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Texas couple claim son abused at LaVerkin boarding school
« on: September 02, 2006, 02:23:59 PM »
A lawsuit has been filed accusing a LaVerkin boarding school for troubled youths of forcing a teen to eat his own vomit, to clean toilets with a toothbrush and brush his teeth afterward, and locking him in a dog cage among other abuses.
    William and Tammy Wood of Dallas say they enrolled their son, Chase, in the Cross Creek Center for Boys in 2000 and 2001, and in another California program - both owned and operated by the World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools Inc. (WWASPS)
   The operator of the center on Monday adamantly denied all the allegations.
   "That's totally absurd," Karr Farnsworth said. "We do not abuse kids. We are a good program and we don't do things that are not appropriate. If we were donig those things we wouldn't have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of happy kids and parents."
    In a complaint filed in Utah's federal court Friday, the parents allege Chase was sexually and emotionally abused during his stays, denied adequate food, and put into long periods of isolation that left him with no education and ill equipped for the outside world.
he couple have asked a judge to find the WWASPS and its facilities have violated federal anti-racketeering laws by scheming to conceal abuses from parents who enroll their children.
    The complaint asks a judge to issue an injunction preventing what the Woods called "further false advertising" misleading parents about the facilities. The lawsuit also seeks an unspecified amount of damages, including punitive damages, to be determined at trial.
    Named defendants in the lawsuit are: World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools Inc.; Cross Creek Center for Boys LLC; Cross Creek Manor LLC; High Impact; Robert Browning Lichfield Family Partnership; Teens in Crisis LLC; Teen Help LLC; R&B Management Group LLC; R&B Billing LLC; Robert Lichfield; Ken Kay; Karr Farnsworth; Jeff Voorhees; Does 1-20.

article from 8/28


WWASPS Back in Court, Again
Coalition Against Institutionalized Child Abuse
8/26/2006 1:30:46 PM

WWASPS Back in Court, Again

On Allegations of Child Abuse, Fraud, Breach of Contract, Conspiracy, Gross Negligence, RICO Violations, False Imprisonment, Assault, Battery, and More

Salt Lake City, UT (August 25, 2006) ? Isabelle Zehnder of the Coalition Against Institutionalized Child Abuse (CAICA) and Sue Scheff of PURE, learned of the abuses William Chase Wood endured at the hands of the World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASPS). Together with the help of Chase?s mother, Tammy Wood, they were instrumental in securing legal counsel for Chase and his parents.

The prominent and prestigious Turley Law Firm of Dallas, Texas, is co-counseling with famed attorney, Richard Henriksen, who successfully defeated WWASPS in a jury trial in August 2004 when WWASPS attempted to silence a Florida mom, Sue Scheff, and her organization, PURE, for speaking out against them. WWASPS appealed and Mr. Henriksen recently defeated them in the Appellate Court again in June 2006.

Mr. Henriksen and the Turley Law Firm filed a lawsuit Friday, August 25, 2006, on behalf of their clients, William Chase Wood, Tammy M. Wood, and Gregory Wilson Wood, and against the World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWAPS), Cross Creek Center for Boys, LLC, Cross Creek Manor, LLC, High Impact, Robert Browning Lichfield Family Partnership, Teens in Crisis, LLC, Teen Help, LLC, R&B Billing, LLC, Robert B. Lichfield, Ken Kay, Karr Farnsworth, and Jeff Voorhees. (See links to below).

The facts of the case are clear. Chase?s parents entrusted their child to the control and direction of Defendants because Defendants advertised, promoted, and marketed their boarding school as a place where children with problems could get an education while they received direction in behavior modification for emotional growth and personal development.

Instead their son was severely abused for nearly two years while he was in their programs, Cross Creek and High Impact. Some of the allegations of abuse include:

? Unsanitary living conditions;

? Denial of adequate food;

? Denial of proper medical care and treatment;

? Denial of a minimally sufficient education;

? Exposure to cold temperatures for long periods of time;

? Forced physical exercise beyond his physical capacity;

? Placement in isolation for long periods of time, and at times, locked up in basements and put into uncomfortable positions;

? He was kicked, beaten, thrown and slammed to the ground, restrained, and humiliated;

? He was chained and locked in dog cages and, at times, tied by the writs and ankles;

? He was forced to clean and scrub toilets and floors with his toothbrush and then use the toothbrush afterwards;

? He was forced to carry heavy bags of sand around his neck throughout the day over many days;

? He was forced to wash dishes by using his hands and sand to scrub pots;

? He was forced to eat his own vomit;

? He endured sexual abuse;

? He endured emotional abuse when Defendants subjected him to near-total parental and societal isolation;

? In an effort to control his mind, he was prevented from having regular contact with his parents;

? Personal visits, correspondence, and telephone calls were either forbidden or discouraged; and

? He was forced to work without compensation.

Chase repeatedly witnessed other children being kicked, beaten, thrown to the ground, and humiliated by teachers, supervisors, and/or staff.

Because he was subjected to near-total isolation from the outside world, Chase was totally unequipped to enter outside society, which has made earning a living, forming and maintaining relationships, and adapting to society difficult at best. He will need extended therapy.

The Complaint alleges WWASPS and/or the other Defendants:

? Breached their duty to act in Chase?s best interest;

? Conspired and fraudulently concealed the extent and nature of the physical, emotional, mental, and sexual abuse occurring at its boarding schools, extending through the present day;

? Have suppressed and minimized public knowledge of the rampant physical, emotional, mental, and sexual abuse of minor children in their boarding schools by teachers, supervisors, and staff;

? Had a duty to respond and to aggressively address the repeated notices of abuse committed on children so they would not continue;

? Failed to provide proper training to its teachers, supervisors, and staff;

? Failed to notify state and governmental authorities of known and suspected abuse when it was the law to do so;

? Failed to provide reasonable supervision of its teachers, supervisors, and staff;

? Failed to provide adequate staffing to provide a safe environment;

? Failed to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, and education in its boarding schools, even though it represents to parents and others it was doing so;

? Failed to tell Chase?s parents they did not provide adequate staffing to prevent, detect, and minimize the effects of incidents of abuse;

? Failed to tell Chase?s parents they did not provide adequate staffing to prevent, detect, and minimize the effects of incidents of abuse;

? Failed to tell Chase?s parents that their son was being used as child labor and was not compensated for doing so;

? Failed to tell Chase?s parents that the schools were below child safety standards, and that education of their child would be minimal to non-existence;

? Conducted themselves in a malicious, wanton, and reckless disregard of Plaintiff Chase Wood?s health, safety, and welfare;

? Falsely imprisoned Chase Wood; and

? Violated the RICO Act by bilking parents and children out of their money, depriving children of their educational opportunities, committing mail fraud, misrepresenting facts through phone conversations and letters, sending fraudulent literature, misleading the public and government regulators, to name a few.

In sum, plaintiff Chase Wood has suffered, and will continue to suffer, extreme emotional trauma, pain and suffering, and chronic post-traumatic stress disorder. He has suffered from diminished earning capacity and lost earnings. Chase experienced both physical and psychological pain and suffering and mental anguish and continues to do so. He suffers from a profound sense of guilt, helplessness, loss of self-esteem, and suffers from post-traumatic stress syndrome as a result of his experiences at WWASPS programs.

Plaintiffs believe physical, emotional, and sexual abuse to minor children currently enrolled or residing at Defendants? boarding schools and treatment facilities is ongoing and continues to this day. Plaintiffs seek the Court to issue an injunction that would prohibit Defendants from engaging in any further physical, emotional, or sexual abuse of minor children currently enrolled in or residing at their programs.

The Turley Law Firm is investigating other potential claims. There is no cost to plaintiffs as cases are taken on a contingency fee basis. If you feel you were defrauded or harmed in any way by any WWASPS facility, feel free to contact the Turley Law Firm at 1-800-692-4025. Their website is


As of August 2006, it is believed that WWASP aka WWASPS has affiliations with the following facilities:

? Academy of Ivy Ridge, NY (Recently withdrew their affiliation with WWASPS)

? Bethel Girls Academy, Mississippi

? Eagle Point Christian Academy; Mississippi - (fka Bethel Boys Academy)

? Canyon View Park, MT

? Camas Ranch, MT

? Carolina Springs Academy, SC

? Cross Creek Programs, UT (Cross Creek Center for Boys and Cross Creek Manor)

? Darrington Academy, GA

? Help My Teen, UT (Believed to promote and market WWASP/WWASPS/Robert Lichfield-affiliated programs)

? Horizon Academy, NV

? Lifelines Family Services, UT (Believed to promote and market WWASP/WWASPS/Robert Lichfield-affiliated programs)

? Majestic Ranch, UT

? Midwest Academy, IA (Brian Viafanua, formerly the Director of Paradise Cove as shown on Primetime, is the current Director here)

? New Beginnings Maternity Home, Utah

? Pillars of Hope, Costa Rica (it is believed the program was set up for 18-22 year olds and that a new program has opened in Costa Rica for pre-teens and teens)

? Pine View Christian Academy (Borders FL, AL, MS)

? Reality Trek, UT

? Red River Academy, LA (Borders TX)

? Royal Peak Academy, CO (It is believed that Randall Hinton - who admitted using pepper spray on teens - is employed at this facility)

? Sky View Academy, NV

? Spring Creek Lodge, MT

? Teens In Crisis, LLC (Believed to promote and market WWASP/WWASPS/Robert Lichfield-affiliated programs)

? Teen Help, LLC (Believed to promote and market WWASP/WWASPS/Robert Lichfield-affiliated programs)

? Tranquility Bay, Jamaica

The Following WWASP Facilities Have Been Closed:

? Casa by the Sea

? Dundee Ranch Adademy, Costa Rica - raided and closed on May 22, 2003 after authorities confirmed child abuse

? Brightway Hospital, Utah - closed by authorities in 2002 for providing inadequate care and abuse of teenagers

? Morava Academy, Czech Republic - closed in 1998 after authorities confirmed abuse and arrested the directors Glenda (aka Glenn) and Steve Roach

? Sunrise Beach, Cancun Mexico - closed in 1996 after authorities alleged abuse Glenda (aka Glenn) and Steve Roach were directors.

? High Impact, Mexico - closed on the heels of an investigation into abuse

? Paradise Cove, Samoa - closed on the heels of an investigation into abuse
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Texas couple claim son abused at LaVerkin boarding schoo
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2006, 03:32:21 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
He has suffered from diminished earning capacity and lost earnings. Chase experienced both physical and psychological pain and suffering and mental anguish and continues to do so. He suffers from a profound sense of guilt, helplessness, loss of self-esteem, and suffers from post-traumatic stress syndrome as a result of his experiences at WWASPS programs.

Reminds me of another young man shown in the TB documentary, the one whose mother wondered if her son will ever be well enough to hold down a job.

Chalk it up to another WWASPS success story! As we all know, this young man is obviously a liar and a manipulator!!!

Maybe they feel like they didn't pepper spray him often enough.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline notstupidlikeyou

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Texas couple claim son abused at LaVerkin boarding school
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2006, 01:47:35 AM »
please don't talk about him like that you don't know him and if you said that to my face I'd probaly kick your butt. :evil:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline CCM girl 1989

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Texas couple claim son abused at LaVerkin boarding school
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2006, 10:47:06 AM »
Quote from: ""notstupidlikeyou""
please don't talk about him like that you don't know him and if you said that to my face I'd probaly kick your butt. :evil:

I think if you read this again you'll see they were being sarcastic! We all know that's what WWASPS has been saying that forever when allegations of abuse come from their students.

We can discuss it all we want here, and express our own opinions. But, in the end the majority of us don't know the plantiffs or the defendants, or were in any of these schools or programs.

I guess they will leave it up to a jury of their peers to figure out this whole mess! Where, and when will the trial be?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
f you were never in a program, or a parent of a child in a program, then you have no business posting here.

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Texas couple claim son abused at LaVerkin boarding school
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2006, 11:42:44 AM »
///Where, and when will the trial be?///

Utah; and who knows?

If you haven't called this law firm, you should. They are still talking to potential plaintiffs. They have filed a first amended complaint, and will be filing more. I understand they have been swamped with calls and are about a week or two behind getting back to people - but they will get in touch. Call them. Please do not assume you have no case or that its been to long. Let them decide if they can represent you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline CCM girl 1989

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Texas couple claim son abused at LaVerkin boarding school
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2006, 12:08:15 PM »
Richard Hendriksen, and I spoke about 5-6 months ago. He knows how I feel. I am sure they will be fine without me. I don't want money. Let's just say, I am not willing to have that part of my life dug up again. It's very time consuming, and I just don't want to be part of it.

Do I want to see the truth come out, whatever that may be? Absolutely! All parties involved in this lawsuit deserve to be heard.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
f you were never in a program, or a parent of a child in a program, then you have no business posting here.

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Texas couple claim son abused at LaVerkin boarding school
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2006, 12:44:35 PM »
I understand CCM. But keep in mind there is strength in numbers. And you have a dandy case, as I recall.  I don't think it would require much effort on your part. You should at least explore the option.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Texas couple claim son abused at LaVerkin boarding school
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2006, 12:50:07 PM »
Sounds like she has.  CCM, if it's not the right thing for you to do for yourself, don't.   Your life is your life now.  Don't let anyone guilt you into doing anything you're not comfortable with.  You've done your time, you've posted your experience.  If that's all you feel comfortable in doing, that's perfectly OK.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline CCM girl 1989

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Texas couple claim son abused at LaVerkin boarding school
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2006, 01:16:47 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
I understand CCM. But keep in mind there is strength in numbers. And you have a dandy case, as I recall.  I don't think it would require much effort on your part. You should at least explore the option.

There are already 25 people.......and more to join I am sure?!! I have forgiven people from my past that hurt me, and confused me emotionally. For those of you who know me or my story you know it was a very personal matter that involved 2 people.

The things that have happened since to these kids, are against an organization that from what I read, hear, and talk to former students about is just plain fucked up from top to bottom. It's the program itself, along with staff that do as they're told, and follow instructions from the higher ups. It's darker, and seems much worse then when I attended CCM.

I can tell you, that if this was 15 years ago, I would be on this lawsuit. But, I have had a long time to heal. I am an extremely honest person, and would never say anything that wasn't true. I am not like that. I do not respect people who exaggerate, and outright lie. I also do not respect people who do not own up for things they did. But, in the end you forgive, and move on. It sucks that I had to deal with it on my own, and I am sure it effected me emotionally for a long time.......but I think I am way over it.

Unlike some of these kids who are still knee deep in emotional shit trying to wade their way out. They need help, and well money buys it, I guess? That's what pays the doctors, and the shrinks to try and undo the damage done and gets these kids on the right path.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
f you were never in a program, or a parent of a child in a program, then you have no business posting here.

Offline CCM girl 1989

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Texas couple claim son abused at LaVerkin boarding school
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2006, 01:18:46 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Sounds like she has.  CCM, if it's not the right thing for you to do for yourself, don't.   Your life is your life now.  Don't let anyone guilt you into doing anything you're not comfortable with.  You've done your time, you've posted your experience.  If that's all you feel comfortable in doing, that's perfectly OK.

Thank you, I appreciate that.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
f you were never in a program, or a parent of a child in a program, then you have no business posting here.

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Texas couple claim son abused at LaVerkin boarding school
« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2006, 02:08:32 PM »
I'm not trying to guilt CCM (or anyone) into anything. But she did say she had talked to Henrickson 6 months ago. This leads me to think it might be worth her while to speak with Turley about this case.  I'm fine with what ever she wants to do.  I didn't mean to suggest otherwise.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline CCM girl 1989

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Texas couple claim son abused at LaVerkin boarding school
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2006, 02:42:40 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
I'm not trying to guilt CCM (or anyone) into anything. But she did say she had talked to Henrickson 6 months ago. This leads me to think it might be worth her while to speak with Turley about this case.  I'm fine with what ever she wants to do.  I didn't mean to suggest otherwise.

Good, I hate guilt trips lol!!!!! Mr. Henriksen could have forwarded my number if he wanted to, to the Turley Group. He didn't, which is fine by me. But, this leads me to believe that they have much more damaging things on WWASPS which means more then likely I don't need to get involved.

If they wanted to call me to the stand, I would show (lets hope they'd pay for the ticket out there!). I wouldn't lie, not for either side. Which is good, and bad. I am not perfect, and neither are any of you. You might not understand my attitude, and behaivor. I don't need you to. I see the good, and bad in everyone. I can be a real bitch if pushed, but most of the time I am a really sweet person, that has a big heart. I am not out to hurt or destroy anyone.

Everybody has their strengths and weaknesses. All these defendants have families you know, it's not just them. But, if these guys cannot control their own schools, and it's really fucking all these kids up like they claim......then they need to be stopped.

Sometimes I think why do they care about my experiences from 15+ years ago? But, I know it would help. It would show a longer history of some of the abuse that they are talking about. Coming from someone like me who is older, and has never wavered from the truth. I have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, kind of attitude. But, in being so honest......yawn boring compared to what these kids now are saying happened to them.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
f you were never in a program, or a parent of a child in a program, then you have no business posting here.

Offline notstupidlikeyou

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Texas couple claim son abused at LaVerkin boarding school
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2006, 05:39:12 PM »
The case is against Cross Creek but that was the 1st one not all the schools that the plantiff attended and as far as the crap people talk about Sue and Isabelle I think you have no right from personal experences this people are trying to help the cause not hurt it.  If you slander them then you slander the fight and that's sad because it shows that you my friends have let them program you.  If you wanted to know the truth I will tell as much as I can but I am bound by legal matters and can only say few things of the schools and the Texas case. I know that most of you will say that i'm lieing but that's why I have to believe that you people choose to lie to yourself and hurt not help. :-?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Texas couple claim son abused at LaVerkin boarding school
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2006, 05:47:01 PM »
Isn't there another lawsuit filed in Los Angeles?  I know about the one in NY against Ivy RIdge, but I thought there was a case in LA with Masry?

Can someone clarify????  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Texas couple claim son abused at LaVerkin boarding school
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2006, 08:25:35 PM »
Notstupidlike you:
If you are basing your "case" on Izzy and Sue; then the "other side" will be gathering everything they can against these two.
That's just how the legal system works.
And Sue has done damage to others outside the WWASP arena.
And no one is backing down on that.
I'd get these two as far away from the case as you can.
If you want to win against WWASP, that is.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »