Author Topic: WWASP Experiences  (Read 106296 times)

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Re: WWASP Experiences
« Reply #60 on: December 26, 2008, 04:48:02 AM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Miss Antsy Pam"
Not a clue...No was meant to be private, but ignorance is not always bliss.  I will live and learn. that I think about it, it probably came as a search result from my Skype user name which has the same extension.

they did a search on your user name? Ansty Pam? I am asking you this because I am paranoid about something similar happening to me and I'd like to avoid it...there have been problems with that sort of thing happening .

Maybe not username.  Most likely it's by using "Pam" and certain other keywords pertinent to her story she's used elsewhere (such as her son's name, etc).  If you want to avoid it happening, the only sure way is not to post your story on the internet.  If you really want to, I suggest changing all the names.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Benchmark Young Adult School - bad place [ link]
Sue Scheff Truth - Blog on Sue Scheff
"Our services are free; we do not make a profit. Parents of troubled teens ourselves, PURE strives to create a safe haven of truth and reality." - Sue Scheff - August 13th, 2007 (fukkin surreal)

Offline Che Gookin

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Re: WWASP Experiences
« Reply #61 on: December 26, 2008, 09:27:58 AM »
Psy.. I'm pretty sure that isn't what happened. I've done google search after google search trying to make that blog come up and so far nothing. I'm betting Pam probably has showed that link to someone or another prior to coming to fornits. That someone or another probably decided to get some quick payback on her for whatever reason that person has.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: WWASP Experiences
« Reply #62 on: December 26, 2008, 11:35:34 AM »
Maybe you fucktards can read her blog the way SHE wrote it and NOT the way it was presented on this thread. I took the time to read it-ALL of it.  Show me a family that does not struggle with young adults!

another mom

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

      Please Pray for my Family...we all need it!

      Overwhelming Sadness today…

      July 23, 2008

      Wednesday – 8:00am

      It is with deep regret that I report that 8 month old Jayden (1st great grandchild in our family) has passed and now sleeps with the angels and at God’s home in heaven.

      This little girl has spent the last 4 ½ months in the pediatric ICU – first at Northridge Hospital and then on to Cedar Sinai Medical Center.  Jayden had undergone so many surgeries and there were times that our family thought we might lose her, but her will to survive prevailed.

      When she finally had the open heart surgery, we were optimistic that she was finally on the road to wellness and coming home.  To everyone’s surprise, the doctors and nurses decided Jayden was strong enough to go home with oxygen, last Friday.  She didn’t get discharged until very late…like 9-10pm, but it didn’t matter…Jayden was going to her NEW HOME in Simi valley with her loving mother, Nikki!!

      We were all so HAPPY and Nikki was planning an “open House” for this Sunday. I was fortunate and was able to speak to Nikki on Saturday and she sounded SO GOOD and happy that the worst part of this nightmare was over and she had her daughter home and in the safety of her arms – without all the wires, tubes, and other paraphernalia attached. Nikki and I spent a fair amount of time together while she was staying here when Jayden was at Cedars…she is much like her mother with that heart of gold.  I only wish there was something I could do to ease the pain she must be feeling and enduring.

      I am with you Nik and my prayers are for you and your family through this time of sadness and mourning.

      xxoo  ~pammy

 Monday, July 21, 2008

      Progress and NOT Perfection!

      July 21, 2008

      Monday – 7am

      Progress and NOT Perfection!

      I must always be mindful that I cannot judge Dylan by ordinary standards.  He grew up and lived in a very warped environment for almost 8 years; he was 7 then and I did not get him back until he was 15 years old.  At 25, Taylor (Dylan’s sperm donor) was fully able to brainwash me and control every aspect of my life.  At that time, I was a grown woman and could not resist him and even “I” really did not know what was happening at that time until it was too late!  At 7 years old, Dylan never stood a chance!

      So, I cannot judge Dylan by where I think he should be in his emotional development. Instead, I must look at how far he has come in the last 5+ years!! He is definitely not the boy that was so full of RAGE and resentments when he arrived here back in early 2003.

      I am disappointed, but understand, that he does not want to continue therapy at the moment – Dylan and Stettner have hit what they call “a therapeutic impasse.”  It happens, but he knows where to go if he needs help and she would not slam the door in his face if he was standing there asking for help.

      He was coming close to really having to “do the work” in order to the resolve some of his CORE issues; my gut tells me he is terribly fearful of walking down that road with/without a therapist to guide him.  It is okay with me if he needs a break from therapy.

      Pam, on the other hand, needs and wants the therapy and her 2 hour weekly sessions with Stettner! It kills me when I can’t make my appointments with her due to work load or other issues. She “grounds” me and I feel tethered to something stable and strong.  Nothing short of an earthquake or something along those lines that will keep me away from my appt tomorrow!!!  I only missed last week, but it feels like I have missed a MONTH of sessions with her!!  I feel grateful that she is willing to continue to see me on a regular basis and not focused completely on Dylan and/or my relationship with him.  I can’t fix HIM, but I CAN make sure that my therapeutic needs are met so I can be a strong and supportive parent in healthy ways and not through enablement.

      On the health front…

      I have exciting news…Dr. Patel called me over the weekend and gave me the results of latest echo cardiogram – normal lab values for fluid around the heart is between 15-50ml – my last test showed me at 48ml…yeah Pam!!  I was over 100 when first discovered.  I was very happy to hear the good news.  I have been on oral steroids for about a month and a half which treats the problem but has awful side effects.  Now that the lab value is good, he will start slowly weaning me off the Prednisone with the hope that the decrease in steroids do not cause the fluid to build up again.  He will be closely monitoring me. He also said that my lymphocytes are within normal range…this in itself is a rarity and more good news!

      I still have very little appetite and rely on the Ensure and other nutritional supplements to keep me from losing more weight – NEVER in a million years would I have imagined that I would actually be trying to GAIN weight!  I have been able to keep my weight above 120lbs this month. I need to be somewhere between 125-130lbs to maintain my health, strength and stamina.

      Welcome to a new week…

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: WWASP Experiences
« Reply #63 on: December 26, 2008, 11:45:06 AM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Maybe you fucktards can read her blog the way SHE wrote it and NOT the way it was presented on this thread. I took the time to read it-ALL of it.  Show me a family that does not struggle with young adults!

how did you read the whole blog?  the link miss antsy pam posted does not work.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: WWASP Experiences
« Reply #64 on: December 26, 2008, 11:50:49 AM »
Quote from: "FZ25A"
Quote from: "Guest"
Maybe you fucktards can read her blog the way SHE wrote it and NOT the way it was presented on this thread. I took the time to read it-ALL of it.  Show me a family that does not struggle with young adults!

how did you read the whole blog?  the link miss antsy pam posted does not work.

The "Guest" you quoted is Pam.  :roflmao:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline CCM girl 1989

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Re: WWASP Experiences
« Reply #65 on: December 26, 2008, 12:05:01 PM »
There is something just so sick about the way people enjoy hurting others on this site. I guess you don't have to come here, and read all this crap if you don't want to. But, it's really sad. I hope you know how wrong it is. Karma is a bitch, and you'll find that out if you haven't already. It's obvious to me Pam was going through a really tough time. The fact you expose her at her weakest and darkest times speaks volumes. I understand the little tiffs from time to time around here. Actually, some of that shit is pretty funny! But, this is different. You guys need to chill.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
f you were never in a program, or a parent of a child in a program, then you have no business posting here.

Offline Miss Antsy Pam

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Re: WWASP Experiences
« Reply #66 on: December 26, 2008, 02:26:09 PM »
Look ppl..there are 8 computers in my house, my family all have access to my blog....forgive them if they are a bit furious with what you have done.  Of course these post will all come from MY IP address.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: WWASP Experiences
« Reply #67 on: December 26, 2008, 02:53:20 PM »
They would need to know your fornits password to log into your account. But... I'm sure you are now going to tell us you shared your fornits password over Christmas dinner, just for the hell of it.  ::)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline FemanonFatal2.0

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Re: WWASP Experiences
« Reply #68 on: December 26, 2008, 04:27:43 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "FemanonFatal2.0"
It wasn't until I went through this and truly matured that my mom felt confident that I deserved her help.

I also think that your idea that you didn't "deserve" your mother's help at one point is not healthy.

Well I would tend to agree with you on your statements, but I never said "I" believed that I didnt deserve my mother's help. actually quite the contrary, before I was KICKED OUT of my house at 17 years old I had worked VERY hard to get my diploma that Casa By The Sea deprived me of (not to mention an education) I also got accepted and earned 2 scholarships and a grant to go to the ART SCHOOL OF MY DREAMS!! However my mother told me, "If you couldn't graduate Casa what makes me think your going to graduate college?" and refused to cosign for my student loans. She also mentioned that my college fund had been spent on that hellhole anyway so If I wanted an education I was going to have to get a job and pay for community college classes. At that point I was sick of her shit and happy to leave... I left her house 2 months before my 18th birthday which I spent sad and alone.

I don't think that I deserved to be treated like that, neither to I believe I had to go through some awful shit before I deserved a hand out from her. I'm still pissed it went down that way. I just believe that those experiences made me who I am today, taught me some very valuable lessons.

In this situation with Pam and her son I think a life lesson is exactly what would be appropriate. Pam putting her foot down in this situation is necessary for his maturation, teaching him to fish so to speak and then after he has learned how to fend for himself she can offer him something he can appreciate... for instance, an apartment somewhere in town where he has to pay his own rent. This guy is 21, he needs to get off the teet. when I offered up MY story I wasn't saying what happened to me was the right way, I said being on my own forced me to grow up and I think that's what Pam's son needs too.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
[size=150]When Injustice Becomes Law
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Offline FemanonFatal2.0

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Re: Here is to whomever that did this sick action
« Reply #69 on: December 26, 2008, 05:20:34 PM »
Quote from: "Miss Antsy Pam"
Ok, here is a honest insight on Pam and her son Dylan's life, and why Pam puts out the time and effort for you awful heartless people who would do such a thing so....? You all could feel better about yourselves; what does it help you sleep at night cowards!!!!!   I am Pam's adopted daughter Holly.  Why do I have meaning to this discussion, because i am Dylan"s girl-friend and have been since he got out of that hell on earth, torture hole; as you all know!!
I think the fact that someone would go that low digging into someones personal life such as you did is a complete and utter violation... i have been in this family and with Dylan since shortly after casa and NOBODY knows how bad that feels knowing they have made such a mistake and for you to attack this woman shows zero strength in all of you!  

 For what u have committed, posting my mothers personal life on your fornits (talk shit and could NEVER back it up site) is and has been fascinating, but this is so low, so cruel of all you. You all don't know Pam; if you did, what you have all said & done, it would haunt you your whole lives.. Since you sick people will continue on in this blog against the fight to put an end to the trouble teen industry, which your not even focusing on, instead acting like a troubled teen yourselves. Here is something i think everybody should know about Pam, enabler she is not, a kind loving STRONG woman who helps the community and her loved ones such as family and myself more than you sad lifeless blogers who would do such a thing, would be never be of her caliber.

 Since whomever keeps on quoting the excerpts from her personal blogs about her family is not only offensive to Dylan but her entire family, including me. So, now here i am reading what you all have written, posted or participated in the alignment of Pam sickens my soul Only because of the mere fact you are all wrong so please all of you don't beat the horse any longer ---- the horse is dead.    I am appalled at the juvenile behavior exhibited in this thread, grow the FUCK UP PEOPLE AND GET A LIFE i mean come on, its Christmas & you all you all are the scum that fills our world !! sleep well     ....... love always Pam's loving  Daughter        ::puke::    shit heads!!!


Im honestly not even going to mention what I know about YOU Holly, which believe me is enough to judge that this piece of work came straight from your ass, but holy jesus how fucking stupid could one cunty bitch be?... lololol. These people don't like your EX BOYFRIENDS mother because she has come on too strong and made too many excuses which for most of us SCREAMS a WWASP plant. I don't know HOW someone came across this blog, unless it is the blog on antiwwasp but I'm pretty sure who ever did this was investigating those judgments in order to find out if she was a "program parent" or who she claims to be. Futhermore, Pam uploaded those blog entries for people to be able to read, and as it is human nature to judge any number of situations I don't find it "so low" or "so cruel" I find it to be slightly invasive, but most of us take measures to protect our identities and personal information and considering that Pam did not she cant blame people for reading a publicly posted journal.

Here's the thing tho, I don't approve of bashing Pam, and neither do many other people on this site and even in this thread. There is probably one or two TROLLS who bait her on purpose and that is because that is what they do to everyone. That is kind of what hiding behind anonymity is about, you say the most shocking thing to get people all riled up and spark some entertaining conversations. I really don't think we would have half the good content contributions here on Fornits if trolls weren't allowed to come in here and stir some shit up. Honestly its pretty much all a big joke and what you should do is get a kick out of intelligently debating those people and PROVE your opinion has more validity than theirs. However you did not do this, instead you decided to bring your trailer trash, Jerry Springer, gangster talk to a forum that is probably all just getting the BIGGEST chuckle at your expense. The fact that you said this is what really gets me rolling:

Quote from: "Miss Antsy Pam"
For what u have committed, posting my mothers personal life on your fornits (talk shit and could NEVER back it up site)(Bahahaha haaa) is and has been fascinating, but this is so low, so cruel of all you. You all don't know Pam; if you did, what you have all said & done, it would haunt you your whole lives

Seriously?... what are we Fornitcators supposed to do to "back up" what we say here online?... are you insisting that it would be more agreeable to come knock on your door and say it to your face? If I ever get the dubious pleasure of meeting you Holly I assure you I will. lol and on a side note, please don't even come close to assuming you could take me in a fight, because I'm afraid that could only end badly for you. Futhermore, I DO know Pam, too well I'm afraid and although I am not her biggest fan I have still used this opportunity to shed some light on the truth to ease some of our fellow posters suspicions as well has Psy and Che and other posters who have only given their opinion on the situation and NEVER bashed Pam. Yet you have come to OUR site and spewed your hateful shit all over everyone. I don't think anyone takes kindly to that, so please bitch, don't expect a warm welcome. And if you could kindly go fuck yourself that would be much appreciated as well.

<3 :jerry:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
[size=150]When Injustice Becomes Law
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Re: WWASP Experiences
« Reply #70 on: December 26, 2008, 05:48:55 PM »
Quote from: "FemanonFatal2.0"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "FemanonFatal2.0"
It wasn't until I went through this and truly matured that my mom felt confident that I deserved her help.

I also think that your idea that you didn't "deserve" your mother's help at one point is not healthy.

Well I would tend to agree with you on your statements, but I never said "I" believed that I didnt deserve my mother's help. actually quite the contrary, before I was KICKED OUT of my house at 17 years old I had worked VERY hard to get my diploma that Casa By The Sea deprived me of (not to mention an education) I also got accepted and earned 2 scholarships and a grant to go to the ART SCHOOL OF MY DREAMS!! However my mother told me, "If you couldn't graduate Casa what makes me think your going to graduate college?" and refused to cosign for my student loans. She also mentioned that my college fund had been spent on that hellhole anyway so If I wanted an education I was going to have to get a job and pay for community college classes. At that point I was sick of her shit and happy to leave... I left her house 2 months before my 18th birthday which I spent sad and alone.


so evil.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Oscar

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Re: WWASP Experiences
« Reply #71 on: December 26, 2008, 05:49:22 PM »
Could we not end this thread?

Dylan is her son and if she feel like supporting him until he retires from the work force, then let her regardless of the fact that is doesn't help him. She is sorry for sending him there and as it is with every mother-offspring relationship where the mother have bad conscience and try to buy excuses believing it is love, it will backfire. But it is her choice. We have said that it will backfire and it properly had already, but she is an adult making descisions and we should respect that she is ready to take the consequences.

So please stop the thread!

Digging into these personal things like what happened in the past are not important now. We cannot change them. What we can change is the future and if we shouldn't waste our time, then write down what happened, where it happend and who did it. Post it online and include it as a references on the right wiki-page. Find out where the staff went and if they still are in the BM-industry. Publish every single bit on info about existing programs, so you can become the last survivors or relatives of survivors who went there.

We are getting somewhere finding new info every single day. Find out mates in the programs and get them to give their small contributions so yet more of the layers covering the programs up can be removed. Please stop fighting.

Pam: Please go to anti-wwasp. Jensp has new info to work on.  FemanonFatal2.0: Please go back to Troubled-Teen-Industry. I found a couple of script issued teasing european versions of IE7 and KlausK has a little titbit for you also.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: WWASP Experiences
« Reply #72 on: December 26, 2008, 05:53:29 PM »
Quote from: "Che Gookin"
Psy.. I'm pretty sure that isn't what happened. I've done google search after google search trying to make that blog come up and so far nothing. I'm betting Pam probably has showed that link to someone or another prior to coming to fornits. That someone or another probably decided to get some quick payback on her for whatever reason that person has.

i couldn't find it either.So, this is someone who had her link, not hacking, or anything, Psy? (I love psy [fornit's daddy])!)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline psy

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Re: WWASP Experiences
« Reply #73 on: December 26, 2008, 05:59:59 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Che Gookin"
Psy.. I'm pretty sure that isn't what happened. I've done google search after google search trying to make that blog come up and so far nothing. I'm betting Pam probably has showed that link to someone or another prior to coming to fornits. That someone or another probably decided to get some quick payback on her for whatever reason that person has.

i couldn't find it either.So, this is someone who had her link, not hacking, or anything, Psy? (I love psy [fornit's daddy])!)
No.  Not hacking.  If it doesn't show up on a Google search (meaning the site has a noindex tag), then it's most likely what Che said (somebody upset with pam who had that blog address and decided to publish it).

PS: I am not fornit's daddy, though I thank you for the sentiments. Ginger (Antigen) is Fornit's mommy... Single parent.  LOL.  I'm more of Fornits' techincal babysitter.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Benchmark Young Adult School - bad place [ link]
Sue Scheff Truth - Blog on Sue Scheff
"Our services are free; we do not make a profit. Parents of troubled teens ourselves, PURE strives to create a safe haven of truth and reality." - Sue Scheff - August 13th, 2007 (fukkin surreal)

Offline psy

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Re: WWASP Experiences
« Reply #74 on: December 26, 2008, 06:09:37 PM »
Quote from: "Oscar"
FemanonFatal2.0: Please go back to Troubled-Teen-Industry. I found a couple of script issued teasing european versions of IE7 and KlausK has a little titbit for you also.
Just FYI, I ironed out a permissions issue with the Project manager (requires registration).  You might want to give it a try.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Benchmark Young Adult School - bad place [ link]
Sue Scheff Truth - Blog on Sue Scheff
"Our services are free; we do not make a profit. Parents of troubled teens ourselves, PURE strives to create a safe haven of truth and reality." - Sue Scheff - August 13th, 2007 (fukkin surreal)