I dont think this guy actually views it as therapy as such. I also don't think a work ethic is an unreasonable thing to instill in any kid regardless of socioeconomic background. Plenty of middle class kids are encouraged to get a job at the local fast food place part time to pay for a few little extra treats along the way. This does not make their parents abusive freaks. My only concern was that he mentioned cuffing the boys round the ear but i am not sure if that was meant in the sense of mannish horseplay or not.
What is good about this school is that it is entirely voluntary, the boys are free to drop out at any time after giving it a fair go ( and some do) and that the reward at the end is tangible and practical. There is no evidence from that article that they sit around forced to share anything or to do anything excessive like harsh manual labor.
Perhaps this man is the first adult to take an interest in these boys? I hardly think that makes him the king of the gulag.