Author Topic: Did you know??????  (Read 984 times)

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Offline Nazi

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Did you know??????
« on: November 21, 2003, 06:17:00 AM »
Marty Kruglik would smear himself with fecal matter and dance around a fire and consider it a spiritual Indian war dance?

Jeffery Gottlieb's voice became so high pitched when he yelled because many years back he was in prison and got sodomized too many times?All those anal penitration's caused his voice to hit higher notes when he becomes excited.

Clare came into elan as a street Hooker and came out a full fledged prostitute?Also was Joe Ricc's Mistress and was the casue of his first divorce?

Marc Rosenberg has been shooting Herione since the age of 14?He probably holds the record in the world for the longest amount of time being under the influence.

Tania Merret was born Tony Merret? He had a sex change and name change and became Tania.Doctors made a huge slice in his penis and butterflied it and sewed it to his groan area to make it look like  a vagina.Tony is suppose to take female hormone pills everyday for the rest of it's life but randomly forgets.Ever notice why it had a deep manly voice? especially when it yelled in general Meetings?Tania is considered an "IT".

Peter Rowe is Marty Kruglik's bitch?

Dave McVetty is the only person to work at Elan that is certified to work with troubled teens?I feel so bad that Dave has to be associated with these wacko's.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
lan is slowly being torn apart, thanks to me and all the other former Elanites out there that beleive in the destruction of tearing Elan apart. \"Keep up the great work\"