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Offline Anonymous

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Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« on: April 14, 2009, 07:46:02 PM »
Quote from: "Dianne Carter"
Katie Carter

Sent: Yesterday, 07:49
by JustMeHere
It is I, aka the Evil Step Monster, just wanting to put in our side:

First thing, I think it's interesting that you have on your page before you register:
You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any laws be it of your country, the country where “Fornits Home for Wayward Web Fora” is hosted or International Law. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned, with notification of your Internet Service Provider if deemed required by us.

But then you allow people to tell Katie to slit Michaels throat, or people tell him to kill himself in various ways, or to "fill their email boxes with flames". If this isn't "abusive...slanderous, hateful, threatening..." I'd hate to see what your idea of that is.

And just so you know, Katie isn't giving you the whole truthful story. Yes, she is a wonderful writer. She truly has a gift and we have told her that. We also tried to keep her grounded by telling her that she isn't correct in believing she can just get a job as a writer right out of high school and they will pay her enough to live on. She definitely lives in a dream world and if you don't support her then she retaliates. Isn't it our job as parents to help them believe they can do things in life, but it has to be within reason? For awhile she was going to be a vet. However math and science are NOT her strong suits at all. Would you support someone who wants to be a pilot but is almost blind? Wouldn't you try to show them where their strengths lie and what things are available there?

If you truly knew her, and knew our side of it fully, you all wouldn't be saying these hurtful things. She is a manipulative lying thief, an emotional vampire that is never happy with anything that is given to her. Yes, I have "checked out" of this relationship but only to save my sanity and to have any sort of relationship with the rest of the family. I have not turned her brothers against her. I didn't need to as she has done that well enough on her own.

If you give Katie an inch she doesn't stop at wanting a mile. If you take her out to a nice dinner, she complains of the high prices and then orders the most expensive thing on the menu. If you ask if she has done her chores, she'll look you straight in the face and say (loudly) "YES, I have" only to find later on that she has not done them, or only done what she wanted to do. If anyone is missing money she always denies it at the top of her lungs, only to come clean about it months later.

When Mike talked of a "meltdown", maybe he should have explained to you what that is so you'd understand better. Her meltdowns would go from 1-3 hours, screaming, throwing things, breaking things, threatening everyone -- even threatening her father to kick him in the balls or break his ribs -- spitting at people, just completely out of control. Now if you people think this is acceptable behaviour, God love ya, because here in the real world it is not. You cannot "love" a person through this, you cannot just "talk them down" from it, it always escalated to her being physically held down (restrained), either on the floor or in a chair until she calmed down so she hopefully didn't hurt herself or anyone else any more.

So it seems that you all know much more than us, even though a lot of you have no kids of your own. Something I learned long ago was to never say never when it comes to talking about others kids compared to how you'll raise yours. So if you want to take her in, support her and her "dreams", you just go right ahead.

She has done nothing to prepare herself for her upcoming graduation and emancipation. Though we have tried, supported, yelled, cried, talked, everything you can think of. She fits in well with you people as she also knows it all.

1st Response

Quote from: "Femanonfatal2.0"
I can tell you didn't write this message to me personally, I can only guess you sent it out to a few key players of this site, so I won't bother defending the obvious misses in judgment of my character or intentions. However I will mention that the mind state that you are portraying, both in your blog and in this letter (or in the simple fact that you felt the need to send this letter in the first place) only backs up everything we have been able to assume about you.

If you haven't realized, Katie has not been downplaying her role in her tumultuous adolescence, in fact she openly admits that she succumbed to her anger and pain and acted out in ways that were not healthy for her and deeply effected her family. This is not a question of what, it is a question of why. She has decided to write this story, regardless of how damning or challenging it may be in order to put her past in perspective and learn something from it, deal with it and grow from it. She is not here to justify herself to a crowd of people who would support her anyway, that is not the point, and we do not support her in doing this for that reason.

The fact that you felt it appropriate to send us all private messages in order to call her a liar, and a thief and all the other insults you direct at her character is only a reflection of how you have been treating Katie all along. Don't you want Katie to finally get over all this? Are you even capable of letting your judgmental attitude go, if not to give her the breathing room to heal but just to keep the peace? You have been picking her wounds since she was a young child... you need to understand how detrimental this can be to the psyche of a mentally fragile individual, and STOP. Katie has mentioned her struggles with bullies, but it really seems that you are truly the biggest "bully" in Katie's life. I will assume you are simply not aware of the psychological effects of your behavior, so I wont go so far as to say you are doing this on purpose but I do believe that you and Katie have personalities that DO NOT mix and you are not a good fit to be a replacement for her mother. You do not love her and you apparently have no semblance of maternal instincts concerning her and her condition. She has a mental disorder, I believe severe depression, and she has special needs. People with her challenges need special care and if they are not given that special care the disorder can be exacerbated. Your mean spirited attitude and jail house parenting style had a very detrimental effect on her psyche, and in essence YOU created the monster in her that you can't stand.

You can't keep punishing, blaming and holding everything against Katie, YOU have to make a change in your parenting/ supporting in order to help her grow out of this. Please be aware that by placing her in CCM you delayed her maturation process by how ever many years she was in CCM, she may be 18 now, but she is still 15 in many ways. At some point you need to realize that enough is enough, constantly berating her, reminding her of how much you detest her or how her past actions make her "unworthy" only ad fuel to her fire... If you hate how much she blows up... then you need to stop putting mental dynamite in her pocket. If anything, I think you checking out of the relationship is simply the best thing, I would even go further to recommend that you stay out of her life entirely, let her father be her father and you can just be his wife, not her mother. I know you may reject any responsibility for her condition, but you must realize if you continue to exacerbate her depression you will cripple her will to ever pull out of this.

As much as you may think this is some kind of parent hate fest it is not, it is an intervention. We read your blogs and were so disturbed with your hateful take on Katie's story we reached out to her, and simply asked her for her side. In doing so we realized that Katie NEEDS to get all this off her chest and put it into perspective. She needs to realize that your lack of compassion, love and parenting skills has nothing to do with her, therefore encouraging her to grow out of the need to "blow up"or "melt down". You should have realized by now that this only happens because she holds so much pain inside, if we can help her understand her past, and come to terms with her experiences, that pain will start to diffuse and she will begin to heal and mature. What you need to do is give her the time, space and drama-free atmosphere she needs to find herself and stop trying to hold her down with your "must punish" way of thinking. I have suggested to her she needs to go to college out of your city, possibly even out of state. However the fact that you have spent a magnanimous amount of money on CCM, I can see how giving her a college education would be the last thing you would be willing to do. It sucks that she will have to suffer for that mistake as she already has bore the brunt of that ill fated decision, but I suggest you at least support her in getting her own student loans.

If you are seriously unwilling to give her the love and support she needs at this point, and insist on continuing to blame her and make her life miserable, then by all means, send her here. I live in San Diego, CA right next to SDSU. Have her apply for college and look into student housing, I will be willing to take responsibility for mentoring her through these integral steps in her maturation. I can't promise you I will be able to financially support her, learning to provide for herself is something her parents should have taught her by now, but I am more than capable of giving her the emotional support and positive example she needs to learn what it means to be an adult. I just think its sad that once again you are so unwilling to set aside your hateful, judgmental and vile attitude to simply be a good mother to Katie, is it really any wonder why she has these epic melt-downs?????

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2009, 07:59:52 PM »
Quote from: "power to the guests"
Quote from: "Dianne Carter"
Katie Carter

Sent: Yesterday, 07:49
by JustMeHere
It is I, aka the Evil Step Monster, just wanting to put in our side:

First thing, I think it's interesting that you have on your page before you register:
You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any laws be it of your country, the country where “Fornits Home for Wayward Web Fora” is hosted or International Law. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned, with notification of your Internet Service Provider if deemed required by us.

But then you allow people to tell Katie to slit Michaels throat, or people tell him to kill himself in various ways, or to "fill their email boxes with flames". If this isn't "abusive...slanderous, hateful, threatening..." I'd hate to see what your idea of that is.

And just so you know, Katie isn't giving you the whole truthful story. Yes, she is a wonderful writer. She truly has a gift and we have told her that. We also tried to keep her grounded by telling her that she isn't correct in believing she can just get a job as a writer right out of high school and they will pay her enough to live on. She definitely lives in a dream world and if you don't support her then she retaliates. Isn't it our job as parents to help them believe they can do things in life, but it has to be within reason? For awhile she was going to be a vet. However math and science are NOT her strong suits at all. Would you support someone who wants to be a pilot but is almost blind? Wouldn't you try to show them where their strengths lie and what things are available there?

If you truly knew her, and knew our side of it fully, you all wouldn't be saying these hurtful things. She is a manipulative lying thief, an emotional vampire that is never happy with anything that is given to her. Yes, I have "checked out" of this relationship but only to save my sanity and to have any sort of relationship with the rest of the family. I have not turned her brothers against her. I didn't need to as she has done that well enough on her own.

If you give Katie an inch she doesn't stop at wanting a mile. If you take her out to a nice dinner, she complains of the high prices and then orders the most expensive thing on the menu. If you ask if she has done her chores, she'll look you straight in the face and say (loudly) "YES, I have" only to find later on that she has not done them, or only done what she wanted to do. If anyone is missing money she always denies it at the top of her lungs, only to come clean about it months later.

When Mike talked of a "meltdown", maybe he should have explained to you what that is so you'd understand better. Her meltdowns would go from 1-3 hours, screaming, throwing things, breaking things, threatening everyone -- even threatening her father to kick him in the balls or break his ribs -- spitting at people, just completely out of control. Now if you people think this is acceptable behaviour, God love ya, because here in the real world it is not. You cannot "love" a person through this, you cannot just "talk them down" from it, it always escalated to her being physically held down (restrained), either on the floor or in a chair until she calmed down so she hopefully didn't hurt herself or anyone else any more.

So it seems that you all know much more than us, even though a lot of you have no kids of your own. Something I learned long ago was to never say never when it comes to talking about others kids compared to how you'll raise yours. So if you want to take her in, support her and her "dreams", you just go right ahead.

She has done nothing to prepare herself for her upcoming graduation and emancipation. Though we have tried, supported, yelled, cried, talked, everything you can think of. She fits in well with you people as she also knows it all.

1st Response

Quote from: "Femanonfatal2.0"
I can tell you didn't write this message to me personally, I can only guess you sent it out to a few key players of this site, so I won't bother defending the obvious misses in judgment of my character or intentions. However I will mention that the mind state that you are portraying, both in your blog and in this letter (or in the simple fact that you felt the need to send this letter in the first place) only backs up everything we have been able to assume about you.

If you haven't realized, Katie has not been downplaying her role in her tumultuous adolescence, in fact she openly admits that she succumbed to her anger and pain and acted out in ways that were not healthy for her and deeply effected her family. This is not a question of what, it is a question of why. She has decided to write this story, regardless of how damning or challenging it may be in order to put her past in perspective and learn something from it, deal with it and grow from it. She is not here to justify herself to a crowd of people who would support her anyway, that is not the point, and we do not support her in doing this for that reason.

The fact that you felt it appropriate to send us all private messages in order to call her a liar, and a thief and all the other insults you direct at her character is only a reflection of how you have been treating Katie all along. Don't you want Katie to finally get over all this? Are you even capable of letting your judgmental attitude go, if not to give her the breathing room to heal but just to keep the peace? You have been picking her wounds since she was a young child... you need to understand how detrimental this can be to the psyche of a mentally fragile individual, and STOP. Katie has mentioned her struggles with bullies, but it really seems that you are truly the biggest "bully" in Katie's life. I will assume you are simply not aware of the psychological effects of your behavior, so I wont go so far as to say you are doing this on purpose but I do believe that you and Katie have personalities that DO NOT mix and you are not a good fit to be a replacement for her mother. You do not love her and you apparently have no semblance of maternal instincts concerning her and her condition. She has a mental disorder, I believe severe depression, and she has special needs. People with her challenges need special care and if they are not given that special care the disorder can be exacerbated. Your mean spirited attitude and jail house parenting style had a very detrimental effect on her psyche, and in essence YOU created the monster in her that you can't stand.

You can't keep punishing, blaming and holding everything against Katie, YOU have to make a change in your parenting/ supporting in order to help her grow out of this. Please be aware that by placing her in CCM you delayed her maturation process by how ever many years she was in CCM, she may be 18 now, but she is still 15 in many ways. At some point you need to realize that enough is enough, constantly berating her, reminding her of how much you detest her or how her past actions make her "unworthy" only ad fuel to her fire... If you hate how much she blows up... then you need to stop putting mental dynamite in her pocket. If anything, I think you checking out of the relationship is simply the best thing, I would even go further to recommend that you stay out of her life entirely, let her father be her father and you can just be his wife, not her mother. I know you may reject any responsibility for her condition, but you must realize if you continue to exacerbate her depression you will cripple her will to ever pull out of this.

As much as you may think this is some kind of parent hate fest it is not, it is an intervention. We read your blogs and were so disturbed with your hateful take on Katie's story we reached out to her, and simply asked her for her side. In doing so we realized that Katie NEEDS to get all this off her chest and put it into perspective. She needs to realize that your lack of compassion, love and parenting skills has nothing to do with her, therefore encouraging her to grow out of the need to "blow up"or "melt down". You should have realized by now that this only happens because she holds so much pain inside, if we can help her understand her past, and come to terms with her experiences, that pain will start to diffuse and she will begin to heal and mature. What you need to do is give her the time, space and drama-free atmosphere she needs to find herself and stop trying to hold her down with your "must punish" way of thinking. I have suggested to her she needs to go to college out of your city, possibly even out of state. However the fact that you have spent a magnanimous amount of money on CCM, I can see how giving her a college education would be the last thing you would be willing to do. It sucks that she will have to suffer for that mistake as she already has bore the brunt of that ill fated decision, but I suggest you at least support her in getting her own student loans.

If you are seriously unwilling to give her the love and support she needs at this point, and insist on continuing to blame her and make her life miserable, then by all means, send her here. I live in San Diego, CA right next to SDSU. Have her apply for college and look into student housing, I will be willing to take responsibility for mentoring her through these integral steps in her maturation. I can't promise you I will be able to financially support her, learning to provide for herself is something her parents should have taught her by now, but I am more than capable of giving her the emotional support and positive example she needs to learn what it means to be an adult. I just think its sad that once again you are so unwilling to set aside your hateful, judgmental and vile attitude to simply be a good mother to Katie, is it really any wonder why she has these epic melt-downs?????


the pity i had for these "parents" dwindled to nothing. I honestly thought if they "knew" what happened to their kid at WWASP they'd care. They don't. They like that she was tortured. They insist on seeing the very natural human reaction to torture--inflicted on you by your own parents,no less--as more proof of her "badness." They are moronic, obtuse, evil excuses for people who deserve the details of their crimes sent to every relation, as that guest sugested.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2009, 08:05:59 PM »
oh my god. Femanon is truly a wonderful person. I didn't think people like that existed :notworthy:  :notworthy:  :rose:  :rose:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline TheWho

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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2009, 08:13:48 PM »
Femanon,  You are wrong taking sides like that and posting an email without asking.  Did you even read her email?  Did you block out the part Katie played in all of this?  How can you possibly stand on the sidelines and condem people?  You dont have any experience with parenting at all.  People who dont have kids and critisize those who do always end up eating crow (always not sometimes).  You dont know what you are taking on with having Katie come and stay with you and assume you can do a better parenting job then her parents can.

It seems you are just very angry and can only see what you want to see.  Calm down and read the email again.  Katie isnt the only victim in all of this.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline try another castle

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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2009, 08:18:43 PM »
the pity i had for these "parents" dwindled to nothing.

Ditto. I'm embarrassed I added my two cents to this whole donkey-wreck of a dramallamatrain to begin with. Consider the fact that Katie is basically posting her story, and the parents, for whatever reason, decided to come in and pick a fight. They basically threw a raw steak out.

k. that's it. Im done. See sig.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline TheWho

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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2009, 08:21:12 PM »
Quote from: "try another castle"
the pity i had for these "parents" dwindled to nothing.

Ditto. I'm embarrassed I added my two cents to this whole donkey-wreck of a dramallamatrain to begin with. Consider the fact that Katie is basically posting her story, and the parents, for whatever reason, decided to come in and pick a fight. They basically threw a raw steak out.

k. that's it. Im done. See sig.

Wrong, fornits posters went to their house and dragged Katie out onto the stage and then continued to flame the fire.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Che Gookin

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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2009, 08:23:05 PM »
What blows my mind is these tards are still putting on a nice little show of parenting. The girl graduates from high school soon and is moving out of the house not long after that. So why are they attempting to keep a young girl well grounded at 18 anyway?

At 18 I wanted to be a pilot/astronaut/scientist/writer/donkey herder.

Let the girl dream as it is good for her to do so. What I see here is step-witch lashing out now that daddykin's side of the story is being contested. Which is to be expected all considered. It is to bad that Katie didn't wait till she was out of the house before starting up her own version of the story. Maybe then she could have dished out the real juicy secrets. The stuff she isn't passing along because she is living at home still.

OHHHH Weeeeee.. I can't wait till she kickin' in a crib of her own. This will be enlightening, and every dirty secret of Step-witch Diane will come pouring out. Every nasty deed, every dark act, and every poisonous word that ever passed her lips will eviscerate her on the internet forever. This makes me happy and for this reason I will be staying tuned, beer in hand of course, and eyes wide open for the good stuff to come.

Step-witch you and daddykins flayed her alive on the net for 3 years. You revelled in her captivity and torture. Have you even asked her about the Samoans that work at CCM? I bet you haven't...

How about the iso room?

I bet you haven't..

How do you justify that sort of shit?

So really.. go fuck yourself and be happy femanon is around to play nice.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2009, 08:54:00 PM »
Quote from: "power to the guests"
Quote from: "Dianne Carter"
Katie Carter

Sent: Yesterday, 07:49
by JustMeHere
It is I, aka the Evil Step Monster, just wanting to put in our side:

First thing, I think it's interesting that you have on your page before you register:
You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated

Speaking of “sexually-oriented” abuse, who else thinks this woman was stimulated in some weird way by thought of her 15 year old step-daughter getting forcefully strip-searched, forced to engage public nudity, and show her pubic breast region to her :higher ranking” fellow detainees or staff once a day for those famous Cross Creek Program daily "underwear and bra checks"?

Organized, for-hire, sexual abuse? How would Diane Carter, of Dayton Ohio, truly, ultimately dominate and hurt her BAD step daughter without it?
So many sick levels to Diane Carter and Micheal Carter, of Ohio!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline FemanonFatal2.0

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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2009, 09:58:58 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Femanon,  You are wrong taking sides like that and posting an email without asking.  Did you even read her email?  Did you block out the part Katie played in all of this?  How can you possibly stand on the sidelines and condem people?  You dont have any experience with parenting at all.  People who dont have kids and critisize those who do always end up eating crow (always not sometimes).  You dont know what you are taking on with having Katie come and stay with you and assume you can do a better parenting job then her parents can.

It seems you are just very angry and can only see what you want to see.  Calm down and read the email again.  Katie isnt the only victim in all of this.

obviously your new here, because I have mentioned several times that It is literally my paying job to raise other peoples children (and yes mentor their teens). I have had extensive training and education in child development, proper parenting techniques and psychology with an emphasis on children with mental disorders. I'm not sure if your too busy shoving your foot in your mouth but I suggest you at least try to go back and read previous posts before you judge why I feel I could be a better mentor to Katie then her step mother is.

For one, from the beginning I would have taken a completely different approach to handling Katies acting out and out bursts. I wont get into that here, but I do know that everything I have ever learned in training, or college or parenting classes has specifically advised against using this particular parenting style with special needs children. Katies is a walking talking example of the detrimental effects of this kind of psychological abuse.

I know you trolls think her parents and other brothers may have been the victims here, and I am not denying that the family can be deeply effected by a child with these issues, but considering that Katie was getting it from all sides, her family at home, the kids at school (which was because of her brother's lack of respect for her privacy) and the institutions she was banished to multiple times in her teen years, that constitutes us seeing this situation as a bit one sided. I'm not removing all responsibility from Katie in order to condemn the parents, and I don't think she does either, its clear that in many ways she blames herself. What we are doing is simply trying to help her understand the difference between learning from her mistakes and letting unnecessary guilt destroy her self esteem. Katie's dad and step mother played a very big part in making Katie so depressed, and I think that needs to be addressed in order to attempt to throw a wrench in this process. Although as she is 18 now it might just be a little too late but I can only hope that BOTH parties can start putting all this into perspective, own up to their responsibility, stop blaming each other and move on.

At this point I am addressing this issue from a psychological stand point, I may be more inclined to point out that the parents had a hand in Katies phychological torment, but I am really trying to make sure this information reaches Katie in a way that allows her to stop taking their blame to heart, and start believing in herself regardless of if they support her or not. This is really about Katie understanding all this so that she can make up her mind about it and put it behind her. Carrying this baggage has only led to her unhappiness and the sooner she makes peace with it the sooner she will be able to go on with her life. Consider this, in life we all carry a bar bell on our shoulders that represents our issues, little by little we get more weight added by the world around us but when we come home, we get to take that bar bell off and heal our sore muscles. For Katie, she doesn't get to take that bar bell off because the people who add to that weight the most are her parents, her family who live at home with her. At some point she needs to learn to reject that extra weight from her family... and give herself time to heal. Oddly enough, I think thats what she finds comforting about Fornits, we let her shed her weight at the door and don't intend to add any more.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
[size=150]When Injustice Becomes Law
...Rebellion Becomes Duty...[/size]


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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2009, 10:19:06 PM »
let's not forget that Katie in all likelihood had NO "special needs," simply the normal needs every kid has: to not be abused, to not be used as a punching bag-scape-goat for a dysfunctional family.

Any "weirdness" she may or may not have NOW would be entirely CAUSED by that sort of abuse. You cant emotionally and physically abuse a child (let alone torture them at Cross Creek with techniques designed to destroy them) and expect them to thrive.

God, what sewer do these diseased, obtuse trolls crawl out from? Oh, right, Cross Creek Manor and places like it
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Nihilanthic

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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2009, 12:34:09 AM »
What a fucking crock.

Are those fucking parental "units" doxed yet?

I think they need a BBQ.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

CCMGirl on program restraints: "DON\'T TAZ ME BRO!!!!!"

TheWho on program survivors: "From where I sit I see all the anit-program[sic] people doing all the complaining and crying."

Offline Anne Bonney

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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2009, 11:15:34 AM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Femanon,  You are wrong taking sides like that and posting an email without asking.  Did you even read her email?  Did you block out the part Katie played in all of this?  How can you possibly stand on the sidelines and condem people?  You dont have any experience with parenting at all.  People who dont have kids and critisize those who do always end up eating crow (always not sometimes).  You dont know what you are taking on with having Katie come and stay with you and assume you can do a better parenting job then her parents can.

It seems you are just very angry and can only see what you want to see.  Calm down and read the email again.  Katie isnt the only victim in all of this.

At least you admit she IS a victim.  

I hear this refrain commonly from program parents....that none of us are parents and none of us could possibly understand what it's like raising a teenager.  You have no idea how wrong you are.  Most of us who were victimized by this industry ARE parents now.  I am.  If you're a regular (if you are then I apologize for repeating this same story..I know y'all must get sick of it), then you know that I have two grown kids and the older one scared the living hell out of me for about 6 or 7 years and STILL does from time to time.  She's a true redhead with the temper, drama and energy to match.  I've been through the rage, the throwing things, destroying her younger sister's bedroom, the drugs, the sexually acting out (incidentally, I have her permission to speak about her difficulties here), staying out or gone for days.  I get it.  I understand how frightening this can be.  Her grandparents (the same people who put myself and her father in Straight) insisted [/i] that she was "out of control" and going to be "deadinsaneorinjail" if I didn't place her in a program.  That's the ONE valuable thing I did take away from Straight.  I knew exactly what NOT to do when parenting my own children.  I told the grandparents it would be over my dead body and I meant it.  Thank god.  Whatever we've gone through due to her behavior is minor compared to the damage that would have been done to her if I had shipped her off to strangers to "fix" whatever was wrong.  Now, I can't give you or anyone else "the" answer.  There isn't one...or not one specific answer.   It's different for everyone and every family.

I have read the entire blog.  I've read Katie's side too.  It doesn't sound like Katie was any worse than my daughter, in fact...from what I've read Katie isn't nearly as 'out of control' as mine.  It sounds, to me, like Katie is one of those kids who goes against the norm and the Stepmonster (I have one of those too....program parent married my dad) couldn't take it.  Kids come in all shapes, sizes, personalities, temperaments etc. etc.  Trying to pigeonhole them into what our standards are just kills that independent spirit.  And putting someone like that, who additionally has some emotional or mental issues to deal with is just sick.  What would have happened if someone like Van Gogh would've lived in this time and had parents like Katie's?   Jesus christ people!!!  Not all kids are gonna grow up to be accountants or doctors or lawyers.  Instead of condemning their differences, you should be celebrating and encouraging them.  That would be the most effective way to help her to succeed.  Help her develop that spirit......don't try and punish it out of her dammit!  All you end up with when you do that is a resentful, emotionally crippled child that you are now expecting to behave like a normal, well adjusted adult...and YOUR version of an adult at that.  Parents really, REALLY seem to have a hard time when they discover that their children actually do have a mind and thoughts and idea(l)s of their own.  It can be scary, but it's our JOB to suck it up and deal with it.  Most kids are NOT going to die, end up insane or in jail.  They WILL fall down...the WILL have scars from their adolescent years, no one gets out unscathed, BUT......damage done by ourselves to ourselves is by FAR easier to repair and deal with than the damage done inside those places, behind closed doors, where you're surrounded by people convinced that they need to "break you down", then "build you up".....ya know, for your own good.  

I really hope Katie is able to get far, far away from this stepmonster.  Once she's been out amongst the real people of the world she'll see that not everyone views it in such black and white terms.  She's realize that there are TONS of people like her.  They're called artists.  Some of them starve, some make a very good living.

Oh, and ROCK!!!! :tup:   To those condemning her for not being a parent, I AM a parent and agree with everything she wrote.  I would have loved to have had someone like her to talk with my own hellion when we were going thru our really rough times.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa

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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2009, 11:35:23 AM »
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"

Oh, and ROCK!!!! :tup:   To those condemning her for not being a parent, I AM a parent and agree with everything she wrote.  I would have loved to have had someone like her to talk with my own hellion when we were going thru our really rough times.

I know. She's amazing.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline TheWho

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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2009, 01:13:37 PM »
Anne and Femanon, I don’t think you are being very fair or open minded about Diane and Michaels situation.  I was involved with all of my childrens birth and there really isn’t much to it.  So roughly I Stand there tell the mother to breath, push on the stomach a little to assist the baby down the canal.  Then  snip the umbilical cord and hand the baby to the nurses to be checked out.  So I could comfortably say I can deliver babies.  But what would happen if the baby went into breach position or got stuck in the birth canal or the mother stopped breathing?  Although I may feel like an expert there are thousands of situations that I am not prepared for or have experienced.

The same goes for your experiences with raising children.  There are thousands of different flavors, shapes and sizes.  No two act exactly alike.  I am sure you faced challenges like we all have, but you haven’t faced even a fraction of the possible challenges that beset children across the country.  None of us have.

You don’t know Diane and Michael or Katie.  You cannot become an expert on their family by reading their blog and diary and you are not an expert in parenting because you raised a few kids.  The same as I cant call myself an expert in child birth because of birthing experience.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anne Bonney

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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2009, 02:41:21 PM »
Quote from: "Neil W"
Anne and Femanon, I don’t think you are being very fair or open minded about Diane and Michaels situation.

Well now....there's a shocker!   ::)

 I was involved with all of my childrens birth and there really isn’t much to it.  So roughly I Stand there tell the mother to breath, push on the stomach a little to assist the baby down the canal.  Then  snip the umbilical cord and hand the baby to the nurses to be checked out.  So I could comfortably say I can deliver babies.  But what would happen if the baby went into breach position or got stuck in the birth canal or the mother stopped breathing?  Although I may feel like an expert there are thousands of situations that I am not prepared for or have experienced.

Did I claim to be an expert at any time??  No, but nice strawman.  I responded to the multiple posts criticizing either Femanon or anyone else for not having children.  I have them.  Grown ones even, so I can at least speak from experience, which is what we were all accused of not having.  Now that I've disproven that point, you guys start moving the goalposts around.  Typical deflection from program people.

The same goes for your experiences with raising children.  There are thousands of different flavors, shapes and sizes.  No two act exactly alike.  I am sure you faced challenges like we all have, but you haven’t faced even a fraction of the possible challenges that beset children across the country.  None of us have.

Of course not.  You're moving the goalposts again, but I'm sure you're well aware of that as you seem to be well versed in program debating (deflecting) tactics.  I responded to the claim that we didn't have experience raising children.  We do.  And in my case I've had experience raising an incredibly difficult child to deal with....partly thru no fault of her own, partly directly due to her own actions.

You don’t know Diane and Michael or Katie.  You cannot become an expert on their family by reading their blog and diary and you are not an expert in parenting because you raised a few kids.  The same as I cant call myself an expert in child birth because of birthing experience.
NeilW're like those republican douches that just CANNOT stick to the topic of a discussion adn think if they repeat the same lie over and over again, it will somehow, magically become true.  I never said I was an expert.  What I said was that I have experience raising children.  

And yeah.....let's talk about that 'no one solution' issue.  That's exactly what programs claim to offer.  THEY have the answer.  THEY know how to deal with these damn druggie (or insert your favorite term here...rebellious, entitled, anorexic or overweight, ADD, ADHD, etc. etc. etc. etc.) kids.  THEY are the experts.  They're not.  Far from it.  The best expert at raising your own child is YOU.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa