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Offline Deborah

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Keepin Tabs on W2
« on: November 04, 2004, 08:11:00 PM »
We'll dedicate this thread to posts on the 'accomplishments' of our compassionate conservative presdient the next four years.

Let's start with this humdinger:
EPA Opens the Door to Testing Bug Killers on People Spoon-Feeding Poison
by Tennille Tracy
July 9 - 15, 2003

The Bush administration is now moving to endorse the testing of noxious and lethal chemicals on human beings. Since this spring, despite rife opposition from the medical community, the Environmental Protection Agency has quietly begun lifting a 1998 ban on accepting such research. Once the prohibition is gone, which will likely happen next year, chemical companies will have the full support of the federal government to dose healthy young men and women with the latest insecticides, rodenticides, and fungicides.

This marks the second round in a fiery debate over pesticide tests using people. In the late 1990s, a group of doctors and public health advocates noticed that pesticide companies were conducting a growing number of these trials as part of attempts to get government approval. The advocates railed against the EPA and balked at the agency's failure to enforce ethical standards. The "EPA does not routinely require companies who conduct human experiments to . . . follow any ethical protocol," noted a 1998 report from the Environmental Working Group.

Later that year, with criticism mounting, the agency prohibited its offices from using human data in new pesticide registrations. Some companies continued the testing, however, saying it was necessary to determine health risks. But they also preferred that method because they got more favorable readings from dosing people as opposed to lab rats.

The tests appear to defy the very essence of the Hippocratic oath, "First, do no harm." Unlike tests for exploratory vaccines and medicines, pesticide studies offer zero benefits for participants. They're designed to find the level at which concoctions of orange juice and bug spray won't send people crawling toward death, and are considered a glowing success only when nothing happens. Independent researchers say the tests' scientific value is highly suspect.

It gets worse. More at:


[ This Message was edited by: Deborah on 2004-11-04 18:48 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline Antny

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Keepin Tabs on W2
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2004, 04:07:00 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
etter a lifetime of dreams fulfilled than dreams of fulfilment.

Offline Deborah

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Keepin Tabs on W2
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2004, 12:16:00 AM »
Typical. Heart disease the number one killer and they move to make guidelines more vague. Heart surgery is big business. Stints, about $50K. Replacements necessary every 5-6 years.

I picked up a package of fish sticks in the grocery because right there on the front of the package it said No Trans Fats, in bold letters. Flipped it over and right there in the list of ingredients: partially hydrogentated soybean oil. That is just blatant fraud and deception.
Oh well, let those with ear hear.

Thanks for the links. I added them to my favs.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline Deborah

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Keepin Tabs on W2
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2004, 09:54:00 PM » ... 21050.html
Bush's vision of 'ownership society' will drive tax reform
Bush long has made it clear he wants to restructure the tax system to promote an "ownership society" that encourages millions of average Americans to own property and financial securities.

Bush, thinks this share-the-wealth   :lol: vision will make workers more financially secure and at the same time create new pools of capital that will fund economic expansion and job creation.

The main options: creating a national sales tax that would shift the tax burden from income to consumption, shifting toward a flatter tax that would squeeze tax rates into a lower, narrower range while eliminating many deductions.

While his emphasis has been on permanently lowering rates for everyone who pays income tax, his ownership agenda has led to favorable treatment of income from capital gains and stock dividends.

The highest tax rate on capital gains, profits made from selling securities held longer than one year, typically is 15 percent, down from 20 percent previously. The top rate on most dividends is also 15 percent, less than half of the 35 percent top tax rate paid on ordinary income.

The ownership principle is also at work in Bush's pledge to permanently eliminate the estate tax.

And in his State of the Union speech this year, Bush backed tax breaks for people who want to save money for any purpose, not just for retirement or college tuition. He also called for expanding tax breaks for health care spending accounts.

Critics fear Bush's efforts will only shift taxes from the upper to the middle and lower classes, making life more comfortable for those who live off investments while increasing the burden on wage earners and consumers.

"They want to make it so that owners don't pay taxes, only people who have to earn their income," said Mark Weisbrot, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, which has criticized many Bush economic policies.

Other critics fear that while wealthier Americans know how to manage their savings, poorer ones will not be able to invest money as wisely, leaving them further behind.

Additionally, scandals at large financial services firms, including major Wall Street brokerages and mutual funds, raise questions about the ethical standards in the industry.

"If there was a need to raise taxes, I would say, 'Let's have a tax bill that raises taxes,' as opposed to, 'Let's simplify the tax code and sneak a tax increase on the people,' " he said.

[Poor Bush, he always spills the beans re: his true agenda. Most are just too dumb to realize]

Instead, he pledged that his tax reform plan will be "revenue neutral," meaning that it would not increase total revenues collected by the IRS, but would simply restructure the present tax burden.
[email protected]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline Deborah

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Keepin Tabs on W2
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2004, 11:58:00 AM »,73 ... 84,00.html

Fallujah and the Reality of War
By Rahul Mahajan

The assault on Fallujah has started. It is being sold as liberation of the people of Fallujah; it is being sold as a necessary step to
implementing "democracy" in Iraq. These are lies.

I was in Fallujah during the siege in April, and I want to paint for you a word picture of what such an assault means....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline Deborah

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Keepin Tabs on W2
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2004, 04:45:00 PM » ... &artid=922

Anger that is seething throughout Iraq and the world over the assault on Fallujah turn to rage yesterday as an Iraqi physician came forward to confirm reports of the use of banned chemical weapons in Fallujah. Speaking on the condition of anonymity to the Panorama radio station, the physician said he had just examined two dead bodies and confirmed that the victims died of banned chemical weapons. The physician found no evidence of bullet wounds, shrapnel, or any objects penetrating the bodies.

It is worth noting that Mufkarat al-Islam was the first to alert readers to the use of chemical weapons by American occupying force on 11/11/2004. Since that time there have been several reports that US occupation troops has resorted to using chemical but none that could be independently verified.

34 Victims Of Banned Chemical Weapons Buried In Fallujah

It is also interesting how concerned the American occupying forces were about burying the bodies that lay on the outskirts of the Jowlan neighborhood for burial in Al-Saqlawiah, with many mainstream reports that the occupiers where ?cleaning up? the dead. Now we have the answer.

Local citizens who came to retrieve their lost ones were frisked to make sure that none of them brought cameras to document the crime using chemical weapons. American occupiers also insisted on accompanying those citizens from the moment of removing the bodies up until the final burial. 20 bodies including two women and a child were removed on Monday, 14 more on Tuesday. Mufkarat al-Islam correspondent confirmed that the dead bodies were swollen, yellow colored, and had no smell. A number of citizens requested permission to go inside Jowlan neighborhood to remove the dead but they were told (through an interpreter) that Americans cannot go with them because they do not control that area inside. A woman fleeing the war torn zone informed Mufkarat al-Islam?s correspondent that she witnessed Americans putting bodies in black plastic bags and dumping them in the river.

Observers agree on one thing- Americans decided to use chemical weapons after they failed to defeat the Mujahideen in Fallujah ? both a cowardly and inhumane act. The Mujahideen inflicted heavy losses on the US forces in al-Fallujah prompting the Americans to employ chemical weapons for the first time since the fall of Baghdad. Reports have been received that US forces used chemical weapons in the al-Jawlan, ash-Shuhada?, and al-Jubayl neighborhoods and again last night in al-Jubayl neighborhood.

Is this how intends to deal with the rest of the Sunni heartland?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here: