that does require people to log in to post, as I would like to see how some of my peers are doing now.

    I have a hard time believing that all these people are this angry at elan as a system. Are you really angry at elan, or are you angry at the world? As Corey Taylor says; "Do you serve purposely, or do you purposely serve?" Are you the type that makes things happen, or are you the type that things happen to? Obviously if you have no time to look at the positives, and truths of life, you will never learn from them, and never grow up. I see these people that graduated from Elan at the same time as I did, making fun of people like Fred K or Peter M and to this I have to say that if you have nothing better to do than this, I want to know how many people in this world consider you a friend? I personally do not know anyone that would want me to be their friend after I vented like that on someone like this. Especially behind their backs (anonymous posting.)

    As I close out, I want everyone to consider one final thought; "live like you have one day left to live, and play like you will never play again. After all of that is gone, you will regret not living life to the fullest. Carpe Dium."
    #39 Post by Bad Muther Fucker (Ezekie » Thu May 15, 2003 2:30 pm
    On 2003-05-10 23:55:00, Anonymous wrote:

    ""When Phil died in the ring" ??

    Ive stood by and watched the bullshit and constant lies for quite some time, but this one tops them all.
    Phil didnt die in the ring, Phil died from an anurism which he was born with. A ticking time bomb. Coincidentally he was in the ring for a short time prior to his death. He was not placed in the ring against his will.
    The state of Maine medical examiner performed an autopsy which confirmed the cause of death and the death certificate stated ANURISM. Nothing to do with physical abuse, a physical confrontation or otherwise.

    This site is a farce. a few reasons why:
    Posting anonomously
    No regard for the truth
    BIASED board owners/mods
    The simple fact that its exsistance is of a negative motivation.
    And more

    There are some really fucked up people here, but then again, theres some people who want others to simply THINK they are fucked up.

    What a joke this place is. A stressful, negative unpleasant place to fabricate stories, say the most outrageous things you can think of, and piss and moan about a place you DESERVED to be for being the people you were, and in most cases, still ARE.

    P. S.
    Open ANY year book from ANY school, public or private, and the same "death, suicide, incarcerated..." stats will apply.
    Elan isnt the source of the problems we all face after leaving, SOCIETY IS! deal with it.

    If you feel bad about being in an allegedly abusive environment, GET HELP!, there are many many resources for help...THIS FUCKING FARCE WEBSITE (developed by a former, self proclaimed "abused person") IS NOT ADEQUATE FOR PROVIDING THE HELP YOU MIGHT NEED...nor is anyone here qualified to offer help.

    P.S.S. Ginger, with your infinite wisdom and
    knowledge, shouldnt this be an OBVIOUS OBSERVATION?"
    You're wrong. You're also a dickless moron.
    Just an observation.
    #40 Post by Guest  » Sun May 18, 2003 6:18 am
    hey good come-back "sad mother fucker"... you're such a pansy
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Re: Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)
    « Reply #8 on: March 10, 2010, 10:17:18 AM »
    From page 3, continued:

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    #41 Post by Bad Muther Fucker (Ezekie » Sun May 18, 2003 2:41 pm
    On 2003-05-17 23:18:00, Anonymous wrote:

    "hey good come-back "sad mother fucker"... you're such a pansy
    This site is a farce. a few reasons why:

    Posting anonomously

    No regard for the truth

    BIASED board owners/mods

    The simple fact that its exsistance is of a negative motivation.
    It's called the first amendment COW.
    Why don't you buy yourself a big black dildo and cram it up that tight fat ass-hole of yours. Meanwhile, I'll wait here. I want pictures.
    #42 Post by Guest  » Sun May 18, 2003 5:11 pm
    Another brilliant rebuttal from the sad mother fucker.

    Get a life retard, you ARE a liar ("be careful"?.. :rofl: ) fuckin liar... In one post you say you were not in Elan, yet you say I am wrong about Phil? I was there dumbass...uhh, how the fuck would you know? And how would you know a thing about Becky?

    You are trully pathetic.
    As far as my name is concerned, I wouldnt think of embarassing myself by telling everyone who it is wasting thier time bickering with your sick ass.

    Help clean up this internet scumbag...NO FURTHER REPLIES TO "SAD MOTHER FUCKHEAD"
    #43 Post by Bad Muther Fucker (Ezekie » Sun May 18, 2003 5:32 pm
    On 2003-05-18 10:11:00, Anonymous wrote:

    Another brilliant rebuttal from the sad mother fucker.

    Get a life retard, you ARE a liar ("be careful"?.. :rofl: ) fuckin liar... In one post you say you were not in Elan, yet you say I am wrong about Phil? I was there dumbass...uhh, how the fuck would you know? And how would you know a thing about Becky?

    You are trully pathetic.
    As far as my name is concerned, I wouldnt think of embarassing myself by telling everyone who it is wasting thier time bickering with your sick ass.

    Help clean up this internet scumbag...NO FURTHER REPLIES TO "SAD MOTHER FUCKHEAD"
    Lick me
    #44 Post by Guest  » Sun May 25, 2003 9:34 am
    once again ,, clarifications must be made,, the elan that i went to in early 80s is nuthin at all like some u peeps are the crap we went through was diff from early elan and daytop.carnivals??? maybe bedlam,,they use to really cut your hair in daytop,,in my day they justpounded you psycologicly,,and if that didnt work,, physically , till you rolled belly up.lets not even address the still twisted staff members with all that control,,the name alice dunn ring a bell?stand right there?? tight house?the only way elan stayed open was riccis money,, surprise inspections,, we knew about them for weeks,and when they really started to get looked at ,,, whaddya kno,, whole new facelift,,, :idea: the thing that makes me mad is that just becouse they dont beat people in restraints anymore doesnt justify that they did
    #45 Post by Paul St. John » Thu Jun 12, 2003 6:24 am

    I never went to Elan. I went to Daytop.
    Just found out tonight that Elan is based on Daytop. I ve read through this thread.( brought back a lot of memories- terms, and such)

    I saw that one poster stated the idea that the people who were successful were those good at pretending. I saw that another posted stated that
    what they really did not like around there, is people who were REAL. In reguards to the place that I went to, which sounds evry familair other then that we did not have a boxing ring, these things were entirely true.

    The fact of the matter is quite clearly that these programs go against human nature, and the very fundamentals of objective human psychology. Therefore, a person would have to be pretending or manipualting to succeed in such an environment.

    I also saw that there are people who violently defend the programs.. LOL.. I remember that shit form when I was in there.

    These programs are destructive in spite of which stoiries being told here are true or not.
    Thye are not helpful. I watched the mind s of innocent children broken around me everyday, and also battled tool and nail in holding my own mind together there throughout my stay.

    My veiw of life was darkenned, and I belived it to be permanent. Fortunately, I am working through it, and hope to extirpate the negative effects permanently from my mind, and if anything turn it into a value form whatever knowledge I can extract from it, not to mention, in spite of all, I did have some good times in the place, and met a lot of decent people( the hard thing was watching these decent people fall apart with time)

    Where I was, we were all constanly referred to as manipulators, by both the counselouyrs who played good cop, and the pones who played bad cop.
    Almost all of the students there, accepted this very quickly as a fact. Now, let me ask you, once a person accpets that they are at nature a manipulatpor, is it suprising that they become manipulative? The funny thing is that the whole program is based on manipulation. I said it many times while there.

    Reality is flexible there and based on convenience. Logic is used as a whore. There is no consistency. Whatever will beat the child is the logic or cliche that they will use at the time. Half the counselours were far from intelliegent, and a lot of them looked like they were still on drugs.

    I remember saying to a friend.. " Ya know, before I came to this placeif I seen the average 40 year old man walking down the street with a bat in hand, I would just assume that he was coming from a baseball game. If I seen one ofthese counselour guys, I d think he was looking to mug or beat somebody" They had a criminals look behind their eyes, no matter what altruistic and fine role they now played played for society or how many their hardships or what great survivors they were.

    I spent every day with these people, and I admit that I do feel some compassion towards them as being humans, and I even have some small part of me that feels bad for them, but that is how I saw them. A spade is a spade. A criminal is a criminal. I could often see a hatred for life and a hiunger in their eyes. Each day they fed on children, supplied to them by naieve parents, public shool systems, and the judicail system.

    I could tell stories of shit that I seen go on in there forever, though I did not ever witness anyone being beaten nor any deaths while inside. Of course I did see the beating and murderring of spirits of children( some very young).

    Paul St. John
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Re: Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)
    « Reply #9 on: March 10, 2010, 02:00:38 PM »
    From page 4:

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    #46 Post by Paul St. John » Thu Jun 12, 2003 7:25 am
    On 2003-04-07 21:02:00, Powerful Attitude wrote:

    What kind of tight supervision were you under? 24--30 months is a killer.
    On 2003-04-14 13:47:00, dterrel wrote:

    . NO CONTACT BETWEEN MALE and FEMALE (this includes both physical and emotional)!!! This was the killer, and way painful, hopefully I am not the only one that agrees!

    I totally agree. That shit sucked.. I hated that. The idea of male-female relations, apparently had to be negated in the name of the great higher cause of " sobriety", when in actuality, it only fucks a person up more which will only lead to more dependence on drugs or something else that is equally as destructive.

    Well, anway, I hear ya with that one. That shit was totally painful, and fucked me up for awhile after I left there too. Yo, where you were, did they refer to romantic involvement as things such as " seeking feelings" and " playing games"?

    I love the way they make love out to be false, and unreal, and as well criminal. Sick fucks! It s not suprising. Love and romance are very inspiring things to individuals. They make a person hard to be controlled, and also increase a person s self-value, and increase self-concern.
    Brain-washing really is not all that efficient under conditions such as those. :wink:

    Paul St. John
    #47 Post by Guest  » Thu Jun 12, 2003 11:44 pm
    Amen something worth reading ::read:: hope to see more interesting post such as your............ TY
    #48 Post by Paul St. John » Fri Jun 13, 2003 6:32 am
    Thank you
    #49 Post by Guest  » Sun Aug 17, 2003 4:21 pm
    There was a student that went to elan name Priscilla Page who had sexual relations with a psychiatrist and he got her pregnant.Elan could'nt figure it out and therefore thought it was best to give her a speedy graduation.Though she was an adult at 18 it wasnt ruled statutory rape.THe psychiatrist did resign and I guess took responsibility and both him and Prisicilla got married.
    #50 Post by Guest  » Mon Aug 18, 2003 3:23 am
    Wow.. That s almost like
    a fucking romance story.


    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Re: Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)
    « Reply #10 on: March 10, 2010, 02:01:34 PM »
    From page 4, continued:

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    #51 Post by Guest  » Thu Sep 04, 2003 2:43 am

    On June 19 and July 8, 2002, the Commissioner of Education, J. Duke Albanese, dispatched a School Approval Team to the Elan School. This is a State of Maine approved special purpose private school located in Poland, Maine. The purpose of the visitations was to determine program compliance with Chapter 125 Basic Approval Standards (as applicable to a special purpose program through the operation of Chapter 101), and Chapter 33 Regulations Governing Timeout Rooms, Therapeutic Restraints and Aversives in Public Schools and Approved Private Schools. The Team also met with members of the Elan School administrative team on August 5, 2002 to review a draft of the Elan School Policy pertaining to the use of wrist and ankle protective devices. Although at the time of the Team's review, a number of allegations had been discussed in the press regarding events at Elan during the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, the focus of the Team's review was on the issue of program compliance as the Elan program is operated at the present time.

    The School Approval Team was comprised of the following Department of Education staff members:

      Edwin N. Kastuck, Ph.D., Team Chairman, Learning Systems Team
      Rose Mary Muir, Esq., Certification Legal Consultant
      David N. Stockford, Director, Division of Special Services

    The format for the onsite visitations included the following:

      A tour of the facilities;
      A review of the Elan School policies, practices and procedures;
      Private interviews with the Elan School administrators, teachers, staff, parents, students and an alumnus.
      A telephone interview was also conducted with the school nurse.

    A total of 37 people participated in the review.

    The following commendations, findings, recommendations and requirements represent the unanimous positions and conclusions of the School Approval Team.


    The School Approval Team commends:

    1. The Elan School administration, faculty, staff, students and parents, who, without exception, were cordial, cooperative and forth coming with all information requests and responses to interview questions;

    2. The members of the Elan School community who expressed a strong commitment to the education and well being of the students in the program;

    3. The administration, teachers, and staff for their strong support and participation in the expansion of the athletic program at the Elan School because of the positive impact that the program has upon affective learning and for the plans to increase student participation by providing sports activities that are new to the program;

    4. The educators at the Elan School for their commitment to individualized educational programming and a high degree of academic accountability;

    5. The program staff for their facilitation of family groups and student groups;

    6. The program for the documentation and record keeping regarding student needs, requests and behavior incidents including parental notification that exceeds current state regulations or Department of Education requirements;

    7. The Elan School administration for creating increased opportunities for student interaction with their families;

    8. The Elan School administrators for their willingness to explore and expand student participation in community based opportunities such as sports, field trips, and student participation in post secondary courses on college campuses and through distance learning;

    9. Everyone who participated in the making of the Elan School promotional CD Rom and the overall new initiative to provide informational resources in order to increase awareness about the program.


    1. There was no indication that students enrolled in the Elan School are placed at risk for their safety or well-being.

    2. There was no indication that any families or any other placement agencies have removed their children from the program based upon their concern for the safety or well being of their child or client. The reasons students leave the program include graduation from high school and the house program, graduation from high school and the placing school unit will not continue to provide funding for the house program, and eighteen (18) year old students who sign themselves out of the program.

    3. It was reported by the Elan administrative team and in the interviews that since at least October 2000, the Elan School no longer employs the use of the 'Ring', where students were subjected to boxing fights with other students as a part of a system of student discipline. An example of how the Elan School currently addresses student discipline issues, is a student court system that examines incidents and determines consequences. The outcome from the student court system is that students are required to perform community service on the campus as a way to atone for misdeeds or inappropriate actions. Student issues are also examined in an adult supervised peer mediation process.

    4. The present policy of the Elan School states that wrist and ankle protective devices are available for use only in situations when students may injure themselves or others. In any case, the program psychologist must authorize the use. The Elan administrative team has submitted a draft amended policy that addresses the Department of Education's concerns regarding the use of the wrist and ankle protective devices.

    5. Although there have been specific allegations regarding the excessive use of restraints and use of the 'Ring' in the several years prior to October 2000, the Department of Education, after conducting a thorough investigation, cannot substantiate the allegations.

    6. The year round education program includes up to six (6) hours of instructional time, Monday through Friday. This exceeds the instructional day requirement of five (5) hours contained in Chapter 125 Rules Governing Basic School Approval. It should be noted, that the average student enrollment period in the Elan School is two and one-half (2.5) years. In total, the education program exceeds the state instructional day (5 hours per day) and instructional year (175 days) requirements.

    7. The education program staff is involved in a comprehensive review and update of the curriculum and assessment process at the Elan School.

    8. Students have daily opportunities to express their needs and concerns through the daily log system and other lines of communication.

    9. Due to the geographic composition (from several states and countries) of the student body, the program is required to meet the educational and other programming needs from a number of states and institutions besides Maine.

    10. The application of technology in systems management and instruction is very limited.

    11. The science coursework does not provide adequate laboratory experiences for the students.

    12. Formalized professional development plans for the staff and teachers do not exist.

    13. Although all new students are provided with an orientation program and a student mentor, when this review was conducted there was no student handbook, a written set of rules and regulations or a student code of conduct.

    14. There is no handbook for the residential staff.


    1. The Elan School administrators shall agree to meet with the School Approval Team within thirty-days (30) of the issuance of this report to present a set of written policies and procedures pertaining to Chapter 33 and other campus policies and procedures pertaining to student programming and discipline. NOTE: Since the on-site review, the Elan School administration has submitted a draft of the Elan Student Handbook and has agreed to submit additional policies and procedures within the thirty-day (30) requirement.

    2. The Elan School administrators shall agree not to use the wrist and ankle protective devices except in extreme situations when a student is in danger of injuring themselves or others. In the event that the devices are used, during the next six months, the school will notify the Department of Education of the use. The administrators shall also continue to explore alternative therapeutic restraints and their applicability and appropriateness to the Elan School program. Note: Since the on-site review, the Elan administration has submitted a draft amended policy that addresses the Department of Education's concerns regarding the use of the wrist and ankle protective devices.

    3. Except as provided by Title 20-A M.R.S.A. Section 4009, individuals who implement or supervise the implementation of therapeutic restraints shall have successfully completed an appropriate training program in the identification and de-escalation of potentially harmful behaviors and the safe use of passive physical therapeutic restraints.

    4. The Elan administration shall affirmatively represent that the school has not used the 'Ring' since at least October 2000, and that it will not be used. Note: The Department of Education and the Elan School agree that use of the so-called 'Ring' would be a violation of Chapter 33. The Department of Education did not substantiate individual allegations concerning use of the 'Ring' and excessive use of mechanical restraints in the several years prior to October 2000. Nevertheless, the Elan School has agreed to comply with these requirements, and to submit these representations and revised policies and procedures to provide additional assurance that inappropriate uses will not occur.

    5. The Elan School administration shall submit in writing to the Commissioner of Education, J. Duke Albanese, agreement to immediately comply with items 1-4 of this section.


    1. Although there is no statutory requirement or regulation, it is advisable that all schools should develop a student handbook that includes a student code of conduct. Therefore, the Elan School should plan to develop a student handbook (per Title 20-A M.R.S.A. Section 1001, subsections 15,16,17,18) in order to have the handbook available for students by the fall of 2002. The student handbook should also include a student code of conduct. Note: As indicated in the requirements section item 1, of this report, since the on-site review, the Elan School administration has submitted a draft of the Elan Student Handbook.

    2. Professional development plans for the Elan School administrators, teachers and staff should be developed. To do so will require the creation of a Professional Development System that includes representative participation from all the stakeholder groups on campus. The system should include a process for identifying and approving requests for personal and cohort group professional development needs. Sufficient financial resources should be allocated for the campus wide professional development system.

    3. A technology plan should be developed which includes the application of new technologies to program management and classroom instruction. The plan should include the utilization of computers, instructional software, laboratory simulation software, videotapes and DVDs, computer networking on campus, distance learning, inter-library networking and other appropriate technology applications. The use of computer simulation software in science lab coursework could enable students to acquire science skills in a safe format. The technology plan should also include the development of a set of policies and procedures for supervised student access to the Internet. A campus wide Internet access policy should also be included in the technology plan.

    4. As moving on to higher education becomes a major focus for the students, administrators and educators at the Elan School should assess student readiness for post secondary experiences and utilize the results of the assessment to develop and adjust the curriculum, instruction and assessment. Research skills is one area that warrants attention.

    5. As the athletic program grows and develops at the Elan School, the construction of an up-to-date sports facility should be explored. The facility could be designed for multiple uses including the performing arts.

    6. The Elan School administrators should open discussions with the Judicial Department, and the Departments of Corrections and Human Services, regarding the placement of youths who might be better served in the Elan program.

    7. The Elan School should annualize the graduation data including the postsecondary plans of the graduates.

    8. A handbook of policies, practices and procedures should be created for use with the residential staff. This should also include the information contained in the student handbook and the student code of conduct.

    9. The Elan School should seriously consider the installation of centralized climate control systems in the residential houses.


    The work of all schools in Maine is work on behalf of children. All parties associated with the Elan School, including the Department of Education, recognize that the needs of the students enrolled in the Elan School are unique and extremely challenging. The Elan School was found to have a strong commitment to the education and well being of the students and there was no indication of any student being at risk. Individualized educational programming and a high degree of academic accountability were found to be a significant part of the program. The staff's facilitation of family groups and student groups is one of the many positive aspects of the program.

    The Department of Education does impose several requirements on the Elan School to provide revised policies and formal representations regarding various aspects of the school program, use of restraints, and disciplinary procedures, in order to provide further assurances that the School's practices are consistent with applicable laws and regulations. The Elan School has complied or is already in the process of complying with these requirements. The Department of Education will conduct regular follow-up visitations to the Elan School to assure compliance with the Requirement section contained in this report and with the requirements of basic school approval. The Department of Education will continue to work with the Elan School's administration, faculty, staff, students, and parents, who, without exception, were cordial, cooperative and forthcoming with all information. It is imperative that all Elan School administrators, faculty, staff, and the Board of Directors, move forward with respect and cooperation, championing the needs and general well being of the students enrolled in the Elan School.
    #52 Post by Guest  » Thu Sep 04, 2003 3:27 am
    Where did you get this info from????
    i was put in restraint for spilling a cup of water while in the corner!!!! what fukin brainwashed kids did they interview??? i need to talk w/ these people.
    #53 Post by Guest  » Thu Sep 04, 2003 3:31 am
    I found it on the internet.I did a search on goolge for "Elan school" and it came up on the second or third page.There is more out there.
    I thought by now everyone would have read this but I copied and pasted it here just in case someone didn't.
    Turns out that you are that someone Syn.I cant beleive they found no wrong doings at elan, what a bunch of shit.
    #54 Post by SyN  » Thu Sep 04, 2003 3:18 pm
    yeah i should check up more on news articles on elan. thanks though. i really want to see the 60 min interview w/ joe, and what kinda b.s ran out his mouth on that is bullshit how elan slides through everything just by greasing some pockets. i guess joe passed on all his contacts to sharon terry. i know that the school has online computers the students use, i wonder how to i.m them while the kids are online. bet they have all kinds of "reality blocks" well gotta start packin for saturday, hopefully all will work out to me being able to do a visit to elan, im trying to find a bullhorn.
    #55 Post by Guest  » Fri Sep 05, 2003 1:43 am
    the fam ended just after i got to Elan and we were forbiden to talk bout it, of course i got alotta details but i still have questions, u still around?
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Offline Ursus

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    Re: Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)
    « Reply #11 on: March 10, 2010, 02:03:13 PM »
    From page 4, continued:

    -------------- • -------------- • -------------- • --------------

    #56 Post by Guest  » Fri Sep 05, 2003 1:46 am
    wrong thread, ignore that
    #57 Post by Paul St. John » Fri Sep 05, 2003 3:23 am
    I guess the way the state of Maine looks at it...

    The people who were victimised previousely.. were
    all just part of a great big learning process for

    How nice of them to be SOOO understanding towards

    "Well, the torture at Elan seems to have been brought down to an acceptable, level.. I see no reason that they should not continue to operate their business!!"

    FUCK YOU!!

    and every blind bureacratic asshole involved!!

    Low-Life Piece of Shit, Scumbag Assholes!!

    The government officails of any state are elected with the purpose, of SERVING the WELL-BEING of it's citzens.( not just some of the time, or when it's conveniuent but all of the time) They are payed for this!

    If, and when this shit does go down, they will have as much to answer for as does the Elan School!

    Paul St. John

    As for this idiot School Review Team, or whatever the fuck it was... Would they send their kids there???????
    #58 Post by Paul St. John » Fri Sep 05, 2003 3:29 am
    Yo gotta love the fact that these
    assholes got commendments!!

    "Well, are so glad that you, now, only use the shackles sometimes!! You get a Gold Star, Elan!"

    or wait, what was it.. They only use them when necessary?


    Ya know..

    In all the high schools that I went to, shackles were never necessary!

    A bunch of bullshit!

    I suppose they "Manipulated" the school review team, that on that one plot of earth in the world, physics changes and there are times where it becomes ?N?E?C?E?S?S?A?R?Y? to shackle kids!

    Paul St. John
    #59 Post by Paul St. John » Fri Sep 05, 2003 3:41 am
    1. The Elan School administration, faculty, staff, students and parents, who, without exception, were cordial, cooperative and forth coming with all information requests and responses to interview questions;

    No!! They are gonna be assholes to someone who has the power to shut them down, and end their fucked up livelihood.....LOL!!

    2. The members of the Elan School community who expressed a strong commitment to the education and well being of the students in the program

    Well-being, my ass!

    3. The administration, teachers, and staff for their strong support and participation in the expansion of the athletic program at the Elan School because of the positive impact that the program has upon affective learning and for the plans to increase student participation by providing sports activities that are new to the program;

    Too little... Too late!

    4. The educators at the Elan School for their commitment to individualized educational programming and a high degree of academic accountability;

    Well, then I guess that that is different from Daytop, where they had me taking RCT's in fucking ninth grade, that I had already taken between 6th and 8th!

    5. The program staff for their facilitation of family groups and student groups;

    Fuck them, and their groups!

    6. The program for the documentation and record keeping regarding student needs, requests and behavior incidents including parental notification that exceeds current state regulations or Department of Education requirements;

    Of course, it exceeds state regulations.. They hardly have any kids there, compared to a whole entire real school!

    7. The Elan School administration for creating increased opportunities for student interaction with their families;

    If they weren't there, they'd actuallt share homes woith their families.. The stupidity is beyond me!

    8. The Elan School administrators for their willingness to explore and expand student participation in community based opportunities such as sports, field trips, and student participation in post secondary courses on college campuses and through distance learning;

    I'm tellin ya people.. as soon as you hear, " community based activities" get scared!!

    What about individuality! The shit that they are talking about looks good on the surface.. That is all!

    9. Everyone who participated in the making of the Elan School promotional CD Rom and the overall new initiative to provide informational resources in order to increase awareness about the program.

    #60 Post by Paul St. John » Fri Sep 05, 2003 3:55 am
    9. Everyone who participated in the making of the Elan School promotional CD Rom and the overall new initiative to provide informational resources in order to increase awareness about the program.

    Yes, Indeed!.. And I, Paul St. John would like to commend all the company's whose commercails interrupted my TV show. Thank you so much! And I commend you with the highest of honors, for "INCREASING MY AWARENESS", of your product
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Offline DannyB II

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    Re: Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)
    « Reply #12 on: March 10, 2010, 06:20:27 PM »
    OK, Mark Babbitz was criticized for doing this or something close. I think he was questioned as to "flooding," but then again he wasn't well liked. Jeesh is this how you have helped your treatment center forum (do you have one) to repost. Did you ever go through one, work at one or just study them. Please enlighten there are more folks then you think that would like to know.
    Felice is not the only member of Elan. What are your credentials Ursus. Fair question???? Don't expect a answer but would be surprised.
    Danny... :shamrock:
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
    Stand and fight, till there is no more.


    • Guest
    Edited: Wednesday, October 06, 2010
    « Reply #13 on: March 10, 2010, 06:33:11 PM »
    Edited: Wednesday, October 06, 2010
    « Last Edit: October 07, 2010, 07:40:45 AM by Joel »

    Offline DannyB II

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    Re: Hidden Elan School secrets (repost from cache)
    « Reply #14 on: March 10, 2010, 06:54:54 PM »
    Quote from: "Joel"
    Quote from: "DannyB II"
    OK, Mark Babbitz was criticized for doing this or something close. I think he was questioned as to "flooding," but then again he wasn't well liked. Jeesh is this how you have helped your treatment center forum (do you have one) to repost. Did you ever go through one, work at one or just study them. Please enlighten there are more folks then you think that would like to know.
    Felice is not the only member of Elan. What are your credentials Ursus. Fair question???? Don't expect a answer but would be surprised.
    Danny... :shamrock:


    Discuss in private with Ursus or Psy/Ginger.  Whatever works best for you.[/quote stays in public....why is it OK for them to be public.
    Danny :shamrock:
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
    Stand and fight, till there is no more.