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Offline aliciakeys

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Re: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
« Reply #960 on: June 29, 2010, 06:59:25 PM »
:jamin:  :jamin:  :jamin:  :jamin:  :jamin:  :jamin:  :jamin:  :jamin:  :jamin:  :jamin:  :jamin:  :jamin:  :jamin:  :jamin:  :jamin:  :jamin: :jamin:  :jamin:  :jamin:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Jeffery

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Re: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
« Reply #961 on: June 29, 2010, 09:29:43 PM »
Quote from: "The Elan Reporter"
I think fArt needs to go on a treadmill. If he gave a treadmill the attention he gave this site as a troll, he wouldn't have let himself go so terribly. All that weight is not good for you fArt. It puts stress on your heart, cause I'm sure you stress yourself out quite a bit daily by coming here and stirring up trouble. Trouble you have been stirring here for what, 10 years now? Why not focus on some healthy goals, like loosing that potentially damgerous weight? You really have a strange habit of getting masses of people hating you and leaving your guard down for an ass handing. Or do you like when people are shoveling it right back at you? You seem to thrive from it.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          :fuckoff:  :fuckoff:  Boy Farty your photo does depict  you in a less that flattering way. you are quite the fat ass to be calling people fat asses. And have the Mr. Rogers look to you, I am sure you have explored other avenues in the past haven't you,?? Well I think we all know about you and your lies. You aren't barking so loud ,are you telling on everyone, ??  be careful there  is more legal exposure awaiting you. And your lying wont be listen too. We have instituted an honesty policy here, so put up or shut up as you like to say. Any lie's will cause exposure.So dont lie Farty. You just don't know what to say and yes you dont have a friend in this world here so tell the truth. It wont set you free but you wont be as much of a liar-to expose. :karma:  :karma:                                                                                                                                                                          P.S . Tables sure  have turned from the days of you just shitting all over people haven't they Farty, ??  :rasta:  :roflmao:  :rasta:  :roflmao:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline aliciakeys

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Re: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
« Reply #962 on: June 30, 2010, 11:11:56 AM »
I think Judge Joe Brown should address Art in the same manner he speaks to the defendant; ... re=related :rocker:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Froderik

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Re: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
« Reply #963 on: June 30, 2010, 11:25:53 AM »
I'm awaiting Art's rebuttal.

It ought to be good...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Jeffery

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Re: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
« Reply #964 on: June 30, 2010, 12:26:18 PM »
Quote from: "Froderik"
I'm awaiting Art's rebuttal.

It ought to be good...
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        :cheers:  :cheers:  What do say, ??  You guys got me, ?? He prospected his own demise, no one made him come on here and just brutally  attack and threaten people. And it all started  once Ginger and Mike got the site back up. He came in like a bully claiming to have kicked Fornit's ass and so many other web sites. Like we have said he has done so much damage to himself  :beat:  :beat:  he has nothing to say. :waaaa:  With his want and need for control,  :clown:  :clown:  he has to be besides himself now. Come on and think about it, if he goes to complain to anyone they will of course want to see what prompted the comments made to and about him and then he is fucked. No one has ever threatened him with the exception of calling the Police. We think it would be good reading for them to review  Farty's antics on the web. :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao: We hope he don't  shit himself today :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rocker:  :rocker: We are all lying and have been exposed and cant handle it, We bet that's the response if any, hopefully he will just go away and not come back he has been ailing folks for over 10 years.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Jeffery

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Re: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
« Reply #965 on: June 30, 2010, 12:35:55 PM »
:guesswho:  :agree:  :beat:  :beat:  It's kind of like a " General Meeting " waiting for someone to yell charge. And Farty is afraid to speak, His last slamming into the wall , knocked Joe's picture down on the floor and Pan Face was pissed  .  :rofl:  :roflmao:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline The Elan Reporter

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Re: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
« Reply #966 on: June 30, 2010, 09:59:18 PM »
I think fArt could be a better person if he would just drop the hating on other people. He is on the same page as us that would like to see elan shut down permantly and pan face aka "hi yuh yuh indian-jew" go to prison for rape and sodomy, and mental abuse. Old pan face would make a nice addition to some horny gay prisoners that would abuse pan faces back pussy on a daily basis.  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:
TCK's only protection would be his fecal matter which he would probably paint himself with in a vein attempt to act as bug spray for other prisoners from grouping him and making him their walking cum recepticles collection system.

Hi yuh yuh yuh. hi yuh yuh yuh!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
fArt Warshitsky sucks dicks!!!

Offline mark babitz

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Re: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
« Reply #967 on: June 30, 2010, 11:49:00 PM »
Quote from: "The Elan Reporter"
I think fArt could be a better person if he would just drop the hating on other people. He is on the same page as us that would like to see elan shut down permantly and pan face aka "hi yuh yuh indian-jew" go to prison for rape and sodomy, and mental abuse. Old pan face would make a nice addition to some horny gay prisoners that would abuse pan faces back pussy on a daily basis.  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:
TCK's only protection would be his fecal matter which he would probably paint himself with in a vein attempt to act as bug spray for other prisoners from grouping him and making him their walking cum recepticles collection system.

Hi yuh yuh yuh. hi yuh yuh yuh!
:rocker:  :cheers:  As sad as it is" Reporter " when you do general research on Pan Face not much comes up. He has managed to stay so far under the radar it's not even funny. he went to and graduated from Evanston High School in 70 or 71 in Ill  and basically  went to Elan. I don't know which grad he was from Elan but he was one of the first. So was Gottlieb and Zeretsky and on and on. He is truly someone who likes his job at Elan and finds safety there. he went to Arizona for some years and lived with I believe a sister or relative also lived in TX. in Dallas area with his wife. Then back to the North Woods of Maine. One must ask themselves why would anyone go back to a place like that after deprogramming in society, unless he never deprogramed and just couldn't  make it in the real world. I would believe the second thought. He knew at Elan he was someone and in the real world just  another Pan Face ass-hole. So he ran back to the safety of  Gray Maine and his job at Elan. Gottlieb I don't think even tried to go over the wall. He just sat back and watched, and that is real sad. In the 70's that place was more unbelievable than it ever became. The 70s was the true testing grounds for Joe's chaos affair. Anything went
 and Parsonsfield was open for guest's if Waterford was full or you were just special like myself and forged right past Waterford to the house on the hill. Parsonsfield  was originally a TB Sanitarium or Leper Colony so to speak. It was a place you went to die.And I know it was haunted before any of us got there, and I believe  Joe's madness mixed with the spirits  of the dead and made  it one hell of a crazy place to be. It reminded me of the movie One Flew Over " The Koo Koo Nest " every day was the same with a different twist on who was going threw hell today . The only consistency was the touchers and nightmares of the day ahead of you. I remember just not wanting to get up most day's because I was up all night not wanting to go to sleep because you didn't know what was going to happen next.
Parsonsfield was the Elan Concentration Camp if one existed and I cant count the folks that were just brutalized.                Peter MC Cann may he rest in Hell  :fuckoff:   Was the Grand Poo-Ba there and what an ass-hole he was. But one day Pan Face will face his sins in life and so will the rest of those bastards.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline aliciakeys

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Re: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
« Reply #968 on: July 01, 2010, 03:40:29 AM »
I wonder if Angela Smith would write about Art's admission on HEAL's website?  Would she incorporate Art's name back into the survivor statement he originally complained about in lieu of his recent admission?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Jeffery

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Re: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
« Reply #969 on: July 01, 2010, 08:51:56 AM »
kirstin wrote:

        psy wrote:The moderators on the Elan forum might have said that (I do not know) but the admins do not really give a damn whether Art is irritated. Use open free for all. Feel free to post whatever you want about him.

    I think the administrators do care about baiting Art because he caused this website allot of problems weeks ago.

Art was a pain in the ass, yes, but he's neutered now and the DMCA trick he used won't work anymore since we truly have save harbor status now. The only reason why I didn't post a lengthy blast of him was because the whole Elan crap has taken up enough of this forum as it is.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Jeffery

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Re: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
« Reply #970 on: July 01, 2010, 08:58:24 AM »
:jawdrop:  :jawdrop: Top
Re: Art Warshawsky = Moderators say don't bait Art

Postby SharonMcCarthy » Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:53 pm

    psy wrote:The moderators on the Elan forum might have said that (I do not know) but the admins do not really give a damn whether Art is irritated. Use open free for all. Feel free to post whatever you want about him.

Thank you for the clarification. Honestly the man is like vile suck in the back of my throat after a good session of puking. The trouble is I would love nothing more than to allow this Maggot to never hear from me again, however honestly he keeps not only baiting me here on fornits, but in real life as well. This bizzare nightmare just will not stop.
I have tried so hard to ignore him, and see the points of others....however, now he has challenged my Rape and is claiming to Heal I was full of shit. This has gone too far this time. And the times before he has over stepped as well.

I am sick and tired of watching this man fucken hurt everyone and everything he touches or comes in close contact with. I am only human...and honestly I cannot apologize for that either.

                                                          :rocker:      Dear Elan Survivors,  :rocker:

I received the following information today regarding Sharon Wittwer's declaration linked on our site at Are you able to confirm that Sharon's statements are accurate based on your knowledge and experience at Elan? If not, we may need to temporarily remove her statement.

I received the signed statement from Sharon by snail-mail to our office. There are other statements I received as e-mail attachments grouped and submitted by one person. We will need confirmation from all authors via e-mail in order to keep them up. We can't afford any other legal issues right now. Thanks for your help!

In Solidarity,

Angela Smith
HEAL Coordinator

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: perjury
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 15:33:13 -0700

Dear ,

We have no idea what you are talking about. If there is an error on our website, please let us know and include the link to the page where any information is inaccurate.

Thank you for contacting HEAL!

The HEAL Team
----- Original Message -----

As a woman, as a Rape Survivor, as a human being period. How would you feel anyone on here?...He was a nasty vile creature to even write stuff regarding anyone since he was not even there during that time frame. Thing is I do not want other victims to feel they cannot come forward either, poeple like him prevent good people from getting the proper support they truly need.

I am just in hopes that my misforune and bad experiences with the staff member ex boyfriend from hell issue does not hurt anyone else down the line. I think it is important for people to be aware of what type of man would fuck a 17year old, while married with two kids...and do recreational drugs with, and then come back to fuck with a life..then fuck with the positive impacts others are trying to send forth into others...

Rape is not a joking or laughing matter...I deeply opened up to many and I am going thru a lot just dealing with my raw emotions so open and subjected to everyone to begin with.

When I was a kid back then, I remember that day when they found me...I wanted to die....I laid there in that condition and was so afraid someone would think it was all my fault, I hated myself and no one helped me. Then I sat months tormented and feeling like a piece of garbage. I was a kid...just a kid.

Now this prick is back to haunt my life, why, what is the point?? Is he trying to pick up where Joe Ricci failed?? Well it aint gunna work, I am strong as hell now, and got one hell of some wonderful people that are discusted in these latest stunts. I understand everyone is sick of the man completely...and frankily I am too. I sat here and watched him fuck with tons of good people then like a sick twisted fuck bragged about it to my family. I do not like my friends fucked with nor me either, so I apologize to everyone on here but I am simply human.
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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Jeffery

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Re: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
« Reply #971 on: July 01, 2010, 09:12:24 AM »
:feedtrolls:  :feedtrolls:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    :bs:  :rasta:  #  art warshawsky Says:  :rasta:  :bs:
August 15th, 2007 at 11:54 am

Though I have a great deal of respect for the message Ginger has tried to get across. Her methods remain questionable. Fornits is a cesspool full of malcontents who will say “anything” to get some personal attention. Its that very “anything” that I think has caused the uproar that Sue has pursued. Though I agree that speaking the truth has probably been more “damning” to Sue than anything else.Those who post the nonsense completely take advantage of the “no accountability” ascociated with the entire site.
When asked about removing content that is offensive,one recieves a lesson in our US Constitution,and its amendments.
Everyone is entitled to their own belief in this living document,though I cant see our forefathers intending to give “carte blanch” to anyone to say anything without consequences.
Its Ginger’s irresponsible actions that have forced her to seek refuge in a foreign country,not Sue’s. She already knows she is caught. I think that is abundantly clear.
The content at Fornits is a reflection of a group of very sick individuals that could care less about Sue and her deciet. Its more about the continual seeking of attention by any means.
I think Sue should be tried for her crimes against children by a jury of her peers. If she somehow beats the rap,be assured that she (like anyone else) will have to meet god on her own judgement day. I am guessing that his sentence will be far more harsh than anything the court,or Ginger’s Goon Squad could dish out.
A Warshawsky
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Jeffery

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Re: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
« Reply #972 on: July 01, 2010, 09:16:47 AM »
:karma:  :karma:

#  art warshawsky Says:
August 16th, 2007 at 6:02 pm

I have obviously spent way too much time in the wrong forum. I have not much experience at Fornits that has been positive,or productive. I am really impressed with what I see in the last week,and am impressed with the devotion of those who have been under fire.
Personal feelings and opinions aside,if I may be of service, I hope I am asked.No child should endure what we have.
A Warshawsky

                                                                Then why is he here, ???????????
 :waaaa:  :waaaa:  All that being said, then  why in the hell is he still running around all of us malcontent ass-holes ?? Thats a fare question unless it's to just draw problems to him, in his effort to fish out people to fuck with. :feedtrolls:  :feedtrolls:  And the truth just rolls. :rocker:  :rocker:  :rocker:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:

P.P.S. The above statements are 3 years old, Sharon and Mark weren't even here then, We wonder who his flavor of the week was then, ?? . He targets them now, but what was up then ?? more liar's to expose we guess, :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:
How is it that Everyone from the meekest to the strongest he takes on. We think the Elan Reporter could elaborate, their staff have tracked him for years. He likes to put on like he is on the same page but that is also rule # 1. in the art of manipulation and control . Always let the person in front of you think things are their idea and agree with their thoughts, especially  the ones you plant. The Old Wolf in Sheep's Clothing Maneuver. He forgets Elan, Day-Top and Straights and all the rest  thought  us all control and manipulation. So to run some dead program games on us is quite amusing.
Most of all it's an insult, his words mean nothing, but for him to think people wont and cant stand up for themselves is the insult. I would never consider taking on the steps he has , It's suicide  :suicide:   ::unhappy::  Who in the world can run around abusing woman like he does and everyone else, and feel they can rally for support from others, ? And what kind of others would support his way's openly ,??
He will be a point of topic for a long time to come. he has won the same honors as Pan Face and Gottlieb and the rest.        1 .He he has proven he will go to any means to abuse someone.  :seg2:
2. He has no shame in admitting to abuse. :soapbox:
3. He loves the drama of others. :twofinger:
4. He likes to see people bullied and upset. ::evil::
5. He likes to taunt and be-little people. :twofinger:
6. He loves to boast self thought victories. :bs:
7. He hates to be on the outside of the loop. :waaaa:
8. He constantly approaches thing the same way thinking something different will happen. :beat:
as shown over the many years.
9. He claims to hate Elan but yet seems to be one of  the best example of the  Elan Product.
10. He loves to threaten punishment and retribution for defying him or breaking his house rules.
He fits the criteria for Elan Staff Director., Joe would be so proud, :beat:   Pan Face would greet him with a big reach around and a quell shower. :clown:    Boy wouldn't  that be something to see Farty all dressed up in his XXXXX  large Elan Staff Dir  T-shirt , all pressed real nice with jelly stains on the chest of it. :roflmao:  :roflmao:   He would be at the pinnacle of his life, :rasta:   :rasta:   standing hand in hand with Pan Face and coaching Gottlieb before he passes letting him know he The "Great Farty" will carry on Joe's Teachings and Gifts. He will make sure all the malcontents of the world will know the way of " Big Joe " and the lessons  of the Late great Mc Cann, and Saxner, and the rest of the entourage. :fuckoff:  :fuckoff:
« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 10:29:31 AM by Jeffery »

Offline SharonMcCarthy

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Re: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
« Reply #973 on: July 01, 2010, 10:26:03 AM »
Quote from: "aliciakeys"
I wonder if Angela Smith would write about Art's admission on HEAL's website?  Would she incorporate Art's name back into the survivor statement he originally complained about in lieu of his recent admission?
I think it would be wonderful for Angela to consider, especially after his latest targets in hurting others that have spoken out. I was never at Elan with ARTY FARTY but he had the utter gall to write Angela and tell her my testimony was bullshit. How would Little ARTY know he was not there. He did that to be evil and spiteful. If people like ARTY FARTY keep getting away with attacking others like this, no one else will come forward. I believe this type of person knows what he is doing..he is trying to cover shit up and so far has managed to hurt a lot of survivors. I think it is a blessed miracle this man has stfu for over 3 days now....god I hope it continues.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle."
Kahlil Gibran

Offline The Elan Reporter

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Re: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
« Reply #974 on: July 01, 2010, 03:55:09 PM »
There is a whole lotta love for fArt here. Jelly stains... :roflmao:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
fArt Warshitsky sucks dicks!!!