Author Topic: various people I'm remembering from Atlanta  (Read 15070 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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various people I'm remembering from Atlanta
« Reply #15 on: October 11, 2002, 02:41:00 AM »
Steve Callum- He was the guy who broke Mrs. ????'s nose. He had been smoking Jimson weed prior to admission, he was never altogther there. After he popped her, he was buried under a pile of phasers in the carpet room. He was taken away, rumour had it once I made trainee that he was taken up to the attic dungeon over the back dock and was severly beaten by a rotating group of fifth phasers who were highly trusted.

That was a Friday open meetign day I think, and we had an outdoor 'picnic' rap that next Sunday out in the little fenced in area on the side of the building. everyoen was having a great time, it was the first and to my knowlege only time we had been allowed an outdoor good time rap.

we were rollign along eating watermelon and having fun when it was decided that we needed to have a serious rap as well. Soon after we started the rap, Steve was trotted out in front of us, covered in bruises, and two Cobb County Sheriffs deputies came int othe area and arrested him for assualt and battery, felony charges, they took him away and we were all, ALL traumatized by that event.

Of course the fifth phasers who beat him up and covered him with bruises were not arrested for their own A&B on him overthe two days of isolation.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline hedwigfan

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« Reply #16 on: October 11, 2002, 05:47:00 AM »
Wow, you have some memory. I'm Kris (Mazur) Landt, and take it easy, we're all trying to heal. Regardless of how far we made it through the program, we were all robbed of a part of ourselves. I was very good friends with your sister and have often wondered about how she's doing. I was also good friends with Dana Sheridan Housley. Glad you've found the site and hope you and Cecile are doing well.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
ll this world is but a play
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Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #17 on: October 11, 2002, 07:54:00 AM »
Hi Kris,

My sister is a single parent, she has a nine year old daughter. She has no interest in discussing cult related issues, but I will pass along your good wishes and your email address if you like.

Yeah I guess I would have a good memory, as I recall you were in the office with Tilly and the rest when I was confronted about the bathroom incident. I have vivid memories, actually nightmares on a regular basis about it, including what you said to me, though I do not hold you responsible, nor hold ill will towards you, you were manipulated and lied to like everyone else.

I have a pretty much daily nightmares about what happened in the bathroom, that has been going on for about 20 years, though for a very long time I self medicated it away.

I would very much like to know what happened to Bob Ambrose after I withdrew, if you have any information.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #18 on: October 11, 2002, 08:40:00 AM »
Chris I am sorry if my crackpot psychiatric comment was offensive to you, but it is the way I saw it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline ClayL

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« Reply #19 on: October 11, 2002, 10:21:00 AM »

Ramona Love is now living in Greenville, SC and is doing quite well from all accounts. She has one child who is 13 and giving her fits, and doing things she'd prefer him not to.

Derrick B. Last I talked to him was about 7 years ago. He married, damn I forgot the name, but had one child at the time. He picked up a degree in phsycology and wark working with inmates in the Georgia Prison system.

People I've been wondering about:

Rusty McDaniels
Dean Keenan
Will Tidd - Was my best friend in the program and really want to get in touch with him. Tried calling his parents the other day, but the number was wrong. I believe he still lives in ATL.

I am
Clay Lovett
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline kosmonaut

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« Reply #20 on: October 11, 2002, 01:35:00 PM »
Hey James, you have an amazing memory.  Reading all those names brought back many faces.  I'll be sending you an email.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline hedwigfan

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« Reply #21 on: October 11, 2002, 01:52:00 PM »
  I'd love to hear from Cecile. My email address is [email protected]. I have 12 year old twins. I finished med school in 2001 and am in the midst of anesthesia residency now.
  I have no idea what I said to you, nor do I think I'd want to remember. I'm sorry for whatever I said and am sorry about what happened to you. I quit staff after that incident--Ashley, Letha, and I had taken that weekend off, and when we came back on Monday, it was clear that some bad shit had gone down over the weekend. I've run into survivors of that incident (Wesley) since then.
  My memory from 83-85 is really poor, so I don't recall a lot of specifics. I have just now gotten into some intensive psychotherapy to start dealing with all this emotional baggage from Straight. i think we all suffer from PTSD to some extent. To make matters worse, my parents are still involved with other Straight parents and have a little straight group. I've never been able to escape it because they're at all the family gatherings.
  i lived with letha for awhile after Straight. She kicked me out of our apartment after I realized I was neither an addict or alcoholic, and I haven't seen her since. I did get contacted by Abby Orr a few years ago for a Straight reunion, which I did not attend. ashley kilpatrick is married. Charles Clonts is still around. That's about all I know.
  Please give my e-mail address to Cecile. Best wishes, Kris
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
ll this world is but a play
Be thou the joyful player
\"Maya\"  The Incredible String Band

Offline kosmonaut

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« Reply #22 on: October 11, 2002, 05:10:00 PM »
On 2002-10-10 23:41:00, Anonymous wrote:
Steve Callum- He was the guy who broke Mrs. ????'s nose. He had been smoking Jimson weed prior to admission, he was never altogther there. After he popped her, he was buried under a pile of phasers in the carpet room. He was taken away, rumour had it once I made trainee that he was taken up to the attic dungeon over the back dock and was severly beaten by a rotating group of fifth phasers who were highly trusted.

That was a Friday open meetign day I think, and we had an outdoor 'picnic' rap that next Sunday out in the little fenced in area on the side of the building. everyoen was having a great time, it was the first and to my knowlege only time we had been allowed an outdoor good time rap.

we were rollign along eating watermelon and having fun when it was decided that we needed to have a serious rap as well. Soon after we started the rap, Steve was trotted out in front of us, covered in bruises, and two Cobb County Sheriffs deputies came int othe area and arrested him for assualt and battery, felony charges, they took him away and we were all, ALL traumatized by that event.

Of course the fifth phasers who beat him up and covered him with bruises were not arrested for their own A&B on him overthe two days of isolation.

Hey James I believe his name was actually Mike McCallum (ClayL posted about this sometime back).  I'm not much into violence but when Mike broke her jaw that was the ultimate statement about how our minds were being abused.  That guy should have been put in psychiatric care, NOT Straight.  I remember being horrified inside at how month after month they verbally and physically abused Mike, who at that point was just a shell of a human after 2 years of that kind of treatment.  He didn't even register any facial expression or seem to understand what was happening around him.  I remember there was some smartass 5th phaser, can't remember his name but he was a black guy, used to really get off on having Mike stand up in group so he could make fun of him.  I wonder where that asshole is today.  

I remember the outdoor bbq too.  That was great getting some sun for a couple of hours.  Amazing actually.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #23 on: October 11, 2002, 08:05:00 PM »
Kris- I broke into tears after reading your last posting, thankyou for the apology, what you said is not really of consequence, this littel interaction has allowed me to work through some really heavy stuff moreso that I could have without making contact.

The cycle of abuse was difficult to break, as you were abused and manipulated, you aquired as we  all did a "cult induced" personality that was not representative of your true self. The same was true of me, and that is why that awful nightmare in the bathroom took place.

I only hope that someday I will get the chance to apologize to young Mr. Ambrose. It chews me up inside what i became in that place, it was nothing like who I really am. I went os far as to revert ot my original name- James - Three years ago, and that was a part of my awakening process. As people in my new California life called out James- it is my belief that 'james' started to wwake up from the cult personality, whom I refer to as Jim these days.

If you have not already I strongly encourage you to read Dr. Lifton's writing on Thought Reform. It was a revelation for me. I found good therapy via which has some listings for therapists that specialize in cult related abuse.

I always respected you Kris, and I am thrilled to hear that your life is progessing so wonderfully.

I have yet to go to school, but then I was living in a total daze for over 18 years, changing addresses two or three times a year, leaving no forwarding info, avoiding bank accounts and lots of other things out of fear of retribution from either the program or certain people who blamed me for their abuse.

I have settled down in Sacramento, and have established a domestic partnership with a wonderful man. I too came to the realization that I was neither a addict or alcoholic, and that I never was. I had been sexually abused for four years prior to experimenting with pot and alcohol, msot of the rest of the stuff I told them at my intake was made up- I was desparate, unconscious of it, but desparate to escape my sexual abusers, and the cult was ready to help me do that.

I am most enraged when I think about the fact that I revealed my sexual abuse during my intake in detail, and the program deliberately hid that from my parents. Had my parents been infomed of the sex abuse, they would have taken much different actions.

I began to wake up when my primary abuser- the clergyman at my church, died last year. It sent me into a spiral, and that was when I discovered Ginger, and Wes, and the entire thing. I went to the first conference in Bethesda, and then had a breakdown, and hav since done a great deal of work.

It was very difficult to bring my parents around, but they have started to understand the true nature of the cult.

It is my opinion that the program was primarily a political tool for Mr. Sembler and his totalist right wing agenda, and that all the rest was, as they said in Synanon- HOOPLA.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #24 on: October 11, 2002, 09:17:00 PM »
When I withdrew the first time, in the spring of 1984, right after I made it to second phase and was set back ...I left the building after my exit conference with Ann C and my parents, they sent me out onto austell road with no money, no clothes, no resources at all, in fact they really didn't want to give me my ID back, but my parents insisted.

I walked down Delk Road all the way to I75, as I have posted elsewhere I remember seeing phasers drive by later that night, and they honked at me.

At any rate I walked over to an apartment, right at Delk and 75, the guy who I had lived with for a short time was named Jim, his mother was a single parent, and he was in his 20's. They had withdrawn from the program a couple of months prior to that, must have been in January 84 when they withdrew.

Does anyone recall his last name? What were the apartments called? They literally looked out onto 75.

They let me stay there one night, gave me a cigarette, and then I walked all the way to downtown Atlanta and ended up living in the Salvation Army Youth Shelter for a few months before I broke down adn came back to the cult begging to be readmitted to hell.

I had totally forgotten Charles Clontz that was a real flashback.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline enough

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« Reply #25 on: October 12, 2002, 12:10:00 AM »
The executive whose jaw was broken was Helen Morton. My Sister reminded me of the name tonight.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline hedwigfan

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« Reply #26 on: October 12, 2002, 09:05:00 AM »
  I'm really glad you've found this site. I've finally found validation here. Many of my family members are still of the opinion that I never would have made it without Straight, and I've given up talking to them about it. In therapy, I'm realizing I'm just at the tip of the iceberg and it's going to take a lot of work to bring what happened in Straight into consciousness. I've lost two years of my life, and it's a numbness and confusion I feel. Thank God my husband, who has believed for many years (I met him in 1985) that I had features of PTSD (rage attacks, emotional numbing, memory loss, hyperactive startle reflex), finally persuaded me to see a therapist. It's overwhelming right now, because it's hard to envision ever feeling whole again.
  My therapist feels it's important for survivors to tell their stories...hearing your story made me very sad. I used to daydream about escaping alot. I was 20 when I came in, and from day 1, was falsely imprisoned. Everytime I tried to withdraw, I was taken to an intake room, and informed that I was under court order and I'd go to jail if I withdrew. I still don't know if this was something cooked up between my parents and the staff, or if the staff was just lying, but I was never court-ordered, EVER!! After 4 or 5 months on 1st phase, I gave up and conformed because I saw no way out. It was a desperate time. I still wish I would have had the courage to run away, but I was so afraid of the police. I was definitely brainwashed...what's vexing is how did I allow it to happen? Or, was there even a choice? I have guilt over that--could I have prevented all this emotional damage? When I think about being on staff, it sickens me, because I know I was part of the problem.
  I'm glad to hear you have a supportive relationship now. Do you talk to your parents at all? Kris
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
ll this world is but a play
Be thou the joyful player
\"Maya\"  The Incredible String Band

Offline dreammagician

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« Reply #27 on: October 12, 2002, 09:18:00 AM »
Whenever I confront my parents about straight after a long raised voise confrontation i get told that i was court ordered. I know I wasn't court ordered. I want proof even then i want to know why you didn't get me out of there sooner. so many rules, not enough common sense, maybe i was too young, an idiot. it gets hard to figure out why people want to control others so bad. Oh well we're all on the road to recovery.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline enough

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« Reply #28 on: October 12, 2002, 11:16:00 AM »
 I could not be more sensitive to how you are feeling. I can not emphasize enough how stunningly healthy and rewarding it has been to interact with you over the past few days.

If I can be so bold as to say it, I did manage to get away, and yet I was so conditioned to be dependant on the group that I came back. I can recall those exit conference with Ann so clearly, and I resented my family for a long time over how I was turned out onto the streets alone.

I am an atheist today, and never in my life have I had a better understanding of the true power of belief. Once I began to believe that I was an addict, that I had been sexually abused because of my addiction, that I was 'insane' and 'powerless' - it became a self fulfilling prophecy.

 I entered the program shortly prior to my eighteenth birthday, and perhaps the most insidiuos nature of my experience was that I actually wanted to be there. As a result of my sexual abuse, at the hands of adult men, I was already a PTSD case upon my entry, I believe that this was true of so many people at the cult.

 What happened in that place was exactly the opposite of what I needed. It complicated and deepened my disorder, rather than helping me to resolve my issues. By the time I left, I was living so many lies that I no longer knew which 'stories' in my life were true, and which I had created as 'walls' to keep people away from my pain, a pain that I began to nurture and protect. Keeping the 'wound' open it is called.

 I spent the next 18 years floundering and repeating the cycle I had developed at the Program. I would take a job, work there for a while, tell so many lies that I could not keep them straight. Eventually the pressure would mount, I would eitehr need to be suceesful and move up a ladder or fail utterly, and always the latter won out.

 As recently as two years ago, I was still telling people that I had been and 'adolescent rehabilitation counselor' and repeating the lie that we had 'the equivalent' of a psychology degree. A lie that you might recall from group. Peopel respected me for that- and I just developed a deeper self hatred each time I started a new life with the same old lies.

 I would go into a rage at work, quit my job, spend a few weeks drunk ( cause I thought that was what I was supposed to do) then put myself in a rehab, or a mental ward for a few days or weeks. I would always leave early- again in my pattern- and then beat myself up as a failure some more.

 I spent years trying to define my own sexuality, holding deep self-hatred for my own sexual desires, always feeling that sex was just something that led me to drugs etc etc - we all know that tripe. Internalized homophobia is truly destructive.

 All of this manifested itself physically in terms of severe back pain, pain that no doctor could explain, because I could not explain the full picture in any 10 minute visit.

 I held at least 35-40 different jobs over the past 18 years, I lived all over the country, and I could never hold together any relationship.

The worst part of it all was that I had no explanation. Not for myself or for people who tried to help me- It was so frustrating.
I first began to understand at the beginning of the summer of 2001. Since then I have taken stress management courses to help with the back pain- it is gone now- and then started up individualized therapy, and finally joined a cult awareness group here in CA.

 Although I refer to the group as a cult at times, I am not sure that it was, I really like to think of it as a 'high demand group', primarily because there was no one universal leader whom claimed to be God or his special messenger. As much as I revile Tilly and Buttermer, and even Mr. Sembler, I do not think of any of them as a messiah figure, nor do I believe that they do either.

 I called my therapist yesterday to discuss the interaction with you over the past few days. I have found it to be such a relief to hear someone who was 'further up' than me, who had come to grips with the truth.

 Much of the past year has been spent learning to forgive myself for what I did as a trainee and an upper phaser. I had become a fascist of sorts, as did most of us, and I hated myself for being so naive and gullible. I hated my parents, for leaving me there, I hated the program for lying to us, and I hated myself for hating my parents etc etc - the cycle is endless.

 Emotional numbing, angry outbursts, exaggerated startle response, nightmares, physical self mutilation- I still drift off and pick at my head or nose quite often- that one has proved to be a challenge- all of these PTSD symptoms are slowly falling away. I have been almost 12 months without an outburst, and I have been in the same relationship for just over three years now.

 In a bit of truly sweet irony- I found much of the strength to face my own demons while working for two years at a gay sex club in SF. It was so liberating to be in a truly sex positive and 'person' positive atmosphere, without judgemental people telling me how to live or play.

 I hold no illusion that my life will just be easy as pie from now on- If you have read the Lord of The Rings- I am much like Frodo- I still have nightmares, I still feel the pain on 12/3 each year, my intake date. I still see Bob Ambrose in my sleep and waking hours, crying in the bathroom with his head soaked from the toliet, I still see Rob and the rest of the kids forcing his head under the water.

 But it gets a little better each month, a few less dreams, a few less tears, and few more smiles. Hearing from you has really helped, and I hope that we could meet in person someday, when you feel comfortable with that.

 Please feel free to contact me anytime if you need someone to talk to, I will email you my phone number. I can't promise anything but my willingness to listen as best I can. And I won't confront you!


PS- I got a reply from my sister, but I do not know if she will email you. I do not try to coerce her into talking about the cult, but she said more about it in the past two days than she had for years, and that was a good thing. You are helping me right now- take something good from that !!!!!  

[ This Message was edited by: James  on 2002-10-13 23:26 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline enough

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« Reply #29 on: October 12, 2002, 11:30:00 AM »
CLay L wrote:


Ramona Love is now living in Greenville, SC and is doing quite well from all accounts. She has one child who is 13 and giving her fits, and doing things she'd prefer him not to.

Derrick B. Last I talked to him was about 7 years ago. He married, damn I forgot the name, but had one child at the time. He picked up a degree in phsycology and wark working with inmates in the Georgia Prison system.

People I've been wondering about:

Rusty McDaniels
Dean Keenan
Will Tidd - Was my best friend in the program and really want to get in touch with him. Tried calling his parents the other day, but the number was wrong. I believe he still lives in ATL.

I am
Clay Lovett

I would love to find out about Rusty too- I had his last name wrong- Rusty had a big impact on me, when he left staff I was devastated. I tried to look him up, all I found was a name that matched, on some records for a construction company- I never pursued it further.

Dean Keenan was the guy from Pauley's Island- he also left staff while I was on second or third.

 Will Tidd- trying to placethe face- I lived at home with a guy named Will when i first made sceond phase- I got in trouble for reading the Bible too long in the bathtub- they reported me and  I was set back for 'avoiding my drug problem. Will's mom always fed us well, he had a bit of a 'queeny' air about him and was deeply concerned with fashion and his own clothing.

Same guy? If so I really liked him.

I didn't mean to ignore your post Clay, I just got so involved in what Kris had to say.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »