I think that having to carry around 10 lbs a day to symbolize all the crabs you are carrying around is definitly abuse. That goes without saying. I mean, honsetly, it is sick and twisted, and I almost have to laugh at the fools with that come up with this shit.
And the woman who wrote that post about her son is basically crazy. She's a fucking nut job, and if this poor guy makes it through to adulthood as a sane and good person, he will have accomplished much just in doing that. It really is a shame that there are so many sick fucks in the world. I would love to see that bitch in a program..LMAO!
getting back to the whole crab thing.. It is not so much the weight that is the issue, but just the mere act. It is psychological abuse. Every second that this kid carries that rock around, he is taking physical actions to help them humilate and degrade him, and he has to continue to do it, and when those books get heavy, he has to fight to make a fool of himself. And anyone who says that 10 lbs isn t heavy, I'd like to see you carry it around 24/7. I have actually done it, but I did it as a workout.
But the FBI really doesn t care. It is understandable to hear stories like these and just want to do something to help, but the FBI has other things to worry about, but a post on the internet. How do you even know the post is legit? I think it is and all, but how do you know?
My point of veiw, personally on putting an end to these atrocities, is through spreading the true facts about them, and giving them a bad public image.
Someone said that forcing this guy to carry these books around is not illegal. You bet your ass it is! There is at least 1 law, probably many more, that could be applied, but the problem is that laws are open to intepretation, and right noone is going to find the right laws and apply them.
Also, new laws can be made too. And watch laws will eventually be applied, and perhaps, even new laws applied.
When the socail conscience turns against these places, the laws will applied. It WILL happen.
I have heard the posters here at Fornits referred to as "Outlanders", but eventually, the ideas here in regards to these place will be the norm. "Abolition" had to start somewhere, too.
Since I have been vewing this site and many others, I have heard many times about law suits and such. I am not sure if any of them panned out,
If you work to spread awareness of these places and their reality, you are actually working towards a lawsuit, cause when the public image changes and people get involved and start to care.... you will not have to look for a lawyer willing to take your case. LAWYERS WILL BE CALLING YOU!!! Perhaps, even the FBI, as well.
Paul St. John