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Messages - idioteque

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Aspen Education Group / Turn About Ranch (A Rough Guide)
« on: November 28, 2004, 07:31:00 PM »
Yeah, I replied to your IM. I'm well aware of Aspen's affiliates and franchises.

If anyone wants further, specific information please feel free to send me a private message.

Tacitus' Realm / Vatican's book on sex
« on: November 28, 2004, 02:22:00 AM »
Holy shit, Batman.

Aspen Education Group / Turn About Ranch (A Rough Guide)
« on: November 19, 2004, 06:51:00 PM »
[Note: My time at TAR was voluntary. It resulted from my expulsion from a traditional boarding school that I loved, as a prerequisite for re-enrollment. Also, as an Elan history buff, I was curious about this industry. My experience took place in late Winter to early Spring of 2002.]

I went to Turn About Ranch for "the minimum" 60 days because I began a letter-writing campaign to the educational consultant at the Department of State, my dad's employer. While she did not do anything besides force a stop-payment, it was still welcome.

TAR really ought to be shut down. It isn't brutal in the sense of WWASPS, but it's still incredibly twisted. The isolation, forced labor, antiquated gender roles, and mandatory Baptist instruction are sickening.

For the uninitiated, here's a general break-down of the system:

1st level: IMPACT/ROUNDY

During the first day at Roundy camp students are strip-searched, have their shoes taken away and replaced with old size 14 rubber boots (without laces). They are then told to sit in the dirt, surrounded by a 4x4 circle of rocks with a firepit and a plastic tarp/lean-to supported by cedar branches. They sit there from before dawn to well after, until the Level 2's are sent to bed.

This is called "impact".

During this time they are not allowed to talk (except to ask for water or food) and are forbidden to sleep except when the staff tells them to. They eat breakfast (oatmeal, cooked over their personal camp fire in an old coffee can), lunch ("trail mix," which is shredded coconut, Cheerios, and raisins), and dinner (which can vary from beans & lentils to Ramen noodles, depending on availability and behavior).

They are issued to blue Level 1-2 binder. At this time their only work is to write a letter to their parents, a letter to themselves (to be opened upon graduation), and to wait. Wait until advancement.

Level 2: ROUNDY

The students get their shoes back. Nor do they have to shit under supervision anymore, but it's still in the same port-o-potty (Staff, Boys, and Girls toilets are there, but are unlabeled so humiliation and punishment can be used against anyone using the "wrong one")

Usually after about 3 days the students are taken off of impact. A bath (in a galvanized tub with boiled water, a bar of soap, shampoo, and a disposable BIC razor) is provided. They are now Levels 2's or "twos," but keep the same binder. Their responsibilities are much greater than on impact. They spend most of their time milking cows, carrying water from a creek (punching through the ice if you're lucky enough to be there after November and before April), washing utensils/dishes, collecting eggs, feeding pigs, and doing push-ups twenty five at a time (if they say anything as horrible as "dude"
or "god"). Anywhere on the calendar remotely near winter, they chop firewood. Cords, as they call them, are a necessity for advancement in the Blue Binders. A quota is listed and enforced.

Level 3: The Barn

You get your Green Binder! And a mid-term meeting with your parents, who just might screw you over more if you're not careful. Better slap on a Utahn accent and bury that mouth firmly in between their ass cheeks!

At The Barn, oligarchy rears its ugly head. There is a syllogism to it. Not all students are snitches, but all snitches are students. You have to watch your ass in an entirely new way.

You are allowed to drink flavored beverages now (Kool-Aid, milk, soft drinks as infrequent rewards). You are allowed to see clocks and watch certain movies (The Emperor's New Groove, E.T., The Bridge Over the River Kwai, etc.) during "movie nights" and also you eat more complex food (burritos are a perrenial favorite). However, your mail is still (as always) regulated and newspapers/TV are out of the question.

Your average day will be spent feeding cattle off the back of a truck, feeding goats/chickens/geese/sheep, or even helping an employee move their furniture to a new house. You are free labor and therefor expendable, don't forget that. On Sundays, you're ushered into TAR vehicles and driven to Escalante's Baptist Church for the mandatory services(supposedly not, but on asking not to be included I was threatened with a "level drop").

During this time you will also be included in "groups." During Group you will sit on plastic chairs in a semi-circle and watch people be accused of things, mocked, and subsequently have insults screamed at them. Maybe you'll get to participate in Max Stewart's (the burly Mormon who runs the place) challenge to run from your chair to the corral fence and back again just for the hell of it. If you look at the girls too much he'll accuse you of wanting to make a "TAR baby." To Mormons, sex without reproduction is a foreign concept.

Or in my case, you might get taken for a ride in Stewart's pick-up truck for some personal attention. He told me I was a drug-addict for requesting a continuation for my prescription Eskalith (lithium citrate, for Bipolar Disorder). Thanks for curing my organic brain disorder, Max!


As a Level 4 you get to serve yourself a plate before anyone else by going behind the counter and scooping slop onto it while helpless Level 3's drool. You also get to sit in on "leadership meetings" in which troublesome students are brought up and solutions are devised. It's a sweet position, but make sure you kiss the right ass or you'll level drop.

During this time you're supposed to complete your Red Binder, which includes assorted equestrian bullshit and anti-drug propaganda from 20 years ago (by the way, these binders are counted as High School credits for some reason).

Eventually, after tormenting your underlings in Levels 1 to 3, you're sent to Solo. Now, Solo isn't as harsh as it used to be. It's still the same one-room, black-painted cabin out in the middle of nowhere that it used to be. The only difference is you don't have to sleep there. Instead you spend your time completing the Solo Binder, which is a reflection on just about everything. You can almost (kinda) get a tan out there, too. This is also the perfect time to smoke any cigarette butts you've found (or sage-brush rolled in notebook paper if you haven't learned to trade well). What, no matches? You should have stole them from the meds booth, you retard, GAWD there's only a fucking basket of them!

But I digress.

This isolation will last perhaps 2 days at the most. Then you'll be welcomed back to The Barn in hushed, secret anticipation of your graduation. Sometimes this is delayed for more than a week, other times it happens within 24 hours. You're then led into a circle outside (or one in The Barn) where your "medicine pouch," some feathers, and some other Indian bullshit are given to you. Then everyone says some stuff and your indulgent, well-fed, affluent parents cry and welcome you back into their (YOUR) family.

You are now free. It took 90 days of no music, no "slang," forced Christianity, having to sing while using the bathroom, hard manual labor, and ingenious mind-games... but you're free. What's in store for you? If you follow Turn About's suggestion; a life of piety and no friendship. Better than smoking weed and premarital sex, right??

Open Free for All / SEPT. 21: Montel Williams Show on Medical Cannabis
« on: November 13, 2004, 08:55:00 PM »
I think because it needs to be smoked, it will be a tough one to pass.
Being as old as myself and not having smoked for years, is there any other way to get high from it that is reasonable? Hash caplets?

Some people report success with hash caplets (hashish or kief saturated with fatty oil and placed in capsule form). Also orally effective is the ubiquitous "special brownie." Butter with extracted THC can be used in all sorts of cooking applications. However, many users insist there is a qualitative difference in the effects (ingested THC is generally agreed to produce more of a "physical high" than the markedly psychoactive one that accompanies smoking).

As for smoking, there is a new form of smoke-less inhalation called "vaporizing." The marijuana is placed on a specialized heating element contained by glass and the resulting THC-active mist is inhaled through a tube (imagine an unholy marriage of crock pot and hookah.) Many medical patients report great success with this system.

Finally there is Marinol. Marinol is an FDA-approved pill that contains synthetic THC. Efficacy is widely disputed, even by clinical trials.

For more information, visit or There's a wealth of information about this out there.

Tacitus' Realm / No Right to Keep Names from Police
« on: June 21, 2004, 04:33:00 PM »

Court: No Right to Keep Names From Police

WASHINGTON June 21, 2004 ? The Supreme Court ruled Monday that people do not have a constitutional right to refuse to tell police their names.
The 5-4 decision frees the government to arrest and punish people who won't cooperate by revealing their identity.

The decision, reached by a divided court, was a defeat for privacy rights advocates who argued that the government could use this power to force people who have done nothing wrong to submit to fingerprinting or divulge more personal information.

Police, meanwhile, had argued that identification requests are a routine part of detective work, including efforts to get information about terrorists.

The justices upheld a Nevada cattle rancher's misdemeanor conviction. He was arrested after he told a deputy that he didn't have to reveal his name or show an ID during an encounter on a rural road in 2000.

Larry "Dudley" Hiibel was prosecuted, based on his silence and fined $250. The Nevada Supreme Court sided with police on a 4-3 vote last year.

Justices agreed in a unique ruling that addresses just what's in a name.

The ruling was a follow up to a 1968 decision that said police may briefly detain someone on reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing, without the stronger standard of probable cause, to get more information. Justices said that during such brief detentions, known as Terry stops after the 1968 ruling, people must answer questions about their identities.

Justices had been asked to rule that forcing someone to give police their name violated a person's Fourth Amendment protection from unreasonable searches and the Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, writing for the majority, said that that it violated neither.

"Obtaining a suspect's name in the course of a Terry stop serves important government interests," Kennedy wrote.

Marc Rotenberg, president of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, said America is different 36 years after the Terry decision. "In a modern era, when the police get your identification, they are getting an extraordinary look at your private life."

He said the ruling for Nevada "opens the door to what could become a routine fishing expedition among government databases," after police stop innocent people.

The police encounter with Hiibel happened after someone called police to report arguing between Hiibel and his daughter in the truck. An officer asked him 11 times for his identification or his name.

Over and over again Hiibel refused, at one point saying, "If you've got something, take me to jail" and "I don't want to talk. I've done nothing. I've broken no laws."

In dissent, Justice John Paul Stevens said that Hiibel "acted well within his rights when he opted to stand mute." Also disagreeing with the decision were Justices David H. Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer.

The case is Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District Court of the state of Nevada, 03-5554.

Aspen Education Group / Aspen in the Youth Weight Loss Business
« on: June 07, 2004, 10:51:00 PM »
A typical behavior-mod facility isn't run by professionals. This applies to just about every detail of the program, nutrition certainly included.

I was in an Aspen program and the food was adequate as far as provincial American food goes (I think I might have craved baguettes more than cigarettes there). Read: balanced but not appetizing.

What was unhealthy about it was the "clean plate" rule which entailed us finishing whatever was on our plates and, of course, a strictly enforced time-limit for eating. In fact, people *gained* weight at this program and it was lauded as the child's "return to health."

It should be interesting to see how AYS handles kids that aren't in danger of "gangs and death" like nearly all of their upper-middle class social-pothead clients.

The Troubled Teen Industry / ALA Goes European?
« on: June 03, 2004, 01:31:00 AM »
Of course, that's assuming there's abuse and general unpleasantness. Sorry, Karen.  :roll:

The Troubled Teen Industry / ALA Goes European?
« on: June 03, 2004, 01:28:00 AM »
The Czech Republic? I spent a few years in Prague, they picked the right European country to open shop. The Czechs tend to turn a blind eye to child abuse, the best example being the abundant pre-teen hookers of Plzen and other less notable towns along the German border. Also, the Czech authorities are notoriously easy to bribe (European Union be damned!). I remember getting a boot on my car and instead of a ticket under my windshield wiper there was a cop's cellphone number scrawled on a napkin. Mind you, at $300 monthly salary they either go to bed crooked or hungry.

So let's say they do set up a franchise in CZ. Wasn't Moravia Academy summarily shut down by Embassy folks? Besides, it's a lot easier to get a "well supervised," possibly shackled kid through Mexican customs than it is in the EU. Well, you'd think, I haven't smuggled any abducted minors in a while.

Open Free for All / Sex with Ghosts
« on: May 23, 2004, 01:38:00 PM »
Well, whoever the last anon was thinks I'm quotable. Let's not stray from the issue. You presented a book that contains some obscure and extreme views, do you agree? And as my previously double-quoted statement asserts, it was the nature of those views rather than the source.

I'm going to be very ineloquent about this because I don't think it needs flowery language. Christianity is far from a terrible religion. It's merely that, a religion. There can be no doubt in anyone's mind that the humanitarian efforts of Christians the world over have improved the quality of life for countless people in developing nations. Moreover, the doctrine itself is famous for giving new hope to previously hopeless individuals.

It isn't your religion that was attacked for this book, because your religion (or the overwhelming majority of those who practise it) is not overtly concerned with "devilry" and other bogie-men that threaten its sanctity and that of those who follow it. This book is shit. Pure, fucking shit. But Christianity, the teachings of Jesus, and the Bible itself? For those they help, there can be no better.

Open Free for All / Sex with Ghosts
« on: April 29, 2004, 03:09:00 PM »
Why did you paraphrase the slogan of a demographic that's oppressed by people of your ilk? That's like the Grand Wizard of the KKK starting his speeches with "I have a dream..."

I was the first anon, but I agree with the second one on the point of this book being "Medieval rubbish." I won't even touch on the dynamics of Wicca or what astral projection entails, much less the reported (and obvious) limitations of both. The book is tremendously insulting to other faiths and your espousal of it is making you look crazy.

Don't pretend this is because you're Christian. It's because you're an extremist and you would be treated exactly the same if you were hawking the Kabbala or the Gyuto Tantra. Is religion the acceptable resource in some cases? Absolutely. But in this situation neurology has already filled in the blanks. Be here, be Christian, stop misleading people.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Watch out all you 18 -- 24 year olds
« on: April 22, 2004, 10:04:00 PM »
On 2004-04-22 08:36:00, Timoclea wrote:
It's "stop loss"

Argh! Yeah, of course it is. I was writing a paper on Libel Laws all night, it was 4am, and English is definitely not my first language. But yeah, you got me. Maybe the mass media is just letting a vocal few hog the mike when it comes to the military's staffing issues.

CNN is notorious for bullshit, anyway. But where else can you go for news here?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Watch out all you 18 -- 24 year olds
« on: April 22, 2004, 10:41:00 AM »
That was me, folks ^^^

The Troubled Teen Industry / Watch out all you 18 -- 24 year olds
« on: April 22, 2004, 05:01:00 AM »
The *truth* is that all services have exceeded their recruiting and reenlistment goals and that, as a result of normal headcount limits set by Congress, the military is actually having to turn people away who would otherwise be quite acceptable as recruits.

Are you shitting me? Here are some articles detailing the problems with understaffing that the military is experiencing.

Stretched too thin: ... Apr17.html ... 2004A.html

Few recruits: ... jaffe.html

Not enough reservists (with graph that shows precipitous drop in recruitment): ... Apr17.html

Tacitus' Realm / Camel spiders in Iraq our poor troops!
« on: April 20, 2004, 11:12:00 AM »

The sand flies that are giving them a disfiguring skin parasite are a little more sinister. Really fast spiders might suck, too.

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