Author Topic: Academy at Sisters  (Read 69833 times)

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Offline SUCK IT

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Re: Academy at Sisters
« Reply #270 on: July 10, 2010, 09:05:18 PM »
Good luck to everyone
« Last Edit: July 10, 2010, 10:42:54 PM by SUCK IT »
one day at a time

Offline MorganMDC

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Re: Academy at Sisters
« Reply #271 on: July 10, 2010, 09:08:00 PM »
Quote from: "SUCK IT"
Going through a treatment program can be a very positive experience. The chances of this are actually significant and much more likely than anything approaching the outrageous propaganda posted here by the anti treatment extremist brigade.

It's important to note that Dysfunction Junction is closing in an pinning down Whooter on a potential lie he might have possibly told. This is some big news in the troubled teen industry, and you can check for breaking news updates on this forum. Once Dysfunction Junction can prove that Whooter made a single misstatement, the entire troubled teen industry house of cards will come tumbling down. Whooter is the grand emperor of troubled teen programs and once he has been officially discredited by a properly degreed poster his reign over the vast system of brainwashing torture gulags will finally be over.
It's like an action movie.
How wonderful.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Quote from: \"Nihilanthic\"
I\'m skeletor. I\'m literally the worst person ever.

Skeletor; Depicted as a muscular blue humanoid with a purple hood over his yellowing bare-bone skull.

Offline Whooter

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Re: Academy at Sisters
« Reply #272 on: July 10, 2010, 09:18:54 PM »
Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "Pile of Dead Kids"
And in case you think that anyone's talking about therapy as it is understood by the actual psychological world, take a good look at the CEDU forum.
Why should anyone look at the CEDU forum?  I believe CEDU closed.  You should check the thread title, Pile.  This is Academy at Sisters.
As you well know, the heads of the hydra that is CEDU keep cropping up again and again. For some reason, CEDU philosophy, methodologies and protocols have worked their way into more than just a program or two in the state of Oregon.

Mount Bachelor Academy was, of course, the most infamous one of late ... due, for the most part, to their utilization of the Lifesteps seminars/workshops which were based on CEDU's seminars/workshops. Another Aspen program in Oregon which also uses Lifesteps is NorthStar.

And here, in this very thread, with regard to Academy at Sisters, a number of references and connections to CEDU have already cropped up...

I know that you make these connections, Ursus, but very few other people do.  If an ex employee of CEDU gets a job with the public school system it doesnt mean that they dictate policy and become a CEDU based school system or the same if they work for McDonalds, people dont need to go through life steps to get a burger.

If McDonalds closed tomorrow most of the people would go get jobs at other burger joints but it wouldnt mean they would be making Big Macs.  They would be making what the new place told them to make.  They would have to retrain and align with the new process.  Anyone who has ever switched jobs could tell you this.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Paul St. John

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Re: Academy at Sisters
« Reply #273 on: July 10, 2010, 09:39:45 PM »
I know that you make these connections, Ursus, but very few other people do.  If an ex employee of CEDU gets a job with the public school system it doesnt mean that they dictate policy and become a CEDU based school system or the same if they work for McDonalds, people dont need to go through life steps to get a burger.

If McDonalds closed tomorrow most of the people would go get jobs at other burger joints but it wouldnt mean they would be making Big Macs.  They would be making what the new place told them to make.  They would have to retrain and align with the new process.  Anyone who has ever switched jobs could tell you this.

Whooter, you talk about people as if they are just empty vessels carrying out job functions.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Whooter

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Re: Academy at Sisters
« Reply #274 on: July 10, 2010, 11:28:07 PM »
Quote from: "Paul St. John"
I know that you make these connections, Ursus, but very few other people do.  If an ex employee of CEDU gets a job with the public school system it doesnt mean that they dictate policy and become a CEDU based school system or the same if they work for McDonalds, people dont need to go through life steps to get a burger.

If McDonalds closed tomorrow most of the people would go get jobs at other burger joints but it wouldnt mean they would be making Big Macs.  They would be making what the new place told them to make.  They would have to retrain and align with the new process.  Anyone who has ever switched jobs could tell you this.

Whooter, you talk about people as if they are just empty vessels carrying out job functions.

Each company or business has a philosophy that makes them different then their competitors.  They compete on these levels every day.  If we hire someone into our business we train them on our philosophies and they become part of the team…. everyone on the team does business the same way.  The way that some people here on fornits are trying to make people believe that it works just the opposite.  They feel you can hire someone that use to work for CEDU and then they come in and your company becomes CEDU based.  But in reality anyone who has worked for a business knows this not to be true.  In fact it is just the opposite.  Most people know this but it seems many here on fornits do not.

The business doing the hiring defines the culture (not the other way around).  I am just trying to point this out.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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Re: Academy at Sisters
« Reply #275 on: July 11, 2010, 12:59:18 AM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "Paul St. John"
I know that you make these connections, Ursus, but very few other people do.  If an ex employee of CEDU gets a job with the public school system it doesnt mean that they dictate policy and become a CEDU based school system or the same if they work for McDonalds, people dont need to go through life steps to get a burger.

If McDonalds closed tomorrow most of the people would go get jobs at other burger joints but it wouldnt mean they would be making Big Macs.  They would be making what the new place told them to make.  They would have to retrain and align with the new process.  Anyone who has ever switched jobs could tell you this.
Whooter, you talk about people as if they are just empty vessels carrying out job functions.
Each company or business has a philosophy that makes them different then their competitors.  They compete on these levels every day.  If we hire someone into our business we train them on our philosophies and they become part of the team…. everyone on the team does business the same way.  The way that some people here on fornits are trying to make people believe that it works just the opposite.  They feel you can hire someone that use to work for CEDU and then they come in and your company becomes CEDU based.  But in reality anyone who has worked for a business knows this not to be true.  In fact it is just the opposite.  Most people know this but it seems many here on fornits do not.

The business doing the hiring defines the culture (not the other way around).  I am just trying to point this out.
Lemme stop ya right now before you make an even bigger fool of yourself than you already have with this sad sorry attempt at deflection and obfuscation.

Businesses that hire coaches to rework their particular business climate and/or school their employees to adopt a given mindset or approach to their work ... do not "define" how the coaches do their job. They shop for coaches who reflect what they want "taught."

Academy at Sisters opted for CEDU coaches, that is, for coaches who believe, emulate, and honor Mel Wasserman's philosophy and approach to the field of the behavior modification of adolescents. Although they just recently announced this (April 2010), it was apparently in the works for some time prior. They've already tested this out and found it suitable for their purposes:

    Academy at Sisters continues to examine all facets of the treatment we provide for students and their families to ensure that everyone is an active participant in the process of meaningful change. After several trial months of a few new families working with the ICF Certified Coaches of Next Step for Success, the Parent Coaching has proven to be very successful and an invaluable service to the families we serve. Therefore, we are excited to announce that Academy at Sisters now provides Parent Coaching through Next Step for Success to all incoming families.[/list]

    My guess is this will not be an "option" for new parents; it will be part and parcel of parents' obligations to their daughter being "in treatment" at the Academy. AAS clearly sees Next Step for Success coaches as providing instruction for parents in keeping with, reflective of, and aligned with the treatment regimen provided for their daughters:

      Not only do they serve as an outside support for parents and guardians, but Next Step for Success also helps parents solidify their commitment to their daughter's placement at the Academy at Sisters. Additionally, the Parent Coaches of Next Step for Success maintain a unified front with our program, serving to meet the best interest of the student and parents as a family. Overall, this results in: confident parents who are more aligned with their daughter's treatment goals, parents who are less likely to be manipulated, and consequently, a program with higher student retention rates.[/list]

      As to your characterization of Bill and Penelope Valentine, Vicki Jones, and Barbara Cass as uncommitted burger flippers who change loyalties at the drop of a hat as they careen from one fast food industry job to another in the course of their lives? LOLLLLLL... Gimme a break! You're talking 'bout folks who've spent several decades living, breathing, and dishing out CEDU mind-fuckery from the front lines ... from all the way back in the mid-1970s 'till when CEDU went bankrupt five years ago, whereupon they then went into the coaching biz with their former colleagues.

      Outside of the fact that they're no longer doing the actual screaming at adolescents, and they're now doing the "training" of parents (except perhaps for Bill Valentine, who's been doing the latter for many decades now), Next Step for Success personnel are not doing anything philosophically much different today ... then what they were doing back then! They just don't have the responsibilities of a fixed physical location to contend with anymore. I guess that's somebody else's problem now!
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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      Offline Oscar

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      Re: Academy at Sisters
      « Reply #276 on: July 11, 2010, 02:03:42 AM »
      Quote from: "MorganMDC"
      Quote from: "Awake"
      How do you make her want therapy?

      Resistant teens being commonplace in these therapeutic programs I'm quite certain that they are well aware of this commonplace occurence.  So how do they manage to force a resistant person to want therapy from them?

      I wonder that for others.

      I happened to watch a TV-program about Schuberts Minde, which in many ways function similar to the Academy. It is rather easy. When you enter you basically lose all. Your personal clothes, your face-to-face communication with your parents, access to communication with extended family and friends. Because you want those things back you need to be a part of the therapy. They properly will issue you a kind of diary, you will have to share with your personal 18 year old counselor during weekly status meetings. The group therapy meetings may result in homework where you have to write something about the subjects. If you don't write anything the 18 year old counselor cannot recommend  that you will be "voted" up, which all the staff hold meetings about every 14 days.

      Please be aware that they can send you to a boot camp like program for a short period if you resist. It is in the contract.

      Alternative referral and placement. The Academy is authorized to make referrals and placements of Student in a short term wilderness program or other interim placement. Such placement shall be at the sole discretion of The Academy.
      I just have to ask. What kind of assurance can a tour give your family, if the academy can send you to a wilderness boot camp, which your mother has not toured?
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

      Offline Whooter

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      Re: Academy at Sisters
      « Reply #277 on: July 11, 2010, 07:49:24 AM »
      This is what I mean:

      Outside of the fact that they're no longer doing the actual screaming at adolescents, and they're now doing the "training" of parents (except perhaps for Bill Valentine, who's been doing the latter for many decades now), Next Step for Success personnel are not doing anything philosophically much different today ... then what they were doing back then! They just don't have the responsibilities of a fixed physical location to contend with anymore. I guess that's somebody else's problem now!

      So they dont work with the children at all.  No screaming and yelling.  If they scream and yell at the parents I am sure they will hang up on them.  So we can conclude that AAS is not CEDU based.  They hired this team because they like the way they pitched their transition package and handling of the parents training and felt they were a good fit for that.  

      I pointed this out earlier, Ursus, because your posts can be misleading.  Some of your posts infer that AAS is CEDU in nature and that their philosophy is such.

      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

      Offline blombrowski

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      Re: Academy at Sisters
      « Reply #278 on: July 11, 2010, 07:55:55 AM »
      Has anyone here been in touch with disability rights Oregon?  Last time I checked restricted communication was illegal under oregon's licensing law.
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

      Offline maruska

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      Re: Academy at Sisters
      « Reply #279 on: July 11, 2010, 09:24:42 AM »
      I do not know if Morgan´s parents are going to read this, but I will try ...

      I am  a mother of two and my daughter put me through hell during her teenage years.
      She is 18 now...and a great young woman . Three years ago? I cannot describe how difficult she was...She was rebelious, no interest in her education, she tried pot and other drugs, she hang out with the wrong crowd. She refused counseling.

      It was such a difficult time for our family...but you know what? We made it. Without a program. We just...were parents and did our job. It was not easy. But it was soooo worth it. For some reason she had to through all this...and we were there...every day, every hour of her life...we were there...

      She is heading for University next year .

      So please, give your family a chance...because if you send her away, you will miss out on so much, on the most important years of her development. You will never get this time back. The gap will remain in your life...It is up to you. I wish you all the best.
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

      Offline Troll Control

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      Re: Academy at Sisters
      « Reply #280 on: July 11, 2010, 09:38:00 AM »
      Quote from: "Moose."
      I know I got held back because of my programs credits not transferring.. of course it was NAAS, though, so no big surprise there.

      No surprise at all to me.  These programs screw kids over every day with the bogus "your credits will transfer" line.  Obviously, as you stated, NAAS credits don't transfer.
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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      Offline Whooter

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      Re: Academy at Sisters
      « Reply #281 on: July 11, 2010, 02:55:22 PM »
      I believe that Morgans’  current high school, AAS and the Bend High school are all in the same state.  If she will be getting her academics from the Bend school then the easiest thing to do is to call (or have her parents call) and see if the credits earned will be transferable.  Being in the same state is easy to resolve.

      Every parent that I met had resolved this with their local school system way before their kids started in the program.  So this was never an issue.

      A couple of phone calls and you will have the answer one way or another.

      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

      Offline Oscar

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      Re: Academy at Sisters
      « Reply #282 on: July 11, 2010, 03:49:31 PM »
      But there would be no education before she reach the Read Campus. If you read their homepage, you will notice that there is no education at the Lodge Campus where Morgan starts out. The Lodge Campus, which her mother didn't tour, is focused to get the girls to buy the program. Education will disturb this process.
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


      • Guest
      Edited: Wednesday, October 06, 2010
      « Reply #283 on: July 11, 2010, 04:04:03 PM »
      Edited: Wednesday, October 06, 2010
      « Last Edit: October 07, 2010, 05:46:14 PM by Joel »

      Offline Whooter

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      Re: Academy at Sisters
      « Reply #284 on: July 11, 2010, 04:19:05 PM »
      Quote from: "Oscar"
      But there would be no education before she reach the Read Campus. If you read their homepage, you will notice that there is no education at the Lodge Campus where Morgan starts out. The Lodge Campus, which her mother didn't tour, is focused to get the girls to buy the program. Education will disturb this process.

      I agree, Oscar, Many programs are set up this way.  During the initial phase the kids are getting acclimated with the programs rules and high structure.  Once this is accomplished and the kids feel safe they can settle down and start their academics.  I couldnt see anybody being able to study during wilderness, but once they get onto the main campus there is nothing but time and if they utilize it well they can accomplish a lot academically.

      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »