Author Topic: What if I called YOU? & Scab scratching.  (Read 2688 times)

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Offline blownawaytheidahoway

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What if I called YOU? & Scab scratching.
« on: September 08, 2004, 08:26:00 PM »
I want to say to everyone that does read this how pleased I am that people are getting to this site and posting. Meeting with eachother is GREAT. I would personally be scared shitless to meet any of you whackjobs  ::bandit::  
 But Here goes the Question: Do you people think that it's a good idea to contact people they know or know of from their time as students? I have been looking through all of the cards I received from graduating and am one step away from contacting those whose contact information I have and doing something to find people I want to talk to whose information I do not have. I want to know what others who have not yet posted or seen this site say.
      How would you feel about receiving an unsolicited invitation to talk about your experience at RMA/CEDU  or fill in the fucking blank whatever school?
Would it make a difference if you were friends or acquaintances with sender?
I personally would prefer to meet with someone who went to CEDU since I wouldn't know them, but I could be confident the program was close to the same (or CEDU and RMA!- Ben Vencil are you out there? or those pretty Conway? twins who were at CEDU/RMA at the same time! Whose parents must have been on crack?). That would be my ideal first meeting.
      But getting into all this stuff IS hard. We NEED to rely on eachother for strength and support. Contacts should be made even though it's uncomfortable. Keep the faith, and keep posting, it helps ME more than YOU know. The whole lot o' ya!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Life is a very wonderful thing.\' said Dr. Branom... \'The processes of life, the make- up of the human organism, who can fully understand these miracles?... What is happening to you now is what should happen to any normal healthy human organism...You are being made sane, you are being made healthy.
     \'That I will not have, \' I said, \'nor can understand at all. What you\'ve been doing is to make me feel very very ill.\'
                         -Anthony Burgess
                      A Clockwork Orange

Offline blownawaytheidahoway

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What if I called YOU? & Scab scratching.
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2006, 11:54:00 AM »
scab scratching?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Life is a very wonderful thing.\' said Dr. Branom... \'The processes of life, the make- up of the human organism, who can fully understand these miracles?... What is happening to you now is what should happen to any normal healthy human organism...You are being made sane, you are being made healthy.
     \'That I will not have, \' I said, \'nor can understand at all. What you\'ve been doing is to make me feel very very ill.\'
                         -Anthony Burgess
                      A Clockwork Orange

Offline try another castle

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What if I called YOU? & Scab scratching.
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2006, 02:19:00 PM »
I don't keep in contact with anyone from the schools. I did for a few years afterwards but then stopped.

There was only one person I met up with socially  years later, who was a very close friend of mine when we were there. (My ex knew them, and said "Oh hey, do you know so-and-so? Because I think they went to the same school you did." This, of course, was after him knowing for about half a year that my friend had gone to the school, and not mentioning anything to me about it. He's such a fucking idiot.) I actually tried to call them recently, because I was digging through my things looking for something and found their number. I left a message on their voicemail but they never called back, (which could mean a number of things, not necessarily something against me, personally). Nevertheless, I decided that it was best that I didn't try them again, just in case they didn't feel comfortable seeing me.

I actually only wanted to see them as a friend, and didn't really feel like speaking with them about the school. (In fact, I'd probably avoid those kinds of conversations, as they tend to be uncomfortable for me when it's face to face. It wasn't always that way, but it is now.) I save that sort of stuff for therapy and for writing anonymously in forums.

During my freshman year of college, I found out about someone there who had gone to CEDU. I went up to them, asked them if they had been there. They said "yes" and I hugged them. (This was when I was still a bit on the brainwashed side. They were visibly uncomfortable with this gesture.) I still bury my head in my hands in embarrassment when I think about it. I made a shitload of stupid social faux pas like that after I graduated. And trust me, I don't need any help in that arena. I'm perfectly capable of being socially retarded on my own without CEDU's influence, thank you.

"Learn from your mistakes so that one day you can repeat them precisely."
-Trevor Goodchild
[ This Message was edited by: sorry... try another castle on 2006-03-03 11:22 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Willy B

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What if I called YOU? & Scab scratching.
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2006, 08:43:00 PM »
I think I have posted that I am still very close to my friend Geoff who went to RMA with me.  We talk constantly and it helps both of us to talk about the program even 20 years later.  It is a common ground.  

Having bumped into several members of my peer group over the years, none of them seemed uncomfortable at all meeting again.  One I bumped into at mall, the conversation went well, we caught up, then said goodbye.  

Another was going to school, lived near Geoff, we both went up more than once to chat, and it was great.  Still friends after all those years.  And that one was fairly recent.

You can't predict how someone will react, but I have always found people who went to RMA to be perfectly normal once on the outside.  We all went through the same ordeals there, and it's good to talk about it, superficially or in-depth.  

It could even help you to find whoever you were closest with, contact them and talk about things.  Being able to laugh away some of the pain with someone who KNOWS what it was like, makes it easier.  Or at least I think so.  

But the longer you wait, the greater the chance you will have drifted away too far from each other to reform the bonds you had while at the school together.  People move on, go to college, start careers, families...  After a while they might see you as someone they once knew, but no longer are close to.  But if you contact early, maintain the friendship and ties, you keep a friend who does know who you are, is already clued in, and you can have something that lasts a lifetime.

With my friends, RMA comes up now and then, but we became real friends at the school, so after graduation we were able to keep that friendship going.  While at the school, the program meant less to us than the friendships, so after the school, RMA mattered less.  It was just something to laugh or scream about when we remember something that happened.  And having someone to share the moment with who was there and understands...  Well, it's something irreplacable.

As for me, if someone contacted me after all these years, I wouldn't turn them away.  I can't say anything much would come of it, but I would appreciate the contact and a chance to just talk.  

But the hugs...?  Immediately after the program you are still in the frame of mind that hugging is acceptable.  I still hug Geoff when I see him.  I hugged the others too.  I guess it depends on how close you were.  But there is a right time and a wrong time for that.  Society doesn't take too well to seeing two guys hug each other.  

Well, that's my two cents, whatever it's worth...

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
-RMA graduate 1986

Offline blownawaytheidahoway

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CEDU 2007
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2007, 08:27:27 AM »
Three years ago I was doing that process that I see some new posters doing. I'm  glad that people are continuing to find their old friends and keep tabs on the more memorable staff. I'll peruse the last few days' postings and  share my ongoing ideas and interest in projects that accurately describe the big CEDU cahuna and all of it's ongoing glory. Surely the half- life of a CEDU school and a twinkie are comprable.

Castle, is it possible to be sent a roster of their present paid staff? I would think that that is legally accessible material now, unlike at our time.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Life is a very wonderful thing.\' said Dr. Branom... \'The processes of life, the make- up of the human organism, who can fully understand these miracles?... What is happening to you now is what should happen to any normal healthy human organism...You are being made sane, you are being made healthy.
     \'That I will not have, \' I said, \'nor can understand at all. What you\'ve been doing is to make me feel very very ill.\'
                         -Anthony Burgess
                      A Clockwork Orange

Offline try another castle

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What if I called YOU? & Scab scratching.
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2007, 09:25:43 PM »
Possibly. they have a tiny sort of staff list on the site. If you come off as a hard-assed skeptical parent who is really uptight and call them, maybe they will send you some stuff.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline blownawaytheidahoway

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Re: CEDU 2009
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2009, 12:28:47 PM »
Quote from: "blownawaytheidahoway"
Three years ago I was doing that process that I see some new posters doing. I'm  glad that people are continuing to find their old friends and keep tabs on the more memorable staff. I'll peruse the last few days' postings and  share my ongoing ideas and interest in projects that accurately describe the big CEDU cahuna and all of it's ongoing glory. Surely the half- life of a CEDU school and a twinkie are comprable.

Castle, is it possible to be sent a roster of their present paid staff? I would think that that is legally accessible material now, unlike at our time.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Life is a very wonderful thing.\' said Dr. Branom... \'The processes of life, the make- up of the human organism, who can fully understand these miracles?... What is happening to you now is what should happen to any normal healthy human organism...You are being made sane, you are being made healthy.
     \'That I will not have, \' I said, \'nor can understand at all. What you\'ve been doing is to make me feel very very ill.\'
                         -Anthony Burgess
                      A Clockwork Orange

Offline mad

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Re: What if I called YOU? & Scab scratching.
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2009, 10:58:34 AM »

Over the years I've been in contact with a number of the people I met at RMA.  If someone comes to mind several times I try and find them on the web.   In some cases the contacts have continued and we are in periodic e-mail communication or speak by phone a few times a year.  In other cases I found I had nothing really in common with the other person and neither of us seemed moved to strike up a relationship.

Also, I've been "found" by former peers and little brothers.  In all cases, I really appreciated that they took the time to find me.

Best, M
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
n the road of experience...