Author Topic: ~2 dozen Programa Ibicuy residents escape and notify police  (Read 73228 times)

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Offline T-Rex

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Re: ~2 dozen Programa Ibicuy residents escape and notify pol
« Reply #30 on: February 11, 2012, 08:23:30 PM »
Quote from: "Muppeteer"
I do not understand why they would divulge the information you seek as proof anyway, why would they admit that they used a 3rd generation abusive cult school as a model for their own program? That makes no sense.

Your buddy Wayne (oh that's right you are Wayne) told us that Juan F. went to the Elan school. He posted this information on the Elan Saved My Life facebook site. Everyone should go there and read what Wayne (impersonating Juan) wrote.

So we just had to call IBcuy to verify what Wayne said. It seems kind of weird that they would deny this. Why??  Wayne posted on this facebook site (under Juan's name) that Juan was proud of his program. So why then when we call him he won't even answer the phone and we are told he never went to Elan.  

I am at a loss here.

But this is not the point. The point is to determine if the owner of IBcuy is a ex-resident of Elan as it has been stated. Everyone here is saying Ibcuy is a exact replica of Elan. Well how did that happen? Buy some kind of telepathy, I don't think so. So instead of hanging around on these sites and saying, Oh yeah it looks like Elan and smells of duck ect.....go find out.
Or.....are you going to implicate yourself in the process of outing Juan F/Wayne K.   IDK!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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"WHAT IS IBICUY?" (Feb. 1997)
« Reply #31 on: February 11, 2012, 08:35:40 PM »
Here are some pages from Ibicuy's website that were archived back in February of 1997. Google translation thereof follows immediately after the Spanish original.

Some off-the-cuff comments:

  • It is first and foremost described as a treatment program for behavioral problems, which are usually associated with drug use (the unstated implication being... not always);
  • Founding year is different (1986, instead of the currently stated 1983); and
  • It clearly states that it is based on a model developed in the U.S., as is also noted on Ferreyra's LinkedIn profile.

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Ibicuy es una institución creada para proponer una alternativa de solución eficaz a problemas de comportamiento serios en jóvenes y adolescentes, generalmente asociados al consumo de drogas.

Fundado en 1986, el establecimiento ocupa desde entonces un lugar de privilegio en el dramático vacío originado por la falta de entidades intermedias que no sean ni hospitales o clínicas para enfermos mentales ni organismos correccionales.

A lo largo de los 10 años transcurridos a partir de su creación, el programa Ibicuy ha logrado un alto índice de recuperación entre los residentes que se han graduado en él, a través de la puesta en práctica de un sólido modelo de funcionamiento, desarrollado inicialmente en los Estados Unidos y basado en un grupo de premisas esenciales, que no sólo han sido convenientemente adaptadas a nuestro medio sino que además han ido perfeccionándose y enriqueciéndose con aportes y experiencias permanentes.

La filosofía y los fundamentos del programa Ibicuy se describen con amplitud en las páginas siguientes. Por favor, léalas con atención ya que la información que contienen puede permitirle ayudar a recuperar una víctima de uno de los peores males de nuestra época.

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Ibicuy is an institution created to propose an effective alternative solution to serious behavioral problems in youths and adolescents, usually associated with drug use.

Founded in 1986, since the property occupies a privileged place in the dramatic gap created by the lack of intermediate entities that are neither hospitals or clinics for the mentally ill or correctional agencies.

Over the 10 years since its inception, the program has achieved a high Ibicuy recovery rate among residents who have graduated from it, through the implementation of a robust operating model, developed initially in the United States and based on a set of basic premises that have not only been suitably adapted to our environment but have also been refined and enriched by contributions and experiences permanent.

The philosophy and program foundations Ibicuy are described fully in the following pages. Please read them carefully as they contain information that can enable you to help recover a victim of one of the worst evils of our time.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Ursus

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"THE PLACE" (Feb. 1997)
« Reply #32 on: February 11, 2012, 09:12:01 PM »
Another page...

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Villa Paranacito, apacible población entrerriana ubicada a 180 km de la Capital Federal y a 100 km de Campana, es la localidad más próxima al complejo edilicio donde se desarrolla el programa Ibicuy, situado en una pintoresca isla del río Paraná.

Allí, convenientemente alejado de distintas circunstancias de riesgo frecuentes en las grandes ciudades, el programa cuenta con un medio ambiente de natural belleza, especialmente apto para albergar con comodidad y contener de manera adecuada a sus residentes, en un marco afín a la vida saludable, que favorece y estimula la recuperación.

Luego de un breve trayecto en lancha —alrededor de diez minutos desde Paranacito— se accede al predio propio de Ibicuy, en el que se encuentran las construcciones correspondientes a:

- residencia para los jóvenes (dormitorios, comedor y salón principal de reuniones, biblioteca, duchas y toilettes, cocina, oficinas de los departamentos internos, etc. Todos los ambientes cuentan con sistema de climatización frío-calor);

- el colegio (edificio de dos plantas con aulas para enseñanza primaria y secundaria, sala de computación, gabinete psicopedagógico, dirección);

- la residencia del director ejecutivo, que vive en ella con su esposa y sus dos hijas;

- la sala de gimnasia y aparatos, la enfermería y un departamento para alojar visitas;

- las oficinas de seguridad y administración, comunicadas con equipos de telefonía, fax y red informática ;

- el canal de video cable (anexo a las instalaciones del colegio) y el lavadero;

- el quincho y la pileta de natación.

Las construcciones, cuya superficie cubierta alcanza los 1200 m2, están rodeadas por un amplio y sencillo parque con césped y árboles, en el que también se desarrollan deportes, ejercicios físicos y actividades de esparcimiento.

El programa dispone además de oficinas en la Capital Federal, ubicadas en la calle Uriburu 1076, 2º piso, departamento 17.

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Villa Paranacito, peaceful entrerriana population located 180 km from Buenos Aires and 100 km from Bell is the town closest to the building complex where the program is developed Ibicuy, situated on a picturesque island in the river Paraná.

There, different circumstances conveniently away from common risk in large cities, the program has a natural environment of beauty, especially suitable to hold comfortably and adequately contain its residents, within a framework related to healthy living, which encourages and promotes recovery.

After a short boat-ride around ten minutes from Paranacito—is accessed Ibicuy own property, in which the buildings are for:

- residence for young people (bedroom, dining room and main meeting room, library, showers and toilets, kitchen, offices, internal departments, etc.. All rooms have air conditioning system hot and cold);

- the school (two storey building with classrooms for primary and secondary education, computer room, cabinet psycho, address);

- the residence of the chief executive, who lives there with his wife and two daughters;

- the fitness room and equipment, nursing and an apartment to house visits;

- the management and security offices, connected telephony equipment, fax and computer network;

- the video channel cable (attached to the school facilities) and laundry;

- the barbecue and swimming pool.

The building, whose floor area reaches up to 1200 m2, surrounded by a broad and simple park with grass and trees, which also develop sports, exercise and leisure activities.

The program also has offices in Buenos Aires, located on the street Uriburu 1076, 2 nd floor, apartment 17.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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  • Guest
Re: ~2 dozen Programa Ibicuy residents escape and notify pol
« Reply #33 on: February 11, 2012, 09:36:54 PM »
You may continue to believe I am Wayne all you wish. But it simply isn't the case.

Ursus, thank you for the Wayback's...I saw the very first cache entry had a link to an English version, gone by the second cache. ... 522AA9YtXf

Check that out if you want. Another one, cheese and rice, translator not going to like me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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archived pages for
« Reply #34 on: February 11, 2012, 09:47:01 PM »
Quote from: "Muppeteer"
Ursus, thank you for the Wayback's...I saw the very first cache entry had a link to an English version, gone by the second cache.
Yep, I saw that too. But those pages were apparently not archived, as I discovered when I clicked on the link...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline T-Rex

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Re: Juan Ferreyra - LinkedIn profile
« Reply #35 on: February 11, 2012, 09:58:03 PM »
Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "T-Rex"
Problem, you have not called and verified. OK it is a program I am sure that is as abusive as Elan ever was. But you don't know if Juan went to Elan. We called and it was denied, we were told that Juan F never went to Elan. So we are now suggesting others call.
There is no duck story here. You are introducing that theory and it is based on no research at all. Damn!!!  Mr.Hoffman you have money make a phone call and back up what you are saying. Maybe you are content with assumptions??
Before we run off and call it a clone of Elan should we not gather more information?
Personally, I usually just collect and post information and evidence. But sometimes I venture my opinion, large-mawed that it may be. Y'all can make or not make any assumptions y'all want. It's no fur offa my back, that's fer sure...

Speaking of information, here's this curious LinkedIn profile... Looks kinda like the guy wearing that yellow Izod shirt, dontcha think? Know of any treatment programs in Maine back in the early 1980s, that were therapeutic communities and used costumes and clipboards and haircuts and coordinators and whatnot?

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Juan Ferreyra

director ejecutivo at programa ibicuy
Argentina | Mental Health Care

Resumen de Juan Ferreyra

    Actual • director ejecutivo en programa ibicuy
    Educación • juan xxlll
    Recomendaciones • 1 persona ha recomendado a Juan
    Contactos • 29 contactos
    Sitios webSitio web de la empresa[/list]

    Extracto de Juan Ferreyra

      I am a recovering addict. I underwent rehabilitation and recovery in the US at a treatment program in Maine, Upon completing my recovery in 1982 I returned to my native country of Argentina. My experience served as a model upon which I built a therapeutic community in Entre-Rios about 2 hours out of Buenos Aires, Programa Ibicuy has now been in existance for more than 27 years helping people overcome addiction and recurerate their lives.
    Especialidades changing peoples lives

    Experiencia de Juan Ferreyra

    director ejecutivo
    programa ibicuy

    May 1982 – Present (29 years 10 months)

    Educación de Juan Ferreyra
    juan xxlll

    Información adicional de Juan Ferreyra

      Sitios web:Sitio web de la empresa[/list]
        Grupos y asociaciones:Addiction Recovery Professionals[/list]

        LinkedIn Corporation © 2011

        Mucho gusto....Ursus, I have to admit that eerily I think many Elanians already knew this. We still have to determine why IBcuy will not admit Elan was the T/C Juan went to. Hmmmmmmm.......This calls for the man who understands the opinions of others who have opined on others opinions. Matt Hoffman will you please step forward and shows us all your ability to opine on others opinions, please.
        We still also need to find out if Juan actually posted on the, "Elan Saved My Life".
        I understand Ursus you have kindly stated you are not inclined to get into the facebook gutter, I respect this. I'm just saying.
        « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

        Offline T-Rex

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        Re: ~2 dozen Programa Ibicuy residents escape and notify pol
        « Reply #36 on: February 11, 2012, 10:11:24 PM »
        Quote from: "Muppeteer"
        You may continue to believe I am Wayne all you wish. But it simply isn't the case.

        Ursus, thank you for the Wayback's...I saw the very first cache entry had a link to an English version, gone by the second cache. ... 522AA9YtXf

        Check that out if you want. Another one, cheese and rice, translator not going to like me.

        I will and thank you for allowing me. It is simply the case. Actually it is simply sad that you would allow yourself to be caught up in the bullshit of this. What we are witnessing now is your part at deflecting the eyes away from the parody that went on over at Elan Saved My Life.
        You could give a rats ass about what Ursus is posting. Ursus does this for every program that is posted here. Never saw you this interested before Muppster. Please spare us your lame attendance to this particular program and corresponding thread.
        Impress us and found out why Juan is dodging any inquiry.
        « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

        Offline Ursus

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        Re: Juan Ferreyra - LinkedIn profile
        « Reply #37 on: February 11, 2012, 10:11:28 PM »
        Quote from: "T-Rex"
        We still also need to find out if Juan actually posted on the, "Elan Saved My Life".
        I understand Ursus you have kindly stated you are not inclined to get into the facebook gutter, I respect this. I'm just saying.
        Actually, I have no problem mucking about on Facebook. Didn't mean to imply that, in case I somehow did. It's just that I'm swamped with other stuff right now...
        « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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        Offline Ursus

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        "THE THERAPEUTIC SYSTEM" (Feb. 1997)
        « Reply #38 on: February 11, 2012, 10:39:54 PM »
        Continuing with archived pages from Ibicuy's website from February 1997:

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        Una vez más, el programa Ibicuy presenta, también en este campo, aspectos que lo diferencian con claridad de otros sistemas:


        No siempre es necesario contar con la aprobación voluntaria del paciente para iniciar el proceso de recuperación. Tratándose de menores de edad, alcanza con la autorización de los padres. Ibicuy posee las características apropiadas —físicas y de organización— para retener sin violencias ni barrotes a los residentes, y la experiencia demuestra que aquéllos que ingresan contra su voluntad tienen casi las mismas posibilidades de recuperación que quienes acuden por propia determinación;


        Con la coordinación y la supervisión necesarias, las técnicas modernas de autoayuda juegan un rol preponderante en la recuperación de los pacientes. Ibicuy insiste en que cada individuo es responsable de su propio comportamiento y organiza a los residentes en grupos que aceptan la ayuda de sus compañeros y devuelven a la vez responsablemente esa ayuda a sus iguales, tanto en las reuniones terapéuticas específicas como a lo largo de innumerables situaciones que surgen en la convivencia diaria.

        El personal que coordina y supervisa los grupos no sólo está capacitado en la implementación de la modalidad de la autoayuda, aplicada a recuperación de drogadictos, sino que además incluye miembros que pasaron exitosamente por la experiencia personal de su propia rehabilitación. Esto les otorga una especial idoneidad, ya que cuentan con un conocimiento invalorable para actuar sin ser manipulados ni engañados por los adolescentes en proceso de recobrarse.

        Grupos de trabajo

        Las dos tareas básicas para un residente son llevarse bien con sus compañeros y aprender a manejar sus fuerzas y presiones internas. En ambos objetivos juegan un rol preponderante las continuas sesiones de trabajo en grupos, en las que los integrantes exponen sus sentimientos, sus temores, sus experiencias y sus fantasías para que puedan ser observados, comprendidos y fortalecidos cuando son positivos o desalentados si son contraproducentes. Por lo general en estas sesiones es donde se descubre la raiz del problema que originó la adicción.

        Interacción social

        La estructura comunitaria de Ibicuy representa una sociedad en la cual cada residente va aprendiendo de manera práctica su correcta ubicación. Existe una jerarquía de cargos funcionales. El residente nuevo comienza siendo un trabajador común y gradualmente asume cargos de mayor responsabilidad. Luego supervisa a otros trabajadores y puede convertirse en jefe de departamento, aprendiz de coordinador y por último coordinador. Cada responsabilidad adicional le proporciona nuevos derechos y mayores privilegios.

        Avances y retrocesos

        Los éxitos, los sucesivos logros, son recompensados con promociones a niveles superiores. Por el contrario, la incapacidad para efectuar tareas con iniciativa propia y responsabilidad da lugar a pérdidas de jerarquía.

        Estas degradaciones o retrocesos son inevitables, porque numerosas tareas son asignadas deliberadamente en áreas en las que el residente no tiene suficiente experiencia. El sentido de las degradaciones es enseñar a los jóvenes a funcionar en situaciones adversas y a hacer frente a los fracasos, la insatisfacción y el desencanto, pues son parte de la vida misma: no los afectan sólo a ellos sino a todos y todos deben saber sobreponerse. Superada la frustración, el residente comprende que puede volver a empezar cada vez y que puede triunfar sin necesidad de evasiones o estímulos nocivos.

        Un Departamento de Evaluación y Control reúne la información diaria y eleva su informe al Director Ejecutivo. Tanto el funcionamiento del conjunto como las actitudes personales y el desempeño individual son seguidos estrechamente para implementar sin demoras ya sea las acciones correctoras como los estímulos.

        Desde el ingreso, cada residente es evaluado por un psicólogo que establece su diagnóstico inicial y a partir de entonces va efectuando sucesivos tests de progreso, hasta determinar el alta. El personal y los directivos de Ibicuy mantienen una relación informativa contínua.

        # #



        Again, the program Ibicuy show, also in this field, aspects which distinguish it clearly from other systems:


        It is not always necessary to have the patient's voluntary approval to start the recovery process. In the case of minors, achieved with parental consent. Ibicuy has the appropriate characteristics, physical and organizational, to retain without violence or bars to residents, and experience shows that those admitted against their will have almost the same chance of recovery than those who come on their own determination;

        Self Help

        With the coordination and supervision necessary modern self-help techniques play an important role in the recovery of patients. Ibicuy insists that each individual is responsible for their own behavior and residents organized groups that accept the help of his companions and returned to responsibly while such assistance to their peers, both in specific therapeutic meetings and throughout countless situations that arise in daily life.

        The staff that coordinates and oversees the groups are not only trained in the implementation of self-help mode, applied to treating drug addiction, but also includes members who successfully passed by the personal experience of his own rehabilitation. This gives them a special relevance, since they have valuable knowledge to act without being manipulated or deceived by adolescents in the process of recovering.

        Working groups

        The two basic tasks for a resident are getting along with peers and learn to manage their forces and internal pressures. In both objectives play an important role continuing group work sessions in which members discussed their feelings, their fears, their experiences and their fantasies so they can be observed, understood and strengthened when they are positive or discouraged if they are counterproductive. Usually in these sessions is where you discover the root of the problem resulting in addiction.

        Social interaction

        Ibicuy community structure represents a society in which each resident learns practically the correct location. There is a hierarchy of functional positions. The new resident begins as a common laborer and gradually assume positions of greater responsibility. Then supervises other workers and can become head of department, apprentice coordinator and finally coordinator. Each additional responsibility provides new rights and greater privileges.

        Progress and setbacks

        The successes, successive achievements are rewarded with promotions to higher levels. By contrast, the inability to perform tasks on their own initiative and responsibility leads to loss of hierarchy.

        These degradations and setbacks are inevitable, because many tasks are deliberately assigned areas in which the resident does not have enough experience. The sense of degradation is to teach young people to work in adverse situations and cope with failure, dissatisfaction and disappointment, they are part of life itself: not only affect them but all and all should know overcome. Overcome the frustration, the resident understands that you can start again each time and you can succeed without evasions or noxious stimuli.

        A Department of Assessment and Control gathers daily information and raises its report to the Executive Director. Both the operation of the assembly as personal attitudes and individual performance are followed closely to implement without delay whether corrective actions as stimuli.

        From the entrance, each resident is evaluated by a psychologist who established their initial diagnosis and thereafter successive tests is making progress, to determine discharge. Staff and managers have a relationship Ibicuy continuous information.
        « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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        Offline T-Rex

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        Re: Juan Ferreyra - LinkedIn profile
        « Reply #39 on: February 11, 2012, 10:54:08 PM »
        Quote from: "Ursus"
        Quote from: "T-Rex"
        We still also need to find out if Juan actually posted on the, "Elan Saved My Life".
        I understand Ursus you have kindly stated you are not inclined to get into the facebook gutter, I respect this. I'm just saying.
        Actually, I have no problem mucking about on Facebook. Didn't mean to imply that, in case I somehow did. It's just that I'm swamped with other stuff right now...

        I've caused enough ruckus about this that I think I should at least apply more of myself. I am asking some others I know to help me come up with a plan to get Juan on record.
        But once again we have to deal with some unscrupulous behind the scenes shenanigans. Seems some one has alerted Juan to the going's on around this site for some reason.
        This whole deal smells.
        I just want to tie this guy to Elan. I think will all know but I want him on record saying it.
        « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

        Offline Ursus

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        "AGENTS OF TRANSFORMATION" (Feb. 1997)
        « Reply #40 on: February 11, 2012, 11:01:54 PM »
        This page and the one following are accessible, directly or indirectly, from the above "THE THERAPEUTIC SYSTEM" page:

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        Si bien, como se ha dicho anteriormente, la labor del personal médico, paramédico y de apoyo psicológico es de gran importancia, el proceso terapéutico de Ibicuy se sustenta de manera fundamental en la ayuda recíproca y la solidaridad entre los propios residentes. En la colaboración mutua de todos ellos, debidamente coordinada y orientada. En los sucesivos resultados individuales, pero en base al trabajo de conjunto entre iguales. Cada chico es el principal gestor y responsable de su propio cambio, aunque quizás en un principio él mismo no se dé cuenta. Además, y esto también es decisivo, cada uno de ellos cumple la función de apoyo para el compañero que tiene a su lado.

        Solos y en grupo, los jóvenes de Ibicuy son los principales agentes de sus transformaciones.

        Cada residente participa gradual y activamente en la dinámica de rehabilitación de sus compañeros manteniendo una relación interactiva constante, con la cual llega a comprometerse de manera profunda. La presión de los "pares" enseña e impone nuevas formas de comportamiento.

        "Quiero lo mejor para mí y también para vos, que sos como yo". "Me cuido, me ayudo a progresar cada vez más y también te cuido y te ayudo a que salgas adelante".

        Se trata de un sutil mecanismo en el que los residentes más antiguos, y por lo tanto más cercanos a su recuperación o ya recuperados, cumplen un papel de orientación, trasladando su experiencia a los nuevos, y ejercitando las relaciones solidarias de una verdadera comunidad que persigue el bien común.

        El respeto que los más nuevos llegan a sentir por los residentes más avanzados se arraiga en el valor del ejemplo coherente: también ellos han pasado por lo peor y, pese a la enorme dificultad y a las dudas en los momentos de crisis, han logrado dejarlo atrás y sentirse mucho mejor consigo mismos.

        Poco a poco, en este tipo de organización, todos acrecientan su sentido de la responsabilidad.

        # #



        Although, as noted above, the work of medical, paramedical and psychological support is of great importance, the therapeutic process Ibicuy fundamentally relies on mutual aid and solidarity among the residents themselves. In the mutual cooperation of all of them, well coordinated and focused. In subsequent individual results, but based on joint work of the same.

        Every kid is the lead manager and responsible for their own change, though perhaps at first he did not know it. Furthermore, it is also critical, each serves as a support for the fellow next to him.

        Solos and group Ibicuy youth are the main agents of their transformations.

        Each resident participates actively in the gradual and dynamic rehabilitation of their peers while maintaining an interactive relationship constant, which comes to engage in profound ways. The pressure of the "pairs" teaches and imposes new forms of behavior.

        "I want the best for me and for you, you're just like me." "I care, helped me to progress more and also take care of you and help you to come out ahead."

        This is a subtle mechanism in which older residents, and therefore closer to recovery or already recovered, play a guiding role, transferring their experience to new, supportive relationships and exercising a true community pursues the common good.

        The respect that the newest come to feel more advanced by residents is rooted in the value of such consistent: they too have gone through the worst and, despite the enormous difficulties and doubts in times of crisis, have managed to leave behind and feel much better about themselves.

        Gradually, in this type of organization, all increase their sense of responsibility.
        « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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        Offline Ursus

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        "THE DURATION OF TREATMENT" (Feb. 1997)
        « Reply #41 on: February 11, 2012, 11:18:30 PM »
        This page is accessible from the above "AGENTS OF TRANSFORMATION" page:

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        La mayoría de los tratamientos desarrollados en otras instituciones, cuya duración es considerablemente inferior a la de Ibicuy, culminan con la reincidencia. Gran cantidad de esos pacientes tratados vuelve a consumir droga.

        Ibicuy considera que la probabilidad de conseguir resultados favorables en lapsos inferiores a los 14 meses de tratamiento es muy escasa. De hecho, el promedio actual se encuentra alrededor de los 16 meses y muy rara vez las estadías se extienden hasta un máximo de 20 meses.

        La eliminación de los procesos adictivos necesita de una prolongada tarea que va mucho más allá de la simple desintoxicación. Requiere un duro y extenso trabajo, de abstinencia física e higiene mental, y de toda una disciplina estructurada para rescatar valores perdidos de carácter escencial y apuntalarlos con la fuerza necesaria para que no vuelvan a desmoronarse ante los nuevos embates de la vida.

        Por eso, una de las tareas primordiales en Ibicuy es preparar largamente al joven para enfrentar numerosos momentos adversos y brindarle todas las herramientas para superar cada prueba.

        Además, Ibicuy separa al joven de todo tipo de conexión con cualquier elemento cercano al mundo de la droga. El corte que se produce en este sentido, es total. No puede ser de otra manera si se quiere obtener un resultado satisfactorio.

        El tiempo empleado en tratamientos más cortos pero sin resultados estables produce un retroceso riesgoso. Ese tiempo hay que ganarlo, aunque se tarde más.

        # #



        Most of the treatments developed in other institutions, whose duration is considerably lower than Ibicuy, culminating in recidivism. Large numbers of these patients use drugs again.

        Ibicuy considers the likelihood of achieving favorable results in periods less than 14 months treatment is scarce. In fact, the current average is around 16 months and rarely stays extend up to 20 months.

        The elimination of addictive disorders requires a lengthy task that goes far beyond the simple detoxification. Requires extensive work hard, physical withdrawal and mental hygiene, and a whole structured discipline to rescue missing values for essential character and prop them with the strength to never again to collapse before the onslaught of new life.

        So one of the primary tasks is to prepare long in Ibicuy the young side to face numerous times and provide all the tools to overcome every trial.

        In addition, separating the young Ibicuy all connection with anything close to the world of drugs. The cut occurs in this sense, it is total. It can not be otherwise if you get a satisfactory result.

        Time spent in shorter treatments but stable results a reverse risky. That time has to be earned, even if it takes more.
        « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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        Offline Reddit TroubledTeens

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        Re: ~2 dozen Programa Ibicuy residents escape and notify pol
        « Reply #42 on: February 12, 2012, 08:55:38 AM »
        Fantastic research. Thank you for all you've done.  :notworthy:

        I've posted this to reddit: ... scape_and/
        « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

        Offline Ursus

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        "LIFE IN IBICUY - The home of all" (Feb. 1997)
        « Reply #43 on: February 12, 2012, 11:57:21 AM »
        You're welcome, Reddit TroubledTeens! As Muppeteer noted earlier, "Great things can happen when we work as a team, kids, ;) "

        To finish up, there are a number of entries accessible from the page LA VIDA EN IBICUY / LIFE IN IBICUY. Here they are, expanded out:

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        La casa de todos

        Uno de los ejes ordenadores del proceso personal de cada chico o chica en Ibicuy es ocuparse responsablemente del funcionamiento, cuidado y administración de la residencia que todos comparten. La actividad ha sido organizada en distintos departamentos: cocina, mantenimiento, seguridad, oficina comercial y comunicaciones. Los residentes ocupan distintas jerarquías dentro de ellos y desempeñar su labor genera una parte destacada de la tarea diaria, ya que reviste un alto valor en lo referente a actitud frente a los demás, cumplimiento de las obligaciones contraídas, dedicación al entorno en el que cada uno se desenvuelve, etc.

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        The home of all

        One of the axes of personal process computers of each boy or girl is to deal responsibly Ibicuy the operation, care and management of the residence that all share. The event is organized in different departments: kitchen, maintenance, security, commercial and office communications. Residents occupy different hierarchies within them and do their work generates a significant part of the daily task, as it is of high value in terms of attitude towards others, compliance obligations, dedication to the environment in which each one is developed, and so on.
        « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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        Offline Ursus

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        "LIFE IN IBICUY - EDUCATION" (Feb. 1997)
        « Reply #44 on: February 12, 2012, 12:10:03 PM »

        Ibicuy es el único establecimiento dedicado a rehabilitación de jóvenes con adicciones autodestructivas que dispone de un departamento educativo.

        Este aspecto es de notable relevancia si se considera el rechazo generalizado que experimentan los colegios ante la posibilidad de tener entre sus alumnos a chicos con problemas de adicciones.

        La escuela de Ibicuy comprende tanto el nivel primario como el secundario y está incorporada al regimen de enseñanza oficial. Su capacidad permite albergar a 40 jóvenes simultáneamente, con una interesante relación de 5 alumnos por profesor.

        La orientación del programa de estudios y prácticas es hacia la informática y la computación, con el fin de que los estudiantes reciban una educación completa y adecuada a los tiempos que se viven.

        De este modo, la ausencia temporal de sus lugares habituales no se traduce en una demora en su educación. Al contrario, los maestros y profesores de las diversas materias, que llegan especialmente a Ibicuy para tomar a su cargo la enseñanza con una clara conciencia de la gravitación que ella supone para los chicos en esas circunstancias, sumado a una atmósfera general en la que el estudio es abiertamente estimulado, crean condiciones favorables para avanzar en profundidad en la incorporación de conocimientos de modo más espontáneo y con interés genuino.

        Es lógico, por todo ello, que la educación ocupe un tiempo extenso en la labor del día y en gran parte del año.

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        Ibicuy is the only facility dedicated to rehabilitation of young people with self-destructive addiction has an education department.

        This aspect is particularly noteworthy considering the widespread rejection experienced by schools about the possibility of having among its students men with addiction problems.

        Ibicuy school includes both primary and secondary level and is incorporated into the formal education regime. Its capacity enables simultaneously accommodate 40 young people, with an interesting ratio of 5 students per teacher.

        The orientation of the curriculum and practices is to computer science and computing, so that students receive a comprehensive education and adequate to the times we live.

        Thus, the temporary absence of their usual does not result in a delay in their education. By contrast, teachers of different subjects, especially coming Ibicuy to take over teaching with an awareness of gravitation that she poses to children in these circumstances, coupled with a general atmosphere in which the study is openly encouraged, create favorable conditions to advance further in the incorporation of knowledge in a more spontaneous and genuine interest.

        It is natural, all that education occupies an extended time in the day's work and much of the year.
        « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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