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Can't cope with society thanks to Paradise Cove!
« on: April 14, 2007, 06:55:51 AM »
Pardon my blunt language and longwindness:

In a world after 9/11, to whom do I talk to about this matter? My mother and step-father will not admit to the criminal and Satanic mistake they made with these Mormon-Republican devils. Oh, before you think I'm a Liberal Democrat wacko, I'm not. I'm a Catholic Republican and I would never do this to anyTHING alive. How can anybody ever be convinced a Nazi/Soviet style concentration camp is the answer for petty teen behavior? Furthermore, these parents, the Baby Boomers, who all boozed it up in Studio 54 and fucked each other silly at college orgies of the Animal House magnitude, has the hypocritical gaul to PUNISH their own FLESH AND BLOOD for the very same actions? Speaking as somebody who can't recover no matter what I've tried in life, the children today are the same children we've always been. We're children, being wild after World War II. How dare the parents think they are better than us when they acted just as us! Who the fuck do they think they are, passing judgement against us? As Americans, we're entitled to DUE PROCESS OF LAW, and are innocent till proven guilty. Judges are either appointed by politicans elected by the people, in a Right granted by God via the Declaration of Independece, Articles of Conferderation and the Constitution, or are elected directly by the people thereof, in the same manner of dictation via the Three Founding Documents. Ergo, only God Himself can send us to these places under American Law. Yet, our parents decided to send to these places for "help". What kind of help did I get? NONE! I'll explain in detail.

After being led to a trip to LA for no reason at all (and I packed movies and video games for the trip), I was tackled in the LA airport where the movie The Net has a scene of Sandra Bullock eating pizza, waiting for her plane. To this day, I can't go near LAX, nor watch that scene in The Net for occurance of a mental breakdown. Similarly, I can't watch the Disney movie Heavyweights at all, nor Girl Interrupted. Those if I got treatment like in Girl Interrupted, I doubt I would've become a confused, hateful, sex-crazed maniac. Anyways, as I said, I was led to LA for no reason some time between Fed. 29, 1996 and Mar. 14, 1996. In was the Friday following the 29th, I remember that much.

Recently beforehand, I had decided to dropout of high school. A friend of mine was in home schooling and was only 15 and in college, so I was considering it. I also applied at over 50+ places for a job earlier in January, and was eagerly awaiting word from them. Furthermore, I was an aspiring author, and my mentor, who died shortly after my return in 1998, was coaching me on becoming a professional author for writing computer articles. I was also working on home anime movie efforts with another friend of mine, who was an anime freak. No doubt we would've started a dot-com and bailed at the last minute. Lastly, I had an approved internship awaiting at Westwood Studios, the makers of Command & Conquer game series, plus numerous contacts throughout Hollywood and TV stations. Tru Hawkings of AM 720 KDWN Las Vegas and his fellow DJs were a big help for me. To this day, my mother assumed I was a "troubled" teen because I sought to jumpstart my life by leaving conventional high school and wanted to get home schooling.

Well, thanks to missing those two years of my life (16, 17), I never finished high school, I can't concentrate at college (since 1998 and counting), I can't hold a job of any kind, and due to my inability to lose weight, I can't join the Military (hey, not a pretty alternative, but better than being penniless, which I am now). Other problems I have deal with me, time stopped on March 16, 1996, when the bastards caught me. Everything since then is amnesia. I wake up screaming every night, in a cold sweat. I have nothing but nightmares of that place, and fear sleep in the night, though that's a bit strange, considering they made us "sleep" with the lights on. Anyways, it's sad that Clayton Bowman, a fellow they made me go through one of their "seminars" with, was wasted away into skeleton and now lives in a mental institution forever, since 1998. He left right after I did.

I got lucky.

When I left on January 16, 1998, my 18th birthday, I informed the director, that fucking Mormon bastard Brain Vaifanua, that my family is full of Free Masons and Mafia. He chuckled at first till I saw written proof that the the Samoan Government had learned of my existence and I was freed via that. I don't know about the Mafia part (how much power did they have after Gotti went to jail), but the Free Mason paid off. I was free. Poor Clayton didn't leave till a little bit after me. The few times I did get to see him afterwards, he was gone. Far out. I mean it. He was also scarred, as am I, with ringworms and other ailments. My mother, after my return, couldn't figure out why I couldn't work, wouldn't do my school work, smoked heavily, didn't show up to anything, refused to talk to anybody associated with WWASP programs, and went into sex and drugs like a man posessed. Because I was. You would be, too, if you went thru just one day of what I went through for 22 months. 22 long months. Sadly, all of the evidence I'm aware of my stay has been destroyed. A common pratice, I've heard. But every year that has passed since March 16, 1996, I want to die a little more. I'm called a bum by my friends, but I've not shared my experiences with them. As already stated, my parents turn away, refusing to acknowledge anything about it. My mother's given me over $50,000+ to shut up about it and not go to court. I still refused. She gave me a house in Pahrump, NV, worth $210,000, and I've still thinking of causing a stink. You see, I can't comprehend anything. Quickly, and unfortunately, I have to use those "seminar" "skills" to turn bad situations around in my favor because why I do or say I am wholly unaware of. Like I said, I don't remember ANYTHING from January 16, 1998 till a few hours ago, if that. Oh, I know 9/11 happened that that we're fighting Gulf War II in Iraq, and that I've had sex and did drugs and such, only because people and pictures exist of me doing as such. No actualy recollection exists in my head about it. None.

Example, a Japanese girl who lives in Green Valley, NV, named Yuko, claims I fathered her child, and that we were lovers in 1999. Huh? I set up an extract of money from my trust for her but I don't know her. Strange, huh?

So onward I march.

After getting kidnapped a second time from my own house on March 16, I was dragged to LA again, and watched by this bastard asshole name Atwood. They had their fucking poser son with them, too, and he followed me everywhere, the fuck! They tried to feed me food, but I resisted. They let me have full control of the TV, and even let me wear a fannel the next day. Well, I should've known that allowing me to watch all of the HBO I want would've made me stay up late, and too tired to kick the screen out of a 2nd story window in the hotel they took me to. I even mouthed "Help me," to a babe and her boyfriend. They took a concerned look but didn't do anything. I should've woken up early, and jumped the window. I would've landed on some banana trees in Inglewood, but nevertheless, it's LA, and I can disappear in 10 sec. if given the chance. Also, if I caused a noise in the yard, the cops would've come, and I'd be better off that way.

But no, I watched dirty movies on HBO and then With Honors and Miracle on 34th Street the next morning. To this day, I can't watch those movies alone. Nor can I watch Frasier, which is the sitcom I was watching that night.

You know, the first time I was in LAX I should've let the LAX PD arrest "Terry" and those fuckers for trying to kidnap me. I should've. The Devil was in me. Today? Forget it. I'll fight to the death for my FREEDOM. Yeah, I did fight back then. Strangely, in 10th grade, I had an IQ of 210 according to the tests. My IQ today? 82.

My mom tried to apologize, and something should've tipped me off when my grandparents didn't expect us in LA. They always know when we're coming over. Strange, huh?

As I sat on the plane, Samoans asked if I was playing volleyball. I told them I didn't know shit. I saw some other kids who were dressed the same. I should've organized a rebellion or something. (I almost had a revolution at the cult compound I was at in Dec. '97.) Nothing tipped me off. When we got to Hawaii, some New Zealander fucker gave me a lecture on what a New Zealander is. Whatever, asshole. Then he asked what I was in for. In for? WTF? I said I don't know, writing a novel? They all laughed. Then forced back on the plance to Samoa. Now, if I had known that if I caused a problem in Hawaii or American Samoa, that the PD would've came, I could've done as such. But those fuckers lie at every chance. EVERY CHANCE. To this day, I hope Hawaii and Samoa burns in a volcanic death.

I'm going to skip some details, but here's a list of shit that I had happened to me:

No food.
Sexual abused in everyway.
Repeat beatings.
No water.
No bathroom.
No bedding.
Little items I had were stolen, like my sweaty hat and shoes.
My Bible ripped and wrecked.
What little food I got, stolen from me.
Forced to drink cum, piss, eat shit.
Duct-taped from head to toe for no reason.
No toilet paper.
Had rocks and items thrown at me.
Locked in a hot, wooden box.
Forced to eat paper.
Forced to be naked for a week.
Thrown into the ocean during a typhoon.
Kicked down a hill and had logs thrown on me.
Had a chair slammed into my gut.
Obtained more skin diseases than a POW in Vietnam.
Forced to carry "sandbags" of rocks up and down hills.
Lived in the jungle called Le Tiera.
Screamed at and clubbed during seminars.
Had other "students" "enforce" "rules" on me for no reason.

I'm sure there's more if I went into it day by day. Which I can. In the end, a Christmas arguement broke out between the staff and me. I had the whole "beach" I was in ready to fight back. I had stored over the 22 months, bags, clubs, wood, rocks, homemade slings, homemade spears, shanks from toothbrushes, waterhoses for whips, seashells for spikes in the clubs, nails and screws I found, random kitchen and computer parts for weaponary. Toxic chemicals made from shampoo, toothpaste and sea creatures and plants, and bars of soap for use in socks. A boiling point came when they wanted us to do "choose" from dancing like a bunch of jigaboos and coons and just staying on the "beach" and doing nothing. I chose nothing. The lady in charge comes over and argues with me. She then lays "consequences" on me. Just for disagreeing? Um, hello, we're Americans, we disagree on EVERYTHING! After everybody was forced out, she said I don't get a consequence if I fuck her. Honestly, what the Hell, right? I was there for 20 months by then without pussy or a woman, and I was forced to do gross shit that nobody would do outside of a Dutch porn room, so I did it fast and went about my business. Shows you what kind of "professionals" they hire, huh? The only two good people there were Saliva the Ape and Mr. Tau. They were fired for actually rehabilitating us! Why? Because they had degrees from college and knew how to handle us! WOW! And they were fired. The rest of the fucks were just that, fucks. So anyways, after I did my male deed with a her, I just walked out of the "schoolhouse" alone. I was about to scream, "REVOLUTION!" when I noticed all of weaponary was being taken. I didn't say anything. The "staff" wanted to know who's stuff it was. Nobody talked. Loyality. We were threatened with more of that "consequences" non-sense when I saw the Samoan I just boinked talk to the "staff" in Samoan and the situation was over. She just winked at me and left. I was allowed free reign on that "beach" as long as I stayed around. Just as long as I didn't leave. I don't know if I was a good lay, or they knew that we could take 'em. Or if we failed, we'd have one Hell of a bad story for ACLU to pursue in International Court. Either way, I was free. In a strange way, my "freedom" was kept in a 1984ish way, like in the end of the book, where they let Winston do anything he wants. Only difference is I was aware of it, he wasn't. I also had to boink that fat Samoan staff lady sometimes up to five times a day. Look, physically I enjoyed it, but seriously, if I was living in the States according to my original plan, I'd never boink that!

So comes the last weeks, when I was doing whatever. One staff member tried to "consequence" me the day before I left. Finally, he let up, because the directors told him to. Why? Don't know. He got in trouble, I was "free" to go fuck off as along as I stayed on the "beach". In the end, I was playing video games on the computers they had.

When my time came to leave, I told the guys, "Look, I don't when I'll be going," and I got pulled out of the hut and forced to pack up my stuff and be "upstairs" in five minutes. Those last few weeks and dashing off felt great after 20 months of torture and no food, no freedom. Not even allowed to talk. Look, bluntly, getting ugly pussy helped just as much. It was needed. But for people like Clayton Bowman, Fred McCandles, David Takken, Matt Sunkel, Dustin Hobbs, TJ Bentley, Tommy George, Mike Renick, Chris Sutton (who's dad is Ken Kay's lawyer BTW), Nick Gallagher, Chris Landry (who's dead), Taylor Milan, and others . . . it's didn't help them. They became worse. They became worse.

I'm not against youth teen programs.

I'm against youth teen programs that are ran like a Nazi concentration camp.

Go for it on anybody who wants to sue 'em for pass laws against 'em. I'm all for it. If I could, I'd start one that only takes 20 people and have them work at a computer Internet cafe and attend Church every Sunday. That'd be effective. Not this "though love" bullshit.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Rachael

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Can't cope with society thanks to Paradise Cove!
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2007, 07:08:55 AM »
I'm sorry.

I can't let myself sleep either. I stay up till the waking images and paranoia become worse than the nightmares will be.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Justice, Justice shall you pursue.

Deuteronomy 16:20

Offline OverLordd

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Can't cope with society thanks to Paradise Cove!
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2007, 09:10:24 AM »
I'm sorry for what happened to you, unfortunately the athorities don't care, nor does main stream america. Because the athorities dont care that you were tortured more than the terroristis in gitmo, you cant really do anything. You cant advocate for violence against these people (maybe if you were Al Sharpton) you cant advocate for monitary compensation, you can barely sue, congraduations, you were raped for 22 months, and no one cares.... depressing hmm....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
our walking down a hallway, you turn left, you turn right. BRICK WALL!


Yeah, hes a survivor.

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2007, 09:33:24 AM »
That's a trip that your mom is trying to pay you off to shut up about it. I heard of a kid at SCL who slept with his family rep.. I think sexual abuse is happening at these WWASPS gulags and nobody seems to give a shit. When an old woman sexually molests a teenager they just say, oh the kid wanted to do it. This is a double standard. If a male had molested a teenage girl the thinking it a lot different. Sorry you had to go through all that shit. It sounds like you were a very intelligent teen and your parents sent you to get tortured for it.. what a waste,
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline exhausted

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« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2007, 05:04:26 PM »
Programmer #A-5 - why don't you write a book about it? You don't have to let your talent go to waste, you can use it for the good and it may be therapuetic.

Can i ask if you have nightmares while awake during the day, as if you were dreaming but you know you are really awake?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline sick of child torture girl

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« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2007, 09:34:08 PM »
Quote from: ""exhausted""
Programmer #A-5 - why don't you write a book about it? You don't have to let your talent go to waste, you can use it for the good and it may be therapuetic.

Can i ask if you have nightmares while awake during the day, as if you were dreaming but you know you are really awake?

unfortuntetly it doesnt work that way. I dont know about this fellow's experience, but what we go through at program destroys our brains. So, not only are out lives taken but our brains ability to transend the suffering through art. You can't write a book with a part of your brain missing. Thats the point of breaking somone-removing that capacity for self assertion its not the sufffering its the damage it produces what makes program the most evil thing imaginable
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2007, 11:40:36 PM »
Jesus and I thought Peninsula village was bad.  What the hell is going on here, that these places are legal? I was brought up to think, before PV, that nothing like a gulag, or a prison camp existed in or through the U.S.  I have a professor who rants about Gitmo, why don't they see this stuff?  You really should write a book.  People need to know that there are such things!  :flame:  :cry:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2007, 11:49:05 PM »

This movie is coming out soon.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2007, 11:52:38 PM »
Michael Rechtshaffen
July 15, 2005

LAS VEGAS -- Newcomer Monty Lapica makes an assured debut on both sides of the camera in "Self-Medicated," a lightly fictionalized account of his drug-abusing high school years and attempted rehabilitation at a controversial treatment center.

There's a palpable element of honesty in Lapica's writing and lead performance that gives this indie production, which received its world premiere at the recent CineVegas Film Festival, the edge over other troubled teen dramas.

A natural for festivals, the picture establishes Lapica as one to watch -- either as a filmmaker or, for that matter, an actor.

Having never come to terms with the death of his father, Lapica's alter ego Drew Eriksen lapses from honor roll student to party animal on the fast-track to self-destruction.

No longer able to handle the Las Vegas teenager's violent outbursts and increasingly unpredictable behavior, Drew's mother (effectively played by Diane Venora), herself in denial about her addiction to prescription drugs, takes drastic measures and has him snatched right out of his bed in the middle of the night by attendants from a lock-down treatment facility.

But the questionable, if not downright abusive, reform tactics fail to have the desired effect on Drew, who stages a bold escape from the de facto prison and, after a few false starts, finds his way on his own path to rehab.

Although the good-looking Lapica is right on the edge of being able to pass himself off as a teenager, there's a real sense of authority and a raw, unmannered intensity in his performance that sets the requisite tone for the entire production.

While one is curious to see if the feature novice will be able to demonstrate that same level of assurance with a project that isn't autobiographical, "Self-Medicated" is just what the doctor ordered in terms of an impressive calling card, with Lapica receiving sturdy technical back-up from cinematographer Denis Maloney and a reflective piano-driven score by Anthony Marinelli.


Monty was sent to Brightway Hospital and escaped from the Honolulu Airport while being "escorted" to Paradise Cove.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2007, 10:28:22 PM »
Programmer,As you might have noticed a sick and twisted program parent posted named "TheWho" has already taken advantage of you posting your tale of abuse by copy/pasting it in another thread to make a joke about it. It's a fucked up world that people would sit around on the internet using personal stories of people's worst moments to try and make a joke. I want to apologize for this sick fucker doing this. It is completely unacceptable and I hope it doesn't keep you from posting here again. your stories are well written and deserved to be told. Even if program parents desperately try and get you to shut up by ridiculing you. They are abusers to this day, they never learn how to stop.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline psy

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« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2007, 12:28:51 AM »
Quote from: ""sick of child torture girl""
Quote from: ""exhausted""
Programmer #A-5 - why don't you write a book about it? You don't have to let your talent go to waste, you can use it for the good and it may be therapuetic.

Can i ask if you have nightmares while awake during the day, as if you were dreaming but you know you are really awake?

unfortuntetly it doesnt work that way. I dont know about this fellow's experience, but what we go through at program destroys our brains. So, not only are out lives taken but our brains ability to transend the suffering through art.

I don't know if i believe that.  I can't.  There has to be a way back.  Hope is something they took from me to break me down... If i had no hope now, i would still be down.  I won't let them win twice.  And even if i had no hope, i'm not sure i would stop.  There are times when you fight even when you don't know if you can win.  The future is uncertain always.

Damaged yes...  But broken, no.  the pieces can always be put back together.  There will always be cracks, memories that will not go away, but the fractured mind can heal.  They didn't erase as much as they overwrote.  There is still a residue of what was there if you research what was added, and subtract that from who you are.

Is my creativity damaged?  maybe.  But i tap the pain.  Pain gives strength when you face it and channel it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Benchmark Young Adult School - bad place [ link]
Sue Scheff Truth - Blog on Sue Scheff
"Our services are free; we do not make a profit. Parents of troubled teens ourselves, PURE strives to create a safe haven of truth and reality." - Sue Scheff - August 13th, 2007 (fukkin surreal)

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2007, 01:45:47 AM »
Yeah, no shit! I don't think Who even knows the half of how fucked up that is. Normal people who don't cloister themselves among programmies pretty much pick up on it right away. But does he notice? Hell no! Cause he's a zealot.

People just wouldn't believe it if they didn't see for themselves. And, often enough, people do ask if Who is for real or if he's a troll. Nice to see him doing his part to tell the whole story, isn't it?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2007, 07:25:50 AM »
Quote from: ""TheWho""
It shows how many people here really believe this happens everyday at TBS's or wilderness. I know differently, kids are not Duct taped from head to toe and thrown into an ocean during a typhoon, the same as they are not made to march without food. ]/b] These are all distortions to scare parents away... anyone coming on here for the first time might believe some of the stories told, but as the stories grow and grow you loose the ability (credibility) to scare people aware from these places.

I just think it is funny that everyone buys into this crap like its a religion or something and its sacrilegious to not believe everything or talk against it as I do.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline psy

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« Reply #13 on: April 16, 2007, 07:57:14 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""TheWho""
It shows how many people here really believe this happens everyday at TBS's or wilderness. I know differently, kids are not Duct taped from head to toe and thrown into an ocean during a typhoon, the same as they are not made to march without food. ]/b] These are all distortions to scare parents away... anyone coming on here for the first time might believe some of the stories told, but as the stories grow and grow you loose the ability (credibility) to scare people aware from these places.

I just think it is funny that everyone buys into this crap like its a religion or something and its sacrilegious to not believe everything or talk against it as I do.

Thanks for forking the thread before that asshole ruins it.

Sorry about TheWho, ProgrammerA-5.  He's a sick person. Hang in there.  Have you tried art?  Art works well with PTSD.. at least for me...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Benchmark Young Adult School - bad place [ link]
Sue Scheff Truth - Blog on Sue Scheff
"Our services are free; we do not make a profit. Parents of troubled teens ourselves, PURE strives to create a safe haven of truth and reality." - Sue Scheff - August 13th, 2007 (fukkin surreal)

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #14 on: April 16, 2007, 10:01:47 AM »
Quote from: ""psy""
Quote from: ""sick of child torture girl""
Quote from: ""exhausted""
Programmer #A-5 - why don't you write a book about it? You don't have to let your talent go to waste, you can use it for the good and it may be therapuetic.

Can i ask if you have nightmares while awake during the day, as if you were dreaming but you know you are really awake?

unfortuntetly it doesnt work that way. I dont know about this fellow's experience, but what we go through at program destroys our brains. So, not only are out lives taken but our brains ability to transend the suffering through art.

I don't know if i believe that.  I can't.  There has to be a way back.  Hope is something they took from me to break me down... If i had no hope now, i would still be down.  I won't let them win twice.  And even if i had no hope, i'm not sure i would stop.  There are times when you fight even when you don't know if you can win.  The future is uncertain always.

Damaged yes...  But broken, no.  the pieces can always be put back together.  There will always be cracks, memories that will not go away, but the fractured mind can heal.  They didn't erase as much as they overwrote.  There is still a residue of what was there if you research what was added, and subtract that from who you are.

Is my creativity damaged?  maybe.  But i tap the pain.  Pain gives strength when you face it and channel it.

Very well said, psy! I was gonna reply to that but couldn't have put it any better....kudos to you!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »