On 2005-10-02 05:25:00, Anonymous wrote:
On 2005-10-01 07:00:00, Nihilanthic wrote:
"Do you know anything good or bad about Auldern Academy. I need a good, very structured girls boarding school for my daughter, I need a place that she will succeed and be monitored and her have good wholesome fur while meeting some self esteem issues and being encouraged to excellence. Help Lacey
Here's two pieces of advice...
1. please dont jack a thread asking for advice for you when this is about Three Springs. Or, for that matter... threadjack at all. Its trollish.
2. Before you say you need a program in some form, why not start off with:
a. the problems she has, and proof of those problems (not program rhetoric or bullshit non-issues such as the wrong crowd or 'talking back', being 'unmotivatd', etc)
b. what youve done to help
c. why you need a program, and how it could possibly help.
If you want help with her self esteem, why not take her to get a makeover and some icecream? BTW, the words structured, succeed, monitored, wholesome, self esteem, issues, encouraged, and excellence reek of brochures and vague, generalized bullshit.
Everyone wants that for all their kids, blah blah blah. If she doesnt have an actual problem, she belongs at home, unless youre trying to abdicate parental responsibility.
Oh and you might want to keep in mind Ive yet to see a program that didnt use coersion, humiliation, LGA seminars, physical brutality or corporal punishment in some form or another (generally called 'restraint) that wasnt simply a mislabeled SCHOOL, and only a school, and that bootcamps, programs, et all that rely on those methods don't work! The NIMH has found the recidivism is not reduced. It is the absolute right of the state to supervise the formation of public opinion.
--Joseph Goebbels
So that's your solution to low self-esteem? Take her for a makeover and an ice cream?!?!?!?!
Of course, there appears to be more "show" than actually knowledge in what you say. Seems you have impressed some with 'fluff'......but how much experience do you really have with ANY program? When you say, "you have yet to see a program", does that mean anything you have read on the internet that agrees with what you want to believe, ignoring anything else and discounting anyone with a differing opinion?
I certainly hope that a poster with a child suffering for low self-esteem doesn't take your advice for a makeover and ice cream. I hope they get the child therapy, counseling, or whatever is needed to help the child. What's your advice for a depressed child - take them to see a funny movie?
Something you seem to have a hard time understanding is that yeah, giving a child attention, treats, helping with their self-image, you know, things MOMMIES ARE SUPPOSED TO DO FOR THEIR DAUGHTERS... would probably go a LONG way if the child was feeling depressed. Oh, and *gasp* she might start talking to the mom! Wow. Just imagine, a little milkfat, a lot less money, some time and effort instead of kidnappers and wow, you can personally help the kid out.
Im not gonna re-iterate everything that Sara (Mrs handbasket) has said because it would be a waste of time, but I will say this:
Being locked up, isolated from the world and your parents, being unable to socialize and grow and develop except within the guidelines of the program and the 'structure' of it, and within BS rules, does not help you get self esteem, or grow, or mature, bla bla bla. Being out and doing things on your own, but with help from parents, loved ones, and friends, DOES. Since WHEN Does incarceration help with self esteem? Since when do programs churn out children who wear blank smiles and say "self esteem" all the time?
Oh, and yeah, taking a depressed child WOULD help. Why? Youre givin the child an escape, a chance to bond with you, and youre spending time with them. Feeling like youre loved and liked helps a lot with depression, OH MY GOD WHAT A REVELATION!!!
Nihil- go take your meds and stop spewing bullshit.
To the person inquiring about Auldern- this is not the place for accurate information. This is the place for you to be blasted by pyscho-zealots for even considering doing something for your child.
I dont need meds, I dont take meds. I dont like drugs, m'kay? I *WAS* Misdiagnosed and given prozac as a child, but it was not only unnecessary but a detrement to me. It totally killed my emotions.
When I turned 15, wanted the spice back in my life (you know, as opposed to living as a zombie in a grey world) and flushed that shit down the toilet and turned around and took it to the people who made my life hell, and thus made me feel bad - and chewed out some school administrators who let this shit happen to me in the first place, guess what?
I feelt a LOT Better! It was GENUINE happiness. I didnt get 'self-esteem' from a damned seminar or from being obedient and not complaining when told what to do and made to do it (like you seem to think you must, well, and/or with drugs).
So please, DRUGGIE, dont push your fucking pills on me or any other child or teen or adult in this already over-medicated and under-loved nation, okay?
And, to conclude, wanna know wahts REALLY funny?
You crawl up my ass for not having visited a program and telling people to be wary of them and the bullshit that is now KNOWN that they do, but you want a parent to send their child, and money, to a program they never visisted either?
Im saying check it out, dont fall for the bullshit, and Ive yet to see a 'program' that did anything but engender submission, conformity, and do it via bullshit Large-group awareness training (called a workshop, seminar, propheet, rap, etc.) or simply by dominating the child and forcing them to behave within their guidelines.
All that 'structure' doesn't do anything but make the child grin and bear it and do as told. That makes it easier for a parent but doesnt do jack shit for the child. Giving the child a thicker skin by taking away pleasure and freedom does... WHAT to help address the self-esteem issue? Or depression? WHAT? Yeah people who survive bullshit get a thick skin, zippadedodah. But people can do fine without real (or artifical, program-derived) hardship and still be good people. And I can say its BAD to make them cover up and hide their shit because they have to act happy and 'work the program' to get out.
Oh well, we shoudl all do as you say, right? Pop pills for everything and throw your children away into programs we've never seen while telling others not to tell us to be wary of something they havent personally seen even though the whole industry operates the same way. :roll:
The problem with the "teen help" industry is that it's a bad "solution" in search of a problem.
http://fornits.com/wwf/bb_profile.php?mode=view&user=943' target='_new'>Julie C.