Author Topic: Cedu Middle School Running Springs  (Read 2550 times)

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Cedu Middle School Running Springs
« on: September 20, 2009, 06:05:19 PM »
I have a family member who was at CEDU Running Springs in 92-93.  I have been trying to understand how this might have impacted her subsequently.  Can anyone explain the tactics they used with middle school kids?  They seemed to have had different issues than the high school kids so I wonder if they were treated differently or were subjected to the same horrors as the high school kids.  Thanks for any info.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Cedu Middle School Running Springs
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2009, 07:23:19 PM »
All of these programs are damaging to the kids.  They all evolved from the same EST, Synanon, LifeSpring nonsense from the 50's through the 70's.  All of the staff who work at these abusive programs migrate from one school to another, always staying within the system.  Thus they bring with them the same fake psychobabble they learned at their last posting.

We now have a guy who was a cook while I was at RMA in 1984, running his own school today.  A guy who was a local handyman at RMA in 1984 is also now running his own school.  It takes no credentials, no schooling to own and run a therapeutic school for teens or adults or anyone for that matter, and this should tell you something.

Any program related to these other programs is by proxy a tainted and likely abusive program.  And my experience and research tells me that if the place is located in the middle of nowhere, with untrained, non-professional staff who hold no actual teaching credentials but claiming life experience is their real qualification... It's a cult.  And all cults are abusive.

If you had a family member attend any CEDU-associated program, there is a high probability they were emotionally and psychologically damaged by attending the program.  There do however seem to be a minority of perhaps 10% who managed to go through such programs with positive results.  This percentage is roughly the same as for those who attended the Synanon system to quit drug use with only about 10% being successful.  

One of the first symptoms you might notice is that for a brief period after leaving CEDU, your family member was full of energy and drive but may have appeared to not actually have focus.  CEDU had many methods for making kids feel like they had achieved something, but it was always intangible.  Thus there was a great deal of failure later when kids didn't actually have any clear cut or realistic goals.  So when they return to the fold, back in to the real world, for a short time period they have the drive to succeed but are actually quite lost.  The education is so poor that many have to return to school right where they left off and this is a blow to the ego and can be depressing.

But far more important than symptoms is the cure.  Most kids who went to these programs were sent by parents who had neither the time or attention for their kids and were looking for help.  It is so important to bring child and parent back to the negotiating table.  After leaving the program, most kids are fully ready to be welcomed back in to the family setting, ready to perform, but they need to know their parents love them, that they won't be sent away again, that the parents are even sorry for any negative affects the school might have caused to them.  The apologies have to flow, the mutually expressed desire to work together has to come out.  The kid needs to know their parents are there for them.  The parent needs to recognize the changes in their child and the challenges they now face.  

Just keep in mind, the odds are high the child was deeply affected by the program and in a negative fashion.  Find out if this family member attended any raps, propheets or was punished with work details or full times (or whatever the current names of these actions are) and have them talk about it.  Get them to explain their experiences directly to you.  You will soon understand how peculiar and abnormal the program is because it is often incredibly difficult describe as a result of the cult-like aspects.  

Check out the CEDU Documentary at  Watch the brief video about the "I want to Live" propheet.  Listen to one of the former students reading from his propheet notebook and really listen to how truly bizarre his words sound to get an idea of what I am talking about.  But definitely sit down with your family member and ask them.  Have them talk to you.  It is likely they want desperately to discuss the program, if they left recently, just to have someone to talk to.  Who cares.  

I hope this helped. Good luck.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline try another castle

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Re: Cedu Middle School Running Springs
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2009, 11:37:22 PM »
A guy who was a local handyman at RMA in 1984 is also now running his own school.

Was that Rainbow, by any chance?

(I never met him, just recall hearing his name when I got there  initially.)

Then of course there was the night watchman guy who turned out to be a neo-nazi, and only came to work at the place so he could kidnap the jewish kids and hold them for ransom.

Shit you not. When this went down, I was oblivious. The staff rushed him out of there and fired his ass when they found out. The only reason I know of this is from other students who were there at the time who had clearer memories.

nobody was kidnapped, since neo-nazis suck at organization.

As for the OP, Im interested to hear about middle school shenanigans. I was always curious about what, if any, differences there were.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Cedu Middle School Running Springs
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2009, 09:14:24 AM »
Quote from: "try another castle"
A guy who was a local handyman at RMA in 1984 is also now running his own school.

Was that Rainbow, by any chance?

(I never met him, just recall hearing his name when I got there  initially.)

Then of course there was the night watchman guy who turned out to be a neo-nazi, and only came to work at the place so he could kidnap the jewish kids and hold them for ransom.

Actually I was referring to Richard Armstrong.  When I arrived at RMA he was just some guy from Bonners Ferry who helped out around the place.  Like Will Vernard, Joe Sweney and Lou (No memory of his last name but usually helped at the farm).  Richard was called 'Rowdy" back then.  In Summer of '84 he was not in many raps, just helped the Voyager crews at the Wood Corral, didn't participate much in anything.  But I would say by Christmas of '84 he was suddenly a Number 3 man in Voyagers behind Bob Silfies and Caroline Wolfe.  Now he runs his own troubled teen wilderness camp.  And if you read about that new place, apparently it too has no real education.  Kids are encouraged to engage in distance learning, but like CEDU/RMA, nobody present is qualified to actually teach anything, let alone provide meaningful therapy.  And like CEDU/RMA, the kids are taught "useful life skills" such as how to cook, clean and do construction work.  No education that might land them in a good college.  

Will Vernard was really laid back, never did anything other than maintenance work, I have no recollection of him ever climbing the ladder, attending raps or propheets.  He was a former nuclear engineer on a nuclear submarine, actually had a real college degree and was very intelligent.  Too smart to be cajoled in to joining the Kool Aid drinkers I felt.  Joe Sweeney on the other hand went from being a local oddity who showed up with his enormous black Clydesdale horse to haul slash and lumber and whatever else around the campus the old fashioned way, who was a self-styled lumberjack and uneducated woodsman, to becoming a full blown staff member, running raps, attending propheets, going on expeditions in to the mountains.  I am surprised he never started his own school.  He and Richard were very much alike in terms of their backgrounds of being uneducated and experienced at hands-on manual labor.  What more qualifications do you need to run a therapeutic school?  Or a biomedical facility?  

I was there from June 84 to July 86 and have no memory of anyone with a name as strange as Rainbow.  Though one guy applied to work there who was a Native American and had the cool name of Black Eagle's Son.  But they didn't hire him.  Wish they had.  He seemed extremely cool.  

As for the night watchman.  The only night watchman I remember when I was there was a guy around 5' 7", a bit old like 45 to 50, scraggly beard, unkempt appearance.  Black hair with a bit of white in it.  Very quiet.  I think he always wore a dirty baseball cap.  He seemed harmless, mostly by virtue of not being all that bright.  A local, so he was an Idahoan and was probably born and raised there, living all his life in the area.  Don't know for sure, but that's how I took him.  That he was influenced by the Neo-Nazis who were and are still influential up there would not be surprising.  I remember shortly after I arrived in Idaho, some African-American family moved in to Bonners Ferry.  A week later the local cops "found" six foot tall marijuana plants growing on their property.  Six feet in a week?  They made a deal that no charges would be pressed if the family simply moved to another state.   We also had a Chinese-American student at RMA whose parents were told it was fine for him to attend but if they came to visit they needed to go up to Canada to spend time as there might be..."trouble."  Because the Chinese bombed Pearl Harbor, and killed Americans in Nam when we invaded them.  Or whatever reasons their uneducated minds can concoct.  

When you say Jewish kids, we only had one Jewish student at the school when I was there.  And you wouldn't know it because he didn't practice, probably because religion was not a part of the program.  I know of no student who was ever allowed to go to church.  The only religion they wanted us following was theirs.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Cedu Middle School Running Springs
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2009, 09:32:43 AM »
Quote from: "RMA Survivor"
Quote from: "try another castle"
A guy who was a local handyman at RMA in 1984 is also now running his own school.
Was that Rainbow, by any chance?

(I never met him, just recall hearing his name when I got there  initially.)

Then of course there was the night watchman guy who turned out to be a neo-nazi, and only came to work at the place so he could kidnap the jewish kids and hold them for ransom.
Actually I was referring to Richard Armstrong.  When I arrived at RMA he was just some guy from Bonners Ferry who helped out around the place.  Like Will Vernard, Joe Sweney and Lou (No memory of his last name but usually helped at the farm).  Richard was called 'Rowdy" back then.  In Summer of '84 he was not in many raps, just helped the Voyager crews at the Wood Corral, didn't participate much in anything.  But I would say by Christmas of '84 he was suddenly a Number 3 man in Voyagers behind Bob Silfies and Caroline Wolfe.  Now he runs his own troubled teen wilderness camp.  And if you read about that new place, apparently it too has no real education.  Kids are encouraged to engage in distance learning, but like CEDU/RMA, nobody present is qualified to actually teach anything, let alone provide meaningful therapy.  And like CEDU/RMA, the kids are taught "useful life skills" such as how to cook, clean and do construction work.  No education that might land them in a good college.
Recent thread on Richard Armstrong
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Cedu Middle School Running Springs
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2009, 09:45:10 AM »
I had read the Boundary Lines thread.  And the Steve Rookie thread.  These were who I was referring to in my post as former hired help turned Psychotherapy Superstars!  One a hired hand, like a day laborer, the other a guy hired to cook us food.  Now both run their own CEDU-style schools?  Insane!  Neither are qualified.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline try another castle

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Re: Cedu Middle School Running Springs
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2009, 10:40:50 PM »
will vernard started attending raps, but to my recollection,  he was always mellow.

he also taught math classes, once the school gave in and finally realized that in order to stay legit, they were going to have to bump their education "program" a notch. I think he was the only reason why I got a decent score on the math portion of my sats.

he told some pretty cool stories about his navy days.

When i first got there, caroline mentioned rainbow once. I dont think I ever saw him, nor do i know much about him. i might be remembering it all wrong.

The maintenance guy I remember while I was there was named Tandy.

One a hired hand, like a day laborer, the other a guy hired to cook us food. Now both run their own CEDU-style schools? Insane! Neither are qualified.

Actually, they are perfectly qualified to run a CEDU-style school. lol

If you sent a small, moist, crumpled up paper towel through the CEDU program, it would be qualified to run a CEDU-style school.

Normal, helpful school... not so much.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Cedu Middle School Running Springs
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2009, 02:11:56 PM »
True, but a crumpled up paper tower would have far more pride and possess qualifications to land a real job somewhere.  And most paper towels I know are hard working and have strong morals.  They would never work in such an industry.  In fact I have it on good authority that no paper towel has ever worked for a single teen torture camp, though there are some claims that members of the Western Family variety may have been incarcerated there as well, though this has yet to be confirmed.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »