Author Topic: Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon  (Read 320338 times)

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Re: Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon
« Reply #1005 on: February 08, 2009, 10:54:44 PM »
Quote from: "brandyrey1968"
Quote from: "Guest"
You asked for it, so here I am.  Another Roloff "survivor" as you call it.  I don't know who you are, but I am sure I was there at the same time you were because I too was there when the girl jumped out of the second story window.  I have two questions for: 1. What is wrong with you?  2.  Why are you lying about the Rebekah Home?  I was there for 2 years and was very happy to be there.  You must have been someone who didn't want to stop your street life and make a future for yourself.  Everything you said is a lie!  And I wish I knew your name so I could expose your behavior during your Rebekah stay, because like I said I must know who you are since you say you were at the home when I was there.  Shame on your wicked, evil self!  And how dare you talk like that about the Camerons!  They showed more parental love to us girls than our own parents.  May God have mercy on your wicked soul for your evil actions.
Hello. I too am a Rebekah girl and proud of it. I have always wondered what happened to the girls that were there while I was there and how could I ever find them. I can't believe I found this web site. I was there from Dec 1983 to Jan 1985. Let's talk.

Hi brandy, i was in Rebekah from 03/83-04/84.

[email protected]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon
« Reply #1006 on: February 20, 2009, 03:17:34 PM »
I am going to tell you my life at the homes. Who best to judge. The ones who have been there. I arrived in Oct.1969.At this time there were only trailers. I do remember not liking the place. But it seemed better than my home when I got there.I Felt like it was what it was. We cooked and cleaned and worked in the fields. Nothing wrong with hard work and doing chores. I expected that from my own children I had later in life. We had to memorize scripture. Well it was a Christian Home.They did provide some schooling. At first it was a public school. Then it was in the barn. Do not know why it seemed I never learned anything.After I knew my 6 months were up that the judge sentenced me too I was ready to go home.I figured I would not cause anymore trouble and let my mom sleep around and just hope the guys stayed away from me and my sisters. Well I did not get to go home. As a kid I do not know if Granny and PaPa were just trying to get me to realize my parents did not want me or just being mean. All I know is when you do not feel the love and things like that are constantly said to you it does have an impact.The homes were getting built. We all had to work to build them. Along with the fields,school,memorizing,being taken all over the country to sing. No matter how busy they kept me I had great issue with what they taught and what they showed. I did not see good Christians.I saw people that if you did not do it there way you would be punished. I saw and felt and heard constant berating, and incesive talk of being a sinner going to burn in hell. I was totally confused.I ran nuemerous times. One time in particular I hid under the couch on the back porch.Well I got found. I was a mere 90 lbs. and walking down the hall back to the front office I guess PaPa was just so mad he couldn't stand it and he boxed me upside the back of my head several times walking down that hall. I got 40 licks with a board the other girls could count them he hit me so hard.Another time I did something wrong(can't remeber what it was) he picked me up and threw me up against the doors. I also remember a time in Georgia when I like many others stayed in peoples homes. I made out with the son of the people I stayed with. I got told on and when we got to church Granny got me in the bath room and beat me about the head and shoulders. I pretty much knew it was wrong what I did but there form of disapiline was way out of line. Where was the love or talking to you and instilling sorry for my actions instead of hate and more rebbelion. At 15 after hearing my parents did not want me and I would go to the home in Ga for young adults when it was time. Then go to the old folks home in the Valley and then be brought back and buried across the street from the girls home in the Robstown cemetary. I tried to kill myself. Did they take me to a Dr. no it would only cause questions as to what happened there. I can never remember being taken to the Dr. except one time in forida when I stayed with some people and they saw I could hardly walk from ingrown toenails, I also had the measeles and a high fewer. They told Brother Roloff and then I was taken to a Dr. But I still had to be at church that night to sing and quote the scriptures.I had horrible episodes of tonsilitus the whole time I lived there. I would just lay on the bed and let my spit run out of my mouth I could not swallow. I do not remeber alot of things that went on there but I do know I never got an education. Never felt loved or wanted. I always felt like I was there to earn my own keep and sing and quote scriptures as told as this was how Roloff got millions for his empire.How many of you girls left the home with a good education. Or had medical problems fixed or saw dentist things a true family do for you.I remember a handful of the special girls who got special treatment because they always acted like the perfect little christian children.I got pregnant around the end of Oct.1972.At this time they were trying to hide the pregnant girls and those of us who would tell what it was really like. The beatings. I am not saying I have never whipped my children for I have. But there is a difference between a whipping and a beating.anyone who says different is a liar.The law states we can inflict corrpral punishment on our children.THIS MEANS SPANK ON THE BOTTOM.It does not mean excessive beating with boards and horse straps or hitting you in the face or doubling up your fist and beating you around your body. This was done there to many. Of course not to the ones who were completely brainwashed and became like little Roloff robots.Take the amount of girls who went thru the homes over the entire period of time they were open and I can bet you 85% were the ones who could not pull off being perfect. We were kids for God sake.I was finally sent home as I was to hard to hid and being pregnant and the fact that I had a boy sneak to my room would have not been good. I got home and my mom finally before the insurance ran out had my tonsils taken out. this is when the Dr. told her I was pregnant. Well while in the hosp. I guess my mom talked to Bro. Roloff about it. He had just opened the home in Hattiesburg. I am sure he was always looking for girls he could decide on taking thier babies. You know even God gives us a choice to accept or reject him. WHO PLACED ROLOFF IN THE POSTION TO DECIDE THINGS LIKE THIS.As with the Rebecca home we were locked up. Mail was read and we were constanly told what sinners we were.If we loved our babies we would give them to people who had no children and would give them a nice home,love, money for all that they would need. I turned 18 in June 1973. Legal age and tried to run. Was caught and locked up even more.They too had there moments of whipping pregnant girls. I had been given 10 dollars from a woman who told me this is for you I heard you had no family. I already gave to Bro. Roloff. I was so touched I went to my room crying. Mrs. Wills came in and asked what I was pouting about I said nothing. she just kept on. Finally I said people cry for many different reasons. Well she was standing over me and slapped me in the face. I do not remember anything after that.Just that I was standing over her and she was laying on the floor. The girls in the room said I went crazy and beat her up. Well just like all the other girls I went into labor. they do take you to the hosp. They put me out. In my room I asked the nurse for my son and of course was told it was not allowed. they had a whole system they stuck by to take your child and with no way out we all did what we were made to do. Sign blank papers which they filled in with what they needed to for others to have our child.I will say I learned not to be afraid of hard work while I was in the home. I learned how to have increase stamina for all the hard things in this life. I certainly learned the differnce between being RELGIOUS AND A CHRISTIAN There is nothing wrong with trying to guide and even use punishment to teach a child there are rules and consequences in life for bad behavior.To me bad behavior is causing harm and being thoughtless to others.Yes we do not want our children strung out on drugs. Or to become unfit citizens who take from society at all cost. but there were so many girls who were just typical teenage kids experiencing life and trying to find there own ways thoughts and ideas which were pretty much harmless. As my own children have done there fair share of learning these things even tho I told them done that been there. They had to do some of it on there own. But no matrter what my children knew they were love thru evey painful step they made and they came out with the love and morals I provided them. and the cycle continues on with there children and it is there time to pass down what they have learned from me ,the world ,and thier own mistakes.I just hope and pray that with places like this and the internet.That time has evolved enough to put a stopped to people who stand in great religious control that episodes like these do not happen anymore.I can not change what has been done. I do not want to change where my life is now for I would not have the children I have now. I can not change the pain that will always be there from the loss of my son. I can only live with it and hope others find a way to live with it also.We all have suffered and it has made a mark in all our lives be it good or bad. Forgiviness is the first step towards getting on with your life.I will never forget but do know it is not my place to judge these people. I will stand before God for my life and they will stand before God for thier life. I would have to say when it says fear the LORD I would hate to be them. The bible does warn of those who influence his children in a negative way using religion and his name.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon
« Reply #1007 on: February 20, 2009, 03:17:50 PM »
I am going to tell you my life at the homes. Who best to judge. The ones who have been there. I arrived in Oct.1969.At this time there were only trailers. I do remember not liking the place. But it seemed better than my home when I got there.I Felt like it was what it was. We cooked and cleaned and worked in the fields. Nothing wrong with hard work and doing chores. I expected that from my own children I had later in life. We had to memorize scripture. Well it was a Christian Home.They did provide some schooling. At first it was a public school. Then it was in the barn. Do not know why it seemed I never learned anything.After I knew my 6 months were up that the judge sentenced me too I was ready to go home.I figured I would not cause anymore trouble and let my mom sleep around and just hope the guys stayed away from me and my sisters. Well I did not get to go home. As a kid I do not know if Granny and PaPa were just trying to get me to realize my parents did not want me or just being mean. All I know is when you do not feel the love and things like that are constantly said to you it does have an impact.The homes were getting built. We all had to work to build them. Along with the fields,school,memorizing,being taken all over the country to sing. No matter how busy they kept me I had great issue with what they taught and what they showed. I did not see good Christians.I saw people that if you did not do it there way you would be punished. I saw and felt and heard constant berating, and incesive talk of being a sinner going to burn in hell. I was totally confused.I ran nuemerous times. One time in particular I hid under the couch on the back porch.Well I got found. I was a mere 90 lbs. and walking down the hall back to the front office I guess PaPa was just so mad he couldn't stand it and he boxed me upside the back of my head several times walking down that hall. I got 40 licks with a board the other girls could count them he hit me so hard.Another time I did something wrong(can't remeber what it was) he picked me up and threw me up against the doors. I also remember a time in Georgia when I like many others stayed in peoples homes. I made out with the son of the people I stayed with. I got told on and when we got to church Granny got me in the bath room and beat me about the head and shoulders. I pretty much knew it was wrong what I did but there form of disapiline was way out of line. Where was the love or talking to you and instilling sorry for my actions instead of hate and more rebbelion. At 15 after hearing my parents did not want me and I would go to the home in Ga for young adults when it was time. Then go to the old folks home in the Valley and then be brought back and buried across the street from the girls home in the Robstown cemetary. I tried to kill myself. Did they take me to a Dr. no it would only cause questions as to what happened there. I can never remember being taken to the Dr. except one time in forida when I stayed with some people and they saw I could hardly walk from ingrown toenails, I also had the measeles and a high fewer. They told Brother Roloff and then I was taken to a Dr. But I still had to be at church that night to sing and quote the scriptures.I had horrible episodes of tonsilitus the whole time I lived there. I would just lay on the bed and let my spit run out of my mouth I could not swallow. I do not remeber alot of things that went on there but I do know I never got an education. Never felt loved or wanted. I always felt like I was there to earn my own keep and sing and quote scriptures as told as this was how Roloff got millions for his empire.How many of you girls left the home with a good education. Or had medical problems fixed or saw dentist things a true family do for you.I remember a handful of the special girls who got special treatment because they always acted like the perfect little christian children.I got pregnant around the end of Oct.1972.At this time they were trying to hide the pregnant girls and those of us who would tell what it was really like. The beatings. I am not saying I have never whipped my children for I have. But there is a difference between a whipping and a beating.anyone who says different is a liar.The law states we can inflict corrpral punishment on our children.THIS MEANS SPANK ON THE BOTTOM.It does not mean excessive beating with boards and horse straps or hitting you in the face or doubling up your fist and beating you around your body. This was done there to many. Of course not to the ones who were completely brainwashed and became like little Roloff robots.Take the amount of girls who went thru the homes over the entire period of time they were open and I can bet you 85% were the ones who could not pull off being perfect. We were kids for God sake.I was finally sent home as I was to hard to hid and being pregnant and the fact that I had a boy sneak to my room would have not been good. I got home and my mom finally before the insurance ran out had my tonsils taken out. this is when the Dr. told her I was pregnant. Well while in the hosp. I guess my mom talked to Bro. Roloff about it. He had just opened the home in Hattiesburg. I am sure he was always looking for girls he could decide on taking thier babies. You know even God gives us a choice to accept or reject him. WHO PLACED ROLOFF IN THE POSTION TO DECIDE THINGS LIKE THIS.As with the Rebecca home we were locked up. Mail was read and we were constanly told what sinners we were.If we loved our babies we would give them to people who had no children and would give them a nice home,love, money for all that they would need. I turned 18 in June 1973. Legal age and tried to run. Was caught and locked up even more.They too had there moments of whipping pregnant girls. I had been given 10 dollars from a woman who told me this is for you I heard you had no family. I already gave to Bro. Roloff. I was so touched I went to my room crying. Mrs. Wills came in and asked what I was pouting about I said nothing. she just kept on. Finally I said people cry for many different reasons. Well she was standing over me and slapped me in the face. I do not remember anything after that.Just that I was standing over her and she was laying on the floor. The girls in the room said I went crazy and beat her up. Well just like all the other girls I went into labor. they do take you to the hosp. They put me out. In my room I asked the nurse for my son and of course was told it was not allowed. they had a whole system they stuck by to take your child and with no way out we all did what we were made to do. Sign blank papers which they filled in with what they needed to for others to have our child.I will say I learned not to be afraid of hard work while I was in the home. I learned how to have increase stamina for all the hard things in this life. I certainly learned the differnce between being RELGIOUS AND A CHRISTIAN There is nothing wrong with trying to guide and even use punishment to teach a child there are rules and consequences in life for bad behavior.To me bad behavior is causing harm and being thoughtless to others.Yes we do not want our children strung out on drugs. Or to become unfit citizens who take from society at all cost. but there were so many girls who were just typical teenage kids experiencing life and trying to find there own ways thoughts and ideas which were pretty much harmless. As my own children have done there fair share of learning these things even tho I told them done that been there. They had to do some of it on there own. But no matrter what my children knew they were love thru evey painful step they made and they came out with the love and morals I provided them. and the cycle continues on with there children and it is there time to pass down what they have learned from me ,the world ,and thier own mistakes.I just hope and pray that with places like this and the internet.That time has evolved enough to put a stopped to people who stand in great religious control that episodes like these do not happen anymore.I can not change what has been done. I do not want to change where my life is now for I would not have the children I have now. I can not change the pain that will always be there from the loss of my son. I can only live with it and hope others find a way to live with it also.We all have suffered and it has made a mark in all our lives be it good or bad. Forgiviness is the first step towards getting on with your life.I will never forget but do know it is not my place to judge these people. I will stand before God for my life and they will stand before God for thier life. I would have to say when it says fear the LORD I would hate to be them. The bible does warn of those who influence his children in a negative way using religion and his name.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline hurrikayne

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Re: Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon
« Reply #1008 on: February 20, 2009, 10:18:18 PM »
Gwen, would you send me an E-mail at [email protected]?  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Motivation is everything. You can do the work of two people, but you can\'t be two people. Instead, you have to inspire the next guy down the line and get him to inspire his people. " - Lee Iacocca

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Re: Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon
« Reply #1009 on: March 16, 2009, 03:55:38 PM »
Thanks for all who have posted.  My birth mother is a survivor of the Rebekah home and I was born there.  One thing I have not read on this site is how the treatment of these women affected their unborn children.

I did not meet my birthmother until I was in my 20s and, oddly enough, had/have similar PTSD symptons triggered by fundamentalist christian culture just like many of the women that actually lived there and experienced the abuse.

I have ALWAYS broken out in a cold sweat during sermens since I can remember: I hear the words actually RINGING in my head to the point of migraine.  I have always had a facsination with cult mentality and have a quick temper when it comes to christian adoptive father (a GOOD man) was/involved in the music ministry and I grew up in this world, although not in the same vein as the Roloff homes.  

As far as the 'white powerdery substance' you all were forced to take and that stopped your periods, I would love more information on this.  I have always had strange medical problems...this may be part of it.  However, I wont count out these issues stemming from days of kneeling, weeks in solitary eating only watermelon (and pregnant!), and sleep deprivation; all of which my birth mother had to endure.  

When I met Marie in my 20's she told me ALL of the things you all are saying...and also commented that she didnt know why people werent talking about it.

On the flip side, my adoptive mother (a fundamentalist and emotionally vacant woman) LOVED Roloff and would talk about how well he 'hid the paperwork so well so that WOMAN would never find me" (ummmm, illegal) and how even though the "price went up for you when we got there because your grandma was wearing pants", it was all worth it.

Tracie Mayfield
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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RE: Rebekah survivor 84-85
« Reply #1010 on: March 23, 2009, 04:52:01 AM »
I am a survivor of Rebekah Home (and I do mean survivor), I was there for most of 1984-April 1985. I had my sweet 16 birthday there. Most of my memories are so much like the other girls, and I am amazed at how much I had forgotten.  I do not feel I need to go into all my own stories since they are very much the same as most of the others. I have tried very hard since I left there to forget it, but for some reason now, at this time in my life, I am remembering it and finding it hard to forget again.  I am sure we all have post traumatic stress problems in varying degrees.  I too had to kneel for hours, was locked up, and experienced some horrific abuse from the Barrett's and other girls, which I find hard to talk about or deal with.  When I do try to tell someone about my life that year, they cannot grasp it or understand what that kind of experience is like, they try to but they cannot.  I think what we survivors went through was criminal and a great injustice, and knowing places like this one are still out there really troubles me. I Thank God everyday my children had a wonderful childhood without going through any of that kind of abuse.  I too had a faith in God when I was sent there and then due to the actions of those who were supposed to take care of me I found I hated religion.  I believe in God and the bibles teachings but do not believe in any kind of organized religion.  My reasons for this go beyond what happened to me at this place as I was molested by a hellfire & brimstone preacher at a church we were attending, but this place just compounded my feelings in this matter.  
I am greatly offended by some of the postings in here from some girls who are calling others Evil for stating what they think are "lies."  Just because you were willing to be brainwashed and loved the place does not mean most of the other girls were willing to be brainwashed and live in a fantasy world.  The only way you could defend this place is if you were completely brainwashed and delusional.  I highly question how anyone could defend these people who were clearly abusive in many ways all under the cover of christianity.  How can these people call themselves christians??  If anyone did any of these things to their child today in their home that child would be taken away without hesitation.  How can you with a clear conscious say this was a good place and you are better for it?  If you can do that then you do need serious mental help, as you are completely delusional and in denial.  
My life since Rebekah has taken many turns, most of them for the better.  I was finally able to forgive my Mother in my late 20s for leaving me there.  She threatened me about 6 months after my leaving there that she was going to take me back.  I told her if she tried that I would leave and never return, she would have to drag my dead body there and I meant it.  Fortunately that never took place and I met the love of my life a short time later and he saved me in more ways than anyone can imagine.  
My life is my own and I made some choices along the way that were not too good, but I do not think anything I ever did was bad enough to deserve the type of treatment I was handed out in that place.  I know without a doubt the Barrett's are going to hell for the treatment they handed out to all these girls over the years, and I hope they know it too.  I refuse to let what happened to me there dictate the rest of my life.

I welcome anyone to email me or contact me regarding this at [email protected]

Melissa Fielding
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon
« Reply #1011 on: April 03, 2009, 08:42:52 PM »
I was in Rebekah from January 1984 to June of 1985.I have no qualms about proudly stating my name.I'm so glad to see that most of the comments on here are from people WILLING TO SPEAK THE TRUTH ABOUT THIS CULT!!! Even though I was there over 20 years ago,not a day goes by that I don't remember the abuse that went on in this Hell-hole disguisted as a Christian facility.Because of what went on there,I haven't stepped foot in a church,other than to see someone married or buried since i left Rebekah.For anyone to say we weren't abused there IS A LIAR!!!abusing and torturing underage girls for ANY REASON HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GOD.In what dimension is beating girls with paddles untill their black and blue,making a person kneel on pencils on a hard floor for hours at a time,putting people in a dark room with no running water,and running sermons on a continuous loop for days,sometimes weeks at a time NOT TORTURE???People are bitching about prisoners in Guantanamo Bay being abused,when we endured torture ourselves!!!I DARE ANYONE TO CALL ME A LIAR!!!!I've stated my name,I lived it,AND I WAS THERE!!!This place RUINED MY FAMILY FOREVER and created a rift until this day still exists...Anyone who says that this CULT didn't abuse kids in the name of GOD is either completely diluted,OR ONE OF THE PEOPLE INVOLVED IN OUR TORTUE!!!The Barretts,who ran the dorm when I was there were disgusting!!Especially Mrs.Barrett.I only wish I could have the chance for that old bag to say the things to my face now that she said when we were kids.If there's a Hell,this old BITCH should bust it wide open!!!!I've said my piece :poison: ......
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon
« Reply #1012 on: April 03, 2009, 08:47:44 PM »
Before I forget...anyone interrested in contacting's my [email protected].... :peace:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon
« Reply #1013 on: May 06, 2009, 04:59:11 PM »
Quote from: Melanie
Hello Rebekah girls and others,
I hope all is well in each of your lives, and that you are finding happiness and contentment~
Rereading over the postings that you have all posted in this Rebekah fora, I realized something that strikes me as odd. None of you have left you names next to your postings.
If you really have something to proclaim and you believe in what you are proclaiming, why then remain anonymous? I totally understand not leaving your last name, but , your first name??
If you are standing up for the Rebekah Homes, and your upset with what others are saying, why seem ashamed or afraid to leave your name?
If you call yourselves a "survivor" of the Rebekah Homes, and your determined for your voice to be heard once and for all, why do you all seem  ashamed or afraid to leave your name?
Why so mysterious? Don't you want people to take you serious? What or who are you hiding from?
Plus, it would be a lot easier to address one of your postings, if we had "a" name to address you with. Just make one up for goodness sake.
Don't you think it would be awesome to recognize a long lost friend from Rebekah!? Who else in your life now, could relate better to your ideas and opinions in this area of discussion?  If anyone regonizes my name, give me a buzz!
Here is my email address if somebody out there remembers me. Chances are, I remember you too, for I considered everyone I met at Rebekah, my friend and my sister. I still do.
[email protected]
There isn't any reason for us to be afraid to talk to one another. We all have a common bond. We lived together. Most of us for our appointed year. We lived like, family, in some respects. We didn't have a choice. We were children. Our choices, were made for us, right or wrong~
I am the curious type as well as a realist, but first, I am a Christian, and with this "tittle", and the many aspects of being a believer, comes the freedom of not having feelings of shame, or else, I'd have something to hide. Do you?
Well, thats all~
May you all have a wonderful Easter~
God Bless,
 Where are you all coming up with this name survivor? Do you not realize that out of the few thousand girls that were at the Rebakah Home we were chosen to be forunate enough to be able to be there and hear one of the best preachers in the world teach us about God and his son Jesus Christ ? I was at Rebekah for the 1973-74 school year. It was truly the best thing for me. I was skipping school and experminting with pot.  Brother Roloff was the most unselfish person I've ever known. His whole life was devoted to teaching troubled youths, adults, and others about the word of God.Can't you all see that this is what the devil wants ? He wants you all to slander Brother Roloff and his work. Yes, it was strict but at that time that's what we needed. I thank God every day for Bro. Roloff you all should too. Bonnie R. from Ohio, are you out there?  
                Love to you all,
                 Donna Rice
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon
« Reply #1014 on: May 06, 2009, 05:57:39 PM »
The devil??????????
Are you serious :wall:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon
« Reply #1015 on: May 06, 2009, 06:41:59 PM »
Exuse me, but  I was there in the 80's the Barretts reigned over us and to most, we were survivors. I am glad old Lester was a respected man in your eyes, but depending on who was in charge at the time is how one bases the term survivor.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon
« Reply #1016 on: May 06, 2009, 06:44:22 PM »
Are you Melanie? Or Donna? Why the two names?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon
« Reply #1017 on: May 07, 2009, 04:33:10 PM »
Quote from: Melanie
Hello Rebekah girls and others,
I hope all is well in each of your lives, and that you are finding happiness and contentment~
Rereading over the postings that you have all posted in this Rebekah fora, I realized something that strikes me as odd. None of you have left you names next to your postings.
If you really have something to proclaim and you believe in what you are proclaiming, why then remain anonymous? I totally understand not leaving your last name, but , your first name??
If you are standing up for the Rebekah Homes, and your upset with what others are saying, why seem ashamed or afraid to leave your name?
If you call yourselves a "survivor" of the Rebekah Homes, and your determined for your voice to be heard once and for all, why do you all seem  ashamed or afraid to leave your name?
Why so mysterious? Don't you want people to take you serious? What or who are you hiding from?
Plus, it would be a lot easier to address one of your postings, if we had "a" name to address you with. Just make one up for goodness sake.
Don't you think it would be awesome to recognize a long lost friend from Rebekah!? Who else in your life now, could relate better to your ideas and opinions in this area of discussion?  If anyone regonizes my name, give me a buzz!
Here is my email address if somebody out there remembers me. Chances are, I remember you too, for I considered everyone I met at Rebekah, my friend and my sister. I still do.
[email protected]
There isn't any reason for us to be afraid to talk to one another. We all have a common bond. We lived together. Most of us for our appointed year. We lived like, family, in some respects. We didn't have a choice. We were children. Our choices, were made for us, right or wrong~
I am the curious type as well as a realist, but first, I am a Christian, and with this "tittle", and the many aspects of being a believer, comes the freedom of not having feelings of shame, or else, I'd have something to hide. Do you?
Well, thats all~
May you all have a wonderful Easter~
God Bless,
My name is Donna, I was @ Rebekah for the 1972-73 school year. Why do you all call yourselves survivors ? Do you not realize that out of the few thousand girls in the whole world we were chosen to have the privelidge to be @ Rebekah to hear one of the most incredible preachers in the whole world? Brother Roloff spent his whole life teaching us & others about God & his son Jesus & what they have done for us! I thank God every day that I was fortunate enough to be soooooooooooo lucky!
 Bonnie R. from Ohio, are you out there ?
        Love to all,
        Donna R.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon
« Reply #1018 on: May 07, 2009, 04:41:11 PM »
Quote from: "linda r."
Are you Melanie? Or Donna? Why the two names?
I am Donna.....I was @ Rebekah the 1972-73 school year..not 73-74...I'm sorry about the confusion.
    Love to all...Donna R.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcod
« Reply #1019 on: May 07, 2009, 04:53:13 PM »
Quote from: "maruska"
The devil??????????
Are you serious :wall:
 You don't believe there's a devil? All bad things come from the devil,hello
  Donna R.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »