Author Topic: What happened to "They'll never settle"?  (Read 4360 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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What happened to "They'll never settle"?
« Reply #15 on: July 09, 2007, 11:39:01 PM »
Quote from: ""Johnny Ringo""
I see we have more blathering for the "objective, unbiased" idoits of fornits.  First I want to thank the guest who posted the lenghty dissertation on the lawsuit and the nobility of BM.  It is in fact one huge BM that we are talking about here.  I was under the impression from previous posts that this was not about money; that this crusade was about righting wrongs, not vendictative persecutions.  Of course these were the words of the "unbiased".  Anyone can see that the motivation of this site to destroy and industry.  You say that this industry's time has passed.  I believe that it is more important today that in years past.  If you have indeed had dealings with the troubled youth industry then you must have seen the need for it at the time.  Had you any other options you would have, and probably did, investigate.  The youth that enter these programs have attended public schools, boarding schools, seen psychologists and been prescribed medications by psychiatrists.  Nothing seemed to work.  In many cases the parent's were unable or unwilling to parent.  Many were locked into petty divorce arguments, their own drug or alcohol use, or suffering from their own mental disorders and their children were not their primary concern.

Then they enter a program, and what do the expect?  A child who has been unable to successfully thrive at home, at school or within the community to some how, overnight, change to a productive member of society.  Then they have the nerve to blame the school.  I know for a fact that at least one of the major contributors to this baseless lawsuit begged HLA to keep their child until graduation because the behavior of their child had been so atrocious no other school would admit them.  The student graduates from HLA and this is the thanks the school gets.  The fact of the matter is that your angry, bitter, vindicative people and it is those characteristics that contributed to your childrens misbehaviors.  It's obvious that you will never take responsiblity for this however and someone else must be to blame.  This sounds very much like an adolescent doesn't it!  Now do you see why programs will always be in demand?

So now I ask you, what were you promised that you didn't recieve?

It is in the lawsuit...Dah!  And the ORS and the CPS reports.  Are you saying that these agencies are lying, too?  A vast right wing conspiracy against their own right winger?  I don't think so.  If the Governor went forward ,which was not politically correct, especially to a major contributor, well, dah.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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What happened to "They'll never settle"?
« Reply #16 on: July 10, 2007, 07:45:46 AM »
The Problem with HLA is that it has become all about Greed in my opinion.  The program overall is a negative reinforcement program and the main goal seems to be to make money off of gullible desperate families who believe the BS they are sold to enroll their kids there.  Once the parents get locked into the HLA contract, they quickly see how things do not pan out at all like they are promised it will.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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What happened to "They'll never settle"?
« Reply #17 on: July 10, 2007, 07:17:53 PM »
So now psychology is a pseudoscience!  All of you out there seeking a Ph.D., Psy.D., MA or MS stop at once.  You are mearly becoming a witch doctor.  In fact we should stop giving medications....wait don't we want to legalize drugs on this site!  Later.  If you were able to check the statistics of those who successfully complete the HLA program I believe you'd find a large number (80% to 90%) of successfully, well-adjusted graduates.  But, HLA graduates less than 50% of those that start the program you say.  This is absolutely true and lets analyze why this might be.

1)  Many parent's lack the self-discipline and fortitude to commit to a lenthy program.  Despite extensive research which suggests that long-term treatment is most beneficial for long-term success of habitual, engrained negative behaviors, parents continue to be unwilling to commit to therapy.  This is understandable.  It is a very difficult decision to send your child away for help, let alone commit to 12-18 months of them away.  Therefore many parents pull their children from programs before the negative behaviors are successfully dealt with.

2)  There are bad people.  I know this is going to come as a shock to some of you, but there are bad people in this world.  And despite what you might wish to think they did not become bad people at age 18 or 21 or however you define adulthood.  They were bad children and bad adolescents.  Now I know that fornits would love to tell you that HLA is just loaded with these children.  The truth is these children tend to make themselves known fairly early and recommendations are then made to refer them to a more suitable program.  Now ask yourself, how many of you would be open to hearing that your son or daughter was a budding sociopath?  None the less, they are out there.  Would you beg for the school to give your child one more chance?  Would you sue the school if they were unable to help your child and you were unwilling to send your child to a more restrictive environment?  Beginning to see the point!

These two issues alone result in over 50% of children leaving long-term programs.

Now lets talk a just a bit about this witch doctor, cultish thing they call psychology.  Psychology is a science, based in research.  You may not like that statement but you'd be hard pressed to disprove it.

What is a better influence?  

A facility that promotes healthy living and relationships (within families and interpersonal); fosters talent in sports, music, arts, drama, and education; and educates on the hazards drugs and alcohol.


The MTV, Hip-Hop culture that permeates our adolescents today.  Turn on MTV and take a look.  Find a program on MTV that does not glorify irresponsible sexual acting out, glorify drugs and violence, or destory family and interpersonal relationships.  Listen to the music, look at the video games.  Grand Theft Auto, are you kidding me?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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What happened to "They'll never settle"?
« Reply #18 on: July 10, 2007, 08:02:33 PM »
It's obvious that you will never take responsiblity for this however and someone else must be to blame.

And the best part is, this cocksucker doesn't see the irony.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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What happened to "They'll never settle"?
« Reply #19 on: July 10, 2007, 08:49:29 PM »
Quote from: ""Johnny Ringo""
A facility that promotes healthy living and relationships (within families and interpersonal); fosters talent in sports, music, arts, drama, and education; and educates on the hazards drugs and alcohol.

which therefore suppresses all hopes of the adolecent growing up as an independant thinker.

As shitty as MTV is, i'd take that over any institution to influence my child. at least MTV doesnt FORCE their beliefs and values on kids. No one is getting up on TV telling these kids that if they dont dress up in baggy clothes as start talking 'gangsta', that they'd have to do 20 push ups, and spend a week on restriction, are they?

i thought this was a free country!!!

with your thinking i'm questioning if you belong to the national alliance or something, becouse you're ideas and sentiments are very, very facist-like!

of course, there is nothing wrong with fostering athleticism, aesthetics, social skills, along with teaching kids stree-smarts e.g the "danger of drugs". but unfortunately HLA's version of doing this is kida simmilar to that of Hitlers - think like us, do like us, belive like us, or suffer. i remember sitting in a mixed reals while a counselor (Daryl B) was
 feeding me the following

"marijuana is socially unacceptable and is as dangerous as heroin. it will make you crazy and psychotic, and will cause you to rob and steal, and in some cases kill. It has absolutely no theraputic value, and anyone growing it or selling it, should in my opinion be put in prison for LIFE. Marijuana is a major problem, a wolf in sheep's clothing which is robbing you kids of your lives"

and you call that a drug education? sounds more like Anslinger-era propagada.

keep in mind this was also a black man saying this. blows your mind.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #20 on: July 10, 2007, 09:21:41 PM »
I fail to see the relevance of the color of the man's skin who delivered that "opinion".
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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What happened to "They'll never settle"?
« Reply #21 on: July 10, 2007, 11:02:24 PM »
Maybe our MTV loving, non-facist is suggesting that all black people smoke marijuana!  Doesn't this put you more in league with Hitler than programs?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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What happened to "They'll never settle"?
« Reply #22 on: July 10, 2007, 11:57:48 PM »
dont contort my words to your benifit. no i'm saying i've never heard a black person say something so ignorant. in my experience i've found them to be more open minded, and reject right-wing propaganda. I am very aware that statistically, the rates of marijuana use among blacks is lower than that of whites, particularly in my home state. it just shocked me to find that someone who's ancestors fought against slavery and racism, to go turn his back and start supporting an ideal which was born in racism.

If you do a little research, you'll find that the illegalization of marijuana had more to do with the anti-mexican (and later anti-black) sentiment of the southwest states, than it's supposed dangers. around the turn of the century racist authorities in the southwest had a "mexican problem", yet could not find a way to legally start rounding them up and deporting them. so they began a campaign to make their lives very uncomfortable. among many other measures, marijuana was banned in the border states. not implying any stereotype of nowadays, but back in the day it was thought that all mexicans smoke weed, so banning it would mean banning mexicans. what great logic!! deeeeeer. but, ironically, they saw results. there was also a problem - since it was only illegal in a few states, there was no real problem with the supply. so, the SW states went on a campaign and as a result, one by one most of the states pass bills. But still, that wasnt enough. so in 1916 the federal marijuana tax act was passed, and the FBN (federal beurou of narcotics, since changed to DEA) headed by henry anslinger went a on massive propaganda and extermination campaign. (A.K.A "reefer madness".). thus, making it seem like marijuana is the devil's weed and will make you go mad. there was another problem with the U.S and weed - for the longest time, hemp was very difficult to process, thus making it a worthless competitor against cotton. but in the 30's, a machine was invented which actually made hemp much more cost-efficient to grow. a complete transition from cotton to hemp was predicted, but there was a problem. The Dupont family (then and still one of the richest families) owned the majority of the cotton and textile industry, along with all the chemicals and whatnot which are used to process it. They also happened to in bed with the half the house of reps and the white house. and Hemp would put them out of bussiness very, very quickly. . guess what happened next.  A very simmilar thing happened with cocaine. there was one incident in chicago when a coked-up black guy took a few dozen bullets to die. when it was published in the paper, mass hysteria ensued, people were scared that their guns wouldnt stop a coked-up black guy who is (of course) trying to rape all the white women in sight. so, cocaine was also eventually made illegal

and same story with opium and the chineese in california. it was O.K untill white women bagan frequenting opium dens, and before there was an explosion of chineese immigrants.

and please, please, dont get started anymore on the whole racism thing. i  can go on and on and on about all the racism and anti-semitism i experienced at HLA from both students AND staff. even the dress code at HLA is racist. i remember when a particular black student came, and a few weeks into forming he got his clothes in the mail. i was watching when he was talking to his counselor, and his counselor was trying to explain why his clothes were innapropriate. this kid came from inner city detroit (how his parents paid for hla i dont know), and had the standard popular inner city clothes. not to be racist (white people are probobly bigger customers of these clothes), but these were your standard stereotypical "black" clothes - stuff from ecko, fubu, sean jean, etc. the counselor couldnt come up with anything exept for why they were innapropriate exept for becouse they were "imagy". image of what? a black person? so instead this kid had to go out with his counselors and they bought him a whole wardrobe of the preppiest clothes ever - the gap, AnF, hollister, eddie bauer, etc, all on his parents money. why? becouse at HLA no image but the "preppy white boy" look is accepted. the kid was robbed of his individuality and identity. unfourtunately there is this notion throughout the south that any black person dressed in baggy clothes must be a gangster, just like there is the notion that people with tattoos and long hair take drugs or that any muslim is a terrorist. it is simply not so. but the people in power, they try to make things look non threatening, so they change things. they tell you what drugs you can or cant take, tell you what to wear, how to act, etc. this way of thinking is integral to the NATSAP idealogy.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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What happened to "They'll never settle"?
« Reply #23 on: July 11, 2007, 07:49:56 AM »
Let's see this is the most ignorant thing you have ever heard a black person say?  Are you kidding! Do you really expect anyone to believe that is what you ment by your statement.  Ok, we are on fornits and your compatriots tend to be gullible; I'll let it slide.  As to your disertation on illegal drugs, I saw the same history channel series.  Try getting an original thought!

You did however hit upon a few of my favorite topics; image, dress and identity.  I know that you have grown up in a culture of individuality.  I am sure that you were raised to believe that you are special and unique and that there is no one as special as you.  Reality check.  That's all crap.  If you shave your head, cover yourself in tattoos and begin wearing combat boots your a skinhead.  No one is going to ask you if you are really a good person at heart.  If you dress like an inner city, urban, gang affiliated, dope dealer, (guess what?) you will be labeled that and treated as if.  You act as if you have the right to project what ever image you feel fits your identity today and the rest of society must respect that.  Never happened, never will.  The professional dress code in this country has not changed in over 150 years and its not likely to change soon.

Check the research, your image dictates how people will interact with you no matter what area of the country your in.  It happens in the community, on college campus' and public and private schools.  Get over yourself, you are not special, you are not unique and no one owes you anything.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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What happened to "They'll never settle"?
« Reply #24 on: July 11, 2007, 02:28:38 PM »
yes, of course. images are connotated with certain profiles. of course, dressing up as a skinhead or metalhead or gangster or whatever wont get you much respect within mainstream society, but maybe that's not on the top of certain people's lists of priorities. maybe they DONT WANT TO be part of mainstream society. maybe they consider people that wear poloshirts and khakis imbeciles. maybe associating yourself with an "image" IS more conformist than it is individualistic.

also keep in mind that in certain parts of the world, if you wear a suit & tie you're liable to be singled out as an infidel. wear anything but a robe or a burka and you're likely to be executed. sure, they are the "inferior" islamic countries, but you cant dismiss the opinion and belief of miilions of people, regardless of of ludicrious they are.

but this is the U.S.A. people have a right to choose what to wear. we're not in afghanistan. they can associate themselves with any sector of society without being persecuted. sure, tatoos and long hair may keep you from getting into Yale or getting an office job, but maybe to the ones that tatooed themselves, getting a a 9-5 job is torture. we live in a free society, where one can choose or even create their own path in life. by outlawing an image, you are restricting the number of choices people have. even if the choice is to conform to the same idiotic fashion, e.g emo or hardcore.

and remember, there is a difference between instituting a uniform policy (which is O.K for certain schools under certain conditions) and creating a dress code which is based on racisim and stereotyping.

not everyone views the world the same way you do. a suit and tie to you may signal respect, but to me it signals close-mindedness, emotional repression, and overall squareness. when i looking for an assistant a few months ago, i chose a kid with dreads and anarchist beliefs over the dozen or so other applicants who came in wearing suits and fancy resume's. why? not becouse i'm biased, but becouse in my line of work a kid with dreads and liberal values would get along better, get more respect and sell more shit. and i know that from experience. try to do what i do wearing a polo&khakis and your either going to get shunned, harassed, or humiliated.

now go tell your kids that if they get tatooed theyll never hold a job. pffffftttt!!!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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What happened to "They'll never settle"?
« Reply #25 on: July 11, 2007, 03:54:06 PM »
I don't believe anyone was suggesting outlawing any image or clothing.  However, you did wonderful job proving all my points.  Thanks!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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What happened to "They'll never settle"?
« Reply #26 on: July 11, 2007, 04:13:08 PM »
classic Jringo sloppiness.

HLA does outlaw images. you cant wear anything which portrays any image exept jock or prep. i remember when lee parham got up in front of the student body in the lodge, and said that anything with a hood is no longer allowed with the exeption of rain&winter jackets. He said that after meeting with buccelato, it was determined that hoodies have a connotation with drug and with the "gangster image", was threatening and intimidating, and is therefore not allowed. also not allowed were jeans that were "exessively baggy", any shirts with a logo, anything made by a list of brands they didnt like. essentially they were restricting us to shopping from a handfull of pre-aproved brands, or wear HLA uniform (which is classic southern prep style). Lee also told us that the school is looking to push the "preppy/academic" image, particularly since consultants and some parents were coming in that week.

not allowing certain things is normal for a school - e.g not allowing facial hair, spikes, ripped clothing. and it's for good, practical reason. but HLA has taken it to a whole new level. it's like there saying "either conform to our image from head to toe, or suffer". it's no better than the classic spoiled attitude you see among pre-teen girls, but at least spoiled girls dont force their attitude on other people through authority.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Troll Control

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What happened to "They'll never settle"?
« Reply #27 on: July 11, 2007, 05:03:06 PM »
Quote from: ""Johnny Ringo""
As to your disertation on illegal drugs, I saw the same history channel series. Try getting an original thought!

How does one go about getting "original thoughts" on documented history?  Talk about ignorance; Johnny Ringo takes the cake.  Since when has fleshing out one's premises with historical context a bad thing?

Maybe it's easier to understand using the HLA paradigm as a prism:  "History is what we say it is.  Facts are messy things that just get in the way."

This is how you people are, Ringo.  I've followed the discussion here for as long time and, for someone who is supposedly an adult - one working at HLA no less - and you act as immature as the kids you claimed to "help."  If you haven't a leg to stand on in level, grounded discussion of the facts (nearly all the time) you carry on and on like an emotional toddler.

You're entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.  

All you do here is drive-by ad hominems and it's a frightening thought that you may be HLA's "best and brightest" sent out to handle the PR work.  Scary indeed.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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"Looks like a nasty aspentrolius sticci whooterensis infestation you got there, Ms. Fornits.  I\'ll get right to work."

- Troll Control

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What happened to "They'll never settle"?
« Reply #28 on: July 11, 2007, 05:14:42 PM »
Even a lot of public schools are going to uniforms for kids.  It is not at all unusual and yes they require you to conform.  People can always go to another school if they do not like it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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back in the day..
« Reply #29 on: July 11, 2007, 06:23:10 PM »
When I was in high school, we had to wear uniforms (catholic co-ed). You had to wear the plaid skirt that you purchased at one store only, no more than 3 inches above the knee, you had to wear either white or navy blue socks, the blouse had to be white, yellow or pale blue, and the sweater had to be a cardigan and it had to be navy blue. I got written up one time because we were poor and my grandmother bought me my sweater and it was royal blue and she didnt know it made a difference. We got 1 free dress day a month, and we couldnt wear holes in our jeans, couldnt wear shirts with any logo that had cigarretes, alcohol, drug references or rock music emblems, or displayed racism or cuss words, and we couldnt wear flip flops. Boys were not allowed to wear earrings, facial hair, or have long hair, and girls were not allowed to wear excessive makeup and had to wear a bra no matter what. It was very strict. Im sure all private schools these days have a similar uniform with restrictions. We felt it was dorky but it never killed us to conform for the few years we were there.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »