Author Topic: ~2 dozen Programa Ibicuy residents escape and notify police  (Read 73228 times)

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Re: ~2 dozen Programa Ibicuy residents escape and notify pol
« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2012, 03:49:44 AM »
« Last Edit: February 11, 2012, 03:38:34 PM by Anonymous »


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Re: ~2 dozen Programa Ibicuy residents escape and notify pol
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2012, 09:03:50 AM »
Great things can happen when we work as a team, kids, ;)

Haters gonna hate, but I am going to track these programs and staff like Simon Weisenthal tracked Nazi's.

As for the Programa Ibicuy website, the Portuguese side of it translated pretty smoothly with the Google translate.

I'll have a human look at the article about the runaways on Monday.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: ~2 dozen Programa Ibicuy residents escape and notify pol
« Reply #17 on: February 11, 2012, 10:16:02 AM »
« Last Edit: February 11, 2012, 03:38:53 PM by Anonymous »

Offline Ursus

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denunciaibicuy's uploaded YouTube clips
« Reply #18 on: February 11, 2012, 12:26:28 PM »
Quote from: "Xelebes"
Quote from: "Xelebes"
Quote from: "Oscar"
I don't know anything about the educational standard in Argentina, but the comments on these two youtube videos are almost impossible to understand beside words like "murderer", "suicide" and "Ferreyra"

Video: drogas Programa Ibicuy
Video: Programa Ibicuy
First video's most recent comment is remarking on the language being directly lifted from the 1980s.
Second most recent comment is a poetic but vitriolic comment, "the reality show spawning psychopaths"

Third comment: "I admitted i was there, but now they are paying for everything they have done for years."  This is refering to the escapees and the intervention of the police.

Fourth comment: Is noting that the amount of pressure to comply with the vitriol is too much and may be toxic, in response to a previous post.

Fifth comment: This robbing pig (robbing fatso), Ferriera is a farce and has had no respect for human rights since 1986.  So on and so forth.
The above YouTube clips and their comments were previously posted, along with crude translations thereof, as follows:

    Links to posts with YouTube user denunciaibicuy's uploaded material:

    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Offline Xelebes

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    Re: denunciaibicuy's uploaded YouTube clips
    « Reply #19 on: February 11, 2012, 01:19:12 PM »
    Quote from: "Ursus"
    Quote from: "Xelebes"
    Quote from: "Xelebes"
    Quote from: "Oscar"
    I don't know anything about the educational standard in Argentina, but the comments on these two youtube videos are almost impossible to understand beside words like "murderer", "suicide" and "Ferreyra"

    Video: drogas Programa Ibicuy
    Video: Programa Ibicuy
    First video's most recent comment is remarking on the language being directly lifted from the 1980s.
    Second most recent comment is a poetic but vitriolic comment, "the reality show spawning psychopaths"

    Third comment: "I admitted i was there, but now they are paying for everything they have done for years."  This is refering to the escapees and the intervention of the police.

    Fourth comment: Is noting that the amount of pressure to comply with the vitriol is too much and may be toxic, in response to a previous post.

    Fifth comment: This robbing pig (robbing fatso), Ferriera is a farce and has had no respect for human rights since 1986.  So on and so forth.
    The above YouTube clips and their comments were previously posted, along with crude translations thereof, as follows:

      Links to posts with YouTube user denunciaibicuy's uploaded material:


      Perfectly aware of that.
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

      Offline Ursus

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      Re: Rehab patients escape and report abuse
      « Reply #20 on: February 11, 2012, 02:49:15 PM »
      Quote from: "Oscar"
      This article includes photo of the facility

      Pacientes de centro de rehabilitación escapan y denuncian malos tratos

      La Justicia de Instrucción de Gualeguaychú investiga el tenor del petitorio que fue entregado por 24 pacientes del instituto de rehabilitación de adicciones ubicado en Villa Paranacito. Las personas que se encontraban en pleno tratamiento, decidieron en la noche del domingo declararse en rebeldía por lo que emprendieron la fuga sin producir mayores situaciones de violencia.
      Desde la Policía se informó a UNO que el personal del instituto Ibicuy dio aviso de la inédita situación por lo que se inició un operativo de búsqueda de las 24 personas.
      En el interior de las instalaciones quedaron 26 pacientes más que no se plegaron a la medida de fuerza y fuga.
      Los afectados que decidieron escaparse del lugar, en su mayoría padecen problemas con el consumo de estupefacientes y provienen de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Capital Federal, Córdoba, Rosario y Mendoza.
      Para ingresar al instituto se debe abonar un arancel que no sería económico, por lo que a nivel nacional esta clínica de rehabilitación es considerada una de las mejores en su tipo, por el tratamiento y las instalaciones que se levantaron en una zona tranquila y mejorada por los titulares del emprendimiento. Las autoridades de la Policía de Islas, indicaron que los fugados fueron localizados en cercanías de la costa del río y luego fueron trasladados sin ningún tipo de inconvenientes a la Jefatura de Islas, ubicada en Villa Paranacito.
      Allí fueron contenidos y asistidos, en tanto que el petitorio de quejas fue entregado al juez de Instrucción de Gualeguaychú, Eduardo García Jurado, que tomó directa intervención en el suceso.
      Mientras esto ocurría, se verificó que en el interior del instituto privado se albergaban 26 personas, las cuales no expresaron ningún tipo de problemas.
      Los responsables de la clínica llegaron ayer a la tarde provenientes de Buenos Aires y, tras contactarse con las autoridades policiales y judiciales, se entrevistaron con los familiares de los 24 pacientes que se encontraban en conflicto.
      En el petitorio se hacían severas críticas por la calidad de las comidas, como también las condiciones de albergue del instituto de rehabilitación privado. Se conoció que anoche la mayoría de los afectados en proceso de rehabilitación decidió, junto a sus familiares, retirarse del emprendimiento, en tanto que ahora la autoridad judicial de Gualeguaychú avanzará en la investigación para establecer la veracidad de la denuncia y los dichos de los pacientes que finalmente abandonaron el instituto, luego de fugarse del lugar. Se confirmó que hasta anoche era normal el desarrollo de las actividades en el lugar.

      Rough translation:


      Justice investigates Gualeguaychú Instruction under petition that was delivered for 24 patients in addiction rehabilitation institute located in Villa Paranacito. People who were in full treatment, decided on Sunday night declared in default so they made their escape without causing more violence.
      Since the police were informed that ONE Ibicuy institute staff gave notice of the unprecedented situation which started a search operation for 24 people.
      Inside the facility was 26 patients that were folded to the measure of strength and leak.
      The victims who decided to escape the place, most have problems with drug use and come from the province of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Rosario and Mendoza.
      To enter the school must pay a fee that is not economic, so this national rehabilitation clinic is considered one of the best of its kind, for the treatment and facilities that were built in a quiet and enhanced by holders of the venture. Authorities Islands Police indicated that the escapees were located in the vicinity of the riverbank and then were transferred without any inconvenience to the Head Island, located in Villa Paranacito.
      They were housed and cared for, while the petition of grievances was presented to the examining magistrate of Gualeguaychú, Eduardo Garcia Jurado, who took direct intervention in the event.
      As this happened, it was found that within the private school housed 26 people, which did not express any problems.
      Those responsible for the clinic yesterday afternoon arrived from Buenos Aires and after contact with law enforcement authorities, met with the families of the 24 patients who were in conflict.
      At the request was made severe criticism for the quality of meals, and terms and conditions of hostel private rehabilitation institute. It was learned last night that most of those affected in the rehabilitation process decided, with their families, withdraw from the venture, while now the judicial authority of Gualeguaychú advances in research to establish the veracity of the complaint and those of patients finally left the school after running away from the place. It was last night confirmed that normal development of activities in place.
      Date for the above article:

        Lunes, 24 de enero de 2011
        Monday, January 24, 2011[/list]

        Subtitle for the above article that was accidentally omitted:

          Son 24 internos de un centro de rehabilitación de Villa Paranacito, que se escaparon y entregaron un petitorio a la Justicia.[/list]
            There are 24 inmates in a rehabilitation center in Villa Paranacito, who escaped and delivered a petition to the courts.[/list]
            « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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            Offline Ursus

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            Comments: "Rehab patients escape and report abuse"
            « Reply #21 on: February 11, 2012, 03:03:08 PM »
            In case you're wondering where all the koolaid guzzlers are, some of them are here...

            Comments left for the above article, "Pacientes de centro de rehabilitación escapan y denuncian malos tratos" / "Rehab patients escape and report abuse" (January 24, 2011; Uno Graphica), and rough Google translations thereof:

            Soledad · 25-01-2011 11:57:33
              Mi hermano esta ahi, no tiene quejas de NADA. Le salvaron la vida. Estamos agradecidos a todos por la dedicacion.Estos chicos, y lo digo porque los he conocido, de visitar a mi hermano, tenian antecedentes x robo y de haberse fugado de otros lugares.
              My brother is there, NADA has no complaints. They saved her life. We are grateful to all the dedicacion.Estos guys, and I say this because I have known, to visit my brother had a history x theft and absconding elsewhere.[/list]
              TRIADO · 25-01-2011 12:45:06
                tomysoy · 25-01-2011 13:45:26
                  No cabe dudas de que 1 grupo de INADAPTADOS motivò semejante mentira.Mi hermano esta al final del trat.y no solo no lo perdimos a El sino que recuperamos la Flia!!. A todo el grupo HUMANO de Prog.IBICUY, mi absoluto e incond. apoyo y respeto. Gracias!!!
                  There is no doubt that a group of misfits led mentira.Mi brother like this at the end of trat.y not only did not we lost but we recover the Flia!. A whole group of Prog.IBICUY HUMAN, my absolute and incond. support and respect. Thank you![/list]
                  marianad · 25-01-2011 13:51:13
                    Este programa es excelente, con comodidades como ningun otro. La mayoria de los que se fugaron tienen antecedentes penales y lo unico que buscan es estar en la calle nuevamente. No les importa ni su rehabilitacion ni el daño que provocan a los demás.
                    This program is excellent, with amenities like no other. Most of those who escaped have criminal records and the only thing they want is to be on the street again. They do not care or their rehabilitation or the damage they cause to others.[/list]
                    Valentin · 25-01-2011 17:08:51
                      gracias al programa soy lo que soy ahora, les devo todo, para pensar: porque la mitad se va??? malos tratos, abusos? o complot? porque se quedaron los demas??? porque ellos saben la verdad, ellos quieren hacer una vida sana.
                      through the program I am what I am now, devo them all to think, because half of it go??? maltreatment, abuse? or conspiracy? because they were the others??? because they know the truth, they want to make a healthy life.[/list]
                      shd2212 · 25-01-2011 18:10:40
                        Como madre de un hijo que hasta hace poco estuvo internado en Programa Ibicuy, sólo tengo palabras <br>de agradecimiento. Allí ayudan a jóvenes y no tanto, a recuperar el valor por la vida y lo hacen desde el respeto.<br>La denuncia es mentirosa
                        As a mother of a son who until recently was hospitalized in Ibicuy program, I have only words of thanks <br>. They help young and not so much to retrieve the value for life and they do out of respect. <br> The complaint is lying[/list]
                        MSD2011 · 25-01-2011 19:24:13
                          <br>Que pretenden un 5 estrellas con spa; LOS VALORES DE LA VIDA tienen que estar dentro nuestro y en nuestras familias y en lo ganado por nosotros mismos y eso es lo que de a poco te va devolviendo IBICUY.
                          <br> I intend a 5 star spa; VALUES OF LIFE must be within ourselves and our families and the gains for ourselves and that's what's going little by little returning Ibicuy.[/list]
                          MAIKEL · 26-01-2011 23:56:22
                            La justicia tiene que investigar. Como padre de un internado, me siento estafado en mi buena fe. Le extendieron innecesariamente el programa a mi hijo, solo por dinero. Este senor y su tropa de sicologos son estafadores profesionales.<br>
                            Justice has to investigate. As a parent of a boarding school, I feel cheated on my good faith. It unnecessarily extended the program to my son, just for money. This gentleman and his band of psychologists are scam artists. <br>[/list]
                            s10go · 27-01-2011 13:35:30
                              Difiero con todos los comentarios anteriores y parte de la nota arriba publicada por diario uno la cual expone la situacion con información transgiversada por quienes avisaron de la situacion.<br>contactarme en
                            Sabrina · 28-01-2011 00:26:47
                              Como familiar de un ex residente recomiendo a los que comentaron que se informen antes de opinar . Mi sobrino, egreso hace 5 años, tiene un trabajo digno y una familia que lo respeta,Mi apoyo a la institucion y a la gente que alli trabaja
                              As a relative of a former resident who commented recommend to become informed before review. My nephew, graduation 5 years ago, has a decent job and a family that respects him, my support for the institution and the people who work there[/list]
                              carlostol · 28-01-2011 00:35:06
                                yo no creo que una persona que no hace nada por su vida sea digna de pedir que se la respete y dejen que haga lo que se le cante! yo soy exresidente y hasta se me curo la esquizofrenia muchos son consiente de lo que vivia! les deseo la mejora para todos!
                                I do not think a person who does nothing for his life worthy of the respect that request and let you do what you sing! I am exresidente and even schizophrenia cure me many are aware of what they lived! I wish to improve for everyone![/list]
                                s10go · 28-01-2011 10:12:38
                                  Soy ex-residente de esa institucion, hablo con conocimiento al respecto. Hoy por hoy estoy muy bien, no se lo debo al programa sino a mi fuerza de voluntad y una decision personal. Y aun asi no estoy de acuerdo en la metodologia de esa institucion<br>
                                  I am a former resident of this institution, I can speak to about it. Today I am very well, I owe it to the program but my will power and a personal decision. And yet I do not agree on the methodology of this institution <br>[/list]
                                  barbig · 28-01-2011 11:47:35
                                    A FAVOR del PROGRAMA IBICUY! Lugar, atención y los profesionales EXCELENTES. Mi novio está internado y él dice q realmente sirve! recupera valores y afectos.Los rebeldes son mentirosos, no valoran la vida, se suman a sociedad violenta sin ningún reparo!
                                    PROGRAM FOR Ibicuy! Instead, health professionals and EXCELLENT. My boyfriend says he is hospitalized and q really good! afectos.Los retrieves values ??and rebels are liars, do not value life, add to unabashedly violent society![/list]
                                    s10go · 28-01-2011 12:51:07
                                      barbi, fui compañero de federico hasta hace poco. Contactame en
                           Greetings <br> Diego <br>[/color][/list]

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                                      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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                                      Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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                                      Re: ~2 dozen Programa Ibicuy residents escape and notify pol
                                      « Reply #22 on: February 11, 2012, 05:56:12 PM »
                                      golly Ned ....Ursus ,Oscar ,

                                      clipboards ,headcounts , costumes , screaming ,blasts , Expeditors , Casa ,

                                      denouncing IBICUY videos ,

                                      the rumours are true , Fellow goes to Elan in poland springs Maine ,  Graduates and starts his own Elan  in South America ,smells like a duck ,looks like a duck , quacks like a duck , then why does the duck need a raincoat.

                                      Elan redoux  I hope not

                                      Its the same program , a deaf man could tell you that .

                                      Postings by koolaid "guzzlers " and then postings by the denouncers .

                                      The question is it a Mallard or a Muscovey.  hint there are both ducks.

                                      Sickening and unbeleivable ,yet a great find Ursus and Oscar , unbelievable ..........
                                      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

                                      Offline T-Rex

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                                      Re: ~2 dozen Programa Ibicuy residents escape and notify pol
                                      « Reply #23 on: February 11, 2012, 06:47:06 PM »
                                      Quote from: "Matt C. Hoffman"
                                      golly Ned ....Ursus ,Oscar ,

                                      clipboards ,headcounts , costumes , screaming ,blasts , Expeditors , Casa ,

                                      denouncing IBICUY videos ,

                                      the rumours are true , Fellow goes to Elan in poland springs Maine ,  Graduates and starts his own Elan  in South America ,smells like a duck ,looks like a duck , quacks like a duck , then why does the duck need a raincoat.

                                      Elan redoux  I hope not

                                      Its the same program , a deaf man could tell you that .

                                      Postings by koolaid "guzzlers " and then postings by the denouncers .

                                      The question is it a Mallard or a Muscovey.  hint there are both ducks.

                                      Sickening and unbeleivable ,yet a great find Ursus and Oscar , unbelievable ..........

                                      Problem, you have not called and verified. OK it is a program I am sure that is as abusive as Elan ever was. But you don't know if Juan went to Elan. We called and it was denied, we were told that Juan F never went to Elan. So we are now suggesting others call.
                                      It has not been proven he went to Elan or he ever said this.
                                      There is no duck story here. You are introducing that theory and it is based on no research at all. Damn!!!  Mr.Hoffman you have money make a phone call and back up what you are saying. Maybe you are content with assumptions??
                                      Before we run off and call it a clone of Elan should we not gather more information?
                                      I want a direct connection proven, 100%.
                                      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

                                      Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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                                      Re: ~2 dozen Programa Ibicuy residents escape and notify pol
                                      « Reply #24 on: February 11, 2012, 07:16:29 PM »
                                      Quote from: "T-Rex"
                                      Quote from: "Matt C. Hoffman"
                                      golly Ned ....Ursus ,Oscar ,

                                      clipboards ,headcounts , costumes , screaming ,blasts , Expeditors , Casa ,

                                      denouncing IBICUY videos ,

                                      the rumours are true , Fellow goes to Elan in poland springs Maine ,  Graduates and starts his own Elan  in South America ,smells like a duck ,looks like a duck , quacks like a duck , then why does the duck need a raincoat.

                                      Elan redoux  I hope not

                                      Its the same program , a deaf man could tell you that .

                                      Postings by koolaid "guzzlers " and then postings by the denouncers .

                                      The question is it a Mallard or a Muscovey.  hint there are both ducks.

                                      Sickening and unbeleivable ,yet a great find Ursus and Oscar , unbelievable ..........

                                      Problem, you have not called and verified. OK it is a program I am sure that is as abusive as Elan ever was. But you don't know if Juan went to Elan. We called and it was denied, we were told that Juan F never went to Elan. So we are now suggesting others call.
                                      It has not been proven he went to Elan or he ever said this.
                                      There is no duck story here. You are introducing that theory and it is based on no research at all. Damn!!!  Mr.Hoffman you have money make a phone call and back up what you are saying. Maybe you are content with assumptions??
                                      Before we run off and call it a clone of Elan should we not gather more information?
                                      I want a direct connection proven, 100%.

                                      thank you for your opinion of my opinion.
                                      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

                                      Offline T-Rex

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                                      Re: ~2 dozen Programa Ibicuy residents escape and notify pol
                                      « Reply #25 on: February 11, 2012, 07:26:28 PM »
                                      Quote from: "Matt C. Hoffman"
                                      Quote from: "T-Rex"
                                      Quote from: "Matt C. Hoffman"
                                      golly Ned ....Ursus ,Oscar ,

                                      clipboards ,headcounts , costumes , screaming ,blasts , Expeditors , Casa ,

                                      denouncing IBICUY videos ,

                                      the rumours are true , Fellow goes to Elan in poland springs Maine ,  Graduates and starts his own Elan  in South America ,smells like a duck ,looks like a duck , quacks like a duck , then why does the duck need a raincoat.

                                      Elan redoux  I hope not

                                      Its the same program , a deaf man could tell you that .

                                      Postings by koolaid "guzzlers " and then postings by the denouncers .

                                      The question is it a Mallard or a Muscovey.  hint there are both ducks.

                                      Sickening and unbeleivable ,yet a great find Ursus and Oscar , unbelievable ..........

                                      Problem, you have not called and verified. OK it is a program I am sure that is as abusive as Elan ever was. But you don't know if Juan went to Elan. We called and it was denied, we were told that Juan F never went to Elan. So we are now suggesting others call.
                                      It has not been proven he went to Elan or he ever said this.
                                      There is no duck story here. You are introducing that theory and it is based on no research at all. Damn!!!  Mr.Hoffman you have money make a phone call and back up what you are saying. Maybe you are content with assumptions??
                                      Before we run off and call it a clone of Elan should we not gather more information?
                                      I want a direct connection proven, 100%.

                                      thank you for your opinion of my opinion.

                                      Matt it is not a opinion. There is no direct link because IBcuy is saying as of yesterday they are not a direct clone of Elan. All I am trying to do is get others to dig into this also and prove there is a link. If Juan went to Elan then he is lying about it.
                                      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


                                      • Guest
                                      Re: ~2 dozen Programa Ibicuy residents escape and notify pol
                                      « Reply #26 on: February 11, 2012, 07:39:08 PM »
                                      I don't speak a lick of Spanish, or I just might make that call myself.

                                      However, after watching the videos (you're welcome for the links, lolz) and reading the Portuguese translation of the website, I really don't see how you can argue that it is not connected to Élan. The names of the departments are the same (something I have not seen in other programs with similar dichotomies), the logo, the anecdotal evidence from Juan himself supposedly...not to mention Matt's assessment is in agreement with mine.

                                      Tell you what, my translator friend at work is fluent in Brazillian Portuguese and very proficient in Spanish. If he's willing, we'll make the call next week sometime, or the week after, or maybe next month. I am not going to tip off when that call will come, or under what pretense it will be made.

                                      But as I have said, I do believe they would lie, as they lie about so many things in these programs.

                                      It is not in dispute that a gentleman named Juan Ferreira founded the place, we have that much confirmed by the Argentine press. The only question is which program in the United States did he attend. Is that right?
                                      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

                                      Offline Ursus

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                                      Juan Ferreyra - LinkedIn profile
                                      « Reply #27 on: February 11, 2012, 07:41:48 PM »
                                      Quote from: "T-Rex"
                                      Problem, you have not called and verified. OK it is a program I am sure that is as abusive as Elan ever was. But you don't know if Juan went to Elan. We called and it was denied, we were told that Juan F never went to Elan. So we are now suggesting others call.
                                      There is no duck story here. You are introducing that theory and it is based on no research at all. Damn!!!  Mr.Hoffman you have money make a phone call and back up what you are saying. Maybe you are content with assumptions??
                                      Before we run off and call it a clone of Elan should we not gather more information?
                                      Personally, I usually just collect and post information and evidence. But sometimes I venture my opinion, large-mawed that it may be. Y'all can make or not make any assumptions y'all want. It's no fur offa my back, that's fer sure...

                                      Speaking of information, here's this curious LinkedIn profile... Looks kinda like the guy wearing that yellow Izod shirt, dontcha think? Know of any treatment programs in Maine back in the early 1980s, that were therapeutic communities and used costumes and clipboards and haircuts and coordinators and whatnot?

                                      -------------- • -------------- • --------------

                                      Juan Ferreyra

                                      director ejecutivo at programa ibicuy
                                      Argentina | Mental Health Care

                                      Resumen de Juan Ferreyra

                                        Actual • director ejecutivo en programa ibicuy
                                        Educación • juan xxlll
                                        Recomendaciones • 1 persona ha recomendado a Juan
                                        Contactos • 29 contactos
                                        Sitios webSitio web de la empresa[/list]

                                        Extracto de Juan Ferreyra

                                          I am a recovering addict. I underwent rehabilitation and recovery in the US at a treatment program in Maine, Upon completing my recovery in 1982 I returned to my native country of Argentina. My experience served as a model upon which I built a therapeutic community in Entre-Rios about 2 hours out of Buenos Aires, Programa Ibicuy has now been in existance for more than 27 years helping people overcome addiction and recurerate their lives.
                                        Especialidades changing peoples lives

                                        Experiencia de Juan Ferreyra

                                        director ejecutivo
                                        programa ibicuy

                                        May 1982 – Present (29 years 10 months)

                                        Educación de Juan Ferreyra
                                        juan xxlll

                                        Información adicional de Juan Ferreyra

                                          Sitios web:Sitio web de la empresa[/list]
                                            Grupos y asociaciones:Addiction Recovery Professionals[/list]

                                            LinkedIn Corporation © 2011
                                            « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
                                            -------------- • -------------- • --------------


                                            • Guest
                                            Re: ~2 dozen Programa Ibicuy residents escape and notify pol
                                            « Reply #28 on: February 11, 2012, 07:44:31 PM »
                                            I do not understand why they would divulge the information you seek as proof anyway, why would they admit that they used a 3rd generation abusive cult school as a model for their own program? That makes no sense.
                                            « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

                                            Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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                                            Re: ~2 dozen Programa Ibicuy residents escape and notify pol
                                            « Reply #29 on: February 11, 2012, 07:49:44 PM »
                                            Quote from: "T-Rex"
                                            Quote from: "Matt C. Hoffman"
                                            Quote from: "T-Rex"
                                            Quote from: "Matt C. Hoffman"
                                            golly Ned ....Ursus ,Oscar ,

                                            clipboards ,headcounts , costumes , screaming ,blasts , Expeditors , Casa ,

                                            denouncing IBICUY videos ,

                                            the rumours are true , Fellow goes to Elan in poland springs Maine ,  Graduates and starts his own Elan  in South America ,smells like a duck ,looks like a duck , quacks like a duck , then why does the duck need a raincoat.

                                            Elan redoux  I hope not

                                            Its the same program , a deaf man could tell you that .

                                            Postings by koolaid "guzzlers " and then postings by the denouncers .

                                            The question is it a Mallard or a Muscovey.  hint there are both ducks.

                                            Sickening and unbeleivable ,yet a great find Ursus and Oscar , unbelievable ..........

                                            Problem, you have not called and verified. OK it is a program I am sure that is as abusive as Elan ever was. But you don't know if Juan went to Elan. We called and it was denied, we were told that Juan F never went to Elan. So we are now suggesting others call.
                                            It has not been proven he went to Elan or he ever said this.
                                            There is no duck story here. You are introducing that theory and it is based on no research at all. Damn!!!  Mr.Hoffman you have money make a phone call and back up what you are saying. Maybe you are content with assumptions??
                                            Before we run off and call it a clone of Elan should we not gather more information?
                                            I want a direct connection proven, 100%.

                                            thank you for your opinion of my opinion.

                                            Matt it is not a opinion. There is no direct link because IBcuy is saying as of yesterday they are not a direct clone of Elan. All I am trying to do is get others to dig into this also and prove there is a link. If Juan went to Elan then he is lying about it.

                                            Alrighty then , I thank you  again for you opinion of my opinion ,and your opinion of your own opinion thats your opinion.  "If Juan went to elan then he is lying about  it "? ..... that he went to elan ? or that he didn't go to elan ? I am so confused  I thought this was about IBICUY, I don't know what IBcuy is.

                                            Then again did elan ever tell the truth about what was really going on in there? My opinion is no.

                                            Again I thank you for your opinion of my opinion ,and well your own opinion of your opinion is , well your opinion isn't it ? rhetorcial and........

                                            Thank you though.
                                            « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »