Author Topic: Yet Another Observation  (Read 13563 times)

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Offline 85 Day Jerk

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Yet Another Observation
« on: August 24, 2004, 01:37:00 AM »
I an now working a temp job for the City of St. Pete repairing sidewalks made of Hexagon blocks.  It is very very hot and heavy work.  During the course of today's work the sun began to bake my brain and the lithium in my bloodstream helped to bring some thoughts to the surface.

I seem to remember a pattern in the various Straight Buildings whereby they would only graduate a handful of clients during the course of the entire summer.  These were mostly out of state kids, or the kiss ass types who were either staff trainees, or were about to get sucked into the vortex.  Regular kids were left to rot on their phases until the end of summer.

I think this is because there were a shitload of intakes as soon as school was out in May or early June because parents did'nt want their kids around to fuck up yet another summer for them and Straight could not afford the loss of host homes for us darlings. ( I myself was placed in the program on June 16, 1978)  There were usually mass graduations during Open Meeting in late August or early September.  By then, the summer intakes that "got with the program" had made 2nd phase or even 3rd, thus becoming a host home and allowing for some more graduations.  Looking back on it, I now remember people graduating that really had not done much at all exept house newcomers that summer.

One such person was my older stepbrother.  I think he may have related a total of 9 or 10 times from April to August 1979 and he was a 5th phaser for Christ's sakes!  When he did relate, it was mindless drivel that a casual observer would think were the ramblings of someone high on pot.  He played the game pretty good and had entered the program 8 months ahead of me and had been on 5th phase for 5 months I think it was.  Our house usually took on 5 newcomers at a time and we were pretty good at cranking them out onto 2nd phase.

My own 5th phase only lasted 27 days.  I really do not remember it much, it was so damn fast.  The stress was pretty bad and I felt compelled to leave a lasting impression or something.  The night I seven stepped came as a complete surprise.  I was actually kind of pissed off because there was alot more that I wanted to do. When I got home that night, it all kind of hit me.  This is it, these strangers that I have been living with are my family.  I was stuck in this house in this shitty outskirt of Pinellas Park with two stepbrothers I cannot stand, a self centered bitch of a step-mom, and a completely pussy whipped father that I was still a stranger to.

My real home was 17 miles away in Largo, my mom was down to just one sister now, struggling to make ends meet on foodstamps and such.  They did not know what to make of this brainwashed behavior-modified freak that had once been a son and brother to them.  The neighborhood had changed.  The recession had devastated several families and they had moved away.  Homes showed signs of neglect, and made life with my dad seem like a better alternative so I was caught between both worlds.  This still bugs me to this day.  I was caught between two worlds and wound up cast out of both.  I did'nt ask for this shit.  I did'nt want it, and I certainly did not do anything to deserve it.  After Straight, I found it damn near impossible to bond with anyone, especially women.  Those on this board that I have reached a rapport with, I want you to know that I really treasure it.

I was doing laundry Sunday and in walked a girl with more legs than a bucket of chicken, hard body, no tatoos, face a little hard and slightly blotched complexion, but still impishly cute.  It took me a complete wash cycle and half the dryer time before I finally settled on a way to break the ice.  I asked her how she made out during the hurricane and she seemed unflustered by it.  I thought for sure that she would pick up on it and we would be on a roll, but she just acted as if I had said, "Nice weather we're having is'nt it?"  We both retreated back into our uncomfortable silence.  Every now and then she would catch me glancing her way and then she would smile.  It was an eerie smile, like she knew something about me but was trying hard not to show it.  Finally, my clothes were all dry and folded.  There was nothing left to do but leave.  I felt totally defeated as I swung out the door with my basket of laundry.  I was kicking myself for not trying harder and buried my frustration by turning up the CD player and letting the ear-shattering opening riffs of L7 ease my frustration.  I let out the clutch and started to roll away as Donita Sparks began screaming out the lyrics to "Shove."
A quick glance in the mirror brought about a small feeling of victory.  The girl had stepped out for a cigarette.  She lit one and looked over my way.  She still had that damn smile of hers.  Oh well, maybe next weekend.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Inside a warehouse behind Tyrone Mall
we walked in darkness, kept hitting the wall.
I took the time to feel for the door,
I had been \"treated\" but what the hell for?

Offline future.air

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2004, 02:25:00 PM »
i'm assuming you're a writer.  If not,  I think you should be.

Perhaps next weekend you should give her this writing.
Ask her what she thinks in a casual way.  Except the part about her complexion and hard face.  That might hurt her feelings.

It might turn out to be a surprising and effectual maneuver. If not, at least it will be memorable.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
pringfield VA 88-90

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2004, 02:39:00 PM »
No, she'll freak--she lives in St. Pete and knows what Straight was.....she'll run screaming to the nearest Scientology audit center.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline future.air

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2004, 04:05:00 PM »
I meant the last paragraph.  Starting with the laundry bit.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
pringfield VA 88-90

Offline future.air

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2004, 07:32:00 PM »
.[ This Message was edited by: future.air on 2004-08-24 21:02 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
pringfield VA 88-90

Offline animals all of us

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2004, 11:14:00 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2004, 08:38:00 AM »
wow, lots  of thoughtful replys of late from animals and future air
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline animals all of us

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2004, 12:22:00 AM »
wow, what a waste of a life to post anonymously.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline 85 Day Jerk

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2004, 02:22:00 AM »
The workday started on a stretch of sidewalk just one block from Northshore Park and the shore of Tampa Bay.  Most of the crew were burnt out black folks who could only dream about living in this kind of a neighborhood.  A man and his wife brought thier 1800 dollar pair of Irish Wolfhounds out of their mansion to romp around on the front lawn.  They were kept in check by the tiny yapping figure of yet another pedigree dog that came in the form of a 900 dollar Cairn Terrier.  Various comments came from the crew, mostly concerning the kidnapping of said dogs and the collection of all awards thereafter.  The sort of inane bullshit clatter one would hear in the prison yard.  It was kind of hard for me to stomach, seeing that I had known Mr. Baker and his wife for several years.  I even remembered his huge hound named McGregger and Shasta the small Cairn Terrier.  He must have gotten the other Irish Wolfhound within the last year or so.  The dogs were loaded up into a smart looking SUV for an early morning trip to the vet.

Pick Axes and supplies were unloaded onto the dew covered lawn and the work commenced.  I decided to let the Jigaboos swing the picks and lift the block while I would hover in front like the ever faithful "Step 'n Fetch It" and grab the lifted blocks and stack them neatly to the side of the walkway for later replacement once the bed was cleared of tree roots, raked even and levelled off with the planeing boards.  The progress of the work would remind older folks of that movie "Cool Hand Luke," only I aint no goddamn convict.  That was the crux of the whole damn thing.  We were working in my own freaking neighborhood for crying out loud!  I could see the raw hatred on the faces of these ignorant savage motherfuckers that I have to work with every time some one that knew me came by and
 chatted with me.  I can empathize with them though, because on our lunch breaks when we are gliding through the 'hood on our way to "Red's Snak Shak," or some other source of ethnic wonderment, I am witness to the bombed out urban decay of their part of town.  Sidewalks that are made up more of the weeds bursting up through the cracks than of concrete. Every other house a boarded up wreck with a sign out front pleading for new ownership like a street begger holding a tattered cardboard message, hoping for the magic handout.  The broken down derelects hanging out here and there, looking ever more like the lone Native American survivors of a small pox outbreak back in the Old West.

As the day went on, after lunch, the crew leader actually began talking about how drug testing affected the football team at Northeast high school, and I tried, I really fucking tried, to talk about how with my generation twenty years previous was dragged into Straight instead of just merely tested, and was met with looks like I was a Hollywood writer desperate to sell a pilot to the networks or some shit.  I let it go.  Fuck it.  Maybe Sembler will start up some new "Ghetto Straight" or some shit.  It would serve these Mongoloid fuckers right.

The icing on the cake for today's adventure came at the end of the day, when the crew chief was driving us around eating up the clock, until it was time to head back to the yard.  Like a shark sensing blood in the water, yet still miles from the victim, he cruised through a neighborhood just as school buses were unloading kids.  He came upon an Urban Goddess walking her two sons home from the bus stop.  She reminded me of Olivia Brown (the cute black cop chick from Miami Vice) and proceeded with his line.  From the prospective of the woman, the first thing she really seen was the emblem of the City of St. Petersburg on the side of the work truck.  Magically, her two sons who were most likely twins now had sticks in their hands.  They vented their feelings against a nearby fence as my crew chief left the truck and walked over and worked his magic on this lady.  I will never forget how he called out to her, arm hanging out the window like a circus ape, "Oh baby, you afraid of being hurt?"  "I aint about hurt'n, I'm bout healing."  Yeah right, this is coming from a man who's been married for thirteen years.  Give me a break.  But still, the thing that is still stuck in my mind was the raw unharnessed emotion that poured out from the very essense of this young women as her entire face was swept with a rip tide of emotion when she was asked "What are you afraid of?" and she replied, "I am afraid of being hurt."

So what it all comes down to is that a married man of thirteen years may get himself some pussy, all because he is driving a vehicle that represents money.  Money that came from my taxes.
Money that is not being redistributed to this young lady because of our asshole President and his policies.  This is what happened today.  This is not made up.  This is real, and is what our society has to show for itself.  I hope you found it to be entertaining.  There will be more to come.  Working this shit, man, I hav'nt had this much fun in years!!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Inside a warehouse behind Tyrone Mall
we walked in darkness, kept hitting the wall.
I took the time to feel for the door,
I had been \"treated\" but what the hell for?

Offline webcrawler

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2004, 03:19:00 AM »
On 2004-08-25 23:22:00, 85 Day Jerk wrote:

"The workday started on a stretch of sidewalk just one block from Northshore Park and the shore of Tampa Bay.  Most of the crew were burnt out black folks who could only dream about living in this kind of a neighborhood.  A man and his wife brought thier 1800 dollar pair of Irish Wolfhounds out of their mansion to romp around on the front lawn.  They were kept in check by the tiny yapping figure of yet another pedigree dog that came in the form of a 900 dollar Cairn Terrier.  Various comments came from the crew, mostly concerning the kidnapping of said dogs and the collection of all awards thereafter.  The sort of inane bullshit clatter one would hear in the prison yard.  It was kind of hard for me to stomach, seeing that I had known Mr. Baker and his wife for several years.  I even remembered his huge hound named McGregger and Shasta the small Cairn Terrier.  He must have gotten the other Irish Wolfhound within the last year or so.  The dogs were loaded up into a smart looking SUV for an early morning trip to the vet.

Pick Axes and supplies were unloaded onto the dew covered lawn and the work commenced.  I decided to let the Jigaboos swing the picks and lift the block while I would hover in front like the ever faithful "Step 'n Fetch It" and grab the lifted blocks and stack them neatly to the side of the walkway for later replacement once the bed was cleared of tree roots, raked even and levelled off with the planeing boards.  The progress of the work would remind older folks of that movie "Cool Hand Luke," only I aint no goddamn convict.  That was the crux of the whole damn thing.  We were working in my own freaking neighborhood for crying out loud!  I could see the raw hatred on the faces of these ignorant savage motherfuckers that I have to work with every time some one that knew me came by and

 chatted with me.  I can empathize with them though, because on our lunch breaks when we are gliding through the 'hood on our way to "Red's Snak Shak," or some other source of ethnic wonderment, I am witness to the bombed out urban decay of their part of town.  Sidewalks that are made up more of the weeds bursting up through the cracks than of concrete. Every other house a boarded up wreck with a sign out front pleading for new ownership like a street begger holding a tattered cardboard message, hoping for the magic handout.  The broken down derelects hanging out here and there, looking ever more like the lone Native American survivors of a small pox outbreak back in the Old West.

As the day went on, after lunch, the crew leader actually began talking about how drug testing affected the football team at Northeast high school, and I tried, I really fucking tried, to talk about how with my generation twenty years previous was dragged into Straight instead of just merely tested, and was met with looks like I was a Hollywood writer desperate to sell a pilot to the networks or some shit.  I let it go.  Fuck it.  Maybe Sembler will start up some new "Ghetto Straight" or some shit.  It would serve these Mongoloid fuckers right.

The icing on the cake for today's adventure came at the end of the day, when the crew chief was driving us around eating up the clock, until it was time to head back to the yard.  Like a shark sensing blood in the water, yet still miles from the victim, he cruised through a neighborhood just as school buses were unloading kids.  He came upon an Urban Goddess walking her two sons home from the bus stop.  She reminded me of Olivia Brown (the cute black cop chick from Miami Vice) and proceeded with his line.  From the prospective of the woman, the first thing she really seen was the emblem of the City of St. Petersburg on the side of the work truck.  Magically, her two sons who were most likely twins now had sticks in their hands.  They vented their feelings against a nearby fence as my crew chief left the truck and walked over and worked his magic on this lady.  I will never forget how he called out to her, arm hanging out the window like a circus ape, "Oh baby, you afraid of being hurt?"  "I aint about hurt'n, I'm bout healing."  Yeah right, this is coming from a man who's been married for thirteen years.  Give me a break.  But still, the thing that is still stuck in my mind was the raw unharnessed emotion that poured out from the very essense of this young women as her entire face was swept with a rip tide of emotion when she was asked "What are you afraid of?" and she replied, "I am afraid of being hurt."

So what it all comes down to is that a married man of thirteen years may get himself some pussy, all because he is driving a vehicle that represents money.  Money that came from my taxes.

Money that is not being redistributed to this young lady because of our asshole President and his policies.  This is what happened today.  This is not made up.  This is real, and is what our society has to show for itself.  I hope you found it to be entertaining.  There will be more to come.  Working this shit, man, I hav'nt had this much fun in years!!!!"

My how humanatarian you sound calling folks jigaboos and ignorant savage motherfuckers. Just as sick as some other people on this board I see.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
am looking for people who survived Straight in Plymouth, Michigan. I miss a lot of people there and wonder what happened and would like to stay in touch.

Offline thebaker

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2004, 08:41:00 AM »
Interesting enough that i didnt stop reading and i think these observations were a lot more "humane" than the fake ideal that most people think of as being "humane".
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Scarstruck

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2004, 12:50:00 PM »
On 2004-08-26 00:19:00, krystene wrote:


On 2004-08-25 23:22:00, 85 Day Jerk wrote:

"The workday started on a stretch of sidewalk just one block from Northshore Park and the shore of Tampa Bay.  Most of the crew were burnt out black folks who could only dream about living in this kind of a neighborhood.  A man and his wife brought thier 1800 dollar pair of Irish Wolfhounds out of their mansion to romp around on the front lawn.  They were kept in check by the tiny yapping figure of yet another pedigree dog that came in the form of a 900 dollar Cairn Terrier.  Various comments came from the crew, mostly concerning the kidnapping of said dogs and the collection of all awards thereafter.  The sort of inane bullshit clatter one would hear in the prison yard.  It was kind of hard for me to stomach, seeing that I had known Mr. Baker and his wife for several years.  I even remembered his huge hound named McGregger and Shasta the small Cairn Terrier.  He must have gotten the other Irish Wolfhound within the last year or so.  The dogs were loaded up into a smart looking SUV for an early morning trip to the vet.

Pick Axes and supplies were unloaded onto the dew covered lawn and the work commenced.  I decided to let the Jigaboos swing the picks and lift the block while I would hover in front like the ever faithful "Step 'n Fetch It" and grab the lifted blocks and stack them neatly to the side of the walkway for later replacement once the bed was cleared of tree roots, raked even and levelled off with the planeing boards.  The progress of the work would remind older folks of that movie "Cool Hand Luke," only I aint no goddamn convict.  That was the crux of the whole damn thing.  We were working in my own freaking neighborhood for crying out loud!  I could see the raw hatred on the faces of these ignorant savage motherfuckers that I have to work with every time some one that knew me came by and

 chatted with me.  I can empathize with them though, because on our lunch breaks when we are gliding through the 'hood on our way to "Red's Snak Shak," or some other source of ethnic wonderment, I am witness to the bombed out urban decay of their part of town.  Sidewalks that are made up more of the weeds bursting up through the cracks than of concrete. Every other house a boarded up wreck with a sign out front pleading for new ownership like a street begger holding a tattered cardboard message, hoping for the magic handout.  The broken down derelects hanging out here and there, looking ever more like the lone Native American survivors of a small pox outbreak back in the Old West.

As the day went on, after lunch, the crew leader actually began talking about how drug testing affected the football team at Northeast high school, and I tried, I really fucking tried, to talk about how with my generation twenty years previous was dragged into Straight instead of just merely tested, and was met with looks like I was a Hollywood writer desperate to sell a pilot to the networks or some shit.  I let it go.  Fuck it.  Maybe Sembler will start up some new "Ghetto Straight" or some shit.  It would serve these Mongoloid fuckers right.

The icing on the cake for today's adventure came at the end of the day, when the crew chief was driving us around eating up the clock, until it was time to head back to the yard.  Like a shark sensing blood in the water, yet still miles from the victim, he cruised through a neighborhood just as school buses were unloading kids.  He came upon an Urban Goddess walking her two sons home from the bus stop.  She reminded me of Olivia Brown (the cute black cop chick from Miami Vice) and proceeded with his line.  From the prospective of the woman, the first thing she really seen was the emblem of the City of St. Petersburg on the side of the work truck.  Magically, her two sons who were most likely twins now had sticks in their hands.  They vented their feelings against a nearby fence as my crew chief left the truck and walked over and worked his magic on this lady.  I will never forget how he called out to her, arm hanging out the window like a circus ape, "Oh baby, you afraid of being hurt?"  "I aint about hurt'n, I'm bout healing."  Yeah right, this is coming from a man who's been married for thirteen years.  Give me a break.  But still, the thing that is still stuck in my mind was the raw unharnessed emotion that poured out from the very essense of this young women as her entire face was swept with a rip tide of emotion when she was asked "What are you afraid of?" and she replied, "I am afraid of being hurt."

So what it all comes down to is that a married man of thirteen years may get himself some pussy, all because he is driving a vehicle that represents money.  Money that came from my taxes.

Money that is not being redistributed to this young lady because of our asshole President and his policies.  This is what happened today.  This is not made up.  This is real, and is what our society has to show for itself.  I hope you found it to be entertaining.  There will be more to come.  Working this shit, man, I hav'nt had this much fun in years!!!!"

My how humanatarian you sound calling folks jigaboos and ignorant savage motherfuckers. Just as sick as some other people on this board I see."

Its not really ignorant. Go live in prison for a few years...see how they treat you.  :wink:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
\"You knew I was a snake when you picked me up\" ~S.S

Offline ehm

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2004, 12:52:00 PM »
On 2004-08-25 23:22:00, 85 Day Jerk wrote:

 He came upon an Urban Goddess walking her two sons home from the bus stop.  She reminded me of Olivia Brown (the cute black cop chick from Miami Vice) and proceeded with his line.  From the prospective of the woman, the first thing she really seen was the emblem of the City of St. Petersburg on the side of the work truck.  Magically, her two sons who were most likely twins now had sticks in their hands.  They vented their feelings against a nearby fence as my crew chief left the truck and walked over and worked his magic on this lady.  I will never forget how he called out to her, arm hanging out the window like a circus ape, "Oh baby, you afraid of being hurt?"  "I aint about hurt'n, I'm bout healing."  Yeah right, this is coming from a man who's been married for thirteen years.  Give me a break.  But still, the thing that is still stuck in my mind was the raw unharnessed emotion that poured out from the very essense of this young women as her entire face was swept with a rip tide of emotion when she was asked "What are you afraid of?" and she replied, "I am afraid of being hurt."

I would have said, "What are you, my psychiatrist or somethin!!?" ? In a Rosie Perez tone, let out a "Dayum!" then rolled my eyes, and walked my little jiggaboos home. Urban goddess style, of course. :wink:

No matter how great your triumphs or how tragic your defeats---approximately one billion Chinese couldn't care less.
--Lazlo's Chinese Relativity Axiom:

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline webcrawler

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #13 on: August 26, 2004, 02:11:00 PM »
On 2004-08-26 05:41:00, thebaker wrote:

"Interesting enough that i didnt stop reading and i think these observations were a lot more "humane" than the fake ideal that most people think of as being "humane". "

Yeah, well it's funny how folks are always talking about what terrible people were in Straight and they seem to be just as terrible.

I take offense to shit like that and my kids aren't a fuckin jigaboo or any other derogatory name for that matter. Oh, and yeah they are both a Goddess and I'm sure many of your racist piece's of shit men who have sons will be drooling over my gorgeous daughters or some other beautiful bi-racial woman.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
am looking for people who survived Straight in Plymouth, Michigan. I miss a lot of people there and wonder what happened and would like to stay in touch.

Offline webcrawler

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Yet Another Observation
« Reply #14 on: August 26, 2004, 02:18:00 PM »
On 2004-08-26 09:50:00, Scarstruck wrote:


On 2004-08-26 00:19:00, krystene wrote:


On 2004-08-25 23:22:00, 85 Day Jerk wrote:

"The workday started on a stretch of sidewalk just one block from Northshore Park and the shore of Tampa Bay.  Most of the crew were burnt out black folks who could only dream about living in this kind of a neighborhood.  A man and his wife brought thier 1800 dollar pair of Irish Wolfhounds out of their mansion to romp around on the front lawn.  They were kept in check by the tiny yapping figure of yet another pedigree dog that came in the form of a 900 dollar Cairn Terrier.  Various comments came from the crew, mostly concerning the kidnapping of said dogs and the collection of all awards thereafter.  The sort of inane bullshit clatter one would hear in the prison yard.  It was kind of hard for me to stomach, seeing that I had known Mr. Baker and his wife for several years.  I even remembered his huge hound named McGregger and Shasta the small Cairn Terrier.  He must have gotten the other Irish Wolfhound within the last year or so.  The dogs were loaded up into a smart looking SUV for an early morning trip to the vet.

Pick Axes and supplies were unloaded onto the dew covered lawn and the work commenced.  I decided to let the Jigaboos swing the picks and lift the block while I would hover in front like the ever faithful "Step 'n Fetch It" and grab the lifted blocks and stack them neatly to the side of the walkway for later replacement once the bed was cleared of tree roots, raked even and levelled off with the planeing boards.  The progress of the work would remind older folks of that movie "Cool Hand Luke," only I aint no goddamn convict.  That was the crux of the whole damn thing.  We were working in my own freaking neighborhood for crying out loud!  I could see the raw hatred on the faces of these ignorant savage motherfuckers that I have to work with every time some one that knew me came by and

 chatted with me.  I can empathize with them though, because on our lunch breaks when we are gliding through the 'hood on our way to "Red's Snak Shak," or some other source of ethnic wonderment, I am witness to the bombed out urban decay of their part of town.  Sidewalks that are made up more of the weeds bursting up through the cracks than of concrete. Every other house a boarded up wreck with a sign out front pleading for new ownership like a street begger holding a tattered cardboard message, hoping for the magic handout.  The broken down derelects hanging out here and there, looking ever more like the lone Native American survivors of a small pox outbreak back in the Old West.

As the day went on, after lunch, the crew leader actually began talking about how drug testing affected the football team at Northeast high school, and I tried, I really fucking tried, to talk about how with my generation twenty years previous was dragged into Straight instead of just merely tested, and was met with looks like I was a Hollywood writer desperate to sell a pilot to the networks or some shit.  I let it go.  Fuck it.  Maybe Sembler will start up some new "Ghetto Straight" or some shit.  It would serve these Mongoloid fuckers right.

The icing on the cake for today's adventure came at the end of the day, when the crew chief was driving us around eating up the clock, until it was time to head back to the yard.  Like a shark sensing blood in the water, yet still miles from the victim, he cruised through a neighborhood just as school buses were unloading kids.  He came upon an Urban Goddess walking her two sons home from the bus stop.  She reminded me of Olivia Brown (the cute black cop chick from Miami Vice) and proceeded with his line.  From the prospective of the woman, the first thing she really seen was the emblem of the City of St. Petersburg on the side of the work truck.  Magically, her two sons who were most likely twins now had sticks in their hands.  They vented their feelings against a nearby fence as my crew chief left the truck and walked over and worked his magic on this lady.  I will never forget how he called out to her, arm hanging out the window like a circus ape, "Oh baby, you afraid of being hurt?"  "I aint about hurt'n, I'm bout healing."  Yeah right, this is coming from a man who's been married for thirteen years.  Give me a break.  But still, the thing that is still stuck in my mind was the raw unharnessed emotion that poured out from the very essense of this young women as her entire face was swept with a rip tide of emotion when she was asked "What are you afraid of?" and she replied, "I am afraid of being hurt."

So what it all comes down to is that a married man of thirteen years may get himself some pussy, all because he is driving a vehicle that represents money.  Money that came from my taxes.

Money that is not being redistributed to this young lady because of our asshole President and his policies.  This is what happened today.  This is not made up.  This is real, and is what our society has to show for itself.  I hope you found it to be entertaining.  There will be more to come.  Working this shit, man, I hav'nt had this much fun in years!!!!"

My how humanatarian you sound calling folks jigaboos and ignorant savage motherfuckers. Just as sick as some other people on this board I see."

Its not really ignorant. Go live in prison for a few years...see how they treat you.  :wink:

Yes, my brother is doing 25-50 in prison and I know all too well about what you are saying. My brother has been in many fights. However, this dude posting is not in prison right now and it's some pretty sick shit he's talking especially if it's someone who proclaims what abusers Straight was.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
am looking for people who survived Straight in Plymouth, Michigan. I miss a lot of people there and wonder what happened and would like to stay in touch.