Author Topic: turning kids into drug addicts, suicide victims  (Read 1381 times)

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turning kids into drug addicts, suicide victims
« on: March 11, 2009, 06:42:25 PM »
am the one who started the Kids of Greater Salt Lake Program, I was in Kids of Bergen County in 1995 as a court order. I am very happy that Dr Miller Newton was shut down and think everyone who practices similar beliefs and program structures should also be shut down.

Thank you Rachel and everyone who came forward to save any and all people who are in a program like this or may enter a program like this.

I have seen to many of my friends kill themselves or die from drug overdoses due to this program. This program brain washes every kid into doing drugs when they leave. This is done in the form of a "Moral Inventory" daily, also know as an M.I.. This M.I. is written and done daily with the results always the same. The result is eventual drug use that turns to death. I was on that road when I left, my M.I. was coming true. I stoped using drugs on my own, no program and I am happily married with 4 kids.

It is sad that to many of my friends have died from years of brain washing. The people who are in denial are the people who are still in this program writing M.I.'s and following Dr Miller Newton's structure. You are powerless and I hope you realize this before you or your kids are dead from this program.

Once again, thank you rachel and everyone who spoke up against programs like this.

Michael McCoy
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: turning kids into drug addicts, suicide victims
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2009, 06:49:09 PM »
But you left out the part where the kid has a complete psychological breakdown, mentally snaps, enters an altered state of consciousness and admits powerlessness obtaining their Step 1. If this takes too long you can always put them on zero club or as a non-status client and keep them locked in their room.

If parents inflicted the same treatment on a youth that they receive in AARC, they would probably go to jail or lose custody of their kid.

I think everyone can agree that heroin, cocaine, meth, etc... are highly addictive drugs and there need to be resources available to help (even force) kids to get off these drugs.
But why pay the hefty $50,000/year fee at AARC when you can easily replicate the same level of treatment, in the comfort of your own home, and at a fraction of the cost?
It's quite simple: Lock your child in a room. Constantly berate them. Tell them repeatedly what a "loser druggie" they are, that nobody really likes them, and that they'd be dead if you hadn't done this to them.
Every once in a while, when they cry so hard that tears, snot, and drool are literally dripping from their face, tell them you're proud of them for doing a good job.
If they tell you that they feel scared and alone, tell them to find strength in God.
Force them to tell you stories about every "bad" thing they've ever done. Make sure they know that any abuse, rape, etc... they experienced while using was their fault because they are a loser druggie.
Every once in a while, throw a pedophile in their room to comfort them.
After a few months of this, allow your child to apologize to you for ruining your family.
As soon as you think they're ready, whether it be 8 months - 24 months later, open the doors and allow them to be free. You will then have a typical AARC graduate and an 80% chance that they will never try drugs again.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: turning kids into drug addicts, suicide victims
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2009, 07:02:51 PM »
My daughter and I graduated from the AARC program 14 months after we entered, 17 years ago. As a parent alcoholic/addict I needed my brain washed, and my child, who had been raised by a warped and skewed-viewed mother, needed to be equipped with life tools other than the family ones that I had inherited and passed on to her of relentless resentment, rage, unforgiveness, selfishness and self-centeredness.

Treatment was described to me as a controlled breakdown and REBUILDING of the individual, and that was what happened to both of us. If any of you think that it is an easy feat to orchestrate or go through, you would be dead wrong. I am grateful for the safe place that it was to do some very deep and painful work on myself. I grew more in that 14 months than at any other time in my life. I was confronted on the lies that I had built my life on and supported in my tearing down the faulty structure and rebuilding process. And I watched my very hurting daughters pain slowly drain away and a very beautiful and loving young woman blossomed.

Should there be accountability for AARC? Yes, of course. They teach accountability and responsibility. Is there room for improvement? Undoubtably. Perhaps Provincial involvement will help to provide some of these measures. But let the program stand or fall on its own merits. I doubt if I would be alive today without AARC's intervention in my family's dynamics.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: turning kids into drug addicts, suicide victims
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2009, 07:10:19 PM »
take them down" DrV thought if was especailly funny to play "running against the wind" if a kid got caught trying to escape. He'd laugh along with the song and degrade the kid and tell the group to do the same or you'll get caught. If you could sign yourself out your charges would be pressed and your famliy would ostirichsize you. Again parents would have to put up their hands too and comment on the "work" the kid was doing. Dr.V is the only one who has complete authority to say if you earned. I for one "earned" in big group. Ironically I remember clearly crying for the opposite reason he preached to everyone. I went along with it bc I was happy to have "earned". Sometimes I'd make up stories just to see reactions. Sometimes staff would bring in Mcdonalds, ping pong balls, etc and whoever did the best work woudl get it. There were locks on the doors at the host homes and windows. Only the oc had the key. girls and guys at host home were sometimes put together. I had to take home a male client by myself who had serious guys raps issues that I knew about. Very uncomfortable. there was a ping pong table and hackey sack. Your had to write permissions to get balls or paper or clothes. These little things could be taken away from you for anything little as upsetting your oc. Sometimes the parents wouldn't like you and would snitch on the nc to staff. they would be punished appropriatley so such as not being allowed to go to a movie (which the parents would ask permission for and anything else they wanted to do as small as going to Peters drive in) with the host home on Sundays. Oc had to hold your razors and watch or supervise you while using these things if you'd earned the right to use them. Your parents are told not to believe anything you say. If you don't go along with them during the "fundraisers" during treatment you get in trouble. In one such host home the mother actually locked us from the outside of the room including the oc. There are two kids from my group who are dead, bc of primary disease. One from my group who murdered a woman, oh did I mention he worked on staff prior too!!! They had the tools they knew what to do??? Primary disease. I myself have resisted professional help bc I know it my fault. I punish myself. I have nightmares of that time and the stories that I heard and shared still race in the back of my head. Sometimes I think of one girl who was really young and pregnant during treatment. She had to participate in group and she would cry. She'd get yelled at and put down. She must have received great counseling when deciding what to do with her baby. I wonder how healthy that was during those stressful, loud, intensly emotionaly group sessions for the unborn baby. How come or did they have a real dr. test her prior to treatment instead she found out she was pregnant in treatment. The only dr. I saw was choate and it was shortly after I was admitted I remember him asking me questions for maybe an hour or less and that was it that I can remember for the duration of treatment. All clients are taken off their med's and this is done by the Oc who is put in charge of all their personal stuff. Sometimes this charge is given to the host home parent. We would assist some of these kids in detox. Sometimes we would take home 3-4 or more kids to supervise. Sometime of nc the oc wouldn't let you wash your stuff bc you ran out of time. All the time oc would yell at you in the shower making sick games how fast you could go. The rows go as suck level 1's front row, level 2's second row, level 3's and 4's have their own rows. At the back theres a long row where graduates or staff or anybody whose approved by the Doc can sit. The higher levels can than leave the centre to go to school. If you go to work your account is monitered you can't go spent money without permission. The longer it takes you to earn the longer you are denied these privledges. Therefore if you don't earn step 1 your not going to be able to leave the centre or be unsupervised ever, till you earn. So this puts you behind in school and everything with the outside world. You can't even have caffeine much less wactch tv or preapproved music. There was AA propaganda all over the walls. At the beginning and end of the raps there would be a song. Sarah M's Angel anybody barf. The parents would sing hallalulah along with that Neil diamond song and anybody who was there remembers how funny that was. My sibling was in treatment and my parents were encouraged to sign me up. I refused and my parents kicked me out of the house. I eventually had charges and I was told if I do this program they;ll get dropped. Thats AARC's saving grace they get charges dropped. I know of stories from treatment where if they were true... Than We had some serious criminals supervising us at times.... Aftercare is a joke your either in or out of the "AARC famliy" Its really creepy even if you go back to visit and sit and listen in group DrV might come up to you a graduate and he'll announce your history to the group at hand and than he might even look and you and announce to the group your "hurting" or "you don't trust anyone" basically asuring the group how much he knows us inside and outside the facillity. No matter how long after you've graduated he knows you. You begin to feel like everything they say about you is true. You have the tools why can't you get it together. Primary disease. So don't take any anti depressants or anxiety pills. Don't trust Dr's or hospitals. Use the steps, get honest, stay close to the group. Remember you're a fighter, a fake, a people pleaser, a wannabe, a whatever, but its all in your head. You can beat the "beast" if you listen to what you learned at AARC. "These kids have no excuse, Don't feel sorry for them." Dr.V. During treatment one of these kids I personally witnessed and may have participated in berating him day after day. Telling him he was a "people pleaser" and he must have got "eatten alive out there." Those are DrV's words. Dr.V say pychiatrists and teachers are conned by us "druggies," "losers," "Sorry bunch" "have your ever seen such a bunch of losers." He would say this all the time even if you were standing in line for meal. If you were labled a fighter it just took you longer to pass through. Fighters are the ones who challenge DrV almightly knowledge of the disease. Also when we were in treatment we had a schitzophrenic kid who was eventually released. It was bizarre and hysterical to us nc and the other clients bc it was so obvious he wasn't sane. Powerless was always the theme. I earned my step 1 after several tries. This place has been in and out of my life. I've struggled with my feelings toward it and what happened for years. Especailly the part that I deserved it. And that it was good for me bc its the "only place I wouldv'e got sober." Its the only place that really knows "me." I have a "disease." Its not fair to clients who come in on their own bc they trust the "dr" to help them. My first rap was a target rap. It focussed on how "boring" I was. I didn't know anybody and the leader of this rap was a guy a few years older than me. I have mixed feelings about the grad's sometimes I have survivors guilt when I think of abuses that occurred that I witnessed and didn't stop. I have fear of hospitals and Dr's (the real ones). Lucky I have finally trusted the professionals against the AARC family and I'm seeing clearly what confrontational therapy does. It left me paranoid, scared of confrontation, scared of relationships and unable to talk of that time for fear nobody would believe me anyways... I need to get back to real life but theres more way more 11-10 years ago I witnessed firsthand.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: turning kids into drug addicts, suicide victims
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2009, 07:12:13 PM »
take them down" DrV thought if was especailly funny to play "running against the wind" if a kid got caught trying to escape. He'd laugh along with the song and degrade the kid and tell the group to do the same or you'll get caught. If you could sign yourself out your charges would be pressed and your famliy would ostirichsize you. Again parents would have to put up their hands too and comment on the "work" the kid was doing. Dr.V is the only one who has complete authority to say if you earned. I for one "earned" in big group. Ironically I remember clearly crying for the opposite reason he preached to everyone. I went along with it bc I was happy to have "earned". Sometimes I'd make up stories just to see reactions. Sometimes staff would bring in Mcdonalds, ping pong balls, etc and whoever did the best work woudl get it. There were locks on the doors at the host homes and windows. Only the oc had the key. girls and guys at host home were sometimes put together. I had to take home a male client by myself who had serious guys raps issues that I knew about. Very uncomfortable. there was a ping pong table and hackey sack. Your had to write permissions to get balls or paper or clothes. These little things could be taken away from you for anything little as upsetting your oc. Sometimes the parents wouldn't like you and would snitch on the nc to staff. they would be punished appropriatley so such as not being allowed to go to a movie (which the parents would ask permission for and anything else they wanted to do as small as going to Peters drive in) with the host home on Sundays. Oc had to hold your razors and watch or supervise you while using these things if you'd earned the right to use them. Your parents are told not to believe anything you say. If you don't go along with them during the "fundraisers" during treatment you get in trouble. In one such host home the mother actually locked us from the outside of the room including the oc. There are two kids from my group who are dead, bc of primary disease. One from my group who murdered a woman, oh did I mention he worked on staff prior too!!! They had the tools they knew what to do??? Primary disease. I myself have resisted professional help bc I know it my fault. I punish myself. I have nightmares of that time and the stories that I heard and shared still race in the back of my head. Sometimes I think of one girl who was really young and pregnant during treatment. She had to participate in group and she would cry. She'd get yelled at and put down. She must have received great counseling when deciding what to do with her baby. I wonder how healthy that was during those stressful, loud, intensly emotionaly group sessions for the unborn baby. How come or did they have a real dr. test her prior to treatment instead she found out she was pregnant in treatment. The only dr. I saw was choate and it was shortly after I was admitted I remember him asking me questions for maybe an hour or less and that was it that I can remember for the duration of treatment. All clients are taken off their med's and this is done by the Oc who is put in charge of all their personal stuff. Sometimes this charge is given to the host home parent. We would assist some of these kids in detox. Sometimes we would take home 3-4 or more kids to supervise. Sometime of nc the oc wouldn't let you wash your stuff bc you ran out of time. All the time oc would yell at you in the shower making sick games how fast you could go. The rows go as suck level 1's front row, level 2's second row, level 3's and 4's have their own rows. At the back theres a long row where graduates or staff or anybody whose approved by the Doc can sit. The higher levels can than leave the centre to go to school. If you go to work your account is monitered you can't go spent money without permission. The longer it takes you to earn the longer you are denied these privledges. Therefore if you don't earn step 1 your not going to be able to leave the centre or be unsupervised ever, till you earn. So this puts you behind in school and everything with the outside world. You can't even have caffeine much less wactch tv or preapproved music. There was AA propaganda all over the walls. At the beginning and end of the raps there would be a song. Sarah M's Angel anybody barf. The parents would sing hallalulah along with that Neil diamond song and anybody who was there remembers how funny that was. My sibling was in treatment and my parents were encouraged to sign me up. I refused and my parents kicked me out of the house. I eventually had charges and I was told if I do this program they;ll get dropped. Thats AARC's saving grace they get charges dropped. I know of stories from treatment where if they were true... Than We had some serious criminals supervising us at times.... Aftercare is a joke your either in or out of the "AARC famliy" Its really creepy even if you go back to visit and sit and listen in group DrV might come up to you a graduate and he'll announce your history to the group at hand and than he might even look and you and announce to the group your "hurting" or "you don't trust anyone" basically asuring the group how much he knows us inside and outside the facillity. No matter how long after you've graduated he knows you. You begin to feel like everything they say about you is true. You have the tools why can't you get it together. Primary disease. So don't take any anti depressants or anxiety pills. Don't trust Dr's or hospitals. Use the steps, get honest, stay close to the group. Remember you're a fighter, a fake, a people pleaser, a wannabe, a whatever, but its all in your head. You can beat the "beast" if you listen to what you learned at AARC. "These kids have no excuse, Don't feel sorry for them." Dr.V. During treatment one of these kids I personally witnessed and may have participated in berating him day after day. Telling him he was a "people pleaser" and he must have got "eatten alive out there." Those are DrV's words. Dr.V say pychiatrists and teachers are conned by us "druggies," "losers," "Sorry bunch" "have your ever seen such a bunch of losers." He would say this all the time even if you were standing in line for meal. If you were labled a fighter it just took you longer to pass through. Fighters are the ones who challenge DrV almightly knowledge of the disease. Also when we were in treatment we had a schitzophrenic kid who was eventually released. It was bizarre and hysterical to us nc and the other clients bc it was so obvious he wasn't sane. Powerless was always the theme. I earned my step 1 after several tries. This place has been in and out of my life. I've struggled with my feelings toward it and what happened for years. Especailly the part that I deserved it. And that it was good for me bc its the "only place I wouldv'e got sober." Its the only place that really knows "me." I have a "disease." Its not fair to clients who come in on their own bc they trust the "dr" to help them. My first rap was a target rap. It focussed on how "boring" I was. I didn't know anybody and the leader of this rap was a guy a few years older than me. I have mixed feelings about the grad's sometimes I have survivors guilt when I think of abuses that occurred that I witnessed and didn't stop. I have fear of hospitals and Dr's (the real ones). Lucky I have finally trusted the professionals against the AARC family and I'm seeing clearly what confrontational therapy does. It left me paranoid, scared of confrontation, scared of relationships and unable to talk of that time for fear nobody would believe me anyways... I need to get back to real life but theres more way more 11-10 years ago I witnessed firsthand.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: turning kids into drug addicts, suicide victims
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2009, 07:14:34 PM »
I went through AARC eleven years ago. It took over a year to "graduate." At the time the front was offices and the very back was a garage with cement floors. This is where the newcomers go between countless endless raps. Some lasting past 12 in the morning with full group. You only have limited clothes in treatment and in the winter and summer there wasn't proper heating or conditioning. This was very uncomfortable. Sometimes you would have to wear the same clothes for weeks (if an oc didn't or ran out time to let you wash your stuff). Eventually while in treatment this was renovated to include windows facing the back of the building, unseen to public. This is where the "newcomers" as they were called were kept b/w raps. The raps were held in the middle of the building. The blinds were always closed. The chairs at the time were hard plastic. Level 1's aka newcomers sat on the front row until they earned their step 1. The raps were day in and out except for sundays which were spent in host homes. During these raps on step 1 "oldcomers" as they were called kicked step 1s chairs. You always had to have your hand up to share, relate, blast rap who ever was doing work stood at the front by themselves. There was target raps constantly. Big book raps where we would discuss the big book. Workbooks upon workbooks where we had to divulge our deepest secrets and hand into our peers who were sometimes younger or barely older than us. These peer staff would yell berate clients. I have diagnosed ADHD and having to sit through these long days was insane. I'd get in trouble for shaking my leg or biting my nails even cuticles. Screamed at during intense emotional confessions. We'd have to sleep on the floor in the treatment centre if the prior rap on Tuesday night was too long with sleeping bags and pillows we'd use for the duration of newcomer. We were made fun of for stinking, the sickest of the sick, called losers, physically assaulted. I had male clinical with no training barely older than me who gave me the creeps and after treatment did hit on me. I heard extreme stories of abuse rape incest not limited to girls rap content I heard guys rap stuff that still distraughts me as I feel guilty that I witnessed some of the personal confessions that were forced or outted by staff including the main and worst confession I heard forced was by Dr V guys rap stuff to everyone. The girls raps were sometimes ran by males with no "medical" background other than being a graduate themselves. There was a one way mirror. Slut and other degrading words were constant themes. All your problems and any abuses were somehow conected to your primary disease. We would also go to host homes with males whether they were siblings or other clients who were sometimes abusers themselves we would know this because we would hear it in girls raps. It was uncomfortable. All ages were mixed together. There was a zero club. If you were injured you still had to participate in group. All appointments with Dr. you're accompanied by a peer staff. Some times Dr. V would take us to his house for overnights females too. The male staff would hug you and hang out with you "platonic" during treatment hands on your waist or holding hands sometimes during song or prayer, but several male staff dated graduates after sometimes immediately after graduation. Conflict of interest? When we bc oc we were told to listen for nc if they puke or put on suicide watch. Ironically one kid who was suicidal during treatment died from suicide years later (I wonder if it was primary disease, he had the tools, don't feel sorry for him, he knew where to go, ... Maybe he had a "real" mood disorder, maybe if he wasn't so self responsible and guilty for feeling shitty all the time and not being able to control that feeling with program, maybe he would've given up.... or maybe its true it was primary disease that killed him and regards to DrV for keeping him alive as long as he did. Andrews funeral wasn't at all used by AARC as a chance to spout about the disease and AARC's miracles who knows) but maybe if he got proper medical care when he was younger it wouldn't have happend. Primary disease it what we're taught. I remember making fun and being made fun of constantly abusing the powers of these raps. Yelling and telling people they were "fake," "try hards" "losers", anything and not limited too. Swearing was fun and sometimes just making up stories in order to earn or see peoples reactions. Day after day you feel like your going nuts. Process your feelings. On one step you have to make amends to everybody you hurt. How many kids got amends from their parents for any thing. Your a bad kid, you put your parents through hell now beg for forgiveness. Oh and if its not up to par you can be forced to do it again and again till its accepted. The big groups were especailly humiliating as you would have to stand up in front of all the parents, all the clients and graduates or DrV friends or supporters and do work. No permission was asked to the clients if we want these additional people listening in. We were told we better behave. and violence was encouraged if you had a newcomer or a runner, "take them down" DrV thought if was especailly funny to play "running against the wind" if a kid got caught trying to escape. He'd laugh along with the song and degrade the kid and tell the group to do the same or you'll get caught. If you could sign yourself out your charges would be pressed and your famliy would ostirichsize you. Again parents would have to put up their hands too and comment on the "work" the kid was doing. Dr.V is the only one who has complete authority to say if you earned. I for one "earned" in big group. Ironically I remember clearly crying for the opposite reason he preached to everyone. I went along with it bc I was happy to have "earned". Sometimes I'd make up stories just to see reactions. Sometimes staff would bring in Mcdonalds, ping pong balls, etc and whoever did the best work woudl get it. There were locks on the doors at the host homes and windows. Only the oc had the key. girls and guys at host home were sometimes put together. I had to take home a male client by myself who had serious guys raps issues that I knew about. Very uncomfortable. there was a ping pong table and hackey sack. Your had to write permissions to get balls or paper or clothes. These little things could be taken away from you for anything little as upsetting your oc. Sometimes the parents wouldn't like you and would snitch on the nc to staff. they would be punished appropriatley so such as not being allowed to go to a movie (which the parents would ask permission for and anything else they wanted to do as small as going to Peters drive in) with the host home on Sundays. Oc had to hold your razors and watch or supervise you while using these things if you'd earned the right to use them. Your parents are told not to believe anything you say. If you don't go along with them during the "fundraisers" during treatment you get in trouble. In one such host home the mother actually locked us from the outside of the room including the oc. There are two kids from my group who are dead, bc of primary disease. One from my group who murdered a woman, oh did I mention he worked on staff prior too!!! They had the tools they knew what to do??? Primary disease. I myself have resisted professional help bc I know it my fault. I punish myself. I have nightmares of that time and the stories that I heard and shared still race in the back of my head. Sometimes I think of one girl who was really young and pregnant during treatment. She had to participate in group and she would cry. She'd get yelled at and put down. She must have received great counseling when deciding what to do with her baby. I wonder how healthy that was during those stressful, loud, intensly emotionaly group sessions for the unborn baby. How come or did they have a real dr. test her prior to treatment instead she found out she was pregnant in treatment. The only dr. I saw was choate and it was shortly after I was admitted I remember him asking me questions for maybe an hour or less and that was it that I can remember for the duration of treatment. All clients are taken off their med's and this is done by the Oc who is put in charge of all their personal stuff. Sometimes this charge is given to the host home parent. We would assist some of these kids in detox. Sometimes we would take home 3-4 or more kids to supervise. Sometime of nc the oc wouldn't let you wash your stuff bc you ran out of time. All the time oc would yell at you in the shower making sick games how fast you could go. The rows go as suck level 1's front row, level 2's second row, level 3's and 4's have their own rows. At the back theres a long row where graduates or staff or anybody whose approved by the Doc can sit. The higher levels can than leave the centre to go to school. If you go to work your account is monitered you can't go spent money without permission. The longer it takes you to earn the longer you are denied these privledges. Therefore if you don't earn step 1 your not going to be able to leave the centre or be unsupervised ever, till you earn. So this puts you behind in school and everything with the outside world. You can't even have caffeine much less wactch tv or preapproved music. There was AA propaganda all over the walls. At the beginning and end of the raps there would be a song. Sarah M's Angel anybody barf. The parents would sing hallalulah along with that Neil diamond song and anybody who was there remembers how funny that was. My sibling was in treatment and my parents were encouraged to sign me up. I refused and my parents kicked me out of the house. I eventually had charges and I was told if I do this program they;ll get dropped. Thats AARC's saving grace they get charges dropped. I know of stories from treatment where if they were true... Than We had some serious criminals supervising us at times.... Aftercare is a joke your either in or out of the "AARC famliy" Its really creepy even if you go back to visit and sit and listen in group DrV might come up to you a graduate and he'll announce your history to the group at hand and than he might even look and you and announce to the group your "hurting" or "you don't trust anyone" basically asuring the group how much he knows us inside and outside the facillity. No matter how long after you've graduated he knows you. You begin to feel like everything they say about you is true. You have the tools why can't you get it together. Primary disease. So don't take any anti depressants or anxiety pills. Don't trust Dr's or hospitals. Use the steps, get honest, stay close to the group. Remember you're a fighter, a fake, a people pleaser, a wannabe, a whatever, but its all in your head. You can beat the "beast" if you listen to what you learned at AARC. "These kids have no excuse, Don't feel sorry for them." Dr.V. During treatment one of these kids I personally witnessed and may have participated in berating him day after day. Telling him he was a "people pleaser" and he must have got "eatten alive out there." Those are DrV's words. Dr.V say pychiatrists and teachers are conned by us "druggies," "losers," "Sorry bunch" "have your ever seen such a bunch of losers." He would say this all the time even if you were standing in line for meal. If you were labled a fighter it just took you longer to pass through. Fighters are the ones who challenge DrV almightly knowledge of the disease. Also when we were in treatment we had a schitzophrenic kid who was eventually released. It was bizarre and hysterical to us nc and the other clients bc it was so obvious he wasn't sane. Powerless was always the theme. I earned my step 1 after several tries. This place has been in and out of my life. I've struggled with my feelings toward it and what happened for years. Especailly the part that I deserved it. And that it was good for me bc its the "only place I wouldv'e got sober." Its the only place that really knows "me." I have a "disease." Its not fair to clients who come in on their own bc they trust the "dr" to help them. My first rap was a target rap. It focussed on how "boring" I was. I didn't know anybody and the leader of this rap was a guy a few years older than me. I have mixed feelings about the grad's sometimes I have survivors guilt when I think of abuses that occurred that I witnessed and didn't stop. I have fear of hospitals and Dr's (the real ones). Lucky I have finally trusted the professionals against the AARC family and I'm seeing clearly what confrontational therapy does. It left me paranoid, scared of confrontation, scared of relationships and unable to talk of that time for fear nobody would believe me anyways... I need to get back to real life but theres more way more 11-10 years ago I witnessed firsthand.

B | unknown | Posted February 21, 2009 06:26 PM
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Lawrence Mazur , AARC murdered your son.
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2009, 07:25:32 PM »
I had a chance to watch your show on AARC a couple of times.

 I needed to watch it more than once cause the first time I watched it I got very upset. I belong to a 12 step program that has taught me to look within when I get upset or angry.

I now can watch the show without getting upset I now watch it with empathy. You see at one time I had some of the same ideals as some of the people you interviewed. However that was before my family was impacted by the disease of addiction. For a couple of years after that we were lost in the dispair of addiction with many places to try and we hoestly did try them.

I was told of a place called AARC and thought I would check it out for I had nothing to lose. I did not accept there ideals the first time I came into contact with them and continued on my on path. When we had nowhere else to turn with our proplem AARC was still there and willing to take on our family. I would like to emphasize our "family" for you see this disease does not only effect the client but the family as unit is effected.

The first night we were at AARC I left there very upset thinking this was not the place for anyone period, and thought I would probably not stay. I figured to stay for a least a week for then I knew my son would be safe for that period anyhow. Before I got to make that decision I was able to spend some time with some of the family's in treatment and thought mabey I should keep an open mind and maybe give this place a try.

Our family spent a long time in AARC from June 1999 to May 2001 with a period in 2000 that our son decided to leave on his own for about 3-4 months. He made the dicision to go back on his own and we supported him though it. Our graduation from AARC came in May 2001 and our son was sober and clean and most importantly was given all the imformation to be able to make his own choice's.

Sadly for our son in 2004 he decided to use drugs and alcohol and on Jan8/05 it took his life, but luckly for our family AARC does not only treat the client but the whole family.

We have not only been able to survive this tragedy but can continue to grow and prosper in our journey.

I stand in testomony today to say that it was AARC that was able to give us the helping hand we needed to get the imformation to be able live life the way we do today.

So back to my empathy I feel for the people with the negative thoughts and comments on AARC I will pray for each and everyone of you that you may find joy,happyness,love,patience,tolerance and kindness in your journey for we are not here for that long of a period to be closed minded to things we don't or won't try to uderstand.

PS: I would be willing to be interviewed to share my experiences on AARC. You amy contact me by e-mail:[email protected] or by phone:403-888-9967

Lawrence Mazur | Calgary,ab. | Posted February 20, 2009 11:38 AM
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline anonAARCgrad

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Re: turning kids into drug addicts, suicide victims
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2009, 07:35:18 PM »

Wow. That is bang on - even though we didn't go to AARC at the same time, that was very similar to my expereience. For years i wore it as a badge if honor that I had gone through there. -  not the Mazur thing, the long detailed post..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anne Bonney

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Re: turning kids into drug addicts, suicide victims
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2009, 07:39:39 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
My daughter and I graduated from the AARC program 14 months after we entered, 17 years ago. As a parent alcoholic/addict I needed my brain washed,

At least you admit that's what goes on in there.

and my child, who had been raised by a warped and skewed-viewed mother, needed to be equipped with life tools other than the family ones that I had inherited and passed on to her of relentless resentment, rage, unforgiveness, selfishness and self-centeredness.

I noticed you didn't speak much about pain.  You focus on how selfish/self-centered and unforgiving she was.   Yes, very familiar.  That "entitlement" disorder, right?  More important to concentrate on that than her pain, right?  It's easier to justify what you did to her.

Treatment was described to me as a controlled breakdown and REBUILDING of the individual, and that was what happened to both of us.

Again, at least you admit that breaking someone is a part of "the program".  I agree, it is.  And it's a very effective tool.  And incredibly dangerous.

If any of you think that it is an easy feat to orchestrate or go through, you would be dead wrong.

You have NO idea what she went thru.  You parents like to believe that you did this together.   You have NO idea.  You stated above that "my daughter and I graduated".'re daughter became a victim of brainwashing and Stockholm did nothing but expose her to a bunch of unqualified quacks.

I am grateful for the safe place that it was to do some very deep and painful work on myself. I grew more in that 14 months than at any other time in my life. I was confronted on the lies that I had built my life on and supported in my tearing down the faulty structure and rebuilding process. And I watched my very hurting daughters pain slowly drain away and a very beautiful and loving young woman blossomed.

You watched her slowly and very painfully become thoroughly indoctrinated.  

Should there be accountability for AARC? Yes, of course. They teach accountability and responsibility. Is there room for improvement? Undoubtably. Perhaps Provincial involvement will help to provide some of these measures. But let the program stand or fall on its own merits. I doubt if I would be alive today without AARC's intervention in my family's dynamics.

Those "merits" are directly derived from the depraved doings (a lot of alliteration LOL) of Miller Newton and his particular brand of crazy.  Not something to boast about.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa

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Re: turning kids into drug addicts, suicide victims
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2009, 07:45:53 PM »
Quote from: "anonAARCgrad"

Wow. That is bang on - even though we didn't go to AARC at the same time, that was very similar to my expereience. For years i wore it as a badge if honor that I had gone through there. -  not the Mazur thing, the long detailed post..

I think its neat the AARC both murders kids and helps the murdered kids parents' grow from the tragedy. A package deal.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: turning kids into drug addicts, suicide victims
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2009, 08:00:26 PM » ... rless.html

All of the above is taken from the linked comments page. I encourage any victims of a cult-gulag to post their experiences there, especially since apparently poor R,B,and C are being sued?

Public awareness does legally help.

I predict this suit blows up in DV's face, big time. I think his motivation is to intimidate other victims from coming forward publicly, whom I don’t think it will be.

Victims remain silent not because they are afraid of being sued but because they are too traumatized, shamed, and marginalized to stand up for themselves, and because, frankly, even when they are not the govt is so corrupt it denies the them the platform usually afforded to afforded to victims of crime.

This is very poor judgment on the part of DV in his position as evil cult leader because he has unlocked a door that swings both ways.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: turning kids into drug addicts, suicide victims
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2009, 08:02:53 PM »

All of the above is taken from the linked comments page. I encourage any victims of a cult-gulag to post their experiences there, especially since apparently poor R,B,and C are being sued?

Public awareness does legally help.

I predict this suit blows up in DV's face, big time. I think his motivation is to intimidate other victims from coming forward publicly, whom I don’t think will be.

Victims remain silent not because they are afraid of being sued but because they are too traumatized, shamed, and marginalized to stand up for themselves, and because, even when they are not the govt is so corrupt it denies the them the platform usually afforded to afforded victims of crime.

This is very poor judgment on the part of DV in his position as evil cult leader because he has unlocked a door that swings both ways.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anne Bonney

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Re: Lawrence Mazur , AARC murdered your son.
« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2009, 08:04:06 PM »
Quote from: "Lawrence Mazur, 'The AARC saved my son Andrew, who killed himself'"
I had a chance to watch your show on AARC a couple of times.

 I needed to watch it more than once cause the first time I watched it I got very upset. I belong to a 12 step program that has taught me to look within when I get upset or angry.

First, I'm so sorry for your loss.  Sincerley.  That's horrible for anyone to endure.

Second.........this wasn't "our" show.  This was a news program, if we're talking about the same thing.  Even so,  Why do you assume that you are the cause of what you're feeling?  Very often there are external circumstances that warrant anger and being upset.

I now can watch the show without getting upset I now watch it with empathy. You see at one time I had some of the same ideals as some of the people you interviewed. However that was before my family was impacted by the disease of addiction. For a couple of years after that we were lost in the dispair of addiction with many places to try and we hoestly did try them.

Like what?  Was your child physically dependent on a drug?

I was told of a place called AARC and thought I would check it out for I had nothing to lose. I did not accept there ideals the first time I came into contact with them and continued on my on path. When we had nowhere else to turn with our proplem AARC was still there and willing to take on our family. I would like to emphasize our "family" for you see this disease does not only effect the client but the family as unit is effected.

Let's clear up the terms.  Addiction is a physical dependence on a chemical substance...i.e.  the person experiences PHYSICAL withdrawal symptoms if denied the drug.  This does NOT include the vast majority of people, let alone teens.

The first night we were at AARC I left there very upset thinking this was not the place for anyone period, and thought I would probably not stay. I figured to stay for a least a week for then I knew my son would be safe for that period anyhow. Before I got to make that decision I was able to spend some time with some of the family's in treatment and thought mabey I should keep an open mind and maybe give this place a try.

Mmmm hmm.  Thats' the honeymoon period of thought reform.  You're so desperate for "the answer" that you're willing to accept things your gut is telling you not to.

Our family spent a long time in AARC from June 1999 to May 2001 with a period in 2000 that our son decided to leave on his own for about 3-4 months. He made the dicision to go back on his own and we supported him though it.

Did he really or did you restrict his access to you and your family?  Did you implement an "exit plan"?  You know....the tough love, "we're not supporting anything you do if you don't return to AARC" deal?  

Our graduation

Please don't belittle what your child went thru by maintaining that you experienced anything CLOSE to what he did.

from AARC came in May 2001 and our son was sober and clean and most importantly was given all the imformation to be able to make his own choice's.

I have no idea what that means.

Sadly for our son in 2004 he decided to use drugs and alcohol and on Jan8/05 it took his life, but luckly for our family AARC does not only treat the client but the whole family.

Not to be harsh, but your son quite possibly couldn't handle the PTSD he acquired from his time in AARC, IMO.

We have not only been able to survive this tragedy but can continue to grow and prosper in our journey.

Gee, how nice for you.  Meanwhile, your son obviously couldn't take the "break them down" part of the program but your "prospering".  Wonderful.

I stand in testomony today to say that it was AARC that was able to give us the helping hand we needed to get the imformation to be able live life the way we do today.

So then, what exactly did AARC do for your SON?  We hear you that it helped you immensely.  Wonder how your son would feel about it?  

Go me cold, call me whatever you want.....I still cannot believe the amount of denial people like this are in.  Yeah!!!!  AARC did SOOOOO much good for my son that he ended his own life.   Will you people never learn???   In order to accomplish what you want to accomplish (changing someone against their will) have to BREAK that will.  It's NEVER pretty, as a good friend is fond of saying.

So back to my empathy I feel for the people with the negative thoughts and comments on AARC I will pray for each and everyone of you that you may find joy,happyness,love,patience,tolerance and kindness in your journey for we are not here for that long of a period to be closed minded to things we don't or won't try to uderstand.

Why do you think we don't understand it??  Most of us have lived it.

PS: I would be willing to be interviewed to share my experiences on AARC. You amy contact me by e-mail:[email protected] or by phone:403-888-9967

Lawrence Mazur | Calgary,ab. | Posted February 20, 2009 11:38 AM
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa

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Re: turning kids into drug addicts, suicide victims
« Reply #13 on: March 11, 2009, 08:13:04 PM »
yeah, id say thats a little cold. not so good to yell at parents whose kid committed suicide when they dont understand what happened because they are confused/brainwashed as opposed to merely evil/ selfish/ mentally ill.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anne Bonney

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Re: turning kids into drug addicts, suicide victims
« Reply #14 on: March 11, 2009, 08:19:57 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
yeah, id say thats a little cold. not so good to yell at parents whose kid committed suicide when they dont understand what happened because they are confused/brainwashed as opposed to merely evil/ selfish/ mentally ill. someone who's been subjected to said brainwashing & abuse AND as someone who's been quite suicidal DUE to said brainwashing & conscience is clear.  Make me the villain all you want, it doesn't diminish what happened to that poor kid.  Just FYI....I was also broken and told that I'd be "deadinsaneorinjail" if I rejected Straight/AARC's values.  I did, 25 years ago and miraculously I'm still here.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa