Author Topic: This must be the I failed at Elan site....  (Read 14357 times)

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Offline coz

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This must be the I failed at Elan site....
« Reply #45 on: January 22, 2005, 02:08:00 AM »
« Last Edit: March 29, 2007, 01:13:25 AM by Guest »

Offline JNAILZ

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This must be the I failed at Elan site....
« Reply #46 on: January 22, 2005, 02:36:00 AM »
i could not have said it better Coz
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Jane2

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This must be the I failed at Elan site....
« Reply #47 on: January 22, 2005, 09:32:00 AM »
Ok, I took this whole thing one step further. I contacted an ex Elan staff memeber who still has ties with Elan. I figured that if I called Elan directly, they would either refuse to answer any questions, or lie, so I didn't even bother.

It is true, Tracy M and Peter had and I'm pretty sure still have a relationship, but I don't think it began until after she was a staff member, so fucked up, yes, but illegal? No. From what I hear the relationship has raised some eyebrows.

All the other stuff, is fabricated. It's just rumors that are being blown up from this whole Tracy M thing. Peter has his faults, but he is not sleazy, dirty, etc.

Not to be rude, but what sort of proof do you have? Some stuff written by a bunch of people that don't even have an identity? C'mon, you both know that people used to make up the most outlandish crap ever. I won't say any names, but JNAILZ, do you remember when a certain someone claimed to have broken cardinal rules with a certain other person, and got shot down, GM, the whole thing, and then it turned out to be a lie? You might ask why anyone would lie about this, and the answer would be, there is no reason, it was simply amusing for them.

There is nothing amusing to me about taking people's lives and picking them apart for no reason other than you believe what some baghead told you. I'm sorry if I sound arrogant that's not my intention.

I don't know why I even got so upset about this in the first place. It's not like anything that is said on this board is read by most people, I guess it just upset me to think that someone who I completely trusted would be guilty of that.

When I went to John Dewey, shortly after I left the owner was arrested for touching one of the students. Then I went out west, to this place called Royal Haven. I finished up school there, while living in this house in the country with five or six other girls. Now, all these years later, the owner of that program is in jail for pretty much the rest of his life for having relationships with more than one of the girls there, like 10 of them or something. I've never encountered a problem like they did, but just to think that these people I trusted turned out to be so completely evil is kind of awful. Elan was and is the only place with a clean slate as far as that goes.

What the fuck is wrong with the people who run these schools??? It's a disturbing pattern.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
f you expect someone else to guide you, you\'ll be lost.

Offline Anonymous

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This must be the I failed at Elan site....
« Reply #48 on: January 22, 2005, 10:54:00 AM »
On 2005-01-22 06:32:00, Outlaw wrote:


There is nothing amusing to me about taking people's lives and picking them apart for no reason other than you believe what some baghead told you.

Not to me either.  I wish the programs would stop doing that to the kids in their "care".
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline JNAILZ

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This must be the I failed at Elan site....
« Reply #49 on: January 22, 2005, 12:24:00 PM »
Hey Outlaw, I know what you mean about that resident climing he had sex with a staff member, but I think there is a huge difference between a guy saying he had sex with a hot female staff and a female claiming rape, don't you? I'm just trying to be objective. Give me a call if you get a chance.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline JR

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This must be the I failed at Elan site....
« Reply #50 on: July 10, 2005, 09:13:00 AM »
This is really crazy for me reading all of your posts. I am Joe's son Jason Ricci.I grew up with this man and saw him in every imaginable state of being amazing, Bad and ugly.
I have myself also been through confrontational therapy in a long term residential treatment program in Fl called the renaissaince institute as well as a less expensive residence I did in a West Palm Beach Jail. I make no attempt to qualify with you old school Elan alumni's as I know it is completly futile and pointless as times have changed at Elan and in other treatment centers everywhere.
After spending a few hours here and reading all your posts I felt the need to add one of my own.
My Father was not as you might imagine a convential Dad. I have come to terms with all that my Brother Noah and I had to endure in growing up with him,Joe as a Dad, the media, and his employees and friends. I feel no need to brag, complain or ask for sypathy regarding these facts and I do not need to disclose them to you all in detail in an effort to win your bad life/childhood award. There was plenty of very strange,lousy,scary,and wonderful,enlighting and brilliant moments I shared with my Dad.
I love my father very much and I cherish his intellect and passion and my overall memory of him as a man was one of greatness.This was not always the case for me and I have grown to this place over many of you already know, My Father came from a very hard upbringing in New York himself and went through some experimental new programs himself there where he conceived the idea/ideas of Elan. I am not here to defend him nor implicate him in any misguided treatments to any of you, only to say I know for certain my Father wanted to do his best in life and fought for what he believed was right both at Elan, and in his other endevours.
I have gotten over a little in my time as well. At 17 years old I was homeless and a runaway, at 18 I was finding Drugs and booze for the first time, by 24 I was still homeless and a crack addict and in and out of jail and other institutions constantly. That year at 24 years old I went to the program I listed above. I will not go into leangth about the program but let me say in short I indentify and sympathize with what many of you have descibed about your time at Elan. I lasted 90 days there ran away/left A.M.A. (was a adult)and ended up doing a year in jail as a direct result from the influence the institution had on the judge, me, my family and the system in FL as well. I did my sober, have been clean off EVERYTHING for 7 years now. I live a happy life as a successful musician in Nashville TN with my BOYFRIEND (Yes I'm gay for all the homophobes and gaybashers that run rampant on this site)a lot of that was the result of me making the most out of a set of shitty circumstances,unfair and yes Barbaric treatment, and more inspite of a long list of exuses I could start my own message board with.
I really believe there should be more people on this list helping people who feel they were abused at Elan stop abusing themselves and others now, and move on with their lives!

Thank you all for listening. I will be back here and will be happy to answer any questions any of you might like to know about me or Joe Ricci my Father.
Thank you Jason Ricci
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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This must be the I failed at Elan site....
« Reply #51 on: July 10, 2005, 01:27:00 PM »
Jason, thanks for posting that.

On 2005-07-10 06:13:00, JR wrote:

I really believe there should be more people on this list helping people who feel they were abused at Elan stop abusing themselves and others now, and move on with their lives!

In all seriousnes, no sarcasm, I think you should try setting up such a site. I think it would be troublesome and often, if not usually, go wrong. But if you think there should be such a site, do it.

This site is here for another purpose, but only slightly different if you think about it. This site is about getting information out to the public; counter-advertising as it were.

So now ppl searching the net for placements for their troubling teens have whatever the hell this has turned into for balance. Did you know that some joker has set up essentially the same program to make gay kids straight? I'm not joking! Here, check it out! ... 09&forum=9

Don't hate the media. Become the media

--Jello Biafra

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Elanuanumous

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This must be the I failed at Elan site....
« Reply #52 on: July 10, 2005, 04:14:00 PM »
Staff beat the hell outa us on a regular basis.Made us shovel snow with teaspoons for 18 hours.Wash dishes for 24 hour periods....
I didnt go to school there like many of you did.I went to a sack where at anytime,ageneral meeting would be called and we'd be stuck in the dining room for the next 12 hours
Now that is the elan I know no school just 24/7 abuse Hi art!

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
--Albert Einstein

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Everything Hitler did was legal\"
.......Martin Luther King J.R.

Offline Anonymous

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This must be the I failed at Elan site....
« Reply #53 on: July 10, 2005, 07:42:00 PM »
This site is here for another purpose, but only slightly different if you think about it. This site is about getting information out to the public; counter-advertising as it were.

There you have it. Straight from the horses ass.

All the disgusting posts that go into this Elan portion of the site have a purpose: To provide support to the claim that TCs fuck people up, no good has ever come from a TC and the cess pool of people, no matter how intelligent or together they try to appear (you know who you are) who also contribute just as much as the anon fucks who post thier swill.

All dialogue is left to stay as a testimonial to onlookers that TCs produce evil fucking monsters.

I am in fucking awe that you idiots have not figured this out yet. This isnt a place to heal wounds of former elan residents, or try to make sense of the fucked up place it was or is. It is an ongoing mug shot of the effects of TCs. You are all being displayed as evidence that TCs create retarded fucks. Sort of like a slide show of before and after pictures of a nice productive kid turned meth addict. But without the before pictures, because most of us were miserable devious fucks before we went to Elan!

Ask yourselves this, If you were never in a TC, and came here to get the jest of it all, would you take any of this shit seriously? Would any of the stupid fucking drivel found here effect your decision to find a structured disceplinary atmosphere for your outtafuckincontrol kid?
Lets see here, a place where adults, some as old or older than even Artman himself, come in to rant and rave and argue and post sick shit. A reader would assume all of you failed the program, walked out of it with an attitude no different than when you went in, and would disregard every last word you idiots had to say.

There are an infinite number of kids in this country who NEED a place like Elan. What are the options? TO remain in a neglactful, abusive go-nowhere environment at home?
Teach parents to take responsibility for thier kids? yeah, what-fuckin-ever!

I honestly think this site has the oposite effect it tries so hard to have. If I were the parent of an out of control teen, this site would encourage me to find the POSSITIVE of TCs, and disregard the fucking swill Ive read here with complete faith that my child could succeed in a program with such a structured environment knowing that these TCs are a LAST RESORT to jail, and psychiatric facilities who use drugs and isolation to treat behavior problems.

I'd look in here and have a great idea of what my child would end up like if he/she FAILED a program such as Elan. But as a parent of one of the many many out of fucking control punk assed kids out there who are without a conscience, who abuse thier sibblings and others, who abuse drugs and alcohol, dont go to school, have unprotected sex, lie, cheat, steal and are destined to end up dead or in prison. What else is there? Some fucking school bus livin hippy fucking idealistic lifestyle like gingers is gonna make it all better?

Bullshit. Dont waste your fucking time trying to close all the TCs of the world, its as much a waste of time as trying to legalize hemp and realize any significant agricultural industry to "save the world"

Kids still need a place to go when they are out of control and all but helpless in a functioning society that leaves the weak and troubled behind!

Push your govs for strict guidelines in TC's Push for state level monitors of programs. On site monitors from a state organization who has the power to shut a fucking place down if there are signs of abuse beyond what goes on in jails and juvenile detention centers.

Push your legislators to draft laws requiring a state level employee be on site 24/7 to observe the program, and thier salaries are PAID by the TC itself. Push legislators to require annual evaluations of the effectiveness of state-funded occupants of TCs. See if they are getting thier moneys worth!

EVery state in this country allows TCs and youth treatment facilities. one goes away, another comes along and theres not a fucking thing you snivelers are going to do about it except get active at a state level. Make demands of your goverments to MONITOR these facilities closely.

Just a tidbit of info for all you fucks crying "its not fair" boofucking hoo.

I went after Elan with a civil suit of abuse. Elan settled out of court for less than I could pay my attorney to reprisent me. BUT, I then sued the state that sent me there and won, easily. Big money too. I have used a lot of that money to pressure legislators and locel govs to place higher demands on TCs and child facilities. Ive used some to work with the ACLU and create a lobby for childs rights.

Face it, TCs are not going to go away, and parents are NOT going to stop sending thier kids there. NO FUCKING CHANCE!

Waste your time here fighting for some cause, or do something productive. For the rest of you who have no fucking social life and come in here to post crap, and argue and, well, basicly do what Artman does, and play dad...go the fuck away.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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This must be the I failed at Elan site....
« Reply #54 on: July 10, 2005, 08:13:00 PM »
JR, congrats on your success. Ive heard your music and enjoy it very much.

I have to say that posting in a place like this is a futile endeavor. Far too many people take comfort in the idea that they are victims and no matter who comes along to dispute that, or even validate it, when its time to move on they wont budge.

I have to say I would rather not see you here. Sort of like seeing an innocent child wander into a big city. There are incredibly insensitive and sick people in here. Not what you need to continue your pursuit of happiness, challenge whatever fondness you hold in your heart for your dad, or validate whatever doubts you might have.
I only knew your father for a short 3 years while a resident of Elan, and an employee at the downs.
Weve all got dirt, his was exposed to far more people who have nothing better to do than keep kicking up the dust.
I saw the depth of your father first hand, the love in his heart for people in general. He wanted people to be happy and successful. He took an interest in those with challenges, and I could see it in his eyes that he really cared.

Please forget about this site. Continue doing what you love to do, and surround yourself with happy people.


[email protected]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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This must be the I failed at Elan site....
« Reply #55 on: July 10, 2005, 09:33:00 PM »
And thank you, Anon, for so adeptly demonstrating the fucked up mentality of Program supporters.

In case you hadn't noticed, very few splits and pull offs spend much time in these forums. Mostly only long term Program vets, graduates and former staff. These ARE the Elan success stories, you moron! If you want to abuse and cow your child, be a fucking man about it. Get out that leather belt and force the kid to stare at a corner yourself. Don't wimp out by hiring someone to do it for you and them whine about our comparing notes on the issue.

The troubled parent industry is only a few decades old. It's essentially just another subset of the newage utopian cults. Odds are, it won't last any longer than Chautauqua.

Don't laugh when you leave this courtroom, thinking you have beat the system because you have looked these things up yourself. We are going to get you down the road.' target='_new'>Washington Superior CourtJudge Rebecca Baker

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Anonymous

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This must be the I failed at Elan site....
« Reply #56 on: July 10, 2005, 11:21:00 PM »
On 2005-07-10 18:33:00, Antigen wrote:

"And thank you, Anon, for so adeptly demonstrating the fucked up mentality of Program supporters.

Huh? Are you retarded too?
If you insist on putting me on the other side of the fence Ill take the liberty of identifying my stance, since you adamantly refuse to recognize the far more reasonable approach I take,  than simply trying to close all the TCs of the world.

I'm all for regulations, setting standards and forced guidelines for theraputic communities.
First, I obviously have to force feed you the concept that PARENTS CANT CONTROL THIER KIDS. Why do you refuse to accept this, and the vital need for an atmosphere which does?
Unless you have a fucking collar on your kid, you cant tell me you have any firm control of thier behavior. What about the parents who dont give a shit where thier kid is or what they are doing?
You also refuse to acknowledge that a double standard is taking place here. I cannot confine my child to a padded room if they are a physical threat to themselves or the rest of my family, but an institution can. I would end up in jail. Your claim is that TCs or any facility should also face criminal prosecution.
Parents have lost all rights to discepline above and beyond verbal confrontations. Could you at least acknowledge that parents either will not, or CONNOT control an out of control kid?
What planet are you from. Here on earth, kids use drugs, commit crimes ranging from victimless to barbaric. They do what they want when they want, and as tough as it is for you to accept, theres not a fucking thing any parent can do about it, even if they want to. Take that pill and swallow it Ginger. Its the cold hard truth.
So, now that you know this, and asumably wont counter with some far-fetched idealistic approach to how the impossible can be accomplished...what is your solution?
I DO support therapuetic communities and institutions of behavior modification. Why? read above.
I however clearly indicated that the current state of these institutions needs help.
These places need regulations, guidelines, and they need thier conduct closely monitored, period.
Your simple-minded approach to close them all down is just so laughable and such an idealistic and unrealistic vision that I cant help but ask with a smirk how things are going in your "save the children" campaign? Close any TCs lately?

In case you hadn't noticed, very few splits and pull offs spend much time in these forums. Mostly only long term Program vets, graduates and former staff. These ARE the Elan success stories, you moron!

Could you please provide some sort of backup or statistics for this claim? Put me on the "non-grad" list as you comprise it. Please provide some sort of information as to how you develop statistics of status among anon posters who have nothing more to say than "Marty fucks buffalos"

If you want to abuse and cow your child, be a fucking man about it. Get out that leather belt and force the kid to stare at a corner yourself. Don't wimp out by hiring someone to do it for you and them whine about our comparing notes on the issue.

I admire your ability to incorporate an ALLEDGED "issue" and present it as fact.
I do whine about you fucks comparing notes, but none of my whining has anything to do with the fairy tale that kids are getting whipped with leather belts at a TC. Low and behold though, my suggestions and efforts to monitor the discepline at a TC would insure that no kids ARE.
Your plight to close them all has no direct effect on what goes on in them while they are still open.
What is so hard to admit about the idea that we both ultimately have to same goal to stop abusive treatment of children who will not respond to any form of discepline in the home up to and INCLUDING the belt therefore being sent to a facility that confronts and modifies the behavior that might have gotten them whipped at home. or killed, or thrown in jail, or confined to an instution that uses drugs to control behavior.

Youll never admit that changing the TC is a far more valid and productive effort than closing them all down. You will never spell it out for the former residents of elan and other TCs  that you are USING them either will you?

Every one here, no matter if they are a so-called "success" in whatever terms Ginger choses to identify you as one, or a split or sign-out have one thing in common, NONE have really considered thier role in Fornits. Ginger is using you all as examples of how "good kids" are abused and brian-fucked by TCs and become the troubled adults you are. You are her ammo, the poster kids for a righteous cause with little possitive results.

I see how Ken, and any other person who says "move on" are your nemisis.

As for Elan successes, they are not here Ginger!, The silence is deafening isnt it? Do you realize how many people are out there living normal productive happy lives after Elan?

I am one of them. If I were to be asked if I would recommend elan for a severely out of control kid, knowing what I know about Elan today, I would say "send him"!

As much as I didnt like being forced to be accountable for my behavior in Elan back in the early 80s, If any kid was as out of control as I was, Elan was an answer when considering the options. No, parental control was NOT an option! Get that through your fucking thick head!



The troubled parent industry is only a few decades old. It's essentially just another subset of the newage utopian cults. Odds are, it won't last any longer than Chautauqua.

Fucking hilarious!
Troubled parents are held far more accountable for thier acts on children than ever before. Parents are undoubtedly a direct effect on the bahvior of thier children.
So many of the kids today with behavior problems are the result of abusive neglectfull parents.

Children were forced to continue staying in these environments at home thus compounding thier hostility, and thier outrageous behavior. Along comes the righteous group that says we cant slap or spank our kids anymore. We cant confine them to thier rooms if they act out, we cant physically force them to stay in the house rather than go to the meth party down the street. So who's gonna do it?
Tell me Ginger...who the fuck is going to force these kids to behave, and take accountabilty for thier actions? My brother has only seen his 16 year old kid 3 times in the last year. In A juvenile detention center. He has spent upwards of $100k not only trying to find the kid, but mopping up the fucking messes this little fuck has left behind. The 16 year old kid raped his 8 year old sister. The 16 year old kid stole cash, and jewelry, and credit cards and a $40k SUV from his own family. He stole two pistols and they have not been seen since. This kid had everything, nice home, loving parents, a reasonably structured environment. What the hell do YOU do for a kid and many others like this? Close a TC that may save his life?
Who gives a fuck if the kid has to do dishes for 24 hours? Who really fucking cares if this kid that nobody knows, and would run away from if they did shovels snow with a fucking spoon for 2 days? WHO FUCKING GIVES A SHIT? If this "kid" was an adult, we would all be there to testify against him in a court of law that would put him in a prison where its OK to be confined in a cell for years on end, where its ok to restrain and sedate them if they are a physical threat to others or themselves. Where there are no treatment options for addictions and mental illnesses to people who NEED them.

Whats your answer Ginger? What is your fucking solution. Should we all send our fucked up kids to YOUR house?

Ill bet my left eye if you had the money you would be the first to open a TC for kids thinking you would protect them from other TC and then painfully discover you cannot do a thing for them either without incorporating forcable control!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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This must be the I failed at Elan site....
« Reply #57 on: July 17, 2005, 10:50:00 AM »
Funny how people come in here and intitiate a very valid and relavent conversation...and nobody replies.

This last post is a huge slap in the face to the "close TCs" crowd.

Isnt this site geared to providing a place for former residents of TCs to validate the need for justice within those TCs?

Seems more like a place for people to "compare notes" on what they themselves went through while all the children in them now face the possibility of the same treatment! What the fuck? Selfish?

Quit your fucking crying and DO something.

Ive said it a million times, and those of you who know me , know me by these words:

So many people here take such comfort in being victims, that any resolve to the terrible things that might have happened to you is ignored and rejected.  

You all would rather display your scars and battle wounds than make any reasonable effort to put them behind you AND take a reasonable approach to avoiding it happening to anyone else.
Attempting to close all the TCs of the world IS profoundly laughable.
An effort to close all TCs is simply a tool you fucks use to display your own scars and wounds.

Im a victim, Im a victim, look at me!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Troll Control

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This must be the I failed at Elan site....
« Reply #58 on: July 17, 2005, 12:32:00 PM »
On 2005-07-17 07:50:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Funny how people come in here and intitiate a very valid and relavent conversation...and nobody replies.

This last post is a huge slap in the face to the "close TCs" crowd.

Isnt this site geared to providing a place for former residents of TCs to validate the need for justice within those TCs?

Seems more like a place for people to "compare notes" on what they themselves went through while all the children in them now face the possibility of the same treatment! What the fuck? Selfish?

Quit your fucking crying and DO something.

Ive said it a million times, and those of you who know me , know me by these words:

So many people here take such comfort in being victims, that any resolve to the terrible things that might have happened to you is ignored and rejected.  

You all would rather display your scars and battle wounds than make any reasonable effort to put them behind you AND take a reasonable approach to avoiding it happening to anyone else.

Attempting to close all the TCs of the world IS profoundly laughable.

An effort to close all TCs is simply a tool you fucks use to display your own scars and wounds.

Im a victim, Im a victim, look at me!




Shouldn't this have "Hi-yuh Hi-yuh Hi-yuh Hi-yuh" in it somewhere?  I thought THAT's what this thread is about...?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The Linchpin Link

Whooter - The Most Prolific Troll Fornits Has Ever Seen - The Definitive Links
"Looks like a nasty aspentrolius sticci whooterensis infestation you got there, Ms. Fornits.  I\'ll get right to work."

- Troll Control

Offline Anonymous

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This must be the I failed at Elan site....
« Reply #59 on: July 18, 2005, 10:14:00 AM »
You're right....

Me Marty grow up and stop whining......

hi-yuh hi-yuh hi-yuh hi-yuh
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »