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Topics - blownawaytheidahoway

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CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / The Glenn Sutton thing.
« on: October 20, 2004, 02:51:00 PM »
This is from an ANON at

"As i stated earlier, both employees are GONE, due to their unacceptable behavior. One was fired after an investigatin by the sherrif and Child Protective Services, the other resigned after accusations from many children surfaced. I have no reason to doubt my son. He has never lied about being abused or anything of that nature, nor would he. Sure, he's a liar on many counts, but not in this case.. His father was very abusive, and to this day, he minimizes that.
What would you think if YOUR child was licked in the face by a male staff member. This happened to other students, as well as other inappropriate physical contact.
The hitting incident left bruises that were photographed 4 days after the fact by the sheriff.
These incidents were not fabricated by my son, or any of the other students. I even have assurance from another member of the staff that the staff member whot licked my son and others had been accused of several inappropriate things, and that his resignation was a long time coming. These incidents have been absolutely confirmed as TRUE.

Please understand that I am not trying to cause problems by bringing these things up on this site. I am just curious, that if my son experience this type of thing twice within a month (he's only been there 4 months), that something is not right, and someone else MUST HAVE had similar experiences."

-Too bad. I rather didn't dislike Glenn and Lisa. But they were new and came from a place with tipis.

I think I know who this anon is. That I don't really know doesn't matter since I'm so fucked up on Heroin and getting a steady thumping in the ass for some more. I hate my little kid and everything positive in life. How did this anonymous person get so much knowledge into the struggling mind? What a fucking genies. I smok too much crack and I forgot how to spell.

anonymous. you did get under my skin. You gutless shit, identify yourself as the stupid sheep that you are. This site is for people WHO HATE CEDU to say what they want, even your pathetic little try at sounding honest is welcome here you spineless coward. I got some good things from RMA/ CEDU. I just can't compare it to the ABUSE I received from staff and kisass students like yourself. You will probably say, Ha I'm not a student but it is plainly obvious that you were. I am glad you took some good things with you you glutton for punishment. Come on back now, halfwit, I have so many more insults for you and the  Stambusky's, Eides, and Wolf's out there.

Take me on now, fuckers.


I want to say to everyone that does read this how pleased I am that people are getting to this site and posting. Meeting with eachother is GREAT. I would personally be scared shitless to meet any of you whackjobs  ::bandit::  
 But Here goes the Question: Do you people think that it's a good idea to contact people they know or know of from their time as students? I have been looking through all of the cards I received from graduating and am one step away from contacting those whose contact information I have and doing something to find people I want to talk to whose information I do not have. I want to know what others who have not yet posted or seen this site say.
      How would you feel about receiving an unsolicited invitation to talk about your experience at RMA/CEDU  or fill in the fucking blank whatever school?
Would it make a difference if you were friends or acquaintances with sender?
I personally would prefer to meet with someone who went to CEDU since I wouldn't know them, but I could be confident the program was close to the same (or CEDU and RMA!- Ben Vencil are you out there? or those pretty Conway? twins who were at CEDU/RMA at the same time! Whose parents must have been on crack?). That would be my ideal first meeting.
      But getting into all this stuff IS hard. We NEED to rely on eachother for strength and support. Contacts should be made even though it's uncomfortable. Keep the faith, and keep posting, it helps ME more than YOU know. The whole lot o' ya!

Are you guys for real?
This IS the guy who was like a dorky looking 35-40 year old in 1990? Thick glasses. Blondish, goatee? Is that for real?
Please tell me that you are all making this up. Even for me, who is finally realizing how fucked up it all was/is, cannot believe "they" would keep him in a leadership role working with kids after hearing him copping out to this. THAT is unacceptable.
Bryan, are you sure? SOS? any other peers concur?
Because I lied before on this site about one thing...I said I wasn't Jewish. If that is true about Russ Decker, that he had done those things and came to work at RMA, I will track him down. Plain and simple. We can record the confrontation, and you all can stop worrying about him hurting any more children OR trying to influence them. We'll have him jailed.
    A gang rape and a lynching? Please tell me you guys just hate him and made this up.
again I am


Jeez, maybe I (bold and italicize the I to highlight the sarcasm) should open MY own school.

Can you say "quacks"?[ This Message was edited by: blownawaytheidahoway on 2005-06-10 10:05 ]

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / The Chuck Wyatt thing
« on: September 03, 2004, 11:23:00 AM »
I spoke with the detective. His name is Chuck Wyatt. He works at the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department (909) 336-0600

He is for real. Please do not worry that he is a mole. He is not. I called the sheriff's dept. and spoke with him. My current work is related to the SB County system now and I know that he is for real. Also, be aware that the county children's placement people NEVER place at kid at CEDU. They would send him to Sri Lanka first!

If you have any information at all, please call him. He is eager to go after CEDU with all the ammunition available to him. However, if we do not speak up, if we give him nothing, that is precisely what he will have.

Not giving him anything is like expecting a doctor to help you but not letting him examine you nor give you any medication. We are all eager to post our stories, hurt, and anger here, but we also need to help him.

Am I scared? You bet. Do I think we should talk to him, anyway? Absolutely!

He assured me that if I talk, CEDU cannot threaten me. If they cause any problem for me and I have made a statement to law enforcement, that is a crime.

He wants any information at all. Any leads to people who can testify. Any ex-staff. Any kids who were there, any parents.

He wants details about the techniques. Do they still use sleep deprivation in the profeets? Do they use shaming and name-calling? It's been so long since I was there that I don't know what they do now. Please call him and tell him everything you know about how they treat kids.

Although he is in the San Bernardino mountains, he is seeking information about any of the CEDU schools. He is involving the state, the feds - any agency that can go after CEDU.

Please speak up! They can't hurt you for telling the truth.

[ This Message was edited by: blownawaytheidahoway on 2004-09-03 08:51 ]


Here is a school STARTED by a graduate of RMA. Adam Rainer is founder and director of Shortridge Academy. He hired a staff who I feel had a giant negative impact on not only my education and re-education experience at RMA, but because of abuse I endured that I attribute singly and directly from him, to a huge aspect of my life. I am ablaze to see that BRUCE WILSON could be hired at another place working with "troubled, or struggling teens".
Please comment.

the only one i like at all. i am getting some reliable information. doesn't really sound like she hated it. more later.


[ This Message was edited by: blownawaytheidahoway on 2004-08-25 20:03 ]

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