Author Topic: Yet Another Observation  (Read 13377 times)

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Offline webcrawler

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #45 on: August 28, 2004, 09:15:00 PM »
Oh Lezli you forgot to call her kids tar babies and the other stuff you were REALLY thinking. Keep it real Lezli. You posted much worse stuff about her than what you actually said to her. Fake, Fake, Fake.

If you really had the balls (well clit I suppose) you would have said what was Really on your mind.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
am looking for people who survived Straight in Plymouth, Michigan. I miss a lot of people there and wonder what happened and would like to stay in touch.

Offline 85 Day Jerk

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #46 on: August 29, 2004, 12:09:00 AM »
Lenny's career went through three phases, starting with the "bits" that polarized show business and launched audience walkouts. In 1958, when the Tammy Faye Bakers and Pat Robertsons were in their professional infancy, "Religions, Inc." unfrocked the religious leaders sitting around a table on Madison Avenue talking business like sleazy Broadway agents, hustlers, and used car pimps, capped with redneck evangelist Oral Roberts on the phone with Pope Pius ("P.P.") and later, John XXIII;

"Johnny, they buggin' us ovah heah with this here dumb-ass, I don' want no more quotations from outen th' Bible! They want us to come out and say things like, let them go to school with them! And they don't want the Bomb....Sure they're commies!....And Philly Joe [Jones, Miles Davis's drummer] says hello...."

Lenny's mosy disturbing bit, never recorded in its entirety, was "How to Relax Your Colored Friends at Parties" with black guitarist Eric Miller. Lenny starts by proposing toasts to Joe Louis, Bojangles - "all you people can tapdance, right?" - and Paul Robeson "who was all right until he got into that commie horseshit." Getting progressively smashed, Lenny concludes with:

"Say, you're a good boy. Lemme ask you somethin'. I always heard that you guys, well, I heard you really got a big wang-on, like a baby's arm with an apple in its fist. Could I see it? Aw, c'mon - let's whip out that roll of tarpaper and see whatcha got there, Chonga!"

Nat Hentoff wrote: "The lines are close enough to parody to allow the audience to laugh, but many find themselves squirming, because Bruce's point is how very little casual social relationship exists between Negroes and the most enlightened white liberals."

This was going on before I was even born in 1962.  Lenny Bruce was a brilliant and gutsy comedian who was'nt afraid to tell it like it is.
He died of a heroin overdose in public disgrace, but I am sure if he saw what little progress has been made in this country with all the "hoes" and gold teeth "playuhs" that dominate daytime television with their monkeyshine antics on Jerry Springer, Maury Povich, and all the rest, he would spin in his grave so fast he would pop out in China.

Hell, here is what Bill Cosby had to say about it all...........

It's not racism, it's truth. It's about time someone said it. Said what? Said what Bill Cosby said in his tirade against African American degenerates who beat women, drop out of school, steal, and do everything else they're not supposed to. Unfortunately 98% of the blacks who listened to Cosby speak will consider him racist, stupid, "out his god damn mind," and Bill's wise words of truth will fall on deaf ears. The extremely interesting part about his speech is that it's not racist at all because what he said can be adhered to any race or sex. The following is a brief synopsis of Bill Cosby bringing the house down while attempting to help people realize they are pieces of shit.

The Cos' said:

"You've got to stop beating up your women because you can't find a job, because you didn't want to get an education and now you're (earning) minimum wage," Cosby said. "You should have thought more of yourself when you were in high school, when you had an opportunity."

The truth:
It doesn't matter what color you are, you can still give a woman two black eyes if she asks to watch a Lifetime movie when Monday Night Football is on. Too cool for school? That's fine because now you're not cool enough to get a real job. Enjoy stacking burgers and stealing from the register until retirement.

The Cos' said:
"I can't even talk the way these people talk, 'Why you ain't,' 'Where you is' ... and I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk," Cosby said then. "And then I heard the father talk ... Everybody knows it's important to speak English except these knuckleheads. You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Inside a warehouse behind Tyrone Mall
we walked in darkness, kept hitting the wall.
I took the time to feel for the door,
I had been \"treated\" but what the hell for?

Offline webcrawler

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #47 on: August 29, 2004, 12:55:00 AM »
Comedy does help break the racial divide in our society. The difference between Lenny and some other folks is that a lot of people say and believe all the mean spirted stereotypes.

As far as Bill Cosby saying what he did he was trying to make a point about people getting their act together so they can be successful. Yes, a lot of people were upset because they thought whites would take what Bill said out of context and have yet one more thing to hold over their heads.

Let us not forget all the fucked up white people out here. It's everywhere. Really, saying someone is fucked up is sort of judging them. Fucked up by whose standards? People have a tendancy to think anyone that deviates from the dominant values of society are somehow less of a person. Classism and racism are very much a part of our society which can lead to a lot of things and it's not always easy for people to be the way a person thinks they are supposed to be.

I'm not usually into quotes or whatever, but I came accross this one the other day from Helen Keller before I even started doing all this arguing back and forth.

"I had once believed we were all masters of our fate-that we could mould our lives into any form we pleased... I had overcome deafness and blindness sufficiently to be happy, and I supposed that anyone could come out victorious if he threw himself valiantly into life's struggle. But as I went more and more about the country I learned that I had spoken with assurance on a subject I knew little about... I learned that the power to rise in the world is not within the reach of everyone".

                    -Helen Keller
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
am looking for people who survived Straight in Plymouth, Michigan. I miss a lot of people there and wonder what happened and would like to stay in touch.

Offline Scarstruck

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #48 on: August 29, 2004, 08:13:00 AM »
Well guess what ? I had 2 of my teeth kicked out of my mouth in jail because I was white. I dont go around openly spouting racism usually, but I do not like nor trust blacks or mexicans, and if you have a problem with that I guess I dont like you either.

 I have tried to be fair and open, however, when I had my ass kicked by groups of blacks and mexicans at a time...I picked up on what racism is..and I think about it everytime I eat, and have to move food to the left side of my mouth..because people didnt like me because Im white, and had me in a situation where I was the minority.

 Well guess what? Theres one more white boy out in the free world that wont ever trust a minority again.

 So please, save me your little Koom Bay ya we are all fair and equal spiel...It aint like that and the blacks and mexicans are just as much to blame..

 WHite heritage? no, Blind hate? no, Supremacy? no... I want my fucking teeth back!!!

 Dont get upset with me for my views. I tell it like it is and if you dont like it then we agree to disagree.
Not my fault you slept with some black dude that ditched you when he got you preggers...


 Police State is coming[ This Message was edited by: Scarstruck on 2004-08-29 05:13 ][ This Message was edited by: Scarstruck on 2004-08-29 05:15 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
\"You knew I was a snake when you picked me up\" ~S.S

Offline Carmel

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #49 on: August 29, 2004, 09:26:00 AM »
Scarstruck, I almost agreed with you until that last line... that wasnt cool.

Krystene, I am not trying to be self-righteous....if that were the case I would be name calling and slandering along with the rest of em.  All I am trying to say is that in order to have a fruitful discussion...people are going to have to use painful words and share uncomfortable thoughts.  

The topic we are on is not a pretty one....I suspect the solution isnt pretty either.  If you truly want people to stop hating, please stop returning the hate.

I grew up in a backwater town, in a trailer.  My father kicked the shit out of me if he caught me playing with black or mexican kids.  Nevermind the fact that we were the only white people for miles around, who was I supposed to play with?  It never made me have resentment towards minorities though, in fact I get very uncomfortable when someone makes racist comments and expects me to automatically share their viewpoint.  I think the idea that the color of skin has anything to do with anything is ludicrous.

Its a cultural issue that MUST be addressed.  And that issue is spread amongst all skin colors.  If a black white or mexican kid grows up acting like other black white or mexican kids, its not because they are black white or mexican.  Its because of the environment that most black white or mexican kids are raised in.  Learn by example.

If we dont start changing the example, we might as well forget it you know?  You cant jump down someones throat for admitting that they have negative feelings or responses....take it as an opportunity to educate.  You would have to agree that by turning around and cutting someone up, is just a wasted opportunity.  

Do you understand how it is hard to take someone seriously and openly when they return the very same sort of attitude that they are decrying?    

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
-- Aristotle

[ This Message was edited by: Carmel on 2004-08-29 06:28 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
...hands went up and people hit the floor, he wasted two kids that ran for the door....."
-Beastie Boys, Paul Revere

Offline Dr. Miller Newton

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #50 on: August 29, 2004, 11:17:00 AM »

If we dont start changing the example, we might as well forget it you know?  You cant jump down someones throat for admitting that they have negative feelings or responses....take it as an opportunity to educate.  You would have to agree that by turning around and cutting someone up, is just a wasted opportunity.  

Do you understand how it is hard to take someone seriously and openly when they return the very same sort of attitude that they are decrying?    

Carmel, you are wasting your time trying to reason with these druggies.  They can't think because their minds have been permanently altered by their choice to become dependent on chemicals.  They only respond to TOUGH LOVE--and that's just what they'll get at the new, improved, all-white....uh....I meant to say..'all-ages' Straight, Inc. v2.0!  Love ya!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Teenage Drug Use Is A Disease

Offline thebaker

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #51 on: August 29, 2004, 11:41:00 AM »
Are you really trying to tell me that comedians are "breaking the racial divide in society"?  Mabye you ought to take a look at Chris Rock or Wayans Twins.  I don't think their comedy is building any sort of a bridge.  They make fun of white people plain and simple and they get away with it under the blanket of comedy.  Rascism, even if it is reversed, is here to stay.

I wasn't a rascist until a few years ago when some person let me know I was because I couldn't wait on her the minute she walked into my store. She also let her two children know that I was too.  Because she was impatient, she called me a rascist.  At that very moment,all of my years of really trying to be impartial, not mean, nor having mean thoughts went right down into the great divide.  She didn't even have the courage to speak to me about.  She just ran out of the store.

She taught me a valuable lesson and her children a valuable lesson.  She taught me that it doesn't really matter what I think or feel because everyone really has their own agenda and my opinion probably isn't going to change that.  She taught her children a good lesson too--whenever you don't get your way immediately--just scream rascist and run away.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Trekker Jag

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #52 on: August 29, 2004, 12:49:00 PM »
On 2004-08-29 08:41:00, thebaker wrote:

"Are you really trying to tell me that comedians are "breaking the racial divide in society"?  Mabye you ought to take a look at Chris Rock or Wayans Twins.  I don't think their comedy is building any sort of a bridge.  They make fun of white people plain and simple and they get away with it under the blanket of comedy.  

Lenny Bruce was, but Rock, the Wayans, and Dave Chapelle aren't.  They merely continue to parrot stereotypes that have been trite for years.  Same goes for a lot of Rap artists, particularly those affiliated with the whole "5%" cult that is really a black supremacist cult.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
iller & Mel--Burn in Hell

Offline Carmel

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #53 on: August 29, 2004, 01:01:00 PM »
Thanks Newton...sign me up!  


If triangles had a God, He'd have three sides.
--Old Yiddish proverb

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
...hands went up and people hit the floor, he wasted two kids that ran for the door....."
-Beastie Boys, Paul Revere

Offline ehm

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #54 on: August 29, 2004, 02:10:00 PM »
On 2004-08-29 06:26:00, Carmel wrote:

"Krystene, I am not trying to be self-righteous.... if that were the case I would be name calling and slandering along with the rest of em.

I challenge you to find in my posts where I was slandering Krystene. In fact, the only person who can be accused of attacking anyone is Krystene. I don?t like being called names like racist, and never have liked hearing I was "Full of shit" and "Fake" either, (so reminiscent of the Straight experience) but nowhere in my posts will you find me returning the same disrespectful dialogue to her. Now, before she jumps all over what I just said with, ?Well you called that lady?s baby names!!? ? No, I thought angry thoughts, yet simply expressed to her my unhappiness with her, and her children's behavior. I?m not going to let Krystene try to shame me for being honest about something I thought about in anger and frustration. I?m not a Straightling anymore, so I?m through with the thought police. That doesn?t mean that I?m going to go out of my way to be all nicey nicey after being irrationally and impulsively targeted by her one-sided perspective.  What pissed me off in the first place was her hostile  ?confrontation? of my good friend Bob here. Here?s a guy that for the past two years has done nothing but ?kept it real? for us with his talented writing, which has always been free flowing, journalistic, creative, and humorous.  My immediate response after reading her comments was, ?This girl still acts as though she?s in Straight. I wonder if I should tell her she needs an exit counselor and therapy??  -- Instead, I decided to contribute with my story.

My point is that it does seem a tiny bit self-righteous to single yourself out as ?the only one? who is trying to create civil understanding here. I just don?t agree with you instilling the idea in her head that anyone in this thread has victimized her. She needs to learn that if she comes in with both fists swinging, she?s gonna reap what she sows, and in addition, do nothing to further progress the conversation, only inhibiting and isolating herself. However, I can tell by my few interactions with Krystene that I am misunderstood and misinterpreted, which makes me less apt to want to hold her hand and explain everything I?m saying s l o w l y so that she can comprehend it at all.  I suppose this cancels any possibility of coffee and a bagel with her. Oh well.

There's only one party on Capital Hill and it's the bipartisan spending party.' target='_new'>Tom Schatz, president of Citizens Against Government Waste

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Carmel

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #55 on: August 29, 2004, 04:56:00 PM »
NO NONONONONO....I never said you were slandering anyone.  What I meant by that phrase was anyone and everyone in or outside of this board that she percieves as a threat...i.e, YOU in this case.  Other than the obvious connection by her in this thread, I personally was not suggesting that you slandered anyone at all.  However, SHE feels that you did.  See?

YOU were trying to share an honest point, Lezli, with your post.  She jumped the gun and got angry with you.... which I didnt think was warranted.  I am not the only one trying to bring peace to the thread, and I never attempted to single myself out as such.  I happen to be standing up for you in a sense, please re-read my posts.

My intention was to make the comparision that SHE was acting in a fashion that was in direct conflict with what she was proclaiming to be offended by.  In other words, I felt SHE was being a tad self righteous by doing so.  

I understand that it hurts to be called names.  I am only trying to point out that if krystene can feel so strongly hateful and react so is she any different from those she reacts to?  And where is the solution?  There will be none as long as the discussion continues down the gutter.  K?  

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
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[ This Message was edited by: Carmel on 2004-08-29 13:59 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
...hands went up and people hit the floor, he wasted two kids that ran for the door....."
-Beastie Boys, Paul Revere

Offline webcrawler

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #56 on: August 29, 2004, 04:57:00 PM »
Funny Brad, you now want to start attacking me too. BTW, I was never ditched by a "Black dude" while being pregnant.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
am looking for people who survived Straight in Plymouth, Michigan. I miss a lot of people there and wonder what happened and would like to stay in touch.

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #57 on: August 29, 2004, 05:01:00 PM »
On 2004-08-29 06:26:00, Carmel wrote:

"Scarstruck, I almost agreed with you until that last line... that wasnt cool.

Krystene, I am not trying to be self-righteous....if that were the case I would be name calling and slandering along with the rest of em.  All I am trying to say is that in order to have a fruitful discussion...people are going to have to use painful words and share uncomfortable thoughts.  

The topic we are on is not a pretty one....I suspect the solution isnt pretty either.  If you truly want people to stop hating, please stop returning the hate.

I grew up in a backwater town, in a trailer.  My father kicked the shit out of me if he caught me playing with black or mexican kids.  Nevermind the fact that we were the only white people for miles around, who was I supposed to play with?  It never made me have resentment towards minorities though, in fact I get very uncomfortable when someone makes racist comments and expects me to automatically share their viewpoint.  I think the idea that the color of skin has anything to do with anything is ludicrous.

Its a cultural issue that MUST be addressed.  And that issue is spread amongst all skin colors.  If a black white or mexican kid grows up acting like other black white or mexican kids, its not because they are black white or mexican.  Its because of the environment that most black white or mexican kids are raised in.  Learn by example.

If we dont start changing the example, we might as well forget it you know?  You cant jump down someones throat for admitting that they have negative feelings or responses....take it as an opportunity to educate.  You would have to agree that by turning around and cutting someone up, is just a wasted opportunity.  

Do you understand how it is hard to take someone seriously and openly when they return the very same sort of attitude that they are decrying?    

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

-- Aristotle

[ This Message was edited by: Carmel on 2004-08-29 06:28 ]"

I hear what you are saying Carmel, but one can only listen to so much. I'm human and have feelings just like everyone else and the shit that keeps being said is pretty inflamatory.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
am looking for people who survived Straight in Plymouth, Michigan. I miss a lot of people there and wonder what happened and would like to stay in touch.

Offline webcrawler

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #58 on: August 29, 2004, 05:03:00 PM »
So you are letting one person be the example for all the rest????? Unreal.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
am looking for people who survived Straight in Plymouth, Michigan. I miss a lot of people there and wonder what happened and would like to stay in touch.

Offline Somejoker

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #59 on: August 29, 2004, 05:04:00 PM »
sigh...racism is really stoopid.

But on the bright side...brilliant comedy from Dr. Miller Newton a few posts back....absolutely brilliant!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »