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Offline Antigen

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« Reply #60 on: March 07, 2004, 01:15:00 AM »
Thanks, man! But I didn't have to go searching for that one. I saw it firsthand. It would be hard to miss the same pattern playing out again and again. It's very much like what happens when a church congregation splits. I've lived that too.

Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe ... miamithem' target='_new'>H. G. Wells

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Antibody?

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« Reply #61 on: March 08, 2004, 05:25:00 PM »
I have been a social reformer in Idaho for some time. I think it would be helpful for everyone to know that the reason the government in this State will not address child abuse in institutions and corruption in social service business in general is clear.

   It would also be helpful to know why the Idaho State Health and Welfare Department (and all the others for that matter) allow outright stealing of taxpayer money targeted (through private sector for profit and non-profit agencies) to disatvantaged groups such as teens, elderly, mentally ill. disabled, and developmentally disabled people.

   Follow the money. Follow the Grants. Follow corporate interests. Follow the lobby.

   It all leads back to this conservative State Legislature that should cut off funding if the Department of Health and Welfare programs are shown to be wasteful or if private Therapuitic Programs are shown to be abusive in any way. Why won't they, you ask?

   Health and Welfare won't take any case to the District Attorney that might result in a cut to their funding. Therefore, conclude that it is all about money and they would rather let kids die in gulags, and let psychosocial rehabilitation and targeted case management agencys steal the state blind then let the Idaho State Legislature find out what's going on.

   And, the Legislature doesn't want to find out anyway and actively avoids "finding out" or letting anyone know that they know. Why. because a huge federal funding stream to Idaho social services would be cut. Conclusion: institutionalized corruption for business, by business, and of business (and include socialized services - that still fills pocket books and pays boards of directors). This is the agenda of Capitalism (literally money-ism). What did you expect - Democracy? True democracy?

   Sorry folks, capitalism has stolen Democracy's name and relpaced it. Government by the people - MY ASS. Government by Business. Government by Financial interests. That is what we have. Here and everywhere else - Time to Wake up and "smell that smell."

   Now, I am not suggesting communism for God's sake. I am suggesting running out the politicians and replacing all those fucking agents of institutionalized corruption - Republican and Democrat. The only way to do that is to make them irrelivant. I'll bet Antigen has some good ideas on how to go about that.      

Regarding who I am. Forget it. Contact me and tell me who you are, prove it, and if you are a boarding school zealot, prepare to see my fighting side. If you want to sue me, Please take all my debts, but first, spend millions on lawyers, so I can laugh at your stupidity while I play in Australia afterward.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #62 on: March 08, 2004, 10:12:00 PM »
Antibody, I'm with ya' most of the way. But what you're describing is not Capitalism, it's Socialism. And the problems we're seeing in the social services sector and other areas are emblemic of the flaws in Socialist theory.

The way our government is designed to operate, it was never supposed to play a big role in Capitalism. It was supposed to stay the hell out of the way, for the most part, except as regards trade w/ foreign nations and trade among, but not within, the states.

Contrary to public school teaching, this does not mean there are no rules and is no control. The rules are the imutable laws of ecconomics that are still enforce regardless of the amount of regulation. Market forces control a free economy. Everyone's subject to the same rules, including an element of chance that prevents too big a fortune and too much control ever being concentrated in too few hands. Regulation reduces those risks and destroys that natural natural check on imbalance.

I've just lately had occasion to spend a lot of time hanging around a top notch local medical facility. Same shit there, except that most of the people subject to the silly JCAHO fire drills and new Homeland Security measures for first responders were sane, compassionate people who held the spirit of the JCAHO mission in higher regard than, apparently, the functionaries at JCAHO do.

Every day, at least once, there's a fire drill. First you hear the recording over the house paging system announce "Condition F on floor ___" If you happen to be on floor ___, you'll see the strobe lights start flashing and all the nurses drop whatever patient care tasks they might be wasting time on and close all the doors. JCAHO, in effect, absolutely requires the hospital staff to place relatively sound-proof, opaque barriers between patients and themselves at least once every day for around 20 min or till someone thinks to open the door again in order to retain their accredidation. I had to wonder if the strobes ever brought on an epileptic fit, too.

You will never get better performance out of government regulators because of the imutable laws of ecconomics. The regulators have the authority to employ government coercion to enforce their will. And they have unlimited funding w/ which to secure their authority. That kind of influence is always for sale. Remove that authority and let each medical facility compete on the basis of their reputation for safe, effective medical treatment and you certainly couldn't get any worse than what we have now.

But, in order for that to work well, we have to return to the old fashioned, skeptical American mindset that our health and other aspects of our lives are our own responsibility. It is patently rediculous for any halfway intelligent adult to just float along, agreeing with whatever lettered professional might come along and suggest and expect not to get hurt by it. As well trained, educated and intended as any professional may be, they will never, ever know or care as much about your own skin or your own child the way you do. The very idea that people would ship their kids off to strangers, sight unseen, just because some other strangers say it's safe enough is just about unimaginable to me. I wouldn't leave my toddlers in a daycare where I couldn't just drop in and hang out whenever I wanted to. I wouldn't leave an adult relative that I love to fend for themselves in a hospital when they're feeling helpless or drugged, either. Doesn't mean I doubt the intentions or competency of any of the staff.

Oh yeah, and we say "medicine", we don't say "drug!" (yeah we do! :wink:)

"Replace end user" (The Top Support Call Closer 10 Years Running)

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Ginger Warbis ~ Antigen
American drug war P.O.W.
Seed sibling `71 - `80
Straight South (Sarasota, FL)
   10/80 - 10/82
Anonymity Anonymous

[ This Message was edited by: Antigen on 2004-03-09 06:51 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Antibody?

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« Reply #63 on: March 09, 2004, 05:53:00 PM »
Well. I'm with you too Ginger. I really see merit in that ideology. And, I don't see how we can get around the notion of social-Darwinism either. It is, after all, the law of nature.

I am curious ,however, about your view on boarding schools and the investors and corporate interests that support them? When it comes to survival of the fittest, or, better yet, survival of the strongest, richest and meanest, and that is the way nature operates whether we like it or not. Aren't these corporate giants and money-grubbibg boarding school investors the proverial lion eating the proverbial gazelle kids? Is this not pure unfettered capitalism. Why, Capitalism ain't fettered much in Idaho. That's why we have so many abusive programs.

With regard to the corporation, history is replete with unregulated people, and it would seem that a small group of the strongest and meansest always get the most resources and use them to rule the peasent masses. And, that is how capatalism unfettered really works.

How would we prevent, as free people, the amassing the resources by the few (food, energy, land, water and influence that we need and will have to bargain for as the prices go up and up)?

What about the natural pack instinct. Humanoid packs are led by local warlords who then arm themselves to protect and guard the resourses from those who would take them. Then, scarcity drives prices up (suppply and demand). Competition then comes in to thwart this. But, the warlords fight for teritory and markets and someone wins. Remember Al Capone. Remember the Gambino family, prohibition the Sandanistas ad infinitum. The guys just killed the competition -capatallism unfetered it was. We Installed the Shah of Iran, We built the Talaban to fight in Russia. We installed Sadbam Hussin. We made Kadaffi what he is. We installed a dictator in Panama - see the movie Bowling for Colombine. Laugh your ass off about what a bunch of bullshit we feed our citizens and how we instill fear for fun and profit through media. I am pro gun ownership - so is this movie. Its just not pro bullshit.

And so, it has been said that "power corrupts and abosolute power corrupts abosulutely."

I worry that human nature is mean, and the less powerful will be used to forward the purposes of the powerful as history shows. Many will stand by and watch the carnage. Do you think I will? They will let social Darwinism take its place. I would be one of the strong ones - except for one weakness. And, in the natural order, it is a weakness. My compassion for others would be my demise.

I look, therefore, to you and your generation to find a way remove government and regulation preserving justice. I will be gone. I look to you to choose to preserve or diminish our natural weakness, that instinct that we MUST not have if we are to survive in the jungle - compassion.

Would the purist preserve it, and, if so, how? This is retorical, I know, but aren't we really trying to protect ourselves from ourselves? And, if left to our own devises would we not destroy ourselves, by exploiting each other? Remember slavery? It still exists. The powerful provide us with enough to feed and house ourselves and take everything else - all the fruits of our labor. Are not many of us, therefore, slaves in unregulated capatalism? There are many third world examples of capatalism unfetered.

The beginnings of America in New York, the Civil War, slavery, The demise of the Native American. All the result of Greed. Yes i'll stick with Democracy, but pure Capatalism - no way.  tweaking.


"This country was founded by slave owners who wanted to be free." "SLAVE OWNERS WHO WANTED TO BE FREE!!!!" - We came over here in those boats and met the natives, ate with em and then said move over. We took their gifts. Then we kicked them aside and said "move over." "Bring in the stuff boys." We kept pushing them over and moving them over and moving in the stuff and more stuff. We tortured and killed a bunch of "witches" so we could teach the native Ametican a "civilized religion." We kidnaped their kids, took their culture, language and religion, beat the bad ones "you know, the savages who weren't civilized." We kicked the French out of the South. We killed a bunch more Indian kids and women and took our civility to the Mexicans in Texas, California, New Mexico and Arizona. We killed a bunch of them (We took their land and resources)but we paid em a little bit -(bless us). Hey, we bought Alsska for a few bucks - ....they had a choice..pppppp. We kept saying, "Move over, bring in the stuff." We went to Africa in boats and took fathers and mothers from their children - in chains so they could pick our cotten because "its so hot out there, i just hate that work." Then we were forced to free them - ha ha. So, we could beat em with clubs, shoot fire hoses at them and hang them from trees for having the audacity to want to sit in the front of a bus, for wanting a good education and the right to vote. Then we got the Native Americans shoved out on to Alcatraz. Now "I guess we're going to send them back where they came from" And then the redneck says: "Yeah put them welfare people to work filling in the Bering Straight and charge them Indians a buck a head to go home" --- Some George Carlin (1970s) some mine.

Capatilism -- yee haw? -- With a choice like that, I'll take Democratic Socialism as in England, Australia and Canada any time.

We are the tyrants. We are the assholes of the world. I don't Canada kicking the shit out of everybody with a different ideology. I don't see Austrailia them jamming their ideology down other peoples throats. I do see their dumb english president and our retarded president smart-bombing first century peasants back to BC. But, I don't see them Sweden stealing Arab culture and imposing theirs on the rest of the world - to get their resourses and industry to fund an imperialist expansionism of capatalism  for profit. And, all while pretending to hold dear the principls of freedon of religion, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, freedom of speach, freedom to believe, and say what you think. BULLSHIT.

We don't want these things for the rest of the world any more. We don't take "your huddled masses" any more. We only want rights for ourselves - and, now, only if you can pay for them.  

So, I say to Bush, You have made the whole world hate us - and why shouldn't they. I have two bumber stickers on my car Bush. One says: "INVEST IN AMERICA - BUY A CONGRESSMAN." The other says: "NO FLAG IS BIG ENOUGH TO COVER UP THE SHAME OF KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE." It has an upside down American flag partially covering a bloody hand print. I'm not "PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN," -- IM ASHAMED. And though it would be convenient for me to care what people think about that. Although it would benifit me to care what people think, at least one molacule worth of care about what what people think, I don't care at all what anybody thinks - not at all.

Ginger, again, It can work, but I think it needs some tweakin.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #64 on: March 09, 2004, 10:23:00 PM »
On 2004-03-09 14:53:00, Antibody? wrote:

"I am curious ,however, about your view on boarding schools and the investors and corporate interests that support them? When it comes to survival of the fittest, or, better yet, survival of the strongest, richest and meanest, and that is the way nature operates whether we like it or not. Aren't these corporate giants and money-grubbibg boarding school investors the proverial lion eating the proverbial gazelle kids? Is this not pure unfettered capitalism. Why, Capitalism ain't fettered much in Idaho. That's why we have so many abusive programs.

No, it's not. It's a blended system of Capitalism and Socialism. How many of the students in Idaho boarding schools come from Idaho? Most of the students come from upper middle class suburban families; people who live in a world where Big Brother is watching over everything. If you stub your toe, Big Brother will find someone's knees to break so they suffer too. It doesn't occure to these people (as amply evidenced by some of the discussion in these forums) that they have any sort of responsability to even raise their own kids, let alone investigate the people w/ whom they trust them. They all just march in rank and file, do as they're told and let someone else do all their thinking for them. They're farm raised.


With regard to the corporation, history is replete with unregulated people, and it would seem that a small group of the strongest and meansest always get the most resources and use them to rule the peasent masses. And, that is how capatalism unfettered really works.

Yes, but notice how none of those evil business empires has ever been able to take over much of the world w/o strong government alliances. The peasant masses are under-rated. People will go along w/ a deal that doesn't benefit them only just so far. Right now, agriculture is one of the biggest worker abusers. Small family farms don't mistreat their employees because they have to compete w/ the small family farm down the road. But Citrus Mutual and Big Sugar can get away with it, and they do. They employ prison labour as well as illegal immigrants working under the old "company store" system in Florida. If either industry suffers any threat whatsoever, government steps in to bail them out. Just look into the Florida Citrus Canker war that's been going on for the last couple of years to get a clear picture of how that works.


How would we prevent, as free people, the amassing the resources by the few (food, energy, land, water and influence that we need and will have to bargain for as the prices go up and up)?

I'm not sure anyone can give you a 100% guarantee that that will never happen to any extent, but I'm pretty sure it would be a step in the right direction to quit subsidizing the protection racket that is our vaunted accredidation system.

Remember Al Capone.

A product entirely of prohibition. Before the benevolent tyrants decided to help the poor immigrant classes with our horrid drinking problems, Al Capone was chisling the names off of tomb stones and reselling them as new. It was the artificial scarcity caused by prohibition that gave Capone and his ilk their stock in trade.

Remember the Gambino family, prohibition the Sandanistas ad infinitum. The guys just killed the competition -capatallism unfetered it was.

No, capitalism unfettered was the drug policy we had before Harrison. Drugs were everywhere, but there was a notable absence of drug violence and other drug problems.

We Installed the Shah of Iran, We built the Talaban to fight in Russia. We installed Sadbam Hussin. We made Kadaffi what he is. We installed a dictator in Panama - see the movie Bowling for Colombine. Laugh your ass off about what a bunch of bullshit we feed our citizens and how we instill fear for fun and profit through media. I am pro gun ownership - so is this movie. Its just not pro bullshit.

Yes, again and again, we keep making the same mistake; buying into the same bullshit. If we can just tweak and manipulate things just a little bit more, this time it'll work out fine and we can then go back to those quaint ideas embodied in our Constitution, Federalist Papers and other writings of that nostalgic era.


And so, it has been said that "power corrupts and abosolute power corrupts abosulutely."

Yes, and that's why it's better to leave as much power as practical distributed among as many people as possible. Every time we concentrate power into fewer hands, we foster corruption.


I worry that human nature is mean, and the less powerful will be used to forward the purposes of the powerful as history shows.
If you believe that people cannot be trusted to govern themselves, then can they be trusted to govern others?
--Thomas Jefferson

Seriously; where are we going to find these incorruptable people to rule over the rest of us? What history shows is that whenever we allow government (people) to become too powerful, they always do a lot of damage with that power. No making human nature any better. People will always be somewhat good and somewhat bad. The best we can hope for is to limit people's power to fuck with eachother.

Many will stand by and watch the carnage. Do you think I will? They will let social Darwinism take its place. I would be one of the strong ones - except for one weakness. And, in the natural order, it is a weakness. My compassion for others would be my demise.

I look, therefore, to you and your generation to find a way remove government and regulation preserving justice. I will be gone. I look to you to choose to preserve or diminish our natural weakness, that instinct that we MUST not have if we are to survive in the jungle - compassion.

It's not a weakness. It's often misplaced. But we all need eachother. We all understand on some level that the golden rule is understood in reverse sense. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you", asif that were just a nice thought for Sundays and holidays or something. No. We all operate on precedents and standards. Do unto others with the understanding that they'll gladly do the same to you, because that is the standard you have set for yourself. Dogs speak the same language. Not too sure about cats.


Would the purist preserve it, and, if so, how? This is retorical, I know, but aren't we really trying to protect ourselves from ourselves? And, if left to our own devises would we not destroy ourselves, by exploiting each other? Remember slavery? It still exists. The powerful provide us with enough to feed and house ourselves and take everything else - all the fruits of our labor. Are not many of us, therefore, slaves in unregulated capatalism? There are many third world examples of capatalism unfetered.

The beginnings of America in New York, the Civil War, slavery, The demise of the Native American. All the result of Greed. Yes i'll stick with Democracy, but pure Capatalism - no way.  tweaking.


"This country was founded by slave owners who wanted to be free." "SLAVE OWNERS WHO WANTED TO BE FREE!!!!" - We came over here in those boats and met the natives, ate with em and then said move over. We took their gifts. Then we kicked them aside and said "move over." "Bring in the stuff boys." We kept pushing them over and moving them over and moving in the stuff and more stuff. We tortured and killed a bunch of "witches" so we could teach the native Ametican a "civilized religion." We kidnaped their kids, took their culture, language and religion, beat the bad ones "you know, the savages who weren't civilized." We kicked the French out of the South. We killed a bunch more Indian kids and women and took our civility to the Mexicans in Texas, California, New Mexico and Arizona. We killed a bunch of them (We took their land and resources)but we paid em a little bit -(bless us). Hey, we bought Alsska for a few bucks - ....they had a choice..pppppp. We kept saying, "Move over, bring in the stuff." We went to Africa in boats and took fathers and mothers from their children - in chains so they could pick our cotten because "its so hot out there, i just hate that work." Then we were forced to free them - ha ha. So, we could beat em with clubs, shoot fire hoses at them and hang them from trees for having the audacity to want to sit in the front of a bus, for wanting a good education and the right to vote. Then we got the Native Americans shoved out on to Alcatraz. Now "I guess we're going to send them back where they came from" And then the redneck says: "Yeah put them welfare people to work filling in the Bering Straight and charge them Indians a buck a head to go home" --- Some George Carlin (1970s) some mine.

Capatilism -- yee haw? -- With a choice like that, I'll take Democratic Socialism as in England, Australia and Canada any time.

We are the tyrants. We are the assholes of the world. I don't Canada kicking the shit out of everybody with a different ideology. I don't see Austrailia them jamming their ideology down other peoples throats. I do see their dumb english president and our retarded president smart-bombing first century peasants back to BC. But, I don't see them Sweden stealing Arab culture and imposing theirs on the rest of the world - to get their resourses and industry to fund an imperialist expansionism of capatalism  for profit. And, all while pretending to hold dear the principls of freedon of religion, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, freedom of speach, freedom to believe, and say what you think. BULLSHIT.

We don't want these things for the rest of the world any more. We don't take "your huddled masses" any more. We only want rights for ourselves - and, now, only if you can pay for them.  

So, I say to Bush, You have made the whole world hate us - and why shouldn't they. I have two bumber stickers on my car Bush. One says: "INVEST IN AMERICA - BUY A CONGRESSMAN." The other says: "NO FLAG IS BIG ENOUGH TO COVER UP THE SHAME OF KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE." It has an upside down American flag partially covering a bloody hand print. I'm not "PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN," -- IM ASHAMED. And though it would be convenient for me to care what people think about that. Although it would benifit me to care what people think, at least one molacule worth of care about what what people think, I don't care at all what anybody thinks - not at all.

Ginger, again, It can work, but I think it needs some tweakin.       "

There is nothing so likely to produce peace as to be well prepared to meet the enemy.
--George Washington

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #65 on: March 09, 2004, 10:57:00 PM »
Sorry, had to run.

On 2004-03-09 14:53:00, Antibody? wrote:

Would the purist preserve it, and, if so, how? This is retorical, I know, but aren't we really trying to protect ourselves from ourselves? And, if left to our own devises would we not destroy ourselves, by exploiting each other? Remember slavery? It still exists. The powerful provide us with enough to feed and house ourselves and take everything else - all the fruits of our labor.

That's what I'm tryin' ta' tell ya'! The powerful are able to purchase the coercive authority of government to keep the rest of us in line. Back before the Industrial Revolution, the Coal companies had a mighty hard time keeping the rabal in line. We call that era "the coal wars". Now, with the drug war and struggle against Communism as cover, we simply poison, burn and slaughter landowners in So. America who are unamenable to Occidental's best offer.

Are not many of us, therefore, slaves in unregulated capatalism? There are many third world examples of capatalism unfetered.

There is no unregulated Capitalism. The third world is not free of our government. I have a good friend who married her way to America from Haiti and the Dominican Republic. She could not believe that, here in the land of the free, she couldn't just sell whatever of her belongings she wanted to from her front lawn without a permit; have as many friends and relatives living in her home as she pleased or work an honest day for a willing employer without getting some sort of permit or certification from the government. Oh, and no chickens, goats or other livestock, either. Rabbits, you can get away w/ cause most people think of them as pets.  :roll:

The beginnings of America in New York, the Civil War, slavery, The demise of the Native American. All the result of Greed. Yes i'll stick with Democracy, but pure Capatalism - no way. tweaking.

Greed is with us always. The means to do a great deal of harm with it rely on government authority.

"This country was founded by slave owners who wanted to be free." "SLAVE OWNERS WHO WANTED TO BE FREE!!!!" - We came over here in those boats and met the natives, ate with em and then said move over. We took their gifts. Then we kicked them aside and said "move over." "Bring in the stuff boys." We kept pushing them over and moving them over and moving in the stuff and more stuff. We tortured and killed a bunch of "witches" so we could teach the native Ametican a "civilized religion." We kidnaped their kids, took their culture, language and religion, beat the bad ones "you know, the savages who weren't civilized." We kicked the French out of the South. We killed a bunch more Indian kids and women and took our civility to the Mexicans in Texas, California, New Mexico and Arizona. We killed a bunch of them (We took their land and resources)but we paid em a little bit -(bless us). Hey, we bought Alsska for a few bucks - ....they had a choice..pppppp. We kept saying, "Move over, bring in the stuff." We went to Africa in boats and took fathers and mothers from their children - in chains so they could pick our cotten because "its so hot out there, i just hate that work." Then we were forced to free them - ha ha. So, we could beat em with clubs, shoot fire hoses at them and hang them from trees for having the audacity to want to sit in the front of a bus, for wanting a good education and the right to vote. Then we got the Native Americans shoved out on to Alcatraz. Now "I guess we're going to send them back where they came from" And then the redneck says: "Yeah put them welfare people to work filling in the Bering Straight and charge them Indians a buck a head to go home" --- Some George Carlin (1970s) some mine.

You're using the term "we" very loosly here. Not all European immigrants slaughterd the natives and took what they had. I'm living in a part of the country where you can't tell the natives from the immigrants. Haven't been able to for a hundred years now. They just blended. Around the time of the American Revolution, these folks were known as the Over the Mountain Men and they turned the tide in that war. They didn't care, really, what the crazy bastards back East were doing, so long as they kept buying furs and other forrest goods and remained scared to death of the "frontier". That's why the British thought the Western approaches were unguarded. There wasn't any organized guard set and there hadn't been hostile natives in these regions ever, as far as I know. Just a lot of halfbreeds who didn't need anything, never made any news and w/ whom it's best not triffle. Free people, in other words.


Capatilism -- yee haw? -- With a choice like that, I'll take Democratic Socialism as in England, Australia and Canada any time.

We are the tyrants. We are the assholes of the world. I don't Canada kicking the shit out of everybody with a different ideology. I don't see Austrailia them jamming their ideology down other peoples throats. I do see their dumb english president and our retarded president smart-bombing first century peasants back to BC. But, I don't see them Sweden stealing Arab culture and imposing theirs on the rest of the world - to get their resourses and industry to fund an imperialist expansionism of capatalism for profit. And, all while pretending to hold dear the principls of freedon of religion, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, freedom of speach, freedom to believe, and say what you think. BULLSHIT.

So quit paying taxes. It's not Americans who do these horrible things to people all over the world. It's the US military.

Ginger, again, It can work, but I think it needs some tweakin. "

Always tweakin'. That's built into the plan. Every little town and village gets to figure out for themselves what works best. When things don't work, people tweak them. Unless, of course, you could go to jail for it. Right now, I'd love to quit messing with this bad sewer system that feeds into the bad regional treatment plant and just dig a french drain. I've done the research, I know how to make it work in this soil. Unfortunately, the city would condemn my house if I built a system that works. So, until enough of my neighbors wake the hell up and realize that they can only control us to the extent that we let them, I guess I'll just keep on fixing this bad old system and look forward to better days.

Any Irishman who doubts the reality of selective enforcement ought to take just a moment to comtemplate the etymology of the term "paddy waggon".

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Antibody?

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« Reply #66 on: March 10, 2004, 04:12:00 PM »
Ginger,You are raising the fire in me. BULLSHIT.
Much of Government needs to be cut. Let us start with the military - half of our spending - and up since the end of the cold war.

And, can you just get rid of all government and remain a human being with a heart? Ginger, With all due respect, your conclusion is vague, and it doesn't even follow from your premise. Then. your conclusion assumes a cause and effect relationship that has not been demonstrated. Finally, you only quote me out of context. Then you answer only the questions I ask when you can construct (through language)a way to frame the words to fit your politicl bent. Scientific method attempts to disprove it own hypothises, and, failing that, proves the hypothisis or rules it out. Your whole conversation is brilliantly constructed logical fallicy.

This hypothisis of no government and no taxes is not supported because it advocates elimination of tribal-centered contribution for simple and pure individuaism - When community contribution and collective resourse-sharing (tribe) represent the only explaination for the evolution of civilization and the resulting survival of the individual against environmental hardship.

Put simply we need each other and have to help each other. We have to live together with heart and humanity or we die. What you suggest is abandonment of your brothers and sisters in nature. Case in point:  

I worked for a govenment funded non profit agency AAOA that helped aged, disabled, and mentally limited people from being exploited personally, sexually, and financially by people, hospitals, nurses and just plain business crooks and often family members in the shadows - always people in the shadows). AAOA, you have probably heard of it because it is an national organization in every state that funds senior centers - "The Area Agency on Aging"

As an advocate for old and disabled folks, I've seen abandonment of community to individualism.

Family members gouged grandma's eyes out and tied her to a chair while they collected her monthly pension checks. Another old retired dentist was lonely, so he got a care-giver who moved in and spent all his money on drugs while she and her husband bilked him for tens of thousands of dollars. They always came up with a new emergency and he "just had to help." New cars, living expenses, drugs, and fancy dinners on the town. These are not isolated, and therefore logically fallacious testamonials. The world I work in requires daily intervention on hundreds of such incidents each day.  

How would these people be found with no system, no community orgs, government funded to oversee them?

The community ignores the aged, then asks for them to be put away in nursing homes. There is money in that.

Before you were born, they had no government funding for agencies like this. They did have poor houses and settlement houses, and mental wards full of shit and piss with guards beating elders, kids, and the socially anxious who had a hard time coping with stress (sound familiar)?

Before government took a role, we did have a few great women (social workers and feminists)helping to shut down those hell houses and begin humanizing the system to make people stronger and better contributers, get them educated, employed, and channelled into a place in the world that fits who they are - not private boarding schools for example. This is the origin of my profession Ginger - "compassion." And, you insult it.

Religious organizations and communities that wanted these people OUT OF THE WAY, and hidden from view funded the poor houses and hell holes. These were full of abandoned disabled and developmentally delayed children, people who were considered "demented" with autism, aspbergers syndrome, elderly folks with dimantia, altzheimers syndrome with abandoned, unrully children, maverick adults, screaming schiophrenics and people who just refused to conform, all being hosed down from sleeping in excerment.

Five year old girls and boys were regularly whipped and molested by "gruardians of the house." Where were you advocates of inactivism then. I'll tell you where, you were in the ferry land of "I don't give a shit about anyone but myself."

Indeed, those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

You repeat it. We started with "no government." It was established seperate from church - a good thing. You forgot about slavery, Ginger, government went to war to abolish it - Slavery, I asked you about that - No response? Too in contexet?

So we get no "adult protection," no "child protection," just molesters, abusive religious reformers, Waco child molestors, Randy Weaver racist Christian Identity MORONS. (I knew him - he lived up the hill from me. He marched his kids in uniforms with insignia of hitler - he was an asshole with rights, and he created his own problem. He killed his wife and child by being an asshole. He was just like that moron in Waco, David Koresh. David brainwashed, molested and burnt all those people - If I was there I would have been shooting at him too. And with no government I could. How's that work for you?

But a killer, really, I am not. We're just a few social workers trying to help. And are we laughed at for having that thing you forgot to quote me on - "compassion." Yes. It receeds at times.

Also, You didn't answer my question. Who takes care of these things and makes sure that it is done humanely? Who holds humanity accountable to be humane, fair, just and kind? Contrary to popular folklore and confirmed by thousands of years of tyranny in historical record, we are not "basically good." A few are -- very few.
More than half of us don't even have alturism  in our nature. Ten percent of us have no consience at all.

So, let us say that we have succeeded and we have aboloshed the government. We have no taxes. It's everyone for himself. Survival of the fittest. Genocide to all those weak old folks, those retarded bastards and bitches who have the gual to suck charity out of our grandiose pristene lives. How dare them? Let then Die? Workable? Yes. Honerable? No. Libritarian? Yes.

Good luck in you perfect Libritarian world. I'm sure you will gain when you cut down all the forests, poison all the waters and let all the weak infidels die. After all, none of that will affect you. "Well, "uh?????? in the short run it won't."

Anyway, I'll be dead because I have bad kidneys, high blood pressure, heart disease,a broken heart (in more ways than one) and will soon be too old. Too old to be one of the "fittest." I and you will, therefore not survive long without that forgotten compassion. But, compassion isn't important anyway is it? What is important is getting rid of taxes and getting filthy rich so all the Libritarian heros of this free economy won't be inconvenienced and can remain "dedicated inactivists?"
Yep, we can sit on our asses and get rid of government and taxes and all our problems will go away. Let me know how that works out. Well, I wouldn't call it work - maybe inactivism. Good luck. Once for the road - BULLSHIT.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #67 on: March 11, 2004, 11:43:00 AM »
If I am of the opinion that it is inexpedient to assign to the government the task of operating railroads, hotels, or mines, I am not an "enemy of the state" any more than I can be called an enemy of sulfuric acid because I am of the opinion that, useful though it may be for many purposes, it is not suitable either for drinking, or for washing one's hands.
--Ludwig Von Mises

Nobody said anything about no government. I'm talking about properly limited government.

I've seen plenty of good intentions gone horribly awry through government administration. I laid my dad to rest after several months in the care of the VA. What I saw were wonderfully dedicated and well intended medical professionals working under impossible circumstances. They wanted to provide home care for him, but the people making the allocation decisions frankly were more interested in spending the money on those flashy recruiting ads we see on TV all the time and on massive efforts to obfuscate things like Gulf War Syndrome and the effects of "depleted" uranium on soldiers and civilians.

There's where the problem comes in. All the good intentions in the world can't compete with a well motivated and well funded lobby.

I don't know of any government regulatory systems that actually work. I do know of a whole lot of instances of abuse that have been facilitated and/or covered up by government regulation. Basically, if an individual or private organization breaks the law by abusing people, you stand a chance of holding them accountable or at least of escaping their influence. But when a government agency breaks the law by abusing people, you're essentially fucked. They're just not going to prosecute themselves.

How do you propose to fix the regulatory system in Idaho? Can you point to an example that Idaho should follow? My solution is to 1) look out for myself and my own and to teach my kids to do the same and 2) encourage others to rely on themselves and people they actually know and trust instead of falling for that age old "Big Brother is looking out of us" scam.

What alternative do you suggest? How do you propose we go about fixing the system?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

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« Reply #68 on: March 11, 2004, 05:49:00 PM »
On 2004-03-11 13:37:00, Antibody? wrote:

"Oh Ginger,

I'm sorry, apparently, I misunderstood you  I went of on riding my white horse again. I acted grandiose, arrogant and righteous. These are things I'm working on. Damn it, you?re forth person I apologized to today.

NP, I've done the same thing myself.

I believe that depression as we view as individual pathology is actually a response to a real perception of the pathology in others. It is an effort which is recognized as a failure to do something about the pain in the world. The manic attack is an effort to escape into things as a way of avoiding the depression. It is the essential countermove to the delusion of altruism.

I agree with the first part. I don't have low self esteem. I have low esteem for everyone else. But the second part, I'm not so sure. Having gone on what might be described as the occasional manic binge from time to time, I see it as more of an optimistic and determined attempt to actually do something about the way things are.

"I enjoy a slight hearing impairment. Just that much less bullshit I have to listen to."--Crazy Mac

Just thought I'd throw that in :wink:

What I would suggest, if it were possible, would be a workers party, workers lobby, a complete and total labor strike. Sit down and block all corporate offices peacefully. Let them bring in the water cannons, the tear gas, the National Guard with "this summer I hear the drumming 4 + dead in Ohio" (Neil Young (1971).

The problems with that plan are that 1) we need the economy to function even more than the powerful elite. If our local grocery stores all run out of stock for 3 days, we're fucked. We can't just hop a jet to somewhere else or hire an armed guard to bring in and protect our food. and 2) it's impossible to sustane a "complete and total labour strike".

But fear not, there's a more moderate approach that works even better and is easily sustainable over the long term; permanent, selective, partial labour and consumption strike. Avoid doing business w/ anyone who you don't think is going to look out for you in the long run. Every single time I have a choice between spending a dollar at Wally World and spending it w/ a local guy, the local guy gets it. Every time, even if his breath stinks and he bad-mouths me to my face. Don't like the way your employer treats you? Go work for someone else who treats you better. Be as independent as possible. Don't like agribusiness? Fine. Grow a garden, patronize your local coop and/or roadside stand. Vote with your feet, not with guns bought and paid for w/ our tax dollars.

That they stop spending our money meddling in the affairs of other countries with bombs and pay offs for political influence. That they join other nations in helping bring humanity to other cultures through dialogue, diplomacy and intercultural respect. That they stop wasting our tax dollars on the government welfare establishment(agencies) that suck out all the federal funds for the upper working class before it gets to the people who need - not money, but day care, mentoring, job training, social skills, and unconditional positive regard.

Uh, well.. you can ask. But I don't think it'll do any good. Better idea. Quit giving them money to waste in the first place. If you care about job training, social skills and unconditional positive regard for the people who need it, then patronize those businesses and hang out with friends who embody those ideals. Water what you want to grow.

No more corporate welfare. If a company fails, it fails - that?s evolution. Spend money, not on buildings, cars, over-regulation, and H bombs. Help people get back on their feet with a minimum wage is enough to rent an apartment, drive a modest car, raise a child, live, and eat.

The trouble is that your ideal priorities or mine are never going to exactly match someone else's. So, no matter which factions prevail in controling public funding and other resources, there will always be dissatisfied factions w/ just as much right to grouse as those who won.

The better plan, and it did work out damned well for several hundred years before, during and after the American Revolution, is to let individuals and local communities take care of almost everything for themselves, keep the Federal government restricted to it's original Constitutional limits and the States restrained from violating the rights of their citizens.

Finally, we didn't actually have to fight a war to end legal slavery. We're the only country that fought such a war, but all other nations ended slavery at least as well as we did. How'd they do that?

Marijuana in its natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man. By  any measure of rational analysis marijuana can be safely used within the supervised routine of medical care.' target='_new'>Administrative Law Judge, Francis Young,  DOJ/DEA

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

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« Reply #69 on: March 12, 2004, 01:22:00 PM »
Thanks Ginger,
Your honesty and empathy is appreciated.

I do see your point. About the manac part - some of the most productive people in the world are a bit manic at times. case in point - me. I believe that this would be correct for us, but not for everyone, as hypo-mania can evolve into raving psychosis. I beieve, Whitaker is saying that, in many cases, this is one's only defense for a person who wants to keep his integrity and alturism, but can't because he would starve; so he or she is driven by "social robots" into depression while his beating heart repeats - this is wrong, this is wrong, this is wrong.

On the second point I agree that the local operators need goods and this would be self sabotaging. My only argumant would be that we can only get the attention of the culture and status quo with dire consequences to ourselves. An analogous situation would be the starvation, beatings and torture of blacks in the south and of people in India, and blacks under apartied.

The trick of the status quo is that they know we are unwilling to go hungry, suffer, pain, suffer cold, heat and forgo the want of comfort.

We will never as a people, control our own lives until we control the resources that sustain us. We can not get freedom without suffering. You will get a few people to go along, but you won't get change without extreme pain. You can boycott, but most people won't. You can grow a garden, but most will go to the store and support the system.

What you are suggesting was done. It started to work, but hippies very quickly become yuppies and then conservative republcans. You need uprising, with the unfortunate massive suffering that is included - part of the deal.

We have social security (or insecurity) medicare (or meda a little care), Medicaid, (enablement for the poor) and Unimployment Insurance (under- employment) for one reason. The 1929 crash of the markets that made rich people suffer as much well, almost as much, as the poor. Forget the value and cost of these programs to argue another time. The point is that people got pissed, marched om washington and we got change. No suffering no change. Very infortunate.

I would also remind you that early America and post revolution America was no panacia. The witch trials, torture, religious fanaticism of the free mob. Starvation, was common, child mortality and child and spousal abuse was epidemic. Kids barely old enough to walk worked 18 hour days. Whole communities died in drought and flood. Starvation was common. Crime and murder rampant. It certainly is good that this lifestyle is more congruent with nature and evolution, but I doubt that it was as pretty as our history books make it look. Barbarism was rampant. Genocide was the order of the day. Native people, women and children were killed and tortured daily. You had to be a social robot, even more then than now, because you would end up on the rack or drawn and quarterd, or have you limbs chopped off if you did not conform to the status quo.

I'm sure you understand that we need to protect the rights of people. Even whichcraft is a religion. Schitzophrenia or manic depression or poverty is not a crime, and, as you aptly pointed out, can be a strength. By our history, we are not a great and alturistic people. Today we are the same. Only, we do it all over there and under the carpet. See the movie "Bowling For Columbine."

Ginger, I appreciate your open dialouge and your acceptance of differing points of view. This is what we all need in our culture. God, if you only knew what it is like living in Idaho. Where almost everyone is a "social robot" who thinks they are a free thinker. You are so refreshing. Thanks for expanding my thoughts by having the courage and dignity to put up with my opinions and moods right or wrong. I'd love to have Joe with you sometime - maybe even a j - though, as a general rule, I don't go there anymore.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #70 on: March 12, 2004, 05:40:00 PM »
Great dialogue!  The perspectives here are refreshing and well thought out.

 I do have a question to both Ginger and Antibody (my fellow statesman.)  Do you think status quo can be maintained?  Because I see massive changes taking place around the world, particularly economic changes.  Americans like to think that they are insulated in this country from a total melt down of the economy, and I think that is very foolish, though exactly what the George Bushs and Allen Greenspans of the world would like us to think.

Don't you find it a bit strange that credit is being handed out like sand in the desert?  Our economy is based on people going into debt.  It is the only thing holding us up right now.  

I don't know what the end game is for this country's economic plan, but I don't think it's going to be good for us.  It may very well take us to that place of discontent in which we become ungovernable.  

I don't mean to come across as one of those wacko cults predicting the end of the world, or one of those North Idaho wacko's preparing for total destruction of the world as we know it, but I think we are all foolish to think that any kind of status quo remains for our future.  Hold on my friends - it will likely be a bumpy ride.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #71 on: March 12, 2004, 10:21:00 PM »
I do not. But it's not asif this would be the first time in human history, now would it?

I think it pays right now to do a couple of things on a personal level. First, fall in love with your home area or move to one you can love sincerely.

I so envy the people around here who know the comprehensive history of every permanent family, rich or poor; every school, every township council and all of the long-term businesses, some of it dating back to the late 1800's. They have a broad and solid perspective on things that transient populations lack. They're less suggestable than the people I knew all my life in Florida.* Makes me think of those family vinyards in Europe that have been nurturing and protecting some of the same grape vines for a hundred years or more, come war or whatever. That's what I want for my eventual great grandkids. That... culture... real, organic, honest to God local culture is one of the most precious things corroded by Program philosophy.

That and make friends with some old black ladies and see what you can learn from them about perserverance.

* That's not to say that they don't print the maps on all the bus schedules upside down. They do. I shit you not. Anonymity Anonymous

[ This Message was edited by: Antigen on 2004-03-12 19:23 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

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« Reply #72 on: March 13, 2004, 06:34:00 PM »
It's probably better that we don't, I remember laughing and having a great time back then, but I also remember getting a bit parinoid.

As mush as I dis on North Idaho, I actually do love it, and most of the people here. In reality, there are only wa few whackos and others who have every right to disagree with me.

You might want to chack out Coeur d'Alene Idaho -It is just such a place as you describe. You have to put up with a little cold in the winter, and a few nut balls; but winters are way easier than they were in the Siera Nevada mountains in California and just as beautiful - even a little more beautiful where they haven't logged out all the older trees. Everything is green and there are rivers. elk, moose and big lakes glacial geology everywhere.

All cultures are represented, hick, hippy, goth, jock, cowboy, liberal, conservative, libritarian, independent and even my bent Green (aka bleeding heart, white horse riding, environmentalist ultra liberal tree hugging asshole)- ha ha,a complement, if you don't mone me saying so myself. We definately need more blacks, hippys, and people with pearcings and tatoos, but we're getting more diverse.

I have been all over the country and this is as good as it gets. We are getting bombarded with growth here because people want what you are talking about - I didn't lock my house for 15 years here. You have the City near by (Spokane WA).

Recreation is increqadible - year round fun. Water sports of every kind. Wnter sports of every kind all free. The only thing I miss are the mavericks in San Francisco and the Ocean. So I go there once in a while.

Come on up Ginger. You have a free place to stay any time.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #73 on: March 14, 2004, 08:59:00 AM »
On 2004-03-13 15:34:00, Antibody? wrote:

Come on up Ginger. You have a free place to stay any time."

I may just do that one day. Got room for a family of 6, including an 80lb black lab?

"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."
"Isn't your pants' zipper supposed to be in the front?"
--Hobbs to Calvin

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Antibody?

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« Reply #74 on: March 14, 2004, 11:23:00 AM »
On 2004-03-14 05:59:00, Antigen wrote:


On 2004-03-13 15:34:00, Antibody? wrote:

Come on up Ginger. You have a free place to stay any time."

I may just do that one day. Got room for a family of 6, including an 80lb black lab?

"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."
"Isn't your pants' zipper supposed to be in the front?"
--Hobbs to Calvin

Sure, we have room for visitors - 3400 square feet. My wife loves dogs and kids. I love dogs, especially black labs. The kids can go in the basement and you and the dogs can have the guest suite.

Most of the warm part of year we spend camping in the woods, playing in the rivers, hiking, mountain biking and fishing. We're not home a lot.

Remember the movie "A River Wild" with Merrill Streep. That river - Where they ran "The Gauntlet" is here. I run it too - In the dead of winter in a 7 foot playyak. My wife ran the salmon and Lochsa last year. I've been thinking about taking you down the North Fork of The Payette. You have to have your zipper in back for that one - ha ha

to be explained later:
"This country was founded by slave owners who wanted to be free." "SLAVE OWNERS WHO WANTED TO BE FREE!!!!" - We came over here in those boats and met the natives, ate with em and then said move over. We took their gifts. Then we kicked them aside and said "move over." "Bring in the stuff boys." We kept pushing them over and moving them over and moving in the stuff and more stuff. We tortured and killed a bunch of "witches" so we could teach the Native Americans a "civilized religion." We kidnapped their kids, took their culture, language and religion, beat the bad ones "you know, the savages who weren't civilized." We kicked the French out of the South. We killed a bunch more Indian kids and women and took our civility to the Mexicans in Texas, California, New Mexico and Arizona. We killed a bunch of them (We took their land and resources) but we paid em a little bit - (bless us). Hey, we bought Alaska for a few bucks -.... "They had a choice..pppppp." We kept saying, "Move over, bring in the stuff." We went to Africa in boats and took fathers and mothers from their children - in chains so they could pick our cotton because "it?s so hot out there, I just hate that work." Then we were forced to free them - ha ha. So, we could beat em with clubs, shoot fire hoses at them and hang them from trees for having the audacity to want to sit in the front of a bus, for wanting a good education and the right to vote. Then we got the Native Americans shoved out on to Alcatraz. Now "I guess we're going to send them back where they came from" And then the redneck says: "Yeah put them welfare people to work filling in the Bering Straight and charge them Indians a buck a head to go home" --- Some George Carlin (1970s) some mine.

I ran into a little Identity Christian fellow at Sharie?s (like Shonie's down south). He was against birth control, and of course abortion. I said "if you are against abortion, a part of the solution would be birth control - right? :wstupid:  I pointed out the research showing that people most opposed to homosexuality wer also those mose aroused by seeing it, leading one to conclude that the reason these biggots think it is a choice is because they are bi and it is for them. That's why they get so pissed about it. It's a "reaction formation" defense mechanism. They hate what is within themselves and they project the self hate on to others. Check out our hatred for jewish folks arabs and the talaban. The people who bitch about em are just like em. :silly:

I had about a one hour conversation with Dick. He was a fundamentalist - literal interpretation of the bible - ya know? So, I very calmly and logically dismantled his arguments one by one - pointing out, ad homonym, questionable cause, arguing from ignorance, fallacy of logical order, and conclusion without evidence. You know, "yer fer gettin rid of abortion, but yer not fer gettin rid of birth control?" You know, and stuff like "if God created Adam and Eve, and they had two kids, and one kid (Cain) was killed leaving one earthling -Cain. Then who did he marry and how did they do all that begetting humping). He said he knew I was a liberal all along  :wink:

Here's an Idea. We just got an e mail describing how to get rid of the Taliban. They have to kill themselves if they see any other man's woman naked. It suggests a naked woman day to weed them out and get rid of them. I thought it was a great idea. :em:  Besides the ladies at the hot springs keep getting older and heavier like me - we need some diversity here in Idaho - ha ha ahhhh.    

[ This Message was edited by: Antigen on 2004-03-14 08:28 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »