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Offline animals all of us

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« Reply #30 on: May 05, 2004, 03:40:00 PM »
Im really confused, Anonymous.

You don't want to take the time to identify and clarify your ONE self, and its like you are just really talking to yourself.  You are wasting time fucking over what you say by saying you are not the ONE who you are.  You are Anonymous and as such, you flagrate bullshit all over this website and you have spammed since the beginning of its time.

As far as my immaturity is concerned, I never said I was older than you are.  When it comes to having one foot in the grave and one that needs to stomp on your own hands for writing all the horrible and purely emotional factless bantering blablabla posts you have for the last two years, the difference in the two appendages is clear.  You are Anonymous, and there is no difference in Anonymous, you talk to yourself and your words are useless and you are a heckler.  You have supported the illegal seizure of lives, you have siphoned money from the pocketes of innocents, and you are the devil itself.  If you cannot take the ten seconds to identify yourself, then as you said in many, many posts - you are Anonymous.  This makes you Anonymous.  That, lonely postor, is fact.  You remain Anonymous.

And whether or not your fucking druggie loser son/daughter sons/daughters were in there at Northwest remains anonymous too.  I have no way of clarifying that the one true anonymous postor and what it says is real.  I am not able like you, to differentiate you.  You are anonymous.  You talk to yourself.  You are a shitbag and the reason you will not clarify your one self is because you know that the law is being broken.  Or, more correctly, you will not do so because you are frightened that someone immature and crazy like me will come and kick the remaining old useless strange and lonely dry dusty shit out of your obsolete ass.  Oh, that would be lynching because I know alot of people who would really like to fuck over you, anonymous.  You are one.

Anything you write beyond this post is just me busting you in the mug with a crowbar while I train you to bark in your bitch's cage.  So go ahead, bark some more mybitch.  Louder this time.  

Truthfully, anything you write beyond this point is just open pratterings of someone protecting their own interests, openly hiding and revealing more of your heinous garbage.  Besides just being the only anonymous ever on here, the obvious fact that you are even willing to debate without asserting any of the facts laid out in the original posts about total lawlessness at Northwest making a child 'well', says that you have no skill other than keeping your emotions on your shoulders and that you want to be heard because you are feeling mondo guilty about something you did.  So go cry somewhere else nigger, I can be just as one sided as you.   Your next post will just be segregative and noninclusive to the whole of what the original post is about.  I really don't give two pisses about you or your fake family of anonymous people.  This is not about you, this is about children.  But since you think its about you and the fact that you do not exist: please, I would like you to post more about what a sad waste of a parent you are, or a sad guilt filled worker you are.  You are dying, make it known.  

So come on !  Post that uselessness here, bark some more.  Let the survivors of your anonymous creations hear your fuckshitass thoughts about nothing.  Go ahead - post now.  Come one.  mf.  Post.  Post it here.  I know you will because you have no interest in helping children off drugs, you completely wish for YOUR causes and justifications for why you are still allowed to live through your loser children and your fuck jobs that don't do shit but move things around like property, meaningless words, and humans, to be heard.  If it was opposite you would have alread addressed the facts in the first post.  You are anonymous and remain so.  Post now, I know you will.  Post your fuckshit.  Post it bitch.  Bark.  Post.  Come one, Come one.

Post your shitheadedness cos its just w/e.  Post.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #31 on: May 05, 2004, 08:06:00 PM »
Out of all that I have read on this site written by yourself (animals...) the one thing that you have said that's thought out and rings true is that this is about the children.  This is about the children that have no more chances to make a new start.  This is about the children that are so hurt and in so much pain that they turn this pain on themselves.  It is about the children that call Northwest themselves asking for help.  Each day I go to my job, my only desire to do what I can to give the kids in this program some education and tools for a new start.  So many of them thank this program and the counselors for giving them their lives back.  
Everything we do in this building is legal.  The authorities are aware of us.  They have even come to visit and toured the building.  The State of Oregon knows we are here.  They have walked through our doors, they have talked with staff, they have even talked with clients in our program.  There are laws out there to protect children and we follow all of them.  I believe in protecting children.  
My goal in writing a response to this is not to argue with anyone.  I hope that if there are parents out there that run across this site while searching for help for their kids, they read past all the harsh language, the insults, and the words written by those who have anger in their hearts.  I want them to do what their instinct and their gut tells them to.  Find help for your children.  That help can be found in counseling, outpatient therapy, family therapy, or even at a treatment center such as Northwest.  Look into real genuine facts about the program that you want to take your child to.  Ask questions about the program, take a tour, get referrals from friends, family members, your doctor, their school.  But please don't ever be afraid to ask for help for your child if they are in danger.  Remember, they are what matters.
Thank you for reading.  
Annie (Northwest staff member)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline animals all of us

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« Reply #32 on: May 05, 2004, 09:44:00 PM »
Nice barking anonymous.  Got you trained now.  Again.  This time louder.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline clashfan2004

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« Reply #33 on: May 06, 2004, 01:52:00 PM »
Okay, I took the ten seconds. I'm not anonymous. I'm the one who made the long post explaining why we do a lot of what we do in the program. You accused me of anger, but the only one showing a lack of control here is you. I haven't flamed anyone. I just saw this site for the first time three days ago. I think I've answered the concerns you addressed. I took the time to look at that website about The Straights, and whoever referenced that, you're right; that's some scary stuff. I am appalled by what went on in those places. Northwest is not one of those places.
Why are you so angry, Animals? Why are you accusing everyone I work with of doing bad things, when you don't know us, you've never been to our facility, and several different posters have told you that we do not do the things you accuse of doing. It is clear that you do not know the law in Oregon about such things, and that you have an axe to grind. I suggest that you research the law before you make blanket statements libeling a group of people. You have accused me of theft and abuse. I challenge you to prove it.
Or perhaps you are too busy making up threatening, racist, crude and vile comments to turn on your brain.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline animals all of us

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« Reply #34 on: May 12, 2004, 10:11:00 AM »
I am angry.  I don't hide it at all.

I called your facility directly after I spoke to one of your 'voluntary' patients.  

He wanted to sign out.  He was not allowed to do so.  The law just got broken.

He asked to call home.  He was not allowed to do so without direct supervision and someone dialing the phone.  In fact, he was not allowed to call HRS, Emergency Services, or the Police at his own will.  The law has just been broken.

He was not allowed state sanctioned education at the amount prescribed by the state.  Law broken.

He was asked to facilite 'advice' to other patients, asked by those who claim to be licensed counselitorially.  Law broken.

He did not ask to be on meds.  He was made to be on meds though.  Law broken.

He saw patients restrained unnecessarily.  Law broken.


Yeah.  I guess I am angry you fucking piece of shit.

I tell you what.  If you want to discuss this with the police now I would do so.  I am openly threatening you and your fucking sorry excuse for a 'get well' center.  I will ram your head so far up your numb ass that you will at least think you are educated, its obvious you are not aware of anything as easy as law.  I have to wonder what somebody did to you to make you this way.  Very very sad.  

At least, when I get arrested for you and your exploitations of innocents - I will get the exposure in court that I need.

I am cursing your whole fucking clan, family, aquaintances, and friends and anyone else you care to mention.  

Oh, and when I called to speak to the clinician who I was Directly transferred to on the phone she confirmed everything that was said.  I told her that I had a child who needed help and she jumped all over, she was falling all over herself and her words and her fucking ignorance of the laws surrounding children and child abuse.  She would have made it easier on herself and what happens at Northwest, and would have saved me and her some time, if she had just spoken bluntly and said, 'yeah, we abuse the kids here'.

The boy I met on yahoo chat rooms is currently looking into filing complaints and possibly a medical malpractice suit against Northwest thanks to me and my g/f.  Im not kidding here.  I found him the attorney up there, it only cost me a few bucks to get the calling card.  I handed over the name of the clinician I spoke to.

This boy has only just gotten out thanks to his parents.  The 'doctor' told the parents that they wanted to keep the boy for a few more weeks (he had been there for three months) for examination, this is only after they told him and his parents he'd only be there for three months.

Oh, you are saying to yourself, 'problem handled problem solved'.  Nah.  Lotsa parents come to this board to get the true side of what these facilities can do to children.  I am happy that I have chosen to fight you.  The mere fact that you are not ignoring the original post and defending yourself against yourself indicates that you are defending lawlessness.  That its even being debated at all is very funny to me and others will see it and your open defensiveness, I am very happy that fornits does not erase anything.  

See you in court Northwest.[ This Message was edited by: animals all of us on 2004-05-12 07:14 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline animals all of us

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« Reply #35 on: May 12, 2004, 10:15:00 AM »
You also did what I said you would do.  Got you trained bitch.  Now post again.  Do it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline clashfan2004

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« Reply #36 on: May 22, 2004, 12:10:00 PM »
Are you not just angry, but also dumb as a stump? I just told you that the law in Oregon is clear about parents' ability to restrict access to juveniles using the phone, about their ability to sign themselves out of treatment, and about the lifting of the school requirement if a child is in a residential facility. Yes, most of our kids are prescribed medications. No, they are not required to take them; some kids do refuse. We offer education on what the medications are for and possible side effects. Yeah, we have kids offer each other advice in a monitored setting. It's called 'group therapy'. Maybe you should try it.
If the law up here is different from the law in California or wherever you're from, I'm not responsible for your ignorance. Just exactly what are you threatening me with? A lawsuit? Fine, bring it on. We don't abuse kids, so there's no grounds for a lawsuit. If you're threatening me with something else, well, come on up here and let's see your face. So far, you're all talk and no walk. E-mail me your name so I know who to put on the libel suit, buddy.
Knowing something about the law might be "easy", but it does require some thought, an ability to comprehend information given you. I've yet to see that capacity from you, Animals.
Yeah, I'm defending myself, my co-workers, and my profession. That's not necessarily "defensiveness." as for your silly taunt, "Now post again. Do it," you set yourself up in a win-win situation: If I don't post, I let slide anything you said, most of which is patently false and the rest of which is noise. If I do post, you get to say, "I've got you trained."
I hope that makes you feel superior, that you think you've outwitted someone with that little game that I last heard from a 5-year-old. It's nice when someone who has nothing good or positive in their life or their soul finds something to feel proud of.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline whiterabbit

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« Reply #37 on: May 23, 2004, 12:42:00 AM »
Listen up Northwest. If you're on the up & up you've nothing to worry about. I hope there is a program out there that actually helps kids. It would be a refreshing change. But if you are a counselor or therapist of any note then you ought to understand the suspicion of the posters on this board. If not you then haven't been paying attention. We just want all the child/teen "therapuetic communities" out there that WE ARE WATCHING. We know the games they play, the laws they break and the short and long term of the damage they inflict. We will find out if the program is abusive or not. And we will dog violators to the end of their days. We're providing a service that no one is more equipped to provide and even those that are seem unwilling. So we'll continue to WATCH and investigate and post our findings and concerns on the web, in print or with a bullhorn if necessary. Any person or program with a child's best interest at heart needn't be concerned.

For you parents who are looking for help - Investigate any program  or therapuetic community THOROUGHLY. The web is a great resource. If they are unwilling to allow you an impromptu visit where you can actually see their methods at work or if they would restrict your communication with your child then look for alternatives. There is simply no reason that you should not see or speak to your child any time you damn well see fit. Personally I wouldn't place my child any place that restricted my access to them AT ALL especially when it is their heart & mind that is being treated. It would be completely unacceptable for a program to treat your child's emotional struggles with a sledgehammer to the skull. Don't place them in a situation where the sledgehammer can potentially be used on their heart or their mind. Find a good therapist instead.

Lastly clashfan, I generally skip the name calling and finger pointing. It's just not productive and not at all the point of this thread. But I just can't ignore this one thing. You ask animals why he is angry and then suggested he try group therapy... :eek:
Talk about dumb as a stump! HAVE YOU READ ANY OF OUR THREADS AT ALL?  Do you not know why we are ALL so angry? Why we are doing this? Some of us have been paying for our "group therapy" for 15 or 20 years! Abusive therapy tends to make people angry. Child abuse should make EVERYONE angry. We're angry because we're finally sane. And we're putting our anger to good use by monitoring the madness out there.


Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves

--Ronald Reagan

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight Incorporated is a disease

Offline animals all of us

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« Reply #38 on: May 23, 2004, 07:22:00 PM »
Gods its so funny mindfucking people isnt it ?!?

Here you are, ChildAbuserFan, thinking and posting just what you know about whatever it is you think you know.  'This is about who can piss the loudest, and I'm gonna win "buddy" '.

You are so right, buddy.  I do have you trained.  Here you are thinking I have you trained.  In your compulsiveness you forgot to remember about search engines and controversy.  I welcomed you to post and you did.  And I welcome you to post again motherfucker.  Underneath all this slander, we are building up to the top of the many search engines against you and yours.  

yup clashfan, that was some tasty crack you just sold.

Whatever you say is right.  Damn right I am dumb as a stump and I can't comprehend anything you are saying.  And goddamm right I've got you trained.  Everything I say is just noise and has no heed of law.  That's right.  More now.  Everything you have said after the fact of what I brought up is just more of exactly what I want, the more you babble on and on and on and on about Northwest the more it makes you and yours look just as on the defensive about what it is you are doing there.  

It was so much fun speaking to that clinical director and easing her into lawlessness that day.

The boy I spoke with is scarred.  I never said I was filing a law suit.  I said I found him the attorney.  You continue to make it abundantly clear who is not literate here.  Whats' the stat on illiteracy of hospital employess in America today ?  I wonder if it is rival and related to the abuse of children by hospital employees.  hmm.

Got you trained mah niggah.  Now go ahead post again.  I know you'll do it, that's what I want.  I want more defensiveness and slandering from Northwest, that's what I want.  Please don't ignore yourself anymore.  

Because I'm as dumb as a stump I didn't catch your name or your little email address.  Clashfan has to be one of the absolute most hypocritical ID names around and it makes me fucking sick.  I don't recall that band ever rockin in their songs about child abuse or about how good it feels to rock out to exploiting children and their parents.  ChildAbuseFan, do you touch your lover with those hands of abuse, or do you just speak out with that mind of yours ?  Or is it both ?  

Thank you, childabuserfan, for explaining yourself to me.  I would like to hear more about your crimes.  Please, bark again.  Bark again, please.

Again, you are right.  Either way - I win.  Bark again, please.  I like it.[ This Message was edited by: animals all of us on 2004-05-23 16:33 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #39 on: May 23, 2004, 11:15:00 PM »
i recently was trapped in northwest behavioral and dont recall a staffmember named annie. so, unless youre new there since then, or dont work there, i dont believe thats your real name. because the clients know all the staff that work, unless youre one of the ones that doesnt have anything to do with the clients, that just sits on the outside, watching what you wish. why dont you give us all your real name?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline smack

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« Reply #40 on: May 25, 2004, 06:19:00 PM »
Look dumb oregon biatch. If a kid is put in a treatment center without rights outside of the center or from his parents then that center isn't lawful. If a kid can't call 911, amensty international, the police or anyplace else than you guys are holding him against his will. A child is allowed a lawyer and if his parents are sold on putting him away aware or unaware of abuse, he has the right to leave. [ This Message was edited by: smack on 2004-05-25 15:20 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline clashfan2004

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« Reply #41 on: May 29, 2004, 12:06:00 PM »
Whiterabbit, you are right in that I did not take the time to look up other threads. I plead guilty to a lack of curiosity about the background of someone viciously attacking my coworkers and myself. Something Animals said made me wonder if the concept of group therapy was new to him/her. (I'll use 'him' from now on, for convenience.)
Watching out for violators is important. Kids, especially kids with the history that many of our clients have, are vulnerable to abuse. I don't object to watchdogs. I object to the blanket assumptions, bigotry, gratuitous name-calling, and profanity-laced tirades against a group of people who are trying to do good things. You normally don't name-call or point fingers--do you ever object to those who do? Do you ever say to someone like Animals, "You know, your approach is counter-productive to our goals and is patently offensive."
I agree that parents should investigate programs thoroughly, and that the internet is a good tool for that. Touring the facility in question is also important. Meeting with the people who will work your kid every day will help show you what kind of person they are and what their approach is. I also agree that outpatient counseling with a good therapist should be tried first.
I disagree with you about the phone call issue. If we let the kids call home 24/7, some kids would never get any therapy. If there is a big need, the therapists can make exceptions. But overall, part of what we do is help families set healthy limits with each other, and help the kids stay focused on their therapy/recovery. I understand that you disagree, I'm just trying to say why we do it this way.
Smack, well, I don't know where you're from, but the law in Oregon is clear. A parent or guardian of a minor child can control who that child can see or talk to. A minor cannot sign themselves out of somewhere their parent has signed them into. We can disagree about whether that is appropriate or fair or right, but it is legal in Oregon. In some, or even most, cases it is against the kid's will. It is not against the law. If you don't like that, work to change the law. You may feel that a kid should have the human right to leave, but he currently does not have the legal right to do so.
Look, I think it's great that y'all are looking out for kids who are in bad and unsafe situations. I know there are a lot of shady and just plain freaky operators out there. My objection was to being insulted, threatened and in general cursed out by someone with no direct knowledge of our program. My mistake was in trying to reach some reasonable understanding with someone who showed to me no interest in being reasonable. My question to the rest of you is this: Where is your objection to Animals' approach? You call me on my statement about group therapy, which is legitimate for you to do. But why do you not call Animals on the things he says? Is he just your attack dog, your bad cop so that you can play good cop? Or is it too difficult to have that conversation with someone when you agree with their underlying point of wanting to protect children? Or maybe you just don't want his vitriol unleashed on you. I wouldn't blame you if that were the case, because it isn't any fun. It doesn't really make for a constructive dialogue.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline animals all of us

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« Reply #42 on: May 29, 2004, 12:58:00 PM »
You there; Anonymous with the lisp.  I don't understand a word you just posted cos its full of holes.

1.) It is not voluntary therapy if the child is held against his or her will.

2.) It doesn't matter if you 'think' or have an opinion whether a child should be able to call his guardian or not, its the motherfucking law in ALL of the United States.  You could be tampering with evidence, or not allowing that free and independent child to speak to someone who could help them in the event of what they feel is an emergency.  Its not up to what you think.  That's why we're on your motherfucking case here, opinion has nothing to do with this.

3.) Now you want to bring gender into this.  I will call you a 'him' for the purpose of posting from now on too.  Wait, you don't have a gender do you ?  You're just anonymous.

4.) With 1 and 2 in mind there, it can't be family therapy if the child is only seeing the parents once or twice a week.  Your thoughts are flawed if you still believe in a system that treats the problem.  Here you are locking up children even in your post: "Its my opinion that a child should not be allowed to leave if the guardian has signed them in.", and "A child should not be allowed to call out whenever they choose."  

You are treating those children like they are fucking lollipops for the taking just in your opinions alone.  You really make me fucking sick.  

Your beliefs are flawed.  You limit a childs freedoms and basic civil rights, and call this therapy.  You do the 'group therapy' thing which is an integral part of the US standard for becoming healthy.  You take the child out of the setting that they are going to return to.  You don't hold the parents accountable for shit when they are the ones who have had any influence on the child at all from the time any child is born to the time they come to your chopshop.  

That boy I told you I spoke to told me that the doctor diagnosed the child after about three months of being at NWBCC (the C I added in place of H for Healthcare, stands for Chopshop): the doctor says that the child doesn't show any signs of addiction to drugs or alcohol but that NWBCC would like to keep him for further evaluation.  What a fucking joke.  This is not about wellbeing, this about you doing a job and knowing not what your job is really about.  You suck at your job and you keep trying desperately to defend your ignorance.  

You don't know why you do your job.  Maybe its to 'help' kids.  You probly are in school or have been to some school for the 'best' or nearly good training on industry standards for getting some type of certificate to help people or whatever.

The biggest industry in this country is the healthcare industry.  You don't know why that is either.  All of you pat and cookie cutter sentences are so obvious and generic and apathetic to what is really going with your own self.  Get a life beyond your training for once, and then maybe learn more about your laws in your own city/state area - then maybe you can be understood.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #43 on: May 29, 2004, 05:29:00 PM »
It is also not "lawful" to post FULL NAMES of previous treatment program clients, but this site does it consistantly.

  So, cut the crap with your high and mighty RIGHTS crusade. ::jawdrop::
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline animals all of us

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« Reply #44 on: May 29, 2004, 09:40:00 PM »
I guess if you are so bound and determined to slander against what is already wrong that you are being called on, you can call the police or inform your local attorney general my niggahbitch.

Northwest Behavioral Healthcare Services

Northwest Behavioral Healthcare Services

Northwest Behavioral Healthcare Services

Northwest Behavioral Healthcare Services

Northwest Behavioral Healthcare Services

Northwest Behavioral Healthcare Services

Northwest Behavioral Healthcare Services

Northwest Behavioral Healthcare Services

You're right. I should cut the crap with this high and mighty crusade.  I will do what you ask.  As soon as you stop working and posting about it.  

Wait.  No I won't.  Make me cut the crap with my high and mightiness or whatever you perceive this to be about.

Northwest Behavioral Healthcare Services

Northwest Behavioral Healthcare Services

Northwest Behavioral Healthcare Services

Northwest Behavioral Healthcare Services
[ This Message was edited by: animals all of us on 2004-05-30 02:58 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »