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Offline animals all of us

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« on: February 10, 2004, 03:57:00 PM »
NW Bhvrl. Hlthcre. Srvcs.

If you live up north and you want to be sure that your child doesn't get her/his civil rights taken away, or potentially abused:  don't take them to Northwest Behavioral Healthcare Services.

Their website is:

Here's what happened, read slowly please:::

    I wound up in a chat room last night where a young boy, 18, told me about NorthWest Behavioral Healthcare Services.  I chatted some more, baited and goaded to get what I wanted.  Turns out this kid has only been out of this hospital for two years as of this coming april.  

    I called NorthWest today and gave them the fucking sob story; "Oh, my child is A.D.D. and he's sneaking out with his drunk friends, and, OH, I am scared."

    Upon questioning, the phone practitioner tells me that phone conversations from client to friends is supervised, as well as family.  In fact, says Sarah the practitioner, the child cannot call 911 at all if so desired; it is the staff that do it in any emergency.  The client/patient gets two hours of school per day.  Family is only allowed to visit on weekends, and once per week during scheduled therapies.  

    Sarah also informs me of NorthWest's ability to handle many child issues ranging from drug and alcohol addiction, to A.D.D. and even food disorders.  She says that children are only privately secluded if they are harm to themselves.

    In chat, this boy told me that he was not allowed to leave or sign out at will while he was in therapy.  Deadbolts were on all the doors.  He witnessed children being restrained daily.  

    When I asked about complaints against this place, the practitioner told me that the biggest complaint parents have had is getting in touch with the doctors and psychiatrists being hard to reach.  But, she tells me, this hospital hasn't been sued.  Yet.  

    All this shit is up in Gladstone Oregon.
Oh, and apparently this here therapeutic hospital works on sliding scale.  Dig this.  For impoverished folk, the child care and extensive school aid there is only $175.00 per day.  Now that makes it all better for me.  You?    

    What can I do about this ??? Is there anything I can do to research this more and inform the proper authorities of this abuse ???  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Therion

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« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2004, 06:07:00 PM »
I would suggest using more..."underhanded" tactics to get what you want/ need..

 Apply for a job there :smile:  :razz:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
aving the way for the new breed of bad seed

Offline animals all of us

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« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2004, 07:34:00 AM »
I'm not going to reply to this cause I don't want trouble.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2004, 11:48:00 PM »
I am looking into sending my daughter to NORTHWEST BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE SERVICES. Does anyone have any input or advise. I don't know anything about the place.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Therion

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« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2004, 12:08:00 AM »
Why would you send your daughter to a place you know nothing about?

 Yes I do have suggestions..
Tour the facility..Do research...Talk to the counsellors..

 If it is a "therapeutic community" its generally been proven these do more harm than good..

 If you want some solid infos go to

They stuck me in an institution
Said it was the only solution
to give me the needed professional help
to protect me from the enemy, myself
"Let the God, Therion, rant " - animals all of us 2004

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-03-17 07:49 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
aving the way for the new breed of bad seed

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2004, 12:18:00 AM »
I seem to be unable to find any alternatives. I do not want her on the street, I see this as a severe danger to her. She is out using and putting herself in danger. I cant keep her at home and she runs away from all open facilities. I will check out the website you suggested. Thank you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Therion

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« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2004, 12:27:00 AM »
You dont need to put her in an "open facility" per se..

But theres some places that are gonna make her worse...Trust me...I had my ego ripped into pieces in a facility at 13 yrs old..I was a virgin and had usedm nothing but pot a few times..

 Less than a year after my release I became a needle user and pursued this for ...until I was 29...trying to kill pain induced by TC....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
aving the way for the new breed of bad seed

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2004, 12:29:00 AM »
Is there something that you know about this particular facility? I saw that you mentioned them in your post. Please let me know.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Therion

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« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2004, 02:48:00 AM »
No...I never mentioned them..
I said...If ...they are TC etc (therapeutic community)
 I have no personal knowledge of this particular place under that particular name..

 But have seen and heard things..

 I would suggest looking further into this..

 The internet is your friend..
 Im sure you can find some ex clients of this place if you look..

 All Im saying is that ....I would estimate that up to 80% of long term adolescent treatment centers are abusive...

 Are they willing to let you private with your child once enrolled?
 Is your child going to be able to use the phone to call you as needed?
 Do they restrain?
 Are other graduates/former clients running the groups?
 Those are a few questions I would be asking..

  Theres just no reason a child should be kept from communicating with their family..
  Read these forums..all of this stuff does happen in these facilities.
  They prey on your fears..and get you to sign their rights away..

 ******I am not speaking of any particular center...but making general statements.
 I am not speaking about Northwest Bevaioral Healthcare Services specifically***

 However if I wanted to find out things about this place I would use the same tools available to you..
  Google search etc etc..

 I would just make sure I knew every damn thing about the place my child will be living...
 You may be mad at yourr daughter but plz dont let that affect your decisions..
 Sometimes ...sadly out at night are just signs of a confused teen..

 Dont rush into anything that will make your daughter hate you forever..
  I know of a certain friend of mine who was destroyed in Straight inc...has gone on and gotten married and had a child and is a normal productive GOOD person..but guess what? she wants nothing to do with her mother at all..and its her mother whom is suffering now..

 ** All of this is my Humble Opinion

They stuck me in an institution
Said it was the only solution
to give me the needed professional help
to protect me from the enemy, myself
"Let the God, Therion, rant " - animals all of us 2004

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-03-17 01:18 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
aving the way for the new breed of bad seed

Offline Therion

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
aving the way for the new breed of bad seed

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2004, 05:57:00 AM »
If you want some solid infos go to is the website Therion was suggesting. :grin:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Therion

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« Reply #11 on: March 17, 2004, 10:48:00 AM »
Oops yes thanks for the correction there...

They stuck me in an institution
Said it was the only solution
to give me the needed professional help
to protect me from the enemy, myself
"Let the God, Therion, rant " - animals all of us 2004

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-03-17 07:50 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2004, 02:20:00 AM »
Thank you for taking the time to send this info. I appreciate it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2004, 02:30:00 AM »
As a former employee of Northwest Behavioral Healthcare Services, I can address some of the concerns below.  NWBHS is a lock-down facility for dually diagnosed adolescents -- this is why there are dead bolts (actually magnetic locks) on the doors.  Rarely is there a need to restrain a client, but it does happen, and not only when a kid is a danger to him/herself or others -- it also happens sometimes when a client refuses to comply with staff requests.  True, clients cannot contact their parents anytime they want -- phone calls are granted at scheduled times to keep things orderly and structured. And yes, it is expensive if you have to pay for it yourself, and insurance companies seem to be trimming their coverage more and more these days.

So.  Is it a good program?  Well, yes and no.  Yes because the mental health therapists and counselors, chemical dependency counselors, school teacher, recreation counselor, special topics counselor, and art counselors are all excellent.  Most of the floor staff (Adolescent Counselors) are great.  Some are terrible.  Many of the staff have egregiously poor boundaries, with both fellow staff members and clients.  This is not monitored very well, and therefore staff is not held very accountable nor guided very well to improve and grow.  Much of the employee misconduct and unprofessionalism continues unnoticed or unreported.  This is particularly true of the "phone practitioner" mentioned below, Sarah (for more, see below).  Her full name is Sarah Mahler, and she is the daughter of the company's owner and executive director, Dan Mahler.  It is my impression (just an opinion) that Mr. Mahler runs his company much like a Machiavellian prince or a self-proclaimed Nietzschean ubermensch-- manipulating and exploiting his staff to do his bidding and presenting his allegedly primary goals in such a noble way that his staff is seduced into supporting his cause.  It is also my impression that he lies, manipulates, cheats, exploits, buries damaging information, and conducts his business with little regard for ethics, morals, scruples, principles, or people's feelings.  For hi, it seems, if the desired ends are met, then the means -- whatever they are -- are justifiable.  And I believe his desired ends are simply to keep the facility open and running at all costs so as to secure his financial future for himself and his family.  Which of course is his right -- it's his business.  However, I never got the impression that he cares much for the clients and staff per se (except for his inner circle, which includes his daughter), but rather sees this noble endeavor as the perfect "charitable work" facade by which to meet his real objectives: money, power, and control.  He seems very concerned about "reputation" and "image" but seems to show little interest in truth and fairness.  Ms. Mahler, his daughter, was hired on as a floor counselor a few years back or so, and since then she has rapidly climbed the company ladder to admissions counselor to admissions supervisor to performance improvement "specialist."  It is many veteran staff's opinion that her promotions into these positions seem to have occurred without commensurate merit, and many other more qualified and more veteran employees who applied for these positions were by-passed to make room for Ms. Mahler's clearly nepotistic ascent.  Ironically, Ms. Mahler is observed by many staff to spend a significant amount of her time at work doing non-work related activities while on the clock, including personal phone calls and emails, long gossipy non-work related discussions with her work friends in her back office, reading and sharing mail from past boyfriends and engaging other staff members in lengthy discussions to "help" her decide what to do about her personal drama, and pursuing an inappropriate romantic/sexual relationship with a fellow co-worker who had just joined the company (the clear impropriety of which is magnified by the fact that the liason was also adulterous -- Ms. Mahler has been engaged for almost two years -- and took place by and large on company time in the company facility, against her father's wishes.  Mr. Mahler apparently did not have a problem with his daughter's infidelity.  He simply requested that she "keep it out of the workplace," which she did not).  It has been clear to most staff for awhile that Ms. Mahler enjoys an untouchability within the company and has an extreme sense of entitlement.  The impression she gives to most staff who work with her or under her supervision is that she believes she can do whatever she wants whenever she wants on company time without accountability or consequences.  When she was preparing the company for the Oregon state audit, she made no bones about instructing several staff members who would be meeting with the auditors to lie in response to certain questions in order to make the facility appear to be up to speed in its practices.  I know this because I was one of those employees she instructed to lie.

I use the case of Ms. Mahler simply as an example of what's going on underneath the shiny, noble facade of Northwest Behavioral Healthcare Services.  Is it a good program?  Some clients do benefit greatly, but this is because of the talented staff of therapists, counselors and floor staff.  But at the same time, I believe it to be a sham in the sense that the person "selling" you on the company when you call to inquire about the program (Ms. Mahler in Admissions, whose phone script is likely crafted by her father) will lie or spin information to get you to send your child there.  Once they are there, they are most likely in good hands, but you must decide if you want to send your child to a facility where ethics and principles are lacking in the Executive Director's office, where it is likely that Ms. Mahler will be sitting when her father retires.  This is just my opinion and impression based on things I have seen while working there.  If your child needs help, they will probably benefit at least somewhat from being at Northwest Behavioral, but you should be very aware of what's on the surface and what's beneath the surface if you send your child there.  I can't say Northwest Behavioral is the best place to work, but it does provide good services by and large, in spite of what's going on in the "oval office."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline PerfectStraightling

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« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2004, 03:06:00 AM »
Well it sounds like the people in charge aren't that honest or sincere. What I would want to know is, why do they get restrained for not complying with staff wishes, and do they get yelled at or called names by other people, do they get called liars for not admitting to drug use and other sorts of behaviors, do they have rules dictating what they are allowed to THINK about, as was the case in straight, which in my opinion was one of the more destructive rules. You have explained a lot about the man who runs it and his daughter, which obviously doesn't suggest a very positive facility, but what about the treatment?? What approach does the place take in terms of treatment and its philosophy?? I would want to know these answers if I was considering putting someone in this place. I say IF, because I really can't see myself ever locking up my kids (if i had any) in ANY locked up treatment center where they can't call me and talk to me in private. This alone sounds like a load of crap.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »