Author Topic: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out  (Read 8616 times)

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Offline TheWho

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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #15 on: April 15, 2009, 02:55:25 PM »
Seems I overstated my point a bit.  Didn’t mean to upset you.  But you may have seen my point initially but a few others needed some repeating.  As I have read thru here I read posts about how the problems were all due to parental errors but I haven’t seen any evidence brought forward on that.  The lying, stealing and abuse towards her parents or siblings by Katie were not even given a second thought or worthly of discussion, which I found interesting.

The knee jerk on this forum is to blame the parents and give the kid a free pass, where giving the kid a free pass might have been what caused the problem to begin with… we just don’t know.  Lol  Do you see what I mean?  Its best to listen and get the whole story. if it ever unfolds, before passing judgment on Katie or the parents.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #16 on: April 15, 2009, 03:01:09 PM »
Quote from: "power to the guests"
Quote from: "Dianne Carter"
Katie Carter

Sent: Yesterday, 07:49
by JustMeHere
It is I, aka the Evil Step Monster, just wanting to put in our side:

First thing, I think it's interesting that you have on your page before you register:
You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any laws be it of your country, the country where “Fornits Home for Wayward Web Fora” is hosted or International Law. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned, with notification of your Internet Service Provider if deemed required by us.

But then you allow people to tell Katie to slit Michaels throat, or people tell him to kill himself in various ways, or to "fill their email boxes with flames". If this isn't "abusive...slanderous, hateful, threatening..." I'd hate to see what your idea of that is.

And just so you know, Katie isn't giving you the whole truthful story. Yes, she is a wonderful writer. She truly has a gift and we have told her that. We also tried to keep her grounded by telling her that she isn't correct in believing she can just get a job as a writer right out of high school and they will pay her enough to live on. She definitely lives in a dream world and if you don't support her then she retaliates. Isn't it our job as parents to help them believe they can do things in life, but it has to be within reason? For awhile she was going to be a vet. However math and science are NOT her strong suits at all. Would you support someone who wants to be a pilot but is almost blind? Wouldn't you try to show them where their strengths lie and what things are available there?

If you truly knew her, and knew our side of it fully, you all wouldn't be saying these hurtful things. She is a manipulative lying thief, an emotional vampire that is never happy with anything that is given to her. Yes, I have "checked out" of this relationship but only to save my sanity and to have any sort of relationship with the rest of the family. I have not turned her brothers against her. I didn't need to as she has done that well enough on her own.
If you give Katie an inch she doesn't stop at wanting a mile. If you take her out to a nice dinner, she complains of the high prices and then orders the most expensive thing on the menu. If you ask if she has done her chores, she'll look you straight in the face and say (loudly) "YES, I have" only to find later on that she has not done them, or only done what she wanted to do. If anyone is missing money she always denies it at the top of her lungs, only to come clean about it months later.

When Mike talked of a "meltdown", maybe he should have explained to you what that is so you'd understand better. Her meltdowns would go from 1-3 hours, screaming, throwing things, breaking things, threatening everyone -- even threatening her father to kick him in the balls or break his ribs -- spitting at people, just completely out of control. Now if you people think this is acceptable behaviour, God love ya, because here in the real world it is not. You cannot "love" a person through this, you cannot just "talk them down" from it, it always escalated to her being physically held down (restrained), either on the floor or in a chair until she calmed down so she hopefully didn't hurt herself or anyone else any more.

So it seems that you all know much more than us, even though a lot of you have no kids of your own. Something I learned long ago was to never say never when it comes to talking about others kids compared to how you'll raise yours. So if you want to take her in, support her and her "dreams", you just go right ahead.

She has done nothing to prepare herself for her upcoming graduation and emancipation. Though we have tried, supported, yelled, cried, talked, everything you can think of. She fits in well with you people as she also knows it all.

1st Response

Quote from: "Femanonfatal2.0"
I can tell you didn't write this message to me personally, I can only guess you sent it out to a few key players of this site, so I won't bother defending the obvious misses in judgment of my character or intentions. However I will mention that the mind state that you are portraying, both in your blog and in this letter (or in the simple fact that you felt the need to send this letter in the first place) only backs up everything we have been able to assume about you.

If you haven't realized, Katie has not been downplaying her role in her tumultuous adolescence, in fact she openly admits that she succumbed to her anger and pain and acted out in ways that were not healthy for her and deeply effected her family. This is not a question of what, it is a question of why. She has decided to write this story, regardless of how damning or challenging it may be in order to put her past in perspective and learn something from it, deal with it and grow from it. She is not here to justify herself to a crowd of people who would support her anyway, that is not the point, and we do not support her in doing this for that reason.

The fact that you felt it appropriate to send us all private messages in order to call her a liar, and a thief and all the other insults you direct at her character is only a reflection of how you have been treating Katie all along. Don't you want Katie to finally get over all this? Are you even capable of letting your judgmental attitude go, if not to give her the breathing room to heal but just to keep the peace? You have been picking her wounds since she was a young child... you need to understand how detrimental this can be to the psyche of a mentally fragile individual, and STOP. Katie has mentioned her struggles with bullies, but it really seems that you are truly the biggest "bully" in Katie's life. I will assume you are simply not aware of the psychological effects of your behavior, so I wont go so far as to say you are doing this on purpose but I do believe that you and Katie have personalities that DO NOT mix and you are not a good fit to be a replacement for her mother. You do not love her and you apparently have no semblance of maternal instincts concerning her and her condition. She has a mental disorder, I believe severe depression, and she has special needs. People with her challenges need special care and if they are not given that special care the disorder can be exacerbated. Your mean spirited attitude and jail house parenting style had a very detrimental effect on her psyche, and in essence YOU created the monster in her that you can't stand.

You can't keep punishing, blaming and holding everything against Katie, YOU have to make a change in your parenting/ supporting in order to help her grow out of this. Please be aware that by placing her in CCM you delayed her maturation process by how ever many years she was in CCM, she may be 18 now, but she is still 15 in many ways. At some point you need to realize that enough is enough, constantly berating her, reminding her of how much you detest her or how her past actions make her "unworthy" only ad fuel to her fire... If you hate how much she blows up... then you need to stop putting mental dynamite in her pocket. If anything, I think you checking out of the relationship is simply the best thing, I would even go further to recommend that you stay out of her life entirely, let her father be her father and you can just be his wife, not her mother. I know you may reject any responsibility for her condition, but you must realize if you continue to exacerbate her depression you will cripple her will to ever pull out of this.

As much as you may think this is some kind of parent hate fest it is not, it is an intervention. We read your blogs and were so disturbed with your hateful take on Katie's story we reached out to her, and simply asked her for her side. In doing so we realized that Katie NEEDS to get all this off her chest and put it into perspective. She needs to realize that your lack of compassion, love and parenting skills has nothing to do with her, therefore encouraging her to grow out of the need to "blow up"or "melt down". You should have realized by now that this only happens because she holds so much pain inside, if we can help her understand her past, and come to terms with her experiences, that pain will start to diffuse and she will begin to heal and mature. What you need to do is give her the time, space and drama-free atmosphere she needs to find herself and stop trying to hold her down with your "must punish" way of thinking. I have suggested to her she needs to go to college out of your city, possibly even out of state. However the fact that you have spent a magnanimous amount of money on CCM, I can see how giving her a college education would be the last thing you would be willing to do. It sucks that she will have to suffer for that mistake as she already has bore the brunt of that ill fated decision, but I suggest you at least support her in getting her own student loans.

If you are seriously unwilling to give her the love and support she needs at this point, and insist on continuing to blame her and make her life miserable, then by all means, send her here. I live in San Diego, CA right next to SDSU. Have her apply for college and look into student housing, I will be willing to take responsibility for mentoring her through these integral steps in her maturation. I can't promise you I will be able to financially support her, learning to provide for herself is something her parents should have taught her by now, but I am more than capable of giving her the emotional support and positive example she needs to learn what it means to be an adult. I just think its sad that once again you are so unwilling to set aside your hateful, judgmental and vile attitude to simply be a good mother to Katie, is it really any wonder why she has these epic melt-downs?????


I bet when Diane Carter, of Dayton Ohio, child abuser said that in  wwaps seminars or those sick parental support groups she was furiously applauded.

I'd love to hear Buzzkill  detail  those seiminars and "support" groups.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline JustMeHere

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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #17 on: April 15, 2009, 03:11:08 PM »
[quote="Anne Bonney

 What would have happened if someone like Van Gogh would've lived in this time[/quote]

Well, we wouldn't have some wierdass paintings, that's for sure. Don't think they'd really be missed.

Oh, I'm gonna get flamed again, I can just tell...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline TheWho

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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #18 on: April 15, 2009, 03:36:49 PM »
She is a manipulative lying thief, an emotional vampire that is never happy with anything that is given to her. Yes, I have "checked out" of this relationship but only to save my sanity and to have any sort of relationship with the rest of the family. I have not turned her brothers against her. I didn't need to as she has done that well enough on her own.

Thanks,guest, for reposting that and highlighting it in red, I was looking for this and missed it.  

Prior to this it wasn’t clear what role Katie played in all the family problems.  But it is clear from this post that Katie even managed to abuse her own brothers and push them away further.  At this point it was probably the best thing for the step mother to step out of the picture as best she could and let the father handle the matter.  But all those days where the step mother and brothers had to stay in their rooms to avoid the hostility just wasn’t healthy for any of them. It was clear that placement outside of the home was the only answer at this point.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline JustMeHere

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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #19 on: April 15, 2009, 03:44:07 PM »
1st Response
Quote from: "Femanonfatal2.0"
I can tell you didn't write this message to me personally, I can only guess you sent it out to a few key players of this site,

As much as you may think this is some kind of parent hate fest it is not, it is an intervention.

I have suggested to her she needs to go to college out of your city, possibly even out of state. However the fact that you have spent a magnanimous amount of money on CCM, I can see how giving her a college education would be the last thing you would be willing to do. It sucks that she will have to suffer for that mistake as she already has bore the brunt of that ill fated decision, but I suggest you at least support her in getting her own student loans.

If you are seriously unwilling to give her the love and support she needs at this point, and insist on continuing to blame her and make her life miserable, then by all means, send her here. I live in San Diego, CA right next to SDSU. Have her apply for college and look into student housing, I will be willing to take responsibility for mentoring her through these integral steps in her maturation. I can't promise you I will be able to financially support her, learning to provide for herself is something her parents should have taught her by now, but I am more than capable of giving her the emotional support and positive example she needs to learn what it means to be an adult. I just think its sad that once again you are so unwilling to set aside your hateful, judgmental and vile attitude to simply be a good mother to Katie, is it really any wonder why she has these epic melt-downs?????


Well to start off, you are wrong. You are the only person I sent it to. I knew you'd throw it up here to keep the flames going.

Intervention my ass. All you people are doing is leading her down more destructive paths, giving her false hope as you don't actually know her, don't know truths, only believe what you want to believe. Give me a fucking break.

College: Yes, we have also told her she needs to at least go to a college that has dorms on campus, either in state of out. Both of our older children have done that and have done well. And all our children knew from the start that college is on their own. There is nothing we can do to help them. Filling out the FAFSA is a waste of energy as they won't qualify to get anything anyway. This is life. You want a better one, there are things you have to step up and do for yourself. Yes, we feel bad we can't help out any of our kids. NO, it's not just because we spent so much to try to save Katies life.

I do feel, and have told her this, that hopefully her and I will get to a better place when we don't live under the same roof. As someone else pointed out, some personalities just clash. Funny I don't have the same problems with any of the other kids, or the kids' friends, etc. They think we are great and fun parents.

Anything we have tried to teach her has gone in one ear and out the other. She "right-fights" constantly, and knows it all about everything. I'm very tired, the whole family is tired (even the ones that don't live here), even the dog is tired. He can tell when she's in her moods and hides in his cage. But I suppose you all will now say I've clouded his mind with terrible thoughts about her and I've even turned him against her.

There is no amount of bullshit you people can spew to make me believe that Cross Creek was a horrible, torture chamber. The people there were caring. There were no strip searches, I don't know where you get your sick info. They didn't have to eat their vomit, etc. Those were stories of the little "cherubs" that tried to manipulate their parents to get them out. We visited it. We talked endlessly with the great therapists there. She still talks about how she misses the place and Garth and Ben. But even they were worn down by her, didn't know what else to do to help her grow and understand that she doesn't know everything and didn't have to argue about every minut detail of every conversation.

You seriously think you can do better, have at it. She's of age and can make her own decisions. Let's see how much money you have to miss before you say anything. Let's see how many times you have to tell her to do something before you lose it. Let's see how many of your personal items and cherished family mementos have to be broken or become missing before you say enough is enough.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #20 on: April 15, 2009, 03:59:57 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
She is a manipulative lying thief, an emotional vampire that is never happy with anything that is given to her. Yes, I have "checked out" of this relationship but only to save my sanity and to have any sort of relationship with the rest of the family. I have not turned her brothers against her. I didn't need to as she has done that well enough on her own.

Thanks,guest, for reposting that and highlighting it in red, I was looking for this and missed it.  

Prior to this it wasn’t clear what role Katie played in all the family problems.  But it is clear from this post that Katie even managed to abuse her own brothers and push them away further.  At this point it was probably the best thing for the step mother to step out of the picture as best she could and let the father handle the matter.  But all those days where the step mother and brothers had to stay in their rooms to avoid the hostility just wasn’t healthy for any of them. It was clear that placement outside of the home was the only answer at this point.

If a licesnsed psychotherpist heard Diane Carter, child abuser, relate that information about her 15 year old daughter, she'd be duty bound to notify the authorites that a child was endagered. At the very least, she would recognize that this woman was an abuser. When a program official hears it, they agree that yes, a1 5 year old child is indeed an "emotinal vampire" whose parent should "check out" of the relationship. They would also suggest that they be paid 1,000s of dollars a month to relieve the parent of the bad child and punish the child for her badness.
That is the difference between a psychotherapist and a psycho.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #21 on: April 15, 2009, 04:02:31 PM »
Quote from: "JustMeHere"
1st Response
Quote from: "Femanonfatal2.0"
I can tell you didn't write this message to me personally, I can only guess you sent it out to a few key players of this site,

As much as you may think this is some kind of parent hate fest it is not, it is an intervention.

I have suggested to her she needs to go to college out of your city, possibly even out of state. However the fact that you have spent a magnanimous amount of money on CCM, I can see how giving her a college education would be the last thing you would be willing to do. It sucks that she will have to suffer for that mistake as she already has bore the brunt of that ill fated decision, but I suggest you at least support her in getting her own student loans.

If you are seriously unwilling to give her the love and support she needs at this point, and insist on continuing to blame her and make her life miserable, then by all means, send her here. I live in San Diego, CA right next to SDSU. Have her apply for college and look into student housing, I will be willing to take responsibility for mentoring her through these integral steps in her maturation. I can't promise you I will be able to financially support her, learning to provide for herself is something her parents should have taught her by now, but I am more than capable of giving her the emotional support and positive example she needs to learn what it means to be an adult. I just think its sad that once again you are so unwilling to set aside your hateful, judgmental and vile attitude to simply be a good mother to Katie, is it really any wonder why she has these epic melt-downs?????


Well to start off, you are wrong. You are the only person I sent it to. I knew you'd throw it up here to keep the flames going.

Intervention my ass. All you people are doing is leading her down more destructive paths, giving her false hope as you don't actually know her, don't know truths, only believe what you want to believe. Give me a fucking break.

College: Yes, we have also told her she needs to at least go to a college that has dorms on campus, either in state of out. Both of our older children have done that and have done well. And all our children knew from the start that college is on their own. There is nothing we can do to help them. Filling out the FAFSA is a waste of energy as they won't qualify to get anything anyway. This is life. You want a better one, there are things you have to step up and do for yourself. Yes, we feel bad we can't help out any of our kids. NO, it's not just because we spent so much to try to save Katies life.

I do feel, and have told her this, that hopefully her and I will get to a better place when we don't live under the same roof. As someone else pointed out, some personalities just clash. Funny I don't have the same problems with any of the other kids, or the kids' friends, etc. They think we are great and fun parents.

Anything we have tried to teach her has gone in one ear and out the other. She "right-fights" constantly, and knows it all about everything. I'm very tired, the whole family is tired (even the ones that don't live here), even the dog is tired. He can tell when she's in her moods and hides in his cage. But I suppose you all will now say I've clouded his mind with terrible thoughts about her and I've even turned him against her.

There is no amount of bullshit you people can spew to make me believe that Cross Creek was a horrible, torture chamber. The people there were caring. There were no strip searches, I don't know where you get your sick info. They didn't have to eat their vomit, etc. Those were stories of the little "cherubs" that tried to manipulate their parents to get them out. We visited it. We talked endlessly with the great therapists there. She still talks about how she misses the place and Garth and Ben. But even they were worn down by her, didn't know what else to do to help her grow and understand that she doesn't know everything and didn't have to argue about every minut detail of every conversation.

You seriously think you can do better, have at it. She's of age and can make her own decisions. Let's see how much money you have to miss before you say anything. Let's see how many times you have to tell her to do something before you lose it. Let's see how many of your personal items and cherished family mementos have to be broken or become missing before you say enough is enough.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline TheWho

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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #22 on: April 15, 2009, 04:23:30 PM »
There is no amount of bullshit you people can spew to make me believe that Cross Creek was a horrible, torture chamber. The people there were caring. There were no strip searches, I don't know where you get your sick info. They didn't have to eat their vomit, etc. Those were stories of the little "cherubs" that tried to manipulate their parents to get them out. We visited it. We talked endlessly with the great therapists there. She still talks about how she misses the place and Garth and Ben. But even they were worn down by her, didn't know what else to do to help her grow and understand that she doesn't know everything and didn't have to argue about every minut detail of every conversation.

You seriously think you can do better, have at it. She's of age and can make her own decisions. Let's see how much money you have to miss before you say anything. Let's see how many times you have to tell her to do something before you lose it. Let's see how many of your personal items and cherished family mementos have to be broken or become missing before you say enough is enough.

Parents who have had kids in Cross Creek know that it is a great place.  The hostile posters here are trying to target readers that have never heard of it to keep them from sending their kids there.  Why?  Mainly because the programs they went to didn’t work for them or they didn’t apply themselves and are looking for someone to blame for it or make sense of it all.  Trashing families and staff and schools is akin to cutting.  It deflects the attention away from the real issues.  The folk lore stories of eating vomit, being sat on for days by 300 lb  men until you suffocate, strip searched and raped are all put up there to shock people into not getting help for their kids, so their kids can drift down the wrong path like they did.  Misery likes company.

I haven’t seen one poster who has your families best interest at heart.  They are just hoping Katie will say she was abused at Cross Creek so it keeps their dreams alive that their effort isn’t in vane.  If they can promote enough hatred between yourself and Katie then Katie may embellish her stories in retaliation or maybe for more attention.

Some children just do not respond to therapy or behaviour modification very well and need to move towards medication for a solution.  Femanon never had any kids and has only baby sat other peoples children.  No offense to Femanon but she has no idea what parental responsibility is or how different each child can be along with their individual challenges.

There are many readers here who don’t post and understand what you have gone thru, Diane, and going thru.  We wish you the best and the best for your whole family.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #23 on: April 15, 2009, 04:37:28 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
There is no amount of bullshit you people can spew to make me believe that Cross Creek was a horrible, torture chamber. The people there were caring. There were no strip searches, I don't know where you get your sick info. They didn't have to eat their vomit, etc. Those were stories of the little "cherubs" that tried to manipulate their parents to get them out. We visited it. We talked endlessly with the great therapists there. She still talks about how she misses the place and Garth and Ben. But even they were worn down by her, didn't know what else to do to help her grow and understand that she doesn't know everything and didn't have to argue about every minut detail of every conversation.

You seriously think you can do better, have at it. She's of age and can make her own decisions. Let's see how much money you have to miss before you say anything. Let's see how many times you have to tell her to do something before you lose it. Let's see how many of your personal items and cherished family mementos have to be broken or become missing before you say enough is enough.

Parents who have had kids in Cross Creek know that it is a great place.  The hostile posters here are trying to target readers that have never heard of it to keep them from sending their kids there.  .

Actually, the hostile posters are looking to put WWASP officials and sociopathic "parents" like yourself in prison for the next 20 years. Already 2 known WWASP parents have been sucessfully charged with abuse for incarcerating their kids at these hell holes. Hopefully, this Diane creature will be next
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline TheWho

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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #24 on: April 15, 2009, 05:20:14 PM »
Actually, the hostile posters are looking to put WWASP officials and sociopathic "parents" like yourself in prison for the next 20 years. Already 2 known WWASP parents have been sucessfully charged with abuse for incarcerating their kids at these hell holes.
Great info, thanks

We came up with the same figures but you left out that without Cross Creek there would have been about 75 parents who would be in jail today for murder lol.  So it seems the program has saved kids lives as well as parents being incarcerated.  75 vs 2 is a pretty good trade off.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #25 on: April 15, 2009, 05:25:10 PM »
Quote from: "Diane Carter [url=[/url]"]

Well to start off, you are wrong. You are the only person I sent it to. I knew you'd throw it up here to keep the flames going.

Intervention my ass. All you people are doing is leading her down more destructive paths, giving her false hope as you don't actually know her, don't know truths, only believe what you want to believe. Give me a fucking break.

College: Yes, we have also told her she needs to at least go to a college that has dorms on campus, either in state of out. Both of our older children have done that and have done well. And all our children knew from the start that college is on their own. There is nothing we can do to help them. Filling out the FAFSA is a waste of energy as they won't qualify to get anything anyway. This is life. You want a better one, there are things you have to step up and do for yourself. Yes, we feel bad we can't help out any of our kids. NO, it's not just because we spent so much to try to save Katies life.

I do feel, and have told her this, that hopefully her and I will get to a better place when we don't live under the same roof. As someone else pointed out, some personalities just clash. Funny I don't have the same problems with any of the other kids, or the kids' friends, etc. They think we are great and fun parents.

Anything we have tried to teach her has gone in one ear and out the other. She "right-fights" constantly, and knows it all about everything. I'm very tired, the whole family is tired (even the ones that don't live here), even the dog is tired. He can tell when she's in her moods and hides in his cage. But I suppose you all will now say I've clouded his mind with terrible thoughts about her and I've even turned him against her.
There is no amount of bullshit you people can spew to make me believe that Cross Creek was a horrible, torture chamber. The people there were caring. There were no strip searches, I don't know where you get your sick info. They didn't have to eat their vomit, etc. Those were stories of the little "cherubs" that tried to manipulate their parents to get them out. We visited it. We talked endlessly with the great therapists there. She still talks about how she misses the place and Garth and Ben. But even they were worn down by her, didn't know what else to do to help her grow and understand that she doesn't know everything and didn't have to argue about every minut detail of every conversation.

You seriously think you can do better, have at it. She's of age and can make her own decisions. Let's see how much money you have to miss before you say anything. Let's see how many times you have to tell her to do something before you lose it. Let's see how many of your personal items and cherished family mementos have to be broken or become missing before you say enough is enough.

No, you are right. Obviously, Katie is not even good enough for the dog... Wow, you are one distubed sociopath, Diane,

 ::unhappy::  ::unhappy::

Look into this assoc, Kaite.
I'm sending them Diane Carter's info
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline TheWho

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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #26 on: April 15, 2009, 05:27:27 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Actually, the hostile posters are looking to put WWASP officials and sociopathic "parents" like yourself in prison for the next 20 years. Already 2 known WWASP parents have been sucessfully charged with abuse for incarcerating their kids at these hell holes.
Great info, thanks

We came up with the same figures but you left out that without Cross Creek there would have been about 75 parents who would be in jail today for murder lol.  So it seems the program has saved kids lives as well as parents being incarcerated.  75 vs 2 is a pretty good trade off.

lol. The line that the dog would go into its cage and close the door is a classic.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline TheWho

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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #27 on: April 15, 2009, 05:30:57 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Actually, the hostile posters are looking to put WWASP officials and sociopathic "parents" like yourself in prison for the next 20 years. Already 2 known WWASP parents have been sucessfully charged with abuse for incarcerating their kids at these hell holes.
Great info, thanks

We came up with the same figures but you left out that without Cross Creek there would have been about 75 parents who would be in jail today for murder lol.  So it seems the program has saved kids lives as well as parents being incarcerated.  75 vs 2 is a pretty good trade off.

lol. The line that the dog would go into its cage and close the door is a classic.

The SPCA has opened up a file on this household since Katie has returned home.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline TheWho

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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #28 on: April 15, 2009, 05:37:59 PM »
even the dog is tired. He can tell when she's in her moods and hides in his cage. But I suppose you all will now say I've clouded his mind with terrible thoughts about her and I've even turned him against her.

Great find, guest!

Thats funny, you can fool people but you cant fool a dog, he/she knows when trouble comes knocking.  Anyone who owns a dog knows this.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline FemanonFatal2.0

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Re: Evil Step Monster Lashes Out
« Reply #29 on: April 15, 2009, 06:07:11 PM »
This must seriously be the era of industry trolls.

WOW. I'm honestly amazed how much of a hypocrite you can be Dianne, You continue to go on and on about how "bad" your step daughter is, and insist that she takes no accountability and argues EVERYTHING to death, yet here you are exerting the same behavior that has been creating (now escalating) this situation, taking no responsibility for your actions (now or in the past) and arguing your moot point to death. Apparently the reason you and Katie don't get along is because you exert very similar behavior patterns.

As I have said before, We all recognize that Katie has acted out, she openly admits this, but this is not a question of what, it is a question of why. When a doctor medically treats a patient, lets say someone who is overweight and has diabetes, they do not condemn them for the eating that got them to that point, they simply put them on a diet plan they can follow for the future, they also usually recommend therapy to pin point and address the root issue that drives them to eat, so the patient can deal with it and have a better chance of sticking to the new diet and embracing it as a life style.

I can't speak for everyone on Fornits, but I don't think it would be very healthy for us to read her stories and condemn her for her actions, we aren't interested in furthering the kind of abuse she gets at home, I think most of us agree that this forum should be a haven for her where she doesn't have to be comforted with constant blame. I think she has had far too much of it to date and OBVIOUSLY that hasn't worked out so isn't it possible that taking a different approach could be helpful here? You are totally unable to see this situation from any other angle but your own, and sadly unable to hold your hate and blame down even in the slightest to give Katie a chance to give her side of the story and figure out on her own how to heal and grow from her experiences.

I know at Fornits we usually welcome "the other side" to engage in debate, but I honestly believe your presence on this site is simply to undermine the progress that Katie is making in dealing with this. Don't bother telling "your side of the story" again, its old, we've heard it, we already read your blog and we know what issues you have with your step daughter. Katie has come here to tell her side, and we are willing to support her in doing so and offer our advice to help her overcome the pain, put her past into perspective and grow from her experiences. However it seems your sole intention is to throw a wrench in her process, and see to it that no one supports or believes in her. Why is that Dianne? Is this just your nature or are you afraid she may just become independent and you wont have your punching bag/ scape goat around anymore to fuel your abusive tendencies? If I were her, I would walk into your bedroom right now and tell you to "Stay the fuck off Fornits, stay out of my life and to go fuck yourself." I hope you realize that you induce that kind of anger not only in Katie, but even to strangers, your intentions to continue to be a deconstructive force in Katie's life are truly infuriating!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
[size=150]When Injustice Becomes Law
...Rebellion Becomes Duty...[/size]