I really don't get that ANY of you are upset with WWASPS schools. It really seems you are angry, upset, feel victimized --- by your parents for loving you enough to give you the "gift" of getting out of your own way.
Are you directing this comment towards me? Because, I get this strange feeling you are?!! So, let me just say this......I was and sometimes still am angry and upset with my parents for sending me away, and into the hands of WWASP schools where I did experience abuse. It was very traumatic, and even after 15 years the pain is still there.
Look, I am a great person! I admit that I did not go about getting released from CCM the "right way". Sorry, but after being at Heritage School in Provo Utah for 3 1/2 years being sent there when I was 12, and then being shipped from Heritage School directly to Cross Creek Manor for 9 months. It was no mystery, my parents had planned to keep me there until I was 18. Just so they could travel the world with no worries. Gee, thanks!
My therapist Dr. Goodwin knew this. We talked about it openly. I was like a dog chasing it's tail for so long, thinking if I do well enough my parents will someday take me home. They never did. The fact WWASP sat back collecting my parents money, and not forcing them to take me home, or put me in a more appropriate place, it was very frusterating for me.
I regret things I have done, that may have hurt people, and caused them big time headaches. But, do they regret what they did to me? Who knows, but I doubt it.
It's in my nature to be forgiving. I also have the ability to still love those who may have hurt me. But, I cannot sit back, and let this continue. These schools, and what's happening. It's horrible, and I can't tell you how much this has been on my mind these past few months.
It drives me crazy, and for those of you who I did hurt.......I never lied. I only did what I had to do to get away. I deserved to be released, and you know that. Blackmailing people was a one time thing for me. It killed me to do it. I still feel guilty, and horrible about it. But, there was no other options. It was the only way you'd let me leave.
There was a comment that was made a few posts back......with WWASPS you are getting a particle board kitchen table at a solid oak table price. This comment really sums up how I feel about WWASPS.