All of them.
The government should leave people the fuck alone.
Robbery - there is a victim
Murder- there is a victim
Fraud- there is a victim
Assault- there is a victim
destruction of property- there is a victim
Drug usage- no victim, no crime- that is until a bunch of armed men, burst into somebody's home, or search someone's vehicle, and a person with a habit ( no matter how unhelthy it may be) who has caused no harm to anyone, ends up spending years in jail, with legitimate criminals.
Call me crazy, but when I see a crackhead, handcuffed face down on the floor, the cops don't look like heroes to me, they just look like bullies, sticking their noses into someone's else's business, and in my opinion victimizing someone who already has enough fucking problems. The longest I ve ever been able to sit through an episode of cops is about 5 minutes.
Paul St. John