Author Topic: Lugs  (Read 2236 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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« on: April 16, 2004, 01:22:00 PM »
Lugs were my favorite.  I liked raps.  Honestly, this sounds fucked up but I loved disclosures with morbid curiousity.  Like nick spaet when he got caught fucking the barnyard pig... comedy mfing *gold*.


Anyways.  So many BCA stories.  You hadda be underground at BCA cause the look goods were such fucking nerds.  So i just dedicated my stay to trading idiots for the phattest clothes.  Husling kids for tommy hill, cause of a biolage bottle we refilled with suave salon style. Lol

Kids just wanted nice shamp bottles, they didnt care about the shamps.

My lugs?   I was always told i would be a good used car salesman....
I ended up selling lux rides when i left.  So they were right :grin:  I dunno, as "lame" as bca was, i made good friends and lauged my ass off and dug a lot of holes.  I got so fucking good at digging from all the jumpsuits I was on, i felt like a mexican who was gettin paid for food.  Its cool tho, the staff never really came down hard on me like they did on other people physically.   I cant remember a time when I actually got restrained....
I remember smoking weed, having sex, snorting meds tryin to get high....

Loved the mountians tho.  I think I could go to sandpoint for some more skiiing someseason.  I think id go back just to see if bob bosley still works for 'em.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2004, 01:25:00 PM »
p.s. Dont take yourself too seriously.  Just cause the school ran iself like a "Ministry of Truth." In the end, you knew who you could trust.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2004, 11:46:00 PM »
Yeah, lugs were funny, cold often, but always funny, unless it was you, and then you just saved it for the rap, scheming how you were gonna turn an indictment around on the staff or accusing student. Or gameplanning with a friend about taking the rap over...that was always cool as hell, taking control from the staff with or without their knowledge. The best was when someone else would go totally berserk, that was always fun to watch, adding little comments to help them lose it.  
         Although, for the kids that felt the need to steal, fuck the animals, and jerking off to stolen girl's underwear.............we really truly should have been able to give them a righteous blanket party. That was bullshit. Liars also included, not cedu's version of a liar, but a liar, what fucking fucks. And for the guys who would bust out in raps that they were attracted to other guys.......uhmmm couldn't we have beat them, or at the very least, let the biscuit bandits have their own dorm???? oh that's right, because the rest of us dorm heads would have had to work harder to keep our shit wired tight, cause the faggots really kept shit spit shined.
     Of all the double standards that I ever saw, that was some of the worst shit. You'd be putting up with some kid cracking on you about say...dead parents, course you'd crack back, bbut these faggots would wince around acting like faggots in general and you couldn't even snicker.........what was that about. Or religion?????? what about that?????? the only ones that could practice religion were the jewish kids. That may have been the coldest cut of all to a good ol' boy, wouldn't even let us have our own god. The jews recieved special treatment as a whole, I had some very good jewish friends when I was there, but watching them being able to celebrate all these shitting holidays plus the cedu barbarism plus special treatment of minorities who can't take jokes made me sick. hahahahahhahhhahahhahhahhahahhaha
which is so funny now because in 2004, you can't even talk shit to somebody for fear of getting an assault charge leveled at you in court. Guess the world is turning to CEDU..........
     And hey, I'm an equal opportunity type of guy....I hate all types equally.

bwahahahhahhahaaha Don't Judge they said...      
   well he fucked a goat, mr staff person, I ain't gonna like him for it, or even accept it.... maybe if he fucked it out in the open, then at least he had a plan.
    My point is there was a few kids that deserved to be there, most of us did not. Shit, this talk about gang-bangers needing to be there.... shit the whole time I was there, like 5 hard cases came in, and 5 hard-cases left. Shit, everybody was a gansta' (is that proper ebonics??) everybody thought they were tough.... until the day you found out they were from a upper class gated community....that hurts the bad-ass credibility.

oh that was funny too, these skin and bones motherfuckers that would talk about all the ass they whupped back home. That was funny as hell. Shit, I was in fights all the time before I went, but they never amounted to shit, and they sure as hell didn't make me tough.

Don't get me wrong, lots of tough shit happened to kids that was wrong, you didn't fuck with them for it, no matter how much they pissed you off. Guess that was like the unwritten rule. Most times new kids didn't know that, and sometimes you would have to show them the error of their ways. You broke it, ya got broke. CEDU was just not a real good place for working out tough issues, especially for the girls, who had to air a lot of dirty laundry in front of a bunch of guys. I didn't have a lot of baggage, so it never bothered me to talk about it.
 They loved to stick fuck-ups in my dorm, people that should have been left on a doorstep, the liars, the thieves, the homos, the fake hardasses. I should have got a commission for the kids I sent packing to ascent for being assholes in general, not just to the system.
   The strategy was simple, I was dorm head, I had a assistant dorm head who was in the know, and I had at least one barbarian that I had created in my own image in the dorm also. You would start fucking with him when he was being an ass, then you would ignore, then fuck with again. Suddenly the gameplan would go unscripted and you would try to make him cry, if that worked, usually he found a way to fly right, or leave to another dorm. Sometimes if you really needed to get rid of him, you would piss him off until he broke the violence agreement, then it was down the road to ascent with his ass, nobody the wiser. Of course there were those that you just couldn't break because they were such morons, and you would just avoid them.
       Oh and the ones that were too tough to break??? those you just took their talents and used them constructively, molding them into the image that you wanted. They were your bitter halves. They would take your hard lessons learned, apply them, use their talents as well and then they were free to create their own, still owing allegiance to you. That was so cool and that is one of the few things I miss very much. That was the one place where the insidious big brother program paid off, you had your own army of crazy bastards, and you used them to do things you could not as a upper level student. So you couldn't call someone outright a bitch across the house, so you got your new voyager buddy to do it for you. Didn't like another kid, but fucking with him got you working?? well that's where your little brother and a tube of toothpaste came in.
    and war in the dorms..... remember those days, one side against the other, taking all their tp and putting it in your footlocker. Shitting in their toilets and not flushing. Flushing all toilets to burn the shower takers. or filling up a five gallon bucket of cold water and dumping it into the showers?? The pillow fights? that was fun trying to think of excuses a guy I knocked out could use to explain his cauliflower ear and rashed up face.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2004, 12:32:00 AM »
I bet you did great tours for all the unsuspecting, prospective parents also.

I would never send someone I love to a place where cruel,homophobic,assholes like you reside.  Parents need to understand the kind of social animals dwell in these places.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2004, 01:46:00 AM »
Hey fuck the parents, they can fucking die. And I said I hated everybody equally, think about it. everybody has something to hate, whether it is race, sexual orientation, or whatever. Sometimes you gotta look hard to find something to hate. Hey look at married couples, after a time they can find the smallest things to hate and to them that is big stuff. i.e. not taking out the trash, or leaving the seat up. If you are a true hater, you can find hate in everything. And to the moron who hates me for what I said (ooh a hater also), unsuspecting prospective parents never came for a quick tour, shit, out of all kids, I was one of few whose folks dropped them off at the gates of hell. Oh, and did I say I fucked up some gay kid?? no I did not, like I said there was a different standard for us regular kids. This is a freee country, I can believe what I want to believe. The day I cannot have my own beliefs, I will hang myself. Think about it, you are perpetuating the vicious cycle. and that cycle is America. If there are no haters, movements would stop. If nobody hated Martin Luther, he would be old, and nobody would give a shit. He believed in what he dreamed of, somebody else hated that dream, and thus made it come to be, or at least in the final stages. If people had shown apathy, nothing would have changed, coulda been ten million men marching, no one would have paid any attention. Hatred and jealousy and greed drive this country. Without them, I'm not sure where we would be. Communistic or fascist I guess, where everybody is forced to have the same beliefs. I like free thinking, I came to CEDU a very angry hateful young man, they tried to force me to change. Sure I changed outwardly, but when I got out I was more angry than ever, I could just contain myself, just like I had to do for 2 and a half years. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Hey you want to see true hate?? I never once truly abused somebody there (well except for staff) I saw plenty of staff take advantage of kids, push kids' buttons by shoving issues in their faces, Yelling at girls who had serious issues with rape and the like to call themselves whores and sluts???? that is fucking abuse, not me saying I hate gay people. That is how I feel.

Oh and you think it is right to fuck a farm animal?? I really don't think that animal much cares, but we had to live with the filthy fuck who got his rocks off doing that. Yeah, you should never send someone you love away to any kind of school. period. I was beaten down every day at RMA, verbally and physically in the dorms. I was 14 when I showed up, 5 foot nothing, 100 and nothing. I had to grow up fast, and hard, just a redneck among all these elitist pussies at RMA, by the time I left RMA and went to BCA, I could talk shit with a playground baller. Cap fight I held my own, I was through taking shit and wouldn't accept it for the rest of my time.
Fuck if you got a problem with it, move to parts of Mississippi, and Alabama, South Carolina.....
Stars and bars still fly above the stars and stripes. You may find a few folks that are a little more hatin' than me. And that is considered normal and acceptable.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2004, 01:51:00 AM »
oh and hey, if you can accept some dude fucking a animal, or stealing your underwear and jerking off with them, all the while being kept in a shithole are some sorta god. But obviously you have never been to one of these shut the fuck up, get in your SUV, eat your veggies, and get that snotnose kid of yours to soccer practice.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2004, 03:44:00 AM »
Gee,Iwonder why your parents sentyou away to that shit hole?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline chinsk

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« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2004, 12:53:00 PM »
I remember giving plenty of tours to parents.  I would always give them the uncut version when staff took off.  We actually convinced this one parent who we toured not to send there kid there.  She started askin us what kinds of things went on in the shcool and the dorms and the parent couldnt believe her ears.  Never saw her or her kid again.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2004, 12:05:00 AM »
i am an ex BCA student currently filing a lawsuit against cedu for the time i was there...we have several ex students an amazing lawyer and staff testifying for us..if you are interested in becoming part of this please contact me...all ex staff and students are welcome to join.  email me at [email protected] or IM me at jmg532
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2004, 12:59:00 PM »
You would give a name of a lawyer to contact
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »