Author Topic: Midcourse correction reviews  (Read 5065 times)

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Midcourse correction reviews
« on: February 09, 2021, 02:43:18 AM »
Midcourse Correction is a short-term boot camp. We once had a thread about an escape attempt from the camp, but with the present fokus on BreakingCodeSilence it is time to highlight the program once again with these reviews from Google Maps.

Quote from: makeup_ by_slay
I wish I could rate this place ZERO! I was sent here by my therapist and school because I was TERRIFIED to go to school after a girl that I thought was my friend brought a knife to school and threatened to kill me.
So they had a meeting and decided I needed bootcamp since I was terrified to go to school. This was absolutely the WORST experience of MY LIFE! I was yelled at, cused at, kicked, pushed, made to go out in the freezing cold in January with no shoes, socks, coat or hat on, to do "Cal's" because we didn't say goodnight to the corrections officer.
I got so sick after I left that HELL, I was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia for almost 2 weeks!
Parents please for the love of God don't ever send your kids here! Look into other places, but don't ever send them here. I wanted to die the whole time I was there, and I didn't even belong there, I should've NEVER been sent there in the first place, so please don't put your kids through the same hell I had to endure!

Quote from: stacy wilson
Do not send your child here unless you want to mentally destroy them and forever scar them. Most people here reviewing five stars are people who worked there and niéve parents who think this worked and fixed their children for them. These people degrade you and make you feel worthless and you carry that as a weight on your shoulder for the rest of your life. I was a young, beautiful girl and now I am depressed and burdened. They made us do things that were frankly unsanitary. We were forced to roll in mud and then not allowed to change our clothes and had to sleep in them. On the final day we were "granted" our one and only two minute shower under freezing water whereby all ten of us girls were forced to get naked and stand on a tarp waiting our turn. I don't know when the last time it was legal to force ten minors to get naked and stand on a tarp, but it certainly wasn't in 2016! I don't know how one could possibly fathom that you can send your child somewhere for 46 hours and think that they're going to come back a new person, almost as if they're just going to give you a different child, not your own. If you think your child is having issues you as a parent need to step up to your parental duties and speak to your child, not ditch them on someone else and expect them to fix it, it will just create a further divide between you and your child. Everything in my life has lost absolute feeling to it and I frankly care about absolutely nothing. I don't hate my parents for doing this to me, not the first time they've tried to ditch their problems with me on someone else.
Quote from: Samantha Filek
It's been 3 years and I wake up after having dreams of the inhumane, brutal, and insane memories of the actions put upon me at this camp. There are nights I am still traumatized of the three hours of sleep while being woken up by screams. There are times when I am reminded by the entrance and the way the workers introduce my self. They are intimidating and evil. Though some teens are troubled, they need help. But not the help where their life's are altered and they are forever, emotionally terrified. A teen should not act a certain way out of fear of anything. Waking up in the middle of the night remembering such a place is not the way I wanted to assure that I always behaved. No matter how troubled your teen is, I encourage you, with a full heart, to choose better and wiser options. You do not want your child to spend their years sufferening from the PTSD Midcourse Correction makes them leave with. The teens who walk out the door are changed only in one way. They will never sleep the same. They will always and only have the traumatic memories that Midcourse Correction forces them to carry around for years and years on end. Thank you .

Quote from: Stella A. Dimoko
My experience was very traumatic. To this day i am still struggling to cope with the PTSD this camp gave me. I’ve been through a number of different places that help me get reduce this trauma, but so far none of them have worked. I don’t think it is possible to get rid of the trauma from this camp, which is why I would never consider sending your child here. This trauma affects my everyday life and everything I do- all I get is flashbacks. No more good grades, no boyfriends, just flashbacks. I’ve never experienced something worse in my life.

Quote from: britnee lafayette
My 15 year old sister went to the Otisville location this past weekend. We were called from the camp on Sunday morning at 7 to let us know she was vomiting blood and that we should probably come get her. They did not allow her to take a drink of water or anything. We proceeded to take her to the hospital, she was swollen from head to toe could not walk because her joints were so swollen. The doctors are saying that this happened in the span of TWO days of intense shock to her body. I know it was our choice to send her here but we thought they would teach her how to handle her anger, not to put her straight to the hospital...she will never be going back there, and you can bet I will do everything I can to let others know they are not what they say they are.

Quote from: jack l
READ FIRST !!!! Hi my name is Jack and I went to bed course when I was only 15. you guys want an honest review I'm not going to give you some saying it was great were everything to give me the full on Spectrum. To understand why I went there I was actually pretty good it's just I just use tobacco  and Mild disrespect.  which I wouldn't think it's that bad.
Mid-course Corrections is basically a legal way to abuse your child your kid will get hurt and some way if that guy broke his arm there and had to be sent home I see with my own eyes. your kid will get mentally scarred and verbally abused and physically abused if you want your child to get hurt abused have nightmares after 2 weeks after it then I think it's a great place to send them I'm being sarcastic you don't want your kid to be hurt abused or any kind of discomfort you go to bed at 2 a.m. and wake up at 4:30 I mean seriously .Sleep deprivation and constant pain I was sore  so bad took me a week to recover I couldn't even stand up out of my chair after it I had to get assistance with my parents just to get out of my chair. if you love your child and you want your child back get a psychologist to help them understand why are they doing that instead of yelling at them it's a lot cheaper. If your child has to get sent back there they have to wear a backpack full of lead it's at least 50 lb I never wore the backpack but this one kid had it was sleep with it and go wherever he went I feel bad I feel so bad for him.
in conclusion don't send your kid here if you wanted to get hurt cuz they will get hurt

Quote from: d monay
i went here back in december and i still struggle with depression and ptsd from it. you go to bed at 2:30 and wake up at 4:30 and barely get to eat. you don’t get to change your clothes the whole time and now i don’t ever wanna do hard work again bc of the mental abuse i went through. if your a parent reading this DONT SEND YOUR KIDS HERE PLEASE.