Author Topic: Unknown program in Calhoun County  (Read 17648 times)

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Unknown program in Calhoun County
« on: April 20, 2011, 04:28:28 AM »
A video from the jail did show that there was a juvenile offender program the supervisors didn't know about. Somehow teenagers who was suspended at school ended up in prison, shackled and in cuffs where they would do various task while being restrained for "a talk"

Juvenile program that included boy on sheriff video was unknown to two county officials, by Cameron Steele, Star Staff Writer, April 3, 2011

Lets hope that the investigation will produce evidence of how such things can occur.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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Video shows sheriff using manual force, but sheriff says...
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2011, 11:29:35 AM »
Quote from: "Oscar"
A video from the jail did show that there was a juvenile offender program the supervisors didn't know about. Somehow teenagers who was suspended at school ended up in prison, shackled and in cuffs where they would do various task while being restrained for "a talk"
There's a fair amount of media coverage pertaining to this video clip, both before and after the link in the OP. This all appears to concern one of those "Scared Straight" type of programs, which may have slipped into local usage without taking care of some necessary legal hoopla beforehand. Either that, or appropriate training! If my cursory glance through the material reads correctly, the F.B.I. has even opted to take a look.

Here's an earlier article from Thursday, the 31st of March, probably the one in which the video, submitted by an as yet unnamed individual, was first presented to the good citizens of Anniston, Alabama...

Noted Video (Adobe Flash Player) is accessible via the article title link:

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The Anniston Star · Alabama

Video shows sheriff using manual force, but sheriff says it's not the whole story

by Cameron Steele · Star Staff Writer
Mar 31, 2011

    Video appears to show sheriff accosting restrained teen
    The minor's face has been blurred in this video to avoid revealing his identity.

    A copy of a video obtained by The Anniston Star appears to show Calhoun County Sheriff Larry Amerson using manual force on a juvenile male during an interview at the county jail.

    A source requesting anonymity gave the video footage to The Star Wednesday. The video appears to have been taken from a surveillance camera located in a room at the Calhoun County Jail.

    During an interview Wednesday, Amerson acknowledged a video shows him during what he said was "a talk" with a juvenile male. But Amerson stressed he couldn't comment about any other aspect of that interaction. That's not because he has something to hide, Amerson said, but because it would be unlawful to discuss a matter that might become a juvenile case.

    "On the record I will say this: That we have a pending criminal case against an unnamed juvenile. In that case, there was video evidence," the sheriff said. "As in all cases where we have evidence, video or otherwise, that video was turned over to the DA's (district attorney's) office, and no effort to hide or destroy any evidence has occurred."

    The video provided to The Star runs about two-and-a-half minutes long and shows what appears to be a room at the jail. In the center of the camera's lens, at the back of the room, sits a boy dressed in the orange-and-white jumpsuit worn by jail inmates. The boy's wrists and ankles are shackled. Amerson sits on the bench to the boy's left.

    The video, which has no sound, shows Amerson addressing Jail Administrator Eric Starr and two other men, one of whom is dressed as a deputy. Those three men leave and pull the door behind them.

    After a moment of what appears to be conversation between the sheriff and the boy, Amerson grabs him by his left shoulder, gets up off the bench, leans over him and forces his head back by pushing on his chin. He holds the boy that way for several seconds. The video shows the sheriff sitting back down, then about a minute later using both arms, one at the boy's shirt collar, to pull him backward against the wall.

    LaJuana Davis, a criminal law and procedure expert at Samford University's Cumberland School of Law, watched the video Wednesday and called Amerson's actions a violation of the boy's rights.

    "I would characterize this as an outrageous assault on a cuffed and shackled person," Davis said in an email statement. "First, whatever the young person said to the sheriff, even if it was offensive, there will be no excuse for a law enforcement officer choking a shackled person without justification."

    Tallapoosa County District Attorney Paul Jones said there are sometimes circumstances where it would be permissible and even necessary to use physical force against a person who is shackled or restrained.

    "If they're in a process of moving a guy where he's kicking or biting an officer, I would think there would be a circumstance where an officer could use force," said Jones, who had not seen the video and did not wish to comment specifically on Amerson's situation. "I've even seen them (people) where they were shackled, and I've seen them come out the back window of the police car."

    But Davis said in this case, there is no exception to the rule.

    "In the video, the inmate makes no physical moves or threatening gestures toward the sheriff," Davis said.

    Amerson wouldn't clarify when the talk with the juvenile took place but said Starr turned the tape over to the Calhoun County District Attorney's office sometime in March.

    Amerson, who serves as the second vice president for the National Sheriff's Association, refused to comment specifically on the video or on the juvenile shown in the video.

    "I'm not authorized to discuss it, because of the nature of the event and because there is a pending criminal case, not on me," Amerson said.

    But, in general, the sheriff said, "I would not hurt a child."

    Amerson wouldn't talk about why the boy shown in the video was dressed in a jumpsuit, wearing handcuffs and leg shackles. Again, in general, Amerson said, no juveniles are ever booked into the county jail. If a juvenile is at the jail and wearing an inmate jumpsuit, he or she is there at the request of their parents.

    As part of a program to teach a lesson to high-risk kids — those who skip school, misbehave or commit crimes — without sending them to juvenile detention facilities, parents can sign waivers to allow their children to work in the county jail during the school day, said an employee with Family Links, Inc., the local children's behavior task force.

    The employee, Meshika Ball, said parents sign their children into the jail at 8 a.m. and pick them up at 3:30 p.m. The children in the program do not interact with inmates, Ball said. Instead, they provide menial labor for the jail, such as taking out the trash.

    Amerson said that it's policy to restrain a juvenile who is causing trouble while he's on jail premises.

    "When the kids misbehave, we talk to them." Amerson said. "These kids are not victims, witnesses or suspects. They are out-of-control children or they wouldn't be here."

    The sheriff also questioned the context of the video, noting that a two-and-half minute clip of video footage that lasted for hours would hardly give a full, accurate account of what happened.

    "That video was several hours long and the events that went on were," Amerson said. He said it would be improper to characterize anybody's actions in the video simply by viewing a slice of it.

    The sheriff said the jail's surveillance system runs all the time and can only be reviewed or accessed by himself or Starr. He said the cameras are in place to document what happens in the jail and that he is aware where the cameras are located and when they are turned on.

    Davis listed a number of actions the juvenile shown in the video could take against Amerson if he so chose.

    State tort action for assault, a civil suit for constitutional violations of the right to be free from excessive force while in police custody and even criminal, police misconduct charges are among the boy's legal options, Davis said.

    Still, Amerson insists that whatever the video depicts is not the full or accurate story.

    And Jones, the Tallapoosa County DA who did not wish to be informed about Amerson's specific situation, cautioned against hasty conclusions based on limited facts.

    "Neither you nor I may have every bit of information about the circumstances that existed at that time, until we've gotten the information from everybody involved," Jones said.

    Star staff writer Cameron Steele: 256-235-3562.

    copyright © 2011 Anniston Star.
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Offline Ursus

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    Comments: "Video shows sheriff using manual force..." #s 1-2
    « Reply #2 on: April 20, 2011, 11:40:04 AM »
    Comments left for the above article, "Video shows sheriff using manual force, but sheriff says it's not the whole story" (by Cameron Steele; Mar 31, 2011; The Anniston Star), #s 1-20:

    kimm607 wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 06:30 AM
      Well its about time some secrets slip out....congrats to the brave soul who swiped that tape..
    PoliticalGarbage wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 07:25 AM
      The sheriff is a disgrace for many reasons,not just the video,though hopefully it will be the end of his reign.
    HowWordHues wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 07:28 AM
      This clip is only part of the entire process, no sound either. We can all make assumptions about what happened by looking at a 2 minute clip. While it does look bad for 2 minutes there is more to the story.

      Someone only chose to produce this 2 minutes for a reason, had to be someone in the department or jail that in essence "stole" the video.

      To cause trouble for the Sheriff or to tell a tale of unjustice within the Sheriff's department. Time will tell and so will the rest of the video.
    destroyer wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 07:36 AM
      By all means, let's show the little punk that no matter what he does to someone else, he can get away with it! Maybe, if his daddy had done this, then he would not be at the CCSD! Maybe Amerson thought he could scare the boy into not wanting to end up back in jail! What a load of garbage. A violation of the boys rights? What about the person this little creep violated? If this were my child, he would be begging Amerson to let him stay there because he would know what was coming when he got home.

      When I was in high school, a lot of the kids used to skip school. Not me. I knew better. My daddy had a belt and he would use it. It made me grow up to be a responsible person. I learned that there were repercussions for wrong doings. Not this kid. He will learn that if you do wrong, then just sue them!

      I also hope that the CCSD finds out who sent out the film and fires them and sues them. Maybe they will make sure that person never works in law enforcement again. They probably figured they would get some money for the best story of the day!
    MadIranian wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 07:54 AM
      Wow, so this kid isn't an inmate, he's just a troubled high risk youth that your trying to teach a lesson to, by having him work at the jail.

      Okay, first question: If this is how you treat a kid that hasn't been convicted of anything.....How do you treat the actual inmates that have been incarcerated?

      Know what, I take it back, nevermind that one.

      Here's the thing, what could a kid, shackled at the hands and feet, sitting on a bench, have possibly done that would make that response acceptable?

      Sorry my answer is NOTHING. There is no way that kid, from that position, did anything to justify those actions.

      For Amerson, I don't know, this should be a serious repremand at least. If its me, I fire the guy, cause this isn't his first lap around scandalstick park, but there maybe some precident about how to handle these things.

      Nonetheless, this is bad, really, really bad.
    anonymous34448 wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 08:12 AM
      You don't know what was said because of the lack of sound. It's not like he hurt the kid.

      You know what's wrong w/ kids today? Momma's and daddy's don't whip their asses! I don't have kids, and I wasn't beaten as a child, but if I did something wrong, I was punished. None of this, oh it's okay, or just talking to crap. My butt was whipped, I was taught right from wrong. Kids just do whatever the hell they want now. I JUST turned 30 and I'm relatively young and still think this way.

      PARENTS raise their kids to act the way they do. You keep letting them get away w/ things w/ no consequences, jail is what will happen to them. Larry Amerson may be corrupt, I don't know the man and can't say if he is or not, so to characterize his actions as assault is ridiculous. This kids mother/father obviously don't care what's going on with the boy, so at least SOMEONE does.
    scarllett5 wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 08:22 AM
      My assessemnt of this video is that the sheriff acted pretty confidently in his actions and

      I'm sure he had no idea that this video would leak to the press.

      How strange, the 3 men suddenly turn and walk out of the room shutting the door behind them and leaving the sheriff alone with this young, shackled boy.

      Could it be they knew what was about to go down and didn't want to be a witness to this assault and battery?

      It appears the men might be familiar with these tactics and perhaps it has happened many times before.

      One thing is very clear by this video, the boy made no aggresive gestures toward the sheriff and there is absolutely no justifification for the sheriffs ruthless behavior. It doesn't matter what happened 5 minutes earlier the sheriff had no reason to practice police brutality on this young man at the time of this video.

      For all of you people out there who condone this behavior or try to find justification for the behavior of the sheriff (an elected official) you are as guilty as the sheriff. He needs to be charged with violation of the boy's civil rights,

      assaullt and battery and should resign from office. Put an End to Police Brutality Now!
    lcwesson wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 08:40 AM
      Anybody watching this video doesn't know what that kid did or what he was saying to the sheriff. Do you not understand that sometimes law enforcement officers try to 'scare' a kid to deter him? If somebody doesn't deter that kid, Sheriff Amerson's actions will be nothing compared to what will happen to him in prison. In a perfect world, we could speak sweetly to the young fellow and talk some sense in to him. I expected from the by-line to see that this kid had been slapped around and abused. Here is where it would be helpful to know 'the rest of the story', because I can guarantee you there is one. I am female and I am kind-hearted. I also have dealt years ago with juvenile delinquents. If you haven't done that before or been in a the room with a hand-cuffed, one legged drunk man who was so out-of-control he was about to injure the people there, you will never understand why a law enforcement officer will sometimes be unseemingly rough with a person. I don't condone abuse of a prisoner. I do say that before you condemn, ask to ride with your local law enforcement into a rough neighborhood and spend a day and evening with him or her. You'll walk away with a different opinion.
    scarllett5 wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 09:04 AM
      Icwesson comments "If you haven't done that before or been in a the room with a hand-cuffed, one legged drunk man who was so out-of-control he was about to injure the people there, you will never understand why a law enforcement officer will sometimes be unseemingly rough with a person."

      What did you observe in this video that was out of control? Was it was the shackled youth or the sheriff? The video speaks for itself, of course it was the sheiff. You might want to reevaluate your self proclaimed "I am kind-hearted" status and take a look at yourself in the mirror.
    slcal wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 09:08 AM
      Come on. You can tell us why you had to make physical contact with the minor without jeopardizing the case. Sounds like you are lawyering up! Only two outcomes for this issue; cover-up or new sheriff...
    luvinmylife wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 09:16 AM
      WOW!!!I am in shock over seeing this..our elected sheriff had no right to touch this kid period.I was considering sending my daughter down there if and when she was in trouble in school but I wont now period.I would be afraid for her safety,thanks to whoever turned this video in so that we could see just what is going on behind closed doors down there.WOW!!He should be fired for his actions torge this child no matter what the circumstances are!!!
    lcwesson wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 09:31 AM
      scarlett5 - I simply stated my opinion based on what I have observed, including that I also said that we don't know what happened just prior to this event. Is there some reason that you need to attack me for that? You don't know me, what I do or who I am.

      I didn't point a finger at anyone who made a comment on this page. I did ask if anyone considers that law enforcement use scare tactics on young people that they know are headed for deep trouble. I will state again that until all the facts are present, the whole story isn't told. Is this comment section only for available for one type of opinion or may I give mine also for consideration without being jumped on?
    borderdog wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 09:35 AM
      The County Sheriff's department needs to find out who leaked this to The Anniston "Red" Star.

      That is the individual who needs to be behind bars!
    scarllett5 wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 09:55 AM
      borderdog wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 09:35 AM »

      The County Sheriff's department needs to find out who leaked this to The Anniston "Red" Star.

      Borderdog it sounds like you are the one who is red

      or nazi perhaps. My understanding of the laws of the USA is that citizens have rights and one of those rights is to not fear being assaulted by law enforcement officers or anyone else for that matter. If you feel differently then join the Gestapo.
    alabama1 wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 10:19 AM
      iam a juvenile officer supervisor. this sherriff was clearly in violation of this young mans rights, whether he said something or not, once you have put cuffs on a juvenile by law you should not use excessive force because an jury may occur. this kid was not combatted, or showing any aggressive behaviors, iam a female who does restraints on a regular, wrestlering with juvenile boys to restraine them, and once they're hand cuffed, there is no need to assault the juvneile. he is judicated by law and do have rights by law. and any one in law enforment should know,you never be asked to be alone with an offender, you have to have a witness to cover you. there are camers where i work, but one on one with an offender is condeming yourself, and putting your job in jepordy as this sherriff has done to himself.
    lcwesson wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 10:26 AM
      Thanks, Alabama1, for the work you do. You have a tough job. I have great respect for those in law enforcement because it is often a thankless job with not enough pay. Taking the chance now to say thanks to you for what you do every day.
    Youarewastingyourfreedom wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 10:37 AM
      Wow, that's pretty pathetic. A grown man, with a badge no less, physically abusing a juvenile. I'll bet it took a real man to do that. I like how the "Good Ol' Boys" club left the room so he could prove his manhood in private. Did you notice how much of a threat that kid looked like with those handcuffs on?? I'd be willing to bet, took if that kid and our good "Sheriff" were to meet in an even match, Amerson would have took the beating. What a complete coward. Somebody needs to come out and say it. Pathetic actions for a grown man, let alone a "Sheriff". I say we should vote in a Sheriff who is secure in his manhood, and doesn't feel the need to beat up on juveniles who are handcuffed. “When the kids misbehave, we talk to them.” Well I hope somebody "talks" to you the same way for your bad behavior. But I'm sure you'll find a way around taking any responsibility, being a man and all. You're a bully with a badge Mr. Amerson, plain and simple. Let's hope when this is all said and done, that your cellmate treats you the same way.
    scarllett5 wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 10:44 AM
      lcwesson Of course you have a right to express your opinion but don't be surprised when you are called out in a public forum when you compare the actions apparent on this video to a "hand-cuffed, one legged drunk man who was so out-of-control" What does that have to do with this video. Was the boy drunk or one legged? You then call yourself kind-hearted.

      WOW And we wonder why Alabama has a bad name nationwide.
    Gannon99 wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 10:48 AM
      People lets please be for real for just one second. A two-minute clip cannot tell the whole story. Can one day of your life depict your life in its entirety? Of course not, so this two-minute clip of the Sheriff grabbing a misbehaved child cannot possibly tell the whole story, and shame on you Anniston Star. Just giving us a clip with just a few minutes of footage. What about this kids rights? You can show how "bad" the Sheriff can be, but the other issue at hand here is that you fail to mention to the public, that this violates this child’s rights by putting this video on here. All I can tell is that this was done by somebody, either just trying to get political gain, or somebody just simply trying to give the Sheriff a bad name. All in all I believe that this clip leaves a lot of unanswered questions, and we wont know the whole truth until the full video comes out for public viewing.
    BamaChamps2009 wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 10:49 AM
      Obviously this teen did something criminal to get into jail to start with and most likely said something bad or spit at the sherrif to make him react like that. Most all of us would have done the same thing! Stop pointing fingers at the sherrif for how most of us would have reacted as well.

    copyright © 2011 Anniston Star.
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Offline Ursus

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    Comments: "Video shows sheriff using manual force..." #s 21-
    « Reply #3 on: April 20, 2011, 11:56:27 AM »
    Comments left for the above article, "Video shows sheriff using manual force, but sheriff says it's not the whole story" (by Cameron Steele; Mar 31, 2011; The Anniston Star), #s 21-40:

    whatsoundsgoodmindy wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 10:51 AM
      It's about time the Anniston Star posted some real news without holding back...especially when it has to deal with local law enforcement.
    kjunkid2001 wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 10:51 AM
      Well. Number 1 we need to put the 10 Commandments back in school. #2 I see all this stuff about children rights all the time, The way I see it is the fact that we have out of control kids these days is because of the fact the legislature makes it almost impossible for a parent to raise their kids with any authority. Maybe if everyone would know what actually transpired leading up to the events in the video we wouldn't be so quick to JUDGE. (i.e. I know of a teenager that beat a dog up very bad. He was in fact caught in the act by his parent. Now the dog was on a chain and was also a young puppy. Only thing the puppy was doing was crying. Now I mean this kid really beat this dog severely. If it were me I would have liked to chain this kid up and whoop the stew out of him to show how this puppy actually felt. But that would be against human rights wouldn't it?.)

      Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child, But the rod of correction will drive it far from him. ~Proverbs 22: 15~ {NKJV}
    MadIranian wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 10:53 AM
      To all you here defending the Sheriff:

      Look, it doesn't matter what the kid did leading up to this and it doesn't matter what he said, as a Sheriff you have to exercise restraint in a situation where someone is shackled and in a defenseless position. I am no bleeding heart liberal, but you can't treat people this way. The kid was defenseless and the Sheriff used that to physically intimidate him. Neither is it the Sheriff's job to try to "scare" the kid straight or whatever that is about. Being Sheriff doesn't mean you are some sort of surrogate parent, your job is to uphold the law.............period. This is jacked up and there is no excuse for it.
    kjunkid2001 wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 11:03 AM
      And to all of you in support of this kid.. Evidently you have no children of your own OR! you are in the age group where you think you can raise yourselves. (Wait till one of your own children stand up in your own home and disrespect you cuss you and beat you up because that is whats going to happen when you let these kids get away with no raising. and the phrase (jacked up) posted by one on here tells me that you are in fact in this younger generation where you think it's ok to be in society with no authority.

      Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child, But the rod of correction will drive it far from him. ~Proverbs 22: 15~ {NKJV}
    ParkerJ wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 11:04 AM
      Here is a quote from Sheriff Amerson's recent letter condemning marijuana and marijuana users... "I work with agencies and organizations to attempt to favorably impact the lives of young people to keep them from choosing drugs or VIOLENCE. We work with those in jail to change their lives through our jail ministry and drug rehabilitation programs."

      He forgot to add the part about choking the crap out of them.

      How would you feel if that was your SON being choked?
    Gannon99 wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 11:09 AM
      Well ParkerJ my son wouldnt be getting "choked" if that what you are guessing that happened. My son wouldnt be at the jail in the first place, because I would be a good, loving parent and I would whoop them at home, and I would have control over my child, unlike the invidual's parents here
    lcwesson wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 11:10 AM
      scarlett5 I didn't compare this child to that situation. What I said was that sometimes we don't know everything that is going on. My point is that the man who I mentioned would have expected to have been harmless, but he really wasn't. It was simply an example, not a comparison. I was stating things that I witnessed that law enforcement have reacted to over the years.

      Ma'am, I have better things to do today than defend myself to you about whether I am kindhearted or not. I stated that I think there is more to the story, I have seen times when there was more to the story and that is pretty much it. When whoever finishes checking this out in the DA's office comes out with a finding, we will know what happened. You seem pretty angry with me. Not sure why but that was not my intent. That said, this will be my last post. I wish you well.
    Evil_Phillip_Tutor wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 11:19 AM
      Boy, I bet this is going to make the next Top Cop Summit awkward.

      Might want to hold it someplace other than the Star.

      I suggest the Magic Mushroom.
    justhetruth wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 11:22 AM
      Remember a few days back, when some of you were giving me a hard time about what I know, you wanted to know why I had not reported to the proper authorities? The only thing more that I can tell you is STAY TUNED !!!!!
    ParkerJ wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 11:24 AM
      What the sheriff did is unacceptable, inexcusable, and inappropriate. If a high school principal had done this and been "caught on camera" the pitchforks and torches would be waving. Talk in circles all you like, The proof is in the puddin' and video doesn't lie.
    mykdeen wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 11:26 AM
      This might be the first time this kind of brutish force by local law enforcement has been recorded, but I'd bet money (if gambling was legal in Alabama, of course) it's not the first time it's happened around here.

      The kid and his parents all made choices which landed him in this program. The program wants to "teach a lesson to high-risk kids." What lesson can the most powerful man in the county teach to a kid in shackles? What tidbit of wisdom can only be delivered with the sheriff's hands around a kids throat? The growing contempt for law enforcement will forever continue to grow as long as unjustifiable tactics like this are exercised. This contempt can be hazardous to the health of people on both sides of the law.
    anonymous34448 wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 11:34 AM
      oh i just love how my comments disappear. gotta love that southern censorship!
    Tikkijen wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 11:42 AM
      just what would you people who think his rights were when this young man, like many othewrs with no parental guidance whatsoever, would do if they got in your house to rob you. Nowadays, these young people lilke to leave no witnesses, they are not stupid. keep on defending the rights of these hooligans, and you or family might be next. Leave the sheriff alone and let him do his job, cause evidently the parents didn't do their job, and this person is in society, wrecking havok.... These kids in this program are not the usual kid that fell in the wrong crowd, they are hard core gang mentality, if you need something take it, if you want something take it. They were not taught to work and do without, if you can't buy something. If the tough idea puts one person on the right track, otherwise if we do nothing, you can better think that someone is gonna get a bad deal at the hands of this need to take responsibility for their kids, not just the joy of making them, and if their sorry butts don't comply which many many do not, what do you do....let them run wild. NOt in America. And I guess some of you commenting on this boys rights, have never been robbed, raped or had a loved one murdered for 20 bucks, and these criminals will kill you over nothing in this day, don't you think otherwise, you will be a fool. stop it before it happens, and this is a good step when there is no guidance available at home. if you don't want programs like this then get out there and help them, be a mentor... stop bashing the man and the system that is trying to do just that.
    Tikkijen wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 11:52 AM
      oh btw...Alabama is known for being fat, over weight and lazy if you happen to read national news
    Rman wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 11:53 AM
      Making a mountain out of a mole hill...doesn't appear to me the kid was hurt and he probably needed an even more serious attitude adjustment...he did not end up in the county lock up by being a good little boy...newspapers always like to play gotcha with law enforcement...but, you don't see them out dealing one on one with these thugs..that kind of work is just too dirty for them
    Jesus_Hates_Sinners wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 11:57 AM
      I watch "In the Interest of the People" with Larry Barton , Sunday nights at 7:00 PM, and he has had numerous calls into his program about the abuses of this sheriff. The video clip says all that is needed. The young man was hand cuffed, so why use the tough guy tactics? The sheriff is paid to be a police officer and not to administer punishment.

      For those that are defending these bully tactics: remember the German people considered Hitler a hero and he was famous for this type of activity. Hitler was also a professing Christian and loved Jesus. I wonder if Mr Amerson loves Jesus as well? If he does then he would be in good company...
    mjfreedom wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 12:21 PM
      I really can't believe some of the comments I reading here. Saying Sheriff Amerson is justified in his actions because we don't know what happened prior to the video footage we have here is asinine. Sheriff Amerson is a GROWN MAN, and the kid was restrained. The ONLY thing the kid might have done is SAID something that the Sheriff didn't like. Thats all!.... what else could he have done while handcuffed and secured to the wall behind him to provoke the Sheriff's actions?

      The next time some teenage boy smarts off to you or says something you don't like about your momma. Try grabbing him by the throat and pressing him against the wall for 20 or 30 seconds. I assure you, NO ONE will say your actions are justified if you happen to be an adult. Nor should the sheriff's actions be justified. Sheriff Amerson could have acted like an adult and simply left the room closed the door and let the kid sit there for several hours, and I imagine from the child's point of view it would have been just as beneficial. Does anyone really believe a STRANGER grabbing your child by the throat will set them on the right path? If so, you're an idiot.

      All I can say is that if parents are still sending there children to Sheriff Amerson so he can "straighten them out" after seeing this, those parents should be brought up on charges for child endangerment themselves.

      Christopher Butts

      Cullman, Alabama
    sexyeze16 wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 12:29 PM
      Clearly everyone has an opinion, yes the young man got in trouble and yes he was bound, The cops do a good job at times but this clearly is an expression of unprofessionalism. Im sure it has happened before and will happen again, never heard of the method of chokin the truth outta someone but law were set in place for something. Dont want the man to lose his job but he needs try other methods to get his point across
    MadIranian wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 12:33 PM

      Thanks but wrong jackwagon, I'm a 40 year old man with kids of my own and I will disciple them. As I said that isn't the Sheriff's job, and quite frankly, that isn't how you do it. Unless of course you want to raise a violence prone adult with no respect for authority.

      Got anymore words of wisdom for me punk?
    MadIranian wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 12:44 PM

      So let me understand this: your solution to the fact that there are violent criminals on the streets is to take any kid that gets out of line, or that you think got out of line, or says something that offends you and chain them to a bench, yank their head back, and choke them?

      HUMMMMM, yeah that'll work.......Brillant Plan!

      About now you be sensing some sarcasim.

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    Comments: "Video shows sheriff using manual force..." #s 41-
    « Reply #4 on: April 20, 2011, 05:48:50 PM »
    Comments left for the above article, "Video shows sheriff using manual force, but sheriff says it's not the whole story" (by Cameron Steele; Mar 31, 2011; The Anniston Star), #s 41-60:

    michaellapihuska wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 12:50 PM
      This is helping a troubled teen. No excuses for this. NONE. I like how he waits till he thinks all the witnesses are gone. FIRE HIM. THe people on here sticking up for him are just as sick. ONLY LOVE CONQUERS HATE. Namaste
    dlsrks wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 12:50 PM
      This is just a very small part of what is going on at the jail. There are many many civil right violations going on that nothing is being done about it because the whole Calhoun County legal system is corrupt and the Sheriff's Dept just does not care how the inmates are treated. The deputies follow the Sheriff's behaviorial example. I've seen it.
    RevHank wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 01:16 PM
      kjunkid2001, Proverbs 22: 15 would have the public break out their bull whips and do the work of the Lord on all these children. Why don’t we go back to stoning children for over eating?

      The so-called Ten Commandments are an anti-American document written by barbaric Arabs in the Middle East, long before civilization developed. The first four are direct violations of the First Amendment. The third and tenth commandments ordain slavery. The tenth outlaws the free enterprise system. Any violation of any of the commandments demands the death penalty.

      When the Commandments are posted, add five words to each one. Those words are, “Or God will kill you.”

      Thomas Paine said, “Belief in a cruel God makes a cruel man.”

      You sound cruel.

      Police with anger management problems need to be fired.
    Sensai wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 01:18 PM
      Looks like a laying of hands, exercising the demons from the boy
    whatthe??? wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 01:28 PM
      What is Larry's problem has he let his badge go to his head??? Everyone knows that the young man was handcuffed, and shackled so how could he be a threat to Larry??? Larry and his whole crew need to be shipped out and we need a whole new set of officers for the Calhoun County Sheriff's Department. How many other times has this happened and we are not aware of it. Yes, I agree in locking ppl up who break the law, but in some cases there at CCSO some ppl have died and were treated less than an animal. I wish that had been my son cause I would sue Larry Amerson and the Calhoun County for every cent they had and more...
    destroyer wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 01:44 PM
      Did anyone even read the story? This kids parents put him there because he was out of control! The deputies all actually laughed before they walked out because something had just went on. The door never shut. Can you not see that it was still open about six inches or so? This kids parents love him enough that they don't want to see him spend the rest of his life in jail. They are trying to scare him. Maybe you would rather he went to the juvenile detention center with the really bad kids so that he can learn some new stuff. I bet the kids there would do a lot more to him than what Amerson did to him. From most of the opinions on here, I can see now why we have so many kids that are nothing but hoodlums. As I said before, if that were my child, he would be begging Amerson to let him stay there because he would know what was going to happen when he got home. I don't believe that any child should ever be abused, but I also didn't see any kind of abuse in the film either. I saw a punk that kept trying to play tough boy and jerking away as if he didn't have to listen to him. We will see how tough he is in prison, because rest assured, with that attitude that he has, he WILL be in prison soon.
    setsail98 wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 01:57 PM
      Now Billy Bob and Corn Fed, ya'll wanna step out whilest I gives Jr. hereya sum dem facts-o-life?


      Maybe, Jr, we cud pos dis on utube, heh?

      How do you spell c-a-u-g-h-t?
    [email protected] wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 02:22 PM
      This is awful where r the boys parents someone should be holding them off him.
    kaniawolf wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 02:59 PM
      This is so stupid people! You can see he is not choking this child out. He is doing what any good parent would do if your child would not look at you and listen to what you had to say. You can see this child, or young man (clearly as big as the employees who work in the jail) he is out of control by his body actions.

      What upset me is it is a juvinille. And I know it is againt the law for anyone to be discussing this issue at all. This said, I think the law is also being broken by those who have let this be released, or SHOWN ( espicially out of context). It shows there are two sides to this so called story.

      I worked in the jail with these kinds of kids myself, and more than half the children that came in there, returned again and again. They were way bigger than I am, and if they got out of control, well good luck to the persons who worked in the jail.

      People understand, these kids were in the jail for a show them they didn't need to be doing what they are doing with there lives outside of the jail, because this would be where they would end up if they don't change...

      I feel this may have now hurt the program by showing this article/Video, out of context. Now if this program is stoped, well they will just go to Juvinille Hall and get worse. This generation is in enough trouble.

      I have never seen the Sheriff hurt, abuse anyone in the ten years I was at the Sheriffs Office. I know this man personally and as a boss, and I don't believe this.It is pure "POLITICS"!

      People...They did this to my father who worked at the City of Anniston for twenty years, Donald Warden and they did him in the same manner...don't fall for this people, it is just a stupid game and it sells.

      Virginia Warden Minton

      FYI...I am not afraid to post my name. Are you?
    Band76 wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 04:06 PM
      Ya see this and the high sheriff trying like the rest to cover up? This kid didn't need the high sheriff's punishment.The sheriff shoud resign if not be impeached.
    standing4truth wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 04:15 PM
      I happen to be a person who knows the WHOLE STORY inside and out...and I just want to make it known that the child IS NOT some foul hoodlum. He has been through alot and God is doing alot in his life...he just made some bad decisions that landed him in that situation. He does not have the character of 'robbing people and breaking into houses'...THAT'S SIMPLY NOT WHO HE IS. HE IS NOT HANGING OUT ALL NIGHT OR ON DRUGS...HIS TIME IS SPENT PRAYING VIDEO GAMES, PLAYING SPORTS, READING THE BIBLE(ON HIS OWN) AND AT CHURCH. His household is one of love and for those of you that want to find a way to blame homelife and parenting, you are also wrong. There are many violations here...even this clip showing up on line today. It would be wise to actually know the truth before justifying why this grown man put his hands on someone who is chained and shakled... dont assume and attack the innocent parties because you need this to make sense...IT IS WHAT THE CLIP SHOWS. Dont bother to respond because this is my only statement. thank you
    peoplernuts wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 04:24 PM
      The Sheriff is a real sh%#!!!!! I know this from my own experience dealing with him. He claims to be a christian, but all I see in him is a hypocrite and someone who thinks they are God.
    kerrmite wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 04:37 PM
      Way to much garbage going on the the Sheriffs office. Inmates dying, Sleeping in the day room because of overcrowding, and beating children who are restrained. What next Amerson? Taking them out back and executing them when they piss you off?

      It does not matter what the kid done to get where he was. He was clearly no threat to Amerson. However, Amerson had a plan. Otherwise he would not have sent Starr and the others out of the room. No witnesses no crime. But, I guess he forgot about the video camera above the door.

      Yet another internal investigation into the Calhoun County Sheriffs Department. When will the residents of Calhoun County realize that Amerson needs to be replaced?
    kerrmite wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 04:47 PM

      1: Amerson is not the kids parent.

      2: So, it is better to abuse the kids physically than to place in Juvenile?

      3: His body actions told me he was trying to get away from Amerson. He only started moving AFTER Amerson physically attacked him.

      4: If you worked in the jail, then you must know first hand that the CO's could care less about those who are incarcerated, and treat them like garbage. What better way to learn than from their superior.

      As a friend of Amerson, you opinions are biased.
    AStrike wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 05:19 PM
      What else happens in this jail? Why are kids in their in the first place?
    BlueHorse2 wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 05:19 PM
      I KNOW FIRST HAND how Sheriff Amerson treats inmates, HE IS A DISGRACE to this County and always has been. He treats inmates like they garbage, I have witnessed misbehavior in that jail on many occasions. I was incarcerated on numerous trumpt up charges, while I was under protective orders (which I might add, in this County they are not worth the paper written on). I have witnessed hurt inmates ignored, sick inmates ignored and a lot more that should NEVER be tolerated. For just a simple example of this Sheriff, my ex-husband, a CONVICTED spousal and child abuser, yet the Sheriff reissued him a pistol license, which is against STATE law, while pulling mine out of my hands and revoking them (we me so much as not a speeding ticket in my life). When I asked him why, his reply "Because I can bitch!" Well I ended up getting shot, nearly killed, but I was the one that kept going to jail, even after my ex violated Protection Order on numerous occasions. He thinks he is above the law just because he is Sheriff and needs to be held accountable for his continuing actions, which are nothing uncommon, and thrown off his "thrown". I would gladly tell my entire story if anybody cared to listen. I am at this time in the process of asking for a full pardon from our new Governor. I worked in the system in Calhoun County as a paralegal and in 3 other states, and have NEVER seen anything like this County in my entire life....but you see I KNOW THESE OFFICIALS IN THIS COUNTY ARE BOUGHT AND PAID FOR.....I'm a very concerned law abiding citizen and if he does this to a juvenile, just let your imagination guess what he does to the adults, especially the women....believe me I know what he does, been there, done that. Oh yeah, and he holds you in the jail till the statute of limitations runs out so that you can't come back and sue for wrong doing.

      And I'm not afraid to use my name either.

      Very Concerned for the safety of the inmates and other officers as well and the innocent.

      Kimela Perkey formerly Alvarez
    Jesus_Hates_Sinners wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 05:47 PM
      BlueHorse2, and others that would like to speak out on the issue of the Calhoun County Sheriff Dept. situation. Maybe you should contact Larry Barton at [email protected] and see if he will let you be on his television show to speak out about this atrocity. I personally have watched the program and heard anyone can be on his show.
    honestgovernment wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 06:28 PM
      The audio would be interesting but what I clearly see is Amerson sitting casually with his legs crossed and this inmate fidgiting and trying to get up and wiggling around. Looks like the appropriate amount of restraint was used to keep the prisoner in one place while the Sheriff talked to him.

      Who of the dissenters wants to adopt the kid and pay for all his screw ups till he enters society????????????no takers, I didn't think so.
    Youarewastingyourfreedom wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 07:00 PM
      What in the world is wrong with you people??? This is how a teenager "should" be treated to keep him out of trouble? If you buy that idiotic idea then Amerson should have just put a gun in his face!! Control people through fear??? Really? Control kids through fear?? I feared my father's punishment. I didn't fear him sending me to a unstable man with power issues to physicaly abuse me. DESTROYER said the boy was "jerking away as if he didn't have to listen to him." News flash buddy, WE LIVE IN A FREE COUNTRY. He DIDN'T have to listen to him. You really think that in a FREE society, the people that are sworn to uphold the laws of FREE PEOPLE should be allowed to instill fear in a kid through physical abuse?? Like Amerson is going to set him straight?? Please. As we can see, Amerson can't keep himself straight. You teach a youngster not to break the law by breaking it yourself and making him the victim?? Some things in this world are a matter of opinion. And some things are a matter of intelligence. I'm sorry but defending this poor example of a man is a fool's game. And it doesn't look like there is any shortage of fools here in Calhoun County.
    oneancientpagan wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 07:11 PM
      Maybe jesus can fix this young man.Rehabilitation cost too much.Anyone for a prayer chain?Nottingham,yes Nottingham,thats the sheriff I was thinking of.I'm sorry,I got 'em confused.

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    Re: Unknown program in Calhoun County
    « Reply #5 on: April 20, 2011, 06:13:38 PM »
    Not to swerve the topic, but everything about this portion of one of the above comments was funny and I can’t even tell if it was meant to be. I hope so ‘cause otherwise it’s kinda sad.  
    “The so-called Ten Commandments are an anti-American document written by barbaric Arabs in the Middle East, long before civilization developed. The first four are direct violations of the First Amendment. The third and tenth commandments ordain slavery. The tenth outlaws the free enterprise system. Any violation of any of the commandments demands the death penalty.”

    At least they’re right about the “Police with anger management problems need to be fired” statement.
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
    “A person needs a little madness, or else they never dare cut the rope and be free”  Nikos Kazantzakis

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    RevHank rides the Ten Commandments
    « Reply #6 on: April 20, 2011, 06:34:05 PM »
    Quote from: "Inculcated"
    Not to swerve the topic, but everything about this portion of one of the above comments was funny and I can’t even tell if it was meant to be. I hope so ‘cause otherwise it’s kinda sad.  
    “The so-called Ten Commandments are an anti-American document written by barbaric Arabs in the Middle East, long before civilization developed. The first four are direct violations of the First Amendment. The third and tenth commandments ordain slavery. The tenth outlaws the free enterprise system. Any violation of any of the commandments demands the death penalty.”

    At least they’re right about the “Police with anger management problems need to be fired” statement.
    :rofl:  RevHank also suggests, "Why don't we go back to stoning children for over eating?" I rather tend towards this being an attempt at humor, to point out the extremes to which religion can to be used to rationalize any abusive behavior towards others...

    But... I could be wrong! :D
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Comments: "Video shows sheriff using manual force..." #s 61-
    « Reply #7 on: April 21, 2011, 10:57:41 AM »
    Some more comments left for the above article, "Video shows sheriff using manual force, but sheriff says it's not the whole story" (by Cameron Steele; Mar 31, 2011; The Anniston Star), #s 61-80:

    destroyer wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 07:43 PM
      Hey buddy, like the article said, his own parents put him there because he was out of control! Read the story! Fear must have worked because kids were not as horrible as they are now. Oh yes, I forgot, kids don't have to listen to authority figures anymore. They just run rampant. If you had read the story then you would know that the boy is in trouble. They have a video tape of something that he did to someone. Oh, that's right, what he did doesn't matter, he is a kid, that makes it ok. You need to stop and ask what he did to someone that was so bad that he is in trouble. I hope that the person that he got a hold of is ok. If you don't want the police to bother you, then don't do anything that will put you in that position!
    oneancientpagan wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 07:52 PM
      Follow the bailiff,pay the clerk.Next?!
    Doodie'smom wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 08:56 PM
      Well Oh Well!! Revealing season it is!! From what I see as I read the other comments he has done this before. Why ask your fellow coworkers to remove themselves from the room if your intentions were not on doing something out of order? (Something to ponder about maybe)Now as we can see in this video that the boy was not "fidgeting" as you might say! And even if he was how do you know that that is something he cannot control?? Now after the sheriff choked him you can see that the boy is pleading and crying just look at his body gestures!!Now are you people so naive and simpleminded that you can't see all of those signs?? The sheriff was in the wrong in many different way. As him being a minor, wasn't his parent supposed to be present while they talked to him alone?? Wow!! I really can't believe some of the comments I have read!! Clearly we can see that he acted out of rage and should be punished!!(I mean WOW give the man a pillow to choke not a child) Now if it won't be put to justice now it never will. I mean come on people this child will be traumatized for the rest of his life. We all need to pray for the both of them.

      And to the little boy and his family GOD said it's revealing season now y'all sit back and watch the blessings overflow!!

    jakejacobs1 wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 08:59 PM
      Is the Virginia Minton listed below the K9 officer at the CCSO who was hired ONLY because she was friends of the sheriff's wife? And, the same one who let the trained dog get loose to roam all over Coldwater? Just wondering! lol
    Doodie'smom wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 09:12 PM
      LOL @jakejacobs1
    onepostoneopinion wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 09:33 PM
      I see scare tactics posted quite often, however take a stroll down memory lane if you have said that. I would venture to say if you have children, they misbehaved in public, and a police officer was nearby, you looked at him/her and then your child and said something to the effect of, "I'm gonna let him/her take you with him/her if you don't behave." I'm sorry, that is ignorant. That child with either begin to fear the police or hate them because your using that officer as what? Intimidation on YOUR child. You may think no but the subconscious of a child is an amazing thing. (I realize the difference between physical, verbal, and mental intimidation, no need to try to point that out). This is in no way an opinion on the article nor will I make one, or reply if any chose to feel threatned enough by this post to debate. I am a casual news reader and this was a general post to allow others to see that when you have 1 finger pointed at someone, there are 4 more pointed back at you.
    justhetruth wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 09:42 PM
      BlueHorse2 wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 07:02 PM »

      Well I want to add, I know Judge Laird personally, for years, and he also is a joke, I never got notice from His court about a preliminary hearing was set on a case I had before him, in the process my mother and grandmother died in the same week, and unaware of my court date, I noticed that I was on Calhoun County's Most Wanted for failure to appear (of which I knew nothing about); I immediately called my attorney, told him my circumstances and he contacted Judge Laird, well I was under the impression from my attorney that it would be handled during my very difficult situation, since I am the sole survivor of the family. Well I was found by bounty hunters and taken to jail, where Judge Laird told my attorney, "I don't give a damn who died, she should have been in court; and I'm gonna let her set her butt in jail until I am ready to bring her before the court." With all the turmoil going on in my life at that preticular time I was trying to get the huge Estate settled, not aware a bench warrant had been issued, I sat in the jail waiting on the almighty Judge Laird to decide on his own time, when to bring me before court. I might add, while in the process of waiting, everything I owned, my mother owned, etc., were stolen, everything, completely down to my underwear. Judge Laird did exactly what he wanted to do, no matter what the law called for...I was so elated that he was elected out of office, duh, people in this community is tired of all the corrupt judges, deputies and all your local police departments, i.e. Jacksonville, Weaver, etc.

      Another thing I will add, they PICK THE ONES THEY WANT IN JAIL WHILE THE REAL CRIMINALS STILL WALK THE STREET, SELLING DRUGS IN THE WIDE OPEN, WHILE THE POLICE PUT BLIND FOLDS ON..,...THIS COUNTY NEEDS A COMPLETE OVERHAUL FOR SURE. So you people who think you know, you've never been there or you are on Joel's payroll.

      Read more: Anniston Star - Former judge Joel Laird calls due process accusations 'personal attacks' Sheriff Amerson openly endorsed Laird for Judge in November. Birds of a feather flock together.
    jville wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 09:57 PM
      Congratulations Anniston Star!!!

      You got the reaction you wanted.

    impeachamerson wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 10:10 PM
      Well after watching the video it appears Coroner Pat Brown will be making an arrest of Sheriff Amerson soon for Assualt and Civil Rights Violation. By law the Coroner is the only one who can arrest the Sheriff. Also by law Pat Brown will become Sheriff when Amerson is impeached for this. Sheriff Amerson don't worry to much at least you will be in Federal Prison instead of State Prison.
    another1gone wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 10:37 PM
      If the sheriff has done what it being alleged, then the District Attorney Bob McVey needs to step up to the plate and show the citizens he represents that he will enforce the law on any violator. By doing so, this will bring credibility to the DA's office that has been lacking for a long time. With Judge Laird gone, and possible now Sheriff Amerson, with all the new judges the folks have elected recently, just maybe our county can be what it used to be. A great place to work.
    justhetruth wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 10:43 PM
      If the coroner becomes sheriff, this will be another joke. He has a suit against the Rev. Williams, the funeral director and has been fueding with him because he has been accused of using his office for personal gain. Maybe the Governor will make an appointment fast like he did in the DA situation.
    NotAFanofCCOS wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 10:47 PM
      Just yesterday I called for help in getting my things back from someone who had them basically hostage, and had to call the Sheriff's Dept to come out. Well, high and mighty Deputy Cone comes out with the most arrogant attitude I have ever seen. Downing our local PD's horribly. He even had the nerve to get in my face and yell, "I AM THE LAW, I AM MISTER LAW, YOU WILL LISTEN TO ME SO SHUT YOUR MOUTH!! I called HIM for help! WTH? It seems to me that the CCSD are full of stupid stupid people! I mean we are supposed to look to them for help! I call for help and I get a jerk hole of an officer.
    missjones wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 10:55 PM
      Take A plea Amerson! like everyone has to do.
    mykdeen wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 11:01 PM
      Laws are not only in place to prevent parents from exercising this type of discipline on children, but to also prevent grown men from using unwarranted physical force on anyone. Whether or not the kid deserved that type of treatment, Sheriff Amerson had no right, reason, nor excuse to ever display that kind of force in that kind of situation.

      In the strictly controlled environment that is the Calhoun County Jail, ask yourself if you would ever feel intimidated enough to lunge at a handcuffed teenager. Why would a sheriff with almost four decades in law enforcement feel intimidated or threatened?

      For such a blatant disregard of rules at any workplace, immediate termination of the violator is typically the standard operating procedure. But this is a different story: we're talking public officials. It sounds like time to “lawyer up” is upon us.

      Lawsuits scare the pants off of anyone, but what will that solve in the end? No matter which side of the aisle you're on, Amerson or the anonymous whistle-blower would pay a lewd amount of money to someone else and the whole thing magically goes away—or would it?

      Rational people usually use physical force against things they fear. Perhaps Amerson proves that; perhaps the growing number of “hoodlums” prove that. The only thing this video proves to me is that there doesn't seem to be too much rationality within the Calhoun County Sheriff's Office.

      While this fierce online debate has raged, not one single comment has actually praised the fantastic work of our local law enforcement. Coming from my half-dozen experiences on both sides of the law, some members of the CCSD seem to be at least semi-rational and professional. I hope the intentions of the anonymous person that submitted this tape to the Anniston Star is the rationality we should expect.

      From the aspect of a taxpayer, I simply ask for a rational and professional sheriff to protect and serve my community. Irresponsibility is to be expected from a teenager—not from an elected official.

    cveransky/valdez wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 11:07 PM
      Aw C'mon now. This is the south. The play by there own rules. I am appalled by this. But then I am only a citizen. I am from Chicago. And never seen such harsh treatement. If you want to stand in the shoes of an officer, be trained. I do live in the south now and realize what the LAW means out here. And have come to the conclusion, That I will respect all laws. But never the law. Y all got trigger monkeys out here. And they have a badge. OOPPS. There are not trained right. And should not be out there. So think of your kin. Would ya want them dead for a traffic violation because the LAW wouldn't have it any other way. I understand they have a job. But The lord knows so do I. And If I ain't doing it right. I will be told. Unless the boss is wrong himself. thoughts to Ponder.
    hillbilly7722 wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 11:11 PM
      I want to start by saying this, I am not a friend of Larry Amerson and do not particularly like his politics. I did not vote for him, nor do I intend to vote for him in the future. Having said that; do not forget that this "kid" is in the county jail. For him to be there, he has to be at least 14. He had to have committed a Class A Felony, or he had to have had a pending case which was adjudicated and transferred to Adult Court. In most cases, this happens when the juvenile in question has committed a heinous act, or has already been through the juvenile justice system and is already approaching the age of 18. So now we all know that he ain't there because he got caught singing too loud in the church choir. It's my belief that this page is here to post opinions, and that is what I am going to do. My previous comments were just a few facts to help support my opinion. This inmate (regardless of age, he's still in custody) has obviously attracted attention to himself. People expect the police to have all the answers and fix the problem. Contrary to popular belief, there are not "special" police officers who only deal with juveniles. There are juvenile probation officers, but they only have become involved when the juvenile commits a crime or is in need of supervision. This inmate is shackled which would indicate to me that he has either just been taken into custody, or he caused a problem of some sort inside the jail. People who have never been inside the county jail do not understand. There are no magic rubber rooms where inmates can be sent where they can't hurt themselves or others. Criminals live in a violent world, so unfortunately it would seem that police have to walk in that world. Jail is a violent place, and the old "hug a thug" theory just doesn't cut it. I don't know what they were talking about in that room, and I could only speculate as to why Amerson asked the other men to leave. I can say this, I never saw him choke the inmate and I never saw him strike the inmate. I did see him put hands on the inmate and it appeared to be an attention getter. I only hoped it worked, because obviously, whatever else has been used on this inmate has not worked, otherwise, he would not be sitting in the county jail. I am not familiar with any law that provides that juveniles have to have a parents present when being questioned. There are some additional rights, and they can request a parent or guardian if being questioned. This did not appear to be the situation where the juvenile was being questioned about a "free-world" case where his penal interest was in question. This appeared to be a case where an INMATE in a CORRECTIONAL FACILITY was being secured, most likely due to disruptive behavior inside that facility. Inmates do not have the same rights as those in the free world. The nature of being in jail speaks for itself. Like I said, just my opinion.
    missjones wrote on Thursday, Mar 31 at 11:14 PM
      kaniawolf, you state "This is so stupid people! You can see he is not choking this child out. He is doing what any good parent would do if your child would not look at you and listen to what you had to say. You can see this child, or young man (clearly as big as the employees who work in the jail) he is out of control by his body actions."

      I think you better read what you write before you post it,,

      1. Any parent who does that to a child no matter what their age and it was caught on video would go to jail for abuse or assault.

      2. maybe you should watch the video again because he is not as big as the jail employees in that room and even if he was it does not matter.

      3. if you paid attention to the video you would see that this child only turned his face away from the sheriff and within seconds the sheriff grabbed the back of his neck and physically turned they childs face towards him, then the CALHOUN COUNTY SHERIFF appears to be choking this child , who then begins to move as if he is in discomfort or maybe just maybe he is scarred since this man who is supposed to be protecting him is now choking him!

      And if that is how you both think disciplining children should be done.I would suggest that the sheriff call his children and warn them before they bring their children over for him to babysit his grandchildren, but maybe you would not mind it if he watches your children or grandchildren!
    JusticeIsn'tBlind wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 01:55 AM
      Reading and seeing this disgust me. The "good ol' boy' mentality is very much rooted in this society. The saddest part about this is that people are defending his ILLEGAL actions. I trust that his sworn oath in no way conflicted with the rights afforded by the Constitution. With that being said, he was in violation of the law and should be dealt with accordingly. I am certain that this has been happening for years, but no one has had the courage to address it, so kudos to the individual who released the footage of this monster. The Calhoun County Sheriff Department is full of arrogant, condescending, and extraordinarily rude individuals. I hope that we that are dismayed by the situation become proactive instead of reactive. If the officers of the law won't protect us, we must do it ourselves.
    Youarewastingyourfreedom wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 09:50 AM
      I doubt that any you would be defending Ben Little if he Was doing the community the same "favor" and beat the criminal mentality out of a white kid.

      And DESTROYER- I never inferred that "kids don't have to listen to authority figures anymore." I'm not for kids running wild and commiting crimes. I just don't support the idea that 2 wrongs make a right, but it seems like you and many others do. Even IF the youngster commited a serious crime (although neither you or I know that for sure), commiting another serious crime and making the youngster the victim makes Sheriff Amerson just as much of a criminal as the kid that you seem to think deserved this. It's funny that so many of you defend Amerson when he commits a crime, but not a youngster who I'm sure needs some sort of direction. But In my OPINION, Amerson is much more in need of some direction. He is supposed to be a professional, the juuvenile isn't. Amerson knows the law, and the juvenile doesn't. If he wasn't doing anything wrong, why did he wait until he was alone with the kid to 'Straighten him out"? Because he knew what he was doing was wrong and he didn't want his actions to be seen. Sorry, but I'm not okay with officers of the law breaking any law they want behind closed doors. Would you be for a bigger man roughing up Amerson the same way?? Because someone obviously needs to teach him that it's not okay to break the law, just like the young "future criminal" that you seem to be in such fear of. Sorry, a criminal with a badge bothers me alot more than a misguided juvenile.
    hillbilly7722 wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 10:18 AM
      To WastingYourTime:

      First of all, this is not a misguided youth, this is a criminal. Regardless of his age, he committed a crime and that makes him a criminal. He is in jail, wearing an inmate uniform and shackles. What crime exactly, are you accusing the Sheriff or? He did not choke or hit the inmate. He put hands on him, but I never saw an assault. Someone also posted that if a parent was doing this to their child, they would be arrested. You may want to take a look at the Alabama Criminal Code. Parents and guardians are afforded the right to use corporal punishment to discipline their kids. In other words, people do not go to jail for whipping their kids, they go to jail when they cause serious injury to their kids. The tactics he used in the video are no more aggressive than those used to transfer hostile inmates from one portion of the jail to another. I admit that it looks bad because he asked the others to leave the room, but I would guess that he probably thought the inmate would calm down if he did not have an audience to "entertain".

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    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Offline Ursus

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    Comments: "Video shows sheriff using manual force..." #s 81-
    « Reply #8 on: April 21, 2011, 11:39:08 AM »
    Comments left for the above article, "Video shows sheriff using manual force, but sheriff says it's not the whole story" (by Cameron Steele; Mar 31, 2011; The Anniston Star), #s 81-95:

    Lakeshow24 wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 10:45 AM

      Custody prior to appearance before magistrate.

      Whenever a juvenile is taken into custody for an alleged act of juvenile delinquency, the arresting officer shall immediately advise such juvenile of his legal rights, in language comprehensive to a juvenile, and shall immediately notify the Attorney General and the juvenile’s parents, guardian, or custodian of such custody. The arresting officer shall also notify the parents, guardian, or custodian of the rights of the juvenile and of the nature of the alleged offense.

      The juvenile shall be taken before a magistrate forthwith. In no event shall the juvenile be detained for longer than a reasonable period of time before being brought before a magistrate.

      These are the rights that a juvenile, being a U.S. citizen are entitled to. This is basicly everything Larry Amerson didnt do. How did the Anniston Star get this tape? It came from the Police. Someone who has integrity and a heart sent it out, because they too knew that this was wrong. Lets acknowledge what Amerson and his supporters are trying to do here, Cover His Tail. There was no threat from the "juvenile" to the CAREER Officer. He was HANDCUFFED and SHACKLED when Amerson grabbed him by the throat.What if this was your relative or child? Would you have a different opinion?
    Lakeshow24 wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 10:45 AM

      Custody prior to appearance before magistrate.

      Whenever a juvenile is taken into custody for an alleged act of juvenile delinquency, the arresting officer shall immediately advise such juvenile of his legal rights, in language comprehensive to a juvenile, and shall immediately notify the Attorney General and the juvenile’s parents, guardian, or custodian of such custody. The arresting officer shall also notify the parents, guardian, or custodian of the rights of the juvenile and of the nature of the alleged offense.

      The juvenile shall be taken before a magistrate forthwith. In no event shall the juvenile be detained for longer than a reasonable period of time before being brought before a magistrate.

      These are the rights that a juvenile, being a U.S. citizen are entitled to. This is basicly everything Larry Amerson didnt do. How did the Anniston Star get this tape? It came from the Police. Someone who has integrity and a heart sent it out, because they too knew that this was wrong. Lets acknowledge what Amerson and his supporters are trying to do here, Cover His @$$. There was no threat from the "juvenile" to the CAREER Officer. He was HANDCUFFED and SHACKLED when Amerson grabbed him by the throat.What if this was your relative or child? Would you have a different opinion?
    MadIranian wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 11:26 AM

      You should really read the article before you just start commenting. The kid was not there because he had committed a crime. He was there at the request of his parents because he was considered "high risk". So does that change your mind that an innocent kid, (or at least not yet proven guilty kid) was on the recieving end of this?
    hillbilly7722 wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 02:37 PM
      To MadIranian

      The article talks about a program where "at-risk" teens work at the jail, but it also talks about moving inmates around the jail. I read the article, and I admit that I could have missed something, but I never saw anywhere in the article where it said that this "kid" was not in custody. As far as "at-risk" youth, what do you know about how kids get to be labeled "at-risk"? They commit minor criminal acts, and participate in these programs in lieu of being prosecuted. That does not change the fact. The kid was in custody, and if you do not believe me, then read the definition of custody in Title 13 of the Alabama Criminal Code. I would also suggest that Lakeshow24 be reminded that this person is in custody in Calhoun County in the State of Alabama. I don't think anyone would argue that he was in Federal Custody. Yes, the rules are different for juveniles, just as they are for adults. And since someone spoke about this "kids" parents, I for one, would really like to know their opinion on the issue. I love my kids, and hope to never have to see them in this situation, however, if they put themselves there, then they will suffer the consequences of their actions. I would not stand for someone in authority abusing my children, but this is simply not abuse.
    setsail98 wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 03:27 PM
      Earlier I wrote these comments… are they true Annistonians?

      Now Billy Bob and Corn Fed… (laugh track)

      ya'll wanna step out whilst (laugh track)

      I gives Jr. hereya (laugh track)

      sum “dem” (LAUGH TRACK)

      facts-o-life? (laugh track)

      facts-facts-facts (laugh track)

      Maybe, Jr, we cud pos dis on utube, heh? (laugh track)

      How do you spell c-a-u-g-h-t? (laugh track)

      Then I wrote…

      I normally have something crass to say... especially when it comes to our town clowncilmen; a no-brainer, heh? (YaY setsail98) I normally agree with Marty; sage advice indeed. Normally Barton is for fartin; nothing changed there folks but this current debacle challenges me. How about you? How about you grocer? How about you oil lube man or fast food worker or post... person? How about you?

      I really don't like our Sheriff. I think it is because he is overweight and presents a poor image; most deputies do too. He does nothing for the relations for our counties police and communities but then who does. That was not a question.

      I read the past and present articles to include the infamous "ed bored" and came to a conclusion; odd as it may seem.

      Quite simple fellow thespians...

      h. Brat Air-s controls you. It is what you read, what you think, and opines you SEE. Heck, he even knows who I am and where I live and from whence I came...

      That is scarier than this Amerson...

      (proper elipse use Air-s)

      How does one get your attention Anniston? (No laugh track)
    setsail98 wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 03:37 PM
      BTW… that was Marty R.
    wrathofwheet wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 08:53 PM
      I wonder if there's any other videos of this kind of behavior by the sheriff that might be hidden and nobody knows about.. do he treat all kids like this or just certain ones!!! shame on you sheriff Amerson,guess if you can't talk it out of him, you just choke it out. whoever turn the video in,you are more of a man then the sheriff. may God bless you. Amerson i hope that 2 minute of fame paid you well............
    whatthe??? wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 06:57 AM
    tiredofabuse wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 06:29 PM
      I hope they hang him out to dry. He is just another example of a crooked and dirt bag official that only cares about money, power and pushing people around. I have heard all kind of stories of abuse going on in the Calhoun County Jail. The so called officials in charge turn their heads and close their eyes to what really goes on there. They are definately not good examples for our kids to learn their lessons on doing wrong. I believe he is just as guilty as the people he locks up and so is a whole lot more in our systems. I believe we should get rid of all the crooks in our judicial system, hey, but if we did, there wouldn't be anyone there. Our constitutional rights are being taken away more and more every day.
    Guest3406191kn wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 05:31 PM
      I think the shriff had the right to beat him.

      He prolly said somethin mean and pissed him off. I think the shriff was just showing that you can't go a round sayin whadever you wanna and so's a beating was in order. The young'un may have said something outta order to a athority figure( shriff) and a elected person. I think he should be able to beat who he wants to whenevers they needs it, since, he is the shriff. If the shriff is not alowed to beat on someone, then who would have the right to beat our chidrens.

      I think we should all be allowed to beat who we need to beat when they needs it, it would stop all the frivless law soots.

      I says good fo the shriff!!
    locomike wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 11:34 PM
      Ok Annistonians it's about time to wake up,There is too much crap going on in this city alone,That folks don't realize,A lot of nonsense comments here and a lot of big mouths,Take a good look at how well this disgrace person eats,You keep feeding him and his followers,This person has lost control and it shows,Just like a lot of Clowns in this town,what happened to WE THE PEOPLE,What about the inmate who had food poisen and died because he did not get medical attention from the freakin staff.
    BlueHorse2 wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 09:13 AM
      I hope and pray that the FBI finds this Sheriff, who is a dog, in my opinion guilty and throw him out of that office, he needs to go, he thinks he is God and is above the law, been there done that with him, he along with some of his officers stole everything I owned, set me up with drugs, attacked me and broke my wrist, knowing I was disabled, but they don't care, this County NEEDS A MAJOR MAJOR CHANGE IN OUR LAW ENFORCEMENT, INCLUDING THE LOCAL POLICE DEPARTMENTS, i.e. Jacksonville Police, Weaver police, just a few to mention, they already have so many lawsuits against the Jacksonville Police Department for excessive force and brutal attacks, especially on the poor INNOCENT women, that are now in prison where DO NOT BELONG. If you don't agree with the way they do their business, they will attack you and through you under the jail for NOTHING, JUST LIKE THEY DID WITH ME.....I WILL CERTAINLY GIVE THE FBI A EAR FULL, IF THEY CARE TO LISTEN AND NOT AFRAID TO USE MY NAME

      Kimela Perkey formerly Alvarez

      This law enforcement in this County, all of them are a disgrace, very very concerned county citizen for the innocent that go to jail while the real criminals are let out all the time, I'm a paralegal for over 30 years, and I know them all very well and they will harass you continually, and IT HAS TO BE STOPPED, especially Sheriff Amerson, he doesn't care if it's a child or not....and props to this boy's mom for sueing, and she WILL WIN THAT SUIT WITH THE RIGHT ATTORNEY, NOT ONE FROM CALHOUN COUNTY EITHER!!!!!!
    arizonagirl wrote on Thursday, Apr 07 at 10:27 AM
      I want to applaud C. Steele for being bold enough to report the truth.

      I have had conversations with this reporter in the past about articles she has written which seemed very one sided - tilted towards the Sherrif's office.

      During those conversations, she found that some of the information she had been given by the 'authorities', and actually printed, was not all factual. SURPRISE SURPRISE!

      I encouraged her to be a 'fair and equitable' reporter, not to just report what she was told by the authorities, as the whole truth.

      That there is always two sides to every story.

      For far too long, those who have reported on crime/police issues have reported only what they were told by the 'authorities' is such a relief that finally there is a reporter in Calhoun County who wants the truth and not just what the 'authorities' want printed.

      C. Steele, do not let these bullies scare you. If the truth be known, they are scared of you. They are not comfortable being in the presence of 'honest' people who demand the truth!

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    arizonagirl wrote on Thursday, Apr 07 at 10:32 AM
      First, I want to applaud C. Steele for being bold enough to report the truth.

      I have had conversations with this reporter in the past about articles she has written which seemed very one sided - tilted towards the Sherrif's office.

      During those conversations, much to her surprise, she found that some of the information she had been given by the 'authorities', and actually printed, was not all factual. SURPRISE SURPRISE!

      I encouraged her to be a 'fair and equitable' reporter, not to just report what she was told by the authorities, as the whole truth.

      For far too long, those who have reported on crime/police issues have reported only what they were told by the 'authorities' is such a relief that finally there is a reporter in Calhoun County who wants the truth and not just what the 'authorities' want printed.

      C. Steele, do not let these bullies scare you. If the truth be known, they are scared of you. They are not comfortable being in the presence of 'honest' people who demand the truth!

      Read more: Anniston Star - Local News, Business, Sports, Events, Blogs, Videos, Podcasts
    ImpartialTruth wrote on Thursday, Apr 07 at 10:51 AM
      arizonagirl, I'd be more willing to applaud Ms. Steele if the Star had followed the proper procedures in the leaking of this video.

      Ms. Steele's investigative skills are excellent and I typically enjoy reading her stories. That's one reason I was so annoyed when the video was leaked.

      Her stories that have since been released should have been combined into an expose that left nothing up to speculation. The video by itself was like something your co-worker sends you in a forwarded email titled "Check this out!" It really made me lose my confidence of this reporter's judgment.

      Thorough investigation should have preceded the video no matter what the video's contents revealed.

      I have no issue with a newspaper investigating human rights violations, nor do I have issue with the Star's liberal slants (usually). I do take issue with the decision to prematurely expose a video involving a juvenile and an elected law enforcement officer without fully investigating first.

      arizonagirl, there was nothing "fair and equitable" about that.

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    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Offline Ursus

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    Unjustifiable behavior: Incident deserves proper attention
    « Reply #9 on: April 22, 2011, 11:03:34 AM »
    The next day, The Anniston Star came out with the below Editorial:

    -------------- • -------------- • --------------

    The Anniston Star · Alabama

    Unjustifiable behavior: Incident deserves proper attention

    by The Anniston Star Editorial Board · Anniston Star
    Apr 01, 2011

    Seen as a vague two-minute snippet in time, the video of Calhoun County Sheriff Larry Amerson's handling of a cuffed and shackled juvenile male is a disturbing image. That can't be overstated.

    What happened before or after Amerson twice used manual force on the juvenile is irrelevant. Why the teenager was being interviewed in the jail doesn't matter. Bound and defenseless, making no gestures toward the sheriff, he should not have been manhandled by someone in uniform, let alone the elected head of the Sheriff's Department.

    Improper physical contact by law enforcement is dead wrong. It's inexcusable. That it can undermine the public's trust of those in uniform makes it even worse.

    Yet, it's important that we differentiate between a matter of perception versus a matter of law.

    Today, we urge Calhoun Countians to steer clear of a rush to eternal judgment of the sheriff. This is not the time to call for his resignation. We understand that is a natural response for those appalled by the video's images, as this editorial board is, or by those who have an ax to grind against Amerson.

    Instead, we urge prosecutors at the appropriate levels to view this videotaped incident with the same scrutiny they would other potential cases. Do not let the sheriff's badge alter the process. It is not up to the court of public opinion to decide if Amerson has violated that juvenile's civil rights.

    Instead, it is up to prosecutors to decide if the sheriff's regrettable use of force is worthy of the court's attention. The racially charged details of this situation — a white sheriff putting his hands on a bound black juvenile — makes it a lightning rod of negativity.

    Along with the parties involved, Calhoun Countians need to see this situation handled swiftly. If there is no case against Amerson, prosecutors should say so. If it needs the court's attention, they should start that process.

    Regardless of the outcome, this situation deserves the proper attention.

    A strong sidebar to our condemnation of using force against a bound juvenile is the impact this may have for the Sheriff's Department, if not for local law enforcement as a whole. Cops and deputies are hard-working, vital parts of our communities. They're paid too little and thanked too infrequently.

    Yet, this is a damning video with the potential for lingering and destructive viewpoints. We want to believe relations between county residents — regardless of their color — and the Sheriff's Department won't be irreparably strained by this incident.

    Cynics often suspicious of police may use this as evidence that cops and deputies can't be trusted. That's a stretch for most law-abiding residents, and it's unfair to those in uniform, we admit. Nonetheless, it does officers no favor when another steps so publicly out of line.

    Amerson's physical interactions with this bound teenager aren't merely disappointing, they're unjustifiable. There is no place for that behavior in law enforcement.

    content copyright © 2011 Anniston Star.
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Offline Ursus

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    Comments: "Unjustifiable behavior: Incident deserves..."
    « Reply #10 on: April 22, 2011, 11:55:07 AM »
    Comments left for the above editorial, "Unjustifiable behavior: Incident deserves proper attention" (by The Anniston Star Editorial Board; Apr 01, 2011; The Anniston Star), #s 1-10:

    meroll wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 05:38 AM
      I beg to differ...There is a HUGE need for this behavior..Bound or not...Whether this is a juvenile or an adult matters not...There are those in our society that ONLY respond to "that type of behavior." Holding their hands and saying "now, don't do that." doesn't work for toddlers and it certainly doesn't work for gangbangers and thugs.

      Go spend a day with a cop and then tell me how you feel.

      But there are some who will NEVER "get it."

      We'll see how liberal you are when it's one of your family members that get harmed by one of these "poor, unfortunate, picked-on children".
    skalag wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 06:12 AM
      I don't usually post here but I must in this case. I don't know what happened before or after the snippet of tape we see here. This kid was there for a reason, we just don't know what the reason is. What bothers me most about the tape is that the witnesses are seen leaving the room before the sheriff manhandles the kid. Since everyone is saying he is a minor then we have to believe he is a minor until we are told otherwise. A minor should have been taken to the juvenile detention center, his family notified and he should never have been questioned without a family member or an attorney present. I'm pretty sure this boy is no angel. And never presume that your child could not end up there. It happens.

      I do have a question. Why is it that whenever there is a different point of view to stories like this the die hard conversatives come out with the word liberal? Does not matter what the political affiliation is, what matters is getting to the truth in this matter. And that is the only thing that should matter. JMHO
    nonhyphenatedAmerican wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 07:40 AM
      skalag wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 06:12 AM

      I do have a question. Why is it that whenever there is a different point of view to stories like this the die hard conversatives come out with the word liberal ? is the answer; the justice system has become so liberal to the point of more emphasis has been put on the criminals right more than the victims right. This does nothing but perpetuate criminal behavior knowing punishment will be nothing more than a slap on the wrist.
    deepsix9 wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 09:33 AM
      Funny how people react to incidents like this. Because the kid is black, of course all the black groups are up in arms. If the kid had been white, you would not hear a word about it.

      No one deserves to be treated as this video MIGHT show. However, we do not know all the facts. Did the kid SPIT in the face of the sheriff? If so, HOW WOULD YOU react to someone spitting in your face? And don't tell me you would just let it go. You would not. You would react much as the sheriff apparently did. I could see NO choking in the video. Too far away to clearly say that. Chin push, maybe.

      But, most of these groups who are howling are the same ones who whine, moan and groan every time a law enforcement officer does something. Simply watch some of those shows on TV to see what law enforcement has to put up with every hour of the day. Their lives are on the line just as military personnel are. People DON'T want a cop around them, UNTIL they are in fright themselves, then they are yelling for the po-lice to get there now!!!

      People are trying to make this appear as the 1960s white Birmingham sheriff, Bull Connor, again assaulting blacks with fire hoses. Ain't true folks. Get a grip.

      Until an investigation is completed against the sheriff by someone else, we will not know the truth. AND, don't yell cover up. Law enforcement will be investigated for misconduct. It happens every day when a citizen files a complaint.

      I just wonder about the video person turning in the tape. An act of conscience or is he someone who was just waiting for the sheriff to mess up so he could "get him back" for some reason??? We don't know. WAY WAY WAY too many questions at this point.

      I am not surprised that the black groups have started yelling. They always do. Except of course when the black gangs shoot up the hood and they refuse to help the cops catch the disadvantaged thugs who did the shootings.
    ImpartialTruth wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 10:10 AM
      Dear Editorial Board,

      I typically agree with most of your viewpoints, but I have to respectfully disagree with your stance on this one. Have you ever worked with teenagers? More specifically, have you ever worked with juvenile delinquents who have no parental support and have rarely been disciplined? If so, you would know that these teenagers are disrespectful, violent in their emotional expression, and in dire need of discipline from someone, anyone. If the sheriff felt the need to get physical with this kid, I have reason to believe that it was needed. We cannot coddle these delinquent juveniles. We cannot use the media to accuse a trusted law enforcement officer of acting inappropriately when we are not apprised of the full details. This type of reporting does more harm than good for our society, especially to our children who get the message that no matter how violent and lawless they are, no one can lay a hand on them. I agree with you in that children should be protected and have rights, but I disagree with your comment "What happened before or after Amerson twice used manual force on the juvenile is irrelevant."

      I disagree because you have no idea what this juvenile might have done to warrant such force. It does not matter what color he is or what color the sheriff is. Let's not paint this into a racial riot. You are not trained law enforcement officers, so your high-minded ideas concerning human rights possibly do not apply to this situation.

      I wish you would focus your efforts on a story that actually has the ability to improve our society, such as the condition of parenting in today's culture. Parents these days are too dependent on the "system" to raise their children. The increase in the number of juvenile delinquents is a product of this. I'd appreciate an editorial that digs into the family dynamic of those below the poverty line and proposes ideas to help them rise up. If you took aim at the source, instead of calling a sheriff's actions inexcusable without even understanding the entirety of the situation, you might uncover something spectacular.
    JustPlainBill wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 10:31 AM
      Good people can make mistakes. Law enforcement unfortunately can become very passionate and even violent in an instant. It is difficult to suppress emotions and turn the other cheek when you are on the front line in a war that is being lost. The one item no one touches on is a lack of soldiers in our war on crime. Law enforcement budgets have and continue to be cut to the point of forcing planning and experience to be replaced by spontaneity and knee-jerk reaction. Sheriff Amerson should not be involved or even interact with prisoners outside a controlled environment. This is what happens when law enforcement is spread to the point of transparency. Put up a camera and lay off a cop is now the American way. How many police officers could be hired if GE did not get 3.2 billion dollars in tax refund from the federal government. Still think we need to help poor corporate America? Or do we need to fix our society and let corporate America pick up the tab?
    JerryM wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 01:09 PM
      If this was video taken by a citizen from an observable distance, in public, that citizen might very well be in jail right now for the made up crime of "filming police." Filming police as a new kind of criminal offense, to cover up alleged brutality, is a little known crime.
    redr00 wrote on Saturday, Apr 02 at 04:28 PM
      From what I understand via the Fox 6 News report any juvenile at the jail wearing striped clothing is there for a special program (reality check) because they have been kicked out of school for bad behavior. They need to see what jail is like so that they won't want to be locked up. Maybe Amerson was trying to give this young man a glimpse of what prison might be like.
    msmimi wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 10:43 PM
      This editorial, biased as it is, is a classic example of inciting racial conflict. Whoever is responsible for this tasteless 'editorial' needs to read some of the outstanding comments below. < > moving us forward as a whole, instead of holding us back by making this about race. Sheriff Amerson has been and outstanding officer of the law with and outstanding record. Because he called the Anniston Liar out for their error of showing this juvenile's face, you convict him in your 'news'. This paper is a joke and you are making our town into a joke.
    docsteve58 wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 12:45 AM
      Most people know Sheriff Amerson to be a hard working and decent person. Kids in a 'scared straight' program most likely already have behavior problems and are headed for causing law-abiding persons trouble. This is great... his family now sees an opportunity to turn this into a big lawsuit that will burden productive working taxpayers even more than we are. The family should be appreciative the county is trying to straighten the kid out before he becomes more trouble in the future. As usual this is being played as racism... the kid's race probably has nothing to do with Sheriff Amerson's treatment of him. The majority of law-abiding people realize that Sheriff Amerson is trying to make this county safe for decent people.

    content copyright © 2011 Anniston Star.
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    Offline Ursus

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    Sheriff Amerson's actions on tape out of character...
    « Reply #11 on: April 22, 2011, 12:08:24 PM »
    The editorial was followed by two articles. Below is the first one.

    This program is apparently run via an agreement between Family Links Inc. and the local sheriff's office:

      Several months ago, the Sheriff's Office and Family Links Inc., a children's behavior task force for the county, began the program as a way to let high-risk kids see what jail might be like.

      Family Links Director Lyndsey Gillam said Thursday that children who have been suspended from school or those who have committed criminal offenses and are not behaving in their court-ordered education classes are eligible for the jail-work program, which does not have an official name and only began several months ago.
      The same video (as in the previous article) is accessible via the below article's title link.

      -------------- • -------------- • --------------

      The Anniston Star · Alabama

      Sheriff Amerson's actions on tape out of character, colleagues say

      by Cameron Steele · Star Staff Writer
      Apr 01, 2011

        Video appears to show sheriff accosting restrained teen
        The minor's face has been blurred in this video to avoid revealing his identity.

        Calhoun County officials who've worked closely with Sheriff Larry Amerson over the years said Thursday they felt the sheriff's actions shown in a video publicly released that morning were out of character. Those officials also said the video was taken out of context, although many of them acknowledged they hadn't seen the clip and didn't want to.

        The video was first published by The Anniston Star after a source requesting anonymity gave it to the newspaper Wednesday.

        It shows the sheriff using physical force on a juvenile male during an interview at the Calhoun County Jail.

        A criminal procedure expert who watched the video has called the sheriff's recent actions "an outrageous assault" but former Calhoun County District Attorney Bob Field said Thursday any sort of violent action on Amerson's part is unusual.

        "I find him to be kind of a quiet, laid-back sort of guy, who is very dedicated to his job," Field said. "And very professional about the way he went about investigating. That wasn't the case with all law enforcements officers."

        Field served as the district attorney for Calhoun and Cleburne counties for 18 years, during which he worked on several major felony investigations with Amerson, a deputy sheriff at the time.

        Amerson has worked in public safety since he graduated from Jacksonville State University in 1975 with a degree in law enforcement. Afterward, he spent 14 years as a deputy sheriff, six years as director of the Calhoun County 911 Board and the last 16 years as sheriff.

        Field and others who've worked with Amerson throughout his law-enforcement career describe him as even-tempered and hard-working. They said they can't remember a time when Amerson acted violent toward anyone. A search of The Star's archives for the past two decades brought up no former reports of police brutality accusations against Amerson.

        Calhoun County Coroner Pat Brown said he's worked with the sheriff on every criminal case that's involved a death for the past five years. The coroner said he has a hard time believing the two-and-a-half minute clip shows Amerson acting violently without cause toward a juvenile.

        Dan Long, former director of the county's Emergency Management Agency, worked with Amerson in his current capacity as sheriff and also when he was the director of the 911 Board. He couldn't remember any complaints about Amerson acting roughly toward another person.

        But Long, Brown and Field all said they hadn't watched the video clip and didn't plan to.

        Videotaped 'talk'

        In the two-and-a-half-minute silent video, Amerson grabs the boy, who is seated on a bench next to him, handcuffed, shackled and dressed in an orange-striped jumpsuit. Amerson forces the boy's head back toward the wall by pushing on the boy's chin; the sheriff then holds the boy in that position for several seconds.

        After a moment of what appears to be further conversation between the sheriff and the boy, Amerson uses both arms, one at the boy's shirt collar, to pull him backward against the wall again.

        During an interview with The Star on Wednesday, Amerson acknowledged the video shows a portion of what he described as "a talk" between himself and the boy. But Amerson stressed he couldn't comment about any other aspect of that interaction because it would be unlawful to discuss a matter that might become a juvenile case.

        'Excessive physical force'

        Field said he'd heard information from various people that the juvenile had spit at the sheriff to provoke him.

        "That would certainly test your patience; that would certainly test mine," Field said. "From what I can see in the pictures (published in The Star), the worst that apparently happened was some shoving and pushing. He might have tried to push the guy away from him for trying to spit on him."

        Calhoun County Sgt. Jon Garlick said he was at the Sheriff's Office, which is connected to the county jail, the day the talk between the sheriff and the juvenile took place.

        "They called me when that kid started to act out," Garlick said. "Knowing what I know and without commenting on the criminal case, (Amerson's) behavior in the interview and the pictures from the video were not in any way an excess of force."

        Garlick said he didn't watch the video published by The Star because he didn't need to.

        Field said, in his opinion as a former district attorney, the still pictures taken from the video that were published in The Star and the story that went along with them did not represent Amerson using excessive physical force on the boy.

        But LaJuana Davis, a criminal law and procedure expert at Samford University's Cumberland School of Law, watched the video Wednesday and call Amerson's actions a violation of the boy's rights.

        "I would characterize this as an outrageous assault on a cuffed and shackled person," Davis said in an emailed statement.

        After watching the video, Davis emphasized that there is no excuse for a law enforcement officer "choking a shackled person without justification."

        An attorney with the Southern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery also called The Star Thursday to express concern about the sheriff's actions taken against a child who was not even an inmate at the jail.

        Amerson said Alabama law regarding situations that may turn into juvenile cases prevents him from discussing what, if anything, the juvenile might have done to warrant the kind of physical force the video shows the sheriff using.

        Juveniles in jail?

        Amerson wouldn't talk about why the boy shown in the video was dressed in a jumpsuit, wearing cuffs and leg shackles. But he did say that any juveniles who are seen in the jail dressed in inmate jumpsuits are there at the request of their parents.

        Several months ago, the Sheriff's Office and Family Links Inc., a children's behavior task force for the county, began the program as a way to let high-risk kids see what jail might be like.

        Family Links Director Lyndsey Gillam said Thursday that children who have been suspended from school or those who have committed criminal offenses and are not behaving in their court-ordered education classes are eligible for the jail-work program, which does not have an official name and only began several months ago.

        Parents — both those who want to keep kids who've been suspended from school busy and those who want to give children who've committed crimes a view of life behind bars — can sign waivers to send their children to work at the jail from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

        Gillam said that while the children are there, the Sheriff's Office employees who supervise them have discretion about when and how to reprimand them. And because the Sheriff's Office has that discretion, Gillam emphasized it's not up to Family Links employees to say whether punishment for a juvenile who's misbehaved should involve interrogation, handcuffs and leg shackles or physical force.

        She refused to comment specifically on the actions the video shows the sheriff taking against the juvenile boy who was part of that program.

        "I don't know all the facts of that case; I think there's more to it than is being reported," Gillam said. "I think that sheriff is being cast in a negative light."

        "Not the whole story"

        Matthew Wade, who's served as Amerson's chief deputy for the past six years, said Thursday he and the sheriff wished they could give their full account of what happened.

        "I'd love to give you the whole story and the whole entire video, if one existed," Wade said. "I don't think he's done anything wrong and I stand behind him. We want to be open and transparent about the things we do; if we've done something wrong, we'll admit it, we'll try to fix it."

        Indeed, when the Sheriff's Office or one of its employees have fallen under public criticism in the past, Amerson has been open with The Star about those issues, their origins and how he would handle them in the future.

        In October a Calhoun County Jail inmate escaped from Regional Medical Center, where he was in the custody of a corrections officer and a deputy. Then, Amerson readily admitted the mistake was on the part of the Sheriff's Office employees, who had let the inmate walk around without wearing leg shackles.

        "There was an absolute breakdown in the security of this (hospital) room," Amerson said in an interview with The Star soon after the inmate, David Hunt, escaped. "There is no excuse."

        A year earlier, when former Circuit Judge Joel Laird criticized the jail staff for the number of contraband items that got past the booking room, Amerson was up front then, too, and open to new policy suggestions for better jail security.

        Contraband weapons "are a risk to the security of the jail, and we want to prosecute them," Amerson told a Star reporter back in October 2009. "If this is a change in policy, we're all for it."

        Alabama Trooper Chad Joiner, the public relations contact for the troopers, said Thursday he sent the story about the recent video and Amerson's actions that was printed in The Star to officials with the Alabama Bureau of Investigations.

        But both Joiner and ABI spokeswoman Robyn Litchfield said the state agency was not investigating Amerson at this time.

        A spokesman with the Federal Bureau of Investigations in Washington D.C. said the agency could not confirm or deny whether it was investigating an active case.

        Messages left at the FBI office in Birmingham were not returned Thursday.

        Star staff writer Cameron Steele: 256-235-3562.

        copyright © 2011 Anniston Star.
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        Offline Ursus

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        Comments: "Sheriff Amerson's actions on tape..." #s 1-20
        « Reply #12 on: April 22, 2011, 12:23:17 PM »
        Apparently, a number of folks are not too happy with Sheriff Amerson for a variety of reasons:

        -------------- • -------------- • --------------

        Comments left for the above article, "Sheriff Amerson's actions on tape out of character, colleagues say" (by Cameron Steele; Apr 01, 2011; The Anniston Star), #s 1-20:

        rjabc03 wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 04:15 AM
          Well the key word here is "juvenile"....NO adult has the right to put their hands on a minor. The boy was shackled!!! what could he possibly have done that hurt Amerson? Nothing...even if he had spit on Amerson...Amerson was the ADULT, so why didnt he act like one? Granted I would have been highly ticked had the minor did that, but I think I could have controlled myself enough to realize this minor was acting like a 2 yr old. Amerson should have taken a time out.

          It is a good thing the minor wasnt my child because I can honestly say I would have probably did something that would not be appropiate...i.e. acted liked a out of control 'child' as Amerson did...

          If you hold a public position in law enforcement you have to conduct yourself to reflect the law.....what Amerson did was not a reflection of what I want my children to believe what our American Rights are all about.

          Sooo many children are afraid to speak to anyone in law enforcement because of the actions that our 'saviors' are shown, caught, and tried in a court of law for 'abusing the badge'.

          Amerson should have set a better example to a child that may have never had a good role model in his life.

          When does the violence end?? especially when you(Amerson) are doing violence to others?
        meroll wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 05:27 AM
          There's been an awful lot of folks expressing their opinions about what they can see in this video. Unfortunately, noone knows what was actually being said or done. If it is true that this young man spit on the sheriff, I say the boys lucky that all he got was pushed around. I saw NO choking. What I saw was the Sheriff grab the boy by the chin and force his head back.

          People are so eager to take the sides of these young men who are put there for behavioral correction but give NO thought as to WHY these young people are there, or to whom they may have done harm. I guess that doesn't matter anymore. As long as criminals are kept safe and warm and have t.v. to watch and three meals a day, everything will be okay...Their crimes no longer matter.

          Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't jail supposed to be a place that is so horrible, a person will not want to go back? These days, "jail" is just another place to make drug/criminal connections.

          Keep coddling these potentially violent young men. You'll be weeping at the funerals of one of their victims before you know it. And then you'll be screaming about "What SHOULD have been done."

          I'm not a fan of Amerson's at ALL. As a matter of fact, I've voted against him the past two elections...BUT This is NOT and should NOT be an issue or even a story ANNISTON STAR. IT's reporting like this that has made our legal system the piece of crap it is, today. God forbid a criminal be made uncomfortable. You'll answer to the newspaper if you do.
        Band76 wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 05:39 AM
          Juat as could be exspected...all come forward statig "taken out of context" which should't be any surprise to anyone. Of course this is abuse of the badge like the 2 in New Orleans one was senteance to 25 & one 17 years in federal prison with 17 more to go. It seems lae-enforcement over the country are and have been out of control. If they can't abide by the law get out nobody made the choice for any they themselves made it. Can't take the heat get out!!
        PoliticalGarbage wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 06:07 AM
          Meroll...explain to me how the highest ranking law enforcement officer in the county breaking someones rights is not something newsworthy?

          Also,despite your opinions,what the sheriff did was wrong,and against the law. It will probably cost him his job, as well as the possibilities of civil and criminal litigation against him.While you may think the actions are warranted,and that we "coddle" criminals,take away our rights,and see what happens.The alternative is a much more frightening scenario.
        jvillecitizen wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 07:45 AM
          How can you even defend Amerson's actions but refuse to watch the video that depicts them? This is very disturbing to me that these public officials are just ignoring this issue and essentially turning the other way. I'm hoping further investigation is carried out by an outside agency like the FBI because the only rhetoric I'm seeing is 'protect your own' and that is not how law enforcement should be kept accountable. It seems like anyone outside the county has no problem seeing this as an outrageous assault on a shackled juvenile.
        oneancientpagan wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 08:04 AM
          Outrageous assault?Are you kidding me?Maybe the sheriff and the parents know each other.Fear is a wonderful tool,when kept in check.Look what its done for the church.
        ParkerJ wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 08:55 AM
          A blind man can see this boy is getting choked. All of you who are defending the sheriff should be ashamed, especially those of you who refuse to watch the video. It's no surprise to read all the double talk and excuses being made for this old man losing his temper and judgment. Maybe if the "Good ole' boy" system were not in place, he might have actually gotten punished for his assault on this UNARMED AND SHACKLED TEENAGER. How many times has this happened and NOT been caught on camera? Of course none of his cronies are going to report it, look at them now defending his horrible actions. This county needs an enema.
        DjMarkspinz wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 09:13 AM
          Even if this kids was the largest dope dealing sex offender in the county under arrest for killing his mother.. he still has rights under that lil peice of paper we called the U.S. Constitution. There is NO REASON to lay hands on this kid while he is sitting down cuffed and wearing shackles. I say this out burst by the sherrif is gonna cost the county a good chunk of change, This kid just hit the lottery, Show that video to 12 people in a court room and you have just gave him a blank check. Again NO REASON in the world can show a sufficient lawful reason for this act against this minor. context will not come into play when this is all said and done.
        honestgovernment wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 09:14 AM
          whats the matter star, you scared of the truth and pulling my comments? You know how to tell which pig got stuck? its the one squealing.....
        meroll wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 09:40 AM
          I HAVE watched the video...I saw NO rights being violated...I guess it's alright for the criminals to spit, kick and assault the officers but not the other way around...And IF you'd read what I wrote you would have seen "If it is true that this young man spit on the sheriff, I say the boys lucky that all he got was pushed around. I saw NO choking. What I saw was the Sheriff grab the boy by the chin and force his head back."

          In my opinion all you who are condemning this man AFTER having watched the video, it is YOU who should be ashamed.

          We'll see how liberal you are when crime DIRECTLY affects your lives. If it were up to you people, there'd be no jails...Just grown up daycares with cookies and milk and nappy-time. IDIOTS
        outraged2011 wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 09:42 AM
          why are we trying to make sense of the clip? our eyes are not deceiving us. our "precious" sheriff assaulted an unarmed restrained juvenile. point blank. everyone see the same thing but want to assume something else. stop! it's a criminal matter - arrest him for an assault and have hime register with DHR as a child abuser. let not make accuses for the sheriff. he messed up and got caught. he didn't think the tape was going to go public. now, county DA, what's your next move. action should be taken immediately. the child's parents need to press charges against our "even temper" sheriff. Sheriff Amerson assaulted a juvenile while he was in handcuffs. That's the fact!
        ImpartialTruth wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 09:43 AM
          Maybe if more parents disciplined their children and actually gave two hoots about raising them to be contributing members of society, these kinds of juvenile criminals would not exist.

          This is a poor representation of Sheriff Amerson and these personal attacks of sitting officials need to stop, Star. If you will not allow the whole truth to be published, what is your agenda? Because a journalist should not have an agenda. A journalist should report the news fair and square and let people make up their own mind.
        Lakeshow24 wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 09:53 AM

          Custody prior to appearance before magistrate.

          Whenever a juvenile is taken into custody for an alleged act of juvenile delinquency, the arresting officer shall immediately advise such juvenile of his legal rights, in language comprehensive to a juvenile, and shall immediately notify the Attorney General and the juvenile’s parents, guardian, or custodian of such custody. The arresting officer shall also notify the parents, guardian, or custodian of the rights of the juvenile and of the nature of the alleged offense.

          The juvenile shall be taken before a magistrate forthwith. In no event shall the juvenile be detained for longer than a reasonable period of time before being brought before a magistrate.

          These are the rights that a juvenile, being a U.S. citizen are entitled to. This is basicly everything Larry Amerson didnt do. How did the Anniston Star get this tape? It came from the Police. Someone who has integrity and a heart sent it out, because they too knew that this was wrong. Lets acknowledge what Amerson and his supporters are trying to do here, Cover His @$$. There was no threat from the "juvenile" to the CAREER Officer. He was HANDCUFFED and SHACKLED when Amerson grabbed him by the throat.What if this was your relative or child? Would you have a different opinion? This is a criminal matter now. This is just a simple assault that will have a ripple effect across the county. What will the new DA do now. If he does nothing then he is going along with the actions of Amerson. All he did was violate the rights of a juvenile and the constitution of the United States.
        John5299 wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 09:53 AM
          First of all I want to congratulate the reporter at the Star for exposing this. Also, to the person that blew the whistle on Amerson. It may be out of character for Amerson to do what he did, but according to the video he did it. I think maybe he is getting too old for the job. Apparently, he doesn't have the patience he may have once had. We need some new blood in the Sheriff's Office. The Sheriff's Office and jail are Amerson's kingdom and apparently he thinks he can get by with anything. At a time when needed people are going to be laid off because of the State budget, the last thing we need is for the Sheriff to be sued, costing the county alot of money we don't have to defend him. This money could be used to possible keep and pay personnel in the court system. Thanks to Cameron Steele and the Anniston Star for revealing this story.
        msmimi wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 09:53 AM
          I totally agree with meroll. Sheriff Amerson did nothing wrong. If the parents of this boy had jerked a knot in his head theirselves, he wouldn't have been shackled in jail to begin with. Kids today have no respect for authority and we are all suffering for that. Discipline begins in the home. So don't criticize the sheriff for having to do the PARENTS job! Supporting the Sheriff 100% and he should be given a medal for disciplining that disrespectful crimminal!!!
        meroll wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 10:11 AM
          Mr. Barton...I would very much like to meet with you. You and I have been on opposite ends on a few issues but I think we have more in common than you may think...tell ya email is [email protected]....I think it's time we had a meeting of the minds, don't you?
        1SGRock wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 10:14 AM
          WAKE UP and smell the rose. If someone would do their homework without worry of retaliations, justice will prevail. To start with, Larry Dean Amerson and only Larry Dean Amerson knows what really transpired between himself and the alleged "Ill Reputed Juvenile". YOU THINK??? GOD ALMIGHTY KNOWS. If you spat on me, called my Mother or Wife a name not to be reckined with, I would not have the right to slam, push, shove, or man handle you. What would you do if it happened to you? I believe the word is "DISCIPLINE". They teach it in the Military. Oh, I am so sorry as I have no knowledge as to whether Larry served or not. If so, he should be familiar with it. It honestly does not matter what we think of this man whom wears a badge or how many popsickles he has sucked in his lifetime. The bottom line is he got caught going overboard. I thought Larry Dean Amerson was the Sheriff??? Why was he even in a room with this juvenile? Does he not have Deputies or Investigators who could have related with this young man. He should have been doing what he does best and that apparently wasn't it. Hopefully, just hopefully, someone who has a set and is not worried about any form of retaliation, will tell all. There was a time when things went awry and people in places of such importance took care of matters. Whoever released the video, I owe you a meal of your choice. Cameron, go for it, dig deep and you will be rewarded.
        outraged2011 wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 10:22 AM
          Now, we blame the parents for the Sheriff assaulting him. The young man is a victim. You blame the victim in any case. The fact is the Sheriff is not the child's parent: he needs to jerk his own children around not someone elses. Come on, are we really making the Sheriff to be the victim. The kid didn't jump across with both arms and pull the Sheriff down against wall, nor did he attempt to choke the Sheriff. He couldn't he was in handcuffs, but the Sheriff did. That's wrong. Whether it was an adult or a child, you don't assault a defenseless person. If they call you to talk to the kids who act out, then talk. But what Sheriff Amerson did was bully the child by using his authority unlawfully. Victims are never to blame.
        DjMarkspinz wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 10:30 AM
          msmimi you have lost sight here, not only are you ok with the sherrif violating civil rights you admit to backing child abuse by putting " knots " on kids heads. Child abuse is the physical, sexual, emotional mistreatment, or neglect of children. Even if you think the rough treatment was ok what do you think about the emotional effects are going to be. what do you think the sherrif was saying to him.... Maybe it went like this ~~~ Hi Son I'm Sherrif Amerson are you having a good day ? Do you need a drink or something to eat ? Is your Bed soft enough ?~~~~ I really dont think that was the point he was trying to make as this kids head hit the wall behind him. Looks like at least 2 of the key points of Child abuse have been met in the video, physical and emotional mistreatment. This story ain't over people, details will come out and the county will be the one to suffer.
        Youarewastingyourfreedom wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 10:43 AM
          "Garlick said he didn’t watch the video published by The Star because he didn’t need to."

          "Garlick said “Knowing what I know and without commenting on the criminal case, (Amerson’s) behavior in the interview and the pictures from the video were not in any way an excess of force.”

          Please tell me you've never spent time as an investigator Sgt.Garlick. So, if assault doesn't fall under "wrongdoing" we ALL need to fear the CCSO! Any of us could be assaulted by any CCSO officer, because in their opinion assaults aren't aginst "their" law. I wonder if Sgt.Garlick will defend the juveniles father if he "straightens out" Amerson in the same way for breaking the law. Either this is the Good Ol' Boys club playing CYA, or we obviously have the most incompetent Sheriff's office in America. I think it's a good bit of both.

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        Offline Ursus

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        Comments: "Sheriff Amerson's actions on tape..." #s 21-40
        « Reply #13 on: April 23, 2011, 10:25:23 AM »
        Comments left for the above article, "Sheriff Amerson's actions on tape out of character, colleagues say" (by Cameron Steele; Apr 01, 2011;The Anniston Star), #s 21-40:

        outraged2011 wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 10:53 AM
          Dear Child Abuse Hotline:

          On March 31st, I came across a video on the Anniston Star website displaying a public official, Calhoun County Sheriff Larry Amerson, appearing to be "child abuse" on a defenseless handcuff minor. I respectfully request the immediate investigation against Sheriff Amerson. I am scared that he have and will continue to abuse youth in our community.

          Sincerely the Fact,

        1SGRock wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 11:02 AM
          The job of being in Law Enforcement is a very tough and demanding one. That of being the Sheriff requires much responsibility and one of those is being able to select personnel of various positions of responsibilities. It requires much to be in a position of authority and maintain control of ones being. Providing we do our jobs in a very professional manner, we will surely be rewarded. When we make mistakes we are corrected by someone in a position of authority over us. None of us are above the laws that we protect our society with. There is an old saying that when the going gets tough, the tough get going. When we as Police Officers are called upon by the very people we protect, do us harm by being spat on, kicked, slapped, cursed by names we are unfamiliar with, and receive no respect even by children at times. Folks, we really need the men that wear those badges, but we need people of great respect with regard for the health, welfare, and safety of all mankind. You see, we have entrusted this man with our all and we need him if he is of good. If he isn't, we need to send him down the road and provide him with the same cuffs and shackles he has given this kid. Lets just hope and pray that justice will prevail for all of mankind. I say bring in someone who has no sides to take and do their thing. If we have a few bad guys among the good, send them off with a message that we will not tolerate hypocrisy. I will say "THANK YOU FOR WHAT YOU DO FOR OUR SAFETY!" to all of the Honest and Dedicated Police Officers of Calhoun County. For the Wolves among the Sheep, I say "MAY THE FLEAS OF A THOUSAND CAMELS INFEST YOUR ARMPITS & YOU CORRECT YOUR WAYS!"
        luvinmylife wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 11:22 AM
          John Garlick??are u serious??You are a man that I once respected and actually beleived that treated children fair and u cared!!!WOW,never again!!U have disgraced me by defending a man who was caught dead in the wrong.Period.So you all "say"the child spit on the "sheriff"ok??All of you all that are in this article defending your "sheriff" are pathetic!!I hope that this young boys parents make all of you stand accountable for the senseless act of violence and abuse he suffered.If we as parents used this kind of force and abuse on our own children we would loose custody and be put in jail!!I am still asking why is he still your "sheriff"??
        scarllett5 wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 11:25 AM
          And Jesus said: If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

          The boy seemed to be turning the cheek from the sheriff but let us not forget that:

          Violence begets Violence

        1SGRock wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 11:39 AM
          I just now sat down and read all of these comments. Golly, I am totally suprised at all of you people that honestly "DO NOT HAVE A CLUE". Of course, some of you have stretched the truth a bit and ya know it!
        calhounjustice wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 11:51 AM
          The INMATE, needed someone long before this to get in his face, and teach him respect!

          For everyone who says the poor boy was abused, lets see what you think when you face this boy standing in your house!

          Thank you Sheriff, you should have the same discussion with his parents, if they cna be found!
        1SGRock wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 11:54 AM
          Luvinmylife, you said it all. I couldn't have agreed with you any more. All of them will stand before God when this is said and done, if justice prevails. That is the key to this whole event. On one hand, it is not worthy of wasting our time when we have people committing very serious crimes in our County and the Sheriff is playing games with a juvy. On the other hand, LARRY GOT CAUGHT!!! LARRY GOT CAUGHT!!! If he is doing simple things such as this, what else can he be up to. I don't think the Attorney Generals Investigators can cover this one up. The people of Calhoun County need to know who really cares about them and it isn't the imposter wearing the badge named Larry Dean Amerson! You don't have to listen to me or anyone else on this site because anyone whom has a grudge with Larry could speak ill of him. Don't ask the people who work for him, heck they have to feed their families too. Ask someone like his Ex. or check Calhoun & Talladega County records. For that matter, follow and document his every movement, it has been done in the past. He is what he is and some know dearly!
        DjMarkspinz wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 12:08 PM
          calhounjustice what school did you go to where you learn respect by getting in someones face... I got the meaning of respect from my father who was an investigator for Etowah county and an Army Vet, as for facing this kid in my house, with the money he will get from his civil suit I dont think he will need to be breaking into houses for money.
        1SGRock wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 12:33 PM
          Calhounjustice must have went to school with larry. You are as blind as everyone else who supports this idiot of a Sheriff or on his payroll. If he still has a payroll after this kid eats this County alive!
        Dewaynek78 wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 12:34 PM
          It is a shame that poeple can stick together even when they know things are clearly wrong. And, instead of stating facts, they skate around the issue just to keep from admitting the truth. Ex: My co-wokrs and myself were talking about this issue. One co worker said, "Yes, I know him
        [the sheriff] he goes to my church". Another said, "He grabbed the boy by his kneck while he was in handcuffs". The first worked replied, "well, he wasn't really a boy". What does that matter?? He was going to find a reason to stick behind his "buddy" by any means. Shanmeless!![/list]
        setsail98 wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 01:01 PM
          I normally have something crass to say... especially when it comes to our town clowncilmen; a no-brainer, heh? I normally agree with Marty; sage advice indeed. Normally Barton is for fartin; nothing changed there folks but this current debacle challenges me. How about you? How about you grocer? How about you oil lube man or fast food worker or post... person? How about you?

          I really don't like our Sheriff. I think it is because he is overweight and presents a poor image; most deputies do too. He does nothing for the relations for our counties police and communities but then who does. That, was not a question.

          I read the past and present articles to include the infamous "ed bored" and came to a conclusion; odd as it may seem.

          Quite simple fellow thesbians...

          h. Brat Air-s controls you. It is what you read, what you think, and opines you SEE. Heck, he even knows who I am and where I live and from whence I came...

          That is more scary than this Amerson...

          (proper elipse use Air-s)
        JerryM wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 01:11 PM
          If this was video taken by a citizen from an observable distance, in public, that citizen might very well be in jail right now for the made up crime of "filming police." Filming police as a new kind of criminal offense, to cover up alleged brutality, is a little known crime.

          Second, for those who said the kid spit in the sheriff's face, the kid was turned away for a few seconds before the sheriff reacted by grabbing him. It took the sheriff that long to react or the kid bounced spit off the wall while turned away? Is this the magic loogi defense of Seinfeld?
        setsail98 wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 01:23 PM
          Remember Jerry...

          People do not like the truth

          They are uncomfortable with it

          Liberalism Mantra 101
        setsail98 wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 03:28 PM
          Earlier I wrote these comments… are they true Annistonians?

          Now Billy Bob and Corn Fed… (laugh track)

          ya'll wanna step out whilst (laugh track)

          I gives Jr. hereya (laugh track)

          sum “dem” (LAUGH TRACK)

          facts-o-life? (laugh track)

          facts-facts-facts (laugh track)

          Maybe, Jr, we cud pos dis on utube, heh? (laugh track)

          How do you spell c-a-u-g-h-t? (laugh track)

          Then I wrote…

          I normally have something crass to say... especially when it comes to our town clowncilmen; a no-brainer, heh? (YaY setsail98) I normally agree with Marty; sage advice indeed. Normally Barton is for fartin; nothing changed there folks but this current debacle challenges me. How about you? How about you grocer? How about you oil lube man or fast food worker or post... person? How about you?

          I really don't like our Sheriff. I think it is because he is overweight and presents a poor image; most deputies do too. He does nothing for the relations for our counties police and communities but then who does. That was not a question.

          I read the past and present articles to include the infamous "ed bored" and came to a conclusion; odd as it may seem.

          Quite simple fellow thespians...

          h. Brat Air-s controls you. It is what you read, what you think, and opines you SEE. Heck, he even knows who I am and where I live and from whence I came...

          That is scarier than this Amerson...

          (proper elipse use Air-s)

          How does one get your attention Anniston? (No laugh track)
        setsail98 wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 03:37 PM
          BTW… that was Marty R.
        ohlawdy wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 04:21 PM
          Sheriff Amerson violated civil and criminal law and is now hiding behind this supposed juvenile criminal charge to try to weather the storm that has so justly come crashing in on him.

          I can conceive of no justification for what the sheriff did. Regardless of what the child did to provoke him, Sheriff Amerson's attack on a restrained person who posed no threat was barbaric. It was the very definition of assault and was a reprehensible act. What he did was simply police brutality.

          Civilization and the rule of law is what is supposed to separate the good guys from the bad guys.

          Bad guys don't respect the rights of others. Using force against a helpless person is what bad guys do. Ordering potential witnesses to leave the room is what bad guys do. Making excuses, evading responsibility, and attempting to justify crimes is what bad guys do.

          Good guys respect the rights of others. Good guys act within the limits of the law and accomplish their goals through honest effort and concerted thought. Good guys aren't afraid of having others see what they do. Good guys make mistakes. Good guys admit them, seek forgiveness, make ammends, and work hard to never make the same mistake again. Good guys are humble. Good guys stand up for the weak - they don't engage in evasive logical contortions to defend a friend who's done wrong.

          Is Sheriff Amerson a good guy who did a bad thing? Is he a bad guy who was caught being himself? Are the friends and co-workers who defend him without having even seen the video good guys? Aren't they supposed to be?
        outraged2011 wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 04:23 PM
          Are you serious? People stop making excuses for the Sheriff. He messed up -- Ok. It happens, now he needs to learn from his mistakes -- behind bars with the others who messed up. In watching the video, there is no reason for you to attack and bully a defenseless person, let alone a minor. He broke the law: assaulted and abused a minor. He would arrest a person who had done what he done. If the child said something, it doesn't mess because he did not physically assault him. Also, you don't go around beating up people, I mean children, because they say something you don't agree with. The "even temper" Sheriff knows that.
        cfreese1977 wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 04:31 PM
          Can't really tell what caused this problem due to no sound. It appears from watching the video that the Sheriff tells the other three officers to leave the room. Why? When there is a camera running. Someone said that the kid spit in the sheriff's face? I didn't see the sheriff wiping his face. Lots of questions and no answers. Only two people know why this happened.
        outraged2011 wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 04:35 PM
          (telephone rings)

          Operator Answers: Calhoun County 911 what's your emergency?

          Caller: Yes, I witnessed a man physically assault a child.

          Operator: Do you know the man?

          Caller: Yes, the man is Sheriff Larry Amerson.

          Operator disconnects the call.

          Calhoun County officials please step up and do what's right. Arrest the Sheriff.
        setsail98 wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 04:44 PM
          ...h. Brat Air-s @ work

          Why are these Captcha words looking more middle eastern?

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        Offline Ursus

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        Comments: "Sheriff Amerson's actions on tape..." #s 41-56
        « Reply #14 on: April 23, 2011, 10:48:39 AM »
        Comments left for the above article, "Sheriff Amerson's actions on tape out of character, colleagues say" (by Cameron Steele; Apr 01, 2011; The Anniston Star), #s 41-56:

        deepsix9 wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 05:36 PM
          Man, am I ever glad that none of you people will ever be on a jury in any criminal cases. Every one of you has this guy convicted and sentenced, and looking at 100 years in jail, the chair or a firing squad. I guess if any of YOU committed any act that deserved arrest, you would IMMEDIATELY confess and say you did it and tell the court to throw the book at you, without ANY investigation or anything. Am I right?

          I didn't think so. I just love you people who hide behind a computer and think you are so holy, so honorable, beyond reproach, beyond wrong, beyond doing anything that would be construed wrong. I guess all of you are perfect. Man, how do I get to buy some of what ever it is you drink to make you so perfect.

          Again, I am sooooooooooo glad that you would never be on a jury, because you could never pass the muster of the defense counsel questioning if you WOULD GIVE THE ACCUSED A FAIR TRIAL or that you had already tried and convicted him in the court of personal opinion.

          Small note. I have heard the kid spit in Amerson's face. What would you have done if that had been you he spit into? Oh, right, you guys are never doing wrong. You'd wipe it off and tell him he is forgiven. Don't do it again. Right?

          Look, get real. IF Amerson is guilty of any crime, it will come out in a REAL investigation. If he is guilty of that crime, he will be punished by whatever level of prosecution is brought against him. Thankfully, not by all the accusers here. Geeze, Thelma and Louise.
        setsail98 wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 05:44 PM

          I think the point is from “outraged” and myself is quite simple

          and quite scary.

          Who is in charge?

          I say…

          No one is in charge of Anniston and Calhoun County.

          Look at your city.

          Look at your county.

          We hear of movements in Wisconsin and Washington and Ohio…

          Where is “our” movement? Where is “our” government?

          Are we relegated to the ilk of Little and Spain and Palmore; ne’er-do-wells at best?

          What are your thoughts citizens?

          Soon fellow thespians setsail98 will launch a Facebook site to pique your thoughts. Critical? Yes, but things you should think about none the less.

          Glad to hear your opine er, deep ninety 6
        msmimi wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 06:59 PM
          I stand behind the Sheriff. After going over these uneducated (some can't spell worth a flip, can we blame that on your parents?), I continue to support Sheriff Amerson. He should not have to do the job of the PARENT, but when he has to he does. I really find it funny how the liberals and this liberal newspaper are trying to make something bad out of something so minor. So the Sheriff had to get the 'boy's' attention, the 'boy' was not hurt. And to even entertain a lawsuit out of this MINOR incident is further proof of how sick our society is. Oh he touched, I'm gonna sue. Oh he looked at me, I'm gonna sue. Oh he did his job, I'm gonna sue. Who really wins with frivolous lawsuits. Certainly not the taxpayer. Keep doing the good work Sheriff Amerson. Get scum off the streets. Oh wait, the 'boy' is an angel, THAT is why he is in jail in the first place.
        meroll wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 07:49 PM
          SetSail, You are dead-on when it comes to Mr. Ayers controlling the masses with what he presents them. People in this town are focused on ALL the wrong things. Where's the outrage? It's there, believe me. It may take another election cycle to sweep out the rubbish but I can just about GUARANTEE there WILL be a regime change. Calhoun County as a whole is about to begin a grand odyssey of "Healing Thyself"...It's all about personal responsibility...Pretty soon, things are going to get bad enough that people are going to realize that the only person you can truly count on is YOU. Personal responsibility will be THRUST on us all whether we like it or not....God willing.
        setsail98 wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 08:18 PM
          As AirHead has said, I kontrol this town's thoughts ... well, we ain't China yet H. Brat

          Just report the news
        kmolino wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 09:01 PM
          I can not believe our sheriff would act this way and do what he has done.People are blaming that child he did nothing wrong even if he did spit on the sheriff he should have been the bigger man but oh no he had to show the minor that he was a big bad sheriff.Why is he sheriff anyway i have been told he was arrested for domestic violence against his x-wife.I hope the family of this child brings him down to his level and puts him out of office.It is like everytime you turn your tv on it is POLICE VIOLENCE..I guess sheriff amberson felt like mmm why don't we do this to get on tv!!! THIS MAKES ME ANGRY AND MAD THAT POOR KID I HOPE WHEN THIS CHILD GETS DONE AMBERSON HAS NOTHING...
        wrathofwheet wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 09:23 PM
          wonder if sheriff Amerson will get away with this,while he got all his big cheifs standing behind him. in my opinion he should be locked up for child abuse.and for all you big cheifs, there's a old saying... if you lay down with dogs you will catch fleas,so start scrating cause you just as wrong as he is.
        jakejacobs1 wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 10:06 PM
          I know the sheriff and even I agree this is out of character for him to lose it like that. Now, I would not be surprised if I saw his Mini Me Matt Wade to it. But, lets face it, if you or I had done this in Walmart, the sheriff would have arrested us for child abuse, pure and simple. I doubt anything will come of it. Its one big group of good ole boys in our county gov't at the court house. They all look out for each other. I used to be in law enforcement and finally stopped even trying because if so and so got caught selling meth, his daddy was an Amerson supporter and it was 'hands off' on these people. "They are good people. Don't hassle them." Then you'd be instructed to arrest someone who wasnt a supporter. Got to where you couldnt do your job because you didnt know if they were 'supporters' or not. If you dont believe me, read all about how the Jail is understaffed, but in reality, there are secretaries and desk jockeys filling deputy and correction officer slots. Same ole same ole. Always will be.
        redhotvelvet2000flower wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 10:42 PM
          What Sheriff Emerson did is wrong. He assaulted a kid that was shackled, hand-cuffed, and whom is a minor. noone needs to say he was wrong or he was right. the tape speaks for itself! When he gets what he deserves, I hope he never works for Law Enforcement again. He should also be locked up for this because it is a crime. They lock people up all the time for assault...why should he be any different? He committed a crime, therefore, he should be held accountable for it. People whom have viewed that tape should ask themselves "What if that was my kid"? Sheriff Emerson's actions were barbaric and uncalled for. he shouldn't be over a county at all! People need to understand that God sits high, we sit low. I hope he gets what he deserves! and the ones saying they know him and he would never do this or that....they are just as worse. how well do you really know someone? you really don't. and his actions just verify that he's been doing that all along behind closed doors. He should be put out of office and forced to work at McDonalds!!! If that was my kid, he would never work in law enforcement again! he ought to be ashamed of himself. He's been he must pay for his actions like everyone else has to.
        AVietnamVet2 wrote on Saturday, Apr 02 at 12:35 AM
          Does anyone think he (Sheriff Amerson) should be put on leave without pay pending further investigation? I think he should just man up. Admit that he was wrong and that he violated the law and our or any american's rights and this kids rights. Take his lumps like you or I would have to do. He should do the right thing and step down and leave law enforcement altogether. Do you think for one minute this will cross his mind.(NOT) For this reason it's going to make a black mark grow larger on the Law enforcement in Calhoun County. Kind of look's shabby doesn't it? Can they pull the wool over everyone's eyes and cover this up? Not my eyes.
        yes_i_said_it wrote on Saturday, Apr 02 at 01:50 AM
          For anyone to think that in any way Amerson was in the right should be spit on too. I'm sorry, and i'm not condoning wrong-doing but wrong is wrong. The boy was already in cuffs. Defenseless. As far as we know, Amerson could've been calling that boy's mother a B**.. Or disrespecting him. Just because he's a minor DOES NOT make him non-human.

          ...And people say blame the parents for the boy being in trouble (please).. If your child or grandchild has never been in trouble with the law,consider yourself blessed. Some preacher's kids be strung out on drugs. Regardless of how you raise your kids, after they reach a certain age they make their own decisions and become responsible for their OWN actions. I consider myself one of the blessed ones because my children came up in a single parent household and they actually listened to me and finished school and went on to further their education. Not all kids listen to their parents so you can't always blame the parents.

          I would be IN JAIL if this was me choking out MY OWN bleepin" kid. Even if it's what I consider dicipline the law says it's child abuse. Why is it o.k for a stranger to do it? UR doggone right! I'd sue the heck out of his crooked butt because we all know that he will not be treated like the average citizen commiting a crime against a minor. He's the Sheriff so he has the right to just go around choking other people children.

          I am so glad this wasn't one of my children because I would be having a real "stupid attack" and my stupid behind would be in jail...right now
        bama57 wrote on Saturday, Apr 02 at 01:23 PM
          Looks like all the bleeding hearts for the criminals are out in force on this blog. You keep calling this guy a CHILD. He is a juvenile, under the age of 18. He is not a child. 15, 16, and 17 year old juveniles have committed some of the worst crimes in the nation. He looks like he is 6ft.tall or more. He is not a "child" like most people think of 7, 8, or 9 year olds.

          Some of you say the sheriff was choking the guy but everything I have read said he was pushing his head back, his hand on his chin. Looking at the video and pictures, you cannot tell but I guess some of you want to see what is not there. Some of you say the sheriff was beating up the guy. To beat someone up, you have to hit them with your fist or some object. The sheriff never hit him, only pulled his head around to make him look at him and probably make him listen. Some of you are saying the sheriff assaulted him. According to Alabama criminal code, for someone to be assaulted, they must have physical injuries and looking at the video, I don't believe he was injured in any way. One of you said the "child" did nothing wrong, even if he did spit on the sheriff. Really? Is that the way you raised your children, that it was ok to spit on people in authority, or anyone else for that matter? With that attitude, no wonder the state juvenile facilitys and state prisons are full of people who think the world owes them.

          Some of you asked, "What if that was your kid?" If that was my kid or grandkid, and he was out of control, which he must have been or he wouldn't be there, I would say, thanks sheriff, maybe you can get his life turned around because I can't. Thanks for caring enough about my kid, to keep him out of prison, which is where he is heading if he doesn't change. Believe me, I know first hand. It is hell on earth. He will quickly become someone's "wife" and he will wish the sheriff had jerked his head a few more times. I'm sure what the sheriff did, he did to get the guys attention. He did not physically hurt him and maybe he will listen and straighten up to become a good citizen.
        Guest3406191kn wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 10:59 AM
          All of the Deputy's and Sheriff's "buddies" say this is not "his character".

          They all admitted they did not see the film and do not need to see the film, the Sheriff is innocent.

          Since when is anyone innocent or guilty without due process? Why is the Sheriff being considered "Innocent" by people that have not even witnessed the film?

          What that tells me is the county jail system is corrupt- VERY CORRUPT.

          When the Sheriff (an as far as we know Deputies) are all innocent, no matter what the EVIDENCE shows, they are also considered innocent even though NO evidence has been viewed (as stated, we do not need to see it, he is innocent).

          In fact, what this means and what the jail workers are saying is- "No matter what the Sheriff does, how he mistreats and tortures children (imagine what happens to people actually in jail, this child was not even an inmate), it is OK, we do not need to see evidence and if they did, it would not matter, he (Sheriff) would still be innocent, no amount of evidence will make a difference because for one, they will not even look at it.

          What this tells me is- this is the "good 'ole boy system" that covers up, hides and can do no wrong and even with a taped video, it does not matter to them, he is still innocent.

          Can you tell me what is wrong with this, when whatever the Sheriff does it is OK, evidence is not looked at or even taken into consideration..., now, if that was a "regular citizen", what would have happened to him.

          "Out of character" means "Out of control" and if a grown man, an elected official, the Sheriff (who by the way is "supposed" to uphold the law, bot beat chained and shackled children) has the mind set that it is OK to "break the law", abuse children, it sure makes me wonder what goes on when a camera is not running.

          If you will do that on video, what are you capable of when the camera is not running.

          Seems like a VERY dangerous person to me.

          How many have mysteriously DIED in jail recently?

          Something is not right in the Calhoun County Jail when people are beaten and dying, going to jail and leaving in a casket or under the care of a doctor..., or did the child even get to see a doctor? Human bodies are very fragile and you can "beat" someone and never leave a mark, it is a scarey time to be in the county jail.

          What if the tables were turned around and the Sheriff was chained and beaten?..., then "that" would have been a crime, but since it was the sheriff doing the beating, it was OK and life goes on, Jail workers and staff say the Sheriff is innocent (can you imagine if there was no video), he will not discuss it because he said it is a juvenile case.

          I believe the sheriff is above 21yrs of age and HE is the one that committed THIS CRIME
        rewood1949 wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 01:32 PM
          Call off the "Dawgs", the case is closed! No need to gather evidence since it seems that some people's definition of due process doesn't include the accused's "presumption of innocence". No need to bother the Alabama Attorney General's Office or F.B.I., the Sheriff is guilty and anyone who thinks differently is "ignorant", "corrupt", "uneducated", or any of the other derogatory adjectives used to belittle those who disagree with them. It sounds to me like they don't want to know the facts. Are they afraid they won't match their own? Here are some "FACTS" from the "presumption of guilt" crowd: The Sheriff mistreats and tortures children. Inmates at the Calhoun County Jail are beaten and dying. The Sheriff beats chained and shackled children. The Sheriff was choking the kid out. The Sheriff's been doing that (abusing inmates) all along. The Sheriff got arrested for DV by his ex-wife. The Sheriff violated civil and criminal law and is hiding behind juvenile law till everything blows over. The Sheriff broke the law, he assaulted and abused a minor.

          "As Joe Friday would say, "Not the facts, ma'am, not the facts."

          In a criminal court of law the prosecutors have a "burden of proof". They must prove their case "Beyond a Reasonable Doubt. Does the court of public opinion have such a standard?
        1SGRock wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 10:56 AM
          To MSMIMI,

          Were you born in the afterlife or should I say get out from behind that darn rock! You are right when it comes to a few things, but how would it feel if this were your kid someone else called "a scumbag". Where I come from, it takes one to call another the same. You either do not have any children or you have been sharing sheets with Fat Larry. If you can't see the dirt behind his ears, then you better wash your own arse. This so-called child, boy, kid, or whatever is not the real issue at hand. The real story is that "Larry, (the real boy in this story) got caught doing something wrong and he can't wiggle his arse out of it this time. We can only hope and pray that all of the real dirty things he has done will come to light. May the good lord provide us with a real honest man to once again wear the badge that has been so tainted by this punk whom calls himself "Sheriff" of Calhoun County.
        tiredofabuse wrote on Monday, Apr 11 at 09:22 AM
          I am sure this is not the first incident where Amerson showed his so called authority by using force on someone. The only difference is he got caught this time. The only thing is: will someone else b any better? SAD but TRUE! Our judicial system and police department is a joke!

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        « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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