« on: October 29, 2002, 10:07:00 PM »
Yeah I was confronted on numerous occassions for saying to everyone that I loved Straight. Well, I thought maybe if I convinced them that I liked it, I wouldn't get ripped on by saying I didn't.. It was a damned if you liked it and damned if you didn't thing.
I really only liked most of the food served the host homes and I knew since day 1 that when I turned 18 I would be able to sign myself out, so most of my stay there I didn't try that hard to go up on phases, so basically just buying my time there.. kinda like jail I guess. Although I tried not to let that place get to me too much, but after about the 5th month or so of being on 1st phase I had to do something to advance in phases, so I actually memorized the 12 steps (I can't remember much of them now). I did that so I didn't get ripped on so much.
Ok. I was 17, what else did I know?