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FBI confirms preliminary investigation of Amerson
« Reply #15 on: April 23, 2011, 11:08:11 AM »
Here's the second article:

Again, access to the (Adobe Flash Player) Video in question via the article title link:

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The Anniston Star · Alabama

FBI confirms preliminary investigation of Amerson

by Cameron Steele · Star Staff Writer
Apr 01, 2011

    Video appears to show sheriff accosting restrained teen
    The minor's face has been blurred in this video to avoid revealing his identity.

    The FBI is probing potential civil rights violations related to a video that shows Calhoun County Sheriff Larry Amerson using manual force against a juvenile male.

    The FBI has launched a preliminary investigation to "gather facts" about whether Amerson's actions, which were recorded by a surveillance camera, were a violation of the boy's civil rights, an FBI spokesman told The Star Friday.

    The spokesman, Paul Daymond, said the FBI cannot disclose when the investigation began or what sparked it.

    "In general, what triggers a civil rights investigation, that could be a newspaper article, that could be a victim coming forward, it could be a number of things," Daymond said.

    The video was first published by The Anniston Star after a source requesting anonymity gave it to the newspaper Wednesday. It shows the sheriff using physical force against a juvenile who is handcuffed and shackled in a room at the Calhoun County Jail.

    Bryan Fair, a constitutional law and civil rights professor at the University of Alabama's School of Law, called Amerson's actions "shocking" and "inexplicable."

    "I certainly hope that this is being investigated fully as a constitutional violation and a civil rights violation," Fair said Friday after watching the video.

    "It has to be a violation of due process for a law enforcement worker to engage in this type of behavior. Yes, it needs to be investigated."

    In the two-and-a-half-minute silent video, Amerson grabs the boy, who is seated on a bench next to him, handcuffed, shackled and dressed in an orange-striped jumpsuit. Amerson forces the boy's head back toward the wall by pushing on the boy's chin; the sheriff then holds the boy in that position for several seconds.

    Then, after a moment of what appears to be further conversation between the sheriff and the boy, Amerson uses both arms, one at the boy's shirt collar, to pull him backward toward the wall again.

    During an interview with The Star Wednesday, Amerson acknowledged the video showed a portion of what he described as "a talk" between himself and the boy. But Amerson stressed he couldn't comment about any other aspect of that interaction because it would be unlawful to discuss a matter that might become a juvenile case.

    Although attempts to reach Amerson Friday were unsuccessful, Amerson's defense of his actions has been that the video clip only shows a piece of what he called "a talk" with the boy.

    Calhoun County Sgt. Jon Garlick said that he was there the day the talk took place and noted the boy had been acting out. Sheriff's Office officials said they couldn't elaborate on what exactly the boy was doing, because they said they couldn't comment publicly on a situation that may be a criminal juvenile case.

    Amerson also wouldn't comment specifically on the boy's status during the interview or why the boy was dressed in an orange-striped inmate jumpsuit, wearing shackles and handcuffs. But Amerson did say the county jail doesn't house juvenile inmates. If a boy is seen at the jail dressed in an inmate jumpsuit, he is there as part of a "scared straight" program, in which parents can send children who commit minor crimes or skip school to the jail to perform community service tasks.

    Tallapoosa County District Attorney Paul Jones has noted, in general, there might be times when it's permissible and even necessary for a law enforcement officer to use physical force on a restrained person.

    But Fair, the constitutional law professor at UA's law school, said it doesn't matter if the boy's interview with the sheriff was the result of the boy's bad behavior while participating in the program or if the boy had committed a crime in the moments leading up to the scene caught on camera.

    "You have a completely helpless child in this clip, it doesn't matter what happened before. That doesn't authorize the police to engage in that kind of behavior," Fair said. "There are actions, like if he reached for an officer's gun, that would justify restraining him, but nothing justifies what the video seems to show the sheriff doing."

    Not even if the boy had just committed a murder, Fair said.

    "No matter how far you want to take the "even-ifs", it doesn't matter what the kid did before ... there is no reason for that kind of behavior," Fair said.

    Fair and LaJuana Davis, a criminal law and procedure expert at Samford University's Cumberland School of Law, noted the boy has a list of options if he wishes to take legal action against Amerson.

    But those options are somewhat limited because of Amerson's role as Calhoun County sheriff, the experts said.

    That's because the Alabama Constitution and the 11th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution define a claim against the sheriff as a claim against the state and bar that kind of action unless the state consents to be sued, Davis said in a statement emailed Wednesday.

    But Davis said the boy could probably successfully sue Amerson in civil court in at least two other ways: He could file a state tort action against the sheriff for assault or he could sue Amerson as an individual rather than an as an official.

    A state tort action suit is won when a law enforcement official knowingly violates a person's constitutional rights "in a way not authorized by his position," Davis said.

    Suing the sheriff as an individual is permissible by federal law, under what's called a "section 1983 lawsuit," meaning that the boy could seek civil monetary damages from the sheriff as a way "to prevent law enforcement officers from using the badge to violate people's rights," Davis said.

    "The court looks at whether the officer's conduct is objectively reasonable in light of the facts confronting the officer," she said. "In this video, the sheriff's conduct qualifies as excessive force. The person could also say that this is a violation of his Fourteenth Amendment due process rights, because the sheriff used physical coercion."

    Both experts noted that other types of civil suits, like civil racketeering charges for repeated misconduct, and most types of criminal charges filed by the juvenile himself are hard to prove or win.

    But the state or U.S. attorney general's offices could decide to press criminal charges of police misconduct or brutality if they choose, Fair and Davis said. Those kinds of criminal charges are contingent upon what the state and federal investigating agencies determine about the case.

    While the FBI confirmed an investigation Friday, attempts to reach a spokesperson with the Alabama Bureau of Investigation — the state agency that investigates allegations that law enforcement officers have behaved inappropriately — were unsuccessful.

    ABI spokeswoman Robyn Litchfield said Thursday the agency wasn't investigating Amerson.

    Daymond, the FBI spokesman, said that, in general, a preliminary investigation means that federal agents are collecting "basic" information about a case.

    "Our job is not to do anything other than to gather facts," he said. "We present those facts to the U.S. Attorney's Office, and they are the ones that make the determination to move forward."

    Star staff writer Cameron Steele: 256-235-3562.

    Copyright © 2011 Anniston Star.
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    Offline Ursus

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    Comments: "FBI confirms preliminary investigation..." #s 1-2
    « Reply #16 on: April 23, 2011, 09:53:31 PM »
    This video has now made it to YouTube, according to one of the comments below:

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    Comments left for the above article, "FBI confirms preliminary investigation of Amerson" (by Cameron Steele; Apr 01, 2011; The Anniston Star), #s 1-20:

    Imnotbflat wrote on Friday, Apr 01 at 11:31 PM
      Couldn't discuss it because he's a juvy..Where's his attorney?..was he present for the talk?
    setsail98 wrote on Saturday, Apr 02 at 12:51 AM
      Sounds like a case for Gene Rutledge...
    ImpartialTruth wrote on Saturday, Apr 02 at 02:14 AM
      That's right, let's teach children that they can sue law enforcement officials when the full facts haven't even been disclosed. Let's teach children that it is ok to use a newspaper to smear a trusted law enforcement officer who, at present, legally cannot disclose what really happened and the context of that two-minute video clip. If you feel entitled to rights just because you are breathing, and you don't feel obligated to contribute to a free society and follow the rules of a free society, you don't understand the concept of freedom. A person who has broken the law and is handcuffed to a chair has rights, sure. But the fact is, the Star does not know the whole story, and as far as I'm concerned, that means they need to leave personal opinions out of it until the entire story is known. Stick to the facts and stop trying to fulfill an agenda.
    PoliticalGarbage wrote on Saturday, Apr 02 at 07:00 AM and a lot of others who have posted comments on this article are missing the point; the claims of "being taken out of context",or "the full facts haven't been disclosed",etc. are meaningless. In what we have seen,the victims rights were violated,pure and simple. It doesn't matter what he did in the rest of the video.Nothing it could show would exonerate the sheriff from violating his civil rights in that clip.The law was broken,and now the investigation is underway.

      I am not trying to take sides in this matter. I am only pointing out peoples opinions are irrelevant. The law covers this violation in several areas,and soon we will know what if any charges the sheriff will face for his violation. I'm guessing he will be removed from office,but will probably resign before it comes to that. He will also probably face some form of civil litigation,but again this is just me guessing.

      Just remember that everyone is afforded the same rights under the law. How despicable someone is has no bearing on lessening their rights. Some of your words,and others who have posted suggest otherwise. Though I certainly sympathize with the victims,allowing law enforcement officers to selectively administer corporal punishment and revoke basic human rights,and the rule of law, is a recipe for disaster. As for the kids reference you made, lets teach them to follow the law, and show them that no one is above it.
    Phaeton wrote on Saturday, Apr 02 at 08:24 AM
      This video has been placed on UTube. Now the world knows what is happening in Calhoun County..[/list]
    deepsix9 wrote on Saturday, Apr 02 at 08:41 AM
      The thug spit on the sheriff. Amerson put his hand over the kid's mouth. Rumors out of the jail said the kid had spit on people before. The Star knew this, but does not print it. The Star also knows more about this case, but has not said anything because it is positive to the case. How do I know, it is because I know someone who is in the jail and knows what was going on. They cannot talk because the DA has said it is a violation of the law to speak about the juvie kid, show his image, or his name. Yet the Star does, in violation of the law, yet hides behind the 1st Amd. The kid is a criminal. His mother gave him to the jail because she could not handle him. Get real, he is not a VICTIM here. He is in this because of HIS MIS-CONDUCT!!!!!!!!! You law enforcement haters always hate until YOU are the victim and need them, then they are your friends.
    Jimmy_Jo_Johnson wrote on Saturday, Apr 02 at 09:14 AM
      I was a troubled young person at one time and my Mother sent me to Amerson for a straightening out. It was good for me. I was not beat and neither was this kid. I am now a grown man who is thankful for the stern manner which Amerson used with me. I could have used more of the same. Spare the rod, spoil the child, watch this country crumble.
    Band76 wrote on Saturday, Apr 02 at 10:33 AM
      Hopefully this jerk will have to hire an attorney at his own exspense to defend himself in court...any nut that watched this can see the kid is handcuffed behind his back. It takes a coward to do any such thing. The lies and excuses the great sheriff has made makes him look more like the nut he is.
    kellykee wrote on Saturday, Apr 02 at 11:14 AM
      I dont have a crystal ball, nor can I read the future but I can already see it now. First you will have Glenn Ray,and or Ben Little gathering their groups and they will have the "march", that they normally do, screaming about racism and somebody being prejudice. They love to call others unjust, or racist, but will have a fit if somebody points out anything that they have done. They are opportunist, and really dont care anything about the boy in the tape. They will use this "incident" to try and justify what they call "injustices" of the sheriff and deputies. If they cared about this child at all they would try and find this child and get him some help before someone on the streets takes him out. People wont care if he is a kid or not. If you try to spit, kick and punch someone they are gonna deal with his attitude and it wont be with a smile and friendly conversation. Thats the problem with the world now, they dont know how to deal with bad kids, or dont want to deal with them, but they love to scrutinize how others deal with them. Lord help you if you raise your voice, or actually get stern and put a hand on them. This boy wasn't hurt at all, and there was no choking going on, his shirt and face was grabbed. It doesnt matter if this kid was black, asian, or any other color, the Sheriff was right to deal with his nasty disruptive and combative behavior. People say "Oh race doesnt matter", but the first thing they will say is "He did this because the boy was black". Anybody who knows the sheriff, knows that it doesnt matter if the person is white or black, the same thing would apply to both. People love to see others acting a jack*ss and then when law enforcement arrives, start filming and declaring "omg the cops are wrong for getting in their butts", and lord help it if the person is black. Next thing you know the NAACP is called. Thats why people are tired of these groups cause they march for the stupidest crap lately. They have gotten away from what they originally stood for, and will march for anything now. I wonder if they will come down and march for the victims after this boy is arrested and in jail for robbing or hurting someone, because thats whats going to happen. This kid aint no angel, I know that first hand, and anyone saying he is, is telling a lie. What society is about to teach him is that it is o.k to be disrespectful, combative and disruptive and nobody should do anything about that, maybe just talk to you, and ask "how are you feeling today?", send you to juvenile where you sit and watch t.v and learn to become more combative and disrespectful. Lets teach them its o.k. to spit on people, and if you do it and the person chastises you, you might be able to sue, just like we have taught criminals that if the break into someones house and they shoot you, you can sue. We walk around and wonder why the kids have become so disrespectful, and nasty, and will shoot a person without so much as a thought. Its our fault. Walk through Wal-Mart and see how many kids you see disrespecting their parents, or some adult. The other day I saw a teenager tell her mom "you are just stupid", and started calling her names. The mothers reply was "whats wrong?", while she stood there looking like an idiot. I predict in the next 20 years the kids will really be out of control, and no one will be able to say or do anything to them. Maybe send them to juvie where they will learn more disturbing behavior. Lord Help Us!
    Youarewastingyourfreedom wrote on Saturday, Apr 02 at 12:46 PM
      As I said before, I wonder how many of you would be defending Ben Little if he did the same "favor" to the community by beating the "criminal mentality" out of a white kid.

      Keep on living in fear of your own freedom. It's seems to have done all of you so much good already! If you'll justify a grown man beating on a juvenile for YOUR own "protection", then you really don't deserve to be protected.
    licketysplit wrote on Saturday, Apr 02 at 02:43 PM
      Here's the thing, forget about race. Forget about this being a black teenager. Speaking from experience as a former corrections officer, you DO NOT DO WHAT THE SHERIFF DID. PERIOD. If someone is shackled and handcuffed, you do not put the smack down on the subject. Plain and simple.

      In corrections school we were taught this. We were also taught that if we get spat on or if someone throws body waste at us, it's all part of the job.

      Some people say the teen spit at the Sheriff. If that was true then L.A. has some super slow reaction time because this young man's back was turned to L.A.

      Now in all honesty, has my career been spotless? No.

      No corrections officer has followed ALL the rules, laws and policies and procedures to the letter.

      Neither has the Sheriff.

      It just appears that this time, he was caught. This tape was from a camera installed inside the jail near the booking area. One of his employees obviously copied this and passed it on to bust the Sheriff.

      All these cameras were put in place to catch corrections officers doing things that THEY were not supposed to be doing. Apparently this came back to bite him. Karma and whatnot.
    ImpartialTruth wrote on Saturday, Apr 02 at 04:39 PM
      PoliticalGarbage-I have to say that your words are indeed correct, and I do not disagree with your stance on human rights, but the difference is that I'm not writing slanted news stories about a matter which I am not fully apprised. I am not a law enforcement officer, or a criminal for that matter, so I do not know what law enforcement officers typically do when dealing one-on-one with a criminal. I'd like to think that these actions by the sheriff were warranted, but the fact is, no one knows at this point, so until I learn otherwise, that's what I'm going to think.

      And yes, I know that basic human rights are afforded to even the scumbags of the world, but the spin on these articles is inappropriate. You act as if the sheriff was never a reasonable man. The criminal on the other hand, clearly acted unreasonably otherwise he would not be shackled to a chair. Why is the reasonable man now on the same level as the criminal? I have a hard time understanding that. Yes, I agree that the video shows inappropriate actions by the sheriff, but you have painted him to be a monster and you have disregarded his character and track record. I simply think that the reporting of this situation has been unfair.
    licketysplit wrote on Saturday, Apr 02 at 05:18 PM
      ImpartialTruth: you say you would like to think that the actions by the Sheriff were warranted. This "criminal" was not an inmate. He was a teen going through the Sheriff's Scared Straight effort that many troubled youth have gone through before him. I've just never known any that has gone through this directly with Sheriff Amerson.

      503.090 Use of physical force in law enforcement.

      (1) The use of physical force by a defendant upon another person is justifiable when the defendant, acting under official authority, is making or assisting in making an arrest, and he:

      (a) Believes that such force is necessary to effect the arrest;

      (b) Makes known the purpose of the arrest or believes that it is otherwise known or cannot reasonably be made known to the person to be arrested; and

      (c) Believes the arrest to be lawful.

      (2) The use of deadly physical force by a defendant upon another person is justifiable under subsection (1) only when:

      (a) The defendant, in effecting the arrest, is authorized to act as a peace officer; and

      (b) The arrest is for a felony involving the use or threatened use of physical force likely to cause death or serious physical injury; and

      (c) The defendant believes that the person to be arrested is likely to endanger human life unless apprehended without delay.

      (3) The use of physical force, including deadly physical force, by a defendant upon another person is justifiable when the defendant is preventing the escape of an arrested person and when the force could justifiably have been used to effect the arrest under which the person is in custody, except that a guard or other person authorized to act as a peace officer is justified in using any force, including deadly force, which he believes to be necessary to prevent the escape of a person from jail, prison, or other institution for the detention of persons charged with or convicted of a crime.

      Effective: January 1, 1975
    licketysplit wrote on Saturday, Apr 02 at 05:19 PM
      For anyone interested in the Alabama Criminal Code regarding use of physical force:

      Section 13A-3-27 - Use of force in making an arrest or preventing an escape.

      (a) A peace officer is justified in using that degree of physical force which he reasonably believes to be necessary, upon a person in order:

      (1) To make an arrest for a misdemeanor, violation or violation of a criminal ordinance, or to prevent the escape from custody of a person arrested for a misdemeanor, violation or violation of a criminal ordinance, unless the peace officer knows that the arrest is unauthorized; or

      (2) To defend himself or a third person from what he reasonably believes to be the use or imminent use of physical force while making or attempting to make an arrest for a misdemeanor, violation or violation of a criminal ordinance, or while preventing or attempting to prevent an escape from custody of a person who has been legally arrested for a misdemeanor, violation or violation of a criminal ordinance.

      (b) A peace officer is justified in using deadly physical force upon another person when and to the extent that he reasonably believes it necessary in order:

      (1) To make an arrest for a felony or to prevent the escape from custody of a person arrested for a felony, unless the officer knows that the arrest is unauthorized; or

      (2) To defend himself or a third person from what he reasonably believes to be the use or imminent use of deadly physical force.

      (c) Nothing in subdivision (a)(1), or (b)(1), or (f)(2) constitutes justification for reckless or criminally negligent conduct by a peace officer amounting to an offense against or with respect to persons being arrested or to innocent persons whom he is not seeking to arrest or retain in custody.

      (d) A peace officer who is effecting an arrest pursuant to a warrant is justified in using the physical force prescribed in subsections (a) and (b) unless the warrant is invalid and is known by the officer to be invalid.

      (e) Except as provided in subsection (f), a person who has been directed by a peace officer to assist him to effect an arrest or to prevent an escape from custody is justified in using physical force when and to the extent that he reasonably believes that force to be necessary to carry out the peace officer's direction.

      (f) A person who has been directed to assist a peace officer under circumstances specified in subsection (e) may use deadly physical force to effect an arrest or to prevent an escape only when:

      (1) He reasonably believes that force to be necessary to defend himself or a third person from what he reasonably believes to be the use or imminent use of deadly physical force; or

      (2) He is authorized by the peace officer to use deadly physical force and does not know that the peace officer himself is not authorized to use deadly physical force under the circumstances.

      (g) A private person acting on his own account is justified in using physical force upon another person when and to the extent that he reasonably believes it necessary to effect an arrest or to prevent the escape from custody of an arrested person whom he reasonably believes has committed a felony and who in fact has committed that felony, but he is justified in using deadly physical force for the purpose only when he reasonably believes it necessary to defend himself or a third person from what he reasonably believes to be the use or imminent use of deadly physical force.

      (h) A guard or peace officer employed in a detention facility is justified:

      (1) In using deadly physical force when and to the extent that he reasonably believes it necessary to prevent what he reasonably believes to be the escape of a prisoner accused or convicted of a felony from any detention facility, or from armed escort or guard;

      (2) In using physical force, but not deadly physical force, in all other circumstances when and to extent that he reasonably believes it necessary to prevent what he reasonably believes to be the escape of a prisoner from a detention facility.

      (3) "Detention facility" means any place used for the confinement, pursuant to law, of a person:

      a. Charged with or convicted of an offense; or

      b. Charged with being or adjudicated a youthful offender, a neglected minor or juvenile delinquent; or

      c. Held for extradition; or

      d. Otherwise confined pursuant to an order of a criminal court.

      (Acts 1977, No. 607, p. 812, §630; Acts 1979, No. 79-599, p. 1060, §1.)
    ImpartialTruth wrote on Saturday, Apr 02 at 07:26 PM
      Thanks for posting the Alabama Criminal Code, licketysplit. Since the boy was in the Scared Straight program, are details about this program available to the public? I guess my question is, has it been ascertained whether or not the Scared Straight program (which is a horrible name, by the way) utilizes simulations that permit the use of force by law enforcement officials? If the program is anything like its name, it is easy to assume that scaring the kid and giving him a taste of prison life is the object of the program.
    coonhunter911 wrote on Saturday, Apr 02 at 09:12 PM
      Attention FBI

      Forget it don't waste your time.

      Anyone with common sense will consider a hypothetical p.o.v.

      First of all I ain't sucking up for a job but dam Anderson I can read between the lines on this one.

      1. The door was left cracked so you did a great job CYA'in.

      2. With so many sorry asss parents wanting you and law enforcement to do their job for you. I can see why you would do this (now you sure mom and dad?)

      3. In all seriousness folks Anderson can't and ain't gonna be able to protect your kid in jail. So b/c you won't do your job he is being forced to try to scare straight your kid and keep from having the child seriously injured by hardened criminals. This also puts the whole facility at greater risk of "upheaval" or "riot" b/c the officers have to babysit your spoiled rotten brats.

      4. Finally, Anderson if I could retire like you and possibly save the future Sheriff a real liability lawsuit b/c of a dead kid b/c a real criminal got ahold of him. I too would do a simple assault on a minor and have it posted in the paper. Who knows maybe you will save the dept a lawsuit, the community a dead kid, and a parent the greif of knowing they failed b/c they didn't want to whoop their childs asss so they had to have someone else do it.

      For what its worth its been entertaining though...

      Mr. Ayers am I gonna be banned again for bad language? Just curious...


      Finally, (b/c I can't help it) Anderson would have used a white kid but I am sure it was impossible to find one not drugged up on ADHD meds....
    kmolino wrote on Saturday, Apr 02 at 09:35 PM
      I just can not believe the people taking sides with the sheriff that did what he did..what if it was your child?? Well if it was mine kid i would have a NAACP down here so quick it would not be funny..This was a miner kid shackled and cuffed his head was turned away from the sheriff so how did he spit on him??? (watch the video).maybe the one's taking up for him treat there kids the same way and think it is would be best for the sheriff to resign i think cause he is on tape no lies and no excuses!!! I hope to see this kid with a lawyer and everyone else it takes to get him what he deserves i am 100 percent behind this child and the family..And there is some gonna kiss his butt to try and keep there jobs they are just as guilty as he is..COME ON NAACP BRING IT TO ANNISTON!!!!
    coonhunter911 wrote on Saturday, Apr 02 at 11:38 PM

      I got a bussiness proposistion for you. How does

      "WhoopDatArse Inc" sound? Parents can for a flat fee of $1200.00 per year call on our company and we will immediantly be dispatched to their home or school with a belt paddle switch (the parents choice) and a video camera (for liability reasons) and immediantly administer discipline.

      Instead of suing our law enforcement agencies for not doing the job of the parents how come our government can't sue the parents for not being able to control their child? If your dog bites someone you get sued but if you kid bites the sheriff you get to sue the sheriff?

      Come on folks start holding the parents accountable for not discplining. Maybe instead of background checks for firearms permits we need to have background checks for child rearing.

      If the kid acts up in school fine the parent. I bet a couple of $$$ later mom and dad will find a way to "cure" lil johnny. Start urine testing parents if lil johnny starts costing mommy and daddy their "drug" money for the week they will find a way to get lil johnny in line.

      Take my advice folks b/c I ain't using it and don't never say you never got nothing for free in life.

    cvaldez wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 01:13 AM
      Amerson,well the Lord is there and the truth shall be revealed. Wade you are next. The Lord is God. Let the truth be known.
    ImpartialTruth wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 01:20 AM
      I was curious, so I did some research...apparently Scared Straight programs are not favored by the federal government. Research shows that these programs are ineffective (see links). But does that necessarily mean the sheriff broke the law? I still think it is unclear, given the context of this Scared Straight program and given the fact that the sheriff's office is unable to comment on the incident. It could be that the parents signed a waiver that allowed law enforcement to use scare tactics on their child or something like that. Who knows. ... d-straight ... raight.pdf[/list]

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    Comments: "FBI confirms preliminary investigation..." #s 21-
    « Reply #17 on: April 23, 2011, 10:00:05 PM »
    Comments left for the above article, "FBI confirms preliminary investigation of Amerson" (by Cameron Steele; Apr 01, 2011; The Anniston Star), #s 21-24:

    honestgovernment wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 07:26 AM
      coon hunter, I like your proposition. I applaud the parents who actually care enough about their kids to discipline them and when that fails seek other ways to get their attention. Our degenerate poplulation thinks that nobody should have to have personal responsibility. Speaking from experience and long before the scared straight program was even thought of, a caring parent through a local police offical introduced me to the realities of jail and I am pretty sure that indelible mental picture helpe encourage me to take the right road in life instead of the left........ghee never thought about it before but right road / conservative and left road / liberal / makes sense now. WOW!
    RTR1978 wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 04:42 PM
      I am so sick of this racist CRAP on both sides of EVERYTHING lately!!!! If it was my kid (which it NEVER will be because I teach my kids respect and when they do wrong I PUNISH THEM. That's right I spank my children.... call DHR)then if this is what it takes to keep him out of gangs and off the streets to save him from a drive by or getting stabbed, then by all means have at it Sheriff! That's whats wrong with our kids today. All you parents showing up on friday night in the ER with broken arms and black eyes because you 15 year old who you have given into and NEVER punished decided it was time to take the car and wasn't gonna let you stand in the way!!!! This kid is going to be painted as a victim but I can promise you that IF he was a good, decent kid he would not be there and will end up dead before the age of 25! Let's go back to the days where it was OK for Mom's and Dad's to actually be parents. When we can actually raise these kids the right way then we won't have all the 14 year old HOODLUM'S running around thinking their grown with 1 kids and one on the way (2 different teenage momma's) and no way to take care of them. COME ON PEOPLE OPEN YOUR EYES AND START BEING PARENTS!!!!!
    BlueHorse2 wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 09:19 AM
      I will be glad to speak to the FBI regarding Sheriff Amerson, because I have been one of his victims and victims of some of his deputies, they are a disgrace to the law enforcement and have always been in this county. Worked in the legal field in this county for many years and I know more than I'd like to know, BUT HE MUST BE STOPPED, BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE EVEN AFRAID TO RUN AGAINST HIM FOR SHERIFF BECAUSE IF THEY DO, THERE WILL BE REPRECUSSIONS PUT ON THEM, JUST LIKE WHEN MAYFIELD RAN AGAINST HIM.....AMERSON GETS RE-ELECTED BY BEING BOUGHT AND PAID FOR BY LAWYERS AND JUDGES....I KNOW BECAUSE OF WHOM I'VE WORKED FOR.....VERY CONCERNED CITIZEN OF THIS COUNTY AND NOT AFRAID TO USE MY NAME

      Kimela Perkey formerly Alvarez
    wille wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 02:13 PM
      There's no crime here. Bashing the police with frivolous information seems to be a favorite passtime for the press. Denial is the right of the parent not the police.

    Copyright © 2011 Anniston Star.
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    "Scared Straight" program in Calhoun County, AL
    « Reply #18 on: April 24, 2011, 12:46:30 AM »
    Here are two versions (thus far) from YouTube; same clip, slightly differing quality:

    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Offline Ursus

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    Bob Davis: Deciding when to publish
    « Reply #19 on: April 24, 2011, 01:11:35 AM »
    The Anniston Star explains their decision to post the video clip:

    -------------- • -------------- • --------------

    The Anniston Star · Alabama

    Bob Davis: Deciding when to publish

    Anniston Star
    Apr 03, 2011

    The Star's journalists spent long hours last week wrestling over how to report on a video of Calhoun County Sheriff Larry Amerson physically confronting a male wearing prison garb who was restrained at the hands and feet.

    Cameron Steele, the newspaper's public safety reporter, obtained the video from a tipster requesting anonymity, something the newspaper granted.

    The tipster suggested and the sheriff confirmed that the handcuffed male was a minor. Under the headline, "Video shows sheriff using manual force, but sheriff says it's not the whole story," The Star published an article Thursday regarding the video. On its website, the newspaper posted the video while The Star's Page 1 included still images captured from the video.

    Because the male in the video was a minor who might be involved in the juvenile justice system, the newspaper considered various outcomes of publication.

    U.S. juvenile justice has its roots in the Progressive Era, the period from the late 19th century to early 20th century. Adopting the British legal concept of "parens patriae," meaning the state as parent, the first U.S. juvenile court was created in Chicago in 1899. It favored rehabilitation for children who ran afoul of the law instead of the punishment model for adult criminals.

    One of its hallmarks is the protection of the identities of children in the system. Late 1800s reformers saw value in establishing a legal mechanism where a child might be persuaded to turn from his ways and reach adulthood as a law-abiding citizen.

    Alabama legal code, like the laws in most states, calls for the proceedings of juvenile justice to be kept from the public. The last thing an adult put on the straight and narrow needs is the long tail of a criminal record dating to a time when he was young and foolish.

    Owing to the nature of juvenile non-disclosure laws, we cannot confirm if the young man in the video is in the juvenile justice system, though given the circumstance, we had a reasonable belief he might be.

    On the matter of law, our legal counsel assured us, "Publishing truthful information about a minor is not a problem for a newspaper."

    Then there’s the ethical question. Under the section labeled "Minimize Harm," the Society of Professional Journalists' Code of Ethics urges journalists to be "cautious" about identifying juveniles.

    On Thursday, I e-mailed several journalism ethics educators to seek their take on these questions. Dr. Robert M. Steele, a distinguished professor of journalism ethics at DePauw University, responded. (He is not related to Star reporter Cameron Steele.)

    Dr. Steele said there are legitimate reasons to identify a juvenile. However, he added, "Such an exception still requires an attempt to minimize the impact on a juvenile." He wondered, did the newspaper "take steps to conceal [the minor's] identity?"

    The short answer is yes. No less than a dozen newsroom staffers reviewed the video as we prepared to publish Thursday's newspaper. The video, taken from a security camera at a distance from Amerson and the minor, is low quality, making it difficult to recognize distinctive features of either person. It also does not have audio, meaning there are no voices to be recognized. However, in order to provide another level of anonymity, The Star digitally altered the video to further obscure the minor's face.

    Dr. Steele, while withholding judgment on the story, raised other questions, including:

    • "Is there any possibility that the tipster had ulterior motives in giving you the tape, motives that might skew the truth of the situation?"

    That's always a possibility when a source requests anonymity. However, in our judgment, the video in question stood alone as a moment in time, regardless of its source.

    • "Could you have held back on publishing the story and showing the video while you gathered more information?"

    A truism in journalism is that reporters could always gather more information. However, editors and reporters believed we had enough information to publish a fair article on the matter. On Friday, the newspaper followed up with an article — "Sheriff Amerson's actions on tape out of character, colleagues say" — that, as the headline implies, included several sources who spoke on behalf of the sheriff.

    • "The story makes strong accusations against the sheriff. In publishing the story, how did you decide the frame and content of the story to bring as high a level of fairness as possible to someone accused of wrongdoing?"

    Thursday's article included a source — Cumberland School of Law professor LaJuana Davis — who suggested Amerson was in the wrong, based on what she saw on the video.  

    However, her views were balanced by Amerson's comment that, "I would not hurt a child," and those by Tallapoosa County District Attorney Paul Jones, who advised against rushing to judgment against law enforcers who use physical force on someone who is restrained.

    The paper's guiding principle is neatly summarized by another section of the SPJ's ethics code. It urges journalists to "[r]ecognize a special obligation to ensure that the public's business is conducted in the open and that government records are open to inspection."

    This obligation compelled The Star to publish an account of a county official captured on video doing part of the job he was elected to do.

    Bob Davis is editor of The Anniston Star. Contact him at (256) 235-3540 or [email protected]. You can follow him on Twitter at:

    Copyright © 2011 Anniston Star.
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Comments: "Bob Davis: Deciding when to publish" #s 1-9
    « Reply #20 on: April 24, 2011, 10:23:54 AM »
    Comments posted for the above editorial, "Bob Davis: Deciding when to publish" (by Bob Davis; Apr 03, 2011; The Anniston Star), #s 1-9:

    ohlawdy wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 10:09 AM
      I commend the Star and reporter Cameron Steele for reporting this story. You seem to have made a concerted effort to ensure that all involved in this story were treated fairly. The huge reaction to this story by the public, particulary the vitriolic comments to the online stories, illustrates how deeply people on both sides of this issue have been moved.

      It is my belief that your paper is an invaluable assett to the region. Thanks for all you do & keep up the good work.
    setsail98 wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 10:40 AM
      While our country is in a crisis, monumental historical events are going on overseas, and our own state floundering somewhat reeling from the last legislature... the star wants to report on a kid getting a trouncing. Do I have that near correct?

      Whilst the star expounds on what we already know anyway in this good ole boy network, it gives a breath of fresh sweet bilge air that all the players can claim "I don't know what is going on".

      Shades of three monkeys...
    mpartialTruth wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 10:41 AM
      Mr. Davis, I understand why you felt compelled to publish the story, and I have absolutely no problem with a newspaper running stories that affect civil rights, especially civil rights of children. I do, however, think an initial explanation of the Scared Straight program would have benefited readers. Upon researching the program, I learned that it is normal for juveniles to be shackled and confronted by prisoners and law enforcement. Normally I do not have to do my own research when I read articles in the Star, but on this one, I felt like I was not getting the entire story. I feel like you could have put the video in context so that readers did not auotmatically assume the sheriff violated the law. What we saw on the video was a brief two-minute snippet with no sound. How can we conclude anything? The video, when taken out of context, has too much power to hurt a law enforcement official and should have been handled with more care. Since the sheriff's department cannot comment on the issue and give a reporter the context of the situation, I maintain my stance that the release of this article was at the very minimum, badly timed.
    honestgovernment wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 03:33 PM
      Bob you stepped into a big pile of squeeze here. In your hate of Amerson you have cherry picked "experts" to justify your actions. Your decisions and intentions are clear to the informed.

      Lets just take one for instance, this so called lawyer now professor Lajuana Davis is well known in law enforcement communities as a peace officer hater and defendant of all criminals for whatever reason. Davis is especially reviled in Calhoun County for trying to get the SOB Pernell Ford off the hook for the killings in Jacksonville in 1983. Larry Amerson, then a deputy was also involved, and everyone who knows anything knows mrs davis would be eager to settle a score.

      You might want to pick your character witnesses a little more carefully next time to get someown with some character.

      Adios Clark Kent, get yourself some new glasses and maybe a new career.
    Generations wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 04:10 PM
      The old picture is worth a thousand words thing is in play here. On an anonymous source's word, a serious ethics driven newspaper would never have published without appropriate follow up. We are not talking about FOX News. Local paper, local official, local juvenile. This is us. Plus, the County administrator or the "judge" did not even know about a program such as this. A judge that has as her absolute authority the interests of children. Maybe. Maybe not. She is afforded the cloak Bob references. Sheriffs are powerful in Alabama. They have such autonomy. Taxpayers, through the County Commission, just give me my check. That is reality. This video had to go public. If Larry can justify, do it. If he can not, explain his humanity. If it is over the line, well, we can imagine what is next. The public not seeing this is, well, not American. Reserving judgment.
    jville wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 09:31 PM
      Congratulations Anniston Star!!!!

      Your paper is now on the level of the cheap, trash tabloids for sale at every check out counter.
    ImpartialTruth wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 10:26 AM
      jville, I don't think that's a fair comparison. Nowhere in the story did I read about Lindsey Lohan's most recent arrest or Charlie Sheen's shenanigans. I think the story ran prematurely based on a decision to push ahead because of the shocking nature of the video. The context was disregarded to drive home a point, which, in my opinion, was an error in judgment.

      It appears that the Star is attempting to report additional information about this story (that should have been published in the initial story), and I think adequate coverage of known facts have since been published. Let's let this situation unfold as it will.
    mommyto3 wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 02:20 PM
      I want to personally thank the Anniston Star for their fair reporting of this incident. Please continue to keep us updated on this as it progresses. Wrong is wrong...and right is right. That includes Sheriff Amerson. He is not above the law.
    hillbilly7722 wrote on Tuesday, Apr 12 at 12:17 PM
      • “Is there any possibility that the tipster had ulterior motives in giving you the tape, motives that might skew the truth of the situation?”

      I would bet my next paycheck that the tipster had ulterior motives that would skew the truth of the situation, otherwise, we would see all the details of the situation. In law enforcement, as source is proven reliable when he/she provides information, and that information is corroborated. Only then can action be taken on the merits of that source. When evidence is gathered based on information provided by that source, the police then have to prove that information was provided by a reliable source. I would think that journalists would have to prove their sources reliable also. I do not blame the Star for releasing the story, it's a big seller for them, and that's how they run their business. On the other hand, I do not think they have given the Sheriff's Office a fair shake here either. They have definitely shown him in a negative light.

    Copyright © 2011 Anniston Star.
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    Juvenile program ... was unknown to two county officials
    « Reply #21 on: April 24, 2011, 10:33:36 AM »
    At this point we come to the article linked to in the OP, copied out here for posterity's sake...

    (Adobe Flash Player) Video available at the article title link.

    -------------- • -------------- • --------------

    The Anniston Star

    Juvenile program that included boy on sheriff video was unknown to two county officials

    by Cameron Steele · Star Staff Writer
    Apr 03, 2011

      Video appears to show sheriff accosting restrained teen
      The minor's face has been blurred in this video to avoid revealing his identity.

      Calhoun County Administrator Ken Joiner never knew about a Sheriff's Office program for youthful offenders and suspended-from-school teenagers to work in the county jail — despite the fact Joiner is responsible for managing all county properties.

      Joiner is also the man who pays for liability insurance at the facility.

      Calhoun County District Judge Laura Phillips is a board member of the Success Academy, a youthful offender education service that sends teens who violate Academy rules to the jail program.

      Like Joiner, Phillips didn't know the jail program existed — that is, until Wednesday.

      Both Joiner and Phillips learned about the program then after they read an article in The Anniston Star about a juvenile male who was at the county jail to participate in it.

      The Star published a story about that boy because a source requesting anonymity provided the newspaper with a copy of a video that shows Calhoun County Sheriff Larry Amerson using physical force on the juvenile during an interview at the jail.

      The silent video shows the boy handcuffed, shackled and wearing an orange-striped inmate jumpsuit when Amerson grabs him, forces his head back by pushing on the boy's chin and holding the boy's head that way for several seconds.

      During an interview with The Star Wednesday, Amerson stressed he couldn't comment about what he described as "a talk" with the boy, because it would be unlawful to discuss a matter that might become a juvenile case.

      Amerson, who did not return multiple phone calls Friday, said he also could not discuss why the boy was dressed as an inmate, shackled and cuffed.

      But he did talk Wednesday about how, in general, any juvenile who is at the jail and dressed as an inmate is there as part of the program that Joiner and Phillips knew nothing about.

      Amerson described the program as a partnership with Family Links, Inc., a children's behavior task force for the county. He and Family Links Director Lyndsey Gillam said the program began as a way to let high-risk kids see what jail might be like. But when exactly the program started and whether there are any written rules as to how jail employees must supervise, treat and reprimand students in their care is unclear.

      That's largely because attempts to reach multiple officials with Family Links and the Sheriff's Office were unsuccessful Friday.

      "Communication is key to any partnership," Joiner said Friday in a conversation with The Star about how he didn't know the juvenile jail program existed. "We would hope that an elected official would always come to the County Commission, because we're the ones who are ultimately held accountable through our insurance program."

      The juvenile jail program

      Various officials familiar with the juvenile jail program have different ideas about how long the program has been operational.

      Amerson said Wednesday he thought the program had been in effect for about a year, but Gillam said the program had only been around for several months.

      Mike Fincher, public safety director for Calhoun County Schools, said Friday he thought school resource officers — employed by the sheriff, he noted — had been recommending the program to parents for the past two years.

      Regardless of when it began, Amerson and Gillam agreed the program was only for the following juveniles:

      Either students who had been suspended from school, or youthful offenders who had been ordered by the court to attend the Success Academy and who had acted violently or threatened violence while attending the Academy, which is a Family Links service program, Gillam said during an interview Thursday with The Star.

      The juvenile jail program, said Gillam, "is kind of our last step" before youthful offenders in the Success Academy go back to juvenile court.

      Friday, however, Gillam did not return multiple phone calls left at Family Links.

      But staff at Family Links can't just send the students to the jail. Their parents have to agree to it and sign a waiver for the kids to be there. So, too, do the parents of kids who've been suspended from school.

      Those parents drop their kids off at the jail around 8 a.m. and pick them around 3:30 p.m., Gillam said.

      While there, the juveniles perform menial tasks like taking out the garbage, Amerson said.

      If a student misbehaves while there, Amerson said Wednesday, he and other corrections officers have talks with them.

      Gillam said in her interview with The Star Thursday that when and how to reprimand a juvenile who misbehaved at the jail was not up to her, but rather decided by the person from the jail staff or Sheriff's Office supervising them.

      But what's unclear is whether written policies exist for how exactly jail staff should act when a student misbehaves and, if there are, whether Amerson's actions in the video violated standard protocol, among other things.

      Gillam wouldn't comment Thursday on whether she thought Amerson acted inappropriately or used an excessive amount of force, as shown in the video clip.

      "I don't know all the facts of the case; I think there's more to it than is being reported," Gillam said. "I think the sheriff is being cast in a negative light."

      But Bryan Fair, a constitutional and civil rights law professor at the University of Alabama, said Friday that it didn't matter how the juvenile in the video acted in the moments before the video was shown.

      He could have even committed a murder beforehand, and Amerson's actions would not have been justified, Fair said.

      "No matter how far you want to take the "even-ifs", it doesn't matter what the kid did before ... there is no reason for that kind of behavior," Fair said.

      The FBI confirmed Friday it was investigating Amerson's actions.

      As far as Joiner is concerned, he said he should have been notified about the juvenile jail program.

      "It's just courtesy to be able to understand what's going on," Joiner said.

      Star staff writer Laura Johnson contributed to this story.

      Star staff writer Cameron Steele: 256-235-35632.

      Copyright © 2011 Anniston Star.
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      Comments: "Juvenile program ... was unknown..." #s 1-20
      « Reply #22 on: April 24, 2011, 11:04:24 AM »
      Comments left for the above article, "Juvenile program that included boy on sheriff video was unknown to two county officials" (by Cameron Steele; Apr 03, 2011; The Anniston Star), #s 1-20:

      honestgovernment wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 07:20 AM
        Ms Johnson, it seems that even the star admits it is illegal to post the picture of a juvenille in this video so by default the theft and distribution of the video from the SO is illegal, when will you disclose the idnividual that committed THAT crime?

        Double standards, double standards,

        IF Amerson did anyting wrong, I am sure the federal prosecutor will file charges but while we are correcting things the person responsible for the theft and distribution needs to be named and charged.

        Do you think the person named is just trying to help the poor boy out or is out for personal gain? Well I know the answer to that one and also know why the video was leaked. Stay tuned
      nonhyphenatedAmerican wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 07:30 AM
        And the star with recieving stolen property.
      nonhyphenatedAmerican wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 07:31 AM
      lpresto wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 07:32 AM
        Hmmmmm......A judge that didnt even know the program existed??? Did she even know she was on that board till all this blew up?Either way it doesnt matter.Amerson shoul be fired and arrested for what he did plain and simple and if his son is still a CO there he should be fired as well. I just hope this childs parents have a very good attorney from another county.......
      Band76 wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 08:28 AM
        Legal? Sure is...the tape was paid for with tax payers monies so its public. Must be teh sheriff's supporters wonder how many other times this has gone on? The sheriff should resign. Also teh county comission should cut off his funds till he comes clean. hopefullly the Feds will charge him. Wonder how he would feel if this was somebody that's suppose to uphold the law treated his child this way?
      deepsix9 wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 08:56 AM
        Some of you need to get the facts before you have the sheriff put up against a wall and shot. The kid was a CRIMINAL who has already had several court hearings for his misconduct. The kid's mother gave him up to the sheriff's office because she could no longer control him. The sheriff's office CANNOT BY LAW tell this kid's name, show his image to the public (WHICH THE ANNISTON RED STAR HAS BROKEN BY DOING JUST THAT WITH A STOLEN TAPE), or discuss his case. THE KID WAS A SPITTER. LET ME REPEAT THIS FOR ALL THOSE OUT THERE WHO SIMPLY REFUSE TO UNDERSTAND THIS: THE KID WAS A SPITTER!!! He did this several times, and his misconduct in the jail is why he was bound up. HE SPIT ON THE SHERIFF!!! The sheriff put his hand over the KIDS MOUTH!!! He did not choke him. I know this because I KNOW someone in the jail who has discussed this with me and I believe this person to be honest with no axes to grid. The kid is the criminal here. Not the sheriff. By the way, next time you law enforcement haters need the cops, call the Obama mafia. They will protect you. Don't call those evil cops you hate so much. You haters are a joke.
      setsail98 wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 10:30 AM
        So, "liability" suits are possible, the county hasn't a clue about the goings on in the county, and the legal system hasn't a clue either, Tell me, what else is new or news in this city, county and legal system???

        Ya'll are so caught up in the star and this kid that you cannot even see the "bigger picture"!
      angieppp wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 10:43 AM
        What happened on that tape is nothing compared to what will happen when that kid grows up and is in prison . There won't be just one Man holding him down , there will be a crowd of men and they will be holding him down for other "things " than just being spit on.My opinion is that a Mother is trying to save her child and the Sheriff is trying to help this woman .Maybe this is the kids last chance to see and feel what is gonna happen if he wants to "go to jail ".The sheriff actions are like a slap on the hand compared to how the guards in prison will treat that young man , You will walk the line and you will do as your told .
      Imnotbflat wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 10:47 AM
        Let's make sure the Sheriff isn't breaking more laws than the kid..Juvenile maranda rights read to kid?..Attorney or parents present during this questioning?..
      coonhunter911 wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 10:55 AM
        Amen AngiePPP!

        If we want to help "educate" and "enlighten" kids maybe we ought to have a new law:

        "You don't have rights unless you can recite those rights".

        I bet then kids would start paying attention in school. How many adults can't even recite our "Bill of Rights" but they want the privaledges of being a citizen covered under those bill of rights.

        I think AngiePPP said it all best.

        HonestGov if we start that bussiness we need to have Congressman Rodgers get with the IRS.

        Charge $1200.00 per year and if you utilize the services you get a $2400.00 tax credit b/c of the $$$ you will save the judicial system by raising a well discplined child who can function in our society vs being a drain on our society.

        Well dang now I feel like a hypocrit I guess I better write my Cheif and tell him Im ready to grow up now (may God be with me) vs continuing being a drain on society. I don't mind being a crminal but a hypocrit is the worst of the worst.

      coonhunter911 wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 11:52 AM
        Someone please enlighten me

        But staff at Family Links can’t just send the students to the jail.

        Who or what is this "Family Links"? I tried finding them online but was unable....

        Always Curious,

      lpresto wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 12:01 PM
        so.......the kid spits on sheriff and that gives him the right to do what he did? come on man get fn real is clear he intended on doing this.he sends people out of the room before it occurs.....guess he forgot that the camera was high enough that the door didnt block its view...his true colors finally came out where the public can see the evidence.he should be FIRED!
      trustme wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 01:43 PM
        Can't fire an elected official, stupid.
      Guest3406191kn wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 02:17 PM
        It was "out of character" for the Sheriff, so, it is "OK"

        Is it "OK" if it is my 1st time to rob a bank? After all, it is "out of my character", it is my 1st time and no one got hurt (you can not say that about what we saw on the video)

        Calhoun County Administrator Ken Joiner never knew about a Sheriff’s Office program-

        (Is that legal and if it is, is it "moral"? Is it his "character" to hide things from others?

        Calhoun County District Judge Laura Phillips is a board member of the Success Academy- Did not know about this in the jail.

        WHY was this "hidden", again, showing the "character" which is now a "pattern" of hiding what is going on inside the jail, building, etc., he did not want others to know.

        The Sheriff KNEW that he was going to "attack" the child, why else would he have asked ALL the witnesses to leave the room?

        The door, if closed "just right" (partially) would have hidden the actions of the Sheriff (see the pattern of "HIDING" what is going on?

        "IF" he was only going to question the boy, he would have had nothing to HIDE.

        I read NOWHERE that he was spit on..., but let's say it happened just for the sake of no argument.

        It was stated the boy was a "spitter", knowing this, WHY was the correct procedure followed for spitters? Why was there not a safety net or "guard" placed over the boy's head or mouth?

        Let's then say the Sheriff did not follow procedure and use the safety equipment that he should have used, that is, if it is true and the boy was a "spitter" (again, NOT following correct procedure).

        IF..., IF and that is a BIG "IF" the reason this happened as some have stated was the Sheriff got spit on. Did he not go through training that would help him to restrain himself from attacking others?

        Was he not trained on how to handle inmates?

        Is this the first time someone has spit in a jail and the Sheriff just did not know what to do? He did not know how to handle such a situation?

        Was it so shocking to him that he just "flew off the handle and lost it? (NO- remember, before he attacked a child that was chained, cuffed and shackled, he asked all witnesses to leave the room)

        In my mind, it was planned, why else would you want ALL the witnesses to leave and "close the door". I believe he thought the door was blocking the camera as it was left part way open and appears as though it was not in just the "right spot" to (once again) be HIDDEN from public view.

        If a parent spanks his/her child, the parent can be put in jail, HOWEVER, it is OK for an Elected Official to beat and batter a child chained, cuffed and shackled.

        Now, imagine if the law enforcement arrived at your home and you child was restrained as this child was and had just got a beating. Could you say, "Well, it was just out of character for me to do this", I was just mad at the time, I was trying to teach him a lesson..., would that be an excuse and would law enforcement leave at that time or would the PARENT be arrested for

        Child abuse?

        Child endangerment?

        Child neglect?

        So why is it "OK" for an Elected Official to-

        Beat our kids?

        Abuse our children?

        Is there a "reason" that is "good enough" to beat a chained, cuffed, shackled child that can not even defend himself?

        How "brave" do you have to be in order to attack a child chained like an animal caught in a trap?

        The politicians and law enforcement wonder why Americans lost respect for them..., watch the video, look at your taxes, lots jobs, down economy and it is OK for law enforcement to beat a child (but don't dare touch an "officer", that is illegal..., such double standards!!

        When will the citizens Stand Up and Say THIS IS ENOUGH, We Will NOT Take it Anymore!!
      scarllett5 wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 06:41 PM
        This is just more status quo from officials of calhoun county. People collecting a pay check

        and not knowing are caring about what's going on in the county. Maybe Mr. Joiner should make it a point to know what is going on in the county.

        Family Links Director Lyndsey Gillam said in her interview with The Star Thursday that

        when and how to reprimand a juvenile who misbehaved at the jail was not up to her,

        but rather decided by the person from the jail staff or Sheriff's Office supervising them.

        A clear policy regarding how the youths sent to this program were to be handled should

        have been in effect when the program began.

        What a cop-out from MS. Gilliam.

        Gillam wouldn't comment Thursday on whether she thought Amerson acted inappropriately or

        used an excessive amount of force, as shown in the video clip.

        "I don't know all the facts of the case; I think there's more to it than is being reported,"

        Gillam said. "I think the sheriff is being cast in a negative light."

        Well, duh Ms. Gilliam, You don't teach a child to be non-violent by behaving violently with them!

        As far as Joiner is concerned, he said he should have been notified about the juvenile jail program.

        Sounds like it's time for spring cleaning at the COunty.
      formerccso wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 09:04 PM
        I love all the people running to the defense of the High Sheriff. It doesnt matter if the boy spit on the Sheriff or not. He was handcuffed and shackled. From what I've seen of Amerson, that is the ONLY way he would face an inmate, where he is sure he wont get punched. That Family Link program is his way of circumventing the Juvenile Court system. This Family Link director cant say anything until Amerson tells her what to say. She works for him. The corrections officers know what goes on in that jail and someone finally had the intestinal fortitude to do the right thing and expose him. He protects certain drug dealers, while arresting others. Gotta be getting kickbacks from them. This Sheriff should have a TV movie made about his shenanagens.
      lpresto wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 10:13 PM
        trustme....ever hear of a recall stupid?
      duggo wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 10:27 PM
        OK so a person or persons in the jail have seen these talks taking place in the past and finally felt it had reached an unaceptable "or unlawful" level, they placed a camera to record and allow us to see what is taking place in the county jail, this obviously was not the first time folks!

        simple question is,was it againest the law for any officer of the law to use this kind of force on a shackeled inmate, Mr DA speak up, do your job.
      missjones wrote on Sunday, Apr 03 at 11:54 PM
        ok so sometime early this year a story was posted on how great the jail was doing to stay? or make sure they ran everything legal! What did they forget that they posted this story ( to look good of course) , becsause it sure seems like you would let your judges (well since they are the ones sentenceing juveniles) and the commissioners (since they are the ones who are suppose to make sure everything is all good in the jail(which it is not by the way some examples- treatment of inmates, food money that is not used for inmates, inmates crammed in cells with no mats or sheets, inmate who do not get medical treatment (causing death and severe pain) not being allowed to go outside like the rules state they are to be given, dirty unsanitary jail conditions and brute force and who knows how many inmates have been attacked since clearly it is not something that would be told to the public, well we have all seen it with our eyes from this video, yes some of you are saying who cares? or they dont deserve anything good! their lucky they get to eat! well let be say you those who are saying these things YOU would not be saying it if it was your child in there or a loved one that you felt was being unjustle charged or judged, and mostly espescially if it was YOU in there...... so my question is if you Mr. Amerson have such a great lawful program to make sure the jail runs legally and follows the guide lines , then tell us why you were caught on video in this manner. unless you have some kind of law that states it is ok to act this way in your profession!

        read the attached on the great evaluation system

        49.) Jail to get new system of evaluation

        Author: CAMERON STEELE [email protected]

        Publish Date: January 27, 2011

        Word Count: 669

        Document ID: 13506DD113FF08A8

        Calhoun County Jail officers now have new means to ensure the way they run the jail is backed by solid legal opinion.

        That's because officers now have access to an online database that stays current with operational guidelines set by both case law and precedent established by higher courts across the U.S.

        Membership to the database — which allows jail officials to evaluate themselves and their jail policies against these legal guidelines

        OOPS! I guess you all forgot to eva;uate youraelf oh! wait maybe thats the problem, you get to evaluate yourself! yeah thats going to work. and as we can see it does not. stop letting this state treat people this way. People stand up for your rights!!!!!!
      [email protected] wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 01:39 AM
        I hope this child parents sue the city,They should sue Amerson,city,and child serice.My friend said there is also a 16 yr old who is in general popualtion.Every jail has rules,but don't think they tell the new immates.They should post them,that way they can't just change to suit their needs.I think at less put a plant(special agent) to see what is really going on.An if people out there don't think they cover up stuff,then your sadder then I think.How many immate's dieds did you read about...

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      Comments: "Juvenile program ... was unknown..." #s 21-35
      « Reply #23 on: April 24, 2011, 11:17:47 AM »
      Comments left for the above article, "Juvenile program that included boy on sheriff video was unknown to two county officials" (by Cameron Steele; Apr 03, 2011; The Anniston Star), #s 21-35:

      licketysplit wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 06:24 AM
        Re: deepsix9's comment about the kid being a criminal and a spitter:

        Was he a criminal? So he had been arrested and that's why he was in restraints? No. He was another one of Calhoun County's kids that can't be handled by his parents so his parent(s) brought him to the Sheriff so he could wave his magic wand and make this kid act right. There is no "official" scared straight program. This was something that was always done on an "as needed basis."

        If he was a spitter, my response to that is WHO CARES??? When I was a corrections officer we were taught that it doesn't matter if someone spits on you or throw any other bodily fluids/waste on you, you cannot retaliate. It's part of the job and everyone knows that this is a possibility when they take a job in any detention setting.

        As far as whether Amerson's actions were legal and justified, let's refer to Alabama's Criminal Code regarding use of physical force: ... -3-27.html

      "A peace officer is justified in using that degree of physical force which he reasonably believes to be necessary, upon a person in order, To make an arrest for a misdemeanor, violation or violation of a criminal ordinance, or to prevent the escape from custody of a person arrested for a misdemeanor, violation or violation of a criminal ordinance, unless the peace officer knows that the arrest is unauthorized; or To defend himself or a third person from what he reasonably believes to be the use or imminent use of physical force while making or attempting to make an arrest for a misdemeanor, violation or violation of a criminal ordinance, or while preventing or attempting to prevent an escape from custody of a person who has been legally arrested for a misdemeanor, violation or violation of a criminal ordinance."

      Ok, that wasn't the case here was it? No.

      "A guard or peace officer employed in a detention facility is justified:In using deadly physical force when and to the extent that he reasonably believes it necessary to prevent what he reasonably believes to be the escape of a prisoner accused or convicted of a felony from any detention facility, or from armed escort or guard;In using physical force, but not deadly physical force, in all other circumstances when and to extent that he reasonably believes it necessary to prevent what he reasonably believes to be the escape of a prisoner from a detention facility."

      Was this the case then?? Nope.

      As far as minors being in the jail, they can be in the jail if they have been adjudicated to stand trial as an adult. This particular kid had not.[/list]
      licketysplit wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 06:30 AM
        It doesn't matter if the Sheriff was a good person, attended church regularly, gave back to the community..none of that is in question. His character is not being questioned here.

        His ACTIONS ARE. His actions should never have happened. Period.
      whatthe??? wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 06:54 AM
        The more I watch this video the madder I get how can a grown man (Amerson), supposely a Christian (JOKE!!!) hurt a young boy when he is in handcuffs, and shackles? I say get Amerson and his Good Ole Boys out of the Calhoun County Jail, how many other times has this happened... I have a degree in Criminal Justice and no where have I studied tht it is ok to mistreat another human being. If we mistreated our children then DHR will have us in jail WHY NOT AMERSON??? Oh I forgot he's above the law he's the sheriff(JOKE!!!. I hope and pray that since the FBI is involved that they will take action and have Calhoun County Jail revamped and get rid of Amerson and his crew and get the right ppl in there to run the jail the right way. BY THE BOOK!!! NOT AMERSON'S BOOK!!!
      trustme wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 08:09 AM
        lpresto wrote "trustme....ever hear of a recall stupid?"


        Good luck with a recall since we have no procedure for that, stupid!
      AnnistonAnonymous wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 08:46 AM
        I guess the biggest problem I have is understanding the legality of this program. The Juvenile Justice Act of 2009 strictly prohibits any of these "Scared Straight" programs. From what is described, it sounds like it is exactly that.


        No child shall enter pursuant to public authority, for any amount of time, in secure

        custody in a secure section of a jail, lockup, or correctional facility for adults as a

        disposition of an offense or as a means of modifying his or her behavior (e.g., Shock

        Incarceration or Scared Straight).
      trustme wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 09:12 AM
        We all have our priviledge to support or not. The priviledge we have is to vote. If you're not in favor of the elected official then vote against him/her. If you didn't vote, shut up.
      MichelleMyBelle wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 10:00 AM
        Wow. I love how everyone is trippin' out over this "kid" but is perfectly fine with reports of other inmates being mistreated. If y'all are going to get all wrapped up in "human rights" then it needs to apply to EVERYONE. I'd also like to point out there is no audio and therefore no one knows what was said- and I can tell you I am well aware of the trash that kids talk today, he's probably lucky he wasn't talking to his mama or daddy- they most likely would have smacked his jaw. And I can PROMISE you if he'd spit on anyone on the street he would have been picked himself up off the pavement. You all need to step back and stop throwing stones- you weren't there, and it wasn't you, so you don't know HOW you would have reacted.
      ImpartialTruth wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 10:33 AM
        AnnistonAnonymous, I found this tidbit of information alarming as well. From what I've read, it appears that states who violate the juvenile justice code (Act of 2009) simply risk losing federal funding. I could not find anything saying when, if at all, the federal government has the authority to disband these state programs. I assume the states have the right to implement these programs at their discretion, and how they fund them is up to them. Maybe someone with more knowledge on the subject could enlighten us.
      Gannon99 wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 11:00 AM
        I am so tired about all of this. Next time a mother snatches a kid up in Wal Mart I am going to tape it and send it into the Anniston Star and get Ben Little to come and do a protest outside of her house. If I was Sheriff and the kid "spit" on me like everyone is saying, I would have done a lot worse than grab his mouth I would of punched him in the mouth so he couldnt spit for another 6-8 weeks and those who say they wouldnt do anything, Please let me come to your house and let me spit in your face please
      licketysplit wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 03:14 PM
        @Gannon99: In a detention setting, you cannot retaliate. Even if someone throws urine or feces on you. You will lose your job and can face charges if you retaliate.

        Now if someone in the civilian world does that...well...
      luvinmylife wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 05:42 PM
        I just watched the video,how dare him reference the bible and say he cares about children!!I was considering sending my daughter to the jail if she was suspended from school but I would not now because I would be afraid for her safety.All of us should be glad the Anniston Star published this because it showed an elective official in the wrong,we had the right to know!!!The words he spoke on the video have no meaning,he apologized for what his family was going through....had he acted like a responsible,caring,mature adult his family wouldnt be hurt.How about this young mans family??Why couldnt he apologize to them?He isnt sorry and he dont care!!!!HE SHOULD BE ARRESTED POINT BLANK PERIOD!!!!!!!!!
      ImpartialTruth wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 07:22 PM
        luvinmylife, the parents most likely signed a waiver for their son to be in the program, which calls for confrontations by law enforcement and prisoners. If you read about the program the juvenile was in, you would know that. You are overreacting because you don't have your facts straight.
      [email protected] wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 11:09 AM
        If I understand this right, alot of these youthful offenders are non violent, too many days missed from public school is not a last chance program, It is a ill conceived Idea from judges at the family circuit court of anniston,does not surprise me, lets vote them out
      Gannon99 wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 03:11 PM
        If I worked in the jail and an inmate threw urine on me, and I beat the brakes off of him im pretty sure I would not get fired
      BlueHorse2 wrote on Wednesday, Apr 06 at 09:24 AM

        Kimela Perkey formerly Alvarez

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      Family Links, Inc. (Calhoun County, AL)
      « Reply #24 on: April 24, 2011, 11:23:01 AM »
      From the above article, "Juvenile program that included boy on sheriff video was unknown to two county officials," emphasis added:

      Quote from: "Cameron Steele, reporter for The Anniston Star,"
      Amerson described the program as a partnership with Family Links, Inc., a children's behavior task force for the county. He and Family Links Director Lyndsey Gillam said the program began as a way to let high-risk kids see what jail might be like. But when exactly the program started and whether there are any written rules as to how jail employees must supervise, treat and reprimand students in their care is unclear.
      From Family Links, Inc.'s website:

      -------------- • -------------- • --------------

      About Us - Family Links, Inc.


      A task force of community leaders including our local Family Court Judge, Juvenile Probation Officers, the District Attorney's Office, local law enforcement officials, local school officials, and social service agencies formed the Safe Schools Task Force in May 1999. The task force met bi-weekly over the summer to consider ways to maintain our excellent safe school record and maintain a safe community for our young people. The LINC Program was developed by the task force and a coordinator was hired on October 3, 1999. The task force recognized that to really have an impact on juvenile crime and violence, everyone involved would have to work together to ensure success. The LINC Program became a means of connecting people to services prior to a child's involvement in criminal activity. Since 1999, the task force's vision of a comprehensive approach to addressing potential juvenile crime and violence has solidified and grown. As a natural progression to enhance the program and open new doors for funding, the LINC Program incorporated as a non-profit agency in February 2002. In mid 2007, the LINC Program updated its mission and changed its name to Family Links to better reflect all of the services we offer.

      Family Links is funded in part by:

      Governor's Office of Faith-Based Community Initiatives, HIPPY of Alabama, ADECA Governor's Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools, Anniston Civil Justice Fund of Alabama Civil Justice Fund, Sheriff's Office Discretionary Funds, Jacksonville City Schools, Calhoun County Schools, Oxford City Schools, Administrative Office of Courts, Department of Youth Services, Wal-Mart Foundation, Americorps, A grant from the Stringfellow Health Fund of the Community Foundation of Calhoun County, Susan Artemis Spector and son Conner Jacob Memorial Advised Fund, Private Donations and Fundraising.

      Family Links also receives funds from United Way for counseling services.

      256.820.5911 - P.O. Box 5072 McClellan, AL 36205
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      Services - Family Links, Inc.
      « Reply #25 on: April 24, 2011, 11:38:12 AM »
      Family Links, Inc. has a number of programs, covering a range of services. The program which involves juveniles spending time at the Calhoun County Sheriff's Office is Success Academy.

      -------------- • -------------- • --------------

      Services - Family Links, Inc.

      Parent Project
      A ten week course for parents of strong-willed or "out of control" children and adolescents. Other services are offered in addition to this program

      LINC ID
      A celebration of youth leadership. An incentives program for youth who lead a drug-free and violence-free lifestyle

      A free program for parents of three and four year old children who want to ensure their future success in school

      Adolescent Drug Treatment
      A drug treatment program for adolescents experiencing problems related to drug abuse

      Success Academy
      Educational and therapeutic safety net to prevent juvenile offenders from being committed to the Department of Youth Services

      Tobacco Prevention
      Learn about Tobacco prevention programs such as Clean Air For Life, YEP! and Lifeskills

      Parents As Teachers
      Provides information, support and encouragement parents need to help their child develop optimally during the crucial early years of life
      Don't Shake a Baby!
      A prevention program presented to concerned public groups about the dangers of Shaken Baby Syndrome

      256.820.5911 - P.O. Box 5072 McClellan, AL 36205
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      Amerson says he asked for FBI investigation
      « Reply #26 on: April 24, 2011, 10:54:11 PM »
      Somehow I find it less than entirely believable that Sheriff Larry Amerson initiated this FBI investigation. :D

      But... I could be wrong!

      There are two (Adobe Flash Player) Video clips accessible via the article title link. The first one is Amerson's press conference. The second is of a protest march which had occurred but hours earlier, featuring Abdul H. Khalil'llah of Operation Human Rights, and calling for Sheriff Amerson's resignation.

      -------------- • -------------- • --------------

      The Anniston Star · Alabama

      Amerson says he asked for FBI investigation

      by Cameron Steele · [email protected] · Anniston Star
      Apr 05, 2011

      copyright © 2011 Anniston Star.

        Amerson Press Conference
        View Sheriff Larry Amerson responding to the situation that occurred at the Calhoun County Sheriff's Office.

        Amerson Protest
        View Abdul H. Khalil'llah of Operation Human Rights discussing the Larry Amerson situation.

        Calhoun County Sheriff Larry Amerson said in a press conference today that he requested the FBI investigate a video that shows Amerson using manual force against a juvenile male.

        The sheriff's conference happened just hours after local civil rights leaders led a protest in front of the county jail, calling for Amerson's resignation.

        Amerson did not comment on that protest and did not take questions after his 2 p.m. conference.

        Instead, he used the conference to discuss his desire for the FBI to look into the actions shown on the video and to berate The Star for first publishing that video.

        The Star received the video March 30 from a source requesting anonymity.

        "Last Friday, I talked with FBI officials and requested that they investigate events that occurred at the Calhoun County Sheriff's Office. I believe that an independent investigation is the most appropriate way to address any allegations of wrongdoing. I am pleased that they agreed to conduct a preliminary review," the sheriff said during the public meeting.

        He also addressed what he said were several media requests under the Freedom of Information Act to release the full video that the two-and-a-half minute clip was taken from.

        "Even that powerful and beneficial law does not allow for me or anyone to violate a juvenile's rights by releasing that information to the public," Amerson said. "It disturbs me on many levels both professionally, personally and as a Christian that The Anniston Star said they are above this law ... The Anniston Star claims to be the attorney for the most defenseless among its subscribers. Yet they exposed a juvenile to the public, placing he and his family at risk by showing his face. That exposure can never be undone."

        Amerson is referring to the video, which The Star first published March 31. Before the clip was published online, The Star staff blurred the juvenile's face to avoid revealing his identity.

        In the silent clip, Amerson grabs the boy, who is seated on a bench next to him, handcuffed, shackled and dressed in an orange-striped jumpsuit. Amerson forces the boy's head back toward the wall by pushing on the boy's chin; the sheriff then holds the boy in that position for several seconds.

        Then, after a moment of what appears to be further conversation between the sheriff and the boy, Amerson uses both arms, on at the boy's shirt collar, to pull him backward toward the wall again.

        Amerson walked out immediately after his giving his written speech to the media, stating at the beginning of the conference he could not lawfully release any more information about the video or his use of physical force during the interview with the restrained juvenile.

        In interviews last week, Amerson noted that juveniles were not held in Calhoun County Jail. Instead, youthful offenders or children suspended from school could participate in a type of jail program at the requests of those juveniles' parents.

        Juveniles who participate in the program wear inmate jumpsuits and perform community service work at the jail, under the direction of a jail supervisor, Amerson said then.

        The sheriff also described the program as a joint operation between the Sheriff's Office and Family Links Inc.

        Amerson refused to talk to a Star reporter Monday about the logistics of that program.

        Chief Deputy Matthew Wade walked out on that reporter Monday when she was in the middle of asking him to provide any public records that document program procedures, attendance and costs.

        Contact Star Staff Writer Cameron Steele at 256-235-3562.

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        Amerson Press Conference transcript (4/5/2011)
        « Reply #27 on: April 25, 2011, 12:05:01 AM »
        Here's the transcript of what Sheriff Larry Amerson said at his April 5th press conference. The Anniston Star's website provides a copy immediately underneath their article, "Amerson says he asked for FBI investigation" (Adobe Flash Player).

        -------------- • -------------- • --------------

        Amerson Press Conference transcript

        I am about to read a statement. I am putting all information that I believe I can lawfully release at this time in this statement. I will not be able to take any questions.

        Last Friday I talked with FBI officials and requested that they investigate events that occurred at the Calhoun County Sheriff's Office. I believe that an independent investigation is the most appropriate way to address any allegations of wrong doing. I am pleased that they agreed to conduct a preliminary review.

        When I was first a candidate for Sheriff, I pledged to conduct the business of the Office of Sheriff in a professional manner and to be accountable. Over the past 16 years I have never wavered from that goal. On those occasions when we have made a mistake, I have been up front about it. I will continue to do so.

        I am a follower of Christ and have devoted my life to Christian principles in both my personal and professional endeavors. As a public official I am accountable to the public and the media. But all too often my friends and family are subjected to hurtful words because of the Office I hold. I would like to take this moment and apologize to those nearest and dearest to me who have suffered over the past days.

        I also wish to thank those at Family Links for their dedicated service to children in Calhoun County. I do not apologize to anyone for working every day to help children in our county. We have always been and will continue to be innovative and energetic in that regard. Many parents have gratefully entrusted their child to us when that child is suspended from school in an effort to present the child with consequences related to their behavior. We are in the trenches battling every day against the negative influences that face our children. It continues to be our goal to make Calhoun County a safer place to raise a family.

        I have been contacted by several media requesting release of an entire video under the freedom of information act. Even that powerful and beneficial law does not allow for me or anyone to violate a juvenile's rights by releasing that information to the public. It disturbs me on many levels both professionally, personally and as a Christian that the Anniston Star said they are above this law. This law was enacted to protect children and shield juveniles from public view. The Anniston Star claims to be the attorney for the most defenseless among its subscribers. Yet they have exposed a juvenile to the public placing he and his family at risk by showing his face. That exposure can never be undone.

        The issues on what information should be released are not always crystal clear and judgements must be made. You in the media have a duty to report events that happen in our community in a fair and balanced way. If you do take a side, you lose that balance. You should, as law enforcement does, carry out your duties with honesty and fairness and thankfully like us, you normally do.

        There is a movement across this country where the media is being manipulated to create an atmosphere of anger and distrust of the pillars of our society. These attacks on our federal and state constitutions are deeply dividing our county. I, your Sheriff, stand in defense of our laws and shall remain here to carry out that duty. As in Romans 13:1, I am subject to the governing authorities. I will assist the FBI with their review no matter what direction it may take or the outcome.

        Thank you

        Sheriff Larry Amerson

        Copyright © 2011 Anniston Star.
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        Comments: "Amerson says he asked for FBI investigation" #s 1
        « Reply #28 on: April 25, 2011, 12:20:24 AM »
        Comments left for the above article, "Amerson says he asked for FBI investigation" (by Cameron Steele; Apr 05, 2011; Anniston Star), #s 1-20:

        ImpartialTruth wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 06:23 PM
          I agree wholeheartedly with you, Sheriff Amerson. The Star was absolutely wrong to break a video of this nature without getting all the facts first. They showed a severe error in judgment by this. I am personally appalled at the coverage of this situation and I am glad that you spoke up.

          The fact that the source who leaked this video requested anonymity leads me to believe this is about some kind of vendetta. Civil rights activists got involved simply because of the way the Star reported this matter. But anyone with a brain knows that this is NOT about white sheriff vs. black juvenile. If the Star wants to stir up racial tension to sell newspapers or fulfill whatever agenda they have, that's their little ball of wax. I do not blame you or Chief Deputy Wade one bit for not talking to reporters. Whatever the reason may be, we support you and we stand behind you, and we know that there is more to the story than we got from a two-minute video. The Star says the context of the situation was not important, but they are dead wrong. The context is everything.
        borderdog wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 06:48 PM
          I agree that the Anniston Star should be investigated for acquiring private video from The Calhoun County Sheriff Office and then printing the situation without having all of the facts. Also, it is possible The Star violated laws by secretly acquiring private and confidential video.

          Let's have the FBI look into the secretly acquiring private video.
        Exploder wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 06:51 PM
          What I don't understand is the law here Larry keeps envoking. I understand it's a juvenile case, but if the juvenile is not named, why can't he elaborate on what's shown on the tape? Nobody will know who he's talking about, so what does it matter?

          Also, LOL at Impartialtruth's shoot-the-messenger mentality. Typical.
        luvinmylife wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 06:52 PM
          The Anniston Star didnt come to his jail and spy on him,thankfully he was exposed by one of the few caring individuals who work at his jail.What a coward he is by not taking questions and saying he was a christian,what??..ok repent and move on so the people in this county can vote to elect a sheriff that we can trust and beleive in.I had much respect for the Family Links program until they took a stand behind a man who committed the crime of child abuse.I will no longer recommend this program to anyone.Maybe they as adults need to read the parent book again,nowhere in this book does it say that we should choke,grab or use force to discilpline children.Practice what you all preach or go find another profession!!!Hopefully not with children being your primary concern!!!
        ImpartialTruth wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 07:18 PM
          Exploder--the "messenger" relayed a skewed message to readers, and nowhere did I say that the Star should be investigated--that was another poster. If you think the sheriff can divulge any detail about a juvenile case, you don't know the law. iluvmylife, you really need to read the law as well. Child abuse?
        jville wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 07:21 PM
          Luninmylife....the anniston star is quilty of receiving stolen property and publishing the photo of a juvenile. The star took this stolen property and is causing much pain and grief for everyone involved in this situation. IF.....the star had chosen to act in a professional manor and investigated this allegation, would there be a story at all? I seriously doublt it. The star, as usual, acted in the best interest of the star.
        ImpartialTruth wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 07:25 PM
          jville, I agree. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees through the crap.
        jville wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 07:29 PM
          It's a set up, plain and simple.

          And the star will get away with it!!!
        John5299 wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 08:01 PM
          Well, Well, Well. I am not taking up or going against Amerson. Our Sheriff calls a press conference and doesn't reveal anything about the video of him abusing a juvenile. Instead, he tries to divert the situation by telling what a christian he is and quoting the book of Romans, however he didn't quote all what the Bible has to say about this situation. Children are abused and mistreated in several different ways, all of which are abhorrent to God. Too many children are the victims of angry beatings and other physical abuse as their parents take out their own anger and frustration on their children. Anger is almost always sinful, and "Anyone" who abuses a child in anger commits multiplied sins. “An angry man stirs up dissension, and a hot-tempered one commits many sins” (Proverbs 29:22). There is no place for unrighteous anger in the life of a Christian, as Paul reminds the Ephesians: "In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold” (Ephesians 4:26-27). Anger should be confessed to God long before it comes to the point of Physical abuse against a "child" or anyone else.

          Then he turns around and puts the blame on the Anniston Star. What a cop out. What would have happened if the press hadn't exposed Nixon in the Watergate affair? The press reported what they were suppose to. There wasn't anything taken out of context here unless the tape was altered. As far as Amerson refusing to answer questions about his actions on the video, I take it he does not have the integrity to admit what he did and why he did it. Hopefully, the FBI investigation will reveal the truth. Amerson knows the truth about what went on and if he knows he's guilty should resign while he can still keep his dignity. If his "near and dear" are getting flak about this he shouldn't have done it. I was in law enforcement for 24 years and this kind of abuse does happen.

          And now Mr. Impartialtruth and Borderdog I would like to see what you have to rebut this with?
        honestgovernment wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 08:36 PM
          OK I have a question for folks on both sides of this argument.

          Suppose a "concerned" citizen wanted to make sure this investigation was viewed in the proper public light and hacked into the FBI files and stole the video interrogations of the Sheriff and all the other parties involved. As part of their concerned citizens actions they felt they needed to give the videos to the Star to make sure the media could properly expose the illegally obtained videos.

          So the dilema you have on both sides is would the person hacking and stealing the investigation files from the FBI be prosecuted and would the Star be named as an accomplice even though they say it is freedom of speech?

          I think we all know the answer here and if I were Clark Kent, I would be talking to a lawyer just in case krypton falls from the sky.

          The down side of picking a fight, any fight, is you usually get punched or kicked even though you might win in the end. Some bruises and scars last a lifetime. The ones that picked this fight might be surprised that they end up with some visible scars in the end.
        Exploder wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 08:39 PM

          I KNOW the sheriff can't divulge information about a juvenile case. That was my point. The law is stupid in this case. Amerson should be able to defend himself but he's handcuffed by his job.

          It's equally stupid of people who think the Star should sit on this. That's their job.
        jville wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 09:31 PM
          The star should done an investigation into this matter publishing something that could prove to be nothing. Too many thing don't add up. The deputies we ask to leave but leave the door open, Amerson has to know there is a video camera running. There is no sound. The tape does not show abuse.

          IF....there were clear and undisputable proof, AND....the star did their homework first. THEN.....the tape should have been published.

          That would have been the right thing to do.

          If this were being done to Ayers do you not thing he would have lawyers screeming from the highest mountain.
        deepsix9 wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 10:10 PM
          As I have said on a couple of posts here, I know a person inside the County Jail who has knowledge of the "event."

          First, Amerson put the kid where he was sitting so HE WOULD BE ON CAMERA.

          The kid had been acting up, the reason for the cuffs. The kid was a spitter. The kid was a juvie trouble maker. Otherwise, why was he at the jail.

          Amerson is PROHIBITED by law from talking. He breaks that, he not only can be sued, but arrested. Get the driff there doubters?

          The kid was acting up. Amerson was trying to talk to him. The others were asked to leave to allow the kid to settle down, not feel ganged up on.

          The kid spit on Amerson, the results was Amerson jumped up and put his HAND OVER THE KID'S MOUTH! Trying to stop the spitting.

          The tape release was not by some "very concerned jail employee." It was released by someone with a grudge, an agenda against Amerson. Go figure! A disgruntled employee! Wow, never heard of such a thing have you?

          There are other factors at work here that have not been released. Think Anniston Star reporter who has had an agenda against the sheriff and jail ever since said reporter came on the scene! Wow again. Go figure a reporter who does not get his/her way having an agenda against an official.

          Said reporter and "others" have agendas against Amerson it is believed by the person I have spoke with. These individuals want Amerson out. They could not defeat him in an election, thus wait until something they can "wound" him with and he has to quit or forced out. These "others" have their own agenda. The Star has its. The Star supported the Sneads way back when, not Amerson who defeated the old sheriff. You remember him don't you, ole Roy Snead, who wore more camo uniforms at the jail than the military does. At least Amerson wears a suit.

          Some of you here have even gone as far as to make comments concerning the sheriff's personal appearence. Well, that is silly at best. I doubt you are Mr/Miss Physically Fit. It is usually smart mouths that make such stupid statements.

          Basically, Amerson defended himself from an Assault! Do you know of a more serious form of disrespect that any individual can do too you than spit in your face????? Can you name me ONE?? What would have all you holy than thou's have done if some person spit in your face? Just like everyone else, you would have tried to punch them straight in the nose! Don't lie, you would.

          Let's let the FBI do their thing. If they come back that Amerson broke the law, then YES, he deserves to go. If not, then he has a right to finish his term. Then come election time, Calhoun County residents can determine if he stays on again or goes, or he can retire and let some others run for the position.
        ImpartialTruth wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 10:40 PM
          Exploder, I get that it is the job of the press to report the truth. I get that the press has the right to put a spin on stories, but does that make it right? This issue involves a juvenile for pete sakes. It was wrong. I'm with jville on this one, because Cameron Steele should have investigated first. And John, I do not think you understand the point. By comparing this to Watergate, you make me scratch my head. I never blamed the star for the sheriff's actions on the video. In fact, I typically agree with the Star on most issues, which makes me all the more outspoken on how this issue was handled. What I blame the Star for is failing to investigate fully before reporting the story. If they had done that, I don't think civil rights groups would be stirring things up the way they did today. Simply put: they published too soon.
        ImpartialTruth wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 10:50 PM
          honestgovernment, good luck hacking into an FBI computer. Maybe if you wear your Clark Kent glasses, no one will recognize you lol-and I agree with you, those who pick fights usually don't escape unscathed.
        Exploder wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 11:14 PM

          I do hear you, brother.
        ImpartialTruth wrote on Monday, Apr 04 at 11:25 PM
          Helpful info Just posted:[/list]
        ImpartialTruth wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 07:30 AM
          Amen, deepsix! These personal attacks of the sheriff on these message boards could actually be investigated. Ever heard of libel, justthetruth? Because you are walking a fine line in your personal attacks. You have the right to freedom of speech, sure, but you have no right to post false accusations about a person that have the potential to hurt multiple people. Leave the sheriff's family out of this.
        werewolf905 wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 08:00 AM
          The sheriff should get a pat on the back for a job well done. This juvenile was at the jail for a reason. Whether it was him being in a program for troubled juveniles where the parents had to drop him off or whether he commited a crime, it does not matter. If it was my kid and he was acting up like that being a smart*#@, I would shake the sheriff's hand for handling the problem. That is what is wrong with the young people today. They think they can do and say what ever they want without any consequences. I say GREAT JOB SHERIFF !!!!!!
        J.E.N wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 08:29 AM
          After watching the Amerson protest video, this explains it all. Seems to be the same ones stirring the pot, nothing new.

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        Offline Ursus

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        Comments: "Amerson says he asked for FBI investigation" #s 2
        « Reply #29 on: April 25, 2011, 12:25:45 AM »
        Comments left for the above article, "Amerson says he asked for FBI investigation" (by Cameron Steele; Apr 05, 2011; Anniston Star), #s 21-40:

        J.E.N wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 08:35 AM
          Just out of curiousity, when will the Star be served a warrant for receiving stolen property?
        meroll wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 09:02 AM
          Guess what? Christians sin. They commit adultury, do drugs, drink alcohol in excess. Sometimes they commit violent acts. Christians sometimes sit in judgement against other Christians when they're guilty of the same things. So do Atheists, Jews, Buddhist, Hindi and yes even those that follow The Nation of Islam and all other forms of worship/religion.

          You guys can point the finger at religion all you want...You look like a bunch of tongue wagging lunatics. You're obsessed with proving your version of "This is what life really is" and are completely blind to the real problems.

          You're all interested in fixing the blame.(Apparently, it's Christianity's fault) Fixing the problem must be "somebody else's job, eh? According to some of you, religion IS the problem. Even though it has nothing to do with the singular act of a sheriff getting "too rough" with a handcuffed citizen.

          For some, this is a chance to prove "the ractist tactics and policies perpetrated by this evil, racist administration, here in Calhoun County". For some, this will be a goldmine to further their own racist agenda, here in Calhoun County.

          For some, it's a gold mine in Headlines and sales.

          Quick, find out if anyone "knows about this program", so we can pick it apart.

          The FBI has been called in. The ABI is investigating. This calls for immediate discussion! Quick, somebody get the media on the line so we can look busy!

          Here's what I want to know:

          Why was this young man in the jail, to begin with?

          If he wasn't a prisoner, what HAD he done to be in that situation?

          What can be done to see to it that fewer and fewer of these young men are in this situation?

          What do we have to do to make a jail something besides "Criminal University"? What IS acceptable when the law is being disrespected at every turn? OOOH I know...BLAME THE LAW!

          My name is Marty Rollins and I guess I'm a racist. I can't stand the HUMAN RACE, right now. They make me sick to my stomach and I'm embarrassed to be a member of it.

          Red and yellow, black and white you are sickening in my sight...
        slcal wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 09:21 AM
          Amerson is trying to mis-use the juvenile's anonymity to keep from talking about the incident. And, his dramatic statement "The Star exposed a juvenile to the public, placing he and his family at risk by showing his face. That exposure can never be undone.” That statement is ridiculous. Amerson might as well say "I'm lawyering up". And, why the FBI? Why not the ABI? Amerson probably thought the FBI would turn his request down thinking they would not have the time or resources. Republicans get a canidate in the bullpen warming up!!!
        Gannon99 wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 09:24 AM
          omg I am so tired of everyone talking about this. Look is their nothing better to do on a Tuesday morning than comment on what you believe is wrong in your eyes? So what the Sheriff grabbed up a misbehaving child, no worse than what some of you will do at Wal Mart when your child acts up. If anybody else did this nobody would care. The Officers in Birmingham beat the crap out of a guy with his hands up in the air, and it was on the news twice. this happens and all Hell breaks loose in the county because we have nothing better to talk about, and shame on you people for bashing his Christian character. So what people make mistakes like he said in his press conference in Romans 13:1, Everyone must submit to Governing authorities, He himself said he was not above the law. let he who is without sin please cast the first stone..... O...thats right no one is without sin, and I do not blame Matthew Wade I would have walked out on Cameron Steele as well, because the Sheriff was not taking questions so why should he? I'm sure the star won't come down there this year and get a deep fried turkey that the Sheriff's office gives out every year
        ImpartialTruth wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 09:37 AM
          Marty, I hear you. "Tongue wagging lunatics" lol that pretty much sums it up. The questions you posed under "here is what I want to know" should have been answered in the first story that ran. If the Star couldn't answer those questions, they had no business breaking the video. Irresponsible reporting.

          slcal, he swore an oath to uphold the law. you would be following the law exactly too if you had as much responsibility as him. He is not using the juvenile as a shield. He is protecting him, something the Star didn't consider. The fact is this--the Star overstepped here. It is not about republican or democrat. It is about right and wrong.
        slcal wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 09:37 AM
          Oh, the Sheriff gives out deep fried turkeys every year. Well never mind then. I guess he's innocent! We MUST submit to authority but not the abuse of authority!
        slcal wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 09:48 AM
          No. It's not about republican or democrat. Republican is just my preference and I do not have confidence in Wade! And, no, Amerson is not following the law. He is underminding those who does not know how the law reads. And, no, the Star did not overstep here. The Star reported an injustice that would have otherwise gone unreported. And, yes, it is about right and wrong. The Star was right, the Sheriff was wrong.
        Gannon99 wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 09:51 AM
          O I didnt say he was innocent because he gives them out. I was just saying that i'm sure the Star is not going to get one this year for their unfair biased reporting. Sical I cant believe the Sheriff beat the crap out of that kid!!! I mean he punched him in the face, told him his Mother didnt love him, and continue to punch him, and then put him into the sleeper hold until he could no longer breathe....O.....He didnt, So why is everybody acting like he did. If any other officer did that to the kid NOBODY WOULD CARE
        Jesus_Hates_Sinners wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 10:49 AM
          Mr. Rollins, when you said this :"Guess what? Christians sin. They commit adultury, do drugs, drink alcohol in excess. Sometimes they commit violent acts." , you give yourself away as to what the bible actually says. Second Corithians 5:17 " Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; OLD THINGS ARE PASSED AWAY; behold all things are become new."Salvation without any behavioral changes is worthless. From what I understand there are classes available at Jacksonville State University for reading comprehension.

          For anyone that still desires to hold the "title" of Christian, maybe they should read Hebrews 10:26 "For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth NO MORE sacrifice for sins.(this says a lot for once saved always saved).

          By Sheriff Amerson having a second wife, is he as the Christians like to say, "Living in Sin"? If he is a "follower of Christ" , it begs the question; Does he read his bible to gain the understanding of his deeds while on this planet? You say Christains sin in your comment.In my experience in this life , you are right, they are the greatest sinners of all. Finally does Sheriff Amerson not realize , his physical force used against the young man in the video mimics that of the Roman soldiers in the story of the abuse of Jesus before he was hung on a cross? I read my bible do you?
        ImpartialTruth wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 11:01 AM
          jesus hates sinners, are you telling us that you never sin? Never do anything wrong? Never do anything to hurt another person? Never even covet your neighbor's truck or look at a woman in a lustful way? Wow. Even if you don't do any of those, you are casting stones at someone with the intent to harm them, as if you are without sin. That's sinful to me. So if you are the definition of what "perfect" looks like, I'm thankful I'm not.
        scarllett5 wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 11:01 AM
          Some people on here want to kill the messenger and not the message. Amerson being an elected official of Calhoun County has an accountability to the people of the County. God bless the person who released this video because this is the only way the public would have known about the brutality of this man. Amerson said he was a Christan and what that means is to be Christ like. What kind of individual could say that Christ who said "turn the other cheek" would condone this brutal use of force on a child. Get your head out of the PCP tainted soil and wake up Anniston to reality.
        Gannon99 wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 11:06 AM
          when something starts with for, it implies that it is pointing back to what has already been said

          it isnt a statement within itself, its dependent on what was before. Jesus_Hates_Sinners, quit raping the Bible and using it to prooftext things. O btw Jesus loves Sinners, thats why he died. He just hates the Sin thats in our lives. If he hated all of us,because we are all sinners, there would be no reason for him to come and die, why would u die for someone u hated
        Gannon99 wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 11:09 AM
          Scarllett5 turning the other cheek does not mean what u think u are taking it out on context. Slapping a man in jewish customs was in insult, so if some one insults you so what keep going. If someone hits you by all means hit them back, Jesus didnt call us nor did he want us to be a bunch of sissy's
        rjack112 wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 11:22 AM
          ImpartialTruth, JHS is an attention-seeking troll who perverts scripture just to get a reaction out of someone. He posts under at least 2 different names, most likely more, and we would do well to just ignore his illogical rants.
        scarllett5 wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 12:18 PM
          « Gannon99 I'm not too sure what you are trying to say but a juvenile that is handcuffed and shackled and being pounced upon by the sheriff is what happened as evidenced by the video. The sheriff did not hit him in self defense of himself but to simply be a bully because he could.
        luvinmylife wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 01:06 PM
          Your sheriff didnt ask for the FBI to come here snooping into the way he operates his jail,the man is still lying!!!!His actions will never be justified in my opinion.He was caught in the act of abusing a child.Theres no telling what all this man has done to break the law that we havent seen.Why should the star be served with a warrant??What goes on at that county jail should be an open book especially if they are going to have minors there.You all that defend this man need to look past your prejudice beleifs and see this for what it is,abuse of force on a minor.My parents used a switch and belt to my backside a few times but they never choked me,slammed me against a wall nor grabbed on me like a ragdoll.If this boys parents would of done this they would be in jail so why is it that the sheriff shouldnt have to be made accountable for the actions that he took?How was this child a threat to him when this boys hands and feet were restrained??
        Gannon99 wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 01:52 PM
          Lol I am 100% sure that the FBI is investagating, the Sheriff and his actions. As I can clearly see on this video the Sheriff did not "choke" this kid, he simply grabbed this kid up because im sure he was acting a fool. Its not like this kid is at the jail for reading his bible too much, or that he obeyed his parents too much, if he broke into your house and stole what you had you would want this kid to be punished to the fulliest.
        skalag wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 03:05 PM
          Our Sheriff may have had a reason for his actions but that does not mean they were the right reasons. People are supposed to be able to trust our policemen, but when they do things like this are you going to tell your thirteen year old not to be afraid of him? Everybody in the US has seen it now since it is viral on youtube. Most kids would run away from him. If he treated that child like that then he will or has done it again and again and again. The kind of 'punishment' he heaped on that child will only make him hate the police and everything involved with them. To the person who stated the Star should be sued for stealing the tape: I highly doubt the star stole the tape. Someone whom we will never know decided it was time for the abuse that goes on down there to stop. Children should not even be near that place, much less inside of it. But we are a society of "turn our eyes the other way", "what would Jesus do", an eye for an eye, ane the biggest one of all "He is a good Christian man". He may be, I don't know and I don't care. In the end there is no good reason for this to have happened. I say good job to the person or persons who decided this had gone on long enough and made sure it was made public. It is scary to think that a person trusted him to help with an out of control teenager and he breaks the trust like this. He is an adult and he knew better.
        Phaeton wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 06:22 PM
          I just saw this on channel six news. This is a link to the breaking news on the sheriff Amerson episode.[/list]
        justhetruth wrote on Tuesday, Apr 05 at 06:55 PM
          To all who have been telling the readers that the young man in the video was placed in the sheriff's custody by his mother, there is a lawsuit or will be by tonight, filed against the sheriff. The young man is 14 years of age, and is not a career criminal, but got in trouble in school. According to the law suit that will be filed, it alledeges in part that the sheriff tried to choke the young man and used a lot of racial slurs at him. I think there will be a lot of folks shocked once they find out JusTheTruth about this entire situation.

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        « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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