Author Topic: How Far Will Program Pushers Go to Invalidate Abuse Victims?  (Read 42226 times)

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Offline Whooter

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Re: How Far Will Program Pushers Go to Invalidate Abuse Vict
« Reply #150 on: December 22, 2010, 07:48:01 AM »
After DJ calmed down he started blaming the law makers instead of taking responsibility for the fact that he was caught selling drugs to kids.  They ended up being the abuse victims (victims of his drug sales) He is handing out advice to lie on your employment application.  He invalidated the abuse victims by trying to blame the law instead of taking responsibility for his actions.

Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
I personally would advise never to tell.  Nothing good can come from it.  Only REAL possibility is getting terminated on the spot.

DEFINITELY don't tell, even when asked.

The laws are all fucked up, yes.  I ended up getting hit with 1-3 in NYS system for my first and only pop - no sale involved.  However, I was CHARGED with A Class felony which carries 25-life in NY.  ...

He moved out of New York state (Daytop) to try to get near kids again and fooled HLA for awhile but he found out real quick what happens when HLA found out that he was a jail bird with a felon background.  DJs' own words : " getting terminated on the spot".   This is why DJ spends his time trying to discredit HLA/RCS.  He still blames them for his own mistakes.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Dysfunction Junction

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Re: How Far Will Program Pushers Go to Invalidate Abuse Vict
« Reply #151 on: December 22, 2010, 07:48:52 AM »
This hasn't changed.  Phony quotes don't make your past go away, Whooter.  I'm sorry, but you have to be accountable.

Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
Making up phony quotes isn't going to make this go away, Whooter.  I'm sorry, people here are very forgiving, but molesting your own daughter and having her taken to fostercare while making up a story of how you "helped her by putting her in a program" doesn't cut it anymore.  You molested your child, admitted it and think we're all just going to give you a free pass when you act out?  I don't think so.  Your run here is just about over, so I guess you need to get in your last licks before you disappear for good.  It still doesn't change your confession about molesting your daughter.

Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
Wow!  This thread is full-on Whooter-flail now.  See, Whooter got caught and admitted "fabricating his family," that is, making up family/program stories to try to promote abusive programs.  He got pinched and had to admit it.

Quote from: "Whooter"
I fabricated a son

Quote from: "Whooter"
I admit that Anne

So Anne was pushing him to get honest about the other kids he "fabricated" and he got mad and made up a story about when she was a 15 year old child having "unsafe sex," etc, but Anne had already said on the board, and Whooter responded to it so he knew about it, that the only "sex" she had prior to Straight was being raped.

We all called Whooter on his lies about Anne and his calling child rape "unsafe sex."  Since he said this he keeps getting called on it and is now just lashing out at everyone who tries to make him accountable for his remarks.

He made up a whole story about me for sticking up for Anne and calling him out for his lies, but, as usual he got all the details wrong and just ended up with a fairy tale that he posts repetitively when he's caught lying.

In addition, he's on the cusp of a lifetime ban from Fornits and he admits he has a "Fornits-centric life," meaning he does Fornits all day and night every day and night while neglecting his family, fabricated or not. Lol.

But let's go back to the root of Whooter's real anger:

Quote from: "Whooter"
I was arrested several times in Boston and Ann Arbor Michigan.  It was a long time ago, but I did have to do a prison sentence for sexually abusing several kids, including my own daughter.  When I got locked up I was really scared because you know how other criminals treat sex offenders.  I was in an isolation cell in protective custody in the sex offender wing of the prison, so I didn't have to fight to protect myself.  I just did my time and after a seven years I was out, my debt to society paid.  I don't know why you people keep bringing it up when I already explained it.

This is why Whooter always tries to redfine rape as "flirting" or "masturbation" because if he changs the definition, he won't feel so guilty about how he sodomized those children.  But you can see he still has a lot of issues with it and is currently barred from being around children, which is why the court took his daughter from him and he had to make up a whole new story about how SHE was the "bad one" and had to be sent away to reform school, when actually she was taken from him and put in foster care because he sexually molested her. This is why he dreamed up his "program story."  And also why he won't say why his daughter was sent away (or taken away, as it were).

That's Whooter's sad story and it's why he gets so angry and starts accusing people of being child molesters - he knows the stigma associated with child molesters because he wears the "scarlet M" everywhere he goes.  He can never get off the sex offender registry, so he wants people to believe others are on it with him, but he's alone.  He's the only child rapist here on Fornits.  And he admitted it.

Quote from: "Whooter"
I was fired for what I did when they found out and now I am paying for it in prison.............I know firsthand what I am talking about because I molested a child in the past.  My victim was my own daughter.


Changing your quote to put my name on it doesn't change your sex offender registation status, now does it, Whooter?  You are a sad and desperate man.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Compassion is the basis of morality."

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Offline Whooter

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Re: How Far Will Program Pushers Go to Invalidate Abuse Vict
« Reply #152 on: December 22, 2010, 07:52:18 AM »
This hasn't changed.  Phony quotes don't make your past go away, DJ.  I'm sorry, but you have to be accountable.

Notice I supply links!!  lol  Look at the edit stamps!!!

Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"

I would not listen to “TheWho” cuz I was abused in a program.  I’m pissed off cuz people do not believe that kids like me got sent to isolation.  I was put in a small room for 2 days with no windows and was only allowed out to use the bathroom.  I was not allowed to shower.  I did not make any mistakes to daserve this.  I will post more later.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Dysfunction Junction

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Re: How Far Will Program Pushers Go to Invalidate Abuse Vict
« Reply #153 on: December 22, 2010, 08:03:34 AM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "Botched Programming"
Quote from: "heretik"
There is no greater crime than that which is committed against a child. A child does not have the skills or abilities to handle any form of abuse. A child withdraws from society and in adulthood can becomes a recluse. A sad damaging fact far worse than the original crime. Living alone away from the world.

Just something to think about.

Child abusers should receive the harshest penalties permissible by law.


I agree.

Quote from: "Whooter"
I was arrested several times in Boston and Ann Arbor Michigan. It was a long time ago, but I did have to do a prison sentence for sexually abusing several kids, including my own daughter. When I got locked up I was really scared because you know how other criminals treat sex offenders. I was in an isolation cell in protective custody in the sex offender wing of the prison, so I didn't have to fight to protect myself. I just did my time and after a seven years I was out, my debt to society paid. I don't know why you people keep bringing it up when I already explained it.


This wasn't harsh enough.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Compassion is the basis of morality."

-Arthur Schopenhauer

Offline Anne Bonney

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Re: How Far Will Program Pushers Go to Invalidate Abuse Vict
« Reply #154 on: December 22, 2010, 10:05:51 AM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
Yes, I did say that, but I never mentioned anything about a rape.  We both agree that DJ brought that into the discussion.

No, we don't agree (we had an agreement that you wouldn't use the word "we" and I wouldn't use the word "shill".  I've held up my end) on that.  I've been away for a while so I have no idea if you did or didn't say that.  However, you did twist what I said to further your agenda.  You implied that I was behaving like a slut and I never said anything close to that.  And it's especially egregious that you would take my rape and twist it into saying that I was having "unprotected sex".  That's really, really low.

Quote from: "Whooter"
You can read into it all you want, Anne.  You never addressed the lies you told about me like working for the industry, being a shill or having made up having a daughter or multiple sons.

Before we came to the agreement that I wouldn't use the word "shill" and you wouldn't use the word "we".  Since then I haven't called you a shill. I said that I believed that you were working in some way for the industry, be it a strict employee or an Educational Consultant or a referral agency.  I don't believe I ever said for sure that you were either.  And you've admitted that you fabricated a fictitious son.

 How come it is always up to me to supply the links.  Lets see you prove some of your own comments for a change.

I do.  You don't.  You twist what people say and pull quotes out of context to fit your agenda.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa

Offline Anne Bonney

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Re: How Far Will Program Pushers Go to Invalidate Abuse Vict
« Reply #155 on: December 22, 2010, 10:11:03 AM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
Lets not forget!  lol

I like to go with the reports that supply links
Lets not forget your past DJ:
Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
I was fired for what I did when they found out and now I am paying for it in prison.............I know firsthand what I am talking about because I molested a child in the past.


That's a link to a quote that you could very well have edited.  How 'bout the original link?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa

Offline Whooter

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Re: How Far Will Program Pushers Go to Invalidate Abuse Vict
« Reply #156 on: December 22, 2010, 10:16:26 AM »
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"

No, we don't agree (we had an agreement that you wouldn't use the word "we" and I wouldn't use the word "shill".  I've held up my end) on that.  I've been away for a while so I have no idea if you did or didn't say that.  However, you did twist what I said to further your agenda.  You implied that I was behaving like a slut and I never said anything close to that.  And it's especially egregious that you would take my rape and twist it into saying that I was having "unprotected sex".  That's really, really low.

Cut the crap, Anne, I never mentioned your Rape.  You and I spoke about this in PM's.  I never brought it up as a topic.  If you can show me the post where you think I said that then I will apologize.  

Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Before we came to the agreement that I wouldn't use the word "shill" and you wouldn't use the word "we".  Since then I haven't called you a shill. I said that I believed that you were working in some way for the industry, be it a strict employee or an Educational Consultant or a referral agency.  I don't believe I ever said for sure that you were either.  And you've admitted that you fabricated a fictitious son.

But just to say I made up a son is misleading.  I was trying to protect another poster at the time.  If you added that in when you brought it up you would be more sincere and less misleading.

Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
I do.  You don't.  You twist what people say and pull quotes out of context to fit your agenda.

So do you, with your comments about me making up sons and daughters.  I have explained this clearly enough to you, but you like to twist and mislead to fit your agenda.  If you act a certain way towards someone then you should expect to be treated the same way in return.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline SUCK_IT

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Re: How Far Will Program Pushers Go to Invalidate Abuse Vict
« Reply #157 on: December 22, 2010, 10:23:42 AM »
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Quote from: "Whooter"
Yes, I did say that, but I never mentioned anything about a rape.  We both agree that DJ brought that into the discussion.

No, we don't agree (we had an agreement that you wouldn't use the word "we" and I wouldn't use the word "shill".  I've held up my end) on that.  I've been away for a while so I have no idea if you did or didn't say that.  However, you did twist what I said to further your agenda.  You implied that I was behaving like a slut and I never said anything close to that.  And it's especially egregious that you would take my rape and twist it into saying that I was having "unprotected sex".  That's really, really low.

Quote from: "Whooter"
You can read into it all you want, Anne.  You never addressed the lies you told about me like working for the industry, being a shill or having made up having a daughter or multiple sons.

Before we came to the agreement that I wouldn't use the word "shill" and you wouldn't use the word "we".  Since then I haven't called you a shill. I said that I believed that you were working in some way for the industry, be it a strict employee or an Educational Consultant or a referral agency.  I don't believe I ever said for sure that you were either.  And you've admitted that you fabricated a fictitious son.

 How come it is always up to me to supply the links.  Lets see you prove some of your own comments for a change.

I do.  You don't.  You twist what people say and pull quotes out of context to fit your agenda.

Whooter, you did say you fabricated a son and you also posed as the parent of another son on another thread so I think that's where she gets sons plural from.  Right after that you attacked her and said her rape was unsafe sex.  I read it in this thread.  I mean, I'm fine with what you said.  She deserved it.  But you did say it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
I\'m baaaack...

Offline Anne Bonney

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Re: How Far Will Program Pushers Go to Invalidate Abuse Vict
« Reply #158 on: December 22, 2010, 10:24:34 AM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
Cut the crap, Anne, I never mentioned your Rape.  You and I spoke about this in PM's.  I never brought it up as a topic.  If you can show me the post where you think I said that then I will apologize.  

I never said that you said the word "rape".  You did imply that I was having "unprotected sex", inferring that I was a willing participant.

But just to say I made up a son is misleading.  I was trying to protect another poster at the time.  If you added that in when you brought it up you would be more sincere and less misleading.


Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
I do.  You don't.  You twist what people say and pull quotes out of context to fit your agenda.

So do you, with your comments about me making up sons and daughters.

You admitted making up a son/daughter (I can't keep track anymore).  So what am I to think?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa

Offline Whooter

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Re: How Far Will Program Pushers Go to Invalidate Abuse Vict
« Reply #159 on: December 22, 2010, 10:33:22 AM »
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
I never said that you said the word "rape".  You did imply that I was having "unprotected sex", inferring that I was a willing participant.

Yes, but I never said you were a willing participant in a rape.  People who have been raped can also have sex willingly with others.

But just to say I made up a son is misleading.  I was trying to protect another poster at the time.  If you added that in when you brought it up you would be more sincere and less misleading.


Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
I do.  You don't.  You twist what people say and pull quotes out of context to fit your agenda.

So do you, with your comments about me making up sons and daughters.  I explained why I did it and when.  It was very clear to you.

Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
You admitted making up a son/daughter (I can't keep track anymore).  So what am I to think?

So there you  go again, Anne, lol.  If you want to toss aside my explanations then so can the rest of us.  I cant keep track (and neither could your parents) of how many times you had unprotected sex before your parents finally had to intervene for your own good.  Why is it okay for you to twist my words to further your agenda but you dont want others to twist your words?

If you are fair and honest I will be too.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Dysfunction Junction

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Re: How Far Will Program Pushers Go to Invalidate Abuse Vict
« Reply #160 on: December 22, 2010, 10:37:07 AM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
I never said that you said the word "rape".  You did imply that I was having "unprotected sex", inferring that I was a willing participant.

Yes, but I never said you were a willing participant in a rape.  People who have been raped can also have sex willingly with others.

But just to say I made up a son is misleading.  I was trying to protect another poster at the time.  If you added that in when you brought it up you would be more sincere and less misleading.


Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
I do.  You don't.  You twist what people say and pull quotes out of context to fit your agenda.

So do you, with your comments about me making up sons and daughters.  I explained why I did it and when.  It was very clear to you.

Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
You admitted making up a son/daughter (I can't keep track anymore).  So what am I to think?

So there you  go again, Anne, lol.  If you want to toss aside my explanations then so can the rest of us.  I cant keep track (and neither could your parents) of how many times you had unprotected sex before your parents finally had to intervene for your own good.  Why is it okay for you to twist my words to further your agenda but you dont want others to twist your words?

If you are fair and honest I will be too.


QFT.  Reported to moderator.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Compassion is the basis of morality."

-Arthur Schopenhauer

Offline Whooter

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Re: How Far Will Program Pushers Go to Invalidate Abuse Vict
« Reply #161 on: December 22, 2010, 10:54:14 AM »
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Quote from: "Whooter"
Lets not forget!  lol

I like to go with the reports that supply links
Lets not forget your past DJ:
Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
I was fired for what I did when they found out and now I am paying for it in prison.............I know firsthand what I am talking about because I molested a child in the past.


That's a link to a quote that you could very well have edited.  How 'bout the original link?

Follow it through it links back to the original.  Its interesting that you never ask DJ for a link, he rarely provides links.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anne Bonney

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Re: How Far Will Program Pushers Go to Invalidate Abuse Vict
« Reply #162 on: December 22, 2010, 11:01:48 AM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
Yes, but I never said you were a willing participant in a rape.  People who have been raped can also have sex willingly with others.

But that's not what you were insinuating.   This is what you were insinuating.....

Quote from: "Whooter"
I cant keep track (and neither could your parents) of how many times you had unprotected sex before your parents finally had to intervene for your own good.

Quote from: "Whooter"
But just to say I made up a son is misleading.  I was trying to protect another poster at the time.  If you added that in when you brought it up you would be more sincere and less misleading.

Did you or did you not create a fictitious son/daughter?  I don't give a shit about your reasons....did you do it?

Quote from: "Whooter"
So do you, with your comments about me making up sons and daughters.  I explained why I did it and when.  It was very clear to you.

You DID make up a son/daughter.  Doesn't matter why.

Quote from: "Whooter"
I cant keep track (and neither could your parents) of how many times you had unprotected sex before your parents finally had to intervene for your own good.  

Classy    ::)

How do you come by this "information"?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa

Offline Whooter

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Re: How Far Will Program Pushers Go to Invalidate Abuse Vict
« Reply #163 on: December 22, 2010, 11:16:38 AM »
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
But that's not what you were insinuating.   This is what you were insinuating.....

Quote from: "Whooter"
I cant keep track (and neither could your parents) of how many times you had unprotected sex before your parents finally had to intervene for your own good.

exactly, Anne,  Someone else brought rape into this.  I was not me, it is clear you and I agree on this.

Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
You DID make up a son/daughter.  Doesn't matter why.

So why people do things doesnt matter to you?  That is very telling, Anne.

Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Classy    ::)

How do you come by this "information"?

Your fabricated son/daughter is classy also, Anne.  You can find the information in the same thread where you claimed I fabricated son(s) and daughters(s).  Also where you claimed I said I worked for the industry.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Dysfunction Junction

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Re: How Far Will Program Pushers Go to Invalidate Abuse Vict
« Reply #164 on: December 22, 2010, 11:22:23 AM »
"How far will program pushers go to invalidate abuse victims?"  This thread has turned into exactly what it was designed to expose.

A girl, raped at 15, was just "having unsafe sex" according to the program pusher.

Just look at the program pusher attack victims to try to minimize their abuse and blame it on them instead of the people who committed crimes against them when they were children.

It's disgusting and it's wrong.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Compassion is the basis of morality."

-Arthur Schopenhauer