Hey reporter ,
Yaeh I was a witness to Diane Verry and her crown of Tampoons that were dipped in ketchup and and attached to her head , I don't think they were taped ,it was more like tied to a string and the string was tied around her head. Either way it was pretty sick. I wouldn't have ever thought of doing that to some one in a million years.
What was more sick is that this girl suffered from a physical condition called curveture of the spine and those sick non educated henchmen Kruglik for one thought she was copping an attitude wharn she couldn't stand up straight . In a very perverse way it seemed like those cretins tried to cure her physical condition thru repeated general meetings ,and I remember this beautiful blonde girl say repeatedly that she had a medical condition, and the General meeting and electric sauings just continued. Yeah I remember her Standing in a giant pot of sauce singing Sundown," some times I think its a shame " while covered in sauce .Yeah I remember her well and you know Kruglik and Peter McCann never did cure her physical condition. Actually elan. reP.orter there are a few of us that remeMber her and on occaision we still speak with her. It really is good to know that Diane survived.
Funny though you weren't there though cause I know who you are...you probably knew Rosenberg and something tells me that you still talk with him ....but hey you thought that I would not know who you are .....its okay you certainly aren't Mark Babitz ...so Art please don't start I do know who the elan reporter is shoot ask our mutual friend, she knows also.
don't worry reporter I am not gonna out you , it just shows me a side of you that makes sense. And thats why you aint on the list.
You know elan is closed ,and thats a good thing right ?