Author Topic: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.  (Read 38056 times)

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Offline psy

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Re: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.
« Reply #300 on: March 01, 2008, 04:04:44 AM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Where is the post that declares THE WHO is banned?
Which person made this decision?

Ginger made the decision. The post is on the end of page 14 of this thread.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Benchmark Young Adult School - bad place [ link]
Sue Scheff Truth - Blog on Sue Scheff
"Our services are free; we do not make a profit. Parents of troubled teens ourselves, PURE strives to create a safe haven of truth and reality." - Sue Scheff - August 13th, 2007 (fukkin surreal)

Offline Anonymous

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Re: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.
« Reply #301 on: March 01, 2008, 04:37:05 AM »
Quote from: "psy"
I agree that the level of activity on fornits has gone way down.  I think part of it has to do with the move to SMF.  I'm not sure it was a really good idea.  Another part of it has to do with TheWho.  Another part of it is that I think a lot of people are depressed and have lost hope, to a certain extent (GAO flopped, HLA survived, Deborah got frustrated and left...).  I must admit, it has affected me as well.

For those who complain about the way I ran things... well.. I resigned as forum admin (still tech admin because I want the site running) for reasons I stated publicly on the forum a while back.  As to where ginger is?  beats me.  It would help if she would post once in a while but she's busy.

This all being said, I have a few ideas up my sleeve i'll be posting later on.  I've been paying a lot of attention to the way Anonymous is handling the Cult of Scientology recently, and that does give me hope.  They're killing Scientology currently.  I'm hoping the situation can be repeated on the Troubled Teen Industry.  To that end, In the movie i'm making, i'll be making a lot of comparisons between Scientology and Benchmark.  It sounds silly, but trust me on this.  I think we need a new approach to fighting the industry.  To that end, I have something in mind.

As for the front page... We need writers.  If you'd like to volunteer, let me know and i'll pass it past Ginger and grant you access.

I volunteer!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.
« Reply #302 on: March 01, 2008, 05:29:35 AM »

Yes.. let's get a group of marginalized internet vandals to do our work for us. Brilliant.

Glad to see the faith in our ranks is so strong. Oh wait, your dramatic explosions have been doing most of the work to divde them. No wonder you need whatever allies you can find. You keep driving them off faster than you can make them.


With Psy foolish plan to work with Anonymous I no longer trust the security of this forum. This is a group of known cyber vandals who've attacked numerous websits in the name of "lulz". What more than likely will happen is these new allies will get bored one night and in the name of "lulz" have a swell old time unloading a DOS attack on fornits.

All thanks to psy..

I'm reminded of the fall of the Roman Empire. What hastened it was the hiring of barbarians to do the heavy lifting and fighting for the lazy complacent Roman citizens. What we are seeing here is a very interesting replay in motion.

And to top it off Ginger still hasn't actually posted any explanation for the banning of the Who.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline psy

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Re: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.
« Reply #303 on: March 01, 2008, 07:33:23 AM »
Quote from: "lsa/guest/wrists"
Quote from: "psy"
I agree that the level of activity on fornits has gone way down.  I think part of it has to do with the move to SMF.  I'm not sure it was a really good idea.  Another part of it has to do with TheWho.  Another part of it is that I think a lot of people are depressed and have lost hope, to a certain extent (GAO flopped, HLA survived, Deborah got frustrated and left...).  I must admit, it has affected me as well.

For those who complain about the way I ran things... well.. I resigned as forum admin (still tech admin because I want the site running) for reasons I stated publicly on the forum a while back.  As to where ginger is?  beats me.  It would help if she would post once in a while but she's busy.

This all being said, I have a few ideas up my sleeve i'll be posting later on.  I've been paying a lot of attention to the way Anonymous is handling the Cult of Scientology recently, and that does give me hope.  They're killing Scientology currently.  I'm hoping the situation can be repeated on the Troubled Teen Industry.  To that end, In the movie i'm making, i'll be making a lot of comparisons between Scientology and Benchmark.  It sounds silly, but trust me on this.  I think we need a new approach to fighting the industry.  To that end, I have something in mind.

As for the front page... We need writers.  If you'd like to volunteer, let me know and i'll pass it past Ginger and grant you access.

I volunteer!
Shoot me off an email then with a draft of what you want published and I'll put it past Ginger.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Benchmark Young Adult School - bad place [ link]
Sue Scheff Truth - Blog on Sue Scheff
"Our services are free; we do not make a profit. Parents of troubled teens ourselves, PURE strives to create a safe haven of truth and reality." - Sue Scheff - August 13th, 2007 (fukkin surreal)

Offline CCM girl 1989

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Re: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.
« Reply #304 on: March 01, 2008, 08:47:04 AM »
Quote from: "ZenAgent"
I didn't post her info.  Why do you keep saying I did?

Was it sadistic for her to attack my entire family, Isa?

This is the biggest crock of shit I have ever read! This is wrong, wrong, wrong, you are outright lying. Are you serious about me googling Zen Agent???? I would never in a million years have done anything of the such! Vic Leathers?!! Huh? WHUT???? I don't know what the hell you are talking about? Me attacking your family? I didn't even know before yesterday that you were a man! Notice that in the last emails I never even use the words he/she. I didn't even know you had a wife, and a daughter till I saw you posting on the shout box that she has even asked you to drop this whole thing. I have to got to work very early this morning which sucks because it Saturday, but whatever! Point being, my husband just came into the office, and I literally for the first time had to explain to him what was going on here. This was something I have kept from him because I didn't want him involved. He doesn't understand what I went through, and sometimes it's too damn hard to explain to someone why after 20 years you are still dealing with things. Even though I've come a long ways. So, I just had to explain to him about the threat of our information being released. So, now I have him trippin because now he wants to take action which is the whole fucking thing I wanted to avoid. This really sucks. Dammit.

As far as The Who giving you all that information, or him coming to you for my personal information. I think people are smart enough to know that's not The Who's agenda getting program survivors names, and addresses. I know you hate the Who Zen. But, nobody is going to believe you. I don't care what emails you create, or whatever. You lack credibility.

So, you all have a great weekend. Mine now is totally screwed since I get to go to work then start dealing with all this crap when I get home. That's great.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
f you were never in a program, or a parent of a child in a program, then you have no business posting here.

Offline The Fornits

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Re: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.
« Reply #305 on: March 01, 2008, 09:47:18 AM »
Quote from: ""
Spammer Sentenced to 9 Years In First Felony Conviction

By Gregg Keizer , TechWeb Technology News

A North Carolina man was sentenced Wednesday to a nine-year jail term for spamming millions of America Online users, the country's first felony conviction for spewing junk mail.

Jeremy D. Jaynes, 30, of Raleigh, N.C., and his sister, Jessica DeGroot, 28, were convicted under a Virginia state law that limits the number of e-mails mass marketers can send, and like the federal CAN-SPAM Act, forbids them from using fake e-mail addresses. Each was found guilty on three felony charges.

"This is a major victory for Virginians and all Americans," said Virginia Attorney General Jerry Kilgore in a statement Wednesday. "Spam is a nuisance to millions of Americans, but it is also a major problem for businesses large and small because the thousands of unwanted e-mails create havoc as they attempt to conduct commerce."

Jaynes, who went by several aliases, including Jeremy James and Gaven Stubberfield, was found guilty by a jury, which then recommended the nine-year prison sentence. His sister was found guilty of buying domain names to use for spamming, but only fined $7,500. An associate, Richard Rutkowski, 30, was found not guilty.

Although the three all hail from North Carolina, they were tried in Loudoun County, Virginia because they sent messages to America Online users. AOL has its servers at its Dulles headquarters.

When he was arrested last December, Jaynes was listed as the eighth most prolific spammer by Spamhaus, an anti-spam organization and clearing house.

According to Kilgore, Jaynes and DeGroot used spam to advertise a variety of products and services, including penny stocks, low mortgage rates, and work-at-home schemes. Prosecutors in the case alleged that Jaynes sent or tried to send 7.7 million messages to AOL subscribers in just one day, and reportedly raked in as much as $400,000 a month in orders for just one of their products.

During the trial, Jaynes was said to have accumulated a fortune of some $24 million by selling via spam.

"We've had the legislation in place and the technology to hunt down spammers, but we've rarely enforced the law," said Phyllis Schneck, the vice president of strategic development for CipherTrust, a message security firm based in Alpharetta, Ga. "Spammers are simply not afraid. As long as their profit model stays the same, they'll keep spamming. But when there's a huge risk and possible jail time, that profit model changes."

The three defendants originally faced prison terms of up to 15 years.

Jayne's attorney, David Oblon, was unavailable for comment, but the Associated Press quoted him Wednesday as saying the sentence was out of sync with the crime. "Nine years is absolutely outrageous when you look at what we do to people convicted of crimes like robbery and rape," he was quoted by the AP.

CipherTrust's Schneck disagreed. "These people have caused hundreds of thousands, and maybe millions, of dollars in damages, inconvenienced millions of people, caused untold lost hours of productivity," she said. "They deserved to be punished."

The landmark conviction, Schneck and others in the security business said, should put a damper on spam.

"The key to eradicating spam is education, legislation and enforcement, and using the best technology," said Schneck. "This case is a quintessential example of those three things. Education helped consumers report him, technology helped catch him, and the law prosecuted him. This shows that spam will not be tolerated in our society.

"It's true we've never seen more spam than we see now, but if convictions continue, we should see it reduced," she added. Schenk believes that spam can be wrestled into a manageable problem within the next two years.

Formal sentencing of Jaynes and DeGroot will take place in February 2005, and a judge will have the option then of changing the sentence, state officials said.

God but do I hate spammers!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Froderik

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Re: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.
« Reply #306 on: March 01, 2008, 10:07:40 AM »
Quote from: "WGMZW"
Quote from: "guest"
Glad to see not everyone around here has lost their critical thinking skills.

In a lot of ways, this banning of who is no different than Bush's mandate to invade Iraq under the pretext of defending democracy.

Who is/was a textbook troll.  Where was the threat to Fornits, kids or parents?  I honestly don't see it.

Lastly, the fact that I will be accused of being the who is proof positive that the idiots are running the asylum.  Get a grip ya'll.

you get a grip. this is ginger's house. she built it with her own blood, sweat, and tears. what have you done?  if she decides she wants to throw out a raging drunk or obnoxious asshole for busting up the place, so be it. guess what, it even happens in BIKER BARS. ya know, bouncers. everyone has their limit. is that hard for some to accept?
that's my take on it and it sickens me to see so many people presume the position of telling her how she should run HER forum. as if she owes any one of you an explanation. anyone of you really feel at risk of being banned? naw. i didn't think so.
just the who, who appears to have found a window cracked. snakes can slither through the smallest of places.

Well said, whoever the fuck you are. :D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Froderik

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Re: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.
« Reply #307 on: March 01, 2008, 10:12:30 AM »
Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Quote from: "ZenAgent"
I didn't post her info.  Why do you keep saying I did?

Was it sadistic for her to attack my entire family, Isa?

This is the biggest crock of shit I have ever read! This is wrong, wrong, wrong, you are outright lying. Are you serious about me googling Zen Agent???? I would never in a million years have done anything of the such! Vic Leathers?!! Huh? WHUT???? I don't know what the hell you are talking about? Me attacking your family? I didn't even know before yesterday that you were a man! Notice that in the last emails I never even use the words he/she. I didn't even know you had a wife, and a daughter till I saw you posting on the shout box that she has even asked you to drop this whole thing. I have to got to work very early this morning which sucks because it Saturday, but whatever! Point being, my husband just came into the office, and I literally for the first time had to explain to him what was going on here. This was something I have kept from him because I didn't want him involved. He doesn't understand what I went through, and sometimes it's too damn hard to explain to someone why after 20 years you are still dealing with things. Even though I've come a long ways. So, I just had to explain to him about the threat of our information being released. So, now I have him trippin because now he wants to take action which is the whole fucking thing I wanted to avoid. This really sucks. Dammit.

As far as The Who giving you all that information, or him coming to you for my personal information. I think people are smart enough to know that's not The Who's agenda getting program survivors names, and addresses. I know you hate the Who Zen. But, nobody is going to believe you. I don't care what emails you create, or whatever. You lack credibility.

So, you all have a great weekend. Mine now is totally screwed since I get to go to work then start dealing with all this crap when I get home. That's great.

>yawn< Get a room, you two... :D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Froderik

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Re: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.
« Reply #308 on: March 01, 2008, 10:19:31 AM »
Quote from: "ex-/b/"

Yes.. let's get a group of marginalized internet vandals to do our work for us. Brilliant.

Glad to see the faith in our ranks is so strong. Oh wait, your dramatic explosions have been doing most of the work to divde them. No wonder you need whatever allies you can find. You keep driving them off faster than you can make them.


With Psy foolish plan to work with Anonymous I no longer trust the security of this forum. This is a group of known cyber vandals who've attacked numerous websits in the name of "lulz". What more than likely will happen is these new allies will get bored one night and in the name of "lulz" have a swell old time unloading a DOS attack on fornits.

All thanks to psy..

I'm reminded of the fall of the Roman Empire. What hastened it was the hiring of barbarians to do the heavy lifting and fighting for the lazy complacent Roman citizens. What we are seeing here is a very interesting replay in motion.

And to top it off Ginger still hasn't actually posted any explanation for the banning of the Who.



Ooooooohhhh... I'm so scared...... what would we do???

Where's that  :scared: emoticon, goddammit? :D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.
« Reply #309 on: March 01, 2008, 10:53:14 AM »
Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Quote from: "ZenAgent"
Quote from: "OH WEHT"
Quote from: "ZenAgent"

I would like to add - shut up, Miranda.  You're a troll, everyone knows it.  If you're going to act like an asshole, people have a right to address your bullshit.  But you hide.

Psy, can the ignore feature be set to block the IP of the person being ignored, so I don't have to read her shit when she "slips under the radar"?

Does CCM really stand for "Crack Craving Miranda"? 

We were all just told that Zens moderating privileges were limited to the YLF forum.  So how can he come over to the TTI forum and start outing people based on their IP addresses .  Zen, you just outed a survivor on an open forum because they disagree with you.  Why are you so pissed about people posting as a "guest" when you can read everyones IP#? 

Why is it not okay to post as a “guest”?  This is not something that is unique to internet forums or fornits.  Talk radio has had anonymous callers for decades.  People call in and say “This is Mike from Pittsburgh….”  They may or may not give their real name and the show host could check the id of the caller easily if they wanted and out them over the air, but they don’t, because first it isn’t right and secondly people would stop calling in.  Successful open forums (and talk radio) are built upon anonymity.

People say bad stuff about me all the time, but I don’t ask for or expect to get their IP addresses.  Of all the people having keys to fornits, you should be the last one because of your track record here and in other forums.

I think you know who this is just check my IP#.


Yeah...she's a survivor, alright.  Against WWASP, but pro-program, just like Sue Scheff.  Makes anonymous, false allegations so she doesn't have to back them up, and allies herself closely with the who.  I got enough PM's with background on "CCM" to know she's as believable as thewho.

How did I "out" somebody?  If it's posted openly on the internet, it's fair game.  Dude.   By the way, I can't see anyone's IP.  There's a good reason for that, because I would abuse that privilege to "out" you.  Just being honest.

Once again, the ignore feature is useless as long as the ignored slip by as anons.  Block their IP's so they're truly ignored.  Thewho and CCM are so desperate to be noticed, they'll do anything to get attention.  That's truly pathetic, trollish activity.

I am so desperate to be noticed that in the last 6 months I have posted maybe a total of 10 times? I love the fact you have access to my PM's too, and are threatening to post them. The things is, I could give 2 shits less, so be my guest. I haven't used that feature in 4 months, and before that rarely. Just do me a favor, and don't alter all my PM's. Because we all now people were altering my posts. Doesn't give you a lot of credibility. BTW, you have some nerve comparing me to Sue Scheff. BTW, The Who, and I exchanged a few P.M.'s about all the crap I was receiving because I didn't agree with the majority here that all programs were bad. But that was over 4 months ago, and very briefly. It's not like we are buddy buddy! Come on re-read my PM's Zen. They are still sitting there, I don't bother to erase those things, because I have nothing to hide. But, keep in mind if you do decide to be a prick, and post them. It just reflects badly on fornits for allowing you to have access to such private information.

Also, it wasn't just 1 WWASP program I went through. I went through a total of 4 different programs. If you don't consider me a survivor having to endure being away from my family for 4 1/2 years going through everything I did, then what is your definition of being a "program survivor"? I'd be real curious to hear that one! Also, you obtained my name from fornits when I signed up. Either that or when I listed myself on trying to find some of my long lost friends that met the same unfortunate fate that I did, to catch up on old times. I didn't sign up to have some fucking loser like yourself that likes to talk the talk, then can't walk the walk, then threaten to spread my name all over this board. How truly pathetic you are. Get a life buddy!

BTW, having my name listed, and having my picture put up on here (thanks to Niles, oh well someone posted yours too), at first it kinda pissed me off, I'll be honest, I wasn't real comfortable having that information just hanging out here. But, I figure if there hasn't been anyone murdered by an angry fornits poster yet, and I am talking about all Ed-Con's to Program Owners to random prickish staff that taunted some of us, and made our lives a living hell, then the chances of someone coming after me, are slim, to none.

If someone does decide to, then hey, when it's your time, it's your time! But, don't think for one second I am not aware of my surroundings. I also have a few family members that are in law enforcement, also some detectives that are undercover in the narcotics division, and it really is not a big deal to have my phones tapped, calls traced, or whatever it takes to find out who you are, and press charges. So, if you like stuff like that on your record, enjoy spending time in court, or love being behind bars, then go for it. I just pick up the phone and make one call, and that starts the ball in motion. So, please make sure this is really what you want to do. If you decide to show up at my house, first of all you would have to make it through security. If you did that, then my dogs would alert me, which then I would proceed to grab my husbands gun, and then I would have to blow your brains out all over my pretty house. Sorry, I am not nice like some people who might aim for a leg to disable you. I aim with the intent to kill.

I really like the majority of the people on here even though we have are disagreements. There are just a few of you that no matter what I say, or do, I will always be on their shit list! Oh well, that's the way it goes.

That's the saddest thing I've read of late. No one had the right to put you through that. Any bullshit justifications for doing so because of your opinions on programs are grunts from bullies with conveniently emergent senses of morality.

But, can I ask you something?
Did you post what Zen says you did?
Did Zen post info which made it possible to identify you to fornits posters?
What exactly did he post, as he has altered it from the original?
What did he say to you when he posted it—what was he trying to get you to do?
How did he track you down?
What is your side of the story?

Not everyone gets a kick out of hurting you, and rather think the people who do so are no better than raging kids in group who use you for emotional and, frankly, sexual kicks.

And the insanity of reporting you to the police for "stalking"! He'd be laughed away from the station, of course, but how grotesque to attempt to manipulate the the legal system to crucify an innocent?...Not to mention, his lunacy makes survivors look unreliable when associated with one is so delusional and involved with scheming, dishonest orchestrations.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Froderik

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Re: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.
« Reply #310 on: March 01, 2008, 10:56:46 AM »
Why don't you just stay out of it and let them settle it themselves.  :-*
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline The Fornits

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Re: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.
« Reply #311 on: March 01, 2008, 11:37:49 AM »
Quote from: "lsa/guest/wrists"
Quote from: "psy"
I agree that the level of activity on fornits has gone way down.  I think part of it has to do with the move to SMF.  I'm not sure it was a really good idea. 

I think we can regain the traffic. A site map would be ever so cool. Anybody? That and just keeping our shit together, ya know not leaving db pwds laying around all willy nilly (Untold thanks to WaWa for the free security check, btw. I don't care what they say about ya, style by the mile... oh... now where's my little "we are not worthy" smiley guy? Shit! Even the smiley guys are trailing off! Better do something quick!)

Another part of it has to do with TheWho. 
The Who has lost the right to communicate.... here. There's still the rest of Cyberia, so it's really not half as harsh as it sounds.

Another part of it is that I think a lot of people are depressed and have lost hope, to a certain extent (GAO flopped, HLA survived, Deborah got frustrated and left...).  I must admit, it has affected me as well.

Try to take the long view. I think I'll go and bump some old Nazi threads or something.

For those who complain about the way I ran things... well.. I resigned as forum admin (still tech admin because I want the site running) for reasons I stated publicly on the forum a while back.  As to where ginger is?  beats me.  It would help if she would post once in a while but she's busy.

I do what I can.

This all being said, I have a few ideas up my sleeve i'll be posting later on.  I've been paying a lot of attention to the way Anonymous is handling the Cult of Scientology recently, and that does give me hope.  They're killing Scientology currently.  I'm hoping the situation can be repeated on the Troubled Teen Industry.  To that end, In the movie i'm making, i'll be making a lot of comparisons between Scientology and Benchmark.  It sounds silly, but trust me on this.  I think we need a new approach to fighting the industry.  To that end, I have something in mind.

As for the front page... We need writers.  If you'd like to volunteer, let me know and i'll pass it past Ginger and grant you access.

I volunteer!

K, thanks! Hit me up via PM and we'll talk some.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Nihilanthic

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Re: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.
« Reply #312 on: March 01, 2008, 02:22:10 PM »
I'd like to inform everyone here, that anonymous has been responsible for our hosting since the last double-whammy of sue-sue attempts to get this forum shut down. That seems to be the only reason she's finally shut the fuck up, or at least switched tactics.

Sue would have it that fornits did not even EXIST. In her attempts to control the internet and censor us and to be belligerent, bellicose and basically a cunt, she has brought this upon herself, and for that matter upon the entire industry.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

CCMGirl on program restraints: "DON\'T TAZ ME BRO!!!!!"

TheWho on program survivors: "From where I sit I see all the anit-program[sic] people doing all the complaining and crying."

Offline Nihilanthic

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Re: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.
« Reply #313 on: March 01, 2008, 02:24:26 PM »
Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Quote from: "ZenAgent"
I didn't post her info.  Why do you keep saying I did?

Was it sadistic for her to attack my entire family, Isa?

This is the biggest crock of shit I have ever read! This is wrong, wrong, wrong, you are outright lying. Are you serious about me googling Zen Agent???? I would never in a million years have done anything of the such! Vic Leathers?!! Huh? WHUT???? I don't know what the hell you are talking about? Me attacking your family? I didn't even know before yesterday that you were a man! Notice that in the last emails I never even use the words he/she. I didn't even know you had a wife, and a daughter till I saw you posting on the shout box that she has even asked you to drop this whole thing. I have to got to work very early this morning which sucks because it Saturday, but whatever! Point being, my husband just came into the office, and I literally for the first time had to explain to him what was going on here. This was something I have kept from him because I didn't want him involved. He doesn't understand what I went through, and sometimes it's too damn hard to explain to someone why after 20 years you are still dealing with things. Even though I've come a long ways. So, I just had to explain to him about the threat of our information being released. So, now I have him trippin because now he wants to take action which is the whole fucking thing I wanted to avoid. This really sucks. Dammit.

As far as The Who giving you all that information, or him coming to you for my personal information. I think people are smart enough to know that's not The Who's agenda getting program survivors names, and addresses. I know you hate the Who Zen. But, nobody is going to believe you. I don't care what emails you create, or whatever. You lack credibility.

So, you all have a great weekend. Mine now is totally screwed since I get to go to work then start dealing with all this crap when I get home. That's great.

For your own well being, CCM, I suggest you learn that anything you post anywhere is easily retrievable with the right context and the ability to use boolean strings with "Google". You need to learn how to not let things slip.

I'll gladly help you in any way I can if you just ask.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

CCMGirl on program restraints: "DON\'T TAZ ME BRO!!!!!"

TheWho on program survivors: "From where I sit I see all the anit-program[sic] people doing all the complaining and crying."

Offline ZenAgent

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Re: bury this rotting carcass, it's starting to stink.
« Reply #314 on: March 01, 2008, 03:12:50 PM »
Quote from: "guest"
Quote from: "CCM girl 1989"
Quote from: "ZenAgent"
Quote from: "OH WEHT"
Quote from: "ZenAgent"

I would like to add - shut up, Miranda.  You're a troll, everyone knows it.  If you're going to act like an asshole, people have a right to address your bullshit.  But you hide.

Psy, can the ignore feature be set to block the IP of the person being ignored, so I don't have to read her shit when she "slips under the radar"?

Does CCM really stand for "Crack Craving Miranda"? 

We were all just told that Zens moderating privileges were limited to the YLF forum.  So how can he come over to the TTI forum and start outing people based on their IP addresses .  Zen, you just outed a survivor on an open forum because they disagree with you.  Why are you so pissed about people posting as a "guest" when you can read everyones IP#? 

Why is it not okay to post as a “guest”?  This is not something that is unique to internet forums or fornits.  Talk radio has had anonymous callers for decades.  People call in and say “This is Mike from Pittsburgh….”  They may or may not give their real name and the show host could check the id of the caller easily if they wanted and out them over the air, but they don’t, because first it isn’t right and secondly people would stop calling in.  Successful open forums (and talk radio) are built upon anonymity.

People say bad stuff about me all the time, but I don’t ask for or expect to get their IP addresses.  Of all the people having keys to fornits, you should be the last one because of your track record here and in other forums.

I think you know who this is just check my IP#.


Yeah...she's a survivor, alright.  Against WWASP, but pro-program, just like Sue Scheff.  Makes anonymous, false allegations so she doesn't have to back them up, and allies herself closely with the who.  I got enough PM's with background on "CCM" to know she's as believable as thewho.

How did I "out" somebody?  If it's posted openly on the internet, it's fair game.  Dude.   By the way, I can't see anyone's IP.  There's a good reason for that, because I would abuse that privilege to "out" you.  Just being honest.

Once again, the ignore feature is useless as long as the ignored slip by as anons.  Block their IP's so they're truly ignored.  Thewho and CCM are so desperate to be noticed, they'll do anything to get attention.  That's truly pathetic, trollish activity.

I am so desperate to be noticed that in the last 6 months I have posted maybe a total of 10 times? I love the fact you have access to my PM's too, and are threatening to post them. The things is, I could give 2 shits less, so be my guest. I haven't used that feature in 4 months, and before that rarely. Just do me a favor, and don't alter all my PM's. Because we all now people were altering my posts. Doesn't give you a lot of credibility. BTW, you have some nerve comparing me to Sue Scheff. BTW, The Who, and I exchanged a few P.M.'s about all the crap I was receiving because I didn't agree with the majority here that all programs were bad. But that was over 4 months ago, and very briefly. It's not like we are buddy buddy! Come on re-read my PM's Zen. They are still sitting there, I don't bother to erase those things, because I have nothing to hide. But, keep in mind if you do decide to be a prick, and post them. It just reflects badly on fornits for allowing you to have access to such private information.

Also, it wasn't just 1 WWASP program I went through. I went through a total of 4 different programs. If you don't consider me a survivor having to endure being away from my family for 4 1/2 years going through everything I did, then what is your definition of being a "program survivor"? I'd be real curious to hear that one! Also, you obtained my name from fornits when I signed up. Either that or when I listed myself on trying to find some of my long lost friends that met the same unfortunate fate that I did, to catch up on old times. I didn't sign up to have some fucking loser like yourself that likes to talk the talk, then can't walk the walk, then threaten to spread my name all over this board. How truly pathetic you are. Get a life buddy!

BTW, having my name listed, and having my picture put up on here (thanks to Niles, oh well someone posted yours too), at first it kinda pissed me off, I'll be honest, I wasn't real comfortable having that information just hanging out here. But, I figure if there hasn't been anyone murdered by an angry fornits poster yet, and I am talking about all Ed-Con's to Program Owners to random prickish staff that taunted some of us, and made our lives a living hell, then the chances of someone coming after me, are slim, to none.

If someone does decide to, then hey, when it's your time, it's your time! But, don't think for one second I am not aware of my surroundings. I also have a few family members that are in law enforcement, also some detectives that are undercover in the narcotics division, and it really is not a big deal to have my phones tapped, calls traced, or whatever it takes to find out who you are, and press charges. So, if you like stuff like that on your record, enjoy spending time in court, or love being behind bars, then go for it. I just pick up the phone and make one call, and that starts the ball in motion. So, please make sure this is really what you want to do. If you decide to show up at my house, first of all you would have to make it through security. If you did that, then my dogs would alert me, which then I would proceed to grab my husbands gun, and then I would have to blow your brains out all over my pretty house. Sorry, I am not nice like some people who might aim for a leg to disable you. I aim with the intent to kill.

I really like the majority of the people on here even though we have are disagreements. There are just a few of you that no matter what I say, or do, I will always be on their shit list! Oh well, that's the way it goes.

That's the saddest thing I've read of late. No one had the right to put you through that. Any bullshit justifications for doing so because of your opinions on programs are grunts from bullies with conveniently emergent senses of morality.

But, can I ask you something?
Did you post what Zen says you did?
Did Zen post info which made it possible to identify you to fornits posters?
What exactly did he post, as he has altered it from the original?
What did he say to you when he posted it—what was he trying to get you to do?
How did he track you down?
What is your side of the story?

Not everyone gets a kick out of hurting you, and rather think the people who do so are no better than raging kids in group who use you for emotional and, frankly, sexual kicks.

And the insanity of reporting you to the police for "stalking"! He'd be laughed away from the station, of course, but how grotesque to attempt to manipulate the the legal system to crucify an innocent?...Not to mention, his lunacy makes survivors look unreliable when associated with one is so delusional and involved with scheming, dishonest orchestrations.

"Let others speak ill of me, let others spite me;
Those who try to burn the sky with a torch end in tiring themselves out;
I listen to them and taste their evil-speaking as nectar;
All melts away and I find myself suddenly within the Unthinkable itself."

Yoka Daishi

"Song of Enlightenment"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
\"Allah does not love the public utterance of hurtful speech, unless it be by one to whom injustice has been done; and Allah is Hearing, Knowing\" - The Qur\'an

A PV counselor\'s description of his job:

\"I\'m there to handle kids that are psychotic, suicidal, homicidal, or have commited felonies. Oh yeah, I am also there to take them down when they are rowdy so the nurse can give them the booty juice.\"