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Messages - chi3

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Oh My, Oh My! First off I am sorry Ivan you went through such a tough time. My daughter did, too. She wasn't there long, but it took her awhile to come to terms with her anger over it all. Good luck, let us know if we can help you in some way.

To the trolls: When you bring your child there you are encouraged to join the BBS a.s.a.p. It is actually part of your first "homework" as a parent. If you do not do this work, you are not allowed to advance further. I went there thinking I would get the true story and meet other parents to share with. Instead, it was a daily love story written by the culties who sweep down on you if you express any doubts or complaints. They testify to you how terribly important this is to your child's survival and that he/she will never make it w/o being there. Then they tell you that you are a wonderful parent for giving your child this "gift" of life. Tell that to Ivan and all the other of people who are or have been struggling with themselves over what happened to them. I went back on the BBS a few weeks back and read for awhile. Guess what? It is still the same old group of parents on there that have been for years. I noticed that some of the diehards whose children have been there for years and supposedly "graduated", had re-enrolled their kids! Seems they just couldn't hack it in the real world. I guess they will continue this cycle until the kid gets 18. By the way, my daughter works in a clothing store at the mall, and she noticed someone shoplifting the other day. Turned out to be one of the girls she was with at the cult. She had been there 3 years!!!! She also told me that she has had contact with a few others she met there, and they are wilder now than they were when they went in. HMMMMMMMMM! As far as popping in to see your child, maybe at some places, but where we were, was a no go. We went up last year at Christmas to drop off presents for our daughter, and they would not even let me look out the window at her going to lunch! I begged to see her. They brought a disenrollment form to me and said that was the only way I could. I wish more than anything I wouldn't have waited the 3 weeks I did and signed it on the spot. The mail that my daughter sent me was always read. If she was negative in any way, she lost privileges. Considering she couldn't even shave her legs for nearly 3 mos., she was always scared to chance it. How many kids are badly abused and are afraid to say anything for fear of the consequences????? This pisses me off so badly! I have to live everyday with the knowledge of my mistake placing her there, I can't believe you think these places are honest and care for the kids. Bullshit! It is allll about the money. :flame:

Big Bull Shit! No, it is a parent forum where the "cult" parents reassure you that you are doing the very best thing for your child. They give testimony daily to how great WWASPS is. It would be very funny if it weren't so sad. It would blow your mind to read some of the stuff parents write, they will be livid and cussing and saying they think it is all a crock of shit, then about 10 parents swoop down and write novels about how it has reformed their kid, helped their other kid, saved their marriage, and got rid of the dog's worms. After a while of this, and not hearing from your kid, just the staff,(who sees a major change already), parents go to the seminars and are in ecstasy! It is like Stepford Nation.......

CSA offers independent therapy at a cost of $75.00 a pop. It is performed by a licensed therapist. She seems o.k., but is not available to discuss your child very often. My experience was that she was not bad, but just not very interested. At least she had a degree......

Hello All,

Been quite a while since I last posted here! I believe it was at the first of the year. I don't know what you may be looking for on the BBS, but I still have access, but only in the alumni forum, I think. I almost died laughing when I saw I was on the alumni list. I mean, please! We drove up and snatched our daughter on a weekend when the main staff is gone, with no advanced warning. We let them know we wouldn't be back. I have no idea why they still send us the magazine or try to contact us from time to time. About 3 mos. ago, I was asked to "teach" at seminar. I never even finished a seminar! Guess they have relaxed their standards. I have lots of thoughts about the things posted, but it would take a book to list them all. All I can say is I have seen it, done it, and still have nightmares! For anyone who remembers me, my daughter, Bri, is doing well. She is home-schooling her self in advanced classes, has a 3.85, works 2 jobs, and plans on graduating a year early. Her credits from the prison were not transferable to any of our area schools, but luckily a very nice private boarding school accepted them. She was an all A student going into the hell hole, and has come out intact. The education she received at the "school" was a farce. No teachers around, licensed or otherwise, a freezing cold shabby building, and asinine school work. I can't speak for all the WWASPS facilities, but hers was a shitty little hell hole that looked like it needed to be torn down, was filthy, and definately was misrepresented to us over the internet and phone. I wish with all my heart I would have listened to my gut feelings instead of focusing on the problems we were dealing with. I was so torn up about the situation ,I really didn't pay much attention to my surroundings,plus, we were only shown the "best" areas, such as the admin. office. It wasn't until I demanded to return 2 mos. later, against their wishes that I saw the whole place. I was very upset. I was in the process of finding another option for us when the Discovery seminar rolled round. This absolutely bizarre experience was all I needed to just go and snatch her. My daughter told me that all the kids dread parent seminars because this is when the parents get sucked into the cult and become fully committed. I told her, as I will tell you all, committed is the important word in this sentence. I have absolutely no idea anyone can be degraded and abused as the parents are, and still want their kids there. All I can say, it is the breeding ground for little junior psycopaths, who society need to look no further than the parents to find the guilty party.

those bat ears are kinda a turnoff!

sorry miseducated, i made it, it's mine. i don't feel guilt or sorrow for our little trolls or anyone else that spouts bullshit. the reason people who really do have money are so damn wary of mentioning it is because everyone wants a piece of the pie. that's how i know what BSarro really isn't.

the original question was about RR and their affiliation with WWASPS> Anon. answered this. RR IS PREMIERE! How do I know this? David Gilcrease posted to me about my child a mere 6 weeks ago. He monitors the WWASPS bulletin boards and posts regularly. If neccessary I can probably find you some exact quotes. RR handles seminars from companies and LGAT(large group awareness training) for anyone else that wants it. Premiere handles all wwasps seminars. Same exact company, same exact people. I know, I've met them. Most of the facilitators submit articles to the Source magazine each month. Have they ever been sued for their actions? YES!!!! Inside and Outside of WWASPS. And they have lost.

You know, I rarely can say I am offended by something, I frankly don't give a damn about what most people say or do. Yes, the trolls here can be funny/annoying, but I can honestly say that's offensive. My children's grandfather is Amish. I have lived as a part of their family for over 20 yrs. Old Order Amish do not use technology. Phones are outdoors housed in sheds, barns, shops, etc. for business purposes only. Anyone who has a business may have a phone. Most Amish teenagers work in regular jobs at the grocery store,etc. Teenagers have a time called Rumspringa when they experience the "real" world before commiting themselves to the church. Amish people do not send their kids to boarding schools. Feel free to write back when you have your facts straight.

The Troubled Teen Industry / My Opinions
« on: March 31, 2005, 06:14:00 AM »
So sorry to miss all this prolific and profound  discussion in real time, but would like to play catch up. I want to go back to the beginning of this thread, I really have no interest in the discussion of AA pro or con, alcoholism, etc. I just wanted to post some of my insights. Since I have a child who was very recently in a program, I would like to say, yes, in some ways it has been beneficial to her. Shocked? Well, probably not helpful in the way you are thinking. Did it cause her to change her ways? No. Did it make her have a fear that she better not go too far or that could once again the alternative? Yes. Would she really ever be sent back? Hell No. But, she does know that we are truly commited to do whatever it takes to point her on the right path? Yes. Maybe you say this fear is not a good thing. I would have agreed with you in the past. Nothing else we ever did got her attention. We got her attention. She believes! I can also say that where she was that she was not treated well. However, she wasn't treated nearly as horrid as some children in these places are. Am I a good mom? Don't know. Will She turn out o.k.? Don't know. Will my son who has never given me a minutes cause? Don't know. Why? How can I? All I can do, is keep trying, and trying, and trying.
Perri, I don't like the programs. However, I have no problem accepting you and many others feel it helped/saved them. If you haven't been where she was, guys, you just can't say. You don't know her, you don't know her life story. I don't always agree with your opinions, but will stand firm in your right to have them. Get off her back. She is not over here trying to recruit you, don't try to recruit her. Congrats on the little one. You will do just fine.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Darrington & WWASP
« on: March 31, 2005, 05:15:00 AM »
I cannot imagine how anyone got that I was thinking about sending one of my children to this low-rent hell-hole from my previous post, but evidently reading AND comprehension don't always go hand and hand.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Darrington & WWASP
« on: March 31, 2005, 05:13:00 AM »
I have done a little research, easily enough, because Hidden Lakes and Darrington are close to me, and yes, close to each other. I acted as if I was a big fan of the WWASPS program whe they yet again rang me. They willingly and joyfully told me that yes, they were affiliated, and so were HLA. Are they? Don't know, just info I got straight from the jackass' mouth who called.

I'm with you Cayo, miss a few days and the whole summer has already been planned. I must say as a recent attendee of the fabulous brainwashing seminars, I should have automatic job preferentiality during the hiring phase at this exciting new venture. For all of you who know our situation, you will maybe be as amused as i when i say that the lovely folks from Premier Seminars have been actively trying to recruit me to either help facilitate seminars or to "teach" at a facility in the future. If you all remember, I could not make it through an entire day of this bullshit in the past, pulled my child from the whack zone, and now they would like me to be a part of their organization! They also would like me to write an article for the Source magazine telling of our wonderful success story!!! WTF????? Bring on the whips, ropes, and cattle prods!

The Troubled Teen Industry / School shooting in Minnesota.
« on: March 23, 2005, 12:16:00 AM »
Yeah, Niles, She and the others who have never had any real experience of the BM prisons love to say how that would have solved the problem! They have no idea the rage, depression, and hate some of these kids come out of there with! It's kinda like when you put the mugger in jail, and he stews on how if he had left no witness he wouldn't be stuck there. But he is. So the longer he's there, the more his rage grows. When he gets out, he attacks someone right away. unfortunately, they are the focus of his rage. The mugger becomes a muderer. Think it can't or won't happen with some of these kids that are tortured and treated like shit for years at a time?


I had hoped you had gotten the hint, well, not hint, but rather broad appeals for you to leave us here. You have made it plain you didn't get what you were looking for here, no one agrees with your positions, so why? Are you a troll? Are you just someone so lonely that they get online and say outrageous things just for the attention? I do not know. However, I feel the need to set you straight on a few points. I have never felt the need when I came on here to be so crass as to discuss money. Why do you feel the need to do this? Who cares? I am very wealthy. I don't come on here and put people down who aren't, because this is not a way to judge people!!!! You keep talking about your expensive computer, your "luxury" vans, your this and that. Why would you brag about spending too much for a computer? There is no such thing as a "luxury" van! We have a collection of cars, vintage jag roadster, rolls royce silver shadow,mercedes 230SL, and new cadilac escalades. Big damn deal!!!!This does not make me better than anyone. It just means I may have more money than some. How can you be "rich,upperclass" and still have a job???? And as a elementary teacher. I'm sure we all know the big bucks that job pulls in!! I think you are a pitiful human being. I truly feel sorry for you and your daughter. Maybe you will be able to pray for guideance to get you past this need to be above others. I wish you luck.

i cannot believe i am taking the bait on this one, but bsarro, whoever you are, you are either on here screwing with people or crazy!!!! a licensed professional? so what? at some rinky dink school? so if your doctor, a licensed professional, tell you to drink arsenic are you going to do it? he is, after all, a licensed professional! Anon, take your child to a real doctor, several if neccessary, and move him out of that idiotic school. haldol is not like popping a couple of tylenol. this is your child, you know him better than anyone else, you are the parent, it is your responsibility to protect your child. do it.

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