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Offline Anonymous

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question about relationships
« on: February 05, 2004, 09:29:00 AM »
I have been checking in with this board periodically, and have heard all the conflicting arguements...some people are whiners others are so far up Semblers &*%^ that he no longer needs the pump blah blah.  Here is my question from a self proclaimed middle of the road exstraightling.  I was wondering how many of you still feel Straight effected your ability to form lasting relationships?  I can see both sides where some can say I now have trust issues and the other side will say get on with your life.  If at all possible I would like to avoid the personal affronts and stick to the issue.  You see I know the whole world has relationship issues, that is why love and trust are such an enigma.  I'm not looking for "the answer" only opinions.  You see I am successful in my life in all ways, truthfully I have met and intrigued some wonderful people.  But in the last moment I bore of them or am unsatisfied in general and move on.  Only a few times have I been left, not b/c I'm so wonderful but b/c I bore so easily. I have read about others involved in long term abusive relationships and in that way I can see the corralation to Straight (abuse lays the ground for more abuse.) But I am talking about healthy relationships with non-abusive people.  I am sure I am going to get ripped by some smart ass for all this but its the truth as I see it.  I just wanted to know if others find it hard to remain with anyone for any length of time?  Probably this is just my own personality issue from birth....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline ClayL

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question about relationships
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2004, 03:07:00 PM »
Only after extensive therapy and a lot of effort was I able to form a lasting sexual relationship. Yes, I lay a lot of the blame for this at the feet of straight as many of the things straight taught were showing love and concern are far from it.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline taureana

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question about relationships
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2004, 11:32:00 AM »
[ This Message was edited by: taureana on 2004-03-19 07:02 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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question about relationships
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2004, 11:50:00 AM »
Actually after posting this I went home and tried to break off my current relationship for no good reason really (no straw that broke the camels back so to speak.)  His response: basically he didn't accept my break up have you ever heard of this?  Not in a crazy I'll stalk you way but a calm level headed "No that's not the answer" kind of way.  In fact he'd like to get married, uh next week sometime.  Of course this is ridiculous.  Probably the old hold on tighter reaction to rejection.  Oh well...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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question about relationships
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2004, 02:41:00 PM »
I've been with the same woman now for 14 years, married over 11.  I am a lucky guy.  When I think about how whacked I was when I met her and she didn't dump me and now I've been married for a pretty long time and she hasn't dumped or killed me, I think I married a pretty amazing woman.  

Unfortunately, I still seem to lose it sometimes and get very confrontational.  I hate to say it, but soemtimes it seems like my wife and son have been on 1st phase their entire life.  

I was gonna post my username, but after my last thought (see above), I have to say I'm too embarassed to use my name.  Anyway, I'm lucky - got a great wife and wonderful son.  Hope they can say the same 'bout me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Therion

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question about relationships
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2004, 12:06:00 AM »
If you arent happy arent happy.
Marriage doesnt fix anything...if anything it adds more stress.
 Its a give and take thing...if either you aren happy or your love is not reciprocated..then theres no point in being with him/her.

Too many get together for the wrong reasons and thats why divorce rate is insane..
That with the economy and everything else...Lifes fucking hard...

 Get a helmet and hang on is all I can say...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Cleopatra2U

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question about relationships
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2004, 01:05:00 AM »
I had trust issues before Straight...  Straight made them worse...  I don't know if I will ever be able to trust someone completely, and when I do find someone that cares about me (not necessarily in a romantic/sexual way), I tend to either run away from them or become overly dependent on and possessive of them.

My two longest sexual/romantic relationships (3 years each) were with men who were dependent on me financially...  I thus possessed them to a degree, but I was miserable.  I still bear the financial scars from these two relationships years later, but that is another story...

Most recently I've been in an FWB (Friends With Benefits) relationship.  Last night I found out that my Friend has been seen about town (and "all over") a young lady with multicolored hair.  ::eek3::  This upset me quite a bit...  I left voice-mail for him calling him an asshole...  He left me voice-mail saying that he can understand me calling him an asshole because he hasn't called me in a week, but anything I may have heard must be a product of the local rumor mill.  He wants me to call him back...  Even though I probably shouldn't, I probably will...  I do think I overreacted -- just 'cos he's been out with this girl doesn't mean he's sleeping with her (we're supposed to be exclusive when it comes to sex), and it's not like I haven't been dating...  I am more upset that I don't really trust this person after all, and that I'm so damn dependent that I care so much about a FWB relationship that, tremendous bedroom fireworks aside, doesn't have much going for it.

One positive thing I've noticed is that the quality of men I've dated is progressively getting better.  The second of my two losers was less of a loser than the first.  The next guy I dated (for 9 months) had a steady job and treated me quite well, but I got bored of him.  My latest ex, who also happens to be my FWB, has a steady job; lives in a nice house; drives a new car; shares my loves of sports, animals, and true crime stories; but is deathly afraid of commitment (a fear many men seem to have).

While I don't blame my relationships (or lack thereof) on Straight, I do see where Straight has had an influence.  Straight aside, I'm sure that my overall wacky-/dorky-ness doesn't help me in this area.  I'm not giving up, though -- I figure, if I keep kissing frogs, I'm eventually gonna find a prince.  :wink:

~ Mindi
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
he trouble with trouble is it starts out as fun.

Offline Diane B

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question about relationships
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2004, 01:08:00 AM »
I got pretty lucky, on the 14th I will have been married 18 years.  I ditched straight at 17 and was married at 18, not that I advocate marrage that young like I said I got lucky,  I married a very loving and understanding guy and if had been to anyone else it wouldn't have lasted because for along time because I was no where near the perfect wife.  I have the trust issues etc. I remember before we got married he asked me what trama I had been through he thought I had been the victim of child abuse...the parental kind.  I was the victim of abuse just not the kind that he thought, I did not even tell him about straight for a couple of years. but when I finally did he was very understanding and said that he now had a reason for my fucked up way of thinking:)

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Therion

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question about relationships
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2004, 03:00:00 AM »
Yah Ive had some bad ones and a couple of awesome relationships.
 But I dont regret them ,I learned alot from each one.( I know that sounds like BS but its true)

 And Ive had some good times..If I died tomorrow I would feel somewhat like Ive experienced alot of what life has to offer...although Im barely 30 and look 19 so I have many years to come (barring a tragedy or act of god)

 Im trying not to get too far ahead of myself..and I think Ive done what I needed to do in the last year of my absence from society (I went thru nasty ass divorce...locked myself in the house, and once again started dancing with the devil...then took another year to clean up again)
 But that divorce signaled much more than the end of Lisa and I's life together. I accomplished more in my life while I was with her than I ever had on my own...I was just out of a 3 year jail term and met her. Started with like 2 pairs of clothes and found a job and kicked ass at it        

...bought a car for myself as well as paying for her a nice place..moved out of state..We werent rich..but fuck we were doing good..bills were paid we had new clothes on..were able to take vacations...I mean we were doing pretty good and I was happy and proud..and oh so much in love with her

When we decided it was over......
 All I had worked for..and all I had built my self esteem on was just gone..And I went into a lost depression like I had never felt before..
It was pretty bad..I mean there were times that I just stayed in bed for weeks...and I wasnt even using again yet..Wouldnt talk to people..nothing..

I spent almost 2 years just trying daily to convince myself that my life wasnt over..that I should live...I just wanted to die so fucking bad for so long...and it was like a spearhead of my whole life..My parents-Straight-drugs-jail--then the divorce..

 So many times I pulled through and started from scratch with just my clothes ( and Im not being materialistic just conveying to you that I had lost everything but the clothes on me)

We worked I lost my job...I payed rent to her Grandfather (whom owns houses and apts etc) so I had to leave of course...anyways I had no choice but to pack what little shit fit in my little car and head home to Fathers house (whom my mother told to Lock me out and make me sleep in my car)

 Granted I chose the wrong way to deal with it and the dope just set me back longer..totally my fault...Ive made alot of mistakes and always take full credit and punishment

 But anyway..I tried, I really did...but sometimes things just run their own course..and I try to pick myself up...understand what went wrong..and try to forge ahead with a new understanding of what not to do..and how I can better be a friend...or lover...or brother to the people that I care about..

 And yes Im neurotic as if my posts on the boards didnt give you a clue..and if you were to ask the few that know me well they will confirm my lunacy...No Im not the most mature, or successful person for a 30 year old..I really dont have much at all...just the basics..

 Like she said before that guy has a new car and house etc etc..
 I dont really have shit...but most of those dear to me love me regardless..Success comes and goes and I dont think its fair to call someone a loser..people have down and out times..7 years ago I had a brand new car...nice job, clothes..awesome apt etc...then one year later I was behind bars and owned nothing but the ink in my skin...and a toothbrush..

 But anyways..none of you guys should ever feel down when you come on hard times..shit happens, and nothing is permanent...the rich man today is sometimes the homeless guy of next year.

 You guys are all so strong and self aware...amazing people..

I dont know some of you..and some dont care for me..but either way...each one of you is strong and unique and alive..and for that Im greatful..
even for the ones that I argue with..Im glad youre alive to argue with me another day

 I hope all you guys find that special someone thats out there...Everyone has a soulmate I think...mabey serveral who knows..but once you find someone that makes you happy hold on tight.and love ajnd understand them..and try to realize how special it is to have someone as a partner ::heart::  ::heart:: NEVER take love for granted

I'm sick and tired of embracing reflections of past time receive me,
or cast me away
...God please take me away,
resistance futile ,suicidal ideas I will crucify my own being.. Satisfy
selfish needs ,fuck the deities

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-02-07 00:03 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-02-07 00:04 ]

[ This Message was edited by: Therion on 2004-02-07 00:14 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
aving the way for the new breed of bad seed

Offline animals all of us

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question about relationships
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2004, 07:40:00 AM »
When I look around at humanity I don't like it.  Humans are faltered with emotion, wraught with thoughts that are not really congruent with goals.  And before you go saying stop whining vaguely, just look at Straight Incorporated.

But these incomplete qualities of man lead us all to wanting something more.  Everyone lied before Straight Incorporated, knew how to do so with more of an aware conscious of lying when they got out.  

My relationships after Straight Incorporated seemed to be effected mostly by my learning to yell and curse.  I have resorted to this time and time again.  'Grow up' 'Move on'.  Nah, on an emotional level events will stick with you and will recreate themselves in a very Real way until you allow yourself to FEEL that shit again and go through it.

I've kicked peoples asses, yelled, cursed, and restrained motherfuckers from all the habits taught to me at Straight.  I haven't been able to really stop and analyze it until people really started calling out my past.

Yes, my relationships have been FOREVER altered as a result of Straight Incorporated.  If my family were healthy in the sense of taking care of themselves as a nuclear entity I would never have been in Straight, yes.  And I would probably have lost my faith in our ever dying humanity anyways.  

It seems more people from the Beatnik Generation or whatever they're called, my parent's generation, has made our divorce rates climb (and crime rates) though.  So, fine that nothing absolutely nothing is sacred and humanity, People, Humans, are more selfish than not.  Again, the example of Straight Incorporated's abuses and seizures are to be used here.  Perhaps the older adult generations still want to feel that control over their swiftly lost grasp over this world.  Nothing was precious to them if even one, ME even, were allowed and made to spit on someone else, let alone killing someone in the name of other wars.

Alot of humans have completely lost their 'faith' in humanity.  You don't see them often enough and would probably call them strange cos they probably don't use their mouths to speak because they've grown intelligent about myths.  Some of these people go into the forest and develop lives with animals in fact.  This can be seen in many kung fu styles of religion in oriental provinces.  Men, and women, would go into the jungles and, being tired of humanity, would find insects or animals to befriend.  

Kung Fu styles; dragon (lizard), crane, cougar, tiger, and snake style kung fu were developed in this way.  

People like that will kick your ass.  And I'm not saying that its' good to abduct children or kill people, lots of people I know want to kill people in the name of true justice, cos we just lock those people up anyways.  

So, don't be different or even think about wanting to ditch humanity.  Again in the example of Straight Incorporated you might get curtailed into a pen you don't want to be in just like I was for three years.  I guess the only recompense, after achieving a very small level of sanity now today, is knowing that I am becoming who I would have anyway - just having to try Very hard to lose some bad habits.

Not sure what I would be left with that Straight has given me to benefit from.  I don't talk to people from Straight.  I dont call them, not the ones I did time and way with anyways.  So, no friends from Straight.  Straight kept me away from schools, good jobs, people of sanity, and health for about ten years or more.  

Well, I can say the twelve steps over and over again.  That's about it.  I could write an M.I. and ration my food intake.  Umm, I could stay out of school and not talk to chicks at all.  I can become a real fucking dork, with a dorky fucking haircut.  I can lash out cos this is what I was trained to do daily for three years, and I was told to resort to this at all costs.

I would have lost my faith in humanity anyhow, as everyone does.  Only, I would have been allowed to do it in honesty, not through breaking through all the clouded lies that humanity is inherently good or whatever.  Leave that shit for the fantasy books.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Froderik

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question about relationships
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2004, 01:57:00 PM »
Like she said before that guy has a new car and house etc etc..
I dont really have shit...but most of those dear to me love me regardless..Success comes and goes and I dont think its fair to call someone a loser..people have down and out times..7 years ago I had a brand new car...nice job, clothes..awesome apt etc...then one year later I was behind bars and owned nothing but the ink in my skin...and a toothbrush..

But anyways..none of you guys should ever feel down when you come on hard times..shit happens, and nothing is permanent...the rich man today is sometimes the homeless guy of next year.

You guys are all so strong and self aware...amazing people..

I dont know some of you..and some dont care for me..but either way...each one of you is strong and unique and alive..and for that Im greatful..
even for the ones that I argue with..Im glad youre alive to argue with me another day

I hope all you guys find that special someone thats out there...Everyone has a soulmate I think...mabey serveral who knows..but once you find someone that makes you happy hold on tight.and love ajnd understand them..and try to realize how special it is to have someone as a partner   NEVER take love for granted

Therion, it did me a world of good to read this. Thanks, brother. I'm still not doing too well though. I just sent this email to my bandmates:


I really hope that we can practice. Full-on with drums and beer (I know, I
know...not TOO much beer) I've been unemployed and am beginning to get
filled with animosity toward society in general. I don't want to nor will I
take a fucking job at ShitDonalds, or anything like that. It wouldn't help
anyway, because nothing I do seems to be able to please that (censoerd) of a
wife of mine. It's all I can do to keep from going off on that woman
sometimes...I'm not having a good day, I told her to shut the fuck up and go
ahead with the divorce proceedings, but just shut the fuck up. To hear 10
more seconds of her mouth was too much. I hope we can jam, because music is
all I have right now.

Ragin' Just-to-speak*


(It was originally censored, i.e. I didn't just put that in for my post here..)

*rhymes with Captain Chesapeake, these silly monikers are an ongoing joke we have..

Also I wanted to say something along these lines: my wife is one of those "Why don't you move on" types, she also is really good at finding fault with me (I'm an easy target, being unemployed for 2 weeks ?) and talking unnecessary trash about me around my kids, and then saying  :flame: that she has nothing to do with their opinions of me..I could kill her, but I won', I won't.. :silly:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Therion

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question about relationships
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2004, 04:51:00 PM »
Kung Fu styles; dragon (lizard), crane, cougar, tiger, and snake style kung fu were developed in this way.

People like that will kick your ass. And I'm not saying that its' good to abduct children or kill people, lots of people I know want to kill people in the name of true justice, cos we just lock those people up anyways.
                 (  /QUOTE }

Fuck that shit man we are all armed to the Teeth in Texas ...*Stops polishing gun long enough to grab a beer*
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Therion

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question about relationships
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2004, 05:12:00 PM »
If you and your wife are to the point that you
cannot get along you need to end that shit...

 I know you two are raising kids and that makes things alot more difficult.
 Im no marriage counsellor...and was only with my wife for mmmm almost 4 years..And she basically turned  into this nasty evil person..I do not like to argue....I wont argue when its pointless..and digging past shit up...and nitpicking is pointless..

 I tried everything in my power to change and make it work..I quit my job and got anther one(we worked together) I stopped jamming with friends...just everything..and she didnt change..she didnt want to work it out..then I realized it wasnt me she wanted to change..she wanted me gone and to replace me with my friend.

 Once I realized that it was hopeless...and she started not coming home at night..showing up at noon the next day smelling like alcohol with that freshly fucked look...I was out of there..
 I left Louisiana..and called her a week later giving yet one last chance to rectify the situation...she simply said "Fuck you" and hung up...(after my friend answered the phone all sleepy sounding it was like 2 am and I guess they were worn out from fucking each other all over my furniture)
 But in the end Im glad its over..I have nothing now..and am unemplyed staying at my Fathers house (he hates me more than Lisa I think but hes not so vocal about it)
 I would rather have nothing and be single than have a nasty cheating bitchy wife..And the thing is I went for love no matter how she looked..and I really stooped down to be with her..Never in my life have I dated someone so unattractive..but I guess I overlooked that...

 Anyways man you are going to be dead and your chance at life will be gone one day...DO NOT waste your life being treated like you are a dog
by some ungreatful whore.
 Dump her sorry ass...find a descent woman..

Im telling you man...once you decide that shits beyond repair dont stick around..Move...get a job..file the papers and go on about your business ( I am purposefully not mentioning children in this)

 All you can have in this life is happiness
 You guys dont make each other happy...
 Find another...Good luck

 (PS Try not to kill her man you sound angry..remember if you flip out and hurt going to go to jail for a looong time and shell just move your friend in to replace you and youll never see your kids again)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Therion

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question about relationships
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2004, 05:36:00 PM »
And another thing..dont blame it all on yourself..
 Look at it...see what was your fault and stop doing that shit...

 I locked myself in the house and did smack because I hated myself and felt like a failure..
 And I wasted 2 years over that..wouldnt date, I had the opportunites to have a relationship with 3 or 4 women I met but I broke it off because..I was still holding that torch..
 Finally when I took my half dead ass down to the methadone clinic (for the 4th time) I started becoming realistic in my view of myself and Lisa and everything else..

 Hey man you should go down and get your Commercail Drivers takes like 4 weeks if you go to school and you can strat out at around $20 an hour which aint too bad man..

 (The reason Im unemployed has nothing to do with anything we talked about...but I did get a CDL..Ive basically had other issues going on..)

 And you can go long distance and get away from your home life if you want..

 By the way I play guitar as well and have since I was 9 years old...
 I had about 5 grand worth of guitars, a digital
24 track, processors and amps..and I lost it all for Heroin..

 Have a nice day and shit..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
aving the way for the new breed of bad seed

Offline Therion

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question about relationships
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2004, 12:33:00 AM »
Actually fuck love and relationships..

People suck  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:

 I hate everyone...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
aving the way for the new breed of bad seed