Author Topic: the correct facts  (Read 3725 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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the correct facts
« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2004, 02:53:00 PM »
the threat of using attorneys to keep me in check.
in 1995 I worked for McDuff Electronics.  they went under and fired me for being 15 minutes late 3 days before closing their doors.  Tandy tried to deny my severence package because I was fired instead of being layed off.  Well I ended up getting it plus a little more.  When they fired me I told them I would sue for my benefits.  They said "Go ahead, we have 3 floors of lawyers and you will not get shit."  NOT

I'll post the lyrics to this song later.  I can't remember all the stuff I've wrote, but I do have everything in books.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #16 on: March 26, 2004, 03:09:00 PM »
Manor Park Retirement Community.....2003

This last summer I was working for a retirement home as a cook.  Most of the equipment in the place did not work.  The steam table was my main concern.  We served meals buffet style, and since the steam table did not work, the elderly residents had to eat luke warm to cold food.  I went through all means to get it fixed or replaced.  But the greedy bastards just did not want to spend the money on it. The residents were really down about cold meals so I threatened to call the state and report it as abuse if it were not repaired or replaced.  Shortly afterward I was fired.  I took action and as a result the place had to replace not only the steam table, but a meat slicer, steamer(for cooking),and oven.  Then they gave me a settlement of $4500.00 for wrongful termination.  While this was going on a couple of the elderly folks called my house and said "give em hell boy, we need a loud voice."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline RTP2003

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« Reply #17 on: March 26, 2004, 03:12:00 PM »
Damn, Reagon, are you going for Eagle Scout or what?  That's pretty fucking cool.  I'm glad that the old folks were able to get that loud voice they needed.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
RTP2003 fought in defense of the Old Republic

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #18 on: March 26, 2004, 03:45:00 PM »
Midland Co. Jail.........1999

I was doing an internship for senator Teel Bivins.
He was rarely in his Midland office so I played senator while he was away.  I was getting some complaints that the plumbing in the jail was backing up and the place was so over crowded that inmates were sleeping on the floor, the floor with shit water from fucked up plumbing.  The jail leutinent claimed that their was nothing they could do.  So on behafe of Senator Teel Bivins I called Jack Crumb, Commissioner of Jail Standards in Austin and took the local news into the jail with video cameras.  The Sheriffs Dept. was exposed.  They gave all Misdameanors time served and kicked them loose.  then not only did they have to repair the plumbing, they were forced to totally remodal the jail.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2004, 05:56:00 PM »
And Mr. Liar,  my program was longer than Jennifers'.  I was there before her and I left after her.  Go ahead and call your lawyer and see what he has to say.  There are laws that prohibit victomizers from profiting with their story.  Every serial killer, abusive school teacher, etc. has lost their right to profit from their story.
I will start a class action suit against Jennifer if she profits from her story abusing people.
Honestly though, I doubt she'll get anywhere with it.  Her ideas are null and she'll probley sell about 5 copies, thats if she even actually writes anything.  She is judgemental, unreliable, and not very bright.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline jnloar

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the correct facts
« Reply #20 on: March 27, 2004, 02:43:00 AM »
This is Jennifer.  I so appreciate your concern about what my dad said in his post.  As a survivior, I know the sensitivity about divuldging information.  I would be so upset with my dad had I not made the choice many years ago to go public with my abuse.  I have posted on the Straight Testimony site about talking about both my molestation and rape in girls rap and then being ripped in group for lying about it and sat on the guys side for lying and the trauma that caused me.  I have also posted threads here about it so that is why my dad was able to know that would not upset me.  I speak publicly to rape survivor groups and child abuse orginazations.  I was very lucky to have therapists who helped me understand I was not at fault and I try to convey that to others by speaking openly about it.

I have openly posted apologies on this site to the people I hurt in Straight and have had open dialogue with most of them and been able to listen, understand and support their feelings in regards to me and the program.  I would never have found any healing about Straight had I not been able to vent and support others doing the same.  I am a little embarrassed my dad went to such lenghts to even post here.  I tried to explain to him I was not scared by any of the threats Timmy posted.  I think he was more upset about the lies, especially that he and my mom had supported Straight after I was there and that I was only writing a book for profit.  my parents were not in support of my choice to write about Straight - they were just fine with me being freelance, writing basically bs pieces for different things.  They had known for a long time I wanted to write about Straight but had tremendous fear that it would be too consuming and painful.  That it would cause too much upheaval of the work I had done to get past the place.  I explained that it did not feel like a choice, it was something that I HAD to do, not the other way around.  They are now in support, my dad is actually going to contribute about how they were sucked in and address your questions about what took so long and how they have dealt with their guilt after finding out what Straight did to all of us.  Had I not worked personally with a cult deprogrammer to undue much of the bullshit put in my brain by Straight I would not understand either.  They played on every dire emotion a parent had about the most important thing in most parents life, their child.  As my dad said, I had always been an overachiever, straight A student, cheerleader, etc...until I was raped.  That happened in December and in the following March I attempted suicide.  I would not tell, could not bring myself to tell.  I had been a virgin when it happened and I just did not see any hope past it.  They took me to shrinks and I certainly was not going to tell some stranger.  They told my parents my 'symptoms' smacked of drug use.  At first my parents thought they were nuts but I just got worse and more depressed.  Someone in our church had put their kid in Straight and convinced my parents to go meet with some executives who sold them on the "14 day evaluation" idea.  I do believe my parents, they said hearing all the stories from parents in parents group about how their kids had done these 180's and were such great kids again, the whole family has to change made them think they had found the right answer.  By the time, I started complying and made it to 2nd phase I was as convinced as they were and quite honestly, being home with my family was more than enough to push me over the edge past any doubts I may have had.  I asked my dad to let me do this myself, that I so appreciated him taking up for me but that I did not want him trying to protect me by getting overly involved in this.  He and my mom have done so much for me and this is something that as an adult I want to do myself.  Ginger posted something to me about gathering information and sharing what she knows after all her research about current day programs and those involved which I plan to take her up on.  I trust her and know that she will direct me in the correct way in regards to that.  I know that my parents and other family members will support them in their fight, whether it be financially, by sharing their experience or what ever they deem appropriate.

Thanks again for your concern.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline jnloar

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the correct facts
« Reply #21 on: March 27, 2004, 04:51:00 AM »
If you reread my dad's post - he did not threaten to sue you for anything.  He clearly said you could say whatever you wanted about me, he knew I was sure enough about myself to not let that affect me.  He simply stated that if you were to continue to threaten me that he would take proper legal measures to protect me which basically means a protective order.  You do speak quite a bit of revenge and although I tried to tell him I did not feel endangered, he does not know you and even though he took it much too seriously, he was reacting like a parent.   We have no need or desire to take anything from you and I would hope that this could be put to bed now.  You have made it more than clear how you regard me and what I am doing.  I stated earlier and continue to feel you are more than entitled to that.  I commend you for helping the people you saw being hurt in the nursing home and the jail.  Why you think that my writing a book about Straight and exposing those who started and continued to let it run is so different is something I will not claim to understand but I believe that it goes back to our fundamentally different beliefs about Straight.  I am glad that you were still able to see that Straight was a sick place while you were there - I was not and I have openly admitted that here and offered apologies as best I could to those I hurt.  I am not proud, I have stated I am embarrassed and regret that I was so taken in by the rhetoric and brainwashing of Straight - I have admitted that I played a hand in other children being hurt by being on staff.  I have tried not to excuse myself or make excuses but quite frankly, I am tired of your attacks.  Mind you, I was one like Greg P.  I was put in at 14 and had never seen a drug much less done one.  I had experimented with alcohol but no more than 10 times.  That you cannot see that everyone of us used whatever survival skills we may have had is not my problem.  I wish I had the fight in me then that I do today but I did not and I complied.  You seem to forget that I had a time on first phase that I did not comply but a few days in the time out room with Lacy and other staff in there screaming at me broke me.  I have said over and over again that I am not proud I broke and complied and perpetuated Straight.  I have admitted that I was beyond wrong and am doing today what I believe I can to right those wrongs.  I have put myself on this forum not only to heal myself but for people who I hurt to address me and communicate with me about that so that they can hopefully find some closure by doing that.  You seem to assume that I am writing some book that is going to paint me in some wonderful light - you have no real idea of what I am writing but it will be fairly difficult to look too much like a daisy since I was on staff.  My belief and what I hope many will understand is how destructive and horrid cult programs are; how they suck children and their families in and perform mental and pyschological rape on children leaving them as tyrants who then go on to help keep the cult going.  Most people in our world have no idea that this is happening and I am sorry you have such a distorted view of what I am doing.  I cannot and have no need to change that.  I have not denied I caused people pain in Straight and I have not tried to defend myself from those people - I did hurt them in the past and want to help them how I can.  Your attacks are present day and based on someone who you even admitted you did not know very well 15 years ago - I feel every right to defend myself against that.  I apologized for not getting with you all and my poor follow-up.  I am sorry that is not adequate for you but I really don't think it warrants the attacks you have decided to send my way.  Had you been scheduled to stay with me or were depending on me for something pressing I could see the anger even with an inpending death in my family but it was lunch and I am sorry you cannot get that he died two days later and quite honestly my phone and checking messages were not the top thing on my mind.  I said I should have been in touch sooner and I am still sorry that it took me longer than it should have.  As I said, we expected him to live a few more months and when I got the call Friday he had had such a horrible morning and they were not sure he would make it through the day, I honestly forgot just about everything.  I had a date that weekend I stood up and did not call, not on purpose, but because I was with my family and not really thinking about anything or else than them.  He understood once I got in touch with him and we rescheduled for a few weeks ago.  Quite honestly, I had no idea I needed to anticipate you being so pissed.  I thought we would get together if you came to Dallas again, which I assummed happened since Valorie's mom lives here.
I know the saying about assuming and am sorry I am the one who looks like the ass here.  I would hope that since you are so sure of how little anything I have to offer matters that we can put this to rest and both get on with our lives.  I do continue to wish you well and that you are met with success in your endeavors.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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the correct facts
« Reply #22 on: March 27, 2004, 09:57:00 AM »
Jennifer, I truly see no further apologies needed on your part. You have expressed yourself in sincere terms,IMHO. You have apologized enough. Nor, are any further explanations needed for your not attending lunch. For hell's sake, life intervenes all of the time, and disrupts even the best of intentions. Go on with your book, go on with your life. Don't let anyone, especially some disgruntled individuals on this board, get in your way.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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the correct facts
« Reply #23 on: March 27, 2004, 12:00:00 PM »
I can see both sides of this. If Charles Pendergrass, Chris Casselor or Wanda Minton were to come along with the same song and dance as Jennifer right now, I'd be damned skeptical.

Skepticizm is a good thing. From all she's said lately, I don't think Jennifer minds it. Forgiveness is devine, but forgetfulnes is just a mental dysfunction.

As w/ any litterature or production, we'll all just have to wait and see. I'm willing to give whatever help and info I can to contribute to the effort. When the book comes out, I'll read it. If I think it's misleading or in error in any way, you can bet your sweet ass I'll be right out there refuting the inaccuracies as I see them. But I won't be all that upset. Any publicity is good publicity. Whatever the kant and slant of the work, I hope it gets finished, published, sells a lot of copies and is read and discussed by many.

Hell, maybe we'll kick off a new genre in pop litterature. Sort of a dark-matter, anti-pop psychology thing. We'll all be getting offers for our stories from various publishers and we'll all get some wealth and celebrity for our troubles. If the courts won't step up, maybe the IVth estate will do.

Yah just never know.

What was done with the seed saved from the India Hemp last summer? It ought, all of it, to have been sewn again; that not only a stock of seed sufficient for my own purposes might have been raised, but to have disseminated the seed to others; as it is more valuable than the common Hemp.' target='_new'>George Washington, Writings of Washington, Vol. 35, pg. 72

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Anonymous

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the correct facts
« Reply #24 on: March 27, 2004, 03:15:00 PM »
A protective order is a tool used to combat family violence.  There are requirements that must be meet in order to obtain a protective order.  You and I do not meet any of the requirements for one.  In 1999 I produced public service announcements for Project Adam and Safeplace.  I also lobbied congress to increase the protective order from 1 year to 2 years.  It passed.  You can get a restraining order put on anyone for anything.  I'm not out to kick your ass or blow up your car, I'm requesting in an unfriendly mannor that you do the right thing and tell the truth.  For example;
Your going to make Will Woods and Camerion Riley look bad and Steve Brooks and Jeff Spearman look good.  I know you don't plan to use names but people will know and get who and what your describing.  Plus you posted that you were the last person to commence from the Richardson building.  Fact is Barry Adlemon was.  That's a small thing but it shows me your facts are off.
But fuck it.  I'll give it a rest and judge it when your done.  Maybe I'll be surprised.

As far as you not calling or showing up for lunch, it was a little more than that.  I spent a lot of time going through all those papers.  I get very pissy about my time and I'm fed up with flakes.  I told you on the phone about my troubles with people in the music biz flaking off and causing me problems.  Sometimes I think the whole world is on herion.  I think I'm done bitching.  The balls in your court, we'll see what you do with it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Opiod_Morphina

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the correct facts
« Reply #25 on: March 28, 2004, 05:02:00 AM »
Hi I never threatened her...

Shes not worth my jail time..

I just said she deserves whatever shit life naturally dumps on her..

She was this badass hardcore staff member now she has her daddy coming to a message board to stick up for her?

She abused the shit out of 100s of kids who are now grown up and scarred from it...
And now you wanna intervene and sue these victims?
 I see where she got her morals, asshole..

You sir...lose at the internet and raising children, thanks and plz drive thru!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
What in God\'s name have you done?
Stick your arm for some real fun
So your sickness weighs a ton
And God\'s name is smack for some

Offline Opiod_Morphina

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the correct facts
« Reply #26 on: March 28, 2004, 05:17:00 AM »
By the way thanks for further proving my "Rich kid that never earned shit in her life" post about your daughter..

Im not out to harm anyone...

But that doesnt mean I cannot revel in her misery when it naturally happens..

and it will...theres no way she can treat people like that and then just say "Im sorry"

and then e mailing me like Im pitiful and need her to be my friend or help me find friends when I move? what the fuck?!?!
 That really fucking made me mad..

But your money and whatever the fuck it is you do in life cannot right her wrongs....

And apologies are shit in my opinion...

you apologize for accidentally spilling something on someones shirt..





« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
What in God\'s name have you done?
Stick your arm for some real fun
So your sickness weighs a ton
And God\'s name is smack for some

Offline jnloar

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the correct facts
« Reply #27 on: March 28, 2004, 05:52:00 AM »
reread the post before you start spewing your rage - my dad did not threaten to sue anybody - only to take protective measures if I felt or he felt I was in danger which I did not.  We don't need Timmy or anyone else's money - remember according to you we are rich....he may not be great at the internet but he and my mom managed to raise four out of four who are all doing pretty well in life, despite the fact you think one is satan's spawn.  Rip into me all you want but you have never met my father so try to keep your judgements at least to the one you kinda remember.  I only wish every person whose parents had put them in Straight would realize how horrid it was and come around and support, stand up for and back their kids the way my parents do for me.  That has nothing to do with money - just a lot of luck and dedication.

sorry I pissed you off by offering to familiarize you with Dallas and being honest enough to tell you that I doubted we moved in the same crowd but that I would be happy to hang with you and show you around were you to move here.  I am not real sure what you expected me to do but I don't like being in crowds with people who are vastly different than I am and did not get the impression that you would be either.  The reply you sent me in no way said you were offended by my offer and that was not my intention.  Wherever you end up I hope you do well and find happiness in your life.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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the correct facts
« Reply #28 on: March 28, 2004, 05:56:00 AM »
how unfortunate you continue to allow that place to rule your life.  your rage really only affects you and your jealousy of people, especially those you think are rich, is almost sad.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Opiod_Morphina

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the correct facts
« Reply #29 on: March 28, 2004, 06:00:00 AM »
I only feel that rage when talking to those people other than that its not an issue..

AT least I have the balls to stand behind my words anon..just remember cut up not across

I hereby declare this a dead issue

I play Russian Roulette every day a mans sport...with a bullet called life..How do I feel what do I say?Fuck you it all goes the end it all goes away[ This Message was edited by: Opiod_Morphina on 2004-03-28 03:03 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
What in God\'s name have you done?
Stick your arm for some real fun
So your sickness weighs a ton
And God\'s name is smack for some