Do you know anything good or bad about Auldern Academy. I need a good, very structured girls boarding school for my daughter, I need a place that she will succeed and be monitored and her have good wholesome fur while meeting some self esteem issues and being encouraged to excellence. Help Lacey
Here's two pieces of advice...
1. please dont jack a thread asking for advice for you when this is about Three Springs. Or, for that matter... threadjack at all. Its trollish.
2. Before you say you need a program in some form, why not start off with:
a. the problems she has, and proof of those problems (not program rhetoric or bullshit non-issues such as the wrong crowd or 'talking back', being 'unmotivatd', etc)
b. what youve done to help
c. why you need a program, and how it could possibly help.
If you want help with her self esteem, why not take her to get a makeover and some icecream? BTW, the words structured, succeed, monitored, wholesome, self esteem, issues, encouraged, and excellence reek of brochures and vague, generalized bullshit.
Everyone wants that for all their kids, blah blah blah. If she doesnt have an actual problem, she belongs at home, unless youre trying to abdicate parental responsibility.
Oh and you might want to keep in mind Ive yet to see a program that didnt use coersion, humiliation, LGA seminars, physical brutality or corporal punishment in some form or another (generally called 'restraint) that wasnt simply a mislabeled SCHOOL, and only a school, and that bootcamps, programs, et all that rely on those methods don't work! The NIMH has found the recidivism is not reduced.
It is the absolute right of the state to supervise the formation of public opinion.
--Joseph Goebbels