DP--Just keep in mind, most strong women, women of character, women with class, women with a brain tween thier ears, don't actually need a man...like a fish needs a bicycle! Now, all men aint idiots, and booger eatting morons...albiet, there are alot of us out there....and I will admit, I aint the best specimen of "Manhood" and I have my moments of "idiot-ness" and have eaten my share of boogers. Now this all may be because as "men" we are missing that one chromosone, the female gender have corned the market on. But thats biology, we (us men folk) cant help it. With that in mind, consider this: Another person may be "A" source of happiness, or "A" source of grief. But, never, NEVER will men or anyone else be "THE" source of happiness, or "THE" source of grief. Just as no woman will be "The" source of my happiness...although, they are "A" source of happiness--and grief. There is a tremendious difference tween "A" and "THE" (Spelled differently and everything). When I think any particular woman will be "THE" source of my happiness...I am destined for heart break...amoungst other things. When I re-cognise, that I am "THE" source of my own happiness and grief...I place responcibility for that happiness upon my own shoulders.......Never, Never (hopefully) will I make the mistake again, that another person is "THE" source of my happiness or my grief. Keeping things in perspective, other people are merely "A" source of happiness...other times "A" source of grief. With that understood, no matter what "A" source does or doesnt do...the bedrock is that I am "THE" source...and no one, NO ONE can ever remove my happiness again, as I am "THE" source of that happiness and NO ONE can, or will ever take it again.
So my one question to you is; Is it "over", or has it just begun?
Much Peace
Continued Healing