Author Topic: Parents who put their kids in program don't care about them  (Read 5896 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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Parents who put their kids in program don't care about them
« Reply #30 on: January 02, 2008, 07:39:09 PM »
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
It's been explained to you that kids have gone to the police and nothing has been done. Others do not name their abusers here because they don't want to jepordize possible lawsuits.

Look, if someone abused you they cannot sue you for talking about it, unless of course you twist the definition of the word.  If you were truly abused by the legal definition of the word just say so and call the guy out.
If you were forced to study for 2 hours every night or finish your dinner or carry wood then yes you could have a problem calling a person an abuser and you could be sued.  I think this is why many keep quiet is because they were forced to do things that they didnt want to do and they are pissed but it wasnt abuse.


Asshole, people aren't afraid of being sued, they're afraid of jepordizing their own cases where THEY sue

No they are not, if they post anonymously.

Um, yes they are. Please don't tell me what goes on in my own brain at the advice of lawyers
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Parents who put their kids in program don't care about them
« Reply #31 on: January 02, 2008, 07:51:35 PM »
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Quote from: ""Guest""
So, you are saying he is lying, even though he gave the name of the program.

 So, when kids don't give the name of the program that abused them they are lying, but if they do give the name of the program that abused them they are lying?

Your purpose is  to plant that seed of doubt in the uninvolved reader's mind that everyone is lying. That is the only reasonable explanation for your "conclusion" that it not giving names means the kid is lying, and then saying that even if they do give names they are lying.

Ha,Ha,Ha,  no calm down.  I am talking about one person, not everyone.  He was trolling, but everyone wants to believe the abuse stories so much no one even questioned it.  It was sort of interesting actually to sit back and watch, if that had been a parent telling his/her success story they would have been grilled from all angles and everyone would have had the troll meter set to "10" !!

Hmm. First you apologized for making fun of the kid who posted details of his abuse at TB. Now you continue to call him a liar by calling him a "troll".

I guess your purpose is to pretend you never told a kid he was lying, as that makes you seem insensitive. You have to be a spokeperson. you're too oily, and are obviously interested in doing nothing but shallow p.r.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Parents who put their kids in program don't care about them
« Reply #32 on: January 02, 2008, 08:01:36 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
not true parents who put their kids in programs when all else has failed and they are sick and tired of the lying, disrespect, drugs in the house and all the drama and just want their kids to be respectful and respect boundaries

Many here dont understand you.  Most of the posters here had full scholrships to an ivy league school and never did anything wrong.  They respected their parents rules, didnt do drugs, never told a lie or over stepped the boundaries.
For some unknown reason their parents took loans out on their homes and sent them to a program.  Maybe their parents enjoyed being in debt or wanted to work an extra couple of years before retirement.
All we really know is the results of the childs life is clearly the fault of the parents, anyone can see that.

Again, you are a troll, but quite good at showcasing the pathology of the abusive program parent. For whatever reason, you feel that you are offspring who "never does anything wrong". Normal parents know that there would be something wrong with a kid if they actually did do nothing wrong.

The only kid who does nothing wrong is a dead kid. Which brings me back to the subject of this thread. A dead kid id the only kid a program parent can handle.

Therefore, they don't care ,at a normal level, when their kid dies. Finally, they have a kid that's stopped giving them trouble.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline TheWho

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Parents who put their kids in program don't care about them
« Reply #33 on: January 02, 2008, 08:17:29 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
not true parents who put their kids in programs when all else has failed and they are sick and tired of the lying, disrespect, drugs in the house and all the drama and just want their kids to be respectful and respect boundaries

Many here dont understand you.  Most of the posters here had full scholrships to an ivy league school and never did anything wrong.  They respected their parents rules, didnt do drugs, never told a lie or over stepped the boundaries.
For some unknown reason their parents took loans out on their homes and sent them to a program.  Maybe their parents enjoyed being in debt or wanted to work an extra couple of years before retirement.
All we really know is the results of the childs life is clearly the fault of the parents, anyone can see that.

Again, you are a troll, but quite good at showcasing the pathology of the abusive program parent. For whatever reason, you feel that you are offspring who "never does anything wrong". Normal parents know that there would be something wrong with a kid if they actually did do nothing wrong.

The only kid who does nothing wrong is a dead kid. Which brings me back to the subject of this thread. A dead kid id the only kid a program parent can handle.

Therefore, they don't care ,at a normal level, when their kid dies. Finally, they have a kid that's stopped giving them trouble.

  Unfortunately there is a wide spectrum of parents and children.  They dont all fall into the category of good or bad.  Kids dont just "do something wrong" or not "do something wrong".  There are varying degrees which at some level requires action.  The action has varying degrees, some action is effective locally and some kids require action outside the home.

The world isnt black and white each case is different.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Parents who put their kids in program don't care about them
« Reply #34 on: January 02, 2008, 08:23:58 PM »
Yup, this is the type of help, at aspen, that you advocate:

Quote from: ""guest"" ... c&start=60

There were more kids who were dangers to themselves. I honestly think ASR is very lucky in that no one has succeeded in committing suicide. I can tell you first hand that for someone with major depression ASR could drive you past breaking point easily. It seemed like they pick and chose who they took seriously about being suicidal. I was not taken seriously, and had my roommate not been in the room one day, I may well have taken my life. I do not say that to evoke pity or anything else like that, and I was not using it to "manipulate" ( a favorite ASR term)

Quote ... c&start=60
Three Springs Waygookin wrote:
1) What is self-study?

2) Describe this Escorting more please?

3) Why was a student doing the escorting of a self-harming/suicidal resident and not a staff member?

A self study was the worst of the three major consequences. (reflection, challenge, self study). You had work projects, all free time was spent at your table, facing the wall. Lots of writing assignments. Loss of all privileges. Standing during all meetings. You most likely had strict bans

Basically I had to take her back to the dorm and be with her while she gathered up her things and changed, etc. I don't remember if she showered or not. I was basically there to make sure she didn't attempt again.

I don't know why they had me do it. I was "trusted" at that point, and honestly... probably a better choice than some of the staff.

Quote ... r&start=15
yes, they did. to a large degree. Dean Kent (the staff mentioned in the article) was gone by the time i had arrived. (he was there in 1997, and i got to ASR in Cummington, MA on January 5th of 1998) i had heard from other students about Dean, that he was a really nice guy but fired b/c he'd called DSS on them. Brett Carey was still the Dean of Student Life when i arrived, and his wife Lisa also helped in the fitness department & was pregnant when i first arrived. They had 2 other daughters, Madison & Carly. The whole thought was a bit frightening, because when we had the 2 hour group "therapy" sessions 2 times a week, they were harsh and abusive to say the least. All of us students would be split into 2 groups, and we'd be rounded up in a circle to get screamed at, belittled and dehumanized. They called it "confrontational", although it was more like verbal abuse and intentional slaughtering.
i was very afraid while i was there, as a student with an extensive sexual abuse history involving rape & incest, i was constantly the target of this slaughtering, esp. b/c i was overweight at the time. needless to say, i left ASR with anorexia some 19 months later.
Brett & other students were all allowed to scream vulgarities at you, called you a "fat bitch, slut," and all. at the age of 15 i learned the word "dildo" while playing scrabble with Brett. One of my roomates claimed that Brett had forced her into sexual operations.
Most of all, it was excusable for students to haze each other.
It was almost looked at as funny. One Staff named Kristen Merhoff gave me funny looks and made sarcastic and patronizing comments when i'd opened up to her about my eating disorder.
Later on, a staff named Amy Robichaud would scream at me for ruining my life, pushing everyone away, talking about how i was a disasterous person, unworthy of being loved. To say the least, she was an abusive person, much alike a person in the throws of an addiction like alchoholism & drug addictions, both of which she admittedly had. There was a great deal of favoritism there, even staff who seemed to want to gain the approval of certain students.
The labor & sleep deprivation that was mentioned in the article is most likely in reference to the "Lifesteps". These were so called "workshops" it was mandatory for all students to attend. Staff and students would be expected to open up there deepest and most unknown
secrets for the sake of "growing". It's true, there was little sleeping allowed & often i myself left feeling shamed & ridiculed.
i was one of the main targets in that school the entire time i was there, a target of hazing & was even blamed for a student breaking into the med office and comsuming large quantities of my prescriptions. For the first 5 months i was there, you could litterally leave, go smoke 1/2 a pack of cigarettes, drop a couple tabs of acid, take like 5 hits off a joint come back & they wouldn't even realize it.
ASR is, to say the least, a very very fucked up place. i have several more things to say, but this whole thing would take eons.

Quote ... r&start=30

I am a former student at ASR. I was in the first peer group, 97-98. My experience there haunts me to this day. I have read many articles that refer to the "old staff" and "new staff". I cannot speak for the way ASR is run now, being 2004, but I can speak for how it was run in 97 and 98. Let me start by saying that I am not an angry, defiant kid who is trying to start trouble for ASR. I have graduated high school and am about to graduate college and enter law school. I don't get into trouble, I am a productive member of society, and want people to know the truth. We were badgered, belittled, sworn at, made to stay up all night during "life steps" and given only small rations of food, had all calls to our parents monitored by staff and had the phone hung up on us if we tried to complain to our parents about these things, scrutinized and humiliated on a daily basis. Our mail was read, staff lost their voices by yelling so loudly at us, I personally was called a "slut", a rich little Daddysgirl, a doormat, told my dad tried to buy my love with money, made to discuss personal sexual and private experiences in group sessions with other peers, made to write a ten page paper by hand about what my "issues" were, and if the staff didn't like it, I started over ( this was because I was too close to my friend there, and they put us on bans so we couldn't talk to each other). People, whomever wants to hear specific stories about all of these things, I would be more than happy to share with you!!! email me at [email protected] i bet i can help you get her out of there

I also graduated from ASR very recently on August the 6th. And I can tell you right now that any kid who complained, their parents were manipulated right out of believing them. There was extreme emotional abuse there, and the only reason anyone's behavior was modified was because they were scared shitless of staying there longer or going to a worse program. We were so scared, your own friends turned against you and you couldnt trust them. The group sessions were awful. One of my friends who had issues with sleeping around was in group and the counselor in the room told her that she might as well keep a mattress tied to her back. Daily, I heard awful things about myself and everyday I was just so sad. Places like this are awful and they need to be stopped. ASR isnt even the worst of them but they all need to go.

Quote ... r&start=60

I am a an ASR graduate. I graduated in October of 03. At the end of the program I believed that ASR had done a lot for me. Looking back I am shocked that I ever thought that. I was made to turn against my friends and turn them in for the slightest rule breaking (for example listening to music). In group we were often degraded and yelled at, supposedly to make us better. Several times I was suicidal and instead of worrying they told me I was lying and being manipulative. In one group eveyone was allowed to go around and say their judgements against everyone else things like "youre a fat slut". That group was horrible. You were scared into being good and behaving. I'm not sure why I thought this place was so great, I feel as if I was brainwashed in a way.
The wilderness experience was horrible. I spent over 40 days in the outdoors being punished for any little thing we did wrong. My first day I had to run 20 minutes and when I stopped the counselers screamed at me and when i vomited they didnt care. just told me i shouldt have drank so muich water.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Parents who put their kids in program don't care about them
« Reply #35 on: January 02, 2008, 08:36:51 PM »
Quote from: ""TheWho""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
not true parents who put their kids in programs when all else has failed and they are sick and tired of the lying, disrespect, drugs in the house and all the drama and just want their kids to be respectful and respect boundaries

Many here dont understand you.  Most of the posters here had full scholrships to an ivy league school and never did anything wrong.  They respected their parents rules, didnt do drugs, never told a lie or over stepped the boundaries.
For some unknown reason their parents took loans out on their homes and sent them to a program.  Maybe their parents enjoyed being in debt or wanted to work an extra couple of years before retirement.
All we really know is the results of the childs life is clearly the fault of the parents, anyone can see that.

Again, you are a troll, but quite good at showcasing the pathology of the abusive program parent. For whatever reason, you feel that you are offspring who "never does anything wrong". Normal parents know that there would be something wrong with a kid if they actually did do nothing wrong.

The only kid who does nothing wrong is a dead kid. Which brings me back to the subject of this thread. A dead kid id the only kid a program parent can handle.

Therefore, they don't care ,at a normal level, when their kid dies. Finally, they have a kid that's stopped giving them trouble.

  Unfortunately there is a wide spectrum of parents and children.  They dont all fall into the category of good or bad.  Kids dont just "do something wrong" or not "do something wrong".  There are varying degrees which at some level requires action.  The action has varying degrees, some action is effective locally and some kids require action outside the home.

The world isnt black and white each case is different.

Yep, if a kid's an immediate threat to themself, or another person by a non self defensive  act ,or response to intense provocation, there may a need for placement outside of a hospital, the only people qualified to give this level of care. Your programs have been clinically proved to do nothing but hurt kids.
The hospitalization should only last until the immediate crisis has passed. There should be a real inquiry into why there was a crisis. Usually, it's that a kid is in an extremely dysfunctional or abusive home. The kid should be allowed to go to an environment of their choosing -friend's family, a family member who they feel comfortable with.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline TheWho

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Parents who put their kids in program don't care about them
« Reply #36 on: January 02, 2008, 08:38:11 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Yup, this is the type of help, at aspen, that you advocate:

Quote from: ""guest"" ... c&start=60

There were more kids who were dangers to themselves. I honestly think ASR is very lucky in that no one has succeeded in committing suicide. I can tell you first hand that for someone with major depression ASR could drive you past breaking point easily. It seemed like they pick and chose who they took seriously about being suicidal. I was not taken seriously, and had my roommate not been in the room one day, I may well have taken my life. I do not say that to evoke pity or anything else like that, and I was not using it to "manipulate" ( a favorite ASR term)

Quote ... c&start=60
Three Springs Waygookin wrote:
1) What is self-study?

2) Describe this Escorting more please?

3) Why was a student doing the escorting of a self-harming/suicidal resident and not a staff member?

A self study was the worst of the three major consequences. (reflection, challenge, self study). You had work projects, all free time was spent at your table, facing the wall. Lots of writing assignments. Loss of all privileges. Standing during all meetings. You most likely had strict bans

Basically I had to take her back to the dorm and be with her while she gathered up her things and changed, etc. I don't remember if she showered or not. I was basically there to make sure she didn't attempt again.

I don't know why they had me do it. I was "trusted" at that point, and honestly... probably a better choice than some of the staff.

Quote ... r&start=15
yes, they did. to a large degree. Dean Kent (the staff mentioned in the article) was gone by the time i had arrived. (he was there in 1997, and i got to ASR in Cummington, MA on January 5th of 1998) i had heard from other students about Dean, that he was a really nice guy but fired b/c he'd called DSS on them. Brett Carey was still the Dean of Student Life when i arrived, and his wife Lisa also helped in the fitness department & was pregnant when i first arrived. They had 2 other daughters, Madison & Carly. The whole thought was a bit frightening, because when we had the 2 hour group "therapy" sessions 2 times a week, they were harsh and abusive to say the least. All of us students would be split into 2 groups, and we'd be rounded up in a circle to get screamed at, belittled and dehumanized. They called it "confrontational", although it was more like verbal abuse and intentional slaughtering.
i was very afraid while i was there, as a student with an extensive sexual abuse history involving rape & incest, i was constantly the target of this slaughtering, esp. b/c i was overweight at the time. needless to say, i left ASR with anorexia some 19 months later.
Brett & other students were all allowed to scream vulgarities at you, called you a "fat bitch, slut," and all. at the age of 15 i learned the word "dildo" while playing scrabble with Brett. One of my roomates claimed that Brett had forced her into sexual operations.
Most of all, it was excusable for students to haze each other.
It was almost looked at as funny. One Staff named Kristen Merhoff gave me funny looks and made sarcastic and patronizing comments when i'd opened up to her about my eating disorder.
Later on, a staff named Amy Robichaud would scream at me for ruining my life, pushing everyone away, talking about how i was a disasterous person, unworthy of being loved. To say the least, she was an abusive person, much alike a person in the throws of an addiction like alchoholism & drug addictions, both of which she admittedly had. There was a great deal of favoritism there, even staff who seemed to want to gain the approval of certain students.
The labor & sleep deprivation that was mentioned in the article is most likely in reference to the "Lifesteps". These were so called "workshops" it was mandatory for all students to attend. Staff and students would be expected to open up there deepest and most unknown
secrets for the sake of "growing". It's true, there was little sleeping allowed & often i myself left feeling shamed & ridiculed.
i was one of the main targets in that school the entire time i was there, a target of hazing & was even blamed for a student breaking into the med office and comsuming large quantities of my prescriptions. For the first 5 months i was there, you could litterally leave, go smoke 1/2 a pack of cigarettes, drop a couple tabs of acid, take like 5 hits off a joint come back & they wouldn't even realize it.
ASR is, to say the least, a very very fucked up place. i have several more things to say, but this whole thing would take eons.

Quote ... r&start=30

I am a former student at ASR. I was in the first peer group, 97-98. My experience there haunts me to this day. I have read many articles that refer to the "old staff" and "new staff". I cannot speak for the way ASR is run now, being 2004, but I can speak for how it was run in 97 and 98. Let me start by saying that I am not an angry, defiant kid who is trying to start trouble for ASR. I have graduated high school and am about to graduate college and enter law school. I don't get into trouble, I am a productive member of society, and want people to know the truth. We were badgered, belittled, sworn at, made to stay up all night during "life steps" and given only small rations of food, had all calls to our parents monitored by staff and had the phone hung up on us if we tried to complain to our parents about these things, scrutinized and humiliated on a daily basis. Our mail was read, staff lost their voices by yelling so loudly at us, I personally was called a "slut", a rich little Daddysgirl, a doormat, told my dad tried to buy my love with money, made to discuss personal sexual and private experiences in group sessions with other peers, made to write a ten page paper by hand about what my "issues" were, and if the staff didn't like it, I started over ( this was because I was too close to my friend there, and they put us on bans so we couldn't talk to each other). People, whomever wants to hear specific stories about all of these things, I would be more than happy to share with you!!! email me at [email protected] i bet i can help you get her out of there

I also graduated from ASR very recently on August the 6th. And I can tell you right now that any kid who complained, their parents were manipulated right out of believing them. There was extreme emotional abuse there, and the only reason anyone's behavior was modified was because they were scared shitless of staying there longer or going to a worse program. We were so scared, your own friends turned against you and you couldnt trust them. The group sessions were awful. One of my friends who had issues with sleeping around was in group and the counselor in the room told her that she might as well keep a mattress tied to her back. Daily, I heard awful things about myself and everyday I was just so sad. Places like this are awful and they need to be stopped. ASR isnt even the worst of them but they all need to go.

Quote ... r&start=60

I am a an ASR graduate. I graduated in October of 03. At the end of the program I believed that ASR had done a lot for me. Looking back I am shocked that I ever thought that. I was made to turn against my friends and turn them in for the slightest rule breaking (for example listening to music). In group we were often degraded and yelled at, supposedly to make us better. Several times I was suicidal and instead of worrying they told me I was lying and being manipulative. In one group eveyone was allowed to go around and say their judgements against everyone else things like "youre a fat slut". That group was horrible. You were scared into being good and behaving. I'm not sure why I thought this place was so great, I feel as if I was brainwashed in a way.
The wilderness experience was horrible. I spent over 40 days in the outdoors being punished for any little thing we did wrong. My first day I had to run 20 minutes and when I stopped the counselers screamed at me and when i vomited they didnt care. just told me i shouldt have drank so muich water.

The first 2 seem to be okay, fairly benign, though the last three are suspect and may be fabricated to make the school look bad.  If you could find the original posts and ink them properly, they may be more believable.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline TheWho

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Parents who put their kids in program don't care about them
« Reply #37 on: January 02, 2008, 09:02:03 PM »
My son was at ASR when base camp existed (he hated it) and he really changed a lot in Costa Rica (he apparently loved it.) He has written many essays (in others schools--he was only 15 when he left ASR) and I can think of no reason he would "lie" subsequently. He loved CR. I can certainly agree that giving the party line back could be a serious problem if groups were as coercive as described but that my son was still writing about CR in college admission essays seems uncoerced to me.

My son kept all his written work--even the self study which I guess was a severe punishment, although he did not describe it as such at the time. However, reading it (with him) years later, he explained his thought processes and it seems that he gained from putting his thoughts into writing. If he had to sit that would have been fine with him--standing at a meeting would not have been. However, the content of the self-study really seems to be the point and it is self-evidently valuable to him and to me, sharing it later.

I agree te education was mediocre but since my son did not like school anyway, I don't think there was a lot lost in 14 months. He did better in school upon returning home, so I think his increased motivation for living allowed him to catch up whatever was poorly taught (or not taught) at ASR. His SAT scores were fine but maybe they would have been anyway with or without ASR.

Currently my son is 19 and a student in NYC. He is in contact with several members of his peer group and most are doing OK--the exceptions seem to be those with heavy drug problems when they entered. That was not a problem for my son but I wondered when he was there if those students who were clearly addicted to drugs were well served in the program at ASR.

I think program match is important. I did not use an educational consultant. I wanted a program that was structured but not strict b-mod, had no sports teams and had an "artsy" student population where violence was not tolerated. The day before our first family resolution, a member of the peer group was kicked out for hitting someone. Although I was sorry for that boy, I was very glad my son was in a program where that would happen; if my son had felt bullied, he never would have opened his mouth.

While he was there, my son filed a complaint in writing against the PE teacher because he thought he was too much like a drill sergeant. This complaint was treated seriously and the PE teacher left. My son was depressed and rather shy (but very compassionate) so it is hard for me to reconcile what I am reading with him filing a complaint. If he had felt unsafe, he would not have done that.

Finally, I thought the consulting psychiatrist's approach to medication was cautious (which is good) and far better than we had experienced in the community--where meds are thrown around too freely IMO. Like another parent, my son had a say in his meds--mainly trying to find one that would lift the depression with the fewest side effects.

In short, I know no program is above criticism but getting away from the public school bullies (and then finishing h.s. at a private day school) gave my son the break he needed to get some perspective that adulthood could work for him if he could survive childhood.

As far as the person who said parents were not supposed to come to the weekends?? Every parent of the kids in the peer group was there including divorced parents who were not otherwise speaking. One child's parent could not go the CR and she appeared unhappy about that. Every other family had one or both parents in CR.

I was directed to this site by someone who is very confused about what to do for her son--she has exhausted local options and she fears the looming drug exposure in high school (with justification I think.) She knows me and my son well. She knows that I didn't just want to get rid of him for a while--and she can see how he has changed from a highly problematic young teen into a functional young adult. I am interested in whether ASR positively contributed to that change--or as someone stated, he "just grew up." Some of each is possible--but I fear that at home with the bullies, the huge high school, and the potential for serious drug use, and suicidality, he would not have survived to grow up.

Just a Mom

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Parents who put their kids in program don't care about them
« Reply #38 on: January 02, 2008, 09:22:45 PM »
Battle of the copy paste is on. Here's a tip: nobody other than yourselves care.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Parents who put their kids in program don't care about them
« Reply #39 on: January 02, 2008, 09:23:33 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Yup, this is the type of help, at aspen, that you advocate:

Quote from: ""guest"" ... c&start=60

There were more kids who were dangers to themselves. I honestly think ASR is very lucky in that no one has succeeded in committing suicide. I can tell you first hand that for someone with major depression ASR could drive you past breaking point easily. It seemed like they pick and chose who they took seriously about being suicidal. I was not taken seriously, and had my roommate not been in the room one day, I may well have taken my life. I do not say that to evoke pity or anything else like that, and I was not using it to "manipulate" ( a favorite ASR term)

Quote ... c&start=60
Three Springs Waygookin wrote:
1) What is self-study?

2) Describe this Escorting more please?

3) Why was a student doing the escorting of a self-harming/suicidal resident and not a staff member?

A self study was the worst of the three major consequences. (reflection, challenge, self study). You had work projects, all free time was spent at your table, facing the wall. Lots of writing assignments. Loss of all privileges. Standing during all meetings. You most likely had strict bans

Basically I had to take her back to the dorm and be with her while she gathered up her things and changed, etc. I don't remember if she showered or not. I was basically there to make sure she didn't attempt again.

I don't know why they had me do it. I was "trusted" at that point, and honestly... probably a better choice than some of the staff.

Quote ... r&start=15
yes, they did. to a large degree. Dean Kent (the staff mentioned in the article) was gone by the time i had arrived. (he was there in 1997, and i got to ASR in Cummington, MA on January 5th of 1998) i had heard from other students about Dean, that he was a really nice guy but fired b/c he'd called DSS on them. Brett Carey was still the Dean of Student Life when i arrived, and his wife Lisa also helped in the fitness department & was pregnant when i first arrived. They had 2 other daughters, Madison & Carly. The whole thought was a bit frightening, because when we had the 2 hour group "therapy" sessions 2 times a week, they were harsh and abusive to say the least. All of us students would be split into 2 groups, and we'd be rounded up in a circle to get screamed at, belittled and dehumanized. They called it "confrontational", although it was more like verbal abuse and intentional slaughtering.
i was very afraid while i was there, as a student with an extensive sexual abuse history involving rape & incest, i was constantly the target of this slaughtering, esp. b/c i was overweight at the time. needless to say, i left ASR with anorexia some 19 months later.
Brett & other students were all allowed to scream vulgarities at you, called you a "fat bitch, slut," and all. at the age of 15 i learned the word "dildo" while playing scrabble with Brett. One of my roomates claimed that Brett had forced her into sexual operations.
Most of all, it was excusable for students to haze each other.
It was almost looked at as funny. One Staff named Kristen Merhoff gave me funny looks and made sarcastic and patronizing comments when i'd opened up to her about my eating disorder.
Later on, a staff named Amy Robichaud would scream at me for ruining my life, pushing everyone away, talking about how i was a disasterous person, unworthy of being loved. To say the least, she was an abusive person, much alike a person in the throws of an addiction like alchoholism & drug addictions, both of which she admittedly had. There was a great deal of favoritism there, even staff who seemed to want to gain the approval of certain students.
The labor & sleep deprivation that was mentioned in the article is most likely in reference to the "Lifesteps". These were so called "workshops" it was mandatory for all students to attend. Staff and students would be expected to open up there deepest and most unknown
secrets for the sake of "growing". It's true, there was little sleeping allowed & often i myself left feeling shamed & ridiculed.
i was one of the main targets in that school the entire time i was there, a target of hazing & was even blamed for a student breaking into the med office and comsuming large quantities of my prescriptions. For the first 5 months i was there, you could litterally leave, go smoke 1/2 a pack of cigarettes, drop a couple tabs of acid, take like 5 hits off a joint come back & they wouldn't even realize it.
ASR is, to say the least, a very very fucked up place. i have several more things to say, but this whole thing would take eons.

Quote ... r&start=30

I am a former student at ASR. I was in the first peer group, 97-98. My experience there haunts me to this day. I have read many articles that refer to the "old staff" and "new staff". I cannot speak for the way ASR is run now, being 2004, but I can speak for how it was run in 97 and 98. Let me start by saying that I am not an angry, defiant kid who is trying to start trouble for ASR. I have graduated high school and am about to graduate college and enter law school. I don't get into trouble, I am a productive member of society, and want people to know the truth. We were badgered, belittled, sworn at, made to stay up all night during "life steps" and given only small rations of food, had all calls to our parents monitored by staff and had the phone hung up on us if we tried to complain to our parents about these things, scrutinized and humiliated on a daily basis. Our mail was read, staff lost their voices by yelling so loudly at us, I personally was called a "slut", a rich little Daddysgirl, a doormat, told my dad tried to buy my love with money, made to discuss personal sexual and private experiences in group sessions with other peers, made to write a ten page paper by hand about what my "issues" were, and if the staff didn't like it, I started over ( this was because I was too close to my friend there, and they put us on bans so we couldn't talk to each other). People, whomever wants to hear specific stories about all of these things, I would be more than happy to share with you!!! email me at [email protected] i bet i can help you get her out of there

I also graduated from ASR very recently on August the 6th. And I can tell you right now that any kid who complained, their parents were manipulated right out of believing them. There was extreme emotional abuse there, and the only reason anyone's behavior was modified was because they were scared shitless of staying there longer or going to a worse program. We were so scared, your own friends turned against you and you couldnt trust them. The group sessions were awful. One of my friends who had issues with sleeping around was in group and the counselor in the room told her that she might as well keep a mattress tied to her back. Daily, I heard awful things about myself and everyday I was just so sad. Places like this are awful and they need to be stopped. ASR isnt even the worst of them but they all need to go.

Quote ... r&start=60

I am a an ASR graduate. I graduated in October of 03. At the end of the program I believed that ASR had done a lot for me. Looking back I am shocked that I ever thought that. I was made to turn against my friends and turn them in for the slightest rule breaking (for example listening to music). In group we were often degraded and yelled at, supposedly to make us better. Several times I was suicidal and instead of worrying they told me I was lying and being manipulative. In one group eveyone was allowed to go around and say their judgements against everyone else things like "youre a fat slut". That group was horrible. You were scared into being good and behaving. I'm not sure why I thought this place was so great, I feel as if I was brainwashed in a way.
The wilderness experience was horrible. I spent over 40 days in the outdoors being punished for any little thing we did wrong. My first day I had to run 20 minutes and when I stopped the counselers screamed at me and when i vomited they didnt care. just told me i shouldt have drank so muich water.

The first 2 seem to be okay, fairly benign, though the last three are suspect and may be fabricated to make the school look bad.  If you could find the original posts and ink them properly, they may be more believable.

Considering how many kids have died at aspen because they've not been given medical care, i don't think that the first two posts are benign. Considering how many kids have committed suicide after aspen I don't think writing that aspen pushes past the breaking point is benign. And having a child "guard" another child who is deemed suicidal because there are not more trustworthy adults available is not benign. And the "consequances" are not benign either, except for pro child tortuers, like yourslef, who.

And what makes you say that the rest are exagerations? I thought as long as the programs are named you can beleive the survivors.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Parents who put their kids in program don't care about them
« Reply #40 on: January 02, 2008, 09:27:11 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Battle of the copy paste is on. Here's a tip: nobody other than yourselves care.

Except for no-life-loser-trolls like yourself, eh?
Here's a tip: when you don't care, you don't comment.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline TheWho

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Parents who put their kids in program don't care about them
« Reply #41 on: January 02, 2008, 09:27:58 PM »
And what makes you say that the rest are exagerations?

Try clicking on the links.  They are fake.  Makes you wonder if the stories are true.
I have seen people try to pull this before and it turned out the original posts never existed.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Parents who put their kids in program don't care about them
« Reply #42 on: January 02, 2008, 09:33:18 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Battle of the copy paste is on. Here's a tip: nobody other than yourselves care.
Except for no-life-loser-trolls like yourself, eh?
Here's a tip: when you don't care, you don't comment.

Ouch, that stings. Why are you so cruel? Did your parents sexually abuse you and your misplaced revenge guides you to hate an online stranger? I pity you, please seek the help you so obviously need.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Parents who put their kids in program don't care about them
« Reply #43 on: January 02, 2008, 09:46:08 PM »
Guess that means you care. Of course you do, as a child torturer. What? No chance at social promotion outside the confines of cult? Take out your anger on helpless abduction victims? You are pathetic, but I don’t pity you. I hope you get the sentence your victims need.
Here's a link to one of the testimonies that should work. If not, well, just go to the Aspen Forum. It takes a little digging and research, but all those testimonies are there. And any caring official/parent doesn't mind a lil research.
And I guess we agree that these testimonies are all true now, as the "argument" was that they can't be believed because the "links didn’t work." Glad that's settled. Aspen is an abusive cult.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline TheWho

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Parents who put their kids in program don't care about them
« Reply #44 on: January 02, 2008, 09:55:56 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Guess that means you care. Of course you do, as a child torturer. What? No chance at social promotion outside the confines of cult? Take out your anger on helpless abduction victims? You are pathetic, but I don’t pity you. I hope you get the sentence your victims need.
Here's a link to one of the testimonies that should work. If not, well, just go to the Aspen Forum. It takes a little digging and research, but all those testimonies are there. And any caring official/parent doesn't mind a lil research.
And I guess we agree that these testimonies are all true now, as the "argument" was that they can't be believed because the "links didn’t work." Glad that's settled. Aspen is an abusive cult.

Well we have to believe you have fabricated the stories, once again, unless you can get these to work.  You try to trick us by making the first two link up and then assume no one will check the others.  This time you got caught.




I will show you... I will post a story and then provide a link to the original post so that it can be verified.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »