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Messages - FLCLcowdude

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The Troubled Teen Industry / That woman
« on: October 15, 2006, 07:54:44 PM »
FLCLcowdude (7:32:27 PM): Your poor children...
NikeKSA1 went away at 7:32:27 PM.
NikeKSA1 (7:33:07 PM): my children are adults
FLCLcowdude (7:33:21 PM): Well, when they were children...
NikeKSA1 (7:33:38 PM): and you are the expert on them why?
NikeKSA1 (7:33:45 PM): they seem to be just fine, thanks
FLCLcowdude (7:34:06 PM): Yeah, because you traumatized them into being that way...
NikeKSA1 (7:34:22 PM): first of all, only 1 went to any type of program
NikeKSA1 (7:34:31 PM): and the one who went to a program is far from traumatized
FLCLcowdude (7:34:48 PM): I went to a program
NikeKSA1 (7:34:53 PM): which one?
FLCLcowdude (7:34:55 PM): HLA
FLCLcowdude (7:35:00 PM): I have nightmares
NikeKSA1 (7:35:02 PM): HLA sounds pretty bad
FLCLcowdude (7:35:22 PM): Programs are nothing but a joke
NikeKSA1 (7:35:33 PM): I disagree- there are some good programs
FLCLcowdude (7:35:34 PM): They are basicly expensive rehab
FLCLcowdude (7:35:41 PM): Like what?
NikeKSA1 (7:35:50 PM): Second Nature, Carlbrook
NikeKSA1 (7:36:03 PM): my son did not need rehab
NikeKSA1 (7:36:03 PM): he was not a substance abuser
FLCLcowdude (7:36:16 PM): But why would you ever send your kid to one?
NikeKSA1 (7:36:27 PM): he needed strict supervision, therapy
FLCLcowdude (7:36:39 PM): He needs a mother, someone to love him!
NikeKSA1 (7:36:41 PM): because he could not stay at home and had ruined his educational options
NikeKSA1 (7:36:59 PM): he still had a mother AND a father who loved him and saved his future
NikeKSA1 (7:37:03 PM): he appreciates that
FLCLcowdude (7:37:07 PM): And don't tell me you loved him so much you sent him away
NikeKSA1 (7:37:32 PM): he was stealing from our home, stealing our cars- wrecked two of our cars, one in a near fatal accident which almost killed one of his friends
NikeKSA1 (7:37:44 PM): was kicked out of a prep school he loved
FLCLcowdude (7:37:50 PM): Why?
NikeKSA1 (7:37:52 PM): was stealing from parents of friends
FLCLcowdude (7:38:02 PM): If he loved it, he wouldn't have gotten kicked out
NikeKSA1 (7:38:14 PM): that's stupid- he thought he was entitled to break rules
FLCLcowdude (7:38:27 PM): Because, you led him to believe thta
NikeKSA1 (7:38:29 PM): prep schools have strict rules, and he pushed the limits too far
FLCLcowdude (7:38:29 PM): *that
NikeKSA1 (7:38:49 PM): he got kicked out of a school at the end of 8th grade and another at the end of 10th
NikeKSA1 (7:38:56 PM): what do you suggest we should have done?
FLCLcowdude (7:39:15 PM): I suggest you should have never sent him away in the first place
FLCLcowdude (7:39:24 PM): Boys need their mothers!
FLCLcowdude (7:39:36 PM): They need someone who won't feed them a ration of shit
FLCLcowdude (7:39:51 PM): You set your kids up for failure
FLCLcowdude (7:40:06 PM): With age comes maturity
NikeKSA1 (7:40:16 PM): that's funny- my son is one of the most successful young men you will ever meet
FLCLcowdude (7:40:31 PM): He got that way by not listening to you!
NikeKSA1 (7:40:39 PM): perhaps
FLCLcowdude (7:40:52 PM): Thank you, case in point...
NikeKSA1 (7:41:09 PM): the issue isn't my parenting- the issue is whether my son was harmed by a program- and he wasn't
FLCLcowdude (7:41:33 PM): The issue is your parenting sucks, so you sent him to somewhere worse
NikeKSA1 (7:41:35 PM): he gained a lot of maturity- realized what he was costing himself- got his shit together and got out of the program before completing it
NikeKSA1 (7:41:47 PM): Second Nature and Carlbrook were fine for him
NikeKSA1 (7:42:02 PM): he hated Carlbrook, but realized he needed to bew there to assure the future he wanted
FLCLcowdude (7:42:24 PM): Ever see thoes jenny cragi commercials, where they say results are not typical
NikeKSA1 (7:42:28 PM): I'm sorry you have trouble understanding that, but I don't think you understand how kids at the level of mine function
FLCLcowdude (7:42:28 PM): You got lucky
NikeKSA1 (7:42:43 PM): many of the kids from Carlbrook are doing really well
FLCLcowdude (7:42:45 PM): I am a kid at that level!
NikeKSA1 (7:42:49 PM): not all- but many
NikeKSA1 (7:43:05 PM): I can assure you that my son is not harrassing parents on the internet, so you are not at his level
FLCLcowdude (7:43:14 PM): I have been kicked around by my mother
NikeKSA1 (7:43:21 PM): I didn't kick my son around
NikeKSA1 (7:43:28 PM): he has a strong personality and had a lot of entitlement
FLCLcowdude (7:43:33 PM): You sure did by sending him to so many schools
NikeKSA1 (7:43:37 PM): he was that way since pre-school
FLCLcowdude (7:43:46 PM): How many year books has he been in>
FLCLcowdude (7:43:48 PM): ?
FLCLcowdude (7:43:54 PM): A dozen or more?
NikeKSA1 (7:43:55 PM): he went to a number of schools because he got kicked out
NikeKSA1 (7:44:18 PM): he graduated from a great school and is doing well in college-
NikeKSA1 (7:44:42 PM): I sent him to the schools he wanted to attend (except for Carlbrook)
FLCLcowdude (7:45:17 PM): But, you decided that you would let other people raise your kids?
FLCLcowdude (7:45:37 PM): *...
NikeKSA1 (7:45:50 PM): sending a kid to boarding school is not the same as letting other people raise your kids
FLCLcowdude (7:46:07 PM): Not a boarding school, a behavior modification place
NikeKSA1 (7:46:18 PM): he was in program for a year
FLCLcowdude (7:46:32 PM): That is a year he can never get back!
NikeKSA1 (7:46:34 PM): yes, I was more than willing to turn him over to someone else- he was out of control at home-
FLCLcowdude (7:47:00 PM): He was out of control, because you let him get that way!
NikeKSA1 (7:47:10 PM): that's right- and a year where he made dear friends who he still talks to and sees all the time- a year where he straightened out his life- a year with mentors that helped him see wehre he wanted to go next
FLCLcowdude (7:47:25 PM): Nothing but money sucking leaches
FLCLcowdude (7:47:31 PM): That is all they are
NikeKSA1 (7:47:36 PM): it doesn't really matter how he got out of control- the point was that he was (and he will admit that)
FLCLcowdude (7:47:49 PM): Yeah, it does
NikeKSA1 (7:47:56 PM): Sorry- but the founders of Second Nature and Carlbrook are far from money sucking leeches
FLCLcowdude (7:47:59 PM): You are the spawn of his problems
FLCLcowdude (7:48:09 PM): You made him that way!
FLCLcowdude (7:48:12 PM): You are his parent
NikeKSA1 (7:48:13 PM): so what?
NikeKSA1 (7:48:27 PM): even if that is true, does that mean we shouldn't try to help him?
FLCLcowdude (7:48:39 PM): You should do it your self
FLCLcowdude (7:48:48 PM): You will build a better relation in the process
NikeKSA1 (7:48:49 PM): we tried- couldn't do it- he will admit that, too
FLCLcowdude (7:48:56 PM): What did you try?
NikeKSA1 (7:48:57 PM): he wouldn't talk to us, listen to us, obey us
NikeKSA1 (7:49:09 PM): how much harm was the family supposed to suffer by keeping him at home?
FLCLcowdude (7:49:16 PM): You gave up!
NikeKSA1 (7:49:20 PM): let him kill someone with our cars?
NikeKSA1 (7:49:26 PM): let him ruin his educational future?
FLCLcowdude (7:49:33 PM): You should hide the keys better ;-)
NikeKSA1 (7:49:42 PM): I assure you, if he had not gone away when he did, he would NOT be where he is today
FLCLcowdude (7:50:13 PM): He is successfull, also in part because you sent him away.
FLCLcowdude (7:50:19 PM): Wanna know why?
NikeKSA1 (7:50:28 PM): he is not a program kid- he hated the therapy- but he knew he needed to be away
FLCLcowdude (7:50:33 PM): He didn't have to listen to you!
NikeKSA1 (7:50:36 PM): your insulting me doesn't bother me at all-
NikeKSA1 (7:50:40 PM): he didn't listen to me anyway
NikeKSA1 (7:50:52 PM): i'm not the one who got him kicked out of his prep school
FLCLcowdude (7:50:58 PM): Plain and simple, you are a terrible mother
FLCLcowdude (7:51:07 PM): I have other stuff to do
NikeKSA1 (7:51:14 PM): I doubt that you do-
NikeKSA1 (7:51:26 PM): you seem like a total waste of human energy- but go have fun
FLCLcowdude (7:51:35 PM): I hope you realize that you are the kind of people who are ruining our youth...
NikeKSA1 (7:51:51 PM): by sending my kid to Carlbrook?  I doubt that
FLCLcowdude (7:52:10 PM): I don't
FLCLcowdude (7:52:20 PM): My time has come to an end, good bye!
NikeKSA1 signed off at 7:52:57 PM.

The Troubled Teen Industry / More bullshit advice from ST
« on: October 15, 2006, 07:24:42 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Your son sounds so willing but might need a better place then home to finish growing up, a safe place he can learn to be a man.

What the fuck. That Be a Man thing is useless. That is their excuess for, "I can't find anything wrong with my kid so I will ship him off to God knows where so I can get rid of him" He who is sinless can judge, whoever else, Fuck off...

My 2 Cents,


The Troubled Teen Industry / Hey Program Parents, answer this please!
« on: October 15, 2006, 07:18:25 PM »
Quote from: ""KarenInDallas""
Started building a coffin, because without the program my kid would be dead. Or in jail.

Jail would have been better. At least he/she would have learned something.

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / Finders Fee...
« on: October 15, 2006, 07:03:57 PM »
I am not in the mood for a slander suit, thank you. I was just letting the general public know that it happens...

I watched that pig be painted...

Also, why would Joe Stapp be buying shit, he could just take it and no one would ever notice. He is such a fucking scumbag!

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / Finders Fee...
« on: October 15, 2006, 12:37:33 AM »
Did you know that if a therapist of any sort refers a kid to HLA, he/she gets a "Finders Fee", a large sum of money. I think it is around 3,000 large. That makes me sick!

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / Teh Cow is gone
« on: September 30, 2006, 11:13:55 PM »
Explain later...

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / Teh Cow is gone
« on: September 30, 2006, 10:58:12 PM »
I am on...

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / Teh Cow is gone
« on: September 30, 2006, 10:48:53 PM »
Well folks, I was officially withdrawln from Hidden Lake Academy!

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / Did More HLA Staff Leave?
« on: September 11, 2006, 12:27:36 PM »
I will not be releasing any names. I don't want to get any students involved...

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / "Intervention" Program
« on: September 11, 2006, 12:26:08 PM »
In the middle of it, they were called. Not really much approval. Carry Dead weight and walk. That is it...

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / Anyone wanna know?
« on: September 10, 2006, 11:13:54 PM »
If you wanna know almost anything about HLA, AIM FLCLcowdude

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / Did More HLA Staff Leave?
« on: September 10, 2006, 11:05:20 PM »

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / "Intervention" Program
« on: September 10, 2006, 11:03:21 PM »
I shall clairify.I ment in distance. about 90 miles of walking. North georgia Mountains. Any Questions?

The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy / "Intervention" Program
« on: September 10, 2006, 03:17:17 AM »
I have been on one. Ever gone from Dahlonegah to Atlanta? Well walk that in 7 days and tell me how much you hate your day job!

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